SavNation Vol.2 issue 1

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New West still in this! Exact ly o ne ycar ago SavNation launched fea tu ring ,. iI'llldflll of great NOl1h \ Vest A ltisLS, and ,t1l10llbrst those, was a h'TOUp of Portland based Rappers who had l'akcn to pe rforming a nd pUlling Oil shows unde r the ullo fli c i;d Ilame o f The New \'Vcst rvluvcmc nL For thi s, the first issue of volume two, we w;m!cd to catc h lip with th ose six arti sts, includ ing Po rtland George , Bubba Kush, M o nsla , 1-1 20, Roule tte Del' Galo, & LIYZZ, and sec whe re the last year had taken th em, both collectively as New \Vcst and as solo a rtists. Along wit h th e reunioll of New "Vcst, we h;lvc three great e mcees heavy 0 11 the ir grind! Ponlanu's Zito the Boss, or th e U nioll, toudlcu ba se with liS and gave us an inside view of II is hustle! Newcome r Brink, whojusl recently released his fres hmall Mi xt.lpc wi th Sa vN ation a lso stopped by alld blessed us with a dopc intcrview! Along with that we had the 0 pp0l1u ni ty to meet up with the talentcd MC Shadow Loc ho lding it down in MOnlana! Thanks aga in to all o ur l~lIl s and sup po rte rs who ha\'e been d own with SavNation since day o ne! \ 'Ve have been he.IVyon the movc to hring o ur read e rs !lew e mcees from all ove r the No rthwest! Be 011 the look out in the upco ming wceks lor the print ed \'CrSIOIl of Savnatioll ava ilable through Magc l(>ud,colll

Ull ti l tlll; North \ Vest Blows Up!

TC" I~I ~

(Vol. 2 No.1 )

Pu bl isher: Gorilla Grind Des ign & Product ion Ed itor in Chief / Creative Di rec tol~ 'Ie ny L March Managing Editor/ Artist Hclations: La ny J. i-iigucraJr.


I~ r

Advertising: Hol a S. Khouri

Di rcc t OJ~

advertising info rmation a nd rat es contact Hskholl

Co nt ribu ting Writers: Tc ny .'vlarch, La ny i-ligucra

Phot ographers: Goril la Grind Dcsign & Produ cti on路 www.gorill Hoben Linder - roben

Publishcd by Gori lla Gri nd Design & Production

4932 SE Vl oodstock Blvd. Ponland Ore 9 720G 5 0 3 .506.9 12 3 . Emai lln Subscription inqu ircs should bc sent to inio@savnation.colll

SAVNA 181 ZITO THE BOSS Meet the Man behind the Union

''''hat's New with New West, Any Major moves over the last 12 months?

sc reallllllg it III evc l)' post I makc on m y social networking site or saying it in every song but I make sure im reppin in my vi deos and wi ll be rcppin in all Monsta: Evc rybod y in thc Movcment bccll staying future prqjects. ivle personally, I believe in not pUlling busy ve nturing o il' working on solo prqjects, building all my eggs in one baskct. I'm building m y brand as a themselves as a whole, as a prod uct, as ,I a solo arti st as \\路ell as a member of the N\ ,VM. local household name. Ju st kecp your cyes opcn 111 2K l 2 1or the N\ 'VM. Portlalld George: I say hal f' h,lS beell grillding tryillg to H20: You know we stay making Illoves colledively put the team & themselvcs 011 whi le thc othcr half I and individuall y, basically we've bec n tI)ling to stay fCci has bee n u),illg to get pi~')1 backed!!! List year it grinding and working hard to rcach the top. Over th e see med like all the MC's in this group was on th e

last 12 mOllths I've pcrsonall y beell doing' a lot of' slaps and gctting thi s 'ThrillLife popping in dille rcnt cities so I bec ll doillg a lot of' travelillg alld I have partnered up with lon!,rtime hom ie, 12th Twice Productioll. He is super lIice with the beat game so I'm excitcd ahout that, I also becn collaborating with a lot of out of state artist ill the AT'L alld Cali alld a lot of' local allist along with a lew videos too! Mostly I've bee ll just working 0 11 where I'm tryillg ge t to my carecr and laying down the ground work to do so.

same page with the samc lire & drive but honestly in my own "opinion" Cll Z' I'm entitled to that we need to get back to what is was a year ago no sugar coating or w,tlering it down!!!!!!!!! As for mysel f I've been ve ry active wit getting my name along with the N\ 'VM name brand ou t there on the Northwest. I'm about to do a west coast tour ou Ua my own pocket & hit these ven ues & make more co nnects CllZ' hip hop in Portland is just about DEAD!!!!!!!

