Business Voice / Summer 2023

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SAS K A T OO N ’ S B USI N ESS M A GAZIN E SUMMER 2023 Indigenous entrepreneurs ready to SOAR Image: SREDA
“It doesn’t matter how much you have. It’s how much you give.” – Fundholders Marg and Don Ravis What do you want your gift to do? 306.665.1766


Chair, Tanis Taylor, CCA Consulting

1st Vice-Chair, Joseph Gill, McKercher LLP

2nd Vice-Chair, Joel Pedersen, Fitness 2J2

Secretary, Wanda Waldner, National Bank of Canada

Past-Chair, Colton Wiegers, Wiegers Financial & Benefits

Louis Aussant, aodbt architechture + interior design

Stephanie Clovechok, Discover Saskatoon

Shaina Lynden, Ryde YXE Cycle Studio

Claire Marentette, PCL Construction Management Inc.

Tammy Sweeney, TCU Place

Todd Antill, NUTRIEN

Trevor Jacek, Mid-West Group of Companies

Jessica Yachyshen, Stantec Consulting Ltd.


Jason Aebig, CEO

Margot Orr, Director of Policy and Government Relations

Terry Lawrence, Business Manager

Roz Macala, Office Manager

Treena Skaalid, Outreach and Events Manager

Matt Morrison, Business Development Manager

Henry Buitrago, Marketing and Communications Manager


Layout & Design: Henry Buitrago

Contributing Writers:

Véronique Loewen, Jason Aebig, Tanis Taylor

BUSINESS VOICE is a publication of the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce

Copyright 2023

Phone: (306) 244-2151


Website: On Social Media: @TheChamberYXE

3 BUSINESS VOICE SASKATOON SUMMER ISSUE / 2023 4 Upcoming Events 5 Chair's Message 10 Members in the News 15 Cover Story: Indigenous entrepreneurs ready to SOAR Daniel Belhumeur Deadly Dan Sauces Ryan Thomas Indigenize Tech Information Technology Solutions Connor Campbell-Webber and Scott McIntyre XUSI Clothing & Screen-Printing Candice Evans-Waite The Local Adventure Co. Bradon Eagle Redeagle Plumbing & Heating Inc. 21 Campaign Totally Locally 22 Straight Talk With Patricia Cook, Vice President of Corporate Affairs, SIGA 25 Board Profiles Meet The Chamber’s New Board Members 27 2023 Annual Review 29 Chamber Happenings Disclaimer: BUSINESS VOICE makes no warranties of any kind, written or implied, regarding the contents of this magazine and expressly disclaims any warranty regarding the accuracy or reliability of informations contain herein. The views contained in the magazine are those of the writers and advertisers: They do not necessarily reflect the view of the Business Voice magazine and its publisher the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce.
Featured Content
Image: SREDA
4 BUSINESS VOICE SASKATOON SUMMER ISSUE / 2023 EVENTS Chamber Events 2023 October 12 • TCU Place September 13 October 4

One of the best things about Saskatchewan is its distinct, changing seasons. Our summers may be the best of them, especially appreciated due to their intensity, variety, and brevity. June heralds the arrival of summer. It provides a sneak peek and promise of what’s to come. June is also National Indigenous History Month in Canada, a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis. Recognizing this, your Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce is highlighting its commitment to Call to Action #92 of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

One focus of CTA #92 is ensuring there is equitable access to jobs, training, and education opportunities in the corporate sector. One objective of that focus is the creation of conditions that promote and support full participation in the workforce and the economy. The Chamber and its Call to 92 Committee is dedicated to that cause. The work continues in earnest. Meanwhile, see the Chamber’s website for these highlights:

• Visit for a walk through our Reconciliation Road Map for Small Business.

• Listen to our latest You and 92 Podcast featuring Tim & Victoria Hudy, owners of Theo-Clean.

• Check out our latest Chamber on Tap Podcast featuring entrepreneur Christine Marie, owner of Awasis Boutique.

• Follow the Saskatoon Chamber’s social media (@theChamberYXE) for events hosted by Indigenous organizations inviting you to learn, participate and celebrate.

• Watch for this June edition of Business Voice magazine features Indigenous businesses and leaders making a difference here in Saskatoon.

• Follow the Canadian Chamber’s social media to hear the voices of Indigenous business leaders from across our Chamber Network.

One way to increase the participation of indigenous businesses and workers is through using their products and services. The Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce’s searchable Indigenous Business Directory and SMEDCO’s (SaskMétis Economic Development Corporation) “Find a Business” site are valuable resources.

For businesses concerned about labour shortages, and how to create conditions within their organization that support equity and inclusion, to the benefit of the entire workforce and

customers, thus of business results. The Chamber and its Call to 92 Committee are actively working with various partners toward practical solutions to connect employers with qualified, available people, and to enable the development of a culture that supports workforce attraction and retention. Progress will be shared through the Chamber’s website, social media, and the weekly Chamber Check-in e-newsletter.

We have a literal Reconciliation Road Map for Small Business, business-identified desires, and motivation to increase engagement of indigenous participation as members of their workforces and as customers. The Chamber is here to help facilitate the journeys and to celebrate everyone’s successes. We hope you keep in touch via our social media (@theChamberYXE) as you enjoy your summer!

Saskatoon Chamber Board Chair Tanis Taylor
Call to 92 is calling you
June is also National Indigenous History Month in Canada, a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resilience, and diversity of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis.
Tanis Taylor, Chair
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Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce
Tanis Taylor, Chair Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce

Advantage Collision Inc.

A Metis family owned and operated business with locations in Saskatoon and Prince Albert. A Certified Collision Care OEM Approved auto body shop providing comprehensive service as part of a worldwide network of Best In Class collision repair shops.

Ben Gareau / Brett Gareau

1510 Alberta Ave, Saskatoon

p: (306) 664-3415


Automobile - Paint / Body Repair

Algarithm Ingredients

Produces plant-based, ocean-friendly Omega-3 ingredients derived from micro-algae. Our Omega-3s top the charts in fresh, undetectable taste, stability, and versatility. Through our patented processes, innovative delivery methods and novel applications, we strive to make the consumption of Omega-3s easy, enjoyable, and eco-friendly for everyone.

Ben Kelly / Angela Lui

101-108 Research Dr, Saskatoon

p: (306) 249-5149



Crema Hair Lounge

Striving to build not just a team of dedicated stylists, but a community of amazing, driven people with diverse talents.

Lindsay Mann

210-536 2nd Ave N, Saskatoon

p: (306) 384-2203


Hair Salon / Stylists

Crossmount Cider Company

Hard apple cider manufacture located 5 minutes south of Saskatoon on Lorne Ave.

1,500 Apple orchard, cidery, tasting room, restaurant, and event venue.

Liam McKercher

30 Glen Rd, Crossmount

p: (306) 374-9884


Tourism Industry AND Agricultural

Eastside Lawn Care Ltd.

Landscaping, yard work, and snow removal.

Tom Sibley

p: (306) 374-3449

Landscape Services AND Home-Based Business

First Nations University of Canada

A unique Canadian national postsecondary institution that specializes in Indigenous knowledge, providing university degrees for Indigenous and non-Indigenous students alike.

Gord Hunchak

230-103B Packham Ave, Saskatoon

p: (306) 229-7165


Education / Training

Genesis Fertilizers LP

A unique farmer owned fertilizer production and distribution company representing producers across Canada.

Jason Mann

211-310 Wall St, Saskatoon

p: (833) 436-3378


Distributors - Ag / Industrial / Mining

Hoffmann Kool Insurance

Business and personal insurance services.

