August fnh spices

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Famous Indian

spices It is true that the 80% of spice market is ruled by India but there are plenty of spices that add flavor and taste to our food across the globe. There are 100 of spices that are used in the various part of the world; each spice has its own taste, fragrance and flavor, which brings in a new taste to the food we eat on the daily basis.

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et’s take a look at those variety of spices that includes Ajwain, carom seeds ,Akudjura ,Alexanders ,Alkanet ,Alligator pepper, Angelica, Anise, Anise Hyssop, Aniseed myrtle, Annatto, Apple mint, Artemisia Asafoetida, Asarabacca Avens, Avocado leaf, Barberry, Basil, sweet,Basil, lemon Basil, Thai, Basil Holy, Bay leaf, Bay leaf, Indian,Bee balm, Boldo, Borage Black cardamom, Black mustard, Blue fenugreek, blue melilot, Brown mustard, Caper, Caraway, Cardamom, Catnip, Cassia, Cayenne pepper, Celery leaf ,Celery seed, Chervil,

Chicory, Chili pepper, Chives, Cicely, sweet cicely, Cilantro, coriander greens, Cinnamon, Clary, Clove, Coriander seed, Costmary, Cubeb pepper, Cudweed, Culantro, Cumin, Dill seed, Elderflower, Epazote Fennel, Fenugreek, Finger Root, Galingale, Garlic chives, Ginger, Golpar, Grains of paradise, Grains of Selim, Kani pepper, Horseradish, Houttuynia cordata, Huacatay, Mexican marigold, mint marigold, Hyssop, Indonesian bay leaf, daun salam, Jasmine flowers, Jimbu, Juniper berry, Kaffir lime leaves, Makrud lime leaves, Kala zeera,, Kawakawa seeds, Kencur, galangal, kentjur, Keluak, kluwak, kepayang, Kinh gioi, Vietnamese balm, Kokam seed, Korarima, Ethiopian cardamom, false cardamom, Koseret leaves, Lavender, Lemon balm, Lemongrass, Lemon ironbark, Lemon myrtle, Lemon verbena, Leptotes bicolor, Lesser calamint, nipitella, Licorice, Lime flower, linden flower, Lovage, Mace, Mahlab, Marjoram, Mast, Mint, Mountain horopito, Musk mallow,

Mustard seed, Nigella, kalonji, black caraway, black onion seed, Njangsa, Nutmeg, Olida, Oregano, Orris root,Pandan flower, kewra, Pandan leaf, screwpine,Paprika, Paracress, Parsley, Pepper: black, white, Cornish pepper leaf, Peppermint, Peppermint gum leaf, Perilla, shiso, Peruvian pepper, Brazilian pepper, Quassia, Rosemary , Rue ,Safflower, Saffron, Sage, Saigon cinnamon, Salad burnet, Salep, Sassafras, Savory, summer, Savory, winter, Silphium, silphion, laser, laserpicium, lasarpicium, Shiso, Sorrel, Sorrel, sheep, Spearmint, Spikenard, Star anise, Sumac, Sweet woodruff, Szechuan pepper, Sichuan pepper, Tarragon, Thyme lemon, Turmeric, Vanilla, Vietnamese cinnamon, Vietnamese coriander, Voatsiperifery, Wasabi, Water­ pepper, smartweed, Watercress, Wattleseed, White mustard, Wild thyme, Wintergreen, Wood avens, herb bennet, Woodruff Wormwood, absinthe, Yellow mustard, Yerba buena, Za'atar, Zedoary.


food&health August 2015


Healthy and Tasty

Nutrition made


The smart choice for today


nce upon a time the life was a bed of thorns, as there were times when a load of hard work was needed to do even the smallest thing in kitchen, starting from cooking to cleaning and all other household chores, but the technology has now made the life a bed of roses. With the changing time new technologies and products have been introduced to make our life easier than before. In the last few decades too many new things had come up that has improved our lifestyle a lot and has now become a necessity of life. Initially when mixer, grinder, washing machine etc was new in the market people were hesitant to buy it or rather use it but with time they started accepting and

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understanding. It is the same way how people slowly started to understand and accept the need for the processed food in the present scenario.

household also in the mean while become more than hectic. With the scorching heat, I am sure entering a kitchen would be the most dreaded experience everyday in the morning.

