SavNation Vol.2 Issue #3 | June 2012

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Nine Side Music Special Edition! T his month we bring to you another nev,, feature to come to SavNation! \ Ve have developed a "Buyout" option for Artists & Labels, and our new options allow an artists or manager to essentially buy up space to secure spots for themselves and other artists that may be under the same label. Details will surely follow, & in the meantime, we hope you enjoy Our Nine Side Music Special Edition!





;,1. STUDIO RECORDING This Month we bring to you two hard working artists out of Spokane, Washington. Young J ay & Cordell D rake bring to you Nine Side Music and their huge roster of artists spanning the U.S. vVe also have a few add itional artists include Frod ie, Overtime, & Koshir ofWapikiya Records. vVe'd like to thank all our fans and readers for the tremendous amount of support you given! W e do this for the fans and people of the Iorthwest!

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~"~ORlDWIDE DIGITAl . Until the North vVest Blows Up!

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Terry March


Cover Spots and Buvoutlssues Available



SAVNATION Nine Side Music Special Edition (Vol. 2 lo. 3)

Publisher: Gorilla Grind Design & Production Editor in Ch ief I Creative Director: Terry L March Managing EditOr/ Artist Relations: Larry j. Higuera Jt:

Advertising: Marke ting Director: Rola S. Khouri

For ad\'ertising info rmation and rates contact Rskhouri@sa,路

Contributing \\'riters: Terry l\Iarch, Larl}' Higuera

Photogra phers: Gorilla Grind Design & Production- Richelle Swinkels- SwinkelsPho tography

Published by Gorilla Grind Design & Production

4932 SE Woodstock Bh路d. Portland Ore 9 7206 503.505.9 123. Email In

www.SavN Subscription inquires sho uld be sent to

Outside of Nine Side, what other the Northwest artists do you work with?

As of know, what is in d1e direct future for

Young j ay & Nine Side as other artist in the r egion 1 work with [ got a "vhole?

As Far <:t '> people all over the northwest I consider fam ily ifl <Un in P orthmd I am posted with DJ Chill, if I <un in Seattle 1 am fucki:n with Neema or Young Meez, .i f I ;.u n in Mont<ma I <:un f uckin vvith Koshir an<.l Overtime but lTuthJully I fuck V\~ th everyone heavy an<.l evervone fuck with me because I respect everybody fo r v~hat thev are doing whether it's my .iuggalo homies or m y duisticu1 rap homies it's all love from my side. '~at

is new with Nine Side, any new artists or projects in the works?

W e got a lot ol' pn~jects in the work as of right now evervbod v workin on their solo shit, '<Ve just enlisted Yung AYE out or Denver, co and my young nigga Ruthless to d1e team, my dude Cordell been doing a lot or traveling, doing big shit hosting mixtapes f(>r a bunch of cat<> everybody just doing their job ;md

.J ust keep g1inding ;md doing bigge r and better th ings droppin videos on worldst;.u路 gettin ow路 1~tces in more magazines, bigger tours! No one on my team gunna stop, so the future is limitless! W e all hood niggaz, so we aint on no hollywood shit, we been gettin money so d1ats nothing new, we jusl on tllis rap shit now so we gunna stay with it till everybody fuckin with us! Keep stepping our stage games up cuz Lhats reaJly how everyone know us is the way we rock places we

go m

Lastly, where can readers new to you, go to find o ut more about you and Nine Side? You

find m e at YoungJayNSC on any sociaJ network sites like Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, all that shil and if you jusl Coogle N INE SIDE or Puttin<r iu their own work and work for the moveme nt o I . YOlJNG .J AY its all us and ""e always on the move so when someone drops something ne'"' we alJ pus 1 1t fuck with us hit us up, come rock vvith us a ll our <md whal's good with N ine Side everyone From diHe rshows are crackin ~md live. ent places so we all have different hm bases that all support what we do. G ill

vVill yo u introduce yo urself to our readers, who How did yo u get a started in makin6 music you are & where your are from? and when did you actively start to p~trsue il' as I go by Cordell Drake, and I'm a record ing a career? ar tist/record ing cngi ncen•\'ith Nine Side Music, Hom \ V ell I l(>rmed a group in high school in 1998, with and raised in Spok;me, vVa. some of my Cambouian p<utnas, named K - I Family ' Vhat wo uld yo u tell readers about yow· city's as a rapper. Now hack then we was really just having hlp hop scene & what other artists you work fun and teaming how to record and put out records. I wilh o ul the re? later I(>Und out I <·ould sind (Uld people were really Spok<ute, \ Va. has a lot o f talemed artists and the u·ying to steer me to sing and not rap. l was srarting to music scene is improving up here, especially in the ::eally 7_el serious about it~ m~>re serious than my last couple years. As ((>r Spok<me, \ Va, 1 network \\ith group. was. so I \\'ent on ;md cltd my own thing to sec everyone out here really, movin' & pushing like my w~terc II could take me. 1 met Gonzo and Reality soon partna B - viciou~, lie's been out here for over ~t alter and created "holy Fam" and out styles came d ecade helping mold the scene to where it is now. r t~)gcther so w~ll that we made a good impact on the also work and suppon Certified, On One, Chop Spokan~ mu~1c scene for the next few yea rs. vVe got Meat Rec:ords, Ill Kings, and anyone else out here boo~cd Ill M.'ssoula Ml and mel Young .Jay, who was gctlin it in heavy with me. J wol"k hanJ <Uld rccogllizc ':as .~u~t st;.~rtlll~ lo h~1ild ~ine Sjd~. We built a r~la­ other out here putting in tJ1e hard work, it rea.lly docs t:~ms lup With '1 oung Jay and dendccl lo take Nute take to keep anoat i11 the Northwest scene. Stdc to Ute next leve l. Now al first Nine Side was

