2021-22 Grants and Funding Guide

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SPRA Grants and Funding Guide


Sport, Culture and Recreation District Funding Lakeland Sport, Culture and Recreation District Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant

The purpose of the Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant is to provide greater sport participation and development opportunities for Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, especially youth living in urban, rural, on-reserve, isolated and northern communities. www.lakelanddistrict.ca/funding

Northern Sport, Culture & Recreation District Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant

The purpose of the Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant is to provide greater sport participation and development opportunities for Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, especially youth living in urban, rural, on-reserve, isolated and northern communities. www.nscrd.com/documents_and_files/aboriginal-community-sport-development-tool-kit-grant.html

Parkland Valley Sport, Culture & Recreation District Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant

The purpose of the Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant is to provide greater sport participation and development opportunities for Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, especially youth living in urban, rural, on-reserve, isolated and northern communities. www.parklandvalley.ca/grants-funding/parkland-valley-funding/

Outreach Grant

This grant assists communities and organizations with funding for projects that meet the needs of their citizens through the benefits of sport, culture and recreation. This program strives to create opportunities for citizens to engage in: recreational experiences for well-being, cultural and/or creative inquiry projects, sport development projects and healthy active living and/or physical activity initiatives. www.parklandvalley.ca/grants-funding/parkland-valley-funding/

Prairie Central District for Sport, Culture and Recreation Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant

The purpose of the Indigenous Community Sport Development Grant is to provide greater sport participation and development opportunities for Indigenous youth in Saskatchewan, especially youth living in urban, rural, on-reserve, isolated and northern communities. https://www.sasksport.ca/funding-recognition/communities/indigenous-sport-community-grant/

Coach Assistance Program

The Coach Assistance Program will provide financial assistance to a coach to attend a Coaching Development Event (workshop/course/training) outside of the Prairie Central District boundaries and within Saskatchewan. Applicants for this program must reside within the Prairie Central District Boundaries to be eligible. www.prairiecentral.ca/programs-services/grants-and-funding/coach-assistance-program/

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