SBLBSHP Spring 2018 Newsletter

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Spring 2018

SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Editors: Joanne Lin, Leslie Tanaka and Matt Horton

Inside This Issue: President’s Message


Leadership Breakfast


Health Fair Recap


Public Relations Update


Scholarship Essay Contest


Educational Dinners


Legal Affairs Update


School Chapter Updates


Legislative Day


Message From the President Hello SBLBSHP members, I hope that this newsletter finds you well. The quarterly newsletters are intended to keep you engaged by briefing you on our past activities as well as informing you on upcoming events, so please take a look and let's keep connected!

Mailing Address
 11138 Del Amo Blvd, Ste # 127
 Lakewood, CA 90715

Newsletter Archive


Since our installation in January, the SBLBSHP board has been working tirelessly to serve you and our community. On April 20th, the clinical affairs committee - Rosalin Preechakul, Lauren Alfano, Joanne Cho, JR Flores, Jennifer Kwon, and Cindy La - successfully hosted our first leadership breakfast of the year, featuring Tony Park, Pharm.D., JD who spoke on the ethics requirements and new laws of 2018. The public relations committee - Scott Harada, Jenny Wan, Alicia Wong, and Jenny Zheng - are continuing to work closely with the Long Beach Rescue Mission to educate the homeless and collaborated with


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

the USC School of Pharmacy to put on a health fair there on April 22nd. They are also coordinating our very first scholarship essay contest for graduating high school seniors, aiming to expose motivated students to the pharmacy profession early on. I hope you were able to attend the dinner programs and the Western States Presentation CE sessions, set up by our educational affairs/industry relations committee - Angela Jeong, Dan Bauman, and Matt Kamada. I also want to recognize our legal affairs chair, Daniel Kudryashov - and our CSHP liaison as well as the CSHP president-elect - Steve Thompson - for keeping everyone updated on the important bills and changes in law impacting our profession. In addition, SBLBSHP continues to contribute to cultivating future pharmacists through our mentorship program, coordinated by Helena Lau and Tiffany Luong. As you can see, our chapter has been a busy bee, and we absolutely could not do all that we do without your support, so THANK YOU for maintaining your membership and selecting SBLBSHP as your chapter! I cannot emphasize enough the importance of maintaining your membership for the present and future of our profession. Collectively, your membership fees allow leaders at the front line to do their work, collaborating with lawmakers to advocate bills that expand pharmacists' scope of practice, fight for reimbursement, and put pharmacists at the table alongside other healthcare professionals. Going through life, it's easy to take for granted the advancements that the leaders in our profession have made with the support of professional organizations like CSHP. For many affiliate chapters, it has been a challenge to retain members, especially recent graduates, when they do not see the immediate benefit of professional membership. To all of you, SBLBSHP members, I sincerely appreciate you for seeing the big picture, realizing that our profession is only as strong as those who support it, and keeping up your membership. Please spread the word so that your colleagues may join our effort to make strides toward the true provider status for pharmacists and secure our future rather than being replaced by robots and automation that have already put other professions out of job. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or any of our board members if you have suggestions on how we can better engage you as our member. We have many exciting events planned for rest of the year, and I hope to meet each and every one of you there. Sincerely, Angela (Na Hyun) Lee 2018 SBLBSHP president and your humble servant


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

Leadership Breakfast: California Pharmacy Law Update By Lauren Epperson, Clinical Affairs Chair On Friday April 20th, SBLBSHP hosted another successful Leadership Breakfast to discuss updates in California pharmacy law. The event was well supported by a variety of pharmaceutical vendors who attended and displayed their product information. Attendees patronized the vendor booths and ate a delicious breakfast while enjoying the great views at The Boathouse on the Bay in Long Beach. After breakfast, Tony Park, PharmD, JD, described how controlled substance prescribing and dispensing laws have changed, the new standards of corresponding responsibility, and the political reasons that are driving such changes for California pharmacists.


