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Personal Website
• Master of Science in Sustainable Design (MSSD) | GPA: 3.68/4.00
Aug 2021 - May 2023
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
• Bachelor of Architecture | GPA: 3.50/4.00
Jul 2013 - Mar 2018
Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture, Mumbai, India
Research Assistant - Center for Building Performance and Diagnostics
Prof. Vivian Loftness | CMU Jan 2022 - May 2023
• Devised a set of data-driven recommendations to achieve goal of decarbonization by 2050 in building industry and contributed to the report for NAS (National Academy of Sciences)
• Analyzed databases and reports from NREL, ACEEE, DOE, EPA, EIA, RMI, NBI, RECS, and CBECS to understand and estimate the quantitative potential of Renewable Energy (RE), Grid Efficiency, District Energy Management Systems, and Grid-Interactive Efficient Building (GEBs).
• Evaluated discrepancies & proposed innovative & cost-effective strategies to adopt rooftop Residential, Commercial, and Community Solar, and various Energy Storage Systems.
• Recommended improvements in policies for implementation of RE by analyzing investment and funding opportunities from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) and Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) benefiting all the stakeholders & expedite the decision making process.
Research Assistant - CRuMBLE Material Research
Prof. Dana Cupkova | CMU
May 2022 - Aug 2022
• Conducted experimental research on different samples of Asphalt recovered from waste of Asphalt shingles with variations in binders & evaluated for compressive strength.
• LEED AP Building Design + Construction & LEED Green Associate
Aug 2022 - Aug 2024 (Green Business Certification Inc. - GBCI)
• Council of Architects - India (Licensed Architect)

• Software: Rhino, GhPython, Grasshopper, Ladybug, ClimateStudio, HOMERGrid, EnergyPlus, eQuest, IES, Radiance, Enscape, Climate Consultant, Autodesk (AutoCAD, Revit, BIM, Dynamo, Navisworks), Google SketchUp, V-ray, Adobe (Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, Lightroom)
• 1st Rank in India in Volume Zero Urban Design, 2018
• Top 10 at International level in G-Sen Urban Design by NASA (National Association of Students of Architecture), 2014
• Participated in Industrial Design Trophy (Group), 2015
• Participated in Asia’s Young Designer Award (Individual), 2019
• Bamboo Construction, 2013
• Certified Course ‘Revit- BIM‘, 2015
• ‘Wall Art Project‘ by State Gov. of Maharashtra at Bhilar, India’s First Village of Books, 2016
• IGBC Green Building Congress, 2020
• Certification- ‘Sustainable Building Design‘ by Oneistox| Learning Experiences
• Earthen Architecture‘ & ‘Sustainable Water Management‘ by Auroville
• Illustrated comparative analysis and potential impacts of reusing material in reducing carbon footprint & benefiting circular economy.
Assistant Architect - Samir Chinai Associates, Mumbai, India May 2019 - May 2021
• Constructed G.F.C., technical details, and working drawings for Salsette 27- a Platinum Precertified (by IGBC-Indian Green Building Council) high-rise residential project entirely developed using platform of BIM (LOD -3)
• Initiated paint scheme for entire Project.
• Produced 3-D visualizations & presentations, generated Clash Detection Reports using Navisworks and managed integrated models.
• Coordinated with site & consultants. Collaborated with team on BIM 360.
• Brainstormed massing strategies and shaped building block options for Palm Beach, Mumbai - a high rise residential project.
• Drafted interior design layouts for a pet shop in Mumbai.
• Revamped BOQs & flooring layouts for turnkey projects.
Revit Tutor (Freelance), Mumbai, India May 2019 - Jul 2021
• Spearheaded a course to build skills in 3D visualization, browser organization, massing, parametric modeling, shadow analysis, generating working drawings & building families, managing Integrated Models, and rendering using Revit as a tool & mentored trainees.
Design Intern - Ideas Beyond Architecture (IBA), Mumbai, India Nov 2016 - Feb 2017

• Drafted working drawings, Good for Construction (GFC), and architectural layouts for NESCO IT Park in Mumbai, Lotus resort in Jaipur and Lavasa cities. Revamped Master Plans.
• Designed and planned interior design layouts for a commercial building of JLL Real Estate Company.
• Conceptualized and developed facade designs and lobby Designs to refurbish the existing building of the NESCO IT Park and an office building in Thane.
• Fabricated interior design layouts for Old Bailey’s Cafe’, Mumbai