Morgan Kolababa

511B 51st E, Saskatoon

p: (306) 934-1999


Insurance Companies / Agents

House of Hakka

A restaurant in downtown Saskatoon featuring Asian Fusion food and crafted cocktails. Hakka cuisine is a fusion of two of the most popular cuisines worldwideIndian and Chinese.

Harinder Rai

7-105 21st St E, Saskatoon

p: (306) 952-1114



New Members

Inclusion Saskatchewan

Working to ensure that citizens of Saskatchewan who have intellectual disabilities are valued, supported, and included in all aspects of life.

Connie Andersen

3031 Louise St, Saskatoon

p: (306) 955-3344


Non-Profit Organizations AND Associations / Clubs / Organizations

IsoEnergy Ltd.

A uranium explorer and developer located and working in SK. Publicly traded on the TSX-V, its Hurricane deposit is home to the world's highest grade indicated uranium resource.

Jacqui Austin / Tim Gabruch

200-475 2nd Ave S, Saskatoon

p: (306) 261-6284


Mining & Exploration

Langlois Journeymen Electricians

A proudly Metis owned business offering electrical contracting to the residential and commercial market. Committed to quality, efficiency, and affordability. Anything from small repairs and troubleshooting to any home reno or new home build. We also do commercial and Industrial electrical work.

Paul Langlois

120 Sonneschien Way, Saskatoon

p: (306) 850-6228

w: www.langloisjourneymenelectricians. com

Electrical Contractors / Equipment / Services

Make-A-Wish Canada

Together we grant life changing wishes to children with critical illnesses.

Allyson Toye

3602 Miller Ave, Saskatoon

p: (306) 850-9474


Non-Profit Organizations

April & May 2023

McWilliam & Powell Marketing Experts

Most business owners struggle to attract and keep customers without burning out. Through the personalized Marketing System, we help owners develop a clear path to grow their business, attracting the right customers and generating consistent sales.

Jacob Powell

PO Box 308, Bruno

p: (639) 998-2143


Marketing / Market Research

Naidu Legal

People helping people. A boutique law firm located in Saskatoon.

Ashala Naidu

227 21st St E, Saskatoon

p: (306) 954-3528


Legal Services

NSGeo Imaging Inc.

A near-surface geophysical consulting company which provides superior 2D/3D Ground Penetrating Radar data post processing.

Randy Brehm

318 Chitek Crt, Saskatoon

p: (306) 361-1032



NTC Cleaning Services

A First Nations owned and operated cleaning service and commercial contract janitorial supplies business.

Scott Missens

419 Pringle Link, Saskatoon

p: (306) 202-1393

w: ntccleaning/home

Janitorial / House Cleaning Services

Perfect Touch Cleaning Services

We relentlessly pursue the highest standards in commercial cleaning with customized programs designed to meet your needs anytime.

Esther Otunyenim

2-103 Willis Cres, Saskatoon

p: (306) 914-7798


Janitorial / House Cleaning Services

Sparrow Hawk Developments

Investment and economic development corporation for Peepeekisis Cree Nation.

Alex Fallon

322 Levalley Cove, Saskatoon

p: (306) 250-8505

Business Services

Spektra Communications

We are a full-fledged IT†Solution and Service Provider who helps our clients plan, build, and support their information technology infrastructures end-to-end.

Patrick Omeke

214 Avenue G S, Saskatoon

p: (306) 500-8081

w: Technology

Squire Property Management Inc.

A forward-thinking management company that aims to change the way property management is done.

Chris Lee

714 Duchess St, Saskatoon

p: (639) 525-2892


Real Estate - Services

New Members

March, April & May 2023

Summit Academic Coaching

Strategizing academic coaching with post-secondary students - currently working with students with ADHD.

Glorie Tebbutt

1214 Main St, Saskatoon

p: (306) 292-9929


Education / Training

University of Regina - Centre for Continuing Education

Are you looking to enhance your résumé and job performance, or pursue new career opportunities? Use professional development at the U of R to gain the current and essential skills and knowledge you need to get ahead in today's competitive and rapidly changing workforce.

Heather Renshaw

3737 Wascana Pky, Regina

p: (306) 585-5748

w: continuing-education/professionaldevelopment.html

Education / Training

XUSI Clothing & Screen-Printing

A clothing brand surrounding Indigenous, Gym and Japanese inspired designs. Also, a screen-printing service that can bring your ideas to life.

Connor Campbell

p: (306) 220-2272


Retail - Clothing / Costumes

While our clients span across North America, it's extremely important for us to stay connected to our local business community. We are doing great things in Saskatoon and the energy felt at Chamber events is palpable. We have also leveraged the Chamber benefits program through Sutton Benefits & Pension for years and appreciate the advantage this affords us as a small team.
Heather Adams / Partner & CEO / Rock & Bloom

101047819 Sask Ltd.

101247212 Saskatchewan Ltd.

3twenty Modular

628495 Saskatchewan Ltd.

A1 Accounting Group LLP

ACE Manufacturing Inc.

Aero Delivery Ltd.

Affordable Parts

AgraCity Crop & Nutrition Ltd.

Agri Biz Communications Corp.

Alliance Energy Ltd.

Amra Dedic Realtor - Realty Executives Saskatoon

Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan

Apex Performance Consultants Ltd.

Ashmeade & Low Investigations Ltd.

ASL Paving Ltd.

Associated Appraisal Co.

Athabasca Basin Development

Atrium Dental Prof. Corp.

Ayden Kitchen and Bar

Backyard Living Center

Ball & Sons Heating Company Limited

Bamboo Shoots

Bayliss Construction Ltd.

Bazaar Novelty

BBK Engineering Saskatoon Ltd.

BDM Healthware Inc.

Benesh Bitz & Company

Better Brother Brewing Company Inc.

Beverly Cantin

Beyond Measure Design Inc.


Blairmore Media Inc.

Boost Strategic Coaching

Booster Juice

Braid Flooring and Window Fashions Ltd.

Braschuk Oilfield Services LTD.

Breck Construction

Broadway Theatre

Bruce's Cycle Works

Brunner's Construction Ltd.

Buddwil Enterprises Ltd.

Budgetcar Inc.

Build Doctor Technologies Ltd.

Burnt Orange Solutions Ltd.

C & F Installations Co. (1984) Ltd.


Canadian Brewhouse (Preston Ave)

Canadian Tire Associate Store

Canteen Saskatoon

Catholic Family Services of Saskatoon


CDS Group of Companies

Central Avenue Health Centre

Century 21 Fusion

Chem-Dry of Saskatoon


CIBC Wood Gundy

Circle Dr & 8th Street Dental



Coco North Developments Inc.

Combine World

Member Renewals

March, April & May 2023

Complete Technologies

Con-Tech General Contractors Ltd.

Confederation Chiropractic Clinic

Conseil économique et coopératif de la Saskatchewan

Courtyard by Marriott Saskatoon Airport

Cowan Imaging Group

CRAVINGS maternity-baby-kids

Crestline Coach Ltd.

Crossroads Therapeutic Solutions

Cut Casual Steak & Tap

Dave Dutchak

Deloitte LLP

Dingwall Guitars Inc.

Display Systems International

Dojo Ramen Restaurant Inc.

Donald Physiotherapy

Dr. Annika Card

Dr. Christopher J. Strelioff Optometrist Prof. Corp.

Dr. P. LaBelle Medical P.C. Inc.

Dr. Phone Fix

Dr. SanVicente Medical Prof. Corp.

Dr. Tun Nyo Medical Professional Medical Corporation

E. W. Industries Ltd.

Easy Investments Inc.

Eb's Source For Adventure

Edge Immigration

EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.

Ehrenburg Homes Ltd.

Enns & Baxter Wealth Management

Exceed Automotive Specialties


F.E.D. Construction Ltd.

