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Bank of India's Quarterly House Journal March, 2014
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Poised for Higher Growth Work More - Work Better
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Editorial Board Charan Singh
General Manager
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B. V. Upadhye
General Manager
‚¸£.¬¸ú. ¤¸¢¥¸¡¸¸£¢¬¸¿í
R.C. Baliarsingh
General Manager
¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅ - Editor
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16 ‚š¡¸®¸ ‡¨¸¿ œÏ¤¸¿š¸
¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ ........................... 20
¢›¸™½©¸ˆÅ ˆÅ¸ ¬¸¿™½©¸ .................. 4
›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸»¨¸Ä) ........ 22
Editorial ............................... 6
í¸¬¡¸-¨¡¸¿Š¡¸ ........................... 23
‰¸¸¬¸ - ‰¸¸¬¸ ......................... 8
Knowledge Plus .................... 24
Important Activities ................. 12
Š¸ ¸·¸¿°¸ ¢™¨¸¬¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸¸£¸½í ............. 26
‚¿÷¸££¸«’ïú¡¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â............. 13
¢£©÷¸¸½¿ ˆÅú q¸Ÿ¸¸œ¸»¿q¸ú ................. 27
Spotting The Real Deal .......... 14
Women's Day ...................... 28
¥¸‰¸›¸… ™¸¾£¸-¨¸¼î¸¸¿÷¸ ................ 16
š¸Ÿ¸Ä-¬¸¿¬ˆÅ¸£ .......................... 30
Activities .............................. 18
›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (œ¸¢©o¸Ÿ¸) .... 32
Awards................................. 19
Adventure............................. 34
S. M. Shakeel
¡¸í ‚¸¨¸©¡¸ˆÅ ›¸íì ¢ˆÅ œ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸ Ÿ¸½¿ Žœ¸½ ¥¸½‰¸¸½¿ Ÿ¸½¿ ¨¡¸Æ÷¸ ¢¨¸o¸¸£ ¤¸ÿˆÅ ˆ½Å í¸½¿. Opinions expressed in articles published in this magazine do not necessarily reflect the views of the Bank. Contact: The Editor, Taarangan, Bank of India, Head Office, HR Dept., 9th floor, Star House, C-5, G-Block, Bandra - Kurla complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 You can send your contributions by e-mail at Printed, Published and Edited by S. M. Shakeel on behalf on Bank of India, published from Head Office : Star House, G-5, ‘G’ Block, Bandra - Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 067 and printed at SAP Print Solutions Pvt. Ltd. 28, Lakshmi Industrial Estate, S.N. Path, Lower Parel (W), Mumbai - 400 013
(ž¸¸£÷¸ ¬¸£ˆÅ¸£ ˆÅ¸ „œ¸ÇÅŸ¸) ‚¿ˆÅ -1, Ÿ¸¸o¸Ä 2014 ¤¸¾ˆÅ ‚¸Áœ¸ö€ ƒ¿¢”¡¸¸ ˆÅú ¢×ž¸¸«¸ú ¢÷¸Ÿ¸¸íú Š¸¼íœ¸¢°¸ˆÅ¸
(A Government of India Undertaking) Volume -1, March 2014 A Quarterly Bilingual House Journal of Bank of India
28 47 What is FATCA? .................. 36
The Night I Cried .................. 45
‰¸º™£¸ † ¸ ¤¸cõ¸›¸½ ˆ½Å „œ¸¸¡¸ ...... 37
Evolution Theory in Hinduism ............................. 46
55 58 ¢í¿™ú ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä©¸¸¥¸¸‡¿ /œÏ¢÷¸¡¸¸½¢Š¸÷¸¸‡¿.......................... 54 ¢›¸ ¸Ä¡¸ .................................. 56
›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (™¢®¸ ¸) .... 38 ¢©¸®¸ ¸-œÏ¢©¸®¸ ¸/TRAINING ...... 47 Security Awareness Week ...... 39
¢í¿™ú ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä©¸¸¥¸¸‡¿ /œÏ¢÷¸¡¸¸½¢Š¸÷¸¸‡¿.......................... 57
œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ............................... 48 Promoting Good Governance Positive Contribution of Vigilance ............................. 40
A True All Rounder ................ 58 New ATMs ........................... 49 ›¸ƒÄ ©¸¸‰¸¸‡¿ ........................... 60 'STAR SAKHI' ..................... 50
›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸) ....... 42
Staff Achievements ............... 62 Islamic Banking .................... 52
‡›¸¤¸úq¸ú (r¸¸£‰¸¿” ‚¸¾£ Žî¸ú¬¸Š¸cõ) ............................ 43 Mantra For A Happy Banker!!! ........................... 44
How Consumer Is Milked ........ 53 £¸q¸ž¸¸«¸¸ œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ ................... 54
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Dear Colleagues,
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At the outset, my best wishes to all of you for the new financial year 2014-15. We are in the first quarter of financial year 2014-15, ready to take on new targets and newer approaches. The financial year 2013-14 has been a very successful year with our Bank clocking business mix of `8,55,000/-Cr. We have added almost `1 lac 90 thousand crores of business during the span of twelve months. If you take it to account from November 2012 when I joined, we have added more than `2 lac 10 thousand crore of business, which is really significant. It is stupendous growth of 26% in our business mix. On the advances side, we have been able to grow by about 26.5% and from the deposits side, we have grown about 25%, whereas growth in the system YOY as of December has been around 15.5% on deposits side and advances for about 14.73%, so our bank has been able to significantly grow almost 10% over the system growth. This has helped us to increase our market share both on the advances side and on deposits side. My Special compliments to each one of you. It couldn’t have been possible without the untiring efforts put in by each one of you. Further, Our Top Line growth has been excellent. Now, we have to rebalance the growth in assets and
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concentrate on our Bottom Line. Somehow, I feel that though we had a business growth far exceeding the industry average, we are somewhere failing to convert the Top Line into a robust Bottom Line. You all know that CASA is the key for robust bottom line growth and it also increases the profitability of bank, so we have to put more efforts to increase our CASA along with Retail and SME business. On recovery part, we have been doing well but new slippages are again matter of concern. We must ensure that we recover bad loans, whilst concurrently monitoring all stressed assets to ensure that they do not slip. Therefore, a proper and robust follow up for stressed NPAs and quick recovery in written-off accounts is required. Also, a good credit appraisal is need of the hour. There should not be any lacunae in our credit appraisal. We must observe due diligence before sanctioning credit to any borrower. We have introduced many new products during the quarter like Sangini Card for Women, IMT (Instant money transfer) & BOI STAR NSDC VISA debit card SKILLING CARD etc. It is necessary that each one of you must have knowledge of all the products of the bank. I reiterate that keep abreast with the guidelines and circulars being issued from time to time. Friends, I have full faith in each one of you & I am confident that together we will achieve our targets and march towards the SUCCESS. Let us all pledge to become a Most Convenient Bank for all the Stakeholders and demonstrate the concern for all while achieving our Corporate Goals. We are celebrating 2014-15 as the Year of Retail & SME with targeted growth of 35%. Let us all aim high and increase our efficiency bar. I want all of you to monitor your own performance on daily basis. Let us all make our Bank a Happening Bank.
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We all are now ready to leap forward i.e. “Poised To Growth”. We have to walk an Extra Mile and put in extra efforts by ‘Working More’ and ‘Working Better’. Last year I call for Perform to Potential and you all put your efforts and performed and for this year my call is “Poised for Higher Growth – Work More – Work Better’’
‚¸œ¸ ¬¸¤¸ ¨¸«¸Ä 2014-15 í½÷¸º ¢›¸š¸¸Ä¢£÷¸ ‚œ¸›¸¸ ˆÅ¸£¸½¤¸¸£ ¥¸®¡¸ œÏ¸œ÷¸ ˆÅ£Ê, ƒ›íú¿ Ÿ¸¿Š¸¥¸ˆÅ¸Ÿ¸›¸¸‚¸Ê ˆ½Å ¬¸¸˜¸,
My Best Wishes to you all to achieve the business n budgets of FY 2014-15.
(¨¸ú.‚¸£. ‚¡¡¸£)
(V.R. Iyer)
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Dear Readers,
According to one of the surveys, “India’s banking sector has the potential to become the fifth largest banking sector globally by 2020 and the third largest by 2025. The industry has witnessed discernible development, with deposits growing at a CAGR of 21.2 per cent (in terms of INR) in the period FY 06–13; in FY 13 total deposits stood at US$ 1,274.3 billion. We can well imagine the scope and opportunities for banking sector in coming years. It is quite clear that banking sector will witness very stiff competition in the near future. Recently, the Government has issued licenses to two new banks and many more are in queue. The question arises, who will gain competitive edge in the banking industry? We can say that the banks with excellent technology infrastructure will be the frontrunner. The last decade witnessed a tremendous upsurge in transactions through ATMs, Internet and mobile banking. The popularity of internet and mobile banking is higher than ever before. Therefore, we all have to make ourselves technologically sound and will have to keep a close watch on the changes going on in the banking sector. Our bank has already taken steps in the right direction. Recently, our bank launched its card-less cash withdrawal facility, which is first of its kind in the industry. Under this service, our customer can transfer money to anyone, using the bank’s ATM or through internet banking. Secondly, we started BOI SANGINI Debit Card for Women specifically designed keeping in view the needs of today’s women. Moreover, according to the needs of customers, our bank is developing many new products. Now, the need is to market these products and leverage our resources to the fullest to increase of business. For the current FY 2014-15, our worthy Chairperson has given a call “Poised to Higher Growth-Work More-Work Better”. We all have to give strong response to the call by working hard and achieve our business target. Your response to this call should be like previous year call of “Perform to Potential”. We together performed well & achieved our stipulated target. It is always delightful to present you the new edition. The edition in your hands is full of information covering interesting & informative articles with coverage of various activities. Our endeavour is always to make aware all our Readers with the latest happenings in the bank along with the best of knowledge and entertainment. We hope you all will like this edition. At the close, we sincerely thank the contributors of this edition and once again wish you a very successful year ahead. Be Happy & Enjoy reading! Please feel free to write to us at HeadOffice.Taarangan@
(¬¸£·¸¸q¸ Ÿ¸øퟟ¸™ ©¸ˆ ú¥¸ Sartaj Mohd. Shakeel)
cee®e& 2014
Bank announced results for the quarter & year ended March 31, 2014 Bank posted a Net Profit of `2,729 Cr. in March 2014 as against `2,749 Cr. in March 2013. Global Business increased to `8,53,202 Cr. in March 2014 from `6,74,808 Cr. in March 2013 (YoY Growth is 26.44%).CASA Deposits increased to `105,467 Cr. in March 2014 from `93,800 Cr. in March 2013 (YoY Growth is 12.44%).
