On to the next... vVe lcomc 1"0 th e final issue of Sav:"ation volume one. It has bee n one he ll or path up to this point, when we started out; our inte ntions were 1.0 shine a little light on all the hip ho p acts in Ihe Northwest. Not only so those o utside the region could get to know the acts, but to aid in the growth o f hip hop in the Northwest itsel f. \Vil-h the com pletion of Ollr first volume, we have been blessed to hring to our readers Illany up and coming artjsls, and will continue to do so in our futllrc issues. Along with this issue we will be launching o ur "Featured Mu sic" section to SavNation.colll whe re you can go to lind exclusive download s of Illany of the NOrlhwest's hottest mixtapes and free rel e<L~es . ' I'hi s issue we bring YOLI one o f the hottest and most active producers in the Portland, ThaJ ewle r. \ Ve ll o n hi s way tu establi shing himsel f ;lS a \'orth \Vest factor, 'I 'haJ ewler has been gaining accolades from Po rtland to New York! \Ve caught up to the man ;U1d galta know a little aboul him and the driving force be hind hi s music! Along with Tha J ewler, we bring to you POX heavy hitte rs Southeast of Sicc-A-Cd\ Ent., Portbnd hit maker Krispy I-I e ndrixx, and POl1land & Seattle native Spac8m;Ul!
ll nlil the North \Vest Blows II p!
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SAVNA (Vol. I No.6)
Publisher: Gorilla Grind Des ign & Productio n Edito r in Chief / Creative Dircc lol~ Te rry L March .M anaging Edito r/ Artist Helati o ns: L1ny J, IligueraJr.
Advertising: Marketing Director: Ho la S. Khouri
For advertising inlo rmatio n and rates contact Rskhouri @savnatio n.com
Contributing \Vritcrs: Terry .\llarch. La ny Iligucra
Pho tographers: Gorilla Grind Design & Producti o n路 ,. . ww.gorillagrind.co m
Published by Gorilla Grind Des ign & Productio n
493 2 S E \ 'Vood stock Blvd. Portl and O re 9 7206 5 0 3.5 0 5.9 12 3. Emaillnfo@savnation.com
www.SavNation.com Subscription inquires s ho uld be sent to info@s<lm atio n.com
I Cover Sun)': Tha
M ee! an lip an d ('olllilig
N \ V Supe r Producer
SAVNA If 'I S (HlIlll.';hl
I Ito '"
~o l ~ -()l lr 11lIdLT!..;I"()lI l11ll i\~
\IVhat brought you to music & when did you get YOllr start? I got my start with mu sic when I was a very young child. My lirst loys Lhal I can rememher \\'ere a basketball and a snare drum. Those who know me person;'llly know that I chose path or hoops. I murdered the snare drum in about a month. I would turn my gr;'lIldma's living room ;'lIld kitchen into my own personal drum set, using chairs, pots, P ;Ul S, buckets and plates ro r cymbaJs. I W;L') similar to th e man th;'lt plays downtown , by the Hose Garden and around the cil y. After a ye;路lr or cre;'lting my own setup, I got a drum set fo r Chri stmas. 'T'hat was the );L~ l time I played mllsic unLil my Ii'eshman year of college (2005). I needed a way to make some mon cy lor rent without ge tLing a job, becallse I was a sllldent athl ete with a weird school schedule. ) wo rked at it every day between class, practice and sleep.
the passion in th e <utist lor lllusic, that topic it their lifej) And is it worth possibly being sued I()r? Lol those are thinb'S I think about before (Teating a class ic. Then it's about how crisp and clean can I get the sound. Alin the sound is dear, whether it's a sample or not, it's on to the drum s. 0 0 we want something th;lt sl;IJJS in the club/<:ar or do we w<lnt that li ve/ natural sound i) So metimes simplicity can be the lllost complicating thing you can do. Drums ;lre the timing to any song and helps hold it together, after those ste ps (not-being cocky) but ;mything!;myone can fall on the track and have success. If you can play m)' tracks without the words, ride 10 it , ;md feel like you can rap, sing or dan ce then I've don e my job a5 a producer ;md we' re now working with a mon ster!
High Periormance En!. is your production company, tell our reade rs more about it & where they can check it out?
