SBLBSHP Winter 2017 Newsletter

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Winter 2017

SBLBSHP NEWS South Bay/Long Beach Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Editors: Joanne Lin & Leslie Tanaka

Inside This Issue: President’s Message


Night With Industry


Festive Board Meeting


Mentorship Wrap-Up


Long Beach Rescue Mission Outreach




Student Liaison Update


Education Dinners


Membership Update


Mailing Address
 11138 Del Almo Blvd, Ste # 127
 Lakewood, CA 90715

Newsletter Archive


Left to right: Donald Kaplan (2016 CSHP Pharmacist of the Year), Vicky Ferraresi (CSHP president), Loriann DeMartini (CSHP CEO), Kenn Horowitz (Past CSHP president and Kelly Hales Memorial Pharmacist of the Year)

Message From the President To our SBLBSHP members, For those of you whom I have yet to meet, my name is Matt Kamada and I will be your new SBLBSHP Chapter President for 2017. I work for Kaiser Permanente out of the Cerritos Medical Offices as an Ambulatory Care pharmacist focusing on diabetes, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. I am honored to lead this exciting chapter and am looking forward to a great year! We missed you if you were not able to make it to our 2017 Night With Industry and Board Installation Dinner at the Shade Hotel on January 20th, 2017. Our Social Chairs Cindy La, Julie La, and Pauline Lam did an amazing job planning the event. I also wanted to recognize our student volunteers who kept the event running smoothly. It was a cold and windy night, but we stayed warm and 1

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017

laughed throughout the night as we installed the new board of directors for our chapter. We were lucky enough to have CSHP’s new CEO Loriann DeMartini and CSHP President Vicky Ferraresi in attendance. I wanted to echo some of the sentiments that Loriann shared with us that night.

Congratulations 2016 Kelly Hales Memorial Pharmacist of the Year! Kenneth Horowitz PharmD, FCHSP

2017 has brought to our country uncertainty, skepticism, and apprehension especially with the proposed repeal of the Affordable Care Act. However, as a profession, the changes could open doors for us to solidify our place in patient care and expand our scope of practice. We must be ready and willing to step up in this time of change! Sincerely, 
 Matt Kamada, PharmD BCPS Chapter President

2017 SBLBSHP Board Members


Night with Industry By Cindy La, Julie La, and Pauline Lam, Social Affairs Chairs The 37th Annual Night with Industry and Installation Banquet was a fun-filled night with over 65 attendees and 6 vendors. The event was held at the sparkling new Shade Hotel in Redondo Beach, California. Although there were some gusty winds and light rain, it did not hamper the excitement of an eventful evening at this beach-front property. The event began with the Night with Industry which highlighted informative displays from our committed pharmaceutical vendors. Members enjoyed cocktails and delicious appetizers while engaging in stimulating conversations with the various pharmaceutical representatives. Members commented that they enjoyed learning about the newest therapeutic options in a variety of disease states. Our chapter would like to thank Aptevo Therapeutics, Celgene, Genentech, Gilead Sciences, Incyte Corporation, and Novartis for their continued support of our event and our chapter. At the conclusion of the Night with Industry portion of the evening, guests made their way to the adjacent building to enjoy the Installation Banquet. Guests mingled while enjoying cocktails, which included wine and an impressive selection of over 20 craft beers on tap. Cindy La, Julie La, and Pauline Lam (Social Affairs Co-Chairs) collaborated to host the banquet and welcomed members as they enjoyed a delicious buffet-style Italian dinner. The chapter was especially honored and thankful that several distinguished guests attended the event including Vicky Ferraresi (CSHP President) and Loriann DeMartini (CSHP CEO). They each shared inspiring words regarding the future of our ever-changing profession. Additionally, many other important guests were in attendance including Don Kaplan (CSHP Pharmacist of the Year) and Kenn Horowitz (Past CSHP President and Treasurer) as well as multiple SBLBSHP past presidents. 3