Laya: 'vVe all rep NE'vV 'vVEST we all collah with in Bubba Kush: \ 'Ve 've just bee n growing as artists, this movement and with o thcr northwest artist too. But we ain't don e any N\ ,VM shit to make N\ ,VM developing a game plan in this mu sic business. My l)'loves. But don't slcep o n it thi s year wc takin thi s team is strong, eac h Incmber is a pillar & can hold whole shit to anotha level. they own. \Ve all got pn~j ec t:-; in th e works, we stay busy.

Do you see "New ' ,Vest" as a group of set memRoulette Del' Gato: I thin k as "'T he New \Vest Move- bers or is it more of a collective?

ment" we haven't done a whole lot together. I do sec some of us wo rking toge ther and colabin on mu sic while some of us have ventured olLlIld put ou r hand s in other things. Personally I think both ways are good as long as you reppin the N\ 'VM. I may not be 121SAVIlATIIM w...211S$11.

l3ubba Kush: New \ 'Vcst didn 't start with LIS we just took it & flipped it. For me New \Vest means that the North \'Vest has a chance to be heard , the last timc the \Vest CO,ISt ran the mu sit, sce ne (93ish) , wasn't nobody checking I(x LIS back thcn, we herc now, I see

the team as a collective of artists who have a lot to olle r. \ Ve camc IOgethcr to provc that th cre ca n be unity betwce n altists in this business. Portland George: I see us as both!!!!! \ 'Vhen wc do get together it's magica!!!!! I ICci eve ry [vi C in thi s group feeds off each other & that's why we was dubbed "'rhe Super group of the Nort hwest" \ Ve are a legitimat e movement oulla the sou theast side of the Rose City!!!!! Mohh Up L IYZZ: \'Vhell we all came together to do that C hrist-

mas show last year it was magic. \ 'Ve murkd it so we <lll came toge ther as a grou p al lirst. Rig'ht Il O W I led it's a collective. But we gone get thi s N E\ V \ 'V EST shit boo mi ll in 20 12

Monsta: 'fh e idea of it originally started 011' to be set as a group wit h set me mbers. \ Vhal it truly is, it's just a mothafuckin move me nt. A rose city move me nt! 1-1 20: To me the New \'Vest is a move ment! It's a combi nation of dille rent camps, labels, crews, movements, or whatever YOLI wanna call it into 1 big @$$ movement we are an ove rall view of the nortilwCSI' ya di I wi ll the re are most certain indi-

viduals are the des ih"lated "Public Faces¡ but how I see it we are represe ntatives or ou r own movements o r campaig'II's 0 11 a pallel fo r a collective move mell t.

to put our sets toge ther to kee p the momentulll go ing in the crowd and it tu rned ou l to be th is crazy 30-45 min set of stra ight lire and had eve rybod y leeling ito! Then pcoplc start askin if we were a group. So in a sense I can see it as both.

[s there any chance of a New West Album? Roulette Del' Gato: I definitel y see a N\'V!vl albUlll soon!!! Perso nall y I wou ld like to sec us bangin that out starlin yesterday, \ ,Ve got a lo t of talen ted artists on the team and that makes for a dope group prqjecL I' m excited to gel started and see what kind tracks we bang out hut I know they all gonna be dope.