From (LtoR) CFO Shri K.K. Nair, ED Shri Arun Shrivastava, CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer, EDs Shri B.P. Sharma & Shri R. Koteeswaran. Welcome On ‘Editorial Board’ Shri Charan Singh, General Manager (Human Resource) has taken over as Chairman of the Editorial Board of our In-house Journal. We look forward to his valuable guidance and are sure that "Taarangan" will continue to win many more awards & accolades in time to come.
í¸¢™ÄˆÅ ‚¢ž¸›¸¿™›¸ / Hearty welcome Shri Manoj Jain has joined on 12th March, 2014 as Chief Vigilance Officer (CVO) of our Bank. Shri Jain has done his B.Sc (Mechanical Engineering) and M.B.A. (Finance) from Delhi University. After graduation, he worked in a reputed Private Sector Company for four years and the oldest PSB for two and half years. Before joining our Bank, Shri Jain was working as General Manager with IDBI Bank. During his tenure spanning over 30 years in IDBI Bank, Shri Jain has worked in various capacities in Direct Finance, Indirect Finance, Market Research, Branch Operations and Vigilance Department at IDBI Bank.
‚¢ž¸›¸¿™›¸ / Welcome
Newly Promoted GMs
Hearty Thanks We are thankful to Shri Pawan Kumar Bajaj, General Manager and Chairman of our Editorial Board. Under his efficient, effective and able guidance, our In-house journal has improved by leaps and bounds. We wish him every success in his future endeavours.
Shri Kulbhushan Jain
Shri S.R. Meena
Retired GMs Shri Ram Niwas Tayal Shri Anil Kumar Verma We wish them a very happy and healthy retired life.
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer along with NBG (S) GM Shri Charan Singh, ZM Karnataka Zone Shri A. K. Azad, DGM (Bangalore LCB) Shri K. R. Nair and other staff members of the Branch during her visit to Bangalore LCB
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer addressing the Manager’s conference during her visit to Goa Zone. Also seen GM, NBG(W), Shri V.G. Kamath, ZM Shri Sudhir Jade, DZM Shri Virendra Kumar & Managers of Goa Zone
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cee®e& 2014
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer on occasion of courtesy visit with Hon'ble Chief Minister of Goa, Shri Manohar G. Parrikar during her visit to Goa along with GM, NBG (W) Shri V.G. Kamath, & ZM Shri Sudhir Jade
Launch of ‘Sangini Debit Card’ at the hands of Renowned TV actress Ms. Sakshi Tanwar in the presence of CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer, GM, NBG (W) Shri V.G. Kamath, GM (PR & Publicity) Shri R.C. Baliarsingh, ZM MSZ Shri D.K. Garg & others
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ED Shri Arun Shrivastava & GM Shri N.K. Sood along with Staff of Visakhapatnam Zonal Office during his visit to Visakhapatnam Zone
ED Shri R. Koteeswaran visited Nagpur-I & II Zone. The then ZM Nagpur-1 Shri Milind Vaidya and ZM Nagpur-II Shri Prasad Joshi welcoming the ED
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Ÿ¸í÷¨¸œ¸» ¸Ä Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Imp. Activities
Bank Launched IMT (Instant Money Transfer)
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer and Director of Nirman NGO Smt. Vaijayanta Anand at the launch of instant money transfer at Head Office, Mumbai
Bank launched IMT (Instant Money Transfer), which allows cardless cash withdrawal at its IMT-enabled ATMs, a first-of-its-kind initiative by any public sector bank. IMT is an innovative domestic money remittance facility that allows the customer to send money to a receiver only by using the receiver’s mobile number through the bank’s ATM and retail internet banking facility. The receiver can withdraw money from a Bank of India’s ATM without using a card.The receiver receives partial details for cash withdrawal on his/ her mobile phone and partial details by customer. The facility can be initiated by the bank’s customer over bank’s ATM and retail
Internet banking. The sender initiates IMT by providing receiver’s mobile number, four digits sender code, the IMT amount and authorizes the transaction from either bank’s ATM or bank’s internet banking. The sender provides receiver’s name, address and mobile number to the bank either on SMS or Internet banking. The receiver receives the notification of IMT on his mobile phone, along with a four-digit SMS Pin. The sender separately communicates the four-digit sender code to the receiver. Then the receiver, after getting these two pieces of information - one from the sender and the other on SMS, walks into the bank’s nearest IMTenabled ATM and withdraws cash by punching in the mobile number, sender code and SMS Pin. According to Regulatory Guidelines, the monthly withdrawal limit prescribed for IMT transaction is `25,000 for receiver, and per transaction limit of `10,000 IMT, once issued, is valid for 14 days, post which it expires, and the sender is credited back with the IMT amount. IMT, once issued, can also be cancelled by the sender before its expiry and withdrawal.
DISTRIBUTION OF FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE BY COIMBATORE ZONE An exclusive function was organized by Govt. of Tamil Nadu at Chief Minister’s Camp Office at Kodanadu for distribution of financial assistance sanctioned by our Bank under State Govt’s new scheme called ‘New Entrepreneur-cum-Enterprise Development Scheme (NEEDS)’. The scheme aims to assist educated youth to become first generation entrepreneurs. Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Selvi J. Jayalalithaa giving away the assistance to one of the beneficiary in the presence of ZM, Coimbatore Zone Shri K. Rajaraman, the then GM NBG (S) Shri Charan Singh, Secretary, Industries Dept., Shri Swaran Singh, Hon’ble Minister of Rural Industries Shri P. Mohan, Chief-Secretary, Govt. of Tamil-Nadu Smt. Sheela Balakrishnan.
cee®e& 2014
Ÿ¸í÷¨¸œ¸» ¸Ä Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Imp. Activities
Launch Of First Ever Skilling Card By Bank Bank in partnership with VISA, has launched Multi Wallet Debit Card in association with NSDC (National Skill Development Corporation), to provide banking services and facilitate transfer of funds under the flagship NSDC STAR Scheme program. The initiative is aimed at offering significant support in promoting skills development and catalyzing for vocational institutions, in the country. BOI STAR NSDC VISA debit card - SKILLING CARD was launched at the hands of the then Hon’ble Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram, ED Shri B.P. Sharma and the then GM NBG (N) Shri Trilochan Singh, DGM HO Shri Adarsh Kumar Arora and other senior officials from Bank were also present on this occasion. Deputy Chairman Planning Commission Dr. Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Secretary, DEA Ministry of Finance Shri Arvind Mayaram, Chairman, NSDC Shri S. Ramadorai and Country Manager, Visa India Shri Uttam Nayak, and other Senior Officials from Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Rural Development were present on this occasion. The then Union Finance Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram, felicitated the first batch of over 300 successful candidates from the National Capital Region (NCR), who have completed their industry oriented training courses under the National Skill Certification and Monetary Reward Scheme. CMD Mrs. V. R. Iyer advised that Bank of India is committed to the society at large and are proud to be part of the SKILL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME WITH EMPLOYABILITY which will go a long way for overall growth of the economy and society as a whole.
BOI Participates in Lavasa Women’s Drive Two Ladies Team comprising of 8 officials from our bank participated in the 6th edition of Lavasa Women’s Drive from Mumbai to Lavasa organized by Bennett Coleman & Company Ltd (Times of India Group) in association with Lavasa Corporation Ltd. embodying the spirit of women and to support the cause of Cancer Prevention through early detection by focusing on prevention of cancer. EDs Shri Arun Shrivastava and Shri R. Koteeswaran, GM Shri Vikas Pande and DGM Smt. K. R. Srimathi along with team drivers Ms. Aditi Sachde & Ms. Rajani Ananthkrishnan with their navigators Ms. Priyanka Khandelwal & Ms. Geeta Bijlaney & other co-passengers.
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‚¿÷¸££¸«’ïú¡¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â International Activities
ED Shri B.P. Sharma & GM (International) Shri R.A. Sankara Narayanan along with the staff members of London branch during their visit to the Branch.
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GM & CE, Kenya Centre Shri R.K. Verma, GM (Rural & Priority Sector) Shri Vikas Pande, MD Shri Sanjib Sarkar, CM & Board Secretary Shri K.K. Kaul, other Directors and Statutory Auditors of BOI (T) Ltd. during the Board Meeting of Bank of India (Tanzania) Ltd.
The then Deputy Governor, RBI Dr. K. C. Chakarbarty, CEO Japan Centre Shri S. S. Banik, the then Manager BOI, Osaka Branch Shri Sudhakar Kotian and Dy. Manager BOI Osaka Branch Shri Mushir Ahmed during the visit of Dr. Chakarbarty at Japan.
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¤¸½¦¥q¸¡¸Ÿ¸ ¦¬˜¸÷¸ ‡¿’¨¸œ¸Ä ©¸¸‰¸¸ Ÿ¸Ê ˆÅ¸.¢›¸. ªú ¤¸ú.œ¸ú.©¸Ÿ¸¸Ä ˆÅú ‚š¡¸®¸÷¸¸ Ÿ¸Ê `£¸q¸ž¸¸«¸¸ œÏ¡¸¸½Š¸-‚¸œ¸¬¸ú ¬¸¿¨¸¸™-¬¸¸˜¸ÄˆÅ ¢™©¸¸' œ¸£ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢q¸÷¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄÇÅŸ¸ ˆ½Å ‚¨¸¬¸£ œ¸£ ¬’¸ûÅ ¬¸™¬¡¸— Bank opened its 56th Foreign Office (Yangon Representative Office) in 22nd country (apart from India) at Yangon, Myanmar. His Excellency,Ambassador of India to Myanmar, Shri Gautam Mukhopadhaya,ED Shri B. P. Sharma, GM (Int.) Shri R. A. Sankara Narayanan and GM & CE Singapore Shri D. B.Mohapatra during the function.”
¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus
SPOTTING THE REAL DEAL The latest move by the Reserve Bank of India to withdraw all notes printed before 2005 has raised some questions. The objective is to pull out soiled notes and also help reduce the counterfeit notes in circulation. Atmadip Ray tells you how to distinguish between a genuine and a fake currency.
When held against the light, the security thread on `1000, `500 and `100 can be seen as one continuous line. The `5, `10, `20 and `50 notes contain a readable, fully embedded windowed security thread with the inscription ‘Bharat’ in Hindi, and ‘RBI’.
The security thread appears to the left of the Mahatma’s portrait. Notes issued prior to the introduction of the Mahatma Gandhi Series have a plain, non-readable fully-embedded security thread.
