SavNation December 2011

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One year in it... December 20 II ollicially marks our lirst year with S(-\vnation! O\'er the I<L~t: twelve months we been blessed to work with <md feature a wide ranging GlSI of \'orthwest artists. \,yc've worked hanJ 10 reach oul tu artists and worked with a great: team that has brought each <md every issue together. To date SavNation has been read all over I-ile Un it ed Stales, as well in over 35 countries from Chile & Japan , to Kuwait and South Africa! \Ve have received ;tn amazing out pouring of SU ppOri lj'OIll all o ur !;ms which continues to amaze LIS to this day and for that we thank each and everyone of you til;-\!" ha:-; taken the time to read SavNation online and passed it ;llong to you r family and friends! For our bonus December 20 11 issue we reached out to one o r California's finest, Oru. A Bay Area native, Oru has been stacking up accolades for quite some t.ime now, and ha5 establis hed himself with \Nest Coast greats such as Mac Dre, and Jay Tee of N20EEP! vVe linked up with Dru and chopped it up about life ;L<; an independent artists a5 we ll as what he has in store for f;ms in the coming year! Along with Dru, our December issue also features \Vest CO;L<;I 6'Teat Luni Coleone, ;Uld the NOlth \Vest's Rapture and D-\Vorthy! Th;U1ks again for all your support and we hope YOll tune in to Sav.'\ation in the re;u' to come!

Until the North \Vest Blows Up!

Terry M'In.: h


SAVNA (Vol. I No. 5)

Publisher: Gorilla Grind Des ign & Productio n Edito r in Chief / Creative Dircc lol~ Te rry L March .M anaging Edito r/ Artist Helati o ns: L1ny J, IligueraJr.

Advertising: Marketing Director: Ho la S. Khouri

For advertising inlo rmatio n and rates contact Rskhouri @savnatio

Contributing \Vritcrs: Terry .\llarch. La ny Iligucra

Pho tographers: Gorilla Grind Design & Producti o n路 ,. . m Angel Thompson - ngcltho mpsonpho tography

Published by Gorilla Grind Des ign & Productio n

493 2 SE \ 'Vood stock Blvd . Po rtl and O re 9 7206 5 0 3 .5 0 5 .9 12 3 . Emaillnfo@savnatio Subscription inquires s ho uld be sent to info@s<lmatio

, I .



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20 I D-Worthy Makin' the The Honor Roll!

What bro ught you inLo music & when did you

gel your st<:1I1? I was born willi a gilL My mothe r always told mc I was spc<.id. Even whe n I was <l baby I W;L'i sin!:,ring & dan cing. I j.,rrew up 011 a ll types of music. Hock -11- roll,

reggae , blues, jazz, fUllk , pop. I st art ed li stening 10 rap music in th e laiC RO's hut I didn't start rappi ng unt:il

my fa ther




o ld

sd loo\

Too Sholt album

"Born to Mack", I Ie told me he re ally didn 't walllmc li ste ning to r;lp music hut if I W;\S I hener be listening

to someone who was rcally talki ng abollt someth ing in stead of that other hull shit. I didll 't kllow what he me ant by (Ii;ll at the time hu t now that I'm 6'1'OWI1 up it makes sc nsc. Too Short W,IS spittill' so much game, all clllg"lt.::S of ii , the good & th e bad. You have had th e opportuniLy La work with

some industry grcats and in my opinion becoming o nc yo urscll: what is it that makes an artist las t? You gutta stay cOllsistc nt & relcvant. You have to keep rc co nl illg new mat e rial , li lmi ng visuaJs & th row it all on the inte rne t. don't savc anything. There is no . . Ilmc 10 waste lIIlle.

You have helped a 10L of upcoming arLists by

helping tJlem build a buzz, what made yo u wa lll to do so? I kllow how it fe el s to he the fresh new ;u1isll ryi llg 10 m ake it. I'vc hcen therc. It 's h;m l whe n you' rc fOllli ng "I' h y yoursel f & nobody is th e re to help YO II or guid c you ill the righ t di rection. So I starte d Buzz Buildc r arti st/1 ahel develo pme nt !.'TOUp 10 help lip & coming ;u路tists & ind ie la bels build Lhe ir buzz & gc t the ir fOOl ill the door.