Spring 2018



SBLBSHP Newsletter

By Alicia Wong, Public Relations Chair SBLBSHP partnered with pharmacy students from USC School of Pharmacy on April 22, 2018 to host a health fair at the Long Beach Rescue Mission. First year pharmacy students were able to hone their clinical and practical skills by providing free screenings for diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol, and body fat analysis to the local community surrounding the Long Beach Rescue Mission. Several members of the SBLBSHP chapter supported the first year pharmacy students as preceptors during the health fair. In total, 59 participants were screened. The participants were appreciative for the free screenings and health education they received from the pharmacy students. Overall, it was a success and we hope to continue to collaborate with USC School of Pharmacy and Long Beach Rescue Mission in future community outreach.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

Long Beach Rescue Mission By Scott Harada, Public Relations Chair

March: Pain Management and Prescription Drug Abuse On March 2nd, 2018 SBLBSHP hosted its last class of the season for our local shelter, the Long Beach Rescue Mission. We presented a brand new topic: pain management and prescription drug abuse. It comes to no surprise that this topic was inspired by the 2017 HHS public health emergency and the team felt that sometimes the best medicine is knowledge. USC student pharmacists Stefan Gorham and Kara Onouye took on the challenge to teach our community the basics of self-managing pain, such as headaches and muscle aches, as well as the dangers associated with pain medications. The presentation was well received by the community. In addition, nearly everyone in the room knew of someone who has or has had experience with prescription drug abuse or addiction. We take pride knowing that we helped arm the community with knowledge could potentially help save lives. SBLBSHP thanks our student pharmacists for their very hard work and taking time from classes to reach out to our community. This season's presentations are in the books and the PR committee will take a break to review our progress and see what direction might best benefit the community. If you are interested in being a preceptor in the future, check out the next newsletter for updates to our project!

Scholarship Essay Contest By Jenny Zheng, Public Relations Chair

This year SBLBSHP has decided to foster greater interest in the field of pharmacy by offering a scholarship to a graduating senior from Carson High School. This student will be selected amongst the applicants during our board meeting in May and will be invited to a future SBLBSHP event.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

Educational Dinners By Angela Jeong, Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chair

Residents presented their Western States projects at our annual continuing education series

The first educational promotional dinner for this year was held on 2/28/2018 in Long Beach by Scott Wirth, PharmD, BCOP on The First and Only Daily Oral PARP Inhibitor Approved for Use Regardless of BRCA Status. Dr. Wirth was very engaging and we learned about BRCA and the drug Zejula. Despite the rain, we had a good turnout for the March program, which was in El Segundo and presented by Aresh Mahajerin, MD. His topic was The Management of Pediatric Patients with Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome. We also enjoyed an interactive talk on the antibiotic Avycaz by Paryus Patel, MD at the Chart House in April. In May, residents captivated our attention with their Western States Project presentations through our annual continuing education series. The first session was on 5/2/2018 at CareMore and the second was at VA Long Beach on 5/10/2018. Please save June 12, 2018 on your calendar for our first summer promotional dinner on The Treatment Considerations in Polycythemia Vera and Myelofibrosis: A Clinical Update. The speaker will be Mojtaba Akhtari, MD from Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center. 6

California Pharmacy Legislation Day By Jennifer Kwon, Clinical Affairs Chair California Pharmacy Legislation Day was held on Tuesday, April 17 by the California Society of HealthSystem Pharmacists (CSHP) and California Pharmacists Association (CPhA) at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Downtown Sacramento. The opening remarks were given by Dr. Veronica Bandy, CPhA President. Michelle Rivas, Vice President, Center for Advocacy, CPhA, gave a 2018 Legislative Update focusing on AB 1963 (Waldron)- Medi-Cal: Reimbursement for opioid addiction treatment and AB 1751 (Low)Controlled substances: CURES database. The keynote speaker was the honorable Vince Fong (RBakersfield), Assembly member, whose father is a practicing pharmacist. The closing remarks were shared by our very own Dr. Steven J. Thompson, CSHP President-Elect.

Calling all members! Join the CSHP 2019 Seminar Planning Committee! If you are looking for ways to cultivate your professional growth and expand your network, then volunteering for a CSHP leadership committee is the answer! This is a great opportunity for you to build and strengthen your leadership skills, explore your interests AND step forward in your career. Tasks are listed on the website, link is provided below, and are essential to the planning and execution of a successful meeting for all CSHP members to enjoy! For more information, visit sit the CSHP Seminar planning committee website (see link below) and contact Steve Thompson to join!