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes, `10 notes, `5 notes. The Mahatma Gandhi series banknotes contain the Mahatma Gandhi watermark with a light-andshade effect and multi-directional lines in the watermark window 2. SECURITY THREAD Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes, `10 notes and `5 notes. `1000 notes contain a readable, windowed security thread alternately visible on the obverse with the inscriptions ‘Bharat’ in Hindi,'1000’ and ‘RBI’, but totally embedded on the reverse. The `500 and `100 notes have a security thread with similar visible features and inscription ‘Bharat’ in Hindi, and ‘RBI’.
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Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes. On the obverse side of `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes, a vertical band on the right side of the Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait contains a latent image showing the respective denominational value in numeral. The latent image is visible only when the note is held horizontally at the eye level. 4. MICROLETTERING
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes, `10 notes and `5 notes.
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This feature appears between the vertical band and Mahatma Gandhi portrait. It contains the word ‘RBI’ in `5 and `10. The notes of `20 and above contain the word ‘RBI’ and denominational value of the notes in micro letters. This feature can be seen better under a magnifying glass.
The small floral design printed both on the front (hollow) and back (filled up) of the note in the middle of the vertical band next to the watermark has an accurate back-to-back registration. The design will appear as one floral design when seen against the light.
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes and `20 notes. The portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, the Reserve Bank seal, guarantee and promise clause, Ashoka Pillar Emblem on the left, RBI Governor’s signature are printed in intaglio i.e. in raised prints, which can be felt by touch 6. IDENTIFICATION MARK
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes. This helps the visually impaired to identify the denomination. This feature in intaglio has been introduced on the left of the watermark window on all notes except `10 note. This comes in different shapes for various denominations – vertical rectangle for `20, square for `50, triangle for `100, circle for `500, diamond for `1000 notes. 7. FLUORESCENCE
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes and `10 notes. Number panels of the notes are printed in fluorescent ink. The notes also have optical fibers. Both can be seen when the notes are exposed to an ultra-violet lamp. 8. SEE-THROUGH REGISTER
Available in `1000 notes, `500 notes, `100 notes, `50 notes, `20 notes and `10 notes.
Available in `1000 notes and `500 notes. This is incorporated in the `1000 and `500 notes with a revised colour scheme introduced in Nov. 2000. The numeral 1000 and 500 on the obverse of `1000 and `500 notes, respectively is printed in optically variable ink viz., a colour-shifting ink. The colour of the numeral 1000/500 is green when the note is held flat but would change to blue when the note is held at an angle. FEATURES INTRODUCED AFTER 2005
• Electrotype mark showing the denominational numeral in the watermark section and these can be viewed better when the banknote is held against light. • Machine readable window, demetalised clear text magnetic security thread with inscriptions ‘Bharat’ in Hindi and ‘RBI’ with different colour shifts when viewed from different angles. For `10, `20 and `50 notes, the inscriptions show fluorescent yellow on both sides under an ultra-violet light. • Optical fibers are in dual colours • See-through register • Intaglio printing • Year of printing Team GOD Head Office (Source: various Newspapers)
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cee®e& 2014
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Shri Tarlochan Singh, the then NBG (N) GM hosting flag on Republic Day at New Delhi.
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DGMs (IT) Shri Deepak Bhayana, Shri Dilip V Gaikwad & Shri Butchi Babu Burra receiving prestigious ‘IBA Banking Technology Award 201213’ under category “Best Financial Inclusion Initiative among Public Sector Banks” from Chairman, National Innovation Foundation Padma Bhushan Dr. Raghunath A Mashelkar, in the presence of Chairman PNB & Chairman IBA Shri K.R Kamath.
Bank has been awarded with ‘Second Prize for doing excellent work in setting up Rural Self Employment & Training Institute (RSETI) and imparting training through RSETI in various part of the country by Ministry of Rural Development, GOI. DGM NBG (N) Shri J.C. Kanwar holding the prize along with the various Directors of RSETI.
ZM, Patna Zone Shri M. N. A. Ansari receiving the award from Chief Secretary, Government of Bihar Shri Ashok Kumar Sinha, IAS for exemplary performance of the Bank in the State of Bihar in "Credit Linkage programme of SHGs" in a function organized by NABARD.
œ¸º£¬ˆÅ¸£ Awards
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cee®e& 2014
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‚›¡¸ Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Other Activities
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Relationship beyond Banking – Felicitation of Mr. Vithal Mede, an Ex-Servicemen, who foiled a Burglary at our Korti Branch
On 16th October 2013, at around 2.00am, an attempt was made to burgle our Korti branch. Mr. Vithal Mede, an ex-serviceman, who is residing adjacent to the branch, got alerted by the sound coming from branch, immediately rushed out and displaying exemplary courage fired two rounds from his personal 12 bore gun in air, forcing the robbers/burglars to run away. Thus, by his timely and brave action Mr. Mede, foiled the burglary attempt. There was no cash loss to our bank. The branch arranged a function at the village Korti in which Mr. Mede was felicitated & awarded cash price of `10000/-, at the hands of Mr Patil Dy. S. P. of Karmala block.
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Shri Pramod Kumar Singh Patna Secretariat Branch Patna Zone `71.69 Crores
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National Banking Group (East)
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Guwahati Zone DZM Shri Ajit Kumar Chatterjee handing over the keys of van to Sainik School principal under CSR activity in "BOI Sainik School Branch (Rural)" at Manipur.
Kolkata Zone, Bow Bazar Branch financed 'SME Unit Computerized Advanced Embroidery Machines'. (Three Machines - make "Jencheng India"). On the Occasion CM Shri B.C.Chetty, Sr. Manager Shri Rajesh Raj and customer Shri Khailash Dhanuka of M/s.Onkar Fashions Pvt.Ltd.
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Lessons in
Management I am going to narrate a couple of stories elucidating certain useful management principles, which I learnt without the help of Peter Drucker and/or other management Gurus. One of the stories has been told to me by my grandmother in whose presence I used to spend the best of summer holidays during the childhood. A real life incident is also given alongside. The first story goes like this.......there was a nampoothiri priest who was very regular in going to the village temple for performing the rituals there. He died due to old age. And his young son was set to assume the mantle. Before the son took charge as the temple priest, his mother started giving him her views about how he should perform the rituals and behave with the devotees and other officials. On the first day when he finished his forenoon rituals and started his return walk home, the lady of the house in the neighbourhood told him “the food is ready, please honour us with your company for lunch today”. The young priest refused the offer politely even though he was hungry. He came back and narrated the incident to his mother. Mother immediately replied “you should never lose the food in the neighbourhood” for which he nodded in
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agreement. The young priest used to get the offer from the neighbourhood on a regular basis and he excused himself in one pretext or the other. The mother also kept reminding her son about her piece of advice not to lose the offer for food in the neighbourhood. The young priest sometimes wondered why his mother was reminding him about this more often. After a few weeks,one day the young priest was on his return journey from the temple. The lady in the next door invited him and even complained about his refusing to oblige not even once. Reluctantly he accepted the offer and ate his lunch there. It was a bit late when returned home. His mother was as usual waiting for his arrival. By looking at his mother’s face writ with anxiety, he quipped “you used to tell every day that I shouldn’t lose the offer for food ...........I didn’t lose it ......... I ate it today”. The mother was very disappointed. She was upset because her son did not get the real meaning of her advice. She explained to him that she never wanted her son to lose the offer for food from the neighbour. The offer would cease once it is accepted. She always wanted her son to stand head and shoulders above the rest. My grandmother had not studied in any high school, leave alone college or
±¸¸›¸¨¸ÖÄ›¸ Knowledge Plus management institute. But the principle she wanted to drive home was relevant from any style of prudent management. In the present day management jargon we may say it as “there is no such thing as free lunch”. The very idea of taking anything free was not acceptable to me when I started my career in the Bank. Asking for a favour from a customer was the last thing I would do during the initial days of my career. As an young and ambitious Bank officer with ideals of serving the poor and down trodden accepted as the “karma” to followed, I too started working in rural branch in the coastal Maharashtra during the seventies. It was a branch in the thick of the bazaar area full of hustle bustle during the daytime and fairly calm in the night barring the regular call to prayers delivered through the loud speakers fitted to the minars of the next door mosque. I was staying in the manager’s residence provided just above the branch. I used to get back home late in the night only after finishing the daily chorus sitting in the branch just below the residence. My wife was not very happy about my spending most of the time in the bank. Sunday used to be kept for a leisurely routine. It was a day for late rising, forenoon swim in the nearby beach, a late lunch and a short slumber thereafter. Generally it used to end with a drive to the nearby temple in the evening. It was a Sunday morning. I was shaken out of bed with loud sound of the calling bell which rang continuously for about thirty seconds. It was only about six in the morning. The room was still dark. I had to switch on the light to find my way through the stairs to open the door. I was half asleep. I wanted to know who put an end to the most comfortable early morning sleep in the month of December. As I opened the door, there was a man in his forties with folded hands and an earthen vessel with its neck tied with not so clean piece of cloth placed in front of me. He was a farmer who availed a loan for a buffalo the other day. He had come to give me the news that the buffalo had calved. He had brought a vessel filled with “Kharvas”* for me. With folded hands he thanked me profusely and requested me to accept the sweet specially brought for me. Even though I could understand almost all that he talked in the local language, I could not reply to him for two reasons. I was really furious for having lost the sleep. Secondly he had brought me something in return to what I considered as my duty. With a frown face and fairly loud voice I sent him back slamming the door on his face. I returned to bed. But I could
hardly sleep. Half an hour later, the bell rang. This time it was the same person along with my colleague agricultural assistant Gaikwad. Mr. Gaikwad tried to convince me to accept the sweet which I again refused. After a series of exchange of words, I stood my ground and ultimately told that I would pay the market price and take it for distribution among all the staff in the branch. The farmer fell on my feet and requested again seeking my forgiveness. I could see tears rolling down his cheeks. He was very much upset over my offer to buy the sweet. He repeated that it is out of love that he had prepared it with the first milk after the delivery and I should not refuse it. My wife who was watching the whole episode called me inside and requested me to relent. At last, I accepted the vessel with both hands. A piece was cut and given to him and Gaikwad. I too ate a piece of it. The farmer returned after thanking me and my wife with folded hands. To cut the story short, throughout the tenure of my posting in the branch, my wife purchased milk from that farmer. Even after leaving the village branch, we used to exchange letters for a long time. Needless to add that it all ended as a relationship beyond banking. The story had also taught me many a lessons. Just as “all that glitters is not gold”, all that is given is not bribe. Similarly love and reverence cannot be priced or bought. Respect can be commanded and not demanded. In almost every posting, I could learn new lessons and today I can proudly claim to be a better human being, thanks to our Bank. *Kharvas --- A typical Maharashtrian sweet made out of the thick first milk after calving, jaggery, grated nutmeg, cardamom etc.. Durgadas PV GM (Rtd.)