Fo rtune Over Fame is your 1~lshi o n line, tell o ur reade rs what kind of merchandise yo u have and where we ca n purchase the m? YOII Gill oilly hu), FOF ex clusive ly on m y we h store, so log 0 11 to wwwJortlincoverfalllc.colll & you can purchase T-shirts, hoodies, & limit ed editioIl FOF diamond w;ltches. I'm in Lhc process of desil-,rning de llim , hUIIOI1 ups, IKllos, jackets, shoes, he lt s, wallcls, hats, e lc (l ike the f;Kl that Ill\' linc is exdusivc 10 Illy weh slore hecause it hriYeS me ;.m ide;1 of the d CIlIOh'l'l pliic Ihal bcl ie\'cs in Ill" vision.

In yo ur opin io n how has the rap game changed lo r the belle r o r wo rse since yo u !irs t started? I think th e III ternct &. social networks made it so muc h e'l<;ier lor ind ic art ists 10 gel their music oul tliere &. get it ~lll over Ihe world, ;md thaI's th e good thi ng. T'he had til ing is that it's too !looded now. Studio cquipmcnt got so cheap thaI everyone has a stud io & everyonc is a rapper now. \Vay too many people trying to do it hut it doesll'l hother me beGlllSe I'm in my own lalle. I know who I 'Ull. I know I'm blesse(lto make a livillg olf Illusil路, so I'm good.

Te ll us where yo u draw yo ur inspiration and who a re some o f yo ur influences? I'm inspired by Ihe hll sl le

Ill )'

lile ex pe rie lln:s. God ,

I~ullil y,

The sound of my music dl'Ul!,"CS due to a lo t of d inerenl feel ings &. cmo tions. The vibe I gel when I hear the heal, the mood I' m in, the place that I'm in Ihat particu lar timc of Illy li fe. h 's kind of hard to cxplain. \Vhcll I start vihing its like my melodies come fro m my hearl &. soul , &. my brain puts the words into play. I dOIl 't e\'en writc ;mything unless I'm in <l rush & OIl the go. I will s(Tibhle down some ideas hclore I dip out but c"e n that is r;trc.

\t\That would yo u like our readers to know abo ut DfU, thaL they may not already know? &.

Do yo u have a ny advice for upcoming a rtists trying to tap into thc music industry? Even though it's h;m l, don 't f,rj,路c up. Keep pushing no mailer who tel ls rou ot herwise. Believe in yourself &. keep your I;lith in the lo rd.

, -_..-----&-

You (Irc a versatile artist, giving you a wide rangc o r music in your cata log, how do you move fro m o ne style to another and stay afTecl ivc?

I' lli a lim I helieve r in God &. I'm a I~lmily mall that liustl cs hard e"ery day 10 make surc my loved olles arc straight!

\,Vhat ca n we ex pect fro m Dru in the New Year? New music &. New

l~lS hi on!

wWW.youl llhe.(路om/(lrUlubedotcolll \\Ww.I;lcehook.con l/yollllgdru wWW.lwiIlCf.l"Om/youllgdru

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rp w.a f!:j Info ~ Photos




SavNation is an on line Hip Hop

focusing in the

86 people like this

_ _com Seventeen days left to enter to win a S15 iTunes giftcard f rom May 3 at 9:54am' Uke • Comment Behind the scenes footage of the Rose Bent cover shoot for SavNation