Family Service Saskatoon

Final Draft Co. Ltd.

Fitness 2J2

Foundations Learning & Skills


Frances Murphy

Fuse Design Inc.

G-Light Truck and Auto Ins.

Gabriel Dumont Institute

General Management Services Ltd.

Ghost Transportation Services

Global Institute for Food Security

Habitat for Humanity Saskatchewan Inc.

HairStyle Inn Salons

Hardpressed Print Studio Inc.

HBI Office Plus Inc.

Heagy LLP

Henry Downing Architects

Holiday Inn Saskatoon Downtown

Holly Decker Makeup Artistry

Homes by Hunter Inc.

Hometown Homes

Honey Cut Studios

Hope Hair Recovery


HTFC Planning & Design

Hub City Display Ltd.

ICR Commercial Real Estate

Idylwyld Medical Centre

Innovation Credit Union Innovation Saskatchewan

International Minerals Innovation Institute

Invisible Fence Brand of Saskatchewan

J. Beck Consulting Inc.

Jim Pattison Children's Hospital Foundation Inc.

JNE Welding Limited Partnership

K. M. Paulson Goldsmith Ltd.

K.C. Charities Inc.

K+S Potash Canada

Kayton Enterprise Ltd.

Lafarge Canada Inc.

Lakefield LLP

Lane Mechanical Inc.

Lawrence Finishing Inc.

Learning Disabilities Assoc. of Saskatchewan

Leenan Property Management

Legacy Homes Ltd.

Liberty Ventures

Little Grouse Restaurant Inc.


Macro Properties

Manestreet Hair

Marathon Construction (Sask) Ltd.

Mayfair Diagnostics

McDonald Heavy Duty Mechanical Ltd.

McMaster Photographers

Meidl Honda - Oakwood Nissan

Meridian Development


Metric Design

Michelle Kormos

Midwest Laser Centre

MisterPrint - PrintWest

Mitchell & Sons Farm Ltd.

MLCN Investment Management Corp.

Momentum Clothing

Moon Lake Golf and Country Club

NexGen Energy Ltd.

Nine Yards Technologies

North Ridge Development Corporation

Northern Factory Workwear

Northern Resource Trucking Limited Partnership


Nutrien Wonderhub

Orano Canada Inc.

Palisades Residential Group

Penney Murphy and Associates

Pet Planet (University Heights)

Pillar Properties Corp.

Platinum Performance Ltd.

Popeye's Supplements Saskatoon

Possibilities Recovery Center Inc.

Prairie Meats

Prairie Records

Prairie Therapists and Trainers Inc.

Progressive Yard Works Ltd.

Pure Zen Cleaning Solutions

Quinn and Kim's Flowers

Rayner Agencies Ltd.

RBC Royal Bank

Real Canadian Property Management Professionals Inc.

Realty Executives Saskatoon

Reed Security

Refreshen Web Design


Regan Meier

Remai Modern

Resident Doctors of Saskatchewan

Rivercity Innovations Ltd.

Riversdale Business Improvement District

Riviera Motor Inn

Robertson Stromberg LLP

Robson Wall Systems


Royal LePage Varsity


S & S Delivery Service Ltd.

Sandy Shores Resort & Marina

Saskatchewan Intercultural Association

Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Faculty Association

Saskatchewan Research Network

Saskatchewan Roughrider Football Club

Saskatchewan Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board

Saskatoon Business College

Saskatoon Cabinet Office

Saskatoon Housing Initiatives Partnership

Saskatoon Open Door Society

Saskatoon Oral Surgery

Saskatoon Sexual Health Centre

Saskatoon Smiles

Saskatoon SPCA Inc.

Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra

Member Renewals

March, April & May 2023

Saskatoon Tribal Council-Economic Development & Investments

Saskatoon Wildlife Federation

Saskatoon Youth for Christ

Saskatoon Zoo Foundation

SaskEnergy Inc.

SaskTel Centre


Seed to Shade Wealth Inc.

Service Canada

Shakespeare On The Saskatchewan Festival Inc.

Shawn Murphy Royal Lepage

SleepWell Consulting Inc.

SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.

Small Group of Companies Ltd.

Smith-Windsor Partnership

Smokes Poutinerie

Snap Fitness Saskatoon

Spring River Holding

St. Paul's Hospital Foundation

Staples Canada

STC Industrial Group of Companies

Steel-Craft Door Sales

Steelmet Supply

Sterling Homes Ltd.

Sticks and Stones Restaurant Inc.

Stonebridge Crossing Retirement Community

Stuart Commercial

SUCCESS Office Systems

Sunnydale Foods Inc.

Supply Chain Canada SK Institute

Susan Walker Realty PC

Synergy Credit Union

Taverna Italian Kitchen


The Bassment

The Gallery / art placement inc.

The James Hotel

The Princess Shop

The Sandbox in the City

The Saskatchewan First Nations Water Association Inc.

Timeline Logistic

Touchstone Development Corp.

Travel Masters Saskatoon

Trek 2000 Corporation

Vecima Networks Inc.

Verdesian Life Sciences

VeriGrain Sampling Inc.

Verolingo Communications

Wanuskewin Heritage Park

Wayne Watts

Welldone Mechanical Services Inc.

WESK - Women Entrepreneurs


West-Central Machine Ltd.

Westbridge Capital Ltd.

Wild Spirit Education Ltd.


World of Spas

YMCA of Saskatoon

Your Mortgage Plus Inc.

YXE Notary zu


Members In The News

the future all fatty acids would come from fermentation, a more sustainable resource, and that this production system would help create a healthier and happier world for future generations. Their mission became to make these lipids taste as neutral as olive oil, enabling a broader base of applications than were possible with fish oils and other omega-3 lipids. Utilizing Udaya’s oils processing expertise, we can achieve this today.


Algarithm’s home and headquarters here in Saskatoon are surrounded by fields of grains, oilseeds, and grasslands, without an ocean in sight. However, our key differentiators as a marine algae omega-3 supplier are a direct result of our unique prairie origins. Algarithm was founded in 2017 as part of POS Bio-Sciences (POS), which was originally a government agency focused on developing

value-added ingredients and components utilizing the crops grown in Saskatchewan, which ultimately became a private business with a renewed focus on commercial opportunities. In 2021, Algarithm was spun out and became a wholly owned subsidiary of Mara Renewables Corporation (Mara).

Dr. Udaya Wanasundara and Ben Kelly founded Algarithm with the idea that in

Currently, Algarithm is the leading algal oil refiner, marketer, and distributor of nutritional lipids from algae for the vitamin, supplement, and mineral category. Algarithm employs 19 full-time team members across our two locations: Saskatoon and Halifax. Expansion to adjacent categories, such as omega-3 concentrates, novel fatty acids, unique powders, private label manufacturing and infant formula continues to fuel our growth as a business and community member in 2023 and beyond.


Since 2005, it has been our mission at Central Avenue Health Centre to engage our community with transformative wellness care so they can enjoy an enriched and vibrant life. In our warm and friendly environment, someone is always waiting to greet you with a smile; and our experienced practitioners are ready to help you with any ailment you may have.

One of our chiropractors, Dr. Papish, celebrated 50 years of practicing chiropractic this May! We are so proud to have Dr. Papish and our other fabulous providers on our team; not only for their exceptional skills and expertise, but

also for their genuine dedication to serving our community.

Our clinic offers chiropractic, massage, acupuncture, custom orthotics, and aromatherapy steam appointments. We also host various promotions throughout the year to further enhance the well-being of our valued patients, and to make our services accessible to a wider audience.

Our next big promotion will be this summer; consider stopping into our clinic to meet our extraordinary team and embark on your journey to optimal health and wellness!