Building as a Battery
Converting buildings into an efficient energy storage systems to improve energy resilience

Graduate Thesis- Application of Energy Analysis
Advisors : Dana Cupkova (Track-Chair), Vivian Loftness (Co-Advisor), Azadeh Sawyer Kushagra Varma, Sinan Goral
Master in Sustainable Design | Carnegie Mellon University, PA | 2023
Tools: EnergyPlus, IDF editor, HOMER Grid
Increasing number of power outages in the United States have shown vulnerability of the utility grid. To address this issue, there is a growing trend towards stand-alone or building-scale solar panels. However, states like California, known for their high number of rooftop solar panel systems, face challenges due to the diurnal cycle of sunlight. The lack of batteries in existing solar systems affects power production and interrupts critical building functions. A holistic approach integrating PVs, energy storage, and demand control systems can enhance building resilience.
Through simulation analysis, a toolkit of cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally sustainable energy storage solutions was developed. The study led to the development of a scalable and adaptable module to make buildings self-sufficient and support critical loads of other buildings through intentional islanding. It concluded the framework of ‘Building into a Battery’ can help to save the utility grid from DER fluctuations and promote renewable energy adoption for community-based solutions with a focus on equitable social sustainability. The proposed framework, known as ‘Building into a Battery,’ offers a promising pathway to mitigate DER fluctuations, foster renewable energy adoption, and promote equitable social sustainability in community-based solutions.
Research question: How ‘Building as a Battery’ can efficiently manage (generate, store & supply) on-site energy, be energy resilient & serve as an energy hub at a community level during a grid outage?
Research hypothesis: A building-as-a-battery can reduce operational emissions and increase energy resilience for building owners by managing on-site renewable energy systems, while also benefiting the utility grid by reducing fluctuations caused by distributed energy resources.
Scope of research study: The research study focuses on three types of energy load management strategies as below: Distributed Energy Resources (DER), Energy Storage Systems (ESS), and Energy Hubs (EH).
The above diagram illustrates the methodology followed to conduct the research study

1. The above graph illustrates a comparison of Lifetimes of ESS in years shows the

2. The above graph of cost ranges for different ESS in $/kWh shows lower costs of
3. The above graph illustrates a comparison of Round-Trip Efficiencies of ESS in % shows higher efficiencies of VRF-B, Flywheel, & TES
4. The above graph illustrates a comparison of the Global Warming Potential of ESS in kg CO2 Equivalent/kWh
Electro-chemical Battery Thermal Energy Storage (TES) Mechanical Battery
Electrical Battery Chemical Battery
The highlighted areas in the above graphs shows the batteries that can be used for the toolkit
Selected site’s cost-effective, energy-efficient, and sustainable Energy Storage options

Community Kitchen Primary School Church Vacant Buildings Retail
Laundromat Fire Safety Department Residential Buildings Parking Garages
Site analysis based on building typologies in the selected community area of Hazelwood, Pittsburgh, PA

Site Analysis
For the application of the solution set, we have selected a site, which can represent different demographic & socio-economic conditions to minimize the equity & environmental issues with energy resilience. Based on the filters like the number of people under the LMI, category, measures taken for sustainability & energy resilience, access to renewable energy sources, demographic data & cultural data we have selected ‘Hazelwood’. Next, we conducted a simulation study comparing two scenarios for a single building, the ‘Community Kitchen.’
Envelope Assembly & Lighting Power Densities of the building were updated based on Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG)
Simulation Study : Scenario-I assumes the building meets min. standards (IECC 2018) and relies solely on the utility grid. Scenario-II optimizes the building’s efficiency using the Advanced Energy Design Guide (AEDG) and incorporates strategies for DER, energy storage, and supports critical loads of 4 other homes. The study establishes a scalable precedent using HOMER Grid & IDF editor as a tool.

Utility Bill Savings
Results from Simulation Study

Comparative analysis of results from simulation study showed $0 savings, no energy resilience, & carbon emission of up to 89,647 kg/yr in Scenario-I.
Where as Scenario-II demonstrated savings in utility bill of $10,425/yr, energy resilience for 3 days, & reduction carbon emission to 78,790kg/yr.
Assessing Policy Support
Lastly the study conducted an extensive review of various policies, grants, tax-credits, and incentives available at the federal, state, and local levels to facilitate the adoption of our proposed design for integrating DER and ESS at the building and community level in our site location. We found that there are currently no policies in the state of Pennsylvania for battery storage.
Pennsylvania can learn from Massachusetts’s SMART Energy Program and improve funding to better enable the community better solutions for energy resilience.