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Republic Day Celebrations
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STC, Kolkata
Siliguri Zone
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Karnataka Zone
Kolkatta Zone
Hyderabad Zone
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Kerala Zone
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Goa Zone
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Coimbatore Zone
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8th March, 2014, dawned with great excitement for us ladies of HO as we got ready for our Women’s Day Celebrations. International Women’s Day has picked up momentum the world over, and we at Bank of India were indeed privileged to have this opportunity to celebrate alongwith our dear CMD, Madam Iyer. Women today are fast soaring into the sky reaching the stars and our stars were every lady present there. The auditorium was packed much before time and our CMD, Mrs. V.R. Iyer and DGM, Mrs. Srimathi walked in to a rousing applause. ‘Inspiring Change’ is the international theme for Women’s Day this year. Equality for women is progress for all, and while we bankers in Mumbai may not really be affected by this, we must all stand strongly committed to the cause of women’s equality and empowerment. We must stand committed to ensure that we don’t turn a blind eye when our fellow sisters become victims. The morning promised a very interesting and entertaining programme by our very own BOI stars. In her opening address Mrs. Iyer shared her insightful thoughts on the occasion and made sure each one went home enriched. This was immediately followed by the prize distribution of the Rangoli Competition at the hands of our Chairperson. The first performance of the day was by the versatile Leena Dalal as she danced to the tune of the ever popular “Maar Dala’. Her graceful steps, everlasting energy and vibrant smile matched perfectly with the famous bollywood actress Madhduri Dixit in Devdas. There was a resounding applause from one and all. We next moved to a combination of Gujarati & Rajasthani Folk dances put up by our sensational group comprising Hema Bakshi, Maya Kargutkar, Smita Borgaonkar, Manali Patankar, Pallavi Surve and
Varsha Javeri. Their colourful attire matched every dynamic dance step and made sure all were glued to their seats. We were entertained next by a comedy duet comprising Aishwarya and Meenakshi. Immediately thereafter was the Lavani Dance performed by Harshada Lagu. It seemed we had a professional dancer on stage rather than a banker. Tehnaz Jokhi then took us through the fusion of dance steps covering the journey of dance evolution from the movement of the eyes and hands to the highly energetic bollywood extravaganza as it today, as she performed to the tune of Dafli Wale, Dafli Bajao. There was one more energetic dance performance by Smita Rao followed by a stand-up comedy in Marathi by Suchitra. And the last performance of the days was a dance duet by Indira and Kiran as they took us down South with songs from Chennai Express and Dil Se. No one realized how quickly the time had gone by because every performer was so entertaining. Each performance was so spell binding and the encouragement of our Chairperson by sitting attentively through all the performances, only added to our zeal and enthusiasm. The morning concluded with a Vote of Thanks followed by some impromptu dancing by the ever-enthusiastic ladies. One thing emerged very clearly – there is no dearth of talent in Bank of India, be it in banking or in stage performance. And I honestly feel that with the wide array of artists both at HO and in the branches, and the excellent organizing team comprising of the 3 Rs – Rekha, Reshma and Rita, we do not need to look anywhere else for organizing our next Foundation Day Celebrations! Kudos to all ladies of Bank of India!
Rita D’Sa, Estate Dept., p , HO
Chennai Zone
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National Banking Group (West)
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer inaugurating the NRI Center, Panaji Goa during her visit to Goa Zone.
CMD Smt. V.R. Iyer addressing the staff members during her visit to Goa Zone.
Navi Mumbai Zone participated in 13th Real Estate & Housing Finance Expo organised by MCHI-CREDAI at Thane. GM NBG (W) Shri V.G. Kamath inaugurating the Expo along with ZM Shri B.K. Mohanty and other officials.
GM (International) Shri R.A. Sankara Narayanan addressing on the occasion of NRI Customer meet held for North Goa NRI customers at Goa Zone. (On dais) Tax Consultant Shri Kamat, ZM, Goa Zone Shri Sudhir S. Jade and CM, Mapuca Branch, Shri Motital Singh.
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Nagpur-II Zone ZM Shri Prasad Joshi at Euphoria-2014 exhibition held at J.D.I.E.T. College Yavatmala along with Sr. Br. Manager, Darda Nagar Branch Shri D. M. Raut and other officials.
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Ratnagiri Zone ZM Shri V.V. Buche inaugurating Booklet of Annual Activity Report of RSETI for 2012-13.
cee®e& 2014
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National Banking Group (West)
Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Activities
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MSZ, ZM Shri D.K.Garg is felicitating Hon’ble MP (Shiv Sena) Shri Anil Desai in the presence of General Secretary-Sthaniya Lokadhikar Samiti Shri Rajesh Sakpal and Shri Vijay Shirke.
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Ratnagiri Zone ZM Shri V.V. Bhuche Inaugurating New Passbook Printing Kiosk at Mandangad Branch in the presence of our valued customers.
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Republic Day NBG (W)
‚œ¸»¨¸Ä ‚›¸ºž¸¨¸ Adventure
I reported at Ranakpur base camp of Youth Hostel's trekking programme on 7th Nov, 2013 at 4pm. This site was just 100 mtr. far from Famous Ranakpur's jain temple. We were welcomed by director Shri Ratansingh Bhati, Shri Ravindrasingh Chauhan and other camp leaders. I completed all the paper's formalities. I was allotted a tent in which I met some trekkers from various corners of India. I met 2 Kutchhis and Punjabis whom I found friendly and warm. We then went to a lake nearby where orientation prog. was held where Shri Ravi sir gave information about this trek. Ours was a bunch of 62 trekkers. Mr. Petkar was appointed as a group leader and I was supposed to be a deputy to him. We all introduced each other. All returned back to base camp. Rucksacks and blankets were distributed to all of us. We deposited an extra luggage in a locker tent. We had a tasty Rajasthani cuisine!! It was getting cold still we arranged for a camp fire programme which is a tradition of Youth Hostel. At 10 pm we all settled in given tents and had a nice sleep. 8th Nov.13: At 5 am, a whistle blew up of the camp leader to wake us up. We started finishing our morning deeds. We had a Tea and breakfast. I preferred snack as a lunch in my lunch box instead of oily subzi and puris. I loaded my rucksack with required stuff for 4 days trek and yep, how can I trek without my binocular and a camera!! Shree Bhatiji gave us important tips for this trek. At 9 am we started our trek, all curious and excited, loaded with a pleasure and energy to combat the jungle's tough trek. On the way a pair of Grey Hornbill flew overhead !! Even Parakeets, Chats and bulbuls gave us beautiful glimpses. After walking for 2km on the road, we entered the forest area which is famous as a Kumbhalgarh Wildlife sanctuary. It offers varieties of birds, barahsingha, leopards, monkeys, eagles and crocodiles!!
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Though Rajasthan is mostly known for the desert, it is having this Lush green Aravally's mountainous forest, situated amidst the sylvan charms and valleys. Alluring flora and fauna are the special characteristics of this forest. The sanctuary is be-jewelled with verdurous forest and resounding valleys. At 11.30 am the sunlight affected our strength and stamina. We all started sweating... we satisfied our thrust by having couple of sips of water from the bottle. Dry bamboo stick we used to remove 3 feet tall grass and thorny plants we were passing through on a narrow path. We climbed and got down on some steep narrow slopes. At 1pm we had our lunch near a big flowing stream. We again started climbing at noon. Our trousers got decorated with small thorny balls, tucked, difficult to remove easily. As I saw some beautiful Flycatchers, fantails and bulbuls with my binocular explained them to some trekkers, they got interested and became birders!! Bird's melodious calls sounded so nice in the peaceful ambience of the forest. We reached our 1st camp at Phutadeval at 4pm. We were accommodated in a dharamshala. Camp leader, Shri Pariharji welcomed us. We had a tea and biscuits. Our group leader Shri Petkar was suddenly surrounded by family of a Langur Monkey and one tried to snatch the dish, Petkar moved back and fell down and had a fracture on a right hand. Poor fellow was carried to hospital. Now the responsibility was allotted to me and I became the group leader. This was a sheer love and affection of all fellow trekkers who suggested my name. We had a dinner, no camp fire this night as all were damn tired. Good sleep.