In your opinion what is it that makes an aJ1ist
last? I feel thaI creatwHy, p;L~s ion ;lIld relevance are key factors in longevity for any ,utist that W,lIlts to make their Glree r last. YOli have 10 always be able to connect with your audi ence. Some ;lItists make that conneCl"ion with their p;lssion (work ethic, drive, and dedication). So me lise their creativity to captivate their audience and wow th em with: Sound, Delive ry, Showmanship or th eir look. I ree l like Slaying relevant shouldn't be hard lor any true arti st because ;L,) long as we're living we should all have a slory to lell, jusl as human beinl-,'S . Ir you don't have a story to tell then you're jusl passing Lhru life and taking lip space. \ IVe all con tribute to each other's tim eline at some point in lire. It 's all abolll creativit y and passion li'OI'll there. To find all 3 of those l~lCtors in one artist is what will give you a superstar and allow artists to be around for years.
You have built a signature sound; YOllr sampling is amazing, what makes a c1assicJewler track? 'T hanks lor noticing the sample game. It's crazy because anybody can sample a song, bUI G lil you build on that sample with your own idea(s)P \Vill the s;'lmple Sl)ark Lllal creativit y in til e ;.utiSIS and l)ring out
Jewl er Be<tt s is actu;dly th e name of m y production comp;lIlY; I-IPE (I-ligh Perfo rmance Entertajnment) is my label. l.ong before I I PE I had thi s id ea w start a label sin ce I had been working with ;utists all ove r the stmc. It- w;\.s going W be callcd "One Umbrella". The purpose was to connectlhe artists I W,L<; workjng with and join forces, kind of like tile "SUIJpOllland" tiling. This was a dead seri o lls thing but I t,'lless none of them wok me se rious bCGllIse there wasn't money railing out or m y ass 10 give thcm or whateve r the case. Alier a year of secing that peo ple didn't believe in my word , I decided 10 show Ihem how I do. I joined t.he sound team at NY church and met a cousin that I never mell)e/o re. \Ve got to talking and l'Ollll(1 Olll ,ve had a lot in common besides relati ves. vVe linked up and sl;'lrled 1-1 PE in 20 10. Signed ;.utiSI: Da Problem (Oakland , Ca) , Ack Hight (\"ew Orlean s, La via POX) \Vesley Parrish (portland, Or) and .Ia'kar Ahle (Poltland, Or).vVe have bee n a label for a year now, there ;'lre a lew deal s ror th e label and a rew deaJs lor each so lo. \ 'Ve' re currcntly pushing Oa Problcm's dchut ;.Lihllm "Rookie Turned Vet" released by Dcf Jam. \Ve're linishing up our )-1PE compilation album , sel to drop during spring hreak thru IllIerscope records. You can check us out at www.HPEo nline. nct all of our links ;md booking info are on there.
In your opinion how has the rap game changed for the better or worse since you first stal1ed? ( reel like the rap game has changed for the worse. The genre as a whole is over s;nurate<i lor llIultiple recL'iOns. Such ;L'i lack of heart, true talent, mo ney and the illuminati. You have arti sts who rcall y don 't-want to he an ything in this industry but in it and receiving thc bcnefit s (Illon cy, cars, womcn, ;tnd the attention).Those people are just in love with the title " Rapp c r~ . 'T'hcn you h;IVe artists who havc a good enough ~Act", they're usually not that great at mu sic but have an undcrstanding of th c game on both the business ;Uld music side. They tend to come up with a hot trcnd and lizzlc ou L Then you h;IVe a group of arti sts that want it: so bad that they're willing to sell out 10 who they were just to reach the industry. Some cve n take it to th e levef of making a d e;.Ll with th ei r lil e lor I ~lme and lortune. It wi ll neve r be that se rious lor me as a man or an artISt.
Te ll us where yo u draw yo ur inspiration and who are some or your influences?
( get inspired by ;Ulything you could possibl y think or It.iust depends on the mood ('m in or how long ( step ;Iway from producing. ('vc bcc n compared to the likcs of OJ Quik, Kanye \ Vest, and Syko (N\V legend) .Thosc arc a lew of m y I;IVorite producers. ( also like Prince, Dr Ore (his under studies), Jim Johnson, Banlccat, Mint Condition, Tony Toni Tonc, D'ange lo and Theoloneus Mon k. Those are so me morc artists/ producers who have somcwhat of an influence on my sou nd. My dad and hi s 4 brothers played instTumen ls coming up as kid s, so ( get ideas and constructive feedback from them ;L'i well. My bigges t inspi ration comes from cverything Ill y famil y didn't have or couldn't provide for me. Like anyone who isn't pri vilcged I ;lm dri vc n 10 changc not on ly m y life, but th e lives of those who believe in me and the ;lItiSls I work with. rvl y !:,"rind is drive n by Ill y inspir;ltion , which flies my focus to land on Good Life ave & Succcssfull;me.Jusl-so ( G\I1 arrivc at my desti ny.