Converting a building into a battery can efficiently manage on-site energy, be energy resilient, and serve as an energy hub at a community level during a grid outage. Additionally, it can improve the property value & job opportunities. The research suggests that developing a scalable and adaptable module of energy storage systems can promote renewable energy adoption for community-based solutions with a focus on equitable social sustainability.

Shaping Daylight Through Simulation and Virtual Reality
Daylight Modeling
Instructor : Azadeh Sawyer
Master in Sustainable Design | Carnegie Mellon University, PA | 2023
Tools: Rhino, Grasshopper, Climate Studio, Enscape & Virtual Reality (VR) technology
Type of Work: Individual
This course aims to delve into the quantities and qualities of light, and how they can be effectively utilized in architectural design through the use of digital design and simulation tools, augmented with virtual reality (VR) technology.
The control and exploitation of daylight is an effective way to reduce the need for electric lighting and improve the overall energy efficiency of a building. The objective of bringing natural light into spaces is not only to support tasks but also to enhance human comfort, wellbeing and building performance.
The course covers design perception, color, vision, lighting techniques, and standards. It provides an in-depth view of how simulation and VR technology can support the design of comfortable and high-performance buildings, enabling students to set various design goals and use simulation and VR to evaluate the impacts of design strategies on targeted performance.

Part 1 (Designing Spaces)

The first part of this assignment is to design two spaces that convey the contrasting feelings/moods, which would have similar light levels. Here I selected two adjectives ‘quiet’ & ‘dynamic’. A skillful arrangement of natural light can create an ambiance of quiet contemplation, whereas its constantly evolving or dynamic nature can bring the liveliness of the space. Formal spaces like libraries give the utmost importance to daylight as it can calm you down, increase your productivity and help you to retrospect. On the flip side, informal spaces like cafeterias continuously tend to change their spatial organization.
The two barrel-vaulted roofs comprise the central skylight and a central reflector brings diffused light & the glazing on the glazing on the East & West facades with operable windows helps natural light & ventilation
The dynamic nature of the cafes is conceptually transformed into the facade of the building creating constantly evolving patterns with the cycle of day & night.

Part 2 (Spatial Daylight Analysis)

In the second part we attempted to reduce the ASE (Annual Sunlight Exposure) to 10% and bring sDA (spatial Daylight Autonomy) between 55-74% or above than the baseline building by performing annual daylight analysis in ClimateStudio and for various design iterations. Additionally keeping the values similar

Part 3 (Glare Analysis)

In this part we aiming to improve the glare performance of the building without disturbing optimum sDA & ASE though spatial & HDR simulations using ClimateStudio. Glare is context-specific, so, we have taken into account factors such as the space program, furniture layout, and views to address glare in areas that may cause discomfort. In the areas where glare is inevitable we have rearranged the furniture and seating arrangement to avoid visual discomfort.

14.8% Optimized Case

Horizontal louvers along with vertical supports are added on the north facade. The tilted horizontal louvers are protecting from vertical sunlight during summer, while letting it enter during winters. Further, changed proposed mat materials & reconfigured the furniture layout

11.5% Optimized Case
The overhang on three side is extended to reduce the vertical sunlight and further changed the material.

Environmental Performance Simulation

Energy Modeling
Instructor: Omer T. Karaguzel
Master in Sustainable Design | Carnegie Mellon University, PA | 2023
Tools: Rhino, Grasshopper, Climate Studio & Ladybug Plugin
Type of Work: Team Work
The EPS course offered a comprehensive exploration simulation-based design analysis and development of environmentally responsive built environments. Positioned at the intersection of Sustainability Design and Computational Design, it covered fundamental concepts in building physics and computational environmental performance assessment methods. The course introduced key topics such as building physics principles, environmentally responsive design principles, and the use of parametric modeling.
Under this course I studied fundamentals simulation-based approaches for Solar Radiation, Thermal Radiation, Visible/Daylight Radiation, Generation & Optimization for early stages of performative architecture. The baseline building for simulation study included an open office & a closed conference room located in Los Angeles, CA. We performed Solar, Visible, & Thermal Radiation analysis to optimize the building design for energy efficiency & leverage natural resources.
A. Solar Radiation Studies

