The Comic Book Bible NT3

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THE COMIC BOOK BIBLE FROM JESUS TO PAUL Published by Scandinavia Publishing House 2016 Scandinavia Publishing House, Drejervej 15,3, DK-2400 Copenhagen, NV, Denmark Concept by Jose Perez Montero Text copyright © Ben Alex Illustrations copyright © Jose Perez Montero Design by Ben Alex Printed in China Hardcover ISBN 9788771328073 Softcover ISBN 9788771328080 All rights reserved





Teacher, you Later, the are an honest man. Jewish you tell the truth for leaders you don’t care about sent people’s opinion messengers of you. to Jesus with a tricky question. they hoped Jesus would give himself away.

Tell us; Should we pay taxes to Caesar or not?

Bring me a silver coin. Let me see it.

Pssst! Jesus is in trouble!

Jesus knew they were trying to trick him. If he said Yes, they would accuse him of being pro-Roman.

If he said no, the pro-roman party could rightly accuse him of resisting the Roman rulers.

So they handed Jesus a silver coin.

Now you tell me whose picture and name are on this coin?

The men were astonished by Jesus’ answer.


the Sadducees were next to try him.

Teacher, the law says that if a man dies, his brother must marry his widow and take care of her. What do you say?

Then give to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar, and give to God what belongs to God.

Now there were seven brothers. They all died one after another and left The first brother’s wife to the next brother and so on until she finally died, too.

Tell us; whose wife will she be in heaven?



They are all like angels. You ignorant people! You have no idea what heaven is like. In heaven people don’t marry.

Mark 12:13-37; Matthew 23:1-13


The people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching. One of the leaders, a teacher of the law, was absolutely fascinated by his answers and Teacher, which came back. is the greatest

There are two important commands. The first one is Love God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength.

commandment in the law?

Jesus saw that the man was open and honest.

You’re right, teacher. That was a good answer!

The second is Love others the same way you love yourself.

My friend, you are not far from God’s kingdom.

After this they were afraid to ask Jesus more tricky questions.

One day, when some Pharisees were gathered in the temple, Jesus asked them this question: Whose son is the Messiah? What do you think?

He’s The son of David.

The Pharisees didn’t know what to say, So Jesus turned to the people around him.


Haven’t you read The Scriptures that say,

“The Lord said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand.”

Do what your religious leaders tell you. But don’t follow their example because they don’t practice what they preach. They love to be seen and respected, yet They put heavy burdens on your shoulders. But I tell you...

How can Christ be David’s son if David calls him Lord?

...The greatest among you will be your servant and you will know him by his humility, not by his big mouth. Woe to you hypocrites! You slam the door of God’s kingdom in people’s faces, and you don’t enter in yourselves.

Woe to you Pharisees! You travel far and wide to win converts only to cheat them and make them even more guilty than you.

You follow the law to the very letter but disobey its most important teachings -- being fair and faithful and compassionate.

You blind fools! You take rituals for reality.

You wicked hypocrites.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone to death those that God has sent to you. How often have I wanted to gather your people as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. But you wouldn’t let me.

You murderous snakes! You will certainly be judged guilty and end up in hell! and all the great prophets’ blood that was shed on earth will come upon you.

As Jesus and the disciples were leaving the temple, they stopped at the offering box.

Do you See how generous these people are?

Wait a minute. Let’s see what’s going on.


You are like white painted tombs that look fine on the outside, but inside they are full of dead men’s bones and filth.

Matthew 23:15-39

Then came a poor widow. All She put in was two little copper coins. this was all she had to live on.


I tell you she gave more than all the others! For She gave out of her poverty; the others gave out of their wealth.

Mark 12:41-44


Come with us. We’ll take you to Jesus.

at the passover festival, There were some Greeks who had come all the way to Jerusalem to worship. When They heard that Jesus was around, they searched for him. Finally, they ran into Philip who was from Bethsaida in Galilee and said to him, “Sir, can you help us find Jesus?” Philip took them to Andrew.

Right then, Jesus was about to tell the disciples a great secret about his death. It’s time for the son of man to be raised up.

Now I’m very troubled. But I’m not going to ask my Father to take away my sufferings. I came to suffer.

“But first I must die. A grain of wheat must fall to the ground and die in order to produce more wheat. I tell you, whoever loves his present life will lose it. But whoever gives up his life will win eternal life.”

Whoever wants to serve me must follow me and be close to me. Then My Father will honor him.


Father, Do what must be done for you to be glorified!



Wow, was that thunder? Now is the time for judgment. The ruler of this world will be exposed, and I will be lifted up from the earth. From there I will draw people to myself.

an angel maybe!

The light is still in this world, but only for a short time. Trust the light, and Walk in it while it’s here so that you won’t be left in the dark. If he’s really the Messiah, he’s not supposed to die.

be children of light!

Who is this “Son of Man” anyway? After this, Jesus left and hid himself from the crowds.



John 12:20-36

Lord, had they only listened with their hearts, they would have turned and been healed.

Even though many people had witnessed Jesus’ miracles, they still didn’t believe in him. As the prophet Isaiah said long ago, “no one believed our message; no one was able to see that this was the work of God! For Their hearts were blind and dull.”

some people believed -- even among the Jewish leaders. But they were afraid what others might think.

We’d better keep it to ourselves.