Sparrow Hawk Developments

Sparrow Hawk Developments invests in a multi-million-dollar renovation project for its recently acquired Temple Gardens Hotel & Spa. Sparrow Hawk is the newly created economic development corporation for Peepeekisis

First Nation located in the Qu’Appelle Valley in Southern Saskatchewan. Alex Fallon joined Sparrow Hawk in January 2023 as the organization’s first President & CEO, following eight years at the helm of SREDA. Commenting on the renovation’s investment Alex said, “the acquisition of Temple Gardens represents our first major investment in Saskatchewan, and we look forward to announcing additional investments in the coming months. We’re investing millions in this iconic Saskatchewan hotel to maintain its standing as one of Western Canada’s premium mineral spas. Sparrow Hawk, with its office in Saskatoon, aims to create community and financial benefit for Peepeekisis Cree Nation for generations - and to become one of the leading Indigenous investment firms in Canada.


Aspen Films

What started as a one-man show in the mid2000s has grown significantly in the last three years to employ 23 team members.

Aspen Films is a video production company based out of Saskatchewan which serves businesses and organizations across Canada.

Members In The News

The goal at Aspen is to make great video in a way that our clients love working with us, and it is what we strive for in each phase of the video production process.

Our creative and capable production team works with each client to produce a result that matches their vision - our goal is to help them accomplish their goal. Whether they are looking for a promo, educational, communication, or award video, we will provide an end result to fit exactly what they need.

Our passion lies in working closely with our clients, engaging in an in-depth understanding of their vision, and molding it into a tangible reality. Each client who comes to us has a story, and we desire to showcase each of their stories in the most meaningful way possible. Aspen is proud of our past accomplishments, where we've come from, and how we've grown, and we look forward with excitement to the future. There are so many stories left to tell, and the team at Aspen looks forward to being a part of the journey for each client who chooses to trust us with their video needs.

EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc.

Our team at EDI Environmental Dynamics Inc. in Saskatoon continues to grow and we now have an office of 10 team members! Over the last two years we have gained six new staff, expanding our terrestrial and aquatic teams. We are driven to deliver practical, cost-effective environmental consulting services across Saskatchewan. Our services include terrestrial and aquatic assessments, environmental monitoring, and permitting support in many sectors, including power, renewable energy, oil and gas, mining, transportation, and urban development. We also provide writing and GIS support as part of our service offerings.

Along with building our reputation as people you can talk to and experts you can trust, we also try to focus on what matters. To this end, we are increasing our corporate community involvement. A good example is EDI’s fiveyear financial contribution to Meewasin’s “More Than a Trail” Capital Campaign.

The EDI Saskatoon office is located at 2911A Cleveland Avenue. If you are looking for environmental services, feel free to stop by our office or give us a call. We’d love the opportunity to speak with you about your needs.

Hometown Homes

As you drive by construction sites throughout Saskatoon, you may notice a new custom home builder in town, but as you look closer, it may already look familiar. Hometown Homes is proud to unveil its re-brand!

Hometown Homes has always been rooted in that warm, fuzzy, hometown feel, but not all parts of the brand reflected that. We are down-to-earth and grounded, and we wanted our colours to reflect the feeling you get while working with us.

Although our work speaks for itself, our new brand elevates our look and represents our commitment to quality in everything we do, from the littlest details to the personal touches. Most importantly, it’s a brand that our clients can feel at home with.

Come and see the look and feel of our new brand by visiting our latest show home, The Treehouse, located in the heart of Varsity View at 1219 14th Street East (further details posted on our social media channels).


Parktown Hotel

Nestled along the serene banks of the South Saskatchewan River, the Park Town Hotel offers a mesmerizing escape that captivates the senses. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking views of the tranquil river and the surrounding natural beauty, creating a picturesque backdrop for your stay. Each room and suite are thoughtfully designed to maximize these stunning views, allowing guests to unwind while gazing at the gentle flow of the water.

Whether it's the soft morning light shimmering on the river or the vibrant hues of a sunset

The Princess Shop

Empowering Female Students on their Education and Employment Journeys

Years ago, students Chantal Moloney and Ainsley Robertson were moved by an idea they heard on The Oprah Winfrey Show. Recognizing an opportunity to support their peers facing financial and social barriers, they sprang into action and co-founded The Princess Shop in 2008, helping 38 female students find a dress for their graduation.

The Princess Shop has grown into a respected charity that has helped hundreds of girls, women and 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in Saskatchewan celebrate their graduations with pride and confidence through our dress loan program, mentorship, life skills workshops, education scholarships, and work placements to support their transition from education to career.

Since 2008, we have provided nearly 1,400 students in over 67 communities with a graduation dress. In 2022, 82% of graduates were Indigenous and 31% were mothers. Over 40 post-secondary education scholarships have awarded, valuing over $131,000. There have been 254 participants in our mentorship program.

3 years of free rent scholarships awarded. In the coming year, The Princess Shop will be undergoing some changes as we strive to empower students facing economic and social barriers: rebranding our organization, relocating, and increasing access to our programs to students living in Northern, rural, and remote communities.

Members In The News

painting the sky, the ever-changing scenery creates an enchanting ambiance throughout the day. Indulge in a culinary experience at the hotel's restaurant, where panoramic windows provide uninterrupted views of the river, adding an extra touch of magic to your dining experience. The Park Town Hotel is an oasis where you can embrace the beauty of nature, savoring moments of tranquility and serenity while being captivated by the breathtaking views of the South Saskatchewan River.

Katrina German

SREDA is proud to announce Katrina German as the 2023 Wanda Hunchak Leadership Award recipient.

Katrina is an award-winning entrepreneur, speaker and mentor, and generous and enthusiastic community leader. She has served on the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce Board, is currently an active Board Member for UNICEF Canada, and is a founding member of Seeds for Dreams. Katrina has been recognized locally and internationally through organizations such as the YWCA Women of Distinction, the CBC Saskatchewan Future 40 Under 40, and as a representative of Canada at the G20 Summit in 2017.

The Wanda Hunchak Leadership Award was created in 2020 to honour the dedication and passion Wanda showed without fail while serving on SREDA’s Board of Directors. The award recognizes emerging leaders who are passionate voices for the Saskatoon Region business community and demonstrate strong volunteerism with local boards.

Katrina was presented with the award on May 16 at SREDA’s AGM. “I have such a deep respect for Wanda, and I am so proud and touched to be able to accept this award in her name,” she said upon receiving the news.

“Katrina truly embodies the spirit of this award, and I am so thrilled to be able to honour her contributions to our local business community,” said Wanda.


Whitecap Dakota Nation Signed Self-Government Treaty with Canada

The Whitecap Dakota Nation signed a historic treaty with the Government of Canada on May 2, 2023 in Ottawa. The Self-Government Treaty recognizes the Whitecap Dakota Nation (Wapaha Ska Dakota Oyate) as one of the Aboriginal Peoples of Canada and affirms their inherent right to self-government under the Constitution Act, 1982. This treaty concludes the 14-year negotiation process between the parties and is the first of its kind in Saskatchewan.

The Whitecap Dakota Nation Self-Government

Treaty will now go through Canada’s federal legislative process before coming into effect in the fall. Under this treaty, the Whitecap Dakota Nation has law-making powers on their reserve lands with respect to governance, land, natural resources, membership, cultural matters, language revitalization and preservation, education, financial management and accountability, and health and social services. However, these law-making powers must also comply with federal and provincial laws. This treaty signed by Chief Darcy Bear, councillors Dwayne Eagle and Frank Royal and the Honourable Marc Miller, Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations, opens the door wide for the Whitecap Dakota Nation to build upon the successes already achieved in terms

of economic and business development, and community well-being enhancement for the benefit of its members for generations to come. Upon signing this treaty, Chief Darcy Bear said, “I am incredibly proud of our community as we make history together to better the lives of generations to come. Our Governance Treaty with Canada affirms our place as Dakota peoples alongside all other Aboriginal Peoples in Canada with constitutional protections. It also establishes a Whitecap Dakota government with the tools and status to continue to build our nation and contribute to Saskatchewan and Canada as whole.”