Do YOll have any advice ror upcoming artists uy ing to tap into the music indusuy?
I wou ld tcll every upcoming artists a lew things: pay attention in sc hool (if you're young), read boo ks about husin ess and music. Here's a huge onc, fall in love with the word "NO". Expect people to say il, so that il is a pleasant surprise when some body says yes. Simplify you r lite, so there arc I~lr more addi tions than su btractions (in planned pregnancies, j;'lil, hills you can 't pay, etc). If you Slay oUl of debt until you get a hreak (recording contract or hit single) then that ad vance money will be a bonus instead of offsetting your negati vc baJance. INVEST IN YO ll RSELF!!!! If rou don 't believe in yo urself, how is an yone else su pposed to believe in you?!) Exactly, hesides there is nothin ' liTe in IitC. It cost your I~lmily lor you to get here ;U1d it wi ll cost your famil y when you die. * shru.b"S shoulders * So you might ;L'i we ll pay the cost to be the hoss.
You are a versatjle artist giving you a wide range of music in YOllr catalog, how do you move from one style to anothe r and stay affective? (-lavi ng an appreciation I(x all types of music helps me movc from onc stylc to the ncxt. If anybody cver rode in th e car with me they would probabl y think ('m cr<\zy. I can go fj'OITl listcning to wh.ncvcr rap song, to oldies, 10 country, jazz or gospe l. I guess for me when I'm liste ning tu music, alier I get past lh c appre<: iat:ion slage ( switch to "How can I push the envelope in thi s gc nrc". It- bccomes a person;1i challengc to me tu sec how creative I can be while producing a great quality sou nd. I uscd to play basketball so <:o mpleting a bcat is like winning a gam e ;'lIld wondering who got nex t. Am I up lor the challengei) Can I ge t it done !) T'hell its gam e time! (Next track)
\'Vhal wo uld yo u like our readers to know about Tha J ewler that they may not already know?
Something t.hat people wou ld probably never know is that as of Decem ber of 201 1, this is my third time passi ng on an o ller !i'om DefJ;'lIll. The lirst tim c W;'L" about two years ago bclore Lil \ Vayne was go ing to jail. I was goi ng to ge t signed as produccr/artist with Birdy Gunz. Silvia Hilone called Birdy's phone as we were leaving 7Eleven (;L<; we ;.Llways do) sa.id she was interested in signing him as a solo act, and me as lhe in hou se produce r. Lol, he hung up on her. Her assistanl GlUed back ;L'i king if we knew who we just hung SAVIIA_ ISMSIII' ,
up o n? \ 'Vc wc re like, ~so? ! " bcca usc \ \ "C tho ught th ey we rc playing. Th ey said they heard our mu sic 011 M ySpa(路c and lovcd it. "Ve wcre hoth like "no hod y gets Sih'llcd 011' Mr Spacc 'Ulym orc~, hut we wcre wrong ,md e nd ed lip p,L'is ing o n lh e deaL.J ust last year I was ollc rc< 1a rccor<ii llg <leal dim D eUanl as a /:,'l'01l1) willi Birdy Gunz (C.I.G aka Gc tlt Gang) .\Ild as a produclion company (Sky \ 'V.Like r P's). In Decemher of 20 II , I passed o n a so lo d cal fo r three years. SOlll e wo uld say 路whyi)" I hel icve 10()<X, ill m yself and Illy ta lc ll!. Ir I d o n't Iccl th e same way aho ut the deal, thc ll it's a no go. Thcy dOIJ't/GUl't change your skills, so YOli Illight as well keep h'rinding for what you want. That's the way I look at it.
What can we expect from Tha.Jcwler in the New Year 20 12 ?