‚œ¸»¨¸Ä ‚›¸ºž¸¨¸ Adventure
9th Nov.13: After Tea and breakfast we said goodbye to cooks and Mr. Pariharji and started our trek for Kumbhalgarh at 8.30 am. I was supposed to walk last so no trekker is left behind and I can keep eyes on the group marching ahead. On a roadside tree the calls of Alexandrine Parakeets attracted us and suddenly on the same tree came the cute golden-backed woodpeckers, Wow!!!! Parakeeets had to fly away as this tree was a home of those woodpeckers. Woodpeckers now started hammering the trunk of the tree with its solid beak, generated a big noise!! Now we entered a different habitat. It was a narrow path surrounded with trees like, bamboo, Jambun, ferns, Phycus family's varieties, lantena, shrubs and thorny plants.It was a mind blowing valley, a blissful place, lush green oasis, brimming with narrow and big streams passing through. Wild flowers were in full blooms which greets our eyes. Crossing some big streams in some occasions, walking on pebbles covered with algie, was dangerous, so we helped almost all trekkers to cross it. Grass and plants were thick and high that some time it was difficult to trace fellow trekkers walking ahead. Our guide use to sit and wait for my last group at certain confusing points from where other paths separated. On the way some tribal girls were selling Custard apple which we enjoyed. We could well imagine about how Maharana Pratap must have spent 12 long years in this forest!! Salute to him for his bravery and sacrifice. At 4pm we reached village Atera where our camp was situated, just 3km near the Kumbhalgarh fort. Camp leader Shri Mulsinhji received all of us with great smile and asked us to be fast in having tea, to leave for a sound and light show held at the fort. We reached there. What a majestic fort it is!! While the show was on, my mind was thinking about the wonderful glory and dominance of Rana Rajputs of Mewar during the 14th century. We returned back to the camp. It was chilly night, luckily we had some spicy items in dinner. We had a sound sleep. 10th Nov.13 : We wake up at 5.30 am, we started for the visit of the famous Kumbhalgarh fort to enjoy it in a day light. Wow! it looks glorious! The 2nd largest fort of Rajasthan after the fort
of Chitorgarh. Adjoining to it is worlds 2nd longest wall of 36 km with the width of 36 ft. infact this was built first than the china wall!! We climbed up to its terrace and also saw the room where Maharana Pratap was born! On the fort we saw some brown rock thrush. We now started for our trek to Thandiberi. It was now down and down continuously trek. The bamboo stick cut by my friend for me helped me a lot by taking all pressure of my knees, as a third leg!! After 2 hours down trek came a kachha motorable trek. On its side was a huge stream flowing. On the opposite bank we suddenly saw a massive Barahsingha which ran away in the forest and vanished. The fluttering colours, feathers and calls of migrated flycatchers attracted along with Crested Buntings. They were ponderously gliding from one branch of a tree to another. We reached the camp of Thandiberi at 3.30pm. We were accommodated in a govt. bunglow just near a dam. In the evening we went to the dam and saw 3 crocodiles,flock of common moorhens and a pair of wooly-necked stork on the nest with 2 chicks in it, which was a lifer for me!! After early dinner at 6.30 pm as there was no light in the bunglow, we arranged a camp fire as it was a last night together. Many of us this night perform their art of singing as now they were comfortable with each others!. I was accommodated in a room of a camp leader there as every corner was packed with trekkers! 11th Nov.13 : While we were having tea in the morning with breakfast,a small flock of Indian Treepie was for aging around us, very close!! We all thanked camp leader and left for our base camp. After trekking 3 km we reached Muchhalamahavir where 2 buses were waiting for us. We got in to it and reached the base camp at 10.30 am. I enjoyed the fully required long awaited bath and got fresh. I packed my luggage quickly I then went with few friends to visit the famous Ranakpur jain temple of Bhagwan Adinathji. The intricate carving and architecture's marvel mesmerises tourists. It offers divine solace, astonishing work is worth observing. After a quick lunch we thanked Shri Bhati and group for their great help and left for Shrinathji in a car with my Kutchhi and Gujarati friends. On the way we visited Haldighati and reached Shrinathji at 7 pm and had a darshan. We stayed a night there. 12th Nov.13 : We left for Shri Eklingji Mahadev and had a darshan and reached Udaipur where I got separated from all friends and caught a bus for Ahmedabad. I reached Jamnagar, filled with a treasure & fabulous wilderness's experience of flora & fauna and avifaunal wealth. My mind kept on thinking of a glory and bravery of Kumbhalgarh's fascinating history.
Jaypalsinh Jadeja, Jamnagar Branch, Rajkot Zone.
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s i t W h a A? C T A F
Banking Plus
World over people are interested in fetching higher returns for their assets (both financial and physical) and for these reasons, they do not limit their resources being invested not only in their home country, but also spread to other countries. This often results in cases of tax evasion/non-reporting/under-reporting (intentionally or unintentionally) of income stream from such investments along with the associated long fought legal battles which often results in high costs to both the government and the affected entity. In the U.S., people were using financial intermediaries (foreign financial institutions) of other countries (including India i.e. Indian subsidiaries of HSBC, Citi etc) to park their financial assets and were not reporting such transactions to the authorities of U.S., thereby resulting in under recovery of taxes. However, US have proactively approached many countries for the details of such transactions and were able to nail the defaulters to a greater extent. To found a way to minimise incidence of such sorts, U.S. have come out with a comprehensive legislation (FATCA) which may have far reaching consequence in the event of non compliance of its provisions not only for the citizens/residents of U.S. but also for the business dealings of other countries having financial flows from U.S.
be followed under this Act were issued in January 2013 by the U.S Treasury and is set to be in action from first of July 2014 upon signing of IGA with different countries. In the FATCA regime, non compliance invites hefty penalties and the non registered FFIs will have to suffer the 30% withholding tax at US for any payment due to them. Though 30% withholding may be irrelevant to some of the bigger FFI, the same may be a deciding factor for their survival in the medium to long run as they will find themselves marginalized. It is also learnt that US is offering a reciprocal arrangement for the Indian Authorities on similar lines for the Indian residents who are having financial dealings/assets in the US as well. Indian Government has asked the SEBI to study the applicability of the FATCA implications to all the market players [stock brokers, mutual funds and foreign institutional investors (FIIs)] regulated by the various market regulators. Accordingly SEBI has undertaken the market study and is in the process of issuing guidelines in 2014-15 to market intermediaries on due diligence and reporting requirements with respect to FATCA. In addition, Finance Ministry has asked the RBI to formulate their guidelines on the proposed IGA along with the reference from SEBI regarding its jurisdiction.
s i t a W h CA? T A F s i t h a A? C T A t a Wh FATCA or the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act was enacted in 2010 by the U.S. government to target the non compliance by U.S. tax payers using foreign accounts. FATCA requires foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to register and report to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest. Under this Act, U.S government will sign Inter Government Agreements (IGA) with various countries including India, where U.S. individuals and companies may hold accounts and other assets. U.S. government was able to sign the pact with 22 countries under this Act that includes UK and Switzerland and is in talks with other countries. Procedures/final regulations to
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FATCA is sure to change the Indian financial market scene as the FATCA regime requires Indian market intermediaries to undertake extensive reporting to IRS of US Treasury with respect to the details of U.S person’s/entity’s account/assets parked in the Indian banks/FIs in an accurate and time bound manner as also to desist from doing business with unregistered FFIs. In addition to the usual details called for in the KYC, details relating to US citizens/residents also may be incorporated to fall in line with the FATCA regime. This may call for massive changes in the systems, processes, procedures to identify US persons, extract information on relevant income and to monitor such accounts on a continuous basis. Harish V. Tumsar Branch, Nagpur-II Zone
¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus
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National Banking Group (South)
Hon’ble Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu Selvi J. Jayalalithaa distributing loans to SC/ST beneficiaries, sanctioned by our Bank (Elada Branch, Coimbatore Zone) under Govt. sponsored scheme of Tahdco. Also seen are ZM Shri K.Rajaraman, Mgr. Shri J.J.Britto, MD Tahdco., Smt. Kannagi Bhagyanathan, Minister for Adidravidar Welfare Shri N. Subramanian and Chief Secretary Smt.Sheela Balakrishnan.
Coimbatore Zone ZM Shri K.Rajaraman along with AGM, SME city centre Shri K. Nagarajan, Joint Managing Director of Ultimate Alloys Pvt. Ltd Shri G. Ezhil and CM, Sulur Branch Shri S. Nagarajan and other staff members during inauguration of 50 KWA solar system of one of our SME customers of Sulur Branch M/s. Ultimate Alloys Private Ltd.
Visakhapatnam Zone participated in MSME Expo organised by MSME Development Institute. ZM Shri S. K. Agrawal along with marketing staff members.
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Coimbatore Zone, Tiruchirapally Branch financed a Multi-Speciality Hospital. The then GM, NBG (S) Shri Charan Singh inaugurating the hospital along with ZM Shri K.Rajaramanand, Dr. G. Viswanathan and other officials.
The then GM NBG(S) Shri Charan Singh and the then ZM Chennai Zone Shri Kulbhushan Jain during the inauguration of “coin vending machine” established at Chennai Main Branch.
Visakhapatnam Zone DZM Shri A.K. Vijayan addressing the crowd during the Walkathon organised by Dhan foundation at Swarna Bharathi Stadium to Women’s College on the theme “Agricultural Biodiversity & Food and Nutritional Security” for creating awareness and taking up different activities.
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Security Awareness Week
œÏš¸¸›¸ ˆÅ¸¡¸¸Ä¥¸¡¸ / Head Office
Release of 'Emergency Response Tips' Hand Book. (RtoL) EDs Shri R.Koteeswaran, Shri Arun Shrivastava, GM (CS) Shri S.C. Arora & DGM & CSO Shri L.K. Singh
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Release of 'Security Tips Booklet' on 'Women Safety'
Womens Security Tips - Demo
‚¿o¸¥¸ / Zones
Porvorim Branch, Goa Zone
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Chennai Zone
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¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus
Promoting Good Governance Positive Contribution of Vigilance In any organization or country, good governance and vigilance are like two sides of same coin. Any organization, whether profit oriented or not can achieve success only if it practices good governance. Concept of Governance is the belief that public good should be ahead of private good and common resources cannot be used for personal benefit. As stated by learned person “On the Earth, there is enough for everyone’s need but not for their greed.”Hence the need arises of “Vigilance”. The word “vigilance” means alertness and watchfulness. Regular watchfulness on the part of the management aids in protecting and maintaining the integrity of the prescribed systems and procedures of the organization, to ensure quick and hassle-free service to the customers /public and also to prevent any fraud being committed against the organization. It is stated that “Prevention is better than cure” and treating the cause of the disease is better than the disease itself.Hence, to achieve success and prevent organization being targeted by fraudsters it is required that good governance practices are formulated and implemented. The word “Governance” originates from word ‘gubernate’ which means to steer. Governance is concerned with the intrinsic nature, purpose, integrity and identity of an organization with primary focus on the entity’s relevance, continuity and fiduciary aspects.
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Concept of governance is not new in India; Good governance has been an eternal source of inspired thinking and dedicated action. Kautilya’s Arthashastra dealt with concept of good governance. It stated that for good governance all administrators including king were considered servants of the people. Good governance and stability were completely linked. It stated there is stability if leaders are responsive, accountable and removable. The fourfold duty of king elaborate in Arthashastra for ensuring good governance even holds good for managers of today. The key factors of good governance elaborate in Arthashastra are namely• Raksha which means protection. This means the management of organization should endeavor to protect the stakeholders like employees, shareholders from unnecessary risk. Hence management should formulate risk management policies in a way that risk taken is within acceptable limits and is not exposing employees, shareholders or society at large to unnecessary hazards. • Vridhi which means growth. Governance practice should aim at sustainable development for all stakeholders and value enhancement for all individuals associated. If there is effective management and judicious use of wealth it will provide maximum benefits to all stakeholders and satisfaction to all.
¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus • Palana means compliance with law in letter and spirit. It requires application of best management practices. At all levels the laid down procedure and system should be complied properly and temptation to twist the system should be avoided. It requires adherence to ethical standards so as to ensure integrity, transparency, independence and accountability. • Yogakshema means discharge of social responsibility. Organization cannot afford to ignore its social responsibility and it should be part of its governance policy. Organization which does not respond to society’s need cannot survive for long. Hence if the governance practices are sound and followed well, then it is a natural protection against unethical actions like bribery, nepotism, patronage, conflict of interest. It helps in creating good image of the organization in the society and fulfils the expectation of its stakeholders like employees, investors and government. It will create a bond of trust and faith. A study has shown that there is a positive and significant correlation between corporate governance and reduced levels of corruption in a country. However, in today’s world fraud and corruption have become part of society’s day to day functioning. Fraud is availing a benefit by deception or unjust enrichment by misrepresentation. Corruption refers to "use of one’s official position for personal and
group gain and that includes unethical actions like bribery, nepotism, patronage, conflict of interest, misuse of government property and receiving kickbacks. Fraud and corruption is not a new thing and cannot be completely eradicated. However, system and process checks and compliance with those checks can discourage and prevent fraud and corruption i.e. it can be reduced. Hence the need arises to be vigilant to ensure that the good practices and high standards of efficiency and professionalism prescribed under governance policy are not twisted
by few. Hence, vigilance ensures that governance policy is not limited to mere fulfilment of law but also helps in managing the organization in a transparent manner to maximize value for the society at large. Vigilance reinforces the right incentives and practices of good governance and removes the road blocks like corruption which prevents any organization from achieving great heights. It acts as immunization against bad governance and in addition it helps to detect lacunae in the governance policy which may give possibility of lapses. It aids to attain high levels of system integrity by creating awareness and developing commitment and at all levels. To achieve this awareness and ensure integrity the employees need to be well trained to identify signs of fraud or attempted fraud. Hence, there need to be regular training, newsletter, exchange of information, interactive sessions, case study among all levels of employees. Finally the most important being the employees are kept satisfied by providing not only good salary but also job security, respect and sense of belonging to organization so that employees do not give into temptation of accepting bribe or perpetrating a fraud and always look out to ensure the best for the organization. In can be concluded that Governance and Vigilance both aim to instil in mindset of people that “There is no substitute for HONESTY therefore honesty is the way of life. People who choose to be otherwise have to face the consequences and disgrace in the Society.” Hence good governance and vigilance complement each other and it can be concluded Promoting Good Governance – Positive Contribution of Vigilance. Niyati Gadit
Credit Analyst Kolkata Large Corporate Branch 41
Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Activities
›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸) National Banking Group (Central)
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›¸½©¸›¸¥¸ ¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ ¬¸Ÿ¸»í (Ÿ¸š¡¸)
National Banking Group (Central)
‡›¸¤¸úq¸ú (r¸¸£‰¸¿” ‚¸¾£ Žî¸ú¬¸Š¸cõ) NBG (Jharkhand & Chhattisgarh)
ž¸¸½œ¸¸¥¸ ‚¿o¸¥¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¨¸«¸Ä 2013-14 ˆ½Å ™¸¾£¸›¸ œ¸½›¸ ƒ¿¢”¡¸¸ ¨¡¸¨¸¬¸¸¡¸ Ÿ¸Ê ©¸ú«¸Ä ¬˜¸¸›¸ ¢Ÿ¸¥¸›¸½ œ¸£ ’ï¸ûÅú ŠÏí ¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ‚¸¿.œÏ. ªú £¸q¸ú¨¸ ˆºÅŸ¸¸£ Š¸ºœ÷¸¸— ¬¸¸˜¸ Ÿ¸Ê, ‚¸Á¢”’ œÏŸ¸º‰¸ ªú ‚¸£.ˆ½Å. Š¸ºœ÷¸¸— íq¸¸£ú¤¸¸Š¸ ‚¿o¸¥¸ Ÿ¸Ê ž¸¸.¢£.¤¸ÿ ׸£¸ ‚¸¡¸¸½¢q¸÷¸ ¬¸¿œ¸ˆÄÅ ˆÅ¸¡¸ÄÇÅŸ¸ Ÿ¸Ê ‡ˆÅ Ž¸°¸¸ ˆÅ¸½ ¬¸í¸¡¸÷¸¸ £¸¢©¸ œÏ™¸›¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ ž¸¸.¢£.¤¸ÿ ˆ½Å ˆÅ¸.¢›¸. ªú q¸¬¸¤¸ú£ ¢¬¸¿í, Ÿ¸.œÏ. ‡›¸¤¸úq¸ú ªú q¸¾›¸ ž¸»«¸ ¸ ‡¨¸¿ ‚›¡¸ ‚¢š¸ˆÅ¸£úŠ¸ ¸
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¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus
Mantra For A Happy Banker ! ! !
In In today’s toda tod to day’ y’s world, world wo l we we come come me across acr cros oss many oss many of of the bankers who appear to be unhappy, frustrated and always grumble about the pressure, tension, late working hours, mental strain at work etc. This has lead to innumerable health problems, like Bloodpressure, Diabetes Heart problems etc. which are lifestyle diseases among the banking fraternity which aggravates their personal/family/professional life. This in turn is bound to affect their concentration and efficiency of their work due to which the organization i.e. Bank is bound to suffer. Friends, if you analyse these problems deeply you will agree that most of them are self created by us and it is possible for us to mitigate these problems and lead a happy professional and family life if they are addressed with a positive mindset and positive attitude. Therefore, It is essential that we should try to find ways and means to tackle this problem. I suggest here some Mantras (Basic Truths) which if followed scrupulously, would go a long way in bringing about qualitative changes in ones attitude. This in turn would bring about improved work culture, resulting in peace & prosperity not only in the organization but also at home of the Banker. There is an old proverb which says “Health is wealth” . So friends this is the first mantra - if health is good naturally our official and personal life will also be good. So carve out at least 45 minutes in a day to take care of your health, come what may never
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compromise with co omp mprro romi mise w ith this ith it th hiss 45 45 minutes. minu i ute es During Dur urin ing g this th his short sho hort rt span of 45 minutes we can do routine morning brisk walk, exercise or yoga which will keep us healthy and active the whole day. Secondly, try to cultivate good eating habits true to the saying “Don’t live to eat but eat to live”. Consume regularly fiber-rich food, green vegetables, fruits etc. and avoid junk food, oily and spicy items. It would be advisable to reduce consumption of alcohol and stop smoking altogether. Since most of us are above 40 years of age, it is necessary to get the health check ups done every year on regular basis and take remedial action promptly, by taking out time to meet your doctor on monthly or bi-monthly basis and get proper followup treatment in case of major problems. The second mantra which I would like you all to chant is about our family. All this hard work we all are doing is for our family. If family life of a person is happy and peaceful, such a person can contribute his maximum to the success of the organization. Thinking about your domestic problems often will rob you of your peace and will affect your professional work. Therefore, try to spend maximum possible time with your children and family. Your Bank is giving you an opportunity to spend time and enjoy with your family by way of granting L.F.C. please avail it regularly. Avoid working on Sundays and holidays unless it is very much necessary. This practice will inculcate you the habit of finishing the work on day to day basis without any pendency in a planned and systematic manner. Always remember your near and dear one’s
ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿q¸¢¥¸ Poetry birthdays and anniversaries etc. and celebrate every occasion with them. Evenings when you go home from work don’t carry your office pressure and tension and just forget it till next morning . The next mantra is about discipline, hard work and determination; all the above things go a long way in our personal/professional life. Be punctual in your attendance and leave your home quite early so that you can reach your office/destination well in time so that you can begin your work peacefully. Plan your things at office in such a way that there is no pendency and all work is done on time. Plan your leave in advance barring emergency that will help you to enjoy your leave period and help the bank as well for smooth functioning. The next mantra I would like you all to chant is about our organization i.e. Our Bank. Remember that whatever status we enjoy in the society today and the prosperity of our family and children is mainly on account of our bank. Always be loyal to your bank and work hard and always give your 100% so that the Bank as well as yourself are assured of prosperity as well as tension-free life. We also observe that whenever bank transfers us to other states/zones/ branches in the exigencies of work, we feel sad about it and start grumbling due to certain personal problems etc. However, if we have to climb-up the career ladder, it is imperative that we should avoid such negative thoughts and be ready to sacrifice small comforts and overcome little problems so that we can reach greater heights professionally. Further, it would also help us in getting an opportunity to see new places, meet new people and enjoy your stay. Daily we spend long hours in the office and hence it is necessary that you should have good relations with colleagues right from manager to sweeper/ daily wagers, and also behave courteously with customers as well so that there are no problems in day today working. This will ensure peaceful life professionally as well as personally. Friends, on reading the above paragraphs many of you may feel that these are all known facts which we might have read in some books, newspaper , magazine articles etc. But friends, the purpose of this article is just to re-draw your attention to these facts with the earnest hope that you would implement it sincerely in true spirit so that it would radically change your attitude towards work which would bring about qualitative improvement in your personal/professional life. In the days to come we hope to see Happy Bankers who bring happiness not only to themselves/their family, but also to their Organization, Customers, Colleagues and also to the Nation as a whole and we will be happy to say “ Here is a Happy Banker……..” . Vinay N. Upakari Dharwad Branch, Karnataka Zone
The Night I Cried (For the best daddy in the world) Harbinger of blissful news came in guises, Letter, from his office, fetched a scoop of delight. Far off land, across the seas, who knew where? Transferred there. He said he must take flight. Was it the truth or had he lied? But what it had to do with, The night I cried? All those times he gave me the flogging, All those nights he made me cry, All those whiles he didn’t forgive my mistakes, All those days my marks went awry, He rebuked me over; but now the hard times had died. But what it had to do with, The night I cried? We stood at the station to bid him farewell, The station – master gave the sign. The train blew its whistle, chugging its way out, And for moments few, it all seemed fine. At our tiny group, a few outsiders pried. But what it had to do with, The night I cried? I watched his figure slowly distancing, A queer emotion struck my heart. Gifts he gave me now and then; he held my hand in his. He stood by me to help me start, He looked after me when others shied. But what it had to do with, The night I cried? I never realised what he meant to me, Until when he was going far away. Love, faith, friendship – given unasked, How I yearned for my father to stay! The woe lingered, long after the tears had dried; And years later I reminiscence upon, The night I cried.
Debashree d/o S.K.Mishra, Head Office
š¸Ÿ¸Ä-¬¸¿¬ˆ ¸£ Religion - Culture
Evolution Theory in Hinduism It is quite interesting to note that the sequence of appearance of Lord Vishnu in Hindu Religion on the earth is completely in tune with the Theory of Evolution in chronological order. Matsya: first avatar is fish, a creature living in water The scientific Theory of Evolution states that the life on earth began as single celled organisms i.e. Amphibians. If we compare with biological evolution on different geological time scale, the first developed life was also in the form of fish, aquatic creatures which originated during Cambrian period. Kurma: second avatar in the form of tortoise In geology also first reptiles which could exist both in land as well as in water came as a second important evolution which originated in Mississippian period just after Amphibians. This Kurma incarnation symbolizes the formation of next creatures which could exist both in water and land i.e. tortoise. Varaha: third avatar in the form of Boar Evolution of the amphibian to the land animal. Existence of animal life on land. Narasimha: half man half lion fourth avatar The transition from animals to humans was beautifully advanced by the concept of half man – half lion (Narasimha) in the fourth incarnation. Vamana: fifth avatar in the form of dwarf man i.e. a man with only 12 to 14 inch height. Further march of evolution i.e. the appearance of early homosapiens symbolized by the dwarf vamana. It may be related with the first man originated i.e. Neanderthals. Neanderthals were generally only 12 to 14 cm shorter than modern humans were.