Tho ugh YO ll\·C hcell ill th e gallic Ic)!· quite sOllie tillIc alld most f;lIIs of wcs t coast hip ho p kll o\\· aho ut Ltllli Cnico nc, can r Oll gh'c o ur reade rs a hrie f illtroductioll ill case th cy\ "C hccn slce pin"! \\ 'el l fo r a ll [1Ic..' ("at s o ut thnt' that dOIl '1 kno\\" about l.lIlli ('Ok OIll', I (';ulIe ill tht' j.f.IIlIC H'rycarl y, ;\ 10 1 or pt"eSStllT ~l,tti ll ~ [ltc..' kilO\\" ho\\" inslcad o f k ll o\\"in~ how it was, \\"as hard ill tltc hl'J.,ri nn illg, il \\'as likc..' gctt ing d roPlll'd ill to a pool o f saucy rappc rs, yo u know, you had ('- Bo , Killa ' I";IY, '1alTaicss, l.aroo. Pil.l.o , ,uui (11 11lT ,\ \\ '()I . artists, as \rel l so YO ll kl}( )\\· 'Linill Paync said YO ll goll o ge t your groOH' Oil , alld gcl you r shit tight . gl'1 jt o r dOIl 't. hul for the most pan il \\'as a good n :pl'I"iC II(T. So 1(11' all YOIl (';l1 s Ihal \\,anl to gcl in lo Ihl' galll c..' lakc Illy a(ki("c, got to slay awakc and lll'HT slcc p !

) CHI han.' a lo ng his to ry oh\·orking wilh ~ o rth \H's t a rtis ts, ill 2007 you rel eased En.'I), Single Day with Po rtl a nd's Cool ~lIts, YO U' H .." wo rkcd with th e :'\ inc Sidc Click from Spo kan c, and Po rtland's So uth east is s igned to Sicc-.\-Cdl Enterta inmc nt. Ilow did HHlr cOllllec ti o n to Po rtla nd a nd th c Ilo rth\\'cst comc abo ut'! TIil' Ill llsic, Ihl' tak lll is re \1 dilkrell l OUI tlll'IT. Yo u g( 11 a h,t ( II" ill l'l'hH'l' ll cit ic..'s wili lill tllc..'se ilig citics a li lt lll orc..' (·o lll l( )J·[;thk 10 llIo\·e alld h ustl e. PIll S I got cals o llt II nc IIial arl' EUlI il y ;IlUillot h·ie lld s, so il llIa kes il l';JsilT 10 CO llI(.' o ut alld flic k \rith rcalll

A" I said. you\'c bcen in it I()r years with alhullls going hack to the late !)O's. " 'hat a<ldec wo uld yo u gin.' to all th e inde pelldcllt artis ts Ollt th cre trying to COIll C up'!

) CHI\·C hcell hlessed to \\"o rk with lllallY m aj o r l~lClOrs in \\"('s t coast hip ho p. lookin g back \\"ho wo uld yo u say had the hi gges t impact 0 11 the music yo u cn.:ate ilnd ho\\' yo u ha ndle yo ur hustle'!

Kl'l'P il pushin! Kccp staying heard! I I lilli an cars art' ;\ heall tiful lil ing. so OI K e YOIl ca pturc a j.f.lllg of Ihosl' I h'1.\;lr;ulllT shi l ge lS a lot hctte r. so kcep yom pi ns hOI a nd yom note hooks n: ad y and kc..'(' p d roppi ng Ihal shil likc..' all old sdlool l'he\·y they call Co[eollc!

I wo uld say .... l' H'I"yhod y lilal I CH'r \mrkcd \\'ith, c H' ryhod y had Ihe ir O W II style and hu stl e ahoul tlll.' nlsch-c s, it 's a ("ollst allt 1l';lrnillg proccss. so take li'olll olhe rs as \\"(,, 11 as thc..'y takc frolll YOll and creale you r 0 \\" 11 situat io ll. It s like t(lo thal!, COl li(.' lip \\'ith ;\ plan and C.\ lTll tl' il . ddt' ll Sc..' H"i ll s g,Ull('S o lle ll se ti ll s seals, so it all works.

11;1\'illg n.:lc;Jscd so lIluch lIlusic what d o yo u hope nlllS and listcne rs 10 \\·alk a,,·ay \\·ith,!

Alh' r being s igned to and releas ing albums und er \'a ri o us labels, yo u cstahlished Sic-.\-Cell Entl'J'lainn H..' llt . \\'llat \\'as the Illo th'ati o n In' hind startin g yo ur own lahel? I\as ical k gl' l1 ing fu ckl'ci 1(11' thc..' lirsl tllllC, I had 10 change lil l' ~·; Ul ll' alld rcali /.cd inslcad o f seiling· peallu ts I ("ould st art sl'l lill g jars o f pe anut hlltter. .. ll]()]\' lllom'y le ss problc lll s!