Monsta: If we can get these mothafuckas in the lab at the same tinle . Hahahaha. Real spit. T here wil l be something, always is. Bange rs!!! PortJalld George: I really wan t there to be o lle but it's like that old sayin "You can lead a horse to water but can 't make the muh fuck<! drink" now let me clear some shit up Cll Z' I know a lot of reade rs oUlt here our gonna be reading my interview & lhi nk I'm talkin down on my squad in which that is N EVER THE CASE, but when you got 6 members, ouUa tha 6 • .1

members got kids, jobs etc., etc. it kinda puts a dam per o n hilling the lab every day. as to someo ne or people that don't have the respo nsihililies like we Houielle Del' Gato: I see the N\ 'VM as a collective o r do!!!! Hut we gOll lla pu t that aside & everything else & d iflc rent labels under one big umbrell a. At the same bang ou t this New \ Vest Album lo r the North \ Vest time I call see it bcill a "group" too beG\use I remem- coast ya digg!!!! ber we had a show at the 9 15 club and we all decided

Bubba Kush : I thin k so, it' s going to take a lo t


maneuve ring due to schedule n mllicts. I douht we wou ld get the whol e team togeLh e r and once but we will get it done. LIYzz: \ Vc gOlla d o Lhat shit. \Ve goua dro p Ih;lt thi s year. I Lhink o llce we all sit down and bra in sto rm what we wa nna do wi Lh it, the a lbum will be e;lsy to knock out. Look o ut !<1I' it. ... NE\'V \ 'VEST!!!

1-120: I Lh ink Lhere shou ld have ;lire;ld y been

sce lle for loca l shows & venues it's dying every day & eYC I} ' night blster &. 1 ~l s t e r cuz' niggas & bit ches don't know how to ;Kt ou t hc rc!!!! Every other night th e re's a shooting at th esc ven ues ",hetl lc r it's a !,' shooting o r a fe mal e shoot in & it's sad c uz' now local arti sts havc to really sla rt "Lhi n kin o utsid c lI le box (state) & sla rt touring ot he r city & slates whic h is cool you always wanna Lr.lvel & ex pand your sound & tale nt hut Lhe "De fJam's, At la ntit"s, Univcrsal's, & so o n are not wanting 10 co me here cuz' wc as the people in Port land d on't know how to act!!!!!! All iL ta kes is Lhat 路what's this nigga lookin ;It" or "'T his nigga's tryin to ho lla at m y gi rl" or some hella old hood beef & shit shuts down & what if Lhere was a A&H present that night that that shit happe ned! ?!;) Be t you Lhey wou ldn 't he comin hack to lind talen t an ytime soon

and album out, but I dd initcly sec a n al bulll com ing ou t soon. All it takes is Lime and o ppol1unity to make Lhat happe ll. Lltcly we all havc bee n working on ou r own so lo pn~icc t s. I'm looking fo rward 10 brillbol llg the streets a New \,Vest ;lihum beca use it's gonna be A-I dope game fasho! Shouts o ut to all the New \,Vest ho m ies y'all kllow what it is! 101.

Looking back on the last year, do you the local hip ho p scene has improved or worsened?

l.ayzz: Thc tale nt in Lhe Hose C ity is way he lle r than it 's cver been, but th e city L1} ,ing to shut the g.lIne POl1land G eorge: The mu sic quality &. talen t quality down. They dOIl ' ( wa llt rap shows they don 't wanna has vc ry muc h improved!!!!! \ 路Ve got a lo t & I mean A sec liS shine. \ 'V cju st gotta lind other ways to put shit LOT o f hungry artists o ut here ran.6olng !i'om agcs J 9 out thcre. They close the door \\'e need to bust the to evc n 40 & niggaz is S PIT"fl N!!!!!! But as of the damn w.IIL

H 20: I re'lliy feel like it has improved quit e a hit. Portla nd is starting to represe nt itself as a who le unit and thaI also goes lor the local music scenc as wel l. The re