14jtAlfUTII _Ill
There arc a fe w thin/",'S going lor ya hoy ill 20 12. ('ve bee n named the in hou se producer I()r a ne w Nikc Company ('ailed "I loop Di;ui es" (www.l loopDi.u路ies.com) . \Ve ,Li readr have a lew vid eo s o n YOliTlibe for thi s co mp;my, M y lahel , I Jigli Perio rllIan ce E.nL is ge lling re ady to relc'l'ie a co m pil;lI-ion a lhulll through Illt c rscope Ikcord s. So, hopefull y we'll he able to tell rou who our p.u'c nt label will be. I a lso look fOlwa rd to <I<Tc pring a m ;-~jor ren)rd ing co ntract thi s year, wit h whom !) I have n't d ecided yet bUltherc are ;-\ le w oile rs Oil the tahle 1()J"llI e .1Ild I \\~II do what's hest lor m e, m y I~Ullil y and m y te am in the
presellt alld future. You
he on tlte lookout lor a
new di visio n of HPE, Gliled High Perfo rmance Gospe l. I will be ill a cit y Ilettr yo u o n the ~ H oo ki e Turned Ve t" promo tou r Ii:l r the artist Da Proble m 's solo alhullL Ll<;! but not Ic'l'it, you ca n look lor m e to be a ve ry proud bi~ hroth e r thi s year as Ill y little siSler ll m e kia graduates with a 4.0 GPA and ;U\ AA in Scie nce.
Seam Issuu 1 Browse ~
Say Nation m March 20, 2011 savnation
--I ~
Can you tell our readers aboul yourself? (' m Il'om Southeast, Portland Oregon that is... I b'TCW up on 117th be tween Divis ion & Markel right across from Mill Park Elementary. I am an artist lirst; I would consider myself [0 he more in Lhe hip-hop lane of the game with my own 1\\~ Sl. I am into the cll&rinccring ;\lui production side of the g;lme as well as being part orthe Coast 2 COiL.,l Mixlape OJ Coalition. I al so operate ;\I1d own m y own vir;\I promotion bu siness &. mixlape company unde r the C2C CoaJition so I am definitely ke pt busy within my mu sic end eavors.
How long have YOLI been creating music and how did yo u get started? I've always been a hip-hop head / music head; I liste n 10 all ge nres from oldies 10 alte rnative ;md everything in between. I was rai sed in a mu sic atmosphere being that my dad is a professional mu sici;m so ito's honestl y in my blood. I have been writing since I was a teen, my se nior yea r in I IS I gOl" start ed with 1000s of IiTe style ciphers at parties, high school hallways battles, etc. .. But I didn't-record my lirst verse until 200:1 and never reaJly took it seriously until around the e nd of 2009 when I st arted coming into my own ;L,) a mc ;md establishing my own id entity ;Uld style. Finding you rse lf as an artist does not happe n overnight but I do kee p it simple and just "be m ys ell ~ my music just seem s to lit me now I don't have 1"0 act a certain way a "rapp e r~ should act, I <UlljUSt be ing me and real peopl e respect that.
\'Vha and what influenced you the mastLO pursue a ca reer in hip hop? My biggest inl1uence would be my ge nuine love lor making music and having my own sound. The artists that have influe nced my mu sical direction v;u)' from E.mine m, Atmosphere, Kurupt, Jadaki ss, Ra5s Ka5s, Nas, ;md a bunch of underb'1'ound "Vest Coast artists. Music is in my blood, a lot or my writing and material reflects my father ;lS an <litis\". I Ie is huge on meaningfullyrics and having a meaning behind your lyrics as o pposed to saying the thing "people want to hear" and that principle has ddinit e ly ruhhed 011' on my music. I take pride in having a message within my mu sic; ;myhody can jump on a mil' and he a "rappe r."
I-Iow long have YO ll been signed to Sicc-A-Cell EnL And whal have been the benefits? I have bee n with Sicc-A-Cell f()r about 3 mont:hs now, At-thi s point it gives me an establi shed and pre tty well known n;Ulle especiaJly out here on the west coast ro Glll my home. !.uni and I have lormed ;\ genuine fri e nd ship in and outside of the studi o, so to have a \Ne st CO;L<;t legend like I.uni put his !;\ith in me as an ;utist is huge. H e appreciates good music reg;mliess of ge nre, race, skin color, and gender so the evolution from f;Ul to working label mate is a pre tty crazy transition ;md we ;\re just getting started. 2012 is go ing to be a monster year for the Sicc-A-Cell 'fe;ull so sit back ;md walch.