Solar Energy Density (SED) I - Surface Comparison

SED I - Surface Comparisons (Annual):
Total annual SED (Eastern facade):746.94 kWh/m2

Total annual SED (Southern facade):1,002.07 kWh/m2

Solar Energy Density (SED) SED II - Effect of Building Orientation

II - Orientation (Annual):

Total SED on roof : 1813.21kWh/m2
SED I - Surface Comparisons (Summer):
Total annual SED Northern facade: 652.91 kWh/m2

Total SED on the Eastern facade (Summer)- 204.30
Total SED on the Southern facade (Summer)- 266.14
Total SED on the roof : 496.01 kWh/m2

Total SED on the Northern facade (Summer)- 175.40
SED I - Surface Comparisons (Winter):

Total SED on the Eastern facade (Winter)- 182.280
Total SED on the Southern facade (Winter)- 182.280
Total SED on the roof : 417.22 kWh/m2
Total SED on the Northern facade (Winter) - 160.42
Comparison of Total SED on different surfaces
Above comparison suggests roof followed by South facade received the most solar radiation. Based on SED analysis we can propose the passive design strategies to reduce, eliminate, or utilize the solar gain.

Comparison of Total SED with different building orientations
Above comparison suggests N-90 is giving lowest incident solar radiation. This study helps understand the optimum orientation to reduce solar gain, thus heating & cooling loads for the building.

Hourly Temperature Analysis
The graph shows that indoor zone temp. is higher compared to site temp. due to internal loads & lag in heat transfer caused by building envelope in the absence of HVAC system.
Hourly Temperature Analysis
The results of the heat loss & heat gain simulation have a direct relationship with the occupancy of the building. Zone infiltration total heat gain energy and zone windows total transmitted solar radiation energy is due presence of glazing,

Summary of PMV & PPD for Open Office
Spatial Thermal Comfort Analysis

The simulation output show distribution of Mean Radiant Temperature throughout the zone for open office without HVAC. The results from MRT, PMV, & PPD suggest that on the coldest day (refer 1) employees working near the glazing may experience a cooler environment than working on the north side, where as on the hottest (refer 2) employees seating near windows felt warmer compared to rest of the room.

Heating and Cooling Energy Consumption Analysis

The open office space uses more energy to cool the space than heat the space during all months of the year. The conference room uses less energy to heat and cool the space due to lack of glazing.
Variations of Heat Pump systems used compared to baseline system

Whole-Building Environmental Performance Analysis
The “Load CS Energy Results” component is used to calculate the three metrics Whole Building EUI, Carbon Emissions, and Operational Costs.

Comparison of overall building performance for proposed iterations in HVAC systems with the baseline

Results suggests GSHP is the most suitable system for the building
Design Iterations: Changes in Heating-Cooling Mechanical System Types
To increase the efficiency of the mechanical system & reduce EUI without compromising with occupant’s thermal comfort we opted for three different ‘Heat Pump Systems’ options by increasing their COPs & analyzed the ‘Overall Building Performance’.
Building Performance Modeling (BPM)
Application of Energy Modeling
Instructor: Wei Liang
Master in Sustainable Design | Carnegie Mellon University, PA | 2023

Tools: eQUEST, IESVE, Design Builder, & EnergyPlus
Type of Work: Team
The BPM course focuses on conceptual foundations and practical applications of advanced and integrated whole-building energy simulation programs with emphasis on architectural building envelope systems, mechanical electrical building systems and their controls (electric lighting and HVAC systems) and building-integrated solar photo voltaic power systems. Building Information Modeling (BIM) concept and its connectivity to Building Energy Modeling (BIM).
The assignment aimed to familiarize me with the IES-VE 2021 software and analyze the energy performance of a specific building design case. By considering factors like site data, building materials, systems, operations, and loads, I gained insights into the synergistic impacts on energy efficiency during the design development phase. For this team project I worked on creating baseline building model, thermal templates & thermal zoning.
Baseline Model

Ansys Hall is a six story building located in Pittsburgh, PA. We used EnergyPlus (TMY3) weather data file for energy modeling using IESVE. For construction of our baseline model we selected materials, which are compliant with requirements in the ASHRAE 90.1 2016 for climate zone 5A & created a baseline modeling following the outlines for building envelope, internal gains, & Operational schedules.