Young J ay, Blaq Santa, D and Brotha Boe, but I added a few arlists that I had been working with fo r years, that I knew had a good work ethic. Spokane, Wa Holy F;un, Mista Snipe from Ta.coma, Mac Roe fi·om San J ose, Cali, Krown Royal from Silver City, NM and Krown Boy from Denver, CO, Risky from . Spokane, WA, Riot from D Alene, ID, Herk ~ . Coeur kob;me from J acksonville, l~ L, and Brooke Ashley fi·om Coeur D Alene, ID. Now Nine Side Music today is moving fast, with artists from aJI over the states here in the N\ iV. Shout out to my promoters J ames Borg, Casey Freeman, Nathan Northrup, Mike and I n d o, rM y prod ucer Meezy, Raze and \ iVesp, out bouncer Cdiss, my DJ ;mel pusher DJ Staxx with 406 Ent. My Partna Koshir, Southeast ;md Bugz Slim the Natural, My videogTapher Risky and my back support Stef Goldino· ;md Celeste. These are my people hell)ing the mov:menl stay strong up here.

Harmony. Shared the stage with major artist fi·om E40 to AfroMan, to DMX, and to many more. 'T'he J acka tour was a lot of fun, AfroMan tour was crazy and by crazy I mean hard lo remember, a lot of partying. Wha t can you te 11 o ur read ers a b ou t your .r. un 6 ] ay a n d th e wh o 1e N m . e s 1·d e wor k WI·th ,.ro 0 M t? ovem en · We work extremely hard at what we do and are very serious about our work. Young J ay and the other Nine Side artists motivate me to move harder and vice My p;utna Young· .Jay is a hard work . artists as well, always making moves, setting up our tours and doing our graphics. What are your goals in music, a n d wh at d o you h op e fa ns gain fro m your music?

My goal as an artist is to be known as a recognizable voice in the northwest, and to be known as that guy that stays 100 and puts out real northwest funk. I am now under really good management, Dan "Redneck" Soldier, and I'm now concentrating more on \tVell, I try and keep myself moving as a recording myself as an artist. artist, but lately being the Nine Side recording engineer has been taking up a lot of my time. I have a real good ear for sound, and been mixing projects nmv all What projects do yo u curre n tly h ave available a nd wh ere can read ers cop' em ? over the U.S. for about 5 years now...

You a re a recording artist, engineer and producer, in which of the three d o you play the m ost active role?

As for myself: I have a couple H oly Fam albums out, my solo Northwest Funk series and my resume, which is like a 2000-2012 greatest hi ts of mine. You can find all these for free download at \"!VVVV.DATPIFF.COM/PROFILE/CORDELLNSC \iVell, H oly Fam as a group is really a different sound. and as for Nine Side material, we have \tVe have Gonzo, which has a slow, smooth style and over 30 prqjects out! he also is a mean producer. We have Reality, which "'!VVW.DATPIFF.COM/PROFII£11\1JI\1£SIDEMUSIC has the lyrical chopper street style and myself which has that smooth Northwest funic H oly Farn came to a standstill in 2012 when we lost Reality to the state. So What proj ects can fans look fo rward to? \iVe're just doing this Nine Side thing till he get in 2015. We I am in the finishing touches on a couple projects right now. I have the "Full Throttle" Mixtape Yo ur music h as allowed yo u to work with which is Mista Snipe, and I also have tl1e "20 12" som e of hip h op's greatest, wh o an d Mixtape witl1 Conciet, Rolan Dice ;md myself. I am wh at h as been yo ur m ost m e m o rable? also dropping a "Spokane H eat" series, which you c;m download the first couple volumes on my Oh Yeal1, I have worked with artists such as Luni datpiff. Coleone, Twisted Insane, to Bone T hugs-nSAV NAnDII VUL2IISSUE THREEI13

You're a m e mber of the group H oly Fam, can you teJI o ur readers a li ttle abo ut the grou p an d its future?

Can yo u introd uce yourself to our I'm from Anchorage, Ak originally, but hrrew up all over the northwest. Spent the m;.yority of my younger years in Colorado and Montana, but moved ;m>u JHI ll·om vVashingtou, to vVyoming, to Oregon, Arizona, ruck... lOO many to remember tl1em all really .

I've read that you began rapp ing after a leaving college, what was it that led yo u to pursuing a career as a artist?

gnp. II be co-headlining with D MX J uly 28tlJ out there <LS well.

Aside from a handful of artis l, your stage p resence and perso na a re a ratl1er w1common "look" in hip hop. I would assume the in tent is to do mo re than to j ust "look weird" as o ther o utlets have descri bed you. Can yo u tell us a little abo ut yo ur style, what is it that made you wa nt to bring in th ose cletnents?

To the drone... I'm sure I do come ofT as weird <UJd shit. As a artist (not a raJ)per) I feel the way I dress , College was t·oo, but I always wanted to do somet!Jin sound, ;mel come across is just my expression or \Vii music since I was a little kid. I \\'as intrigued by music. I low i understand it, and how I want to relate the life style of' musicians and I'm a fuckin tra,·elin to the people I'm talkin to. I'm known for sayin m;m bro ... [ gel we ird when I sit too long. "fucked up shit" and bcin' "crazy", but thats how I live. I say, do, and act how I want and that's what music is You're origi na lly fro m Alaska and currently about to me. l'm blessed to be able to do this shit. reside in :Nio nta na, can you telJ us a bou t your And make a f'uckin Livi11g ofT it! I ju, t do me whetl1er following in each state? it be screamer music, techno shit, rap, dubb step, Nl ontana has had my back f() r a minute and my rock, wi Jale,·er. I put in I 00 percent ALvV AYS. shows out there be crazy (L<; fuck. Alaska really uont vVhat can you tell me about yo ur involvement know bout me tl w from as 1;.u· as I can see. I don't go with Nine Side a nd how yo u and jay started out tl1crc too olicn because it's so far. I recently have wo rking together? linked up wit Redneck Soldier fro m Porthmd, O r Shit, I mel Young .Jay back in 07 I believe and right and vvith his help my f'an base OUt tl1ere has gTOWll a away we got to work. I was new to the scene in

14ISAVU Ta! VOL2ji$SU£ Tlllll

Missoula and through VVapikiya Records I metjay. We did a couple collab tracks, he did my artwork and shit (still do to this day), we rocked shows, he introduced me to DJ Chill, and I just got on my grind and started networkin like a motherfucker. Nine Side the f~tmily as well as Holy Fan1. My nigs work hard and got mad taJent.