has been a 101 of shows going o n to promote more local .utists. Also I th in k that with more grinding and support the closer we can get 10 being acknowledged and res pected on a bigge r scale. Monsta: I thi nk it ha s improved lalen t wisc and thc imlcpcmlent !"Ti lul has defi llitcl y improved . \ 'Vhat 's wo rse is how the city is attempting 10 stop Portland Hip Hop ill most or thesc music vC llues. vVhat the fuc k;) Ro ulette Del' Cato: Both!!! I kec p hearing people say Hip Ho p is dead ill Portland but it 's not. The cl ubs may bc dead and the ve nues for us as artists 10 promote ou r music arc slowly dying but Hi p Hop can never dic here, Like Illy guy PC said there are el l' 100 m;lIlY ho t ;uui hu ngTy artists out herc (rappers, singers, son!,'wrilcrs, prod ucers, and dancers) that won 'l stop doi ng' what they do hecause cl ubs close down. It all slarts with th c violc nce and conslant proof we show the cil y authorities th'l t niggaz can't co me logether lor a positive nighl wi tho ul some kind of drama , mostly shootings. Bubba Ku sh: The ta len t has improved, I see as a music community we arc feeding of each ot her's ener!,')'. rybody I have connccted & wo rk with has taught me so mct hi ng ahoul thi s industry. As lor support lor shows... Shit we o n our own o ut here. ThaI why I re;tehcd oul to other artist like Young Dru, DOll Cisco from th e bay & Ru ssell Lee from T cxas.

What ca n the readers and fans look forward as fa r as New West as a who le and as Solo Artists?

H 20: A whole 101 more o /" dope music! Shouts out to Ill y T hrillLifc mcmbers B-Smoove, Dizz Loc, Mcat C utta, S.D.J.P. , and the \ 'Vhole 'ThrillLifC! Also look lor us Ncw \ 'Vest Move rs 10 con tin ua lly drop the music for the Rose to keep it cracking' and cx pose thc rest of thc world to thi s New \ 'Vest Swag. VOle H2o lor m;-Iyor 101 ha look out lor my new projects coming ou t Fau Staxx N Fined Capz., Sink Or Swim, Bcal Knoxx &. Strect T.t1k Vol.l , and Designated Shootas with myself and guy Dizz. Loc, Monsta: vVell, 1m working o n my solo album right now e ntitled ]ingletown". T hat's gonna be some real shit. C4 abo ul to drop that ~ Boom 2路 mi xt'a pe,S MR's "Mobb Music VoI2". Bubba Ku sh got like 46 pn~jects about to drop, haha. You probably gonna see a Hard work, Dedication, & Drive album Ii'om me and PC. \ Vc just staying active and wa lch the ou lcome when you apply ,ha' I-ID&D. Roulette Del' Cato: Hopefull y the f;Ul s can ex pect a N\ VM pn~ject Ihis yea r. I'm in Ihe midst of wrappin up my 2nd album "Superhuman" which imp droppin thi s summer! It's about 75% prod uced by ma guy Eighty ni ne Beatz and leatures artists like Chi llest [lIest, M:iliciolls, Ha ll;l, Aaro n O'Brya n Smit h, .lac Lava, Kan Jones, Shawnacy '路路rhe Diamond CUI Princess" and man y more! \'Ve' re also gearing up 10 shoot the video fo r my nex t single olfth e new album called "'T h row this [vloney" feat. Shawnacy and Ma licious. The vid eo fo r Illy lirst si ngle 011' the new album, "Go路 saVU1I)I VIIllIISs._115

tea l. Emerald Gree n is avai lable fo r viewi ng @ roulcucdclga tol. I' m working Oil thc 3rd installmcnt of my mixl'ape series as well Ru s路 sian Rou lett c \'01.3 "Quarantinc" and prqjects from m}' Diamond CUI Enl. L..;d>ei mates M3licious and Sllawnacy. Bubba Kush: As a whole wc just gon na make music, hopefully gct thc album dOlle. As lor solo I ha\'e many prqjects I ha vc Thc QP, From Portland 2 The Bay Compilatioll, The COb"l ..lC Project, T he Kush Administration, The Goodld la Sons Of Po rtland ( wll Port land Gcorge ) an Ull titled prQject ( wi Don Cisco ). Sllit Gorilb G rind is just gelling started, Layzz: 'T hey

look li.>rwa rd to that classic N E\ 'V \-VEST albulll. They call go download PGs new mix路 tape roo/Ill. ES PN. Thc champ di<lue we workin 011 That 1300M2 coming soon. You know I' ma bc on allY shit my NE\ 'V \'V EST ORIG INALZ is dropping. And I'm gonna st"lrt workin on my second mixt'lpc BU RN NOT ICE. So don't sleep on the moyemcllt and \101313 UP!! Gill