Vicky Ferraresi installed the 2017 SBLBSHP Board including the new Immediate-Past President, Tim Chou, who reflected upon his many accomplishments during his term and will move on to take several roles in the new board including membership chair and webmaster. Tim Chou also introduced the new president, Matthew Kamada, who gave an empowering speech regarding the strengths of the chapter as well as the goals he aims to achieve during his presidency. Additionally, Kenn Horowitz was recognized for his achievements by being honored with the Kelly Hales Memorial Pharmacist of the Year Award. His friend and last year’s award recipient, Steve Thompson, presented him with this important award. President-Elect Angela Lee recognized the 2016 mentees for their commitment to the program as well as the 2016 mentors for volunteering their time and sharing their wisdom with their mentees. In addition to the wonderful speeches and presentations, the event was sprinkled with over 25 raffle prizes including one of the largest grand prizes awarded at a SBLBSHP Installation Banquet, a pair of 3-day Disneyland Tickets! One very excited guest took these magical tickets home. The event was also a large success due to the efforts of our student volunteers, which included Sophie Cheng, Kamlynn Chow, Sandy On, and Devin Panlasigui. The student volunteers arrived early to help check in guests and also captured the wonderful moments of the event on camera. Thank you to our student volunteers! Lastly, thank you to all of our members who took the time to attend our event. It was a wonderful opportunity to network and also recognize the chapter’s many achievements this year. We are already looking forward to banquet next year!


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017

Festive Board Meeting Recap By Tim Chou, Immediate-Past President Every year in December, instead of our routine monthly board meetings, we have our “Festive” board meeting to appreciate our board members’ hard work and time dedicated to serving our chapter and CSHP. This year, we celebrated at the delicious Greenfield Brazilian BBQ in Long Beach. It was definitely great to have all of our board members together to reflect on the successes we had in 2016 and enjoy each other’s company. As the 2016 chapter president, I was really fortunate to have a group of energetic and dedicated board members that led our chapter to another successful year. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017

2016 Mentorship Wrap-up By Angela Lee, President-Elect 2016 was another successful year for the SBLBSHP mentorship program. There were 18 students from USC School of Pharmacy paired with 14 mentors from the chapter, who volunteered their time and energy to guide these students throughout the year. It was delightful to see many student mentees attend board meetings and other SBLBSHP events, including the NWI/installation banquet where students helped with the check-in and taking pictures. The mentorship program is a great way to contribute to the pharmacy profession by helping to foster active and motivated pharmacists for the future. In addition, it has been effective in showcasing the enthusiasm of the chapter and recruiting mentees to join the SBLBSHP board upon graduation. There are two former mentees from the 2016 program, Leslie Tanaka and Eunice Lee, who have been installed to the 2017 board. Success of the 2016 mentorship program would not have been possible without the support of volunteer mentors listed below. If any member is interested in becoming a mentor, please do not hesitate to contact the 2017 mentorship program committee – Angela Lee, Helena Lau, Jennifer Fong, and Tim Chou – for information. The mentorship program committee is working hard to make the 2017 program meaningful and rewarding for all participants. Feedback and suggestions are appreciated to help improve the mentorship program year after year. Thank you!

Mentors –Thank You! Amanda Wong Benedict Angela Jeong Angela Lee Anne Huynh Billie Gomes Daniel Kudryashov Emily Choi Joy Wang Warnock Lisa Lum Marilyn Jen Meganck Matt Kamada Rosalin Preechakul Tim Chou Vittoria Ledesma

Mentees who successfully completed the program – Congratulations! Leslie Tanaka Nathan Santos Helen Tran Samantha Yeung Eunice Lee Devin Panlasigui Sandy On Selin Shirvanian Jenny Nguyen Van Doan Annie Vuong Candace Matsunaga Lyndsie Okumura Brian Phan Kamlynn Chow


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017

Long Beach Rescue Mission Outreach By Scott Harada, Public Relations Chair SBLBSHP and USC student pharmacists Ryan Hays and Duyen Pham held our last class of 2016 for the Long Beach Rescue Mission on the topic of DIET on December 2, 2016. With over 40 attendees, it was our largest class ever! Attendees asked many questions and were actively engaged throughout the presentation, especially regarding sodium content, which was an incredibly difficult topic to cover in a homeless shelter where meals are a donation service. Our students did a wonderful job throughout and LBRM has already requested that we look into hosting more classes and potential outreach in 2017.Â

The Pharmacy and Medically Underserved Areas Enhancement Act Join CSHP in advancing the pharmacy profession by supporting two bills that would allow pharmacists to offer Medicare beneficiaries the same services they are already authorized to provide through their state pharmacy acts. Follow the 5 easy steps below to send a pre-drafted email to US Senators Kamala Harris, Dianne Feinstein, and a specific member of Congress, requesting their support and cosponsorship of these crucial bills.