Solar shading analysis suggests that the roof and southern facade of the building receive maximum solar energy compared rest of the building.
Solar Shading Analysis

In case of installing PV panels it is important to analyze the shading casted on the building by surrounding objects/vegetation, and energy received on each surface to leverage the maximum energy.
‘Solar shading calculations’ suggests that the roof and southern facade of the building receive maximum solar energy up to 300 - 437.23 kBtu/ ft2. Whereas the western facade receives the least due to adjacent buildings casting shadows.
a. Baseline internal load (People, Lighting, Computer (Equipment)) values for each thermal template.
Each space is divided to create HVAC zones by ‘space by space’ zoning method & the entire floor plate at each level is divided into 11 groups based on the geographic directions, interior area, and building cores.
b. Baseline Auxiliary Ventilation Values for each thermal template
Thermal Profile

Based on the types of usage and common thermal comfort requirements, we have created 14 thermal templates for Ansys Hall. Each template has a defined internal loads (refer a) and air exchanges (refer b) according to ASHRAE 62.1 - 2016 addendum for ‘Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality’.
The default building office occupancy schedule was used with slight modifications.

Baseline Whole-Building Performance
Compared to median EUI per building type in the U.S., our baseline model for Ansys Hall have a relatively high EUI of 236 kBTU/sf.
Parametric Analysis
Parametric analysis helped to reduce EUI of the building with emphasis on building envelope thermal properties, solar shading, occupancy features, and building geometric properties.

All the key variables decreased during the iterations

Conclusion & Recommendations

To prioritize retrofits and renovations in Ansys Hall, we recommend focusing on increasing insulation for the slab and improving the thermal properties of glazing, if feasible. Following a targeted approach to thermal zoning is recommended. Prioritizing HVAC and lighting upgrades in high-traffic areas such as classrooms and lounges, while implementing energysaving measures like smart sensors in less frequently used spaces like corridors, can yield additional energy efficiency benefits.

IGBC Platinum Pre-Certified Green Building
Professional Practice
Professional Practice: Samir Chinai Associates | 2019-2021
Location: Byculla, Mumbai | Project Type: Residential | Built-up Area: 544,523.40 sq. ft

Tools: Revit, Naviswork, Google Sketchup, AutoCAD
Type of Work: Team
My Role: Assistant Architect
Samir Chinai Associates (SCA) is a Mumbai-based multi-disciplinary firm providing comprehensive services in Architecture, Urban Planning, Interior Design, and Value engineering.
As an assistant architect I contributed to following services:
• Constructed G.F.C., technical details, and working drawings for Salsette-27 a high-rise residential project entirely developed using platform of BIM (LOD -3).
• Initiated paint scheme for entire Project.
• Produced 3-D visualizations & presentations, generated Clash Detection Reports using Navisworks and managed integrated models.
• Coordinated with site & consultants. Collaborated with team on BIM 360.
• Brainstormed massing strategies and shaped building block options for Palm Beach, Mumbai, a high-rise residential project.
• Drafted interior design layouts for a pet shop in Mumbai, revamped BOQs, & flooring layouts for turnkey projects.
• Conceptualized & developed facade and lobby Designs.

Rebrick Lay

A Custom Plug-in for Circular Economy
Application of Computational Design for Sustainability
Instructor: Jinmo Rhee
Scripting & Parametric Design | (MSSD) Carnegie Mellon University | 2022
Tools: Rhino, Grasshopper, & Gh Python
Type of Work: Teamwork with Sanjana Nagaraj
The project goal was to design and develop a custom Grasshopper Plugin, a toolkit that can support complex, repeated, or laborious design processes and helps designers explore diverse design solutions.
For this assignment, we focused on the circular economy. Almost 20% of C & D waste comprises bricks and more than 75% goes to landfills. There are many limitations in reusing these reclaimed bricks, which makes it difficult to use them. Thus, we created a customized plugin using ghPython, which can take the data of these reclaimed bricks and help designers, architects, and engineers to visualize n number of patterns and return an exact number of bricks used from each batch of bricks for it. This can reduce construction waste & encourage a circular economy in the building industry.