Indigenous entrepreneurs

The 2023 slate of recipients of the Saskatoon Regional Economic Development Authority SOAR prizes is impressive. These entrepreneurs were selected among the 10 semi-finalists to pitch their businesses for a chance to secure one of five cash prizes, an art print by Saskatchewan Métis artist Phyllis Poitras-Jarrett and a Biz Boost promotional services package from the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce.


entrepreneurs ready to SOAR

These entrepreneurs’ pitches, business plans and progress so far are as varied as their enterprises. From fresh ingredient sauces to information technology solutions, clothing, adventure amenities, and plumbing and heating services, these Indigenous entrepreneurs are ready to serve the greater Saskatoon community and beyond. These are their profiles.

Images: SREDA

Daniel Belhumeur

Deadly Dan Sauces

From a hobby of making ketchup and BBQ sauce for friends and family for over ten years, Daniel Belhumeur, turned a job loss during the pandemic into an opportunity to launch his business making classic ketchup, BBQ sauce and hot sauces for a wider public. A condiments connoisseur, Dan has developed a suite of six hot sauces, including a hot wholegrain Dijon mustard and four table sauces on the mild side for every taste. Dan’s hot sauces boast Scoville heat units (SHU) ranging from 100,000 to 1.2 million. SHU is the level at which chilli peppers’ heat can be detected. His “Macho Mustard” is an invitation to the danger zone, while the “Zombie Punch” delivers the traditional and familiar tastes of mild hot sauces. Dan’s sauces are all masterfully hand-crafted from start to finish, from mixing, cooking, to even bottle filling and labelling. They are available in over 20 stores across Saskatchewan to please every palate and elevate people’s favourite dishes.


Ryan Thomas Indigenize Tech Information Technology Solutions



With a focus on supporting First Nation communities’ IT and desktop support services and systems, Indigenize Tech has a team of experts with over 30 years of combined experience in providing reliable IT solutions. Before launching Indigenize Tech, owner Ryan Thomas spent sixteen years delivering IT services, administering IT networks and directing IT teams. Today, along with his team, he shares his experience providing solutions such as network support and maintenance, data security and protection, cloud services and data management, digital devices purchasing and set-up, remote access and connectivity improvements, email hosting and website design, and technology training. Indigenize Tech’s team pride itself in its ability to truly listen to its clients’ objectives, anticipate their needs and provide a tailored experience to deliver a wide variety of projects that meet the information technology requirements of Indigenous Nations and businesses across Saskatchewan and Canada. 17 BUSINESS VOICE SASKATOON SUMMER ISSUE / 2023

Connor Campbell-Webber and Scott McIntyre

XUSI Clothing & Screen-Printing

Offering a clothing line that celebrates the rich heritage of Indigenous and Japanese cultures, owners Connor Campbell-Webber and Scott McIntyre, infuse a modern twist to their apparel screenprinting designs. Bringing creative ideas to life for athletic teams, corporate apparel, business branding and individuals’ custom garments, Connor and Scott blend in their respective Treaty 10 and Treaty 6 Territories’ cultures and values. The duo aspires to do and be more than an apparel company by delivering emotional benefits, entertainment value, and giving back to the community. With vibrant colours, unique designs and quality garments, their

lines of t-shirts, crewneck sweatshirts, hoodies, and custom screenprinting services aim to please a broad range of customers. In an effort to show their support for survivors of residential schools and for the Truth & Reconciliation calls to action, so far XUSI designed three community support lines of apparel. Every Child Matters shirts for an organization located in Treaty 10 Territory, Live Easy t-shirt and hoodie line in support of a family member diagnosed with leukemia, and the Rise crewnecks, which sales were donated to Orange Shirt Society.


Candice Evans-Waite The Local Adventure Co.

Having recognized that there was a gap in the offer of safe and fun adventure options on the water and on land, Candice Evans-Waite, a proud member of the Métis community of Buffalo Narrows, launched her mobile rental equipment company. Offering a thrilling selection of kayaks, stand-up paddle boards, and eBikes that are perfect for exploring the natural wonders of Saskatoon and other locations in Saskatchewan, she makes a point of purchasing the supplies she needs from small local businesses in the areas that she serves. Candice and her team are committed to leaving every shore better than they found them by cleaning up after themselves and others. They encourage their customers to do the same by carrying out any garbage they may have generated and not littering in and out of the water. Beyond the fun and relaxing adventures provided by her rentals, she also recognizes the mental health benefits of being in nature and living harmoniously with all creatures. She founded The Local Adventure Company on her respect for the environment and her strong customer service values.



Bradon Eagle

Redeagle Plumbing and Heating Inc.

Redeagle Plumbing and Heating owner, Bradon Eagle is a dedicated tradesperson providing quality plumbing and heating solutions to keep homes and businesses comfortable all year round. Whether providing new build, maintenance, replacement or improvement services, Bradon and his team are focused on safety while getting the job done well and on time. Since 2021 Redeagle Plumbing and Heating has tackled projects big and small from air conditioning units to kitchen and bathroom sinks, showers, tubs and toilets installation, and gas lines, furnaces and water heater fitting. You can also find the team digging and installing leak-free underground plumbing, sump pits gas and radon pipes or setting exhaust pipes screens to prevent birds and other wildlife from moving into building vents. Regardless of the service they are providing, Bradon and his team bring a fun-loving attitude and dedication to delivering excellent service to every job site. They are also committed to giving back to the community, by taking the time to share their experience and knowledge with First Nations community members such as when they helped Canoe Lake students who were learning how to build a house.



Totally Locally Indigenous

According to Statistics Canada’s latest report, Indigenousowned businesses represented 4.8% of private sector businesses in Saskatchewan in the fall of 2022. The Government of Canada’s registered Indigenous Business Directory lists 47 declared Indigenous businesses located in Saskatoon. And the Saskatchewan Indigenous Economic Development Network indicated last spring that the number of Indigenous businesses in the Saskatoon region nearly doubled between 2011 and 2022 from 160 to 285 organizations. As demonstrated by the SOAR cover story, it is not surprising that the number of Indigenous-owned

businesses within the Totally Locally YXE Market Hub is also growing. From apparel to skincare, spirits and fitness, the four businesses listed below chose to self-identify as having at least 51% Indigenous ownership. We invite you to support these businesses and all the businesses listed within Totally Locally. Every time you choose to shop or request services from these local businesses, your dollars grow Saskatoon’s economy, create jobs and improve the quality of life for all of us. Enjoy local, support Totally Locally!


Straight Talk With Patricia Cook,

In November of 2022, along with its provincial stakeholders, the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority (SIGA) launched the first Saskatchewan legal online gaming platform, called PlayNow. com. Regulated by the Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, the platform is owned by the British Columbia Lottery Corporation. Patricia Cook, SIGA’s Vice President of Corporate Affairs has seen SIGA’s growth and expansion over her 18 years with the organization. Indeed during her tenure, so far, SIGA has grown from four casinos to seven and now moved into online gaming with Business Voice asked Patricia a few questions about SIGA and online gaming, these are her answers.

Q: How long has SIGA been in operation?

A: The seeds for SIGA were first planted in June of 1995 when the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations (FSIN) created SIGA, which was followed by its January 1996 incorporation under the Non-profit Corporation Act of Saskatchewan as a charitable organization.