Your debut album ''\Vhite Girl Diaries", was released and distributed by Universal records just over a year and a half ago. Can you tell our readers what it was like working with Universal, and how your partnership started? Shortly after meeting Chill I found Cool Nutz who put me on a couple bigger shovvs. I went to Cool Nutz like, "I need help bro. Whats the next move? ?" kind of shit, and from there the ball started rolllin. He helped me get my deal vvit Wapikiya Records out of Missoula, MT, then CEO Roger Harmon and Cool Nutz headed out to California to speak v.~t Universal. They saw I was marketable and the deal got set. The album was solid, but it didnt get the push it needed in order to sell units like I know it could have.

How did your collaborations with Strange Music artists Kutt Calhoun & Krizz Kaliko come about? I had been workin close wit OJ Chill back when the Strange Music collabs took place. H e had that relationship wit them and from there I got my business right and made it happen. Since then Ite worked v.~t number of artists including Stevie Stone, Mistah Fab, Potluck, JL Of BHood, and a number of other artist. Currently workin on tracks '"~t Kurt Kain, Young Gully, San Quinn, Kung Fu Vampire, AP9, T\路visted Insane, Meezilini, Blacc Mack... I mean.tl1e list go on. What's good about payin your dues when your young in the shit, is tl1at you dont got to later. If you're game good ... now artists hit me for collabs. I aint paying for shit but my bills and vodka. Lol

\Vhat prqjects are you currently working on, and when can Koshir fans expect a follow up to ''\Vhite Girl Diaries"? I finished up my "Muffin Man" mixtape last month and thats available for free download online. I have some videos comin up, shows, all that shit. Pretty much my main focus besides gettin paid is finding a new producer so we can put album number 2 together.

\Vhen can fans expect to be live? That website should have been done months ago. Some incompetent fuckjust got tired or whatever. No caJl, no show. New website is in the works tho. Til then flick '~t me on Facebook if you wanna keep up. Or Twitter. ..

Can you gh7e any insight regardjng the events that have occurred over the last lew months? The last le 11' monrlts !J:we been a little n~)' as most people kn<>w I'm cun·ently awaiting trial 1Jut]f1y-z s<ud it bel>t " 110t guilty y'nJJ golt<1 feel me" I'm sitting ill ll~re


11~th a milliou dollar hail ready lo si1,'1t willt oue you record labels that w:mL5 to come bail me out like they did tlte gre<LL TuPac lets history ...

Due to the current circums tances, I'd ass ume releas ing uew mus ic is 1~11· removed from what has to get done. Bot are there any chances of any unreleased projccrs? Ye~ I do have ~ome tmfiHished projects vue T"""~ working o u be1(>re my iucarceralion called Auli-Sodal a :;olo album that. 1 11·;u, workiug ()11 in my own l<d> was b;L~ically llnished ;mdjust ueerlt:d mixed. I also h;we The Good The Bad The l 'gly that I worked on witlt my clade TyHnd that aJhum is done a:ncl 1i-rill be relea..,ed soon.

Is U1ere anythin~ you'd Like to .say to


supporters. etc.?

Dcln't give up 011 ya hoi J'nt still here so Stay tuncJ ... [,<>ok me up on ITuue.,~, you tube, reve.rbualiott and if you're nt:t~ding- WJ'Se!i I go( em lor Ll1e low low shoot y;t boi a kite to the Spokant· County jaij u we tau it bappeu .. .AU my lims tb<mk you for aJl ymu· lm·e <mel support I appreciate ;md love each one of you all of you make this possible without you there's no m e, for all my haters thanks lc>r m alting me greater I love y'all too and 1 keep you in my praycrs ... lor those that dou'llmow abolll me dteck me O~lt. .. Evcryhod)' with a dream stay focus Jtevcr give up aud one day its gonna ltappcn..Spokalo<> st.'ll!d up!!!! C'an you tell o ur readers a bit about who you are and what you do? I was born in .SeaUJc, \ 'Vasltinhrtou; gn:w up about I00 mjlcs ttway in a college town called Ellen:. burg, <utd lived out my teenage ye~u·s in a f()ster Ito me in Yak.ima, \VA. I met Young J ay during those years i11 Ellensbun;, but it wasn't until I was about 17 when he the Nine Side Click. n d o you begin producing songs and LO date. whom bavc you worked

th'? main ;u· I have worked witll ~u·e O wrTime, Koshir, and Co11<.:eil o u their albums & Out of rlte G;unc, \ Vhite Girl Diaries. ;md Perfection, respectively. T've also a few tracks here <md there for Youn ~ Jay. Cordell, Frodie o r \Vapikiya mls . .JacO or Exigh. Me and J ar have other things plrumcd , which is why we haven't too much work together. I have, however, mixed some son!,rs l()r him whenever 1

you teJius about your involvement with Nine Side Music: how you got what t·olc you play, etc?


smce.Ja~· limned

llte ~inc Side Click, l've been liuked up with him. However, l\iue Musir wns at llrst, initially just the publishing rornpany l(>r w!Jid 1 I got a business so I mulcl register with ASCAP.

read thru you arc pursuing a Master's Degree in Psycho logy. can you tell a littJc about that? And which comes fi rst, Psycho logy or Music?