Jesus wanted them to understand that he didn’t speak for himself. he was speaking on behalf of God. I am the light of the world. Believe in me, and you will no longer be in the dark.

As Jesus was leaving the temple, one of the disciples said,

Whoever believes in me is also believing in God who sent me.

I came to save you so you may have eternal life!

I didn’t come to judge you.

One day this temple will be destroyed. Not a stone will be left on another.

Look at this magnificent temple! What a great place to worship God!

Master, when will this happen?

Be very alert! There will be rumors of wars and disasters. Terrible things will happen to the world, But that’s only the beginning of the end.

many will claim to be the savior of humanity. Don’t listen to them.

They are only fooling you.

People will hate you, and You will be persecuted and arrested for believing in me. you will be forced to defend yourselves in front of governors and kings.


Don’t worry about what to say. I will give you the words you need, and no one will be able to argue against you.

John 12:37-50; Luke 21:5-19; 21:20-36


You will see armies lined up outside Jerusalem. Then you will know destruction is near. If you’re outside the city, don’t go in. Run to the mountains instead For God is going to punish his people.

Many will be killed; others will be made prisoners and scattered all over the world. The holy city will be captured by foreigners until their time is up.

There will be natural disasters and signs in the sky. Planets will be shaken, and people will be worried and frightened about what is happening to the planet. Finally, you will see the son of man coming in a cloud with power and glory. don’t be afraid; Your liberation is near. When a fig tree Be ready all the time. turns green, you know Don’t be weighed down the summer is near. In the with foolish things. Pray same way, when all this is that you will stand safe happening, you will know before the son of man. the kingdom is close. Heaven and earth will be destroyed, but my words will last forever.

Jesus told the disciples this story...

The bridegroom was late, and the maidens became drowsy and fell asleep.

God’s kingdom will be like ten maidens who went out to wait for the bridegroom.

The groom is cominG!

five maidens were foolish. They hadn’t brought enough oil. now their lamps were empty.


Could you spare a little oil? No, There’s not enough for both of us.



Matthew 25:1-13

So the five foolish maidens ran to the store to buy more oil.


In the meantime the groom arrived and let the wise maidens in.

Later, the foolish maidens arrived.

Please, open the door!

This is what will happen in the end when the son of man judges the world. Like a shepherd, he will separate the good from the bad.

He will answer them, “What you did to people in need, you did to me!”

q Too late.

To the good people he will say, “when I was “Please come in! For When lonely, you invited I was hungry, you fed me. me in. When I was When I was thirsty, you sick and naked and gave me something in prison, you took to drink. care of me.”

But to the bad people he will say, “You didn’t care for the needs of others!” And They will respond, “But we cared for you, didn’t we?”

I tell you, be alert and keep watch! You never know when the groom is coming.

Then they will ask him, “When did we do all this to you? we don’t remember.”

He will send the bad, unbelieving people to be punished, but the righteous people will have eternal life.

Then He will answer them, “What you didn’t do to others, you didn’t do to me!”


Matthew 25:31-46


Judas didn’t like it at all. The disciples were puzzled at Jesus’ teaching. What did he mean?

He knew that The priests and the teachers of the law wanted to have Jesus killed,...

He thought Jesus was going too far. So he finally decided to carry out a plan he had for awhile. ...But so far the timing hadn’t been right. We must stop Jesus!

But it’s too risky to arrest him openly during the day.

The priests were aware that Jesus was popular among the people. If they arrested him openly during the Passover festival, that again would force the Roman soldiers to interfere.

How much will you pay me for taking you to Jesus tonight?

Judas was their man.

His plan was to betray Jesus to them. This was his golden moment. Hey, isn’t he one of Jesus’ disciples?

We’ll give you 30 silver coins.

The priests agreed to Judas’ plan. All they had to do was wait.

Jesus also had plans. In the meantime... In the city you will see a man with a jar. Follow him.

It happened just like Jesus said!

He will show you a place where we can celebrate passover together. That’s the place!



Luke 22:1-6; Mark 14:12-16

They sensed that Jesus had something important to tell them.

I have longed very much to share this last meal with you.

Why, Lord, What do you mean?

That night The disciples gathered around the table.

I will be betrayed by one of you and will soon die.

That’s not possible. I mean, that’s terrible!

Who would want to betray you?

The disciples began to discuss who was most loyal to Jesus. Soon they were arguing about who of them was the most important. but the most important isn’t the one being served. It’s Listen! In the the one who serves. world those in power are considered important.

Then Jesus began to wash the disciples’ feet. What are you doing, Lord?

Finally it was Peter’s turn.


Please, don’t! I should be serving you!

Serving you.

When Jesus had finished washing their feet, he suddenly looked very troubled.


The Scriptures say that the man who ate with me has turned against me.

Luke 22:14-15; 22-30; John 13:1-19

Peter, if I cannot serve you, you are not my friend. As I serve you, you must serve each other.

I tell you this now so that when it happens you will know that I am sent by God.


As the Passover meal proceeded, My friends, Jesus looked still more I tell you the troubled. Finally, he looked truth. One of you at them one by one and said, will soon betray me.

John, Ask Jesus who it is.

The disciples were shocked. They just sat there staring at each other then back at Jesus.

The man I give the bread to is the one.

Jesus dipped the bread in the dish and gave it to... Judas! Do What you must do but quickly!

Lord, who is it?