SIGA shortly afterward began operations of its first four casinos.

Q: Beyond offering gambling services, how does SIGA contribute to Saskatoon and the province?

A: We will continue to strive to be a game-changing organization focused on First Nations employment and generating economic opportunities and benefits for the

74 communities that we serve. SIGA serves as a major First Nation’s employer in the province with around 65 per cent of our staff identifying as First Nations.

Through SIGAs revenue-sharing structure, as a non-profit corporation, all net proceeds are reinvested back into the province – 50% goes to the First Nations Trust, 25% to the casino Community Development Corporations, which sponsor events and programming throughout the province, and 25% to the Provincial General Revenue Fund.

Through SIGAs Community Investment Program, SIGA provides over $1.3 million in community investment across the province through our sponsorship program, with a focus on children, youth, and elders. In addition, we invest into Indigenous postsecondary scholarships and have an


employee driven Volunteer Program that is actively involved in the communities where we operate.

The revenue sharing agreement is a 50-50 revenue split between SIGA and the Province of Saskatchewan.

Q: Why did SIGA start offering its online gaming service?

A: With the recent legalization of single-event sports betting that came into effect in August 2021, it was time to launch an online gaming and sports betting site.

Saskatchewan was one of the last provinces to launch an online gaming site and especially during the pandemic, we saw the benefits other jurisdictions received from having an iGaming site to complement their land-based casinos. In order for iGaming to happen in Saskatchewan, there first needed to be changes to the regulatory framework in the province, which resulted in an amendment to the Gaming Framework Agreement that was officially signed by all parties in September 2022.

Q: Can you describe “PlayNow” and what is required to register and play?

A: is Saskatchewan’s first and only legal gambling website, where Saskatchewan players can enjoy more than 500 entertaining casino and sports-betting products. Players can go on and register a profile to play. They must be 19+ and a Saskatchewan resident to register. is the British Columbia Lottery Corporation’s (BCLC) industry-leading online gambling platform and offers players safe and secure online gambling.

As a regulated gambling website, players have access to robust player-health safeguards and dedicated playerhealth specialists (known as GameSense Advisors), who are available via phone and live chat to answer gambling-related questions and provide additional support resources and referrals, if needed. is one of the few gambling websites in the world to offer this service to players as just one way to support positive play.

Q: Can you explain what is “GameSense” responsible gambling program?

A: GameSense is a player-health program, which was originally developed by BCLC and was later adopted by SIGA. In fact, the GameSense brand is leveraged by several

jurisdictions across North America. The program meets national compliance standards and offers players information on how different forms of gambling work, along with a few basic principles (such as how the odds work), so they have the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.

Q: How has the uptake been for this new online gaming service?

A: We’ve had steady online growth in our first few months of opening here, and largely, it appears to be complementary to casino footfall. There’s a large existing market out there in the illegal space and we’re coming forward with a very competitive licensed legal operation, very safe and secure with all the content and betting options you could want.

Q: Have there been any “surprises” with the uptake of this service or the way people use it?

A: It’s been a learning experience but has been profitable in the province already in its first fiscal year and we look forward to steady growth as awareness and market share of the site grows.

Q: What are the benefits of PlayNow for SIGA, its customers, and the larger community?

A: All revenue generated by the site stays in the province and is reinvested back into the community. The site also benefits players by giving them a legal, safe option to play online, instead of on the grey market. It also provides direct jobs as SIGA has already hired a team of employees to manage the iGaming department.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add in closing?

A: Our leaders saw an opportunity potential in casino gaming, and they collectively took a lead role in establishing a vibrant casino industry across Saskatchewan. I am especially proud of the mandate that was originally developed by the Chiefs of Saskatchewan. It is about creating opportunity. It creates employment opportunities for First Nations people, generates positive returns to our beneficiaries and supports First Nation economic development. This is a mandate that continues to serve us well today and one that continues to resonate with our employees.


Meet The Chamber’s New Board Members

Tanis Taylor Chair

Principal of CCA Consulting, Tanis Taylor has been involved with the Chamber Board of directors for the past couple of years. Well-known in Saskatoon’s business community, she is a past board member of the Saskatoon & Region Home Builders Association, the Saskatchewan Home Builders Association and the Saskatchewan Chapter of the International Coaching Federation. She brings to the board a wealth of experience and knowledge in financial management, real estate, sales, strategic planning, risk management and change leadership. Her favourite aspect of Saskatoon’s business community is the spirit of “coopetition,” whereby businesses proactively and collaboratively support each other even when they are competitors. Tanis chose to join the board because as she says, “The Chamber gives businesses a unique voice and influence on issues that matter.”

Joe Gil First Vice-Chair

A startup and technology lawyer with McKercher LLP, Joseph (Joe) Gill is a dedicated board member. In addition to serving on the Chamber Board, he is also the board chair of the business incubator Ideas Inc. and is a board member of the Bridge City Wildlife Federation. He is also a past regional and provincial director of Saskatchewan Young Professional & Entrepreneurs Inc. Joe’s legal and business background as well as his strong knowledge and understanding of the technology, innovation, and scientific sectors in Saskatchewan are excellent additions to the Chamber Board. In his own words, Joe particularly appreciates that “Saskatoon is a great city that punches far above its weight in quality of life, business opportunities, social experiences, and food.” Joe explains his desire to join the board by saying, “The Chamber gives me a chance to give back to this City and its’ community members and play a small part in shaping policy that will best position Saskatoon for continued success.”

Earlier this spring, Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce members voted to elect the Board of Directors who will lead The Chamber and represent Saskatoon’s business community in 2023-2024.

Joel Pedersen Second Vice-Chair

As the founder and CEO of the socially responsible health and wellness First Nation-owned company Fitness 2J2, and a former Canadian armed forces Chief Warrant Officer, Joel Pedersen is committed to sharing his strong community engagement and passion for health, safety and wellness. In conjunction with serving on the board of The Chamber for the past two years and being the committee Chair for You & 92, Joel is also a member of EGADZ, Last Post Fund, Sports Central Gear Up and Saskatoon Sports District. Having spent most of his adult life in Saskatoon and now being often on the road as his business grows, Joel acknowledges that Saskatoon is where his family, friends and community are. Joel shares his reasons for joining saying, “I can provide some input and perspective from the small business community and advice from an Indigenous community aspect. I hope that my contributions can help to continue to grow the excellence that our Chamber provides the Saskatoon business community and that of the province.”

Wanda Waldner Secretary

With a focus on finance and assisting businesses in diverse economic sectors as Associate Vice President of Commercial Banking Saskatchewan at the National Bank of Canada, Wanda Waldner also brings her seven years of experience as a Saskatoon Usadians Executive Association board member, including her current role as past president. Wanda sees Saskatoon as a “dynamic combination of business and familyoriented community all in one.” When asked what prompted her to join the Chamber Board, she said, “It’s an opportunity for me to participate in an organization that prides itself on being a community builder and business champion. Businesses both large and small, are the backbone of our community. I believe that a strong business climate which provides opportunities and most importantly, a great quality of life for everyone, will result in a very prosperous future.”


Colton Wiegers Past Chair

Having been involved with The Chamber for about 10 years as a volunteer and serving on the board for nearly half that time, Colton Wiegers brings a diverse business experience to the board along with his dedication to helping people as demonstrated by his decade-long and ongoing tenure as a Big Brother with Big Brother Big Sisters of Saskatoon. From starting a business in the trades to joining the family business in the finance sector as Chief Operating Officer of Wiegers Financial & Benefits, Colton particularly enjoys that in Saskatoon everyone knows each other or shares mutual connections, which makes for a tight business community that works together towards common goals. It is that spirit that prompted Colton to join the board of The Chamber. He credits The Chamber for introducing him to the business community while he was still in university. “The team at The Chamber and many board members introduced me to many people with whom I am still in touch today. They laid the groundwork for me to build a great network. Joining the board was my way of giving back.”