Port land Geo rge: They Gill download my new mix路 tape "M!'. F..5 PN" hosted by Northwest lege nd & Port路 Cool NulZ for li'cc al land nati ve \\ww.gorillah,," portlandgeo rge \\'C gOI C4's new mixtapc droppin SOOI1 "'Th;lt Boom Vo1.2" wc got S,\1R "rvl ohh Music Vo1.2" droppin right ali cr thaI & I'm also wo rkin onln y sophomore album "HM CIP 2 Mad e III Oregon" which should be out mid sUlllmer I'm teaming up with some serious produce rs for this alhum olle of them is 50 Ccnt's producer's Bud'l Da Future Ilc produced my I1C\\' single "Rising Sl'ar" \\'llicll I lilmed ;1 vidco lix as well directed & edited hy Ikc.lall Iran shad that ('nl cu rren tly shoppin around at 1ll;ljor record lahels!!!! Be o n the lookout Ii::>r thaI it's a m; ~ior uPl4'rade fi'olll all Illy other music & vidcos as we ll!!! Buhha Kush has projects droppin as well as Illy hrotha from ;lIlotha motha Monst'i his fi'es hman alhum :Jingletown" should be out right bft mine so he on the lookout lor those as " 'e1I!!! Olher projects li'om the team arc coming soon too!! #MOBB THA FLICK UP #SLl I'I'OHTLANDCEOHCE #NWO #SMH #CC #CC


",,- ,/ ,

Cognac ~p/ GGD p C OGNAC I


Can yo u ldl us aboul Zito the Boss, where you'refrom, what yo u do, etc.?

At the end of the day, what are your goals in Hip hop?

I'm CEO or an illdie label called T h" Union Enl. based out or Port land. I han.: live aritsts and a DJ that arc curre ntl y signed to T ha Union .. Seven, \ <\Ia llace, HohYoung, .Iuma Blaq, Shoelace &. Mysd L

Trends in Hi p.ho p culture constantly change, bu t one thillg I notice recen tl y is the lack of pass ioll and the aggn.;ssive ness rrom r;lppcrs and I hope to bring that feeli ng h;lCk and instill that in the new ge neratioll.


"\'hat ' . . cre yo ur biggest influe nces coming up?

How do yo u feel about being from the Northwest, and how do you go abo ut getting I' m a 1~1Il or all types or music. .. hip.hop, H&. B, rock, exposure within the region? electro, ja7.z, hut not ('ouiliry tho, I can't stand that shit 101. I remember I was like 10 years old and I got m)' hands on the "Hh yme Pays" tape by lce路T and I would bump thai shit in my \ IValkman 24/ 7, except when my mom was around cuz she wou ld beat my ass ir shc caugh l me listcning: to it 101. One ;lIi-ist tllat ahso路 lutely inspired Inc was N;ls, ever si nce I heard the IIImalic alhum I wa nled to do music. I try not to listen to 100 much hi p.hop nowa days CliZ I don 't want my Ilow to he ill ll llcll<:cd hy othcr rap pers.

I rep Illy cit y to the rullest and the people know that ("uz whe n you show lovc to you r city they show love back. The re's no do ubt in my mind that the N\ 'V is the most slept o n region in hip.hop ... .1 get ex posure by slaying consistc nt when it comcs to doi ng shows and putting ou t ncw music.

l bllus about yo ur work with Tha Union, and what yo ur role is in Tha Un ion's bigger picture? Our initial goal is 10 establi sh T ha Uni on Eil l. as a partner wilh a m<~jor label. Eve l1'one in Tha Unio n plays a big parI in our success, so there's nol necessarily one role. AI this level in the ga me you gotta know how to do il all, evel1'lhing from marketing 10 production to nCl"working and management.

What other artists from the north west do you work with? Aside from my Gun p ... 1 fuck wil Voeab, Leek, Porlland George, J o n Belz, 1Il<\j, Capt:ian, Issa, Delgato, Mighty, Aaron O bryan ...just 10 name a Icw. I try to make sure I wo rk with cvcryone I fe el is talented and reps Portland, un less I golta cate r to an artist's ego then I'm not fuckin wit em'.

We reviewed the Rip Cily Go rillaz a few issues back and loved it, why did yo u choose to go with a free release instead o f a sold product?