You are also managcd by Dan Richards of Redneck Soldier Promotions, how has his management aided you as a rapper? D;Ul bri\'es me a I;lce to the business side of my Illusical Illovement as far ;L'i SouthE.ast is conccrned. It's stili new to me to say I have a "manager" hut at this poi nt it's nccessary. I-Ie is obviously a known namc around he re in the music bu si ness / show promotion, so having a well respected naille reprcsent you as an artist carries a lot or weight ;Uld presellls opportunities thaI Illorc than likely wouldn't be around if it wasn't lor havi ng a manger looking out lor my best int e rest financiall y and kce ping mc bu sy prot,'1'css ing and not spinning around in a ham ster wheel and get sent up ri ve r when I'm all used up. It's a good feeling 10 bc p;'lrt or a team that is moving forw;.tnl in a positive direction without a bunc h of clashing cgos, it's a rare oeeUITence tilese days llnlortlll1<ltely.
You have released 8 Mixtapes since 2010, what can yo ur fan s ex pect from your latest Mixtape, "Momentum"? E.xpect greatncss .. , Heally though, thi s mixtape speaks rrom the he;'lrt. It 's one or those you have to t<lke 45 mimiCS out of your bu sy day ;Uld listcn to all thc way through and you will understand SouthLL<;1. It has a little some Lhing for everyonc so regardle ss of whaL type or "hip-hop" or "rap" your into your gonna lind a song for you. But the title spcaks for its se ll ~ thi s timc last year was one of the lowes t points in my lile me ntaliy, physicall y, and cmotionall y and to see where I have come from that point ddine s the motivation bellind li lis mixtape. #Momcntlllll #Positive Progress
I-Iow did
link up with Coast2Coast
mLxtapes? I have always bee n into new mixtapes and new;utists; obviously C2C b;ts been a b'Tca l outlct in ex posing a lot of new Illllsic to LI S in the l\orth \ IVest. I sf.uted looking ou tward myself as an artist on how I cou ld expand my movement and Illllsic outside of my local IT!"rion and m ixtapes h;we bee n the ;U1swer. \tl;-\rch
20 10 I signed up with the C2C Mixtape DJ Coalition which gave mc access to post mixtapcs on their website, connected me wiLh hundred s o f DJs and artists worldwide which enabled me to start Illy own busi181SIIVIIATIM ISMSIX
ness (T'l1c llndcl'h'Tound fix Mixtapcs) and oller a1lordahle se rvices to tmdeq:,rround artists across the nation so they can feature their mixla pc s and music on sites like (Co;lsI2coaslmixtapes.com) and our Ollicial l3Jog (thcundcq.,'Toundlix.tulllblr.com) without breaking the ir budget. It h,ls turned inl o a very succcss rul bu sincss in Icss than 2 ycars plus I I<L'i rcally ex posed my mllsic 10 thousands o r people thaI wou ld havc ncvcr hcard or mc ir it wasn't ror flooding thc vir,Li market with these mixlapes. Connecting with C2C has bccn a grcat movc and it honcstly !eels likc we are jllst gelling Sl,trled.
Any plans lo r a comme rcial SouthEast release?
\,yhere can ou r readers go to find ouL more about you and to h e ar your Illusic?
Absolutel y, right now we han! <I pn~ic(' t ed relea.'ie in the 3 rd to 4th quarte r of 2012. No ti tle yet, I'm in th e process o f huilding lip a good track cala..l ob'l.le to c hoose li路olll for the album . I am working- with so me gre'll IOt:al producc rs; Syko (produ ce r or .vIae Ore's Thizzle Dance) produced a couple tracks and som e int ernational production as we ll so we sho uld have so me thillg qu ile ni ce for the I ~Ul s. I will be d ro(.r ping an exclusive EP spring 20 12 as all appe tize r to the rull album so be o n the lookou t for that as well as a hunch more Illixta pcs .Uld featu res.