Todd Antill Director

As a member of the Board of The Chamber, Todd Antill, Sr. Director, NPK Information & Digital Solutions at Nutrien, brings a strong background in technology, innovation and digital transformation. His past and current involvement on other boards of directors such as the Saskatchewan Science Center, Saskatchewan Polytechnic DICE/TAC and with Advisory Councils for SIIT and Saskatchewan Polytechnic’s BIS Programs further contribute to the breadth of knowledge and experience he adds to the Chamber Board. Todd expresses that his favourite thing about Saskatoon is the magical combination of friendliness and pride that the people of Saskatoon demonstrate. He shares that by being involved with The Chamber, he is able to give back to the business community as well as the city. The way he sees it and says it, “There are many great things that can come from bringing diverse opinions through the Chamber to continue to help advance the growth and prosperity of Saskatoon.”

Louis Aussant Director

An architect and CEO at Aodbt Architecture & Interior Design, Louis Aussant contributes to the Chamber Board a wealth of knowledge in building and development processes and industry trends. His experience on boards is diverse from being a member-at-large of the City Park Community Association and previously the Stonebridge Community Association, a past board member of the Subdivision and Development Appeal Board for the

City of Calgary to President of the Cowan Water Sports Club. After moving back to Saskatoon from Calgary in 2010, Louis says that he realized that Saskatoon has everything to raise a family, “friendly people, easy access, the river, the festivals, and the business community.” Louis explains his involvement with the Chamber Board by saying, “I have worked in many other jurisdictions, which has allowed me to see and experience things differently, objectively. I am excited to continue contributing to the advocacy aspects of local businesses through my participation on the board.”

Stephanie Clovechok Director

In addition to her role on the Chamber Board and as Chair of the Call to 92 Committee, Stephanie Clovechok is a committed member of Destination Internationals Advocacy Committee, Destination Canada’s NorthStar 22 Partnership and a member of the board of directors of Sanctum Care Group. As the CEO of Discover Saskatoon, she brings to the board a vast experience in strategic planning, governance, marketing and communications, community development, fund development, equity diversity and inclusion training, international business development and government relations. Stephanie explains that some of her favourite aspects of Saskatoon are that there is a deep connection between people and within the business community that enables economic prosperity and community well-being while leading the world in many sectors. Talking about her continued service onthe Chamber Board she says, “It offers me frequent opportunities to actively impact the business community in many positive ways. By staying connected to these opportunities, I can support and contribute to growth.”

Trevor Jacek Director

With a diversified business background, with experience in real estate development, manufacturing, automotive, and business advisory services in many jurisdictions across North America, Trevor Jacek adds project operations and financial acumen to the Chamber Board. Aside from being the CFO at Mid-West Group of Companies, Trevor is also a member of the boards of SaskTel Centre, Saskatchewan Drag Racing Association, which owns and operates Saskatchewan International Raceway, and various private companies. He takes pride in touring his US business partners and colleagues around Saskatoon and is always eager to validate their comments that Saskatoon is one of the nicest cities they have ever been to. Given Trevor’s travels to many markets in North America, he explains his desire to be part of the Chamber Board by saying, “With my exposure to a lot of different things, I see both where Saskatoon shines and where we have room for improvement. I want to continue to help foster that improvement in Saskatoon!”


Shaina Lynden Director

Co-founder and co-owner of Ryde YXE Cycle Studio and a Police Constable with currently 17 years of service with the Saskatoon Police Service, Shaina Lynden shares with the Chamber Board her experience in small business operations, large-scale events planning and fundraising, and public safety and downtown core issues management. She also brings to The Chamber her voice as a diversity and inclusion advocate and her insight as a board member of the You Are More Project, a non-profit in support of victims of sexual violence. For Shaina “supporting local” is truly a way of life. She says, “As a woman, a member of Yellow Quill First Nation, a business owner, and a police officer, I strive to use my experience to contribute to the growth and development of this community in new ways while aiding the continued success and diversity of the Chamber Board of directors and its investment in Saskatoon.”

Claire Marentette Director

Eager to jump into diverse opportunities, tackle challenges and add value, Claire Marentette a Professional Engineer and Project Manager at PCL Construction, brings to the Chamber Board a strong project management background and over 17 years of experience in the construction industry. Her contributions on boards span from local non-profit organizations such as the Saskatoon Diving Club to industry organizations such as the Saskatoon Construction Association’s Industry Inclusion Sub-Committee, and the Chamber Board for the past two years. Claire is quick to point out that Saskatoon offers the best of both small and big city life, which affords opportunities for families and businesses to thrive. She explains her dedication to contributing to the Chamber Board by saying, “On this board, I have observed firsthand the commitment, proactive engagement, and application of sector knowledge and experience to best serve Saskatoon businesses and the community at large. I believe that The Chamber, through its board of directors and staff, can best position Saskatoon to capitalize on future opportunities.”

Tammy Sweeney Director

With over 20 years of experience in business promotion, Tammy Sweeney, the CEO of TCU Place, has a strong connection to Saskatoon’s business community and the event, tourism and hospitality industry. Tammy also has previous experience serving on a Chamber of Commerce board gained during her tenure as a member of the board of the Medicine Hat Chamber of Commerce. She is also a current board member with Discover Saskatoon, Leadership Saskatoon and the International Association of Venue Managers. The incredible food scene, the entrepreneurial vibe, the wide-open green spaces, the Meewasin Trail and the spirit of community are all aspects of Saskatoon that Tammy absolutely cherishes. Reflecting on her decision to be involved with the Chamber Board, Tammy shares, “I enjoy championing and being a voice for local businesses, and connecting with the community through work of the Chamber. There is no better way for me to serve than to help our local businesses thrive.”

Jessica Yachyshen Director

As Project Management Commercial Lead, Mining, Minerals and Metals – Canada Est at Stantec, Jessica Yachyshen’s financial acumen, project controls, planning and management skills are valuable additions to the Chamber Board. Over the years, she has been an active volunteer with non-profit organizations such as Dress for Success, Bear Valley Rescue, the Food Bank and many others, and is able to tap into these experiences in her contributions to the Chamber Board. Jessica is fond of Saskatoon’s collaborative and creative spirit as it allows for business growth, particularly in the areas of authentic art, local culture, and culinary expression. When asked why she wanted to be involved with the Chamber Board, she says, “The Chamber provides a community of local resources, which can provide advice, advocacy, awareness, referrals, and can be a good sounding board. All of this supports the continued economic potential and growth of Saskatoon. I want to be part of that.” Congratulations