The best way to get exposer is Lhm lhe internet, but because the internet has such an illlluellce on the Illusic industry people are getting a lot o r thei r Illusic for free an y way. It 's hard as an indepelldenl artisl to build a Cm base so lhat's why Rip City Gorillaz and my nex t two prqjeets wi ll be free, I gOlta give people a reason to want buy my Illusic and there is no po int i' charging fur down loads until I'm establi shed.

\'Vhat work do yo u have available now? " Hip City Go rillaz" is ava ilable fo r free download at datpifLcom , coast 2 coast mixl'apes anti Tha UnionEn al so ..... 1 released a bunch o r new sonb"S on sounddoud, hotnewhiphop, and rcverilllalion.

\'Vhat prqjecls do you currently have in the works, bo th as a solo artist and collectively with Tha Union? Th a Union album will be released thi s summer o n 'T ha Unio nEn Lcom which will incl ude songs from all the artists in Tlla Un ion. I'm releasi ng two solo prq jects th is sunlll1er as we ll, olle is an electro p n~jeet called "\\ ' e Own The Night" and a 90's inspired album called "The Other Side"

'~'h ere

ca n our readers go to learn more about yo u and Tha Unio n?

Go visit Tha Sou nd cloud. com/ zit o-t1 lc-1lOSS T \vittel'. co m/ ziIo Lhe boss Revc rim.\ t:i 0 n .(:0 m/ zi t0 tl lC IlOSS

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Ca n yo u tell our reade rs about yourself and what they can expect fi'OITI Brink?

call talk about ami how I fe ci about them. I also took this lirst mixlape o f mine as an opportun ily to get a lot o ff my chestlhat I've had built up lor awhile, so you get a Iii bit o r everything with Departure. I've received grea tleedback actually; I've had a lot or people te ll me they're really leelin' it whi ch is always the goal. I've also got some ad vice from some people ve l)' close to me o n so me th ings to work on and things to think about, all positive and e ncouragi ng or course so I appreciate it a lo t. ) trust my team a nd I know they trust me so it's delinil ely gOlllla be a good year I()r the move me nt. So all and all I'm proud of it and looking forward to the next one!

I'mjusl a 19 year old kid born and raised in the Rose City. J've been making music si nce I was 12 and doing it seriously since about lG. Music is the only talent r have that has the pote ntial to Lake me somewhe re in life. I'm ex tre me ly passionat e and dedicat ed when it comes 10 making Illllsic. My goa l is to make music thaI people can relate to and move to while represent路 ing Portland all al the sallle time. My ultimate goal is simil;u to everyone else in the game; I \Vanna make it, rea lly make it and be re membered for what I was able to do. For me, the drive 10 suc<:ced for my team and th e people who support me is just as strong as any. Not only am I confide nt in my ability to 1.lke this What ca n lans and readers look fon,'ard to in music thing to the next level but I am more than COI1 - the coming year? lide nt my whole team is beyond ca pahle or succeeding and being recognized on a nation level. The time is now. The Movements time is now, Portland's t-ime is now, it OUR TIME, I)eriod! So eXI)ect no brakes and no sto ppin' till we get it!

T'hey can delinitel y ex pect a lot Ii'om me. I'm just getting started. I'm already working on Airt"ime whic h