Simpler, the Better

However it is not just woman who are going through this appalling experience but also men who are lending their hand in sharing the household work equally.

In today's busy life where both men and women are working the busy schedule tends to force them to skip the meal, which eventually is making them unhealthy. With this kind of lifestyle they need a solution that can make cooking easier for them. The hectic work schedule, the stress takes the mind and body on a toss and after having a stressful and tiring day at work all that they want to do is stretch those tired up legs and relax. Although we say women are very good at balancing their life, sadly it’s the same 24 hours they are given. Taking care of work life and scheduling her

What could possibly fix the crisis? Processed food would be the two words. These processed foods literally reduce the meal preparation time and save the sweat for rest of the day. Eating out would have been an option for you, but for how many days could it probably help you? A weak maximum. Processed food, the one element which can make living much simpler and healthier would be the wise choice.

The moment we say processed food the one thing that strikes everybody's mind is that ‘are these products safe and edible’? The fact is that when the food products are processed the manufacturer makes sure that the products are treated to destroy the harmful bacteria and extend the lifespan of the food. While the overall procedure of the food processing the key nutrients are sealed in the pack just as it has been harvested, making it still carry the life of a healthy eating, giving you a healthy dining experience. These kinds of products also have added nutrients such as Fiber, Minerals and vitamins. These foods can be consumed by individuals who needs some extra amount of added nutrients for their body and it also have less percentage of fat and calories. Before you start raising your eyebrows, continue reading for there is more you got to know about processed food.

My Handy Kitchen On the other hand by gone are those days when the processed foods were used only by Army people, disaster victims, trekkers, hikers, and hunters. In the current scenario the processed food are more handy for the people who travel across the globe not only for vacations but also for work travels. These food products are tasty and wallet-friendly as well. Processed food has a long life span and it almost reduces the wastage of

food due to spoilage.

My taste, My flavor and My choice Most of the people in our country are very picky and choosey in terms of taste. No matter how much we relish the smell of food coming from the next house, when we prepare ourselves to enter the kitchen we get worn out seeing the very sight of the kitchen thinking of the long


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all the women are thanking the manufacturer for doing so, as with ready to cook and eat products the kitchen space has also been shared by men. Now it is even easy for them to prepare meal for the family and kids, when the woman of the family is busy taking care of other chores of the house.

The Flavors are Back During childhood days almost everybody has seen our mothers and grandmothers grinding various spices to combine them into a flavor. The authentic flavor, fragrance and taste still remain fresh in our memories. By default we start comparing everything we eat with those original flavors but in the current lifestyle we can’t expect working women to prepare spices through the good old methods.

giving high importance to hygiene.

A new change Certain Fruits and Vegetables are found in the market only during the seasonal changes and thus people need to wait for a long period to get to taste them. But ever since the processed food has reached the Indian markets one can eat any fruit or vegetable of his/her choice anytime they want. The urban life keeps everybody busy and not many can go to the market or has time to sit and cut vegetables and meat. For people like these processed foods like pre-cut fruits, meats and vegetables are available in all seasons and at all stores. These frozen products last for countless times and are extremely practical and at the same time they don’t lose their nutrients over a period of time like fresh

vegetables do. Processed food also gives an individual a wide range of food from around the globe. It also helps improve the quality for those who have allergies which can be reduced by removing the proteins that creates allergic elements. The processed food comes cheap and handy. Food processing industries produce almost everything like starting from a peeled vegetable, grains, mixes and spices that is ready to be cooked to meals that just need to be heated just before eating it. As reality dictates that most of us need a little help in the kitchen, ‘processed food’, the one magic wand that can make our living easier and healthy, is the answer to all our prayers. Yet choose the right ones that deserve to be on your healthy eater’s radar. Happy eating!