to newly elected and returning Board Members. You are Saskatoon’s voice for business.
27 BUSINESS VOICE SASKATOON SUMMER ISSUE / 2023 The Chamber has been the voice of business in Saskatoon for 116 YEARS 41% Open Rate 13,747 Social Media Followers NEW MEMBERS 1,591 SUBSCRIBERS 935 SUBSCRIBERS SOCIAL MEDIA THE CHAMBER CHECK-IN 4,102 F j Õ ù d 2,477 3,795 3,322 51 MEMBERS AUDIENCE NON-MEMBERS AUDIENCE Reporting Period: May 2022- April 2023 2023 ANNUAL REVIEW TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2020 2021 2022 1,333 1,340 1,389 2020 2021 NEW MEMBERS 2022 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 91 106 125 35 EVENTS HOSTED 4 4 11 BUSINESS VOICE MAGAZINES CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN EXPORT DOCUMENTS 801 ELEGIBLE VOTERS FOR THE 2022-23 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION 1,822 CANDIDATES RAN FOR THE 2023-24 BOARD OF DIRECTORS CONSECUTIVE YEARS NO FEE INCREASES 125 Fiscal Year: January - December 2022 Reporting Period: May 2022 - April 2023 ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ FISCAL YEAR GROSS REVENUE 2020 2022 $1,278,555 $1,010,003 2021 $1,223,884 Membership Dues Rebates & Royalties Events & Projects Grants & Subsidies REVENUE BY SOURCE Publications & Other 45% 12% 14% 20% 9% Membership Dues Rebates & Royalties Events & Projects Publications & Other 49% 19% 24% 8% 2021 2022 January - December January - December BUSINESSES VISITORS 20,228 VISITORS 676,979 HITS SESSIONS YXE MARKET HUB totally l cally 112 754 993 Reconciliation Roadmap for Small Business Toolkit to help small and medium size businesses take steps on Indigenous hiring, procurement and partnerships. City-wide “shop local campaign” and market hub to support locally owned and operated businesses Program stream and partnerships to help our business community take action on economic Reconciliation.

Celebrates its Third Anniversary

With a 242% increase in revenue in 2023 over 2022 and their first hire on board, Symmetry Public Relations has a lot to celebrate in addition to its third anniversary. Underpinning their significant growth is a relational approach to doing business. Focusing on people and community, Symmetry invests in building long-term client relationships, supporting community through sponsorships, mentoring Indigenous communicators, and procuring from other Indigenous businesses and entrepreneurs… and it all started as an experiment during the pandemic.

When Indigenous communications professional Ben Borne was laid off in 2020, he had an idea for a business he wanted to start but wanted the right partner in place to make it happen. Borne reached out to his former boss from the Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, Melody Lynch, suggesting they launch their own practice. She agreed to bring her versatile skillset and strong work ethic to the new business and they got to work.

Before entering into the communications space, Lynch got her masters degree in Medieval Studies, taught university, worked

Business Owner's Guide to Reconciliation.

a sessional lecturer at First Nations University of Canada and a managing partner in Eagle Feather News. He’s received the Royal Roads Founders Award when he graduated with his Masters degree in Communications from Royal Roads University and was nominated for Communicator of the Year for Saskatoon.

in radio and television, then moved into a communications practitioner role. She has no regrets about jumping into an up and coming startup and she’s excited looking toward the future and all they are looking to achieve.

“We're trying to build vibrant communities, build up more Indigenous communicators specifically, and amplify our clients’ stories. We're just having a great time doing it the way we know that it needs to be done, in a responsible and engaged way,” she shares.

Since launching Symmetry, Borne, a member of the Yellow Quill First Nation, became

In their first three years, Symmetry has worked with over 40 clients, won a Gold Quill Award of Excellence, and hired their first employee, Matthew Hildebrandt, who was nominated for IABC’s Rising Star Award. They have forged incredible strategic partnerships, rebranded and launched a new website, and launched a suite of training programs.

Moving forward, Symmetry is broadening their services to include branding and graphic design work, along with new digital services. They are also looking to partner more with other service providers and work collaboratively toward their clients' goals. After leaving space for what their organization would become organically, the communicators at Symmetry are clearly communicating they are open for more business in new ways after three years of success in Saskatoon.

“ “
We're trying to build vibrant communities, build up more Indigenous communicators specifically, and amplify our clients’ stories. We're just having a great time doing it the way we know that it needs to be done, in a responsible and engaged way.

Funny Business YXE presented by Blue Moose Media

What do you get when you cross a bunch of belly laughing with some serious elbow rubbing? Funny Business!

Sask Mining Week Luncheon: Sam Farris, K+S Potash Canada

The Chamber, SIMSA and SMA hosted a lunch for Saskatchewan Mining Week.

Chamber Happenings

You & 92 Series: Live Podcast

Host Julie Ann Wriston talked to Tim and Victoria Hudy from Theo-Clean

Chamber on Tap

Big Ideas. Lessons Learned. Advice from those who have started up and started over. It's all on tap in this series of social events where our business community comes together over cocktails to hear from our city's movers and shakers.

Chamber Happenings
Christine Marie from Awasis Boutique was the special guest for June's Chamber on Tap. Troy Davies chatted with Nadine Kanigan as the guest for May's Chamber on Tap.

Luncheon-State of the City with Mayor, Charlie Clark Saskatoon Mayor Charlie Clark addressed the proposed downtown events district, homelessness and the city’s growth in his State of the City address.

Chamber Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting was held on May 11 via zoom. The 2023-24 Chair, Vice-Chair, and 2nd Vice-Chair of the Board where officially sworn in, followed by the induction of the new Board Members.

Chamber Underground

If you’re a business owner or workplace leader, with business issues that are keeping you up at night, come underground and connect with people like you over wings and craft beer.

FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS FISCAL YEAR GROSS REVENUE 2020 2022 $1,278,555 $1,010,003 2021 $1,223,884 Membership Dues Rebates & Royalties Events P jects Grants Subsidies REVENUE BY SOURCE Publications & Other 45% 12% 14% 20% 9% Membership Dues Rebates & Royalties Events & Project Publications & Other 49% 19% 24% 8% 2021 2022 January December January December HIGHLIGHTS OUR DISCOUNT PARTNERS BUSINESSES VISITORS 20,228 VISITORS 676,979 HITS SESSIONS 112 754 993 for Small Business Toolkit to help small and medium size businesses take steps on Indigenous hiring, procurement and partnerships. Program stream and partnerships to help our business community take action on economic Reconciliation. The Chamber has been the voice of business in Saskatoon for 116 YEARS 41% Open Rate 13,747 Social Media Followers NEW MEMBERS 1,591 SUBSCRIBERS 935 SUBSCRIBERS SOCIAL MEDIA THE CHAMBER CHECK-IN 4,102 F j Õ ù d 2,477 3,795 3,322 51 MEMBERS AUDIENCE NON-MEMBERS AUDIENCE Reporting Period: May 2022- April 2023 BY THE NUMBERS TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 750 2021 2022 1,333 1,340 1,389 2020 2021 NEW MEMBERS 2022 0 20 40 60 80 100 140 91 106 125 35 EVENTS HOSTED 4 4 11 BUSINESS VOICE MAGAZINES CERTIFICATES OF ORIGIN EXPORT DOCUMENTS 801 ELEGIBLE VOTERS FOR THE 2022-23 BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION 1,822 CANDIDATES RAN FOR THE 2023-24 BOARD DIRECTORS CONSECUTIVE YEARS NO FEE INCREASES 125 Fiscal Year: January December 2022 Reporting Period: May 2022 April 2023 ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ➜ ANNUAL REVIEW 2022 - 2023

Chamber Board of Directors: Working for You!

Shaina Lynden Director Ryde YXE Cycle Studio Stephanie Clovechok Director Discover Saskatoon Louis Aussant Director aodbt architechture + interior design Claire Marentette Director PCL Construction Management Inc. Jessica Yachyshen Director Stantec Consulting Ltd. Wanda Waldner Secretary National Bank of Canada Tammy Sweeney Director TCU Place Todd Antill Director NUTRIEN Trevor Jacek Director Mid-West Group of Companies Joseph Gill First Vice-Chair McKercher LLP
Tanis Taylor Chair CCA Consulting Colton Wiegers Past-Chair Wiegers Financial & Benefits
PANTONE P 110-15C C85 / M30 / Y00 / B31 R00 / G107 / B157 #006B9D
Joel Pedersen Second Vice-Chair Fitness 2J2




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Business Voice / Summer 2023 by Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce - Issuu