I'm ~till earniug my undergraduate degree lor Psycholocy. l::l·emually, I plan essence, business psych. Comparin~ · to school, however, is apples to oranges. I would much ratJ1cr sit around all day and make beals... buL I !eel Llmlllle business end or things will benefit better if 1 hm·c Lhe liuauces and education. It Ill)\\.

t,"\:'1 my 0()clorate in I/0 Psychology. which is iu

\Vhcrc can readers go to hear songs you'ye produced? Con('cil's album Pedcction, J osltir's \1\' ltilc Girl Diaries, and OvcrTirne.<, debut alhum In & Out or tltc G<u1tc ;m:· all a,·,tilable on iTune:.. "Take My Pain All'ay." tltc first single on· ol" Pcrlcction is available on YouTubc alon~ with OrcrTimc's "Hold Me Down" ;md Kos hir's "No Bueno" aucl "Gorilla lbwo."

Young A-Y-E is a 20 year old artist from Colorado. who has steadily been din1bing up the indiepcndant hip hop scene in his home state. "I just wanna be heard and always be perform in" says Yung .\-Y-E. \ou can listen to a few of his son~s and learn a bit more about him by 'isiting http:/ /www.rc\'·c303 Can you introduce yourself and tell our readers whaL Krown Boy bring to I lip I lop? ~ly names Kr0\111 Boy ;u1cll bring full clcdi<"ation, 10\·c & loyalty to my fans, I make good ~nusir, and alw~tys got my :'\ine Side team to bat·k

me up. Can you wll u~ how you came up in H ip hop. whaL were some key momcnLs th11t led you to be where you are now? I came up by writing poetry, doing my own recording and frccstyling a lot. Key 1110111CillS would he lo<·king in show~ 11~tli my Ll'iU11, just keeping lhc mtWCincnt movin' while keeping <>w· t~ms dedin1Lccl to wh:u we do. You're (rom Cali, raised in Colorad o <md Jive in Montana. I low did you hook up with Jay and become a 1inc side? member i\ ry lir:.t bah) mom nw up 11 ith j ay because of his ronnectionl> to th~ rentral \\ 'a:.hin~rton ;u·ea. <Utd he nu:nLioned a show out in .\lontana. So l ~;ot 011 the lm!. and did 111) lir~r show willt.};ty ;111d the Ying Y;Ulg T 11i11' out in Great Falb, .\IT. After thai show j ay consid-


ered me lamil). \\'hat prqjects do you have out and do you h a,·e anything

dropping soon'? Yes, 1 got the ·rhru ~ly ~ l usi<·· mixtapc out JCat. prcuy much all of :'\iuc Side. ~ly newest mixtape that just dropped is called ' Franklin Boy·. I also have a DVD wming out soon C<tlJed the "Green Light Dislrit·t". I an1 also cun·cnlly workiug on a new album with Felo ny Record~ and Leanin' Luchicd t lp Productiom.

'Where nm o ur reader'S go to find out m o re about you? You rm1 ~o lo Rcwrlmation.c-om/ krownhoy21 to lind my musit m1d \•ideo~. I ;utl also <>II Twitter @krowuboy2 1 ;utd also ou Facehook al litcebook.nnn/epim I.

Check out Idaho's Herk Kobane! A 1\1cmber of N ine Side Music, Kobane delivers a hard hitting flows over Gritty beats! For info chcch out Herk Kobane on at h ttps:/ / hercules.gaines


Chainz Beatz is an up & coming producer originally from Minneapolis, MN, and currently residing in Montana! Chainz has been building a foundation as a producer, and is one of few of the All Time highest ranked producers on His beats are predominantly Hip I-lop, however he drops in various styles, and you can even find an R&B track here and there. 1-Iis rates & terms are not that bad either for both exclusives & leases! Check out http:/ /

Can you itllrodun: yoursclr to o ur read e rs? I' m Ruthless! I'm a 18 year old rapper li,ing in ~ l, ~loni<ma. l'n:: got about :~ <·ds out that arc Prolcssionally done, wh:•t i mean by that is thu the mixing quality and sound quality art• t'\cdlcnt.

Yo u began nlpping at a very early age. can you tell hm,· you got s tarted'? 1\·e always loved rap music, my lir:.t cd I mmcd mt.o; D 12 D evils :\ight ancl l lovccl Emiucm. \ \ ' ho i~ probably where I get alotta Ill) impiration. J had aho taken cho ir <mel baud l>O that's where I ~ot r hythm, and when I was lih.c I 0 years o ld I made 111) lirst cd in my room with a t iSB mic and Fruity Loops. I had no idea what I was doiug but l knew that t.his is what Lw<urtcd to do. En.-r since then I've been recording in better studios 11~1h people who ha\'e great talent in mixi ng, like (),·ertime wi th \Vapikiya record I've used hi~ studio. Frodic actually reconled my first good qu;Jir y tTack.rmu I \\"tiS icrrihlc S() I SIO)l(>C< I ror a little bit and kept working o n my delive ry in songs ami rnctaphor:; and shit like that in Ill)' music then recorded al l3lack Box stud io~ l(>r m y late~! Cd The Manilc:-;tation <md my homje KB introduced nll· to Young .Jay and llll· Nint· Side l~un ever since then J ay~ put me on the I .iquor and Loud tour the :'\orlhwe!>l Kin/o\dom T our and no \\· the SaY Lilc T o ur which is the biggesl lo ur of the summer. vVhat projects do _\'O u CUJTently ha,·e Out? The latest prqjcct 1 got out i~ calk< I the ~ lanilcstation that has just dropped and I a lso ha,·c lltc Criminal mind:. ~ l iwtpc and I'm working a dedication Cd to on my Best Jjicncls J osh G rucbdc who had ju~l rercntly passed ;m«ty and ;Jso I J.,'OI a H ostile te,tbook mixtapc <·oming too

''llerc ca n our readers go (0 hear your music? You can hear all my mu1>ic at: He,·crbnation.<'onVR utl•les!> yurlgrt·z. Face I>ook .<·om/ R utlrlessyungrez, Twitlcr.t·om/ Hutl•lc!>SHI ., Fa<"c hook .corn/ :-\i nesiclc •nove me nt



Can you introduce yourself to our readers, and tell them a little about yourscJJ and your music?