The algorithm for the plugin is divided into 6 parts from input to output. For input a brick batch parameter will take these parameters to create a 1-D list. Combine data will combine data from these lists to give a 2-D list. Apart from these users must select a wall geometry and an attractor point. These batches will get sorted based on their compressive strengths. Next it will access starting points of each panel, which will get divided in primary and secondary distribution to add bricks based on the given dimensions. At the end it will provide number of remaining bricks from each batch after their use for constructing the wall & create patterns. Users can select their preference through attractor point system.


Users can create n number of patterns from the reclaimed bricks through ‘Attractor Point System‘ & visualize them on the building geometry

The attached YouTube video here will demonstrate the geometric logic and the custom plugin components in detail

Passive Strategies for a Sustainable House
Application of Passive Design Strategies & Energy Modeling
Instructor: Vivian Loftness
Environmental Systems: Climates & Energy in Buildings | (MSSD) Carnegie Mellon University, PA | 2021
Tools: REM/Rate
Type of Work: Individual
The course explored architectural design strategies to enhance energy conservation and natural conditioning for improved human comfort across diverse climates by integrating comfort principles, heat flow, and local climate variables.
The course focused on the latest advancements in building energy conservation, passive heating and cooling technologies, and their integration into comprehensive design specifications. The objective of this projects was to create a professional energy consultant’s report outlining specific retrofit measures, including siting, massing, organization, enclosure detailing, opening control, and passive system integration.
For one assignment, I selected a 3-Bed & 2-Bath residence located in Torrance, California, housing a family of four. The detailed steps can be listed as follows:

• Performed site analysis including climate analysis through ClimateConsultant
• Analyzed existing building forms & organizations
• Studied building details & Peak+ Annual Heat Loss Calculations for heat loss
• Evaluated energy bills & systems for energy consumption study
• Conducted energy consumption analysis using REM/Rate for energy modeling
• Suggested strategies for passive heating & cooling along with improved outdoor living
Section AA’
Section BB’
Plan (Left) & Sections (Right) representing Mechanically Heated Zones in the Home
Detail R-1 (Roof to wall Junction)

Detail W-1(External wall assembly)

Detail G-1 (Window assembly)
Estimated Envelope Assembly Details for the Existing Home

Breakdown of Heat Loss Sources

Breakdown of Energy Consumption Sources
The provided pie chart (see reference a) illustrates that a significant proportion of heat loss occurs through infiltration, followed by flooring. Additionally, heating constitutes the main contributor to energy consumption (refer to b). Therefore, it is crucial to enhance the building’s insulation, improve energy efficiency, and minimize energy usage.

1. Caulking Infiltration Reduction Dynaflex Ultra 10.1 Oz Clear

$ 6.98,
of Units : 6,10
Cost: 111.58/-
Previous Infiltration UA : 1,370.34 Btu/hr°F
New Infiltration UA : 1,096.28 Btu/hr°F
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,420/-
Annual Money Saved: $604.80/-
Payback: 2 months Weatherstripping Infiltration Reduction MOPMS Draft Stopper Sweep, Door Weatherproofing Stripping

2. Light Bulbs Energy Efficiency LED Bulbs

$ 5.23/-
of Units : 2
Previous Annual Energy : 1024 kWh (Lighting)

New Annual Energy: 1,008.4 kWh
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,978/-
Annual Money Saved: $46.00/-
Payback: 2 months
3. Power Strip Energy Efficiency Trickle Star 7 Outlet Advanced Power Strip

$ 25.99/-
Previous Annual Energy : 4600 kWh (Appliance)
New Annual Energy: 2,392 kWh
Annual Energy Saved: 2,208 kWh
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,472/-
Annual Money Saved: (2,208) x (0.25)= $552/Payback: 9 months
Before adoption of Retrofits & Recommendations
5. Refrigerator Energy Efficiency Smart wifi Enabled

Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/New Annual Energy Cost: $2,897/-
1.5 year
Previous Annual Energy : 4600 kWh (Appliance)
New Annual Energy: 3,935 kWh
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,828/-
Annual Money Saved: $196.00/Payback: 1.4years
After adoption of Retrofits & Recommendations
7. Dryer Energy + Water Reduction
5.2 cu. ft. Smart Capable White Top Load Washing Machine with Extra Power Button

Samsung Top Load Electric Dryer with Sensor Dry DVE50R5200W

8. Shower head Water Reduction High Sierra’s All Metal 1.5 GPM High Efficiency Low Flow Shower head

9. Solar PV On-site Energy Generation

of Retrofits +
$ 1,049.00/-
Cost/Unit: $ 777.00/No. of Units : 1 Total Cost: $777.00/-