Now this issue is also sorted as the processed food products also includes the fresh and authentic Spices that adds a flavor to the food according to the individual choice. Every individual have their own choice in terms of spices and taste and thus this spice mixes are prepared keeping these things in mind. Companies like MTR, Aachi specialize in these kinds of products

process of making. Then comes into the picture the life savior, which saves you from the long hours of cooking, 2 minutes Noodles, Pasta, Kadai Paneer, Paneer butter masala or for that fact even south Indian dishes like variety rice, Idiyappam etc. The joy doesn’t just end there but the flavors and varieties that you are offered would blow you down in a jiffy. What more would we need in a life that orbits around the flavors of food? A simplified cooking that delivers a delectable meal in no time is one formula that has taken every individual by surprise and continues to surprise us with the assortment of food made available to everyone

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without leaving a hole o the pockets. ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’equivalent to God



In India where we treat guest as God and from the very beginning we have been taught that it’s uncultured to see off our guests without offering them a course of meal or at least some snacks. But with the busy life people are in, it gets difficult to stay close to this culture and we still try our best to adhere by it. Here is when people need a helping hand and the processed food comes as one. The ready to eat products such as nuggets, wedges, fries, burgers

etc., just needs 3 minutes. These food products not only allows you to adhere to your culture but also gives you some real quality time with friends and family, rather than being busy in the kitchen cooking.

We share the space We have been brought up in the culture where we are taught that cooking is women’s job, there may be various reasons for this particular teaching but the major reason was the hard work that is needed to handle the kitchen. Ever since the processed food have been introduced in the Indian Market,


food&health August 2015


The Magic of Indian


he moment we hear the word ‘Spice’ the only thing that pops in our head is the fiery hot feeling in the food but using spice doesn’t mean that the food will be made blazing hot. It simply adds flavor, aroma and taste that make each dish different and

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extremely tasty. Taste, something that none of us cannot compromise on is brought in by the spices that is sprinkled secretly in the recipe. The taste that is created by these spices remains fresh in your taste bud forever. We have often seen close relatives, during their every visit as

they taste your mother’s food they have this pleased face and look at us and tell how that food reminds them of your grandmother. It has a reason that dates back to the history linked directly to the spices. These delightful components make our life spicy, tangy, pungent, sweet and

what not. For all its culinary depth and history, India known for its spices throughout history, can make a dish both rich and creamy without going overboard. If you haven’t been lucky enough to taste Indian food, you go to try one right away. You need not be a foodie to explore the taste and intensity of each dish, for all you need to know about is the spices that make the food exotic. It is a known fact to all of us that Indian spices were the only reason

that led to the discovery of India by Vasco Da Gama and here we bring you the Top 10 species of the country that is going to tickle your taste buds and make you hungry, relish every moment, fall in love with them. India contributes 80% of the spice market of the world arena and each of our State is specialized in the production of spices. Let’s take a look at the various uses of spices and the region they are produced in:

Ajwain The grey seeds are striped and curvy, many times with a fine silk stalk attached and they are usually sold as whole. It is the most commonly used spice in the country. It’s used for seasoning but it is very rarely used raw as it has a strong and sharp flavor that gives a slight bitter taste. This spice is mostly combined with bread and popular northern Indian dish ‘Paratha’. Ajwain also has medicinal values like it aids in


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taste perception, vision, strength, digestion to lactation. Cumin is used as a medicine for fever, loss of appetite, vomiting, abdominal distension, diarrhea, puerperal disorders and edema. It is largely produced in Rajasthan, Gujarat and Uttaranchal.