No doubt, they cal1mc S\\'indle. I'm O II C half the b'rOup we ra11 Certilied. W e from spokane. \ i\fe call it the Wash H o use for sl1ort. \ Vc them 11ig:g;17. tha t do the l)1)(~ of lllUSiC they GUl'l. heartfe lt SOU] music !'or the real ones in the streets!!

How did you get started in hip hop. and what has been your bigges t driving force? I got started ye;u·s ago just playin around wit it.. I was o ut i11 tlw mix on my d-boy get up spittin sbitthat i was out there c:oq)eriencing. Then l hooked up with m y ace boon Church who was on tl1e smnc tn)e a hype and the rest is history. My biggest dri,·ing force is tl1e Jec.:liug I get whe n 1 know 1 just made some powerful music.... Pape r is always <1 1;1clo r a.~ well.. Like it or not.

You've recently clropped your firs t Solo album, how has the response been, and where is it available?

lt!> beautiful!! 1 ca11't move ;u·ouncllike I wantl<> yet, hut in the


I'm ~,reuing read y to drop two videos a nd continue Lo ne twork untiltJle time is 1ight. Church will be back nexl yem· .. 1 do my than~ solo ... but its uuthiu, til"'t' Le broll awl \Vade ... lot

\'\IJJere C<m ow· readers go to fmd out more al>oul you? The only place my music is available would be Oil itlmcs under Certified Outlil. You c;m conlaclmc anytime Oll hlccuook/swintllc ccrtilied ... lm outro


Can you inu·oducc ~·our!>cl f and rei I rhc readers a linle Records. A lot or opportunitic~ ha\'C been brought my way due to the hbcl's about <WCrlimc? support lmcan the simple li1ct I'm in this ma~,'<l'l'inc "~tb a "·orld"idc rctord \\'lto is OverTime:) On:,: rime is o ne or the fastest on the market has lO do with them. artists in tile f'\o11h\\'cst with a total orl-1 .A• • •.; What can Overtime fitns look fom·arcl too in tl1c ncar future? music videos. <uld 70,()()() vit•ws on Youtuhc Music video~. Bollom line I'm gmm<~ make my e.nlirc r;u-ecr and \ Vorld Srar and ;111 album called In And one hig ass movie. r have an upcoming collaho alhum coming Out Of'Thc Game ct\'ailahlc worldwide. with my dude Hayne of Havik from Ohio which will be Based in Montana I am nmkin~ music that is produced h~, my dude Squim..:. vVhile that's going on I'm real to me and to Ill)' lims. l-:;•th vcr!'c i ~ \\'OJ'king on UlC next or my mixtape series Digital Crack Vol. written with intq,.,·ity, ~md every songI as \\'Cll as my ucxt solo album. I stay busy. recorded with pcrl'ct·tion. 110\'crTimc. How did you get started with mu~ic and what can you te ll our readers about coming \\'here can our readers go out of montana a a rapper? to find ou t more :\lusir t<nmd me. Loc-ked np. bored as hell. I abom you? found myseU' lost in my thoughts. I decided to put it down on paper ;md when I ~ot out a couple or my FiJJ<lmy hio, music dudes were recording :.o I stepped into the ,;dcos, photo\. booth ;mel the re~t i' history. , m us it . :.ho"' sd•cduk, mcrdt. Yo u h<l\'C been with \\'apikiya Records blog, and for quite some time now, what can anytJ1ing else yon you tcU Lt!> about working with rhcm?


How did you all hook up?

wam aboulmc


vVapikiy;• is Till\' I' label. Orgauizcd ll'ith linancial backing. As <lit upcoming artist trying t<> make lll<>ves, you havl' to haw that :;upport ,!,'l'oup. That 1-,'l'OUp ror me is \Vapikiya

'l'y]erl3ugalti.cont, ', or just straight Coogle me! SAVIA11011 VUL2II$$UET1111UI23

c:111 rom promouu~ always invol\'c <til of our How did you get SICHtcd as a p romo1er? Promoting sl<uted liu· me in 2000, as " promoter l(>r Bu:t.l. Can you introduce yourself lO Records iJl ~Iissoula, Montana tltru our rcarlc rs'? First on· my name is Ih·;11 , O 'Donnell. Thru Buzz Matthew Trl\jillo a.k.a Mr. Aicbly. I R~cords I promoted l"or AMBl::lin: in I Iclena, Mont;uta. I am D l~XT and !'rom this experience I Koshir's assistant. lead promoter, teamed all the ins and Ol liS orwllal it and hype man. take~ to be a promoter. You work as both a promote r in \Vhal can you tdlus about workMontana and as a ing as a hypcman, how did that H~1JCtmlll/pc r~onal assistant get s tarted? I fu·st ~l;trted a:; for Koshir. the IWO what takC1-> Kol.hir'~ assistant 10 help with the up most o f your time? Promot- hi~h dem<utd o r Ko hir l>how~. I k ing Koshir !-how~ take~ up mosl of needed someone dependable ;mel my lime because the effort who could he anywhere to help \lith needed to get llier' printed up. ;m~thing, whcnc,·cr it was needed. d~u·ibutc the lliers, roordinalc with One night we were ha,·ing a ~how at people l(>r date:>, time!>. aud ,·enuc our local har. J esters 13aJ·, t~nd the an;m~emenl~. Abo murh of my !-how tl1a1 night seemed to ncecl a tjmc is ~peut lincliul;' goocl little more excitement so I got on merch;uulising husines~cs to ream !>tage ;md started hyping :uHI C\'ery up with. I promote uuckr Dead since that night I h;l\'e hyped for .Monkeyl> Entertai nment which i.' an Koshir. As a new h~1x· man, I am enlcrt;tinnll'nt h'TOIIp n111 hy Koshir very inspired to be like Krizz Kalico and myself. In i\'lontana 1\'C don't of T ed I f'\9Nc. r have watchccl him call it promoting we call it "Street and am inspired to haw fun , gel the Te;uning." Street T eaming is diller- nowd going, and rock out.