Aside from your upcoming mixlape,
what else docs SouthEast have in store fo r 20 12? Lots, right now we arc gelling into the li rst leg of LUll i Colcone's -Do n't Call It A Comeback T our- that should go through mici Fe hruary, I will he pe ri tU"llli ng and prom o tillg my mixtape (Mome ntum) aJong that tour alld 1I) 'illg to ex pand the ne twork lIy gelling- ou t the re rubbin' e lbows ;Uld shakin' ha nds \\~ t.h the public There will he a 101 o f long days and nights in t.he studio gC lIlIlg material togethcr fiJI" Ill y new alhulll and <I few other l1Iixlape s to ramp up the promotion be hilld Ill y a lbulll release. I am ;t.lways doing shows local ly <llld looking 10 ex pand out side of the NvV, we plan o n ge tting down 10 I.os Angeles, Miami , Atiant'l .IIHI some o ti ler m.~io r Il larkcl"s lor net working ('om路cllt ions and show cases thi s year as wel l. I <Ull looking- 10 slay 1ll0VIllg 1()J"\vard , working hard and see wha1 happe ns; this should he a fun year I"()r m e Illllsically.
0 11
lleverimatio n/ So uthF"L'\t503,
T\'~HerISolll l lF..ast 50~~,
Facebook/SouthF..l"t.r,Oa you should lind eve ryt hing you need to kIlOW, see and hear. Also , get a ll the latest Ii路om my Oflicial Blog @ news (SollthEa!;t50~1 :T'1IIl1blr.Colll) Ilit m e, le t's llIake it happe n, A lso check out m y llIi xla pe I prolllotion ('Olllp'UlY T wi II c r i ll nd e r g round F ix, F.\{'e hook/l inde r,l.,'TouJ](1 Fix and
(, I'lle l lndcrgroundFi x.Tumhlr. C om) we have great opportullitics for indie artists to gel thei r music ex posed to an illl e rnatiollaJ fan base so don't be afraid holl er al me about custom m ixlapcs and promot ion as well.
Can you introduce yourself to our readers and let them know a liule about Spac3man? I'm a nOlthwest nati ve, born in Seattl e (\V A), raised in Portland (0 R). I spenl.l eaming years in ' I'acoma. I'm a Foster child trying not 10 be a statistic and ;liming lo r sllccess.
I-low did you begin rapping, and did you think you would be pursuing it as a career? I W;L,) a joking li-eestyle rapper that did it to play and pel,)S time with my real rapper friend s. One day a close Ii-iend of the !,'TOUP suggested I writ e my rh ymes. So I tried, and on the 7th verse I ever wrote, I had a le melle I didn't even know tell me she thought I was the best rapper! I have never been told I was the best at elHything. So I took it as a sign from god. Since then, I only see k to be the best.
You lived in Portland, Ore for a while, but you now stay in Seattle, what was behind your relocation? 130m in Seattle, and moved (() Portland as a foster child. Lat er in my stay, some complications occurred resu lting in my parent losing her license. So being a
ward of \Vashin!,1o n State. I \Vel') deemed back to \V;lsllin!,1 on (t-e dll1icall y I.akewoodr racollia area). \Vhere I completed my diploma and moved to my Seattle origins.
What sets Spae3Man aparL from evelY other rappel; and what do you feel you bring to the game? I have the natura] <lhilit y to electril)1audiences. Also, I spcak fro m the pcrspecti vc of a man that has bccn told to he a supporting C<L<;t when they are a sl<lr! I cncouragc thc ugly ducklin!,FS 10 rcalize th cy arc elegant swans!
What projects do you currently have available, and what do YOll have in the works lor 2012?
Mixtapcs: C rcctinl-,>"S L Ulhlin!,'"S (20 I0) & Fcaturisti c (20 II) get them Oil my Faccbook .com/spaC31l1anm usic And Bandcamp pageswww.spac3 man. com/b;Uldc<lmp and my ncw E.P. "BEYOND THE STARS" COMING EARLY 20 12! On Sportn' Lifc Hecords.
Co'gnac -~p/ GGD p COGNAC I
Why the moniker Krispy )-)endrixx? The reason for the Illoniker is reaJ simple. Krispy is one word tu d escri be my sound , Ill y swagger, &. Illy Prem iulll Lifestyle in gene raJ and I-I endrixx to ring a bell 10 those I~miliar with nonhwest music's biggest icon to date Jim i H endrix a Seattle native who put the northwest artistically &. musically on the map with a Black Rock gen iu s.