will al so be presented by Savnation and by the end of the year Arrival: The Mixtape should he ava ilable fo r Ii-ee download as well. Make sure you keep your ears open cause we got a lot planned thi s yea r! You will '-\-' h e n & how did you b eco m e involved in al so hear me on C4's mixtape d ropping thi s year as makin g mus ic? we ll as Monstas .Jingletown album. Not to me ntion I grew up liste ning to all types o r mu sic as a you ng kid. eve rything we hit you with in be tween ! I actually think But my lirst taste o f rap music was in 2000 whe n a eve l1'one on the team has so me thing in the wo rks for fri e nd showed me Tha Last Meal hy Snoop. After 2012 so ex pect nothing less than greatness! that it was strait to Deathrow and the rest or the west coast and nner went hack! Ever since I've been into Lyrically, what e m cees have influ enced YO LI music its always been about the lyrics. Do n't get me most? wrong, yo bea t needa slap! But substance and meanI get inspiration Ii'om all dillerellt f<mns o f music and ing is key, you need you r listener to re late ... I've al\vays dillere nt artist. But m y biggest influe nce has to be feIt like I had a lot to say and nowhere to say it, and Pac. The delivery, the topics, and the attitude_ Pac music gave me that release_ Then once I figured out inspires me to write fj'o m my hea rt" and to always kee p that I could actually do it the re was no loo kin' hack. it real, and most importantly to put emotio n into my You recently released yo ur first mixtape Depar- music and show my true colors at all times. ""he n you liste n to Pac, it's like he wrote the sh it lor you! ture; can YO ll tell LIS abollt it, what was YO llr And that 's what I wa nt to he able to give people with m o tivation b e hind it and what has b een the my Illu sic. Aside fi'om Pac, I've always been inspired res ponse thu s rar? byJay-Z, Dre, Deathrow, Biggie, all the guys keepin' it The conce pt o f De parture is my lake 011' to the to p. real and making a li ving doi ng it. But I get all types of It 's th e beginn ing for myself and what I plan to do motiv;u-ion from difl e re nt arti st. I don 't think an yone with my music. It 's the lirst of three mix tapes that I can wri te lyrics like that dude, and that mo tivates me plan to release by th e e nd o f 2012, Departure, a lot I also get moti va tio n /i'01l1 Drake. I-Ie's got a lot Airtime, and Arrival. Olle o f my big focuses while of heart ill hi s music and dude can actuall y rap, and d o ing De parture was to show the difleren t suqjects I actually sing, Him being so young and being in the

position th at he's in and mostly /I-om rap is a goal we all share I th ink so that's very motivating to me as wel l. And last, "Vaynes dri ve to work till he has money on money on money, well that will motivate anybody_ What gets you motivated to write and c reate a

song? I get motivation from all kind s of th ings. It's kinda hard lor me to speci lically pick out distinct motivators beGlUSe I teel like I always wanna make music. So I guess eve rything. I listen to too m;lIlYsongs and hear so much music all day that when it physically stops ... It just kee ps going in my head. I always wanna re prese nt me in all m y music, that 's the most important. I pu t my feel ings into every verse I write so my s ul~j e c t maUe r changes all the time, and lhe way I may rap it to yo u is go ing to V;\I)' as well, but it's all Brink, it's all me and its all my heart. So I'd have to say m y higgest motivation to write is m yselLmd m y thoughts, music's my therapy and I need it. Period.

Heal, no !;Iiry tales or !;t!se representation. I'm either gonna tell you how I reall y d id it, how I really saw it, how I really heard it o r how I reall y thought it. But no mail er what its gonna be me and its gonna be real. But I guess I'm the take no shit-stand up lix wha t you believe in-go gella type artist. The easiest way I can descrihe it is my goal isn't to rap at you, hut to you. I don't make music to remind yo u of what I have that you don 't o r wha t you have that I don't. I make music lor yo u to relate to. I make mu sic to share the thint,rs I thin k I have in common with a lot of people, and to make you thi nk. I want yo u to relate to it like you wrot e it.

How do you feel about other rappers in the Northwest? Who do you listen to/ fo llow? I ho nestly thi nk as 1;11- as rap in the NOIlhwest we gu t a little of everything. \ IVe got some ;lIti s! II-om Portland that are highly underestimated and highl y undervalued as 1;11- as natio nal recot,'llition. I got a lot of respect fo r all the b'1.l yS in my camp, and all the dudes

How wou ld you describe your s tyle of hip hop? that helped put me where rill at loday. \IVe' re like a big f; unil y. I liste n to Monsla, Layzz, POItland George, Bubba Kush, H20, T rill, Nonse nse, the

who le New \Vest Movement ki lls it. Portland's got some o ther artist out here doing very well too. But like I said , for those guys killi n' it, the re are just as man y artjsts o n wack shit. \-Ve've go t the arti st in it cause they're good at it and that's what they lo ve to do and we got the artist rappin' cause they think it looks tight. The re's actuall y way too man y of those in Portland if you ask me. Like, if you rap, and take it se ri ous and love it, that's cool. But stop attempting to rap whe n you've got absolutely nothing relevan t to say and only wan l the praise. I think there 's too many people who think anyone and their momma can rap. But that being said we gottalen t out here th at needs to be d iscovered! So fix the arti st oul he re doin' it I salu te you. Suppo rtlalld!