Can you introduce yourself to o ur readers? I'm .\1r. Jvo, I'm ;u1 cmc<.·c mHI a producer 1(11' Lire group ~kyc Bigg Xation mul head or Realil~ ~ l o,·ement .\1usir. I'm a proud .\ lcmt;um bor hut I was hom in tire Virgin bl;Uld~ and ha,·e sU'<mg til·~ to :'\ortlt a 11 I o r a C \~\'hat ca n rou tell our reade rs about coming up in Hip Hop in Moutana? It's ddinitcly a tou~hthing to do. people from the out!>iclt: don't l~tkc you seriou~ly hc('au~e our market i:-. dominated by counU") ;md r<><·k and there i:-.ju~t 11ot a a lot of people outhl'l'l' !)O it il' nccc:-.~ary to get out of ~ IT and ~prt·acl. The :\IT fans we do ha\'C are the greatest t:m~ in the world as f~u· as I'm ronct·me(l. I low ~ lontana and Lite hip ho p scent· is very interesting. My mama raised me to listl'll to all kind~ or music growin!{ up and she also whopped my ass when l acted a f(lol :.o I find myself in the micklk of Ute two. I s;m· tht· gan~:-.ta!> ancl people li,·ing lti~h tisk lilcstylc:in the \ 'irgin Islands <UJd Fayctt('\'ille and from a young agt· I always said that I \l".tntecl sornl·thing hl'llcr lor rl1}'Sclf. Comin~ up iu tht· ?\ IT hip hop ~l·enc ha:,. been a blc:-.:,ing for me hl·c·au~e it i:. a dillicuJt dtarf\ctcr huilclittg . d a o r Along with being both a producer and cn1<:ec, you're also a studem and play f(>Otball .for ~vlontana Statc-Nonhcm. <)r

the four. which do you id e nti~· with most? I actually ju~l graduated from ~lontana St:1te i11 my hometown of Bozeman so I'm not a student <Ulymorc. I ickruil)· myself as an "Artist". Producing aHcl emt·ccing go hand in hand lc>r me hcrausc I like l<> havt· cverytltin,L{ my ll'a)'. Don't get me \\Tong I t'an work with others but I hm·e so much shit in my head as l~u- as IIIIISic ~-;ucs it\ i111por-

t:Utl for me to lw able to .L{CI it out on !'\at ion. l ll'a!'t strit'tly ;utcl cmrt·e h<tck piaHo ;uHI drums. How did you begin making then ami I t'hangcd music and when did you start tO nl) rm\ior ~o I mnld mu~ic career? srudy a as it pursue I beg-.u1 making music whcu I was t c c It 11 o I o g y. and younger br just picking up :tny husinc:.s, insn1Jmcnt and practking til a pretty com po~ ition ~o I noise ranw 0111. I got scrio11s about muld make it into a it when I met J cn~ey l .ee and PauJ c a r l' c r . Fiudt and we f(mncd Skye Bigg

......... .........,................

---..--~----------........................ .

Sl-.~·e Big,~ :'\ation? \\'hat do you

guy!> do and what role do you


The Druids EP Available On ltunes hiphop

play'? SB:\ i:. the fi rst hip hop group li·om uorthcm \lontana to do anything worth a damn. \ \ 'c arc a group of ~l emcees ;111d two producers who just love making music ~u\CI ht·ing on stage. I believe that god brought u~ together lo hriHg BET to ~1ont:Ula. I really do. \ Ve ncate music that c;ut t r:lll~c·encl genre!> and that i!> au important qualit) ror us lO maintain. bu also srartcd Reality Ylm·cme nt Music. what arc Lhc ide as and goals be hind its creation? Tlte idea behind RM2 is to :;1•rvc as a record label ;u1cl booki 1 ~ servicT l(>r h:ml working a.rti~t:-. who ll<llllto he a part or something :-.pccial happeninJ.;" in the :\orthwclot. 1 am currently searching lor talent in the :\orthwl'st and \\'est coast to build our roster. :\ot just limited to hip hop. I like all kinds or lllUSi(' and I am willing to listen ir your'c good and you work hard. Our goal i!> to ltaw 1. ar1ists by this time nt·:-:t ye;u· and to be playing l;•r~-t<' lcsti,·als ('Ollllt ry. the across