All aroulld j.f.1IIJ(" Iallghler alld pailljllsillo OIl C thing! HCj.f.lrdIt-ss yo m hoy is goillg to do hi s tban g! So kee p Ihl' hllstk ;din' a nd thl' hull shil 10 ;1 Illi lli11\11 111 .. ..'-; ()l llil Si l k ri< Ja il!

did all intc lyicw with :\Iurdcr Dog magazinc hac k in 2001 and in il r Oll said SOlllething Ihat I f(lIlIHI 10 he quite prophcti c. ) f) U said. "\\'e dOll 't nced 11 0 BE'"!: \\·c d o n't I1 ccd 110 radi o, \\l~ d Oll't need 11 0 campaign, we d o n't need nOlle or Ihat s hil." Lo oking at the indepe nd ellt music industry now, your stat l'llIl'llI is true r now Ihall it \\'as ill 2001. Ilow has th e inte rne t aided YOIl hoth as an artist and as a lahel o\\"ll lT'? ) <HI

SAVlAnu:. ISmFM[ 15

What bro ught yo u to Illus ic, & how did yo u get yo ur start'? RC;'llly, I started doi ng music at a young agc ... Guitar lessons at :1 1/ 2 years o ld and drum lessons at 5. I tllen sl;.u'!cd learni ng to play the 'lh o S;LX and mastered my lTali by middle SdlOO I.

have bee n writing music fo r yea rs, how do you find your inspiralio n? YOll

13eing tilal my sister's hushand \ \'<L,\;U1 artist ;Uld I had IllUSiGll knowledge I reall y want ed to le;ml how to writ e so he showed me alUl it's heen a "RAP" ever since. Com ing where I' m fro m , Stockton Ca., it 's C;L,Âť), 10 lind stull ' to write ahollL .. lhe streets afe 6'T imy!

For o ur readers I.ell


who are some o f yo ur

past and present influences?

11I;lilaan ... loo Illan y to nalllc ... let me see, FAO, Ire Cuhe, Lud;lcris, Hakim, Special E.d, Illy cousin Yo ung Drc D a nd a few othe rs!

we re spo nso red by Boos t Mobile, h ow did mal come abo ul'?


I \\'(L'i workillg I(JI" the com pan ies ('(ti l cente r and they were gonna sh llt liS down, he ing that they were one or lhe hest cOlllp;Ulies I'\,e c\'e r workcd lor, I wrole a t:onlme lTial I()J' tile ir "11I1\\'rong'c '" c;Unpaib'llC(1 am i playcd itl()I" the lll_ Thc song madc it alllhc way to the owner sprillt who thcn cu t mc, Khaki Ui u and Soundd ick prod uce r Sinima bealS a ni(T chc(-k and spoll sored us I(u- a COli pie year s_


All Hapt Up Vol. I sold 3 000 co pies, ca n yo u tell uS how il feels lO kn ow thal il was received so well?

I Feels Good ! No Ill,\jo r prolllO , strajght o ut (he tru llk , fro m Cal i to Illinois, I pushed the he ll Oll lt" that C D. I think people we re alt racted 10 the 1 ~\Ct I dOIl 't sound like any o the r r'lppcr out the rc.

More "unity" ,L'i I ~lr as a rt ist working togethe r. Thi s is an · undiscove red " rCb~() 1l with a lo t of t;dell t to h~vC to thc world . I W,Ult to see PDX get lhe s,une res pe ct ,L<; I A , AT I.,Fl.,TX ;md NY. I wou ld love to sec llIorc opportunities lo r m y fellow N \V eutist to shine !

Ir you could collaborale o r produce ror any artist. in the induslIy who wo uld it be?

Do yo u have any advice lo r up a nd coming a rtist. that are still findin g their way in this I th ink my now \wllid lit good with Drake, Ludacris, business?

and \ Viz Kh alif~\ beat produced by none other th e hest in the wes l... ~ H al l way Productionz"!

''''he re do yo u see yourself in five yea rs? God willing, I' ll be silting at (he Grammy's with a no minat ion or some thing... mOl'e tll,Ul likely Si1-,'llCd to a !<thc!.

