17 daily habits to keep the clutter at bay

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17 daily habits to keep the clutter at bay

by www.declutteringqueen.com.au

1) make your bed every day – this helps get you into the ‘zone’ where the house feels great & motivates you to do more in other rooms 2)when you’ve finished your shower, wipe down wet surfaces & hang up towels 3)first thing in the kitchen... Unpack the dishwasher!

4) while things are cooking on the stove, wash the things you’ve finished with and pack them away

5) fold clothes as you take them off the line – this cuts down on “double handling” AND cuts down on loads of ironing too! Yay www.declutteringqueen.com.au

6) as you wait for the kettle to boil, hang out the wet laundry

7) do a list of what you need to buy BEFORE you get to the shops! This cuts down on impulse buying and therefore clutter (& unwanted credit card bills!)

’s 8) if you handle anything that OR broken, either toss it out asap arrange to fix it by a certain date

9) if you handle anythi ng that you don’t want/like/won’t fit anymore, throw it in a “donate” box straight away. Once the box is fu ll, drop at it your local charity bin


10) If you’re chatting with a friend on the phone, use the time to wipe down kitchen surfaces. It won’t distract your conversation, as you don’t have to think about what you’re doing! 11) If you’re on hold to those annoying utilities companies, grab a basket or box & go to any room. Pop everything that doesn’t belong in that room in the box. Once done, the room looks ordered & you can return those items to where they do belong

eed n y n a f i ck e h c , e g d i fr e a h t t u f o o t n u a o e l s ie oc g t e e v v / a t h i u n r ha ef t k y a l t r u a o l y u s g re t i 12) A o d t? o h t g i r r e t , t r e e B t . la d s e s s e s o m t y e h b s to ui q s , y k n i st

13) keep a grocery list on the go throughout the week. As you’re cooking and you finish ingredients, add them straight away to the list so you won’t forget to replenish next time you shop. This also helps cut down on buying double and wasting food!

14)always clean up after the evening meal. You’ll have a lovely clean kitchen to start the next day (and besides, it’s harder to clean once the food has dried onto the cooking equipment!) 15) once the evening meal is finished and the washing up done, do a quick clean of the floors! It really does only take 5 minutes

16) before going to bed, pack away clean laundry

& finally....... he t r o f t s li o d o t t r a u h o w y t n o ou d e e s t s i u r c w o f p, e e e b l o s s t u o o g t i n c g i s y n r i on t o c s g b e u e l s r c r o r i f u c yo n s i p 17) be d l e n h u t ro a -i y g a n d i o g g n se i i n t w a i o h r l t l o r i o e f pr th o a t r , k s o a d t h to c d i e h e w n t u yo work ou


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