------..;.:... -...-..:~

do you projects c un-cntly haYc a\·ailablc and where can o ur reade r~ ('OP the m? My fir~• rclca:o.c ·n 1c Druids EP is m·ail:~hl e on iTuues right now. I produced L11e wllole album and it li:atures rny homie Eternal from the \Vest Coast Killa Bcez. I also han: some free music lloatiHg m·o und ou site!> likl.· re\'crhcration and band camp. And I am working a couple new projL·cts with dillerent ;u·tists like .Jer·t.ey Lee. Raph of Black Mask. 1\oby I , and .\loxii Huh. lkality ~ lm·emcn t Music i~ also putting together our lirst tour called The \Vest Fresh which will feature Skye Bigg Nation . .\1ykc Bogan <Uld some SUJlltisc guests. \ Vc will be hitting .\fontana. Colorado. Oregon. \ \';Lo;hinJ,rton \\l1crc can o ur rea d e r~ ~o to lcam more? l\ l,v hlog, http:// mrjvo.tutnblr.conr/ Thal will lead to IllYFacebook, Soundcloud. my you tuhe. h ltp:/ / " rul> / wlldl'.\=1)} lAb&~I&fUttutt=plq>

Can you te ll our readct'S about What

How did you get started in hip hop, and what made .YOU want to pursue it professio nally? I st<ltted in 1996 when my brother LM Ge nious :-md I decided after some inspiration to suppo rt the hip hop moveme nt <utd let our voices be heard. After dillc renL ventures such as DJing, I've decided to release my first mix tape. I decided to take it more seriously nmr because I have better music than ever before. Also, the North \Vest is sLill pretty much an untapped rmu·ket, <md we people ;md artists .u·e li11ally coming togeuter and supporting Ute musir. More big n.unes are coming through 'mel more ,·cnues are ltosting shows so it is not only being recognized hut I o ut ~uppot1 tltc movement by sharing m y music and working wiut oUter ; Ulat slt~u·c m y same passion.

vVhal o ther Monta11a ;utists do you work with? .I<Lkc D , LM Gcnious, Shortsta('c, Koshir, EvrJim , Swaggazoid , B Mw1e', Overtime, 131azc and Stan X, Minoriliez Clique, Cousin Luke, 13uzz Heconh, 1W6 Cnt, Lay Low lnJ..., OJ Nasty Nate, I)J Chadd<Lhox, ~incSide Music

How would you describe your mus.ic to someone tbm hasn't heard it? A mixture of o ld schooltedmiques <Utd new school 0<1vor. Solid beats ;md lyrics with a litue something J·o r everybody.

hUp://11'\V\I'.lacel><> nickexquisitc.hogy JIHrp://11'\nv.reverbttatiott.t·om/ utcexquisite Jltltp://soutldcloud.wm/ nick-bogy ltJtp:// nevcnlel'utKt J lttlj>:// tii'CCitnysong.('om/ tncmbers/ neverclcl'uttct.ltlm $AV IIAnllfl vut.2IISSIIE T11111Ej27

JRtng ]iltnk Can you introduce youn;clf lO o ur readers? I Am Bl.i:'\ K, a rappcr/ produrcr rrom :\lcsa, .\Z ("UITC1ll1) Iii iug iu tire :'\\\' city or Butte, :\IT. I ;mr nrm:utly 20 yc;m, old. How djd you get started in hip hop? \ Veil I Iran: mmtcd to do this !>im-c I mr~ 8 hut what really pushcd me into pur~u in~ Ill) drcami' ~l y lite was I{Oing dm111hill, my mom had cancer, I had lost someorrt· very important to me, there was so nrud r people I knew that was dying, among so nuu ry thiJ1g-s and nnrsit· hct·amc ;ur o utlctl()l' C\'CI)'Uiing. Anclnow I ;mr LJ~·na blow up oil' Ill)' talent and take carc or thO!>C dose to me.

H ow '"ould you describe your sound? \ Vdl I have an \\'cstl>ide ~tyle 11itlr inllucnre' rrom ~Iaino, Drc, K-Skecm, Snoop. ami :'\as. I ('()ll!>ider il more or " rni'\ hcti\'Cen :\c,,· Sdtool ami Old

\\'hat o the r artists you work with? I have worked 11ith K-Skccm. KllaoS. :\lis~ Oblilious. Kilo, Lumb<\Tak. Brotha Lerch. ;\o 1\:onscnsc, 1:'\i'..AX E., (),·crT imc, & .'ouL\1a~ter. I hope on workingwitlr Dire& Young J ay,in tlrc ncar future. and it's my dre~un to work 11itJr ;\ Iaino. Whe re can o ur reade rs go to find om m ore about you? Fans ('<UI hit up my reverb ;uuVor my tirrebook the link arc: rcvcrhr mtiorl.('()tll/k.irtghlirr k rarcl>ook.ron'l/l>lirrkbrrb

Can 'rb u introduce yourseW? ~ly name is Da,·id Be tancourt and I am kn0\111 as EDGE o f Luni Bin !>. I am known f(>r mr ~sharp, edgy, dark a nd hardcore" S L)~C and hea' y beats! Hm1· did you J.lCI s tarted in I IipHop, & what were some o f your biggest inlluc nces? I got s tarted in I lip llo p in early 2010 because 1 waJlled to prove how easy it b to do anything if' I put my mind to it. I began writing and producing beats. Around late 2009 I began lis te ning lo alot of Darkroom Familia, \1\'oodie. Insane Clown Posse. Tech 9ne, 1\viztid, 1\,•is ta, Bone Thugs. I s uppose I ca n s ay these artists are the introducio n to my hip ho p inte rest ta t can you te ll o ur readers about Luni Bin Records? ni Bin Records i!> the label J s tarted as soon as I decided to purs ue Other people think we arc pre tty o fT o ur rockers and that is why think Luni Bin Records !Its juM right. 1. fo r tbe m ost part l<tkc care booking s h011·s. bringing in merchandise. recording fo r the artists, and the bus iness aspect of Lu~1i Bin Records. at project!:> do ~·ou ha\'C a\'ailablc and in tbe works? ly discogra phy cons ists o f "The Edge- fuJI le ngth LP and -sm-Edge~ . B01h 'The Edge~ & "SavEdgc" EP are available o n l tu ncs, S hockunci, Rcvcrbnatio n, ll ~stings (in gene ral J o rt..h West area) and nca r ~·ou ! ~ ly cuJTCnl prq jects that I ha,·e going o n at Lhc moment arc: bookin~ m o re s hows/ wurs, bringing new m c rrhandbc fo r the public. geuing sonw; s tarte d for a third release and pe rfo rming ul o f' !:>taLc and country soon. can o ur reade rs go 10 find ou t more about you? lind m e at: \VWW.LU 11BINRECORDS.C0i\111 nation.rorn/ edge509 1 '1\vitte t~ @EDG£ 5 0!) I utube: ThcEdgc50~)