'''' hal a rc somc of t.he things yo u wo uld cha nge about il1C music scene in thc nortJ1 wes t, as well as the music industlY in genera l?

Keep Pushin '! Ncver give up your grind and st ay true to your craft! l jkc I always say "(;dk is cheap a lld hat ers cOllle a dim e <l doze n"!

Whill Ciln we expecl Ii-om rapture In 2012? I' m rc·reieasing a deluxe vcrsion of ~ AII Rapt l ip Vol '2~ with new sonf,'S and remixes feat K,u-Ina, Scssion of Rydaz Committec ;llId 1lI0re. ' 'T he C"lilorlllula" llIi x· t<l I)C myself allcllal)e J nlatc/co-ceo Ernest "klla ki I\lu· Bags by put tugethe r (hCll by late SUIlIllicr "O re~cr nomic· will hit digital stores and the streets!

Ca n YO ll tell Ollr rC<ld e rs aboll l YOllrself? \I\'here YO LI are from a nd what yo u do? My name is Danilrills \ "'011 11)" aJ so known a.<; D.\Vorth\'. I'm il hip hop artist, music enthusiast, sneaker head, and st udent. I was horn and raised in Cleveland, Ohio. \Vhell I was younger my mother relocated 10 Vancouve r, \ Vas hill!,'1on in se;uTh of iI better lifestyle. I' m .1 profcssional dreame r and an incle pcll< lenl mu sic arti st.

I-low did yo u gel start ed in Illllsic and what are YOllr biggest inl1l1c nccs? 20ISAVIAT. IU:JM

I've a lways natu ra lly had a love fo r music; I can Lha nk Illy 1110111 and m y unde fo r Lhat. They always wou ld put me on 10 oldies ;mel classic hip hop. \ 路Ve always had o ld Ohio Player records around , .dl or Prince's aibulll s, all the Michael.lackson albullls; I mean we pre ll )' m uch had a ll the cl assics. I would take lime out 'L'i a kid and actuall y appreciate the kind or Illusic Lbey made. My unde always bad me li stening 10 NOlorious 13.1.(;., In : cuhe and KRS One, so I got th e full b ip hop hi slory lesso n whic h really made me love hip ho p. It waslI 'l lIlllil Ill y senior ye'u路 or high sc hool , whe n I didn 'l rece ive any sc ilol.u's hips lor sports Ihat I really tbollghl a hollt ta king my music serio usly.

My big-g-est inllue nres wo uld have to be my mother, my gr;mdmo tllcr. " Th ose t\\'o women ;trc the re,l'ion I am the pe rson th;lt I ;l!ll today, \-Vhell thillh'S got rough fo r me I knew I could always tu rn to m )' mo th er. Her hard work ;md the s'lCri lit,cs she made fo r Ill y t unily ;lIld I reall y inspired me to also work hard lor what I wan t. I have yet to meet anybod y stn mge r th,m those wo men, As an art ist Lauryn Hill h'l'i inlluenced me the most. She never sa<Tiliccd her ;l.rt istit, inl ehrri1y and I respect tJl<ll about her. I also loved how she was ahle to include po lit ics an d social iss lIt:s int o her lyrics, giving her IlIlisic a lo t of de pth that I also ho pe to bring into Illy llIusic.

\IVhcrc do YO ll ho pe to go with YOllr mlls ic and what do YOll ho pe ra ns and listeners to walk away with? I ho pe to gd to a po int where I inspire so meone the way art ists I looked up to inspired me, I wam people to liste n to m)' musi{' lfJr Illore th;m the way it sounds; I want my words to reallr ailct,t so meo ne .md the war ther th ink , I ho pe they Icel verh;lil y stimulated and enriched alier he,u'jug my sonh"S, I \WUllmy f;UlS to see me as more than a 1lI11sici;1Il o r ;1 rappe r but a true poet. So meone whose Illusit, they can rely o n lo r UlSpl ralJo n am i l-,'l.lid'UlCe eve n when I ;IIll not relevant,