\1\That artists have you or are currently working with? \,yell I'm just now starting 10 full y spread my wings so th e list will definitel y grow. I haven't had th e chance to work with all that many 'IItisl"'s due to the lack of !i'ee time and th ings I was focu sed on. Expect a lot more fCatures on Airtime: The Mixtape Ii'om various artists around the town. I'm always in the lab doin somethi ng with my dude ivlonsla. I've go tten 10 wo rk with guys like Layzz, Bubha Ku sh and Portland Geo rge. I'm e ithe r with C4, New \'Vest, S.M.H or Gorilla Grind so the potentia l fo r success is undoubted.

Where can people find out more about you and hear more of your work? You can always find Brink pretty much everywhere you can think of. You can go download De parture: The Mixtape FHE.E. whi ch dropped iVlarch 1st at m/ brink make sure you go get th at! You can always find out what 's going on with me through an y of my links:

Hevc rb Iia tiOiI. emn/ lilerealbri IIk So u ndcl oud. eo m/ til e realhri 11 k Facebook. com/ tllcrealhrillk T\ tl lerealbrink (Always leel free to eOlllaet me via email tllereal brin k@gmai



iVlakc sure your always keeping yourself updated on wilh all the lat est ill Brillk and thc rest of th e Northwest. If it 's hot , Savnation got il cove red! You \\'on't miss oul as lo ng as you always lookin' ill the right spot!

I've seen you do few things with YoungJay's Nine Side, what is your role as an affiliate? Yeah Jays the hom ie, we had dropped a track called "Stay Connected" in 2008 before we rea lly eve n knew each other, than we linall y got linked up in latc 08 carl y 09. I think it was whcn we was both put o n the YungJ oc show in Great Falls, ivh, thcn we dropped a song and video Gilled " G ~ town to tha Kane" and the rest is histo ry, Shout out to my dude Young Jay Nine Side reppin ....

"\'hat other artists do yo u work with? I wo rked with a lot o r arti st out the North \ ,Vest, such as, Lil Dange r, B~Vi c iou s , Corde ll, Mac Hoe, & C raz i~ ness, reall y too many to name right off hand ....

How did your distributio n deal with E 1 come about, and has that deal improved your 1~1I1 base? I had becn talking to a cal namcd EI Demonio who is curre ntl y signed to M r Cap o lle~e's Hi~Powe r Rccords, and al lirst \\'e was jus talkin ' leaturcs, then he threw some game at mc, said he likcd what I was doin and said he 's gOI distributions dcals \'Vith Koch and threw a o lle r I Couldn't pass lip ....

You have dropped quite a few mixtapes along with your omcial album(s). Where can our readers go to cop a download?

What Projects do you have in store lo r 2012?

I gol ''T ha Bang' B;tIlg theory pI 2" and a EP \ ,Vith tha chief of tha regio n called "Shadow Loc and At the moment I'm do in' via emails and pressin' Crazilless-Connecled" that arc ready 10 bc releascd , copies but-within the month all my new and old prodbut got stalled due to legal issues, but Be On the lookuct will bc o n Itunes, Amazon, and anywhere They out ro r more vidcos and a producti ve year from do dig-ital distribution .. Shadow Loc .... BA NG BANG!!!

Afte r it's all said and done, what do you hope fans get from your music? Just Heal Music! Everyday struggles to cqjoyin' lifc, I gotla liLLie bit o r everythang lo r eve ryone .....

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Say Nation m March 20, 2011 savnation


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IN IJI'(~O)I r(; ISSlmS OI~ l'TI~UI~ I.OOIHN(; I~OU 路 \I'I'lmS, : ..:~~,~;;~, )IllNllmms, l'Il.OJ)(J(~'l'ION (~O)I1'l , r E, " nt 'I'Ims, llIl.'1'IS'I'S, YOIJ NlHII I ';; ~' . . .


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