""''"'""' n1 n

What can you tell o ur readers abo ut Lumb&Jak, who you are and where you are from? I was born in Billings, Montana o riginally, my mo m was a punk rocker and my d ad was a skateboarder (there's even a statue of him skateboarding at the Billings skatepark) and we moved around a bit, in Billings, lived in Idaho fo r a minute, as well as Santa Rosa California. My father passed away in Portland O regon when I was 6 and I ain't going to lie, times were tough, my mo ther and I lived in a trailo r park fo r a few years, but even tually we made it Missoula, Montana and things were looking up, unfortunately, my mo ther got involved with a man who use to beat the two of us, so we fl ed to Butte, Montana. In o rder to keep us ou tta projects my grandpa helped my mo m pay rent so we could live in a nice piece o f town, unfortunately we lived close to Richie Bitch Side so I wen t a school full of preppy assholes, who loved to beat o n the poor kid whose family could o nly afford to go the laundro mat ever other week o r so. Eventually my m other and I moved to uptown Butte, o nly :3 blocks away fro m one of the worst neighbo rhoods in town, I even tually got trapped in some criminal bullshit and wound up on pro bation, seen good ho mies sen t to prison, seen some turn in crackheads, What can you tell us abo ut the hip hop scene in and some turn into snitch es, but gettin envolved in all that street nonsense Montana and your tho ughts on the Northwest ain't me since I've always been smart! scene as a whole? I think Northwest hip-hop is some of the BESf in How would you describe your m usic and wh at do you feel you bring to th e the natio n, cause all we've got is good MC's. California has lo ts o f good rappers, but plen ty of table, wh en regard ing hip ho p? Hmmmm, cvc1y body always says that all white boys sound like Emincm, I bad ones same goes fo r New York and the South. don't tho ugh, pretty sure of that. Everybody here in town gives me props But I think up here, we've always been pick')' and lyTically, so have my homie, Yo ung j ay, y'all know him, and o o nsense, o nly except quality music, well I think that eventufro m over in O lympia. I look at my music as a mix of artists who I iden tifY ally translated into making music as well and we the most with when it comes to certain aspects of my music, when it comes o nly make quality music, if you do n't make quality to po li tical and social fl ows and how the governmen t's fu ckcdup I'd say I'm music, then gtfo. similar to Immortal Techniq ue, and nahh I ain't no hardcorc thug killin' vVhat artists have you worked with? mothcrfuckers so when it comes to street shit I compare myself most to I've worked with Brotha Lerch, Inza ne, BLi 1K, as, when it comes to sad/ sick/twisted truth abo ut life I'd like to compare club C, Youngj ay, o o nscnse, OverTime, A-tak, myself to Prazak, no t sayin' I'm as good as Immo rtal Tech, Nas or Prazak K-S kccm, and soon I'll be working with Diamo nd I'm just sayi n' they're the o nes I identify the most with. King and possibly Sho rtstacc and Evergreen an plenty mo re collabos coming soon as well i.e. How d id you begin making music? Ethos, Sydney, Con trast, 40sicncss, pro bably 1 I've always liked rap music. My clad usc to play .W.A., as, and Busta cvc1y member of the Nine Side Click, Dice, Zbo Rhymes all the time. My grandma even likes Snoop Dogg and Youngj eezy tha Realist, fl路oclie, Supaman. Hopefully I'll be haha. music's always been part o f my life, especially rap music. Hell my able to work with Illmaculate. mo m o nce even said. "I'm so old I got 'Straigh t O utta Compton' on a What proj ects do you currently have available and casette tape mothcrfuckcr!". Then in highschool I became fri ends with this where can our readers go to find them? kid o riginally fi'Om o rth Carolina, h e could sing like Chris Brown and I'm currently workiw>o n my album, and a series could dance like him too, because of certain shirts I'd where he called me of prom o sin<>les th~t can be downloaded for a Lumbajak, a ro und the same time I heard the number o ne Butte rappc1; certain amou~t of time. I'm attemptin<>0 to 0(jet as Loud Mouf o r Elo U Dec, at a fri end's ho use o nce and I d ecided that I'd many o rthwest people on my album and th ese uy rapping. The first song I ever wrote was awful. Me and a homic o f mine promo sinc;Jes as possible. I'd say like my even tually came up with a song bou t fixi ng cars with duct tape, but that facebook p; 0,,e, Lumbqjak, mo re and more music never came to frui tio n. Eventually one o f my homics, who I got into legal will be up soo n. 路 trouble with, Brotha Lerch, and I decided to freestyle battle eachothe1; an I Do you have anything new dropping soon? tho ught Lerch was one of the dopest freestylers I had ever heard, but he h lb b . said I won the battle and from there I stepped my ga me up, with bo th Yea my afT um, ut. o n1Y so many smg1es get writing and freestyling, even tually Lerch and I attended open mic night, released . o that unt11 it dro ps so my series o f and not lo ng after that my homie, BLi K, signed us to BnB Records promo smg1es. SAVIIAnOfl VOL2II$$UETHREEI29

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