New Monthly Use : 95 Gallons
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,800/-
Annual Money Saved: $7.00/Payback: 1.5 years
Previous Annual Energy : 4600 kWh (Appliance)
New Annual Energy: 3,956 kWh
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $3,000/-
Annual Money Saved: $14.00/Payback: 5 years
Cost/Unit: $ 49.95/-
No. of Units : 2
Total Cost: $99.99/-
Previous Monthly Use : 2400 Gallons
New Monthly Use : 1440 Gallons
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,896/-
Annual Money Saved: $128.00/-
Payback: 1.1 years
Cost/Unit: $ 384.70/-
Area covered: 120 sq ft.
No. of Panels : 12
Total Cost: $3,847/-
Previous Annual Energy : 5,624kWh (Total)
New Annual Energy: 2,067 kWh
Annual Energy Produced: 3,557 kWh
Previous Annual Energy Cost: $3,024/-
New Annual Energy Cost: $2,161/-
Annual Money Saved: $863.00/-
Waste Management Center,Mumbai
Application of Sustainable Design Startegies

Competition Entry - Asia’s Young Designer Award | 2019
Location: Mulund, Mumbai | Project Type: Industrial & Public
Tools: Revit, Rhino, Grasshopper, Ladybug
Type of Work: Individual
The theme of this competition was to provide a design solution for the ‘Sustainable future’ of our built environment. Considering the exceeding amount of waste and shortage of landfill spaces in Mumbai a waste management center was proposed to replace an existing landfill site.
The program is composed of a waste management area for the segregation of waste, a wasteto-electricity generation plant to produce ‘Clean Electricity’, a cow shed & organic farming, and workshop spaces for community artists, who can create crafts from recyclable waste. Overall building is design with ‘Whole System Thinking‘ approach & aimed to encourage peopel about the ‘Circular Economy‘.
Site Location

Semi-open spaces such as connecting spaces with openings to frame views, staircases facing central courtyards, and courtyards on the building edges along with rooftop gardens are designed to make spaces interact with nature.

Further it helps to blur the boundary between inside and outside in the public area by creating flexible spaces and opportunities to connect with surrounding landscape.

Sky Dome visualizations for solar radiation mapping over summer solstice time period

We performed solar radiation studies for summer solstice (i.e. 21st June to 21st December) to understand, which sides of the building are receiving more solar radiation.
The incident solar radiation analysis on the building assisting in designing location of fenestrations, glazing areas, shading devices and facade treatment. Further helping to in passive heating strategies by utilizing the thermal radiation, improve indoor thermal comfort & improve energy performance of the building.
The patches on the sky dome with higher solar radiation helped us to find the angle of orientation for the solar panels.

Redefining the Relationship of Humans & their Co-inhabitants through Architecture
Graduate Thesis - Application of Sustainable Design Strategies
Advisors : Swati Chokshi
Undergraduate Thesis | B. Arch | Rachana Sansad’s Academy of Architecture | 2018
Location: Kharghar, Mumbai | Project Type: Public
Tools: Revit, Google Sketchup, AutoCAD
Type of Work: Individual
The aim of this research study was to design a space, where both humans & their co-inhabitants can interact with each other without the solid barrier of a cage, educate people about their surrounding indigenous species & ecosystem and conserve them.
This aim to conserve native flora and fauna and bring humans closer to their co-inhabitants in an urban context led to the proposal of a ‘Zoological Park’. It gives shelter to all the native non-human species struggling to survive in the wildlife due to various industrial or natural issues. The park was designed in such a way as to merge the adjacent mountain ranges of ‘The Western Ghats’ and house hundreds of species native to this tropical ecosystem. It also welcomes visitors, which are immersed in natural life and not vice versa.


The proposal for the zoological park was based on an ‘Ex- situ conservation’ concept, which is part of the ‘Pan-situ conservation’ or ‘Hybrid conservation’ approach. Here animal enrichment is given the highest priority in a way to retain their natural behavior. So, when they are reintroduced back to the wild they can adapt to the environment. The adjacent views shows different architectural and landscape spaces designed to replace the solid barrier of the cage and merge them with the context.

1. Admin Block and Entrance Pavilion (Top left)
2. Amphitheater and Snake House (Top right)
3. Elephants’ Bathing Area (Bottom left)