Ginger is a perennial plant and is a kind of stem more than a root. It can be used in both fresh and dried form or even as a powder. The fresh one is generally used in all kind of cuisines be it North or South India, whereas it is predominantly used in Chinese dishes. It has a hot aroma and is often pickled in Vinegar. Most of the North Indian curries have Ginger paste to give

digestion and acts as an antiseptic; this can also be chewed raw in spite of its sharp flavor. It is largely produced in Bihar and Jammu & Kashmir.

and is used to make gravies for the variety for curries. China rules the spice market in the production of garlic and followed by India in various regions like Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and Bihar.

Anise This plant is grown on the light, fertile and well drained soil. The best time to sow the seed of Anise is during the beginning of spring season. Anise is sweet and very fragrant and is unique by its typical flavor. It is used in a large variety of local confectioneries. Anise seed is

a different and aromatic taste. It is used in tea, wine, candy etc; whereas it has medicinal values as well and can be used for cancer treatment, morning sickness etc. Did you know that India produces around 33% of the ginger production of the world and is predominantly produced in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Meghalaya, Orissa, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Mizoram, Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Uttaranchal, Chhattisgarh, and Jharkhand?

Garlic not only used in the confectioneries but it is also used make various kinds of liquor. The ancient Romans usually served a cake made out of anise seed called Mustaceoe and was served at the end of the meal and feast as digestive. Anise seed is largely produced in Indian States such as Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Uttaranchal.

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The Garlic plant’s bulb is the most customarily used part of its plant as it has strong characteristics of peppery that relaxes and sweetens away while it is cooked. Unlike other spices other part of the Garlic plant is also edible, the leaf and the flower is eaten raw due its medicinal values. The Garlic is often used to give the food a very different flavor and is mostly cooked along with ginger

Cumin Cumin is one of those spices that can be grown in a tropic, semi-tropic and even drought affected areas. It has a very short growth season of 100 to 200 days and it grows in an optimal temperature of 25 to 30 degree Celsius but is grown well when the climate is cool and dry. It is not only used in Indian Cuisines but also in South Asian, Northern African and Latin American cuisines as well. Cumin is not just used in the various cuisines but is also used for preparation of ayurvedic medicines. Moreover its usages range from intensifying appetite,

Coriander It was initially attested in the last 14th century and the word is derived from Old French word ‘Coriandre’ that is taken from Latin word ‘Coriandrum’. It is largely used in Indian cuisines along with Scandinavian cuisine, Tex-Mex, Portuguese, African, Chinese, Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, Central Asian, South Asian, Brazilian, Caucasian, Mediterranean and Latin American. The coriander seeds are majorly used in the preparation of food rather than the leaves as the leaves are basically used for garnishing. The seeds have a diverse characteristic that separates it from all other spices. It has a citrus lemony flavor when it is crushed or grinded and this flavor comes out due to Pinene, Terpenes Linalool and is relate as nutty, hot, warn and orange flavored. It can be found in places like Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal.

Turmeric Turmeric is known as ‘Manjal’ in Tamil. The name Turmeric is derived from early modern English that is ‘Tumeryte’ and Latin word ‘Terra Merita’. It has been part of the Asia for 1000 years now, primarily used as a dye and later in the time it gained importance due to

Cardamom is mainly used to garnish the sweet dishes, Biryani and other rich gravy dishes in the country. It has a rich aromatic fragrance that gives the dish distinguished flavor and taste. It is basically used in all the dishes that can regulate your cholesterol level as it helps in significantly controlling them. It can be found in Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Sikkim and West Bengal.

its medicinal values. Turmeric can be used fresh and powdered; the fresh one basically is mixed in the ayurvedic medicines, used to apply in the body and also works as an antiseptic for wounds and burn scars. The Indian food is not complete without that pinch of yellow powder in the dish and the fragrance it spreads when it is dropped in the heated oil is something to be anticipated. It is majorly produced in Indian states such as Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Kerala, Assam, Bihar, Meghalaya, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh and Arunachal Pradesh.


Cardamom It is the third most expensive spice of the world after Saffron and Vanilla. World’s largest producer of cardamom is Guatemala that produces around 25000-29000 metric tons in a year, whereas India is the second largest producer with 15000 metric tons per year.