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Parshurama: the man with an axe was the sixth avatar. It has similarities with the first modern man originated during the Quaternary period of the man of Iron Age. Tall, but violent savages wielding weapons walked on the earth. Parshurama was the violent axe-bearing sixth incarnation Rama: the seventh avatar The perfect human form was an example of rectitude, courage and morality. Evolution had by now definitely entered the human stage with much developed weapons such as bow and arrows and indicated a time where human beings have started living in small communities and villages and the human form and mind were getting more and more refined first in the moral sense. Existence of Vanaras: Ape like humanoid species with human intelligence that existed millions of years ago. Krishna: eighth avatar Gradually human being converting in to the spiritual form. Gautama: ninth incarnation Was closest to Nirvana, Moksha or salvation. Kalki: tenth avatar Yet to manifest itself which would be the ultimate terminator who would finish the evolutionary process in one mighty holocaust. (Source: Internet, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution and Hindu VishnuPuran) K.Vasudevan Risk Based Internal Auditor ZAO (Southern), Chennai
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Š¸¢÷¸¢¨¸¢š¸¡¸¸Â Activities
›¸¸Š¸œ¸º£-— ‚¿o¸¥¸ ˆÅú ©¸¸‰¸¸‚¸Ê Ÿ¸Ê ˆÅ¸¡¸Ä£÷¸ ¬¸©¸¬°¸ £®¸ˆÅ¸Ê í½÷¸º ‚¸¡¸¸½¢q¸÷¸ œÏ¢©¸®¸ ¸ ˆ½Å ™¸¾£¸›¸ ‚¸¿.œÏ. ªú ¢Ÿ¸¢¥¸¿™ ¨¸¾Ô¸ ¬¸©¸¬°¸ £®¸ˆÅ¸Ê ˆÅ¸½ ¬¸¿¤¸¸½¢š¸÷¸ ˆÅ£÷¸½ íº‡ CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer on the occasion of Governing Council Meeting held at Head Office along with ED Shri R. Koteeswaran, GM Shri Pawan Bajaj, GM Shri Debashish Chakraborty and principals of Training Colleges.
DGM (HR) Smt. K.R. Srimathi addressing DRO’s during the induction training programme conducted at Banker’s Quotient Academy, Coimbatore.
GM & Principal, MDI Shri Debashish Chakraborty with participants of different banks during FEDAI Workshop held at STC Chennai.
Hyderabad Zone ZM Shri R. S. Chouhan, IPS Addl. D.G.P & Director A.P. Police Academy Shri Dr. M. Malakondaiah along with participants of Annual Armed Guards training for Hyderabad, Visakhapatnam and Karnataka Zones.
Flag Hosting by GM & Principal, MDI Shri Debashish Chakraborty on Republic Day at MDI Belapur.
Ÿ¸¾£¸˜¸¸Á›¸ Marathon
Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2014 participation by Bank on the theme
“Women Empowerment”
Bank participated in Standard Chartered Mumbai Marathon 2014. Lead by Ex CGM Shri S. K. Datta, GMs Shri R. N. Kar, Shri R. C. Baliarsingh, Shri B. V. Upadhye, Shri K. K. Nair, Shri Venketeswaran M. V. and other Senior Officers and staff participated in Dream Run of 6 Km. The Bank’s theme for the Marathon was “Women Empowerment”.
CMD Smt. V. R. Iyer along with participants of IL&FS RUN at Head Office
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ZM Goa Shri Sudhir Jade along with participant of Goa Tower Run
Finisher Dream Run (6 Kms.)
Smt. Sunita, Treasury Branch, HO.
›¸‡ ‡’ú‡Ÿ¸ New ATMs
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¢÷¸¥¸ˆÅ›¸Š¸£ ©¸¸‰¸¸ ›¸ƒÄ ¢™¥¥¸ú ‚¿o¸¥¸
Kayampet Branch Hyderabad Zone
Padel Canteen Branch Ratnagiri Zone
£¸Ÿ¸œ¸º£ ©¸¸‰¸¸ £÷›¸¸¢Š¸£ú ‚¿o¸¥¸
Curchorem Branch Goa Zone
ˆÅ¸¿ˆÅ£½ £¸½” £¸¿o¸ú ‚¿o¸¥¸
¨¸˜¸úÄ ›¸¸Š¸œ¸º£-II ‚¿o¸¥¸
Madkhol Branch Ratnigiri Zone
Kadwai Branch Ratnagiri Zone
Central Ammunition Depot Pulgaon, Nagpur-I Zone
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Pragathi Ind. Estate Branch Hydrabad Zone
¬¸¸Ÿ¸¸¹q¸ˆ ¬¸£øˆ ¸£ Social Cause
And the journey Continues…….
The inception of the BOI Executives' ladies club was the brainchild of Mrs. Vatsala Krishnamoorthy, the First Lady of the bank in 2001. Under her guidance & leadership, this forum was formed with the idea of interaction & sharing of experiences & knowledge. The first meeting was held at her residence in the Sterling Apartments, Peddar Road. A fee of `50/- was agreed upon to start with. This was towards the lunch expenditure & a part of it was kept aside for charity. The meetings were held by rotation at the residences of senior members residing in 'Shehnaaz', Napean Sea Road or at the bank's guest house at Altamountt
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road. As the numbers grew, it became me difficult to hold them at the residences. In the year 2006, thanks to Mr. Parulekar and Mr.K.R.Kamath; the club was allowed the use of the auditorium, in thee Head Office building. Over the years, the number mber of members increased & the activities of the club have diversified. The club donates to old age homes, orphanages & blind d schools. In 2012 a collection camp was organized ganized for 'GOONJ'; an NGO, that collects old clothes, books, paper & other old household items & reaches them to the needy. The camp was a grand
¬¸¸Ÿ¸¸¹q¸ˆ ¬¸£øˆ ¸£ Social Cause success and we were able to give over 50 large bags of these materials to the 'GOONJ'. Again, in 2013 this was repeated. In 2012, another NGO, 'Seva Sahyog' presented an AV & an on the spot collection of `11000/- was made & donated. The idea to register our club with the clubs & societies was mooted last year. As a first step towards that, we needed to take a name. A contest was held; 5 names were short listed. The final decision of naming the club 'STAR SAKHI' was taken by our Chairperson; Mrs. V R Iyer. In 2013, the Uttarakhand tragedy: Star Sakhi donated a sum of `31000/- from its funds. Besides an annual picnic, Navratri celebrations at 'Nirman Towers' Andheri and an Annual Day lunch bash in April, we An have talks from doctors & nutritionists. An annual also h detection camp for Star Sakhi members and Cancer d Head Office lady staff is also a regular feature. Last year i.e in 2013 a Charity Event was organized for the first time. Stalls of handicrafts, dress materials & were put up by the members sarees and food stalls w was a great success at 'Star Awas', BKC. The event e in spite of it being organized in i just about a week's time. the Charity Thanks to our CMD Smt V. R. Iyer, this year, y premises of Fete was organized in the head office o our bank on 23 October. It was a huge success. ‘Star Sakhi' was earlier restricted only to Mumbai; but now thanks to the initiative of our ex Joint Secretary, Mrs. wing has started Shivani Upadhyay; the Ludhiana Lud functioning. We sincerely hope that this initiative is NBG's and 'Star Sakhi' reaches the taken up by all the NBG' pinnacle of the pointed star. Neelu Nee Singh, Ex-Secretary, Star Sakhi
While our husbands are busy in creating strong financial platforms for the Nation, we wives opted for social development. It all started with a “feel good” factor and transformed as a mission or rather passion. The objective is inclusive development and lending the helping hand to those who are not as fortunate as we are. In past one year, it has served the needy children, Vriddhashrams, orphanages, kusthashrams by donating books, notebooks and pencils to the needy children and quilts to ‘Kushthashram’.
Members of STAR SAKHI - Ludhiana offering books to the needy children and quilts to Kusthashram
Star Sakhi members at Ludhiana are highly inspired by the words of Mother Teresa - “If you can’t feed many, try feeding one hungry person” and waged war with determination to make some difference. Children and aged are our primary focus. Our resources may be limited, but,we have unlimited desire to serve the unprivileged. We generate funds by raising small donations amongst members and well wishers, every month, believing our small contribution can make a big difference to someone’s life. The Team – STAR SAKHI Ludhiana
Star Sakhi, Ludhiana
A Nob Noble Mission To Help The Underprivileged Star Sakhi Ludhiana, an association of wives of B Bank of India Officers, Ludhiana zone celebrated fir first anniversary on Jan,5th 2014. The endeavour initi initiated by Smt. Shivani Upadhyay with a mission to serve the underprivileged in all possible ways as also to have at least monthly get together of the wives of offic BOI officers both serving and retired.
The Team – STAR SAKHI Ludhiana celebrating its First Anniversary on 5th January, 2014 Bakul Sharma
W/o Shri Ashwani K. Sharma Zonal Office, Ludhiana
¤¸ÿ¢ˆ¿ÅŠ¸ œ¥¸¬¸ Banking Plus
“The religious way of banking” “Islamic banking is also known as interest free banking”, it is a banking system which promotes profit sharing, prohibits charging and paying interest (known as Riba). Finance relies on the idea of profit and loss, risk-sharing on both liability and asset side. In practice however Islamic scholars have developed products that resemble the conventional banking products, replacing interest rate payment and discounting with fees and contingent payment structure. The base of the Islamic banking is base on the Sharia law where there is a presence of Sharia supervisory boards for the compliance of law, these boards are the backbone of Islamic banking and playing the crucial role in the development of it. Like conventional banking the basic principle followed in Islamic banking is to make money for the banking institute by lending out the capital but this is not the sole purpose of Islamic banking but the religious development, propagation of Islamic religion in every corner of world. The principles of the bank are based on the religious beliefs and the ancient practice followed by the religious preachers. As commercial banks are regulated by Basel committee on banking supervision (BCBS) , Islamic banks follow the standards prescribed by the accounting and auditing organization for Islamic financial institutions (AAOIFI). Islamic banking practices various concepts i.e Profit Sharing, Joint Venture and leasing etc. The concepts practice in Islamic banking is way different than conventional banking as former don’t charge any interest, follow Islamic business law (called as Figh-u-maamalat) for their basic transactions and they also follow financial law and regulations of the countries in which they are operating.