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

Legal Affairs Update By Daniel Kudryashov, Legal Affairs Chair

This year started off with several regulatory changes enacted by the California Board of Pharmacy (BOP) and more than 60 bills having a potential impact on the pharmacy profession introduced in the state legislature. Effective April 1, 2018, the BOP adopted new regulations for performing inventory reconciliation of controlled substances, changed the fee schedule for license renewal and issuance, and released new disciplinary guidelines. The Board adopted section 1715.65 in Article 2 of Division 17 of Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations – Inventory Reconciliation Report of Controlled Substances. This regulation is aimed at driving hospitals and clinics to adopt practices, which would prevent and/or detect loss or theft of controlled substances. It calls for periodic inventory and inventory reconciliation by a pharmacist in clinics and hospitals. The inventory reconciliation report for all C-II controlled substances must occur every 3 months, and any losses must be reported to the BOP within 30 days. Theft must be reported to the BOP within 14 days of discovery. It was a busy few months in the state legislature as more than 60 bills affecting pharmacy in one way or another were introduced this legislative cycle. More than a dozen bills aimed to address prescription drug abuse in various ways, such as imposing opioid prescription limitations (AB 1998, Rodriguez), offering medication-assisted treatment (AB 2384, Arambula), modifying medication education (AB 2487, McCarty), and mandating pharmacist consultation before dispensing any opioids (SB 1229, Stone), among others.

Continued on the next page‌


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

Half a dozen bills addressed the CURES database, also pertaining to controlled substances. A number of pharmacy bills, some controversial, were introduced by Senator Jeff Stone, who is a practicing pharmacist and a pharmacy owner. A select list of Dr. Stone’s bills are below: •

SB 1254 - would require a pharmacist at a hospital pharmacy to obtain an accurate medication profile for a high-risk patient upon admission and discharge

SB 1404 – would exempt pharmacy residents and clinical pharmacists from overtime pay regulations

SB 1426 – would grant pharmacists the authority to prescribe certain drugs and devises from a Board-approved formulary

SB 1264 - which would authorize pharmacist to provide hypertension management to Medi-Cal beneficiaries

SB 1285 – would require coverage of services provided by advanced practice pharmacists

SB 1322 – would make comprehensive medication management a covered benefit for Medi-Cal beneficiaries

SB 1373 – would impose minimum levels of pharmaceutical staff for general acute care hospitals.

As a side note, SB 716, introduced by Senator Hernandez and sponsored by CSHP in 2017, is not making a comeback this year. Last year, SBLBSHP Board has expressed to CSHP its opposition to this bill because it disrupted the pharmacist to non-pharmacist ratio of the BOP membership, making pharmacists the minority.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

USC Chapter Updates

By Kara Onouye, USC Pharmacy Student The USC School of Pharmacy hosted its 5th Annual CPhA/CSHP Local Association Meet & Greet on March 6, 2018 at Luminaria's Restaurant. At this event, student pharmacists had the opportunity to network with leaders from seven different local associations in an intimate setting. We were honored to have SBLBSHP’s President, Dr. Angela Lee, deliver the CSHP address to a crowd of forty students. Following her speech, students participated in three roundtable sessions, where our esteemed guests shared stories of how they became involved with their local association and how it has shaped their career. On March 30, 2018, we hosted our Annual Installation Banquet at Quiet Cannon in Montebello. At this event, we installed our new board and acknowledged the accomplishments of our outgoing board, as

well as the pharmacists who have helped us achieve these feats. Additionally, we recognized our graduating P4 class and select P4 members who have earned special recognition through ASHP. We would like to thank Dr. Steve Thompson, CSHP President-Elect, and Dr. Angela Lee, for taking the time to attend our Annual Banquet. We would also like to give a special shout-out to Dr. Steve Thompson for personally bestowing the ASHP graduation cords to our P4 members. Our chapter also participated in the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books Health Fair on April 21, 2018. The Los Angeles Times Festival of Books is an annual event held at the USC University Park Campus that attracts approximately 150,000 people from Southern California and other parts of the country. USC pharmacy students performed blood sugar, blood pressure, and body fat screenings over a span of eight hours and screened approximately 560 people in total – a new record! As another school year comes to a close, the CSHP-USC Chapter would like to sincerely thank SBLBSHP for collaborating with us and providing opportunities for our student pharmacists to grow. We look forward to working with you next year and are extremely grateful for your continued support and mentorship.