Ca n YO ll tell o ur readers about "The Ho no r Ho W'; who's invo lved a nd what YOll all do? The Ii o llor Holl is a {'Ollet>ti"e h'TOUP o r my closcst Ii-iellds and husiness p;.u路tners who are aJ l college studellts, 'Vc managc o ur own blog, we book o ur OWJl shows and \\'e run o ur o wn clothing li ne. ""e're all like a hig ass I;un ily, I [j \ 'C \ \~th Illy Ill.Ulagc r, my phOlOl-,'Ta pher li vcs 2 mi n utes away li'olll Illy ho use and Illy C ll h~ll eer nics to caste rn ' Vashilll-,'1.011 rq.,'ltlarlr,

Ilo w do ),O ll balance t.he dilTe rent aspects o r what "'The I-Ionor Holl" is involved with?

It 's all ,I hollt priori tizing ;md org;UlizaLio n, "Ve assign d il1cre ll l IX)sit io ns to e\'eryone so that each of o ur prQjc('ts gets dOll e with detai l ;mt! pret' ision, ' Ve make tillic lor wo rk and we make lime for play, , .vhc n thin/-,'S need to get do ne \\'e just Slay lot'used , Fo('us is key! ' '''c all want tl lis so bad Ihal we all undcrst;Uld how impo rtant thi s is,

You recently released your Mixtape "Patience Is a Yiltue" \\1,at has the response been Ii-om the public? Ye<lh, it was a b'Teat ex perience and accomplish ment to drop my first mixlape. It a 101 for me to drop it- on Ill y 20th birthday because a lot of kid s back home in Cleveland do n', get the chance to make it to 20. And I thought what better way 10 celebrate my life then by giving away music that changed my life . The response from the public W'L<; crazy; it was downloaded li'om medialire ove r 400 times within two ho urs of it being uploaded. Sounddoud plays were in the thous;tnd s ;tnd blogs such ;lS tribe darity, urban rei<txation and Ivy Le'l!,'lle spins all showed m;\jor love earl y. T oday th e llIixtape is still being featured o n blogs daily and downl oaded. I'm glad the project was rece ived we ll and that I was able 10 get my arti stic views across.

Traditionally, a college career cloes not factor into most hip hop artists lives. How do you balance pursing a business degree and being a performer? Most musicians can't handle the demand of school ;md being in the husiness. And I don 't bbme them it's hard to go to class then go home to wo rk on homework ;md sti ll record ;md kee p your mind fresh for new concepts and songs. But ( believe that going to school and earning my degree wi ll only benefit me in the long run. Having a backup plan and coyering all the b;'lses GlIl only ensure my success in my future. (' m able to handle the responsibilities of both by kee ping Ill y priorit ies in order, giving valliable time [0 nw education .md valuable time to developing my eraJ i. Plus going to school yOll get to learn new things and ex perience li fe in a different light, things that can reaJ ly inspire and refresh you as an ;'lrtjst ;'lI1d a person.

What other projects to do you have available, and what projects do YO ll have in the works? The on ly prQject I have available is my mixtape Patience is a Virtue whi ch you can download from Hight now I alll working on my debut album \ Vollh the \ Vait. This album will pick up where Patience is a Vin-ue lefi: off, a story about a you ng kid fj'om Cleveland ch;L<; ing hi s dreams in thi s crazy world. \ Ve are about seven son6'S dee p in th e recording process and have over 33 songs written. Now it's just about finali zi ng and cutting songs for th e album. As a n independent Artist it takes quite a lot of

elTort to build and maintain a I~tn base, what tactics have yo u developed to promote yourself and stay relevant? Honestly my real ji'iends have heen a m;\jor part in supporting my mu sic. From both my ho mies in VanCOllver ;md Cleveland they have done their part in listening and spreading the word about me and my movement. Social networking also plays a palt in helping me reach people from all over. Fans that don't have th e local accessi bility to my shows ;lre able to listen and down load m)' mu sic. 221SIIVIIATIM ISMfM

\!\There ca n our readers go to learn more about and hear your music?

YO ll

You can check out my mus ic and my story on line at E-lCel)ook.c()mh vortI IYlllllsic, on tuml )lr a[ and my tWlller wi[[ io rwortI IY路


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Say Nation m March 20, 2011 savnation


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