\-Vith that established can yo u introduce yo ursel r to our readers & t.ell us what yo u do and yo ur involvement in North\,yest hip hop? 261SAVUTIII _$II
I lello world! I ;\nl the super producer "Kri spy Il endrixx" i<>rIllCriy known as Jus Family Records artist "Monk Mike". I produce, write, & perform Illllsic for Chico and Cool vVadda, Kenny Mack, Cool Nutz, G路IS\1,6IX,Mikey Vegas, 'Tilla V., Spark Diggz, One Shot: De liano(fo unde r of Black \ IVall Street) made l~mlOus by Los Angeles rappe r "The Game", My involvement in NOl1hwest Hip Hop heL" been since 1985 I was break er Ii'om the \V oodlawn Comlll unity whe n I first attended the \Vate rfront Fresh to see my relative"The Genie"aka P Kookie OJ lor a krew called the Untouchabl es, at that time we were neighbors Ii'om the s;\ me block it W;tS at that lime that I decidcd I woul d be a part o r this mo\'cmcm forever.
Ilow long have you been crcating beats and actively working as a producer? I sl;-uted out p\;lying drum s at 5 yrs old and I've been creating beats since. In May or 1989, I got my first mixer, I used tu scratch and mix beats on my drum machine, keyboard, & record on Illy Ghenoblaster. In 1999, I did Illy lirst released project for G-IS\1 on a 01 OG 01\E LP.
Can you tell us how you got started in music and what has been the driving force behind the music you create? I got sl.uted in music because my mother and rather were Illusical. \1 y mother WetS a trave ling gospel soloist since age 5 & my father a high school drum m.Yor turned superst;lr writer performer & keybo;\l'di st Michael Hepburn or the 70's gTOUp ' Ple;L~ ure" . In 1992 I formed a /,,'T OUP with "Vest CO;L~ t Bad Boy "Kenny Mack" & later met Cool Nutz & Bosko to kickoff the Northwest pioneer label Jus Family Hecord & bter start our own label M Hecords.
Not many people know about the creative process of making an instrumental song, can you give our readers a bit of insight into your process? The creati ve process of making an instrum cntal is based on vibes, th e sound I hear in illY head or on the radio, BET', MT'V, or VI-II ... I havc to hcar a sound, then I st;trt with rhythm or melody to mold a m;L<)terpiece, a lot of the time I go ofT the vibes of the artist.
Along with creating beats, you also have a hand in Premium Lifestyle LLC, can you tell us a bit about that and what your involvement is? Almost a year ago now, I came up with the brand Premium Lifestyle inspired by th e legacy of my two deceased best rriendsJody Gordon and Sharif Hicks. 'T o live a bcncr life than what I comc f)'om, a product of my environment "Kenny Mac's line & Capitol Brand's "Ike 1300t,>ie".
I-laving played an active role in creating music for some time, what advice would you give to others' that are working to break inLo tile business? Slaying p;L<)sionate about yuur craft ;Uld just know that thi s business is 10% talent and 90% business. You only ge t out wliat you put in it and don 't let loy;L1t y make you mi ss your opportunity! Othcr than that, stay with it!
""hat projects are you currentiy pushing and what docs 2012 have in store lor Krispy Ilcndrixx? Currentiy, I'm pushing the Kenny Mack, M records rel e<L~ e "Streets Ain't S;tfe" on Cdbaby.com. The liTe album s "Strawberry Leanin' Dubstep LP & "Take me to your 1.c;lders". Also Cool \ ' utz "The Cook Up ;md Mikey Veg.L<) " Kush <Uld Codine", coming soon! Kri spy Ilendrixx EP "Black Roses" & the Premiulll Lifestyle soundtrack on Premiulll Lifestyle E.nt./ M records, Spark Dig:&rs (~1 Record s arti st) debut "I'm Out Here", OneShot Deliano LP "G host Protocol (~1i ss ion Possible)
You have worked with many of Portland's heavy hitters; to this date, what has been tile mos t memorable and meaningful?
Where can our readers go to find more about you and tile music you create?
The most meaningful and memorahle, I would have 10 say working with supcr produccr Bosko in the Mid. 1990's, as \\'ell as , working with my hro. Kenny mack & 61X on "The Business" mix1apc. T'he best cxperience has hee n recording "The Streets Ain 't SaJe" & othcr prqjecls with enginecr 'T'erminill of Flatline Stlldios, he rocks!
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