HR 592 & S 109

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

STEPS TO EMAIL US SENATORS Visit CSHP/campaigns/49573/respond Enter email Enter ZIP code Enter name and address Hit submit!


Student Liaison Update

By Sophie Cheng, Lyndsie Okumura, and Sandy

On November 2, 2016, SBLBSHP president-elect Dr.

On, Student Liaisons

Matt Kamada joined 12 other pharmacy leaders at the annual Meet the Directors roundtable dinner at

The University of Southern California CSHP chapter

Luminarias Restaurant. This event provided the

has been very fortunate to collaborate, receive

unique opportunity for students to learn more about

support from, and strengthen relations with the

their future profession and discuss the experiences of

SBLBSHP chapter through various events this past

our guest pharmacists over a three-course dinner.

semester. USC hosted its annual Legislative Day on November In celebration of American Pharmacists Month, the

4, 2016. 13 pharmacy advocates including Dr.

USC CSHP chapter held its annual CPhA/CSHP

Kethen So, 49th District Assemblyman Mike Eng,

Luncheon on October 13, 2016. CPhA and CSHP

and physician Dr. Michael Hochman shared their

leaders from all over California came together to

perceptions on the future and value of pharmacists

share their personal experiences and encourage

during this three hour event. USC was happy to have

students to become involved in professional

Dr. Steve Thompson join us at this wonderful event,

pharmacy organizations. In addition to CSHP CEO

which had over 150 students in attendance.

Dr. Loriann DeMartini, who provided the keynote

SBLBSHP graciously helped sponsor this event, and it

speech, CSHP Immediate Past-President Dr. Kethen

would not have been a success without this

So and SBLBSHP board members Dr. Lisa Lum and


Dr. Steve Thompson were among the distinguished guests in attendance.

Finally, 15 USC students took part in the 2016 SBLBSHP Mentorship Program and graduated this January at the 37th Annual Night With Industry & Installation Banquet. The USC Chapter cannot thank the mentors enough for lending their time and expertise to the mentees! We want to thank SBLBSHP again for always supporting us and helping contribute to the success of our events. We look forward to continuing our partnership with SBLBSHP at future events! 8

SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017

Educational Dinners By Angela Jeong, Educational Affairs and Industry Relations Chair Our chapter ended the year with two educational programs. A heart failure lecture was given by Greg Fonarrow, M.D. in October on Entresto at 555 Steakhouse in Long Beach. In November, we gathered at Flemings in El Segundo for a lecture on Recognizing Resistance to and Intolerance of Hydroxyurea in Polycythemia Vera Patients: A Case-Based Approach by Jonathan Abbas, M.D. We kicked off 2017 educational programs at the Tin Roof Bistro on February 21, 2017 on the topic of the ASH 2016 Update on Darzalex and Imbruvica by Jaymie Estrella, Ph.D., Senior Medical Science Liaison from Janssen Oncology. Future programs will be: 3/28/2017 on Acquired Hemophilia A by Doris Quon, M.D. 4/5/2017 on aHUS Atypical Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome by Asthly Vo, Pharm.D. We look forward to seeing everyone at these educational programs!

Attention: Renew your Membership! Please remind your friends and family to renew their memberships with CSHP. Go to to renew your membership today! Remember to select South Bay Long Beach as your affiliate chapter. Membership prices are listed below:


SBLBSHP Newsletter

Winter 2017



11138 Del Almo Blvd., Suite #127 Lakewood, CA 90715

Newsletter Archive: Website:

SBLBSHP 2017 Board Members MATT KAMADA
 President ANGELA LEE
 President-Elect TIM CHOU 
 Immediate-Past President

 Communications Chairs

 Public Relations Chairs

 Technician Liaison

 Membership Chair

 Clinical Affairs Chairs

 CSHP Delegates


 Educational Affairs & Industry Relations Chairs


 Legal Affairs Chair


 Mentorship Program Chairs

 Social Affairs Chairs TIM CHOU 
 Webmaster LISA LUM
 CSHP Liaison

 Alternate Delegates USC - SOPHIE CHENG
 Student Liaisons


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