The rich flavor and taste combines well with Lemon, Sugar, Cumin, Cinnamon, Vanilla, Red wine, Basil, Onion, Star Anise etc. It is used in all kind of cuisines that majorly involves Asian, Middle Eastern, African and Indian. It can be used to give a special flavor to the curries, gravy, Marinades and fruits like apples, pears etc. Cloves helps in control bad breath and other oral problems. Apart from using cloves in food, it is used in various kinds of toothpaste to ensure strength of gums and teeth, ayurvedic and Chinese medicines. It is largely produced in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Mustard Seed Mustard Seed is not only an important spice but also has a religion and oldest significance. The


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tree and is a native of India. Initially it was used only for medicinal purposes. Cinnamon oil is also derived from its bark and it is lightyellowish brown in color. Cinnamon stick is basically used in all kind of Indian Cuisines like Pulao, fried, Biryanis and gravies. The cinnamon oil has a very good aroma that gives a very distinguished fragrance. It is also used for toothache and bad breath. It is largely produced in Kerala and Tamil Nadu.

earliest reference was in 5th century BC by Gautama Buddha in which he asked a mother who lost her son to get mustard seeds from a family that has never lost a child. With this act she realized that death can’t be avoided and it comes to all one day. The mustard Seed is a spice which is used to begin any dish in the country, it has a very distinguished taste and aroma. It is the first flavor that any dish gets, not only the mustard seed but mustard leaves are also consumed by people of northern India. It is produced in the region of cold atmosphere and moist soil like Bihar, Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.


the dish more appealing. It is also believed when it is consumed by the pregnant woman the baby in the womb gets a fair complexion. No wonder it is expensive. Jammu & Kashmir leads the spice market in the production of saffron.


Bay Leaf The bay leaf has been there for ages now; it was first used in the ancient Greek era. It is a popular spice that is used in European and American Cuisines. It is used in soups, stew, meat, seafood, vegetable dishes and sauces and also is majorly found in the classic French dishes. The bay leaf has a very sharp and bitter taste that is very familiar to that of Oregano and Thyme and is majorly used in all highly rich gravy curries in Indian Cuisines. It is also used in oil and perfumes and can be found in Indian states like Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim.

Asafetida has a funny name ‘The Devil Dung’ as it has a strong smell and it was recently originated in America. It is usually seen in hard rock form and is also available in powdered form. It is basically a flavoring agent in South Indian dishes, which gives the dish a strong and aromatic taste. It is usually sautéed in oil or ghee just before other items are cooked or for tempering the dish at the end.

Pepper is not addressed as the King of all spices with no reason. This is one of those spices that became the reason of popularity of India during the medieval times. It is made of the berries of the pepper tree and has two varieties Black and White Pepper. The pepper is used in various different types of dishes starting from salad to the main course. It is from time to time swapped with the green or red chilly to give the food a hot and spicy flavor. It can also be used as a medicine for common cold and cough. It is majorly produced in Kerala, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Interesting facts about Indian spices: • India is rightly called the Land of Spices. No country in the world produces as many varieties of spices as India. • A proper Indian meal is a perfect balance of all 6 flavors (sweet, salty, bitter, sour, astringent and spicy), with one or two flavors standing out. So the next time you eat your meal, you know how to judge it. • Whole herbs and spices last much longer than crushed or ground forms.

Saffron Saffron is a spice that is obtained from a flower of Crocus Sativus. The Saffron plant grows into 20-30 cm plant that has 4 flowers each, with three lucid crimson stigma.

Cinnamon The name Cinnamon is derived from Greek word ‘Kinnamomon’ in the 15th century via Latin and Medieval French transitional forms. The spice is a part of the bark of an evergreen

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The spice majorly is used for coloring and seasoning the dish. It is one of the most expensive spices of the world. It can be seen in Kheers and other sweets, which gives the dishes a very different flavor and a slight yellow color that makes


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