USC Installation Banquet 2018!

USC School of Pharmacy 11

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

KGI Chapter Updates

By Sherryl Chico, KGI Pharmacy Student This year, KGI hosted its 2nd annual PharmCAMP during the first two weekends in March (3-4 and 10-11). The event was organized by the KGI School of Pharmacy and School of Applied Life Sciences, which focused on teaching local elementary, junior high school and senior high school students about DNA extraction, prescription drug safety and antibiotic awareness. Student volunteers utilized everyday items such as strawberries or PlayDoh to introduce complex science lessons. This successful event was a new community favorite and provided an opportunity for professors and students to sharpen their skills while teaching young children and young adults about how fun and interesting science can be. KGI hopes to continue this annual fun-filled tradition. On April 20, 2018, KGI’s SSHP and CPhA chapters collaborated to host the 2nd annual Installation Gala/Casino Night. Members, faculty and their guests gathered together to help with the installation of the new executive board. This event gave attendees an opportunity to initiate new networks or reignite old ones. It also provided guests an opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves from the hustle and bustle of work or school. Casino night proceeds were donated to Relay for Life with the American Cancer Society. KGI SSHP/CPhA was blessed to have Dr. Kenneth Schell, Assistant Dean for Pediatric Clinical Affairs and Health Sciences at UCSD Skaggs School of Pharmacy, Dr. Ethan Huynh, VP of California Specialty Pharmacy and Dr. Ken Thai, owner of 986 Pharmacy as guest speakers.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

WesternU Chapter Updates

By Michael Palaroan, Western University Pharmacy Student The Western University of Health Sciences chapter of CSHP hosted a health fair at the 17th Annual Los Angeles Lantern Festival on Saturday, March 3rd, 2018. WesternU's student pharmacists performed blood pressure, blood glucose, and BMI screenings for 121 attendees of the festival. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness and to educate the local community on the importance of healthcare screenings and health management. Student Pharmacists, preceptors, and attendees collectively contributed to the success of this event, as all counterparts enriched the experiences with their unique stories and skill sets. Asthma presentations were also delivered to Lexington K-8 School on 03/09/18 and La Verne Science and Technology Charter School on 04/09/18. Students learned about various inhalers, treatments, and diagnosis of the illness. They were introduced to albuterol & steroid inhalers, as well as spirometers to help foster an environment of self-help and support for community members that deal with asthma on a daily basis. All presentations were well received by the inquisitive and engaging students of each school. In honor of International World Cancer Day (02/04/18), the WesternU chapter also tabled at the Pomona school campus to raise awareness for the cause. The cancer awareness committee created an interactive presentation, whereby attendees were asked to draw colorcoded awareness ribbons, each representing different forms of cancer. In addition, awareness ribbons were passed out in varying colors along with informational flyers for certain forms of cancer. This event was both endearing and powerful, as participants shared stories of how certain cancer types have affected either them or a loved one. It was a successful event and created a sense of unity and compassion amongst participants.


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

We welcome YOU to our monthly board meetings! Feel free to stop by! DATE: Second Wednesday of every month TIME: Dinner and networking at 6:30pm, meeting at 7pm LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center North Hospital 1st floor Conference Rooms 5-6


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Spring 2018

SBLBSHP 11138 Del Amo Blvd., Suite #127 Lakewood, CA 90715

Email: Newsletter Archive: Website:

SBLBSHP 2018 Board Members ANGELA LEE
 President-Elect MATT KAMADA
 Immediate-Past President

 Communications Chairs TIM CHOU 
 Membership Chair


 Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chairs


 Legal Affairs Chair


 Mentorship Program Chairs

 Social Affairs Chairs TIM CHOU 

 Student Liaisons


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