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First modern Islamic bank is Dubai Islamic bank which launched its operation in 1975, it is growing at the rate of 10-15% a year and with the signs of consistent growth. Islamic banks have more than 300 institutions spread over 51 countries. Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia (Al Rajhi bank), Malaysia, UAE, Turkey represents 70% of international Islamic banking assets in 2012. It is expected to grow at CAGR of 19.7% over 2013-18.
ˆÅ¸¨¡¸¸¿q¸¢¥¸ Poetry Example: In Islamic mortgage transactions instead of lending the buyer to purchase the item, a bank might buy a item itself from seller and resell it to the buyer at the profit, which allowing the buyer to pay the bank in the instalments. In order to prevent itself from the default banks ask for strict collateral. The goods and land registered with the name of the buyer at the start of the transaction. Islamic banks handle the vehicle loan in the same way, these methods eventually decreases the chances of possible fraud and also it is easy for the customer to pay the particular amount in installments with the fixed margin. Islamic Banking and India Talking about the Islamic banking in India, apart from being a viable alternative to capitalists financial system prone to extreme risks, the interest free solution of the Islamic banking could restore equilibrium in Indian society by providing relief of interest to debt ridden farmers, labourers and other marginalized group it will be the potential tool for the financial inclusion in India as major chunk of Indian population is living in the rural area and paying interest to the bank is not feasible for every household so interest free loan will be the breakthrough for the Indian financial inclusion. The major challenge for the Islamic banking in India is the law which governs the Indian banking, Banking Regulation Act 1949, RBI Act 1934, Cooperative Societies Act, NI Act 1961. Payment as interest on deposit is mandatory under section 21 of BR Act 1949, sec 5(b) 5(c) prohibits investment based on profit sharing. So to make Islamic banking work in India. Latest RBI directive is clear that Islamic banking can't be adopted in India under current legal framework. India must introduce new law to govern Islamic banking. Conclusion There are the various products offered by Islamic banking which are very much useful for the people who need capital and don’t have that much capacity to pay the interest. As Islamic banking follow the religious way of banking there are a minimum chances of default. From the growth record of the Islamic banking we cannot deny the possibility in near future that conventional banks will also introduce some interest free products for the better credit reach and minimum defaults. Sachin Ramesh Awari Ambabai Mandir Branch Kolhapur Zone
HOW CONSUMER IS MILKED In one of the Annual General Meetings of a reputed dairy firm, CEO was asked as to why milk, which used to cost about a rupee a litre at one stage, is being sold at nearly 50 times the price now ? The answer to this intricate question was provided convincingly by the official in the following way: “Formerly, the mother milked the cows, the girls set the milk out in pans to bring the cream to the top, one of the boys sold it carrying it in a hand-cart and the father managed the dealings. Now, the Department of Agriculture is mobilized, the cow-sheds are sterilised, the cows are immunised, the milk is homogenised, the suppliers are motorised, the dairies are organised, the milkmen are unionised, the milk product exports are subsidised, the political leaders are energised, and, and………” shot back a voice from the audience, “and the Indian consumer is victimised”.
Krishna K. Menon Navi Mumbai Zone
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Vinod Deshpande a name taken with respect in the National Cricketing circuit. He is a person who has given his time, knowledge and skill for the cause of making Mumbai, a better cricketing hub, by putting his painstaking efforts. He by his sheer administrative skills was instrumental in the successful conduct of World Cup League Matches and Finals at Wankhede Stadium, Mumbai, in 2011. His administrative skills were appreciated by International Cricket Council (ICC), during his stint as Venue Manager for the World Cup. Though, the name is familiar with most of the Mumbaikars associated with cricket and the banking industry, I felt that he needs to be known amongst our other colleagues all over India about how humble, determined and down to earth person he is, inspite of reaching greater heights day by day.
At present, he is working in our Stationery Department, Head Office. Vinod Deshpande is a self made man. He entered the cricketing circle by representing Mumbai University Cricket Team in the year 1978-79 in West Zone Inter University and All India Rohington Baria Trophy in Inter University Cricket Tournament, rubbing shoulders with the likes of cricketing greats like Ravi Shastri, Balvinder Singh Sandhu, Gulam Parker, etc. He was called for Vidharbha Ranji Trophy in the year 1980. He balanced his banking career along with his passion for cricket and represented Bank of India Cricket Team for approximately 25 years in Times Shield, Inter Bank Shield and various other Prestigious Tournaments.
Shri Desh Pande with Bharat Ratna Shri Sachin Tendulkar and President MCC Shri Sharad Pawar & H'ble CM of Maharashtra Shri Prithvi Raj Chouhan.
cee®e& 2014
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From 1990 – 1998, he was elected as Hon. Secretary for Bank of India Cricket Team. He was also the Bank of India All India Sports Secretary for 6 years, incharge of various games. He was the Member of Selection Panel in Banks’ Sports Board (Indian Banks’ Association) along with PravinThipsey, Shantaram Jadhav, Vandana Rao, Arun Kedar for 4 years. During this tenure, his administrative skills and expertise were put to test and he successfully completed the stint and the trust entrusted upon him. He did not limit his passion of cricket to himself but thought of imbibing the same passion in the young minds of future cricketers, imbibing in them the value of sportsmanship, dedication and hard work required of them, who were keen to follow the footsteps, of the likes of Sunil Gavaskar, Dilip Vengsarkar, Sachin Tendulkar. He has been a friend, philosopher and guide to the young budding cricketers. He was a regular member at the various coaching camps for promising cricketers from suburbs and gave them an opportunity to play in the Selection Trial Tournaments conducted by the Mumbai Cricket Association. He has been rendering his services to the Mumbai Cricket Association since last 21 years, wherein he was Manager of Mumbai Under 16, Under 19 and Under 22 Cricket Team on various occasions. He was also instrumental in conducting the prestigious Dr. H.D. Kanga Cricket League for the last four years. He is the Liaison Manager of Indian Cricket Team and Touring Teams on various occasions. He was nominated on BCCI Media Committee consecutively for four years as a Media Committee Member of BCCI and Incharge of Media Committee in West Zone. In 2012, he was elected as the Vice President
of Mumbai Cricket Association and has been using his expertise, administrative skills to the best of his abilities. He was nominated as Tour Manager of India Under 23 Cricket Team for Asian Cricket Council’s Asia Cup, 2013 at Singapore, where India not only performed exceptionally well but won the cup. He also won various awards in the Bank while he was in the Marketing Department of Mumbai South Zone for getting highest amount of low cost deposits, highest number of diamond customers, high value deposits, etc. A recent feather in his cap is when he was nominated as a Member of the BCCI Museum Committee from the West Zone. He won the recently held elections of MCA for the post of Hon. Treasurer for the year 2013-2015. Vinod is a person who always works hard to pursue his goals, keeping a positive attitude; these are the qualities that have helped him to be a TRUE ALL-ROUNDER to excel in office, cricket and his family life. He is been the rising, the guiding and the shining star for Bank of India. I wish all the very best for all his future endeavours.
Sameer S. Bakshi Goa Zone
Palani Branch, Coimbatore Zone
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SME City Center Branch, Chandigarh Zone
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Alipurdwar Branch Siligure Zone
NAD Kotha Road Branch (New Premises), Vishakhapatnam Zone
Pandurangapuram, Hyderabad Zone
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Diamond Harbour Branch, Kolkata Zone
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Staff Achievements
Navi Mumbai Zone, Satpati Branch has been awarded 1st prize for excellent work in the field of upliftment of Mahila self-help group coming under BPL at district level as well as at state level. Br.Mgr. Ms. Dhira G. Mistry received award from H.E. Governor of Maharashtra at state level & from Asstt. Commissioner at the district level on two different occasions.
Shri Kiran Kishor (son of our Thuravoor Branch Staff) availed education loan from our bank and completed MDS with University Gold Medal. Shri M. E. Prabhakaran Babu, Dy Zonal Manager, Kerala Zone seen showing the Gold Medal and Certificate to Customer in a meet.
Tamil Poet and Lyricist Shri R. Vairamuthu was recently conferred with Padma Bhushan Award for his immense contribution in the field of ‘Literature and Education’. Shri Vairamuthu is a very valued customer of BANK OF INDIA, Kodambakkam Branch (Chennai Zone) since past two decades. We congratulate him for the achievement. Shri R. Vairamuthu receiving the Award from Honourable President of India Shri Pranab Mukherjee at Rastrapathi Bhawan.
¤¸š¸¸ƒÄ / Congratulations Shri Harish V., Chief Manager, Tumsar Branch/Nagpur II Zone 3rd Prize Micro Research Paper Competition 2013 conducted by IIBF, Mumbai. Topic -Best practices in customer services in banks
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ƒÄŸ¸¸›¸™¸£ú /Honesty Shri Pradeep Kr. Tank, Shri Uday Kant Jha, Chief Manager Treasury Department, HO Dip in Treasury Investment & Risk Management
cee®e& 2014
West Patel Nagar Branch, New Delhi „œ¸¡¸ºÄÆ÷¸ ¬’¸ûÅ-¬¸™¬¡¸ ›¸½ ¬¸¸½›¸½/o¸¸¿™ú ˆ½Å ‚¸ž¸»«¸ ¸ ÷¸˜¸¸ ›¸ˆÅ™ú/‚›¡¸ Ÿ¸»¥¡¸¨¸¸›¸ ¬¸¸Ÿ¸ŠÏú ©¸¸‰¸¸ œ¸¢£¬¸£ Ÿ¸½¿ œ¸”õ½ íº‡/‚¢÷¸¢£Æ÷¸ œ¸¸‡ ‚¸¾£ ƒ›¸ Ÿ¸»¥¡¸¨¸¸›¸ ¨¸¬÷¸º‚¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ŠÏ¸íˆÅ¸½¿ ˆÅ¸½ ¥¸¸¾’¸ˆÅ£ ‚œ¸›¸ú ƒÄŸ¸¸›¸™¸£ú ˆÅ¸ œ¸¢£o¸¡¸ ¢™¡¸¸ - ¬¸¿œ¸¸™ˆÅ
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I am retired of cer of Bank, I am proud of our House Magazine Taarangan. I specially refer to issue of December 2013. The standard of Taarangan is improved a lot and I am not wrong in saying that it is the best among other house magazines. The editorial board and all concerned deserve full marks. Pl continue good work. It is mirror type re ection of our Bank. Shirish J Buch, Retd. Of cer, Former Ranji player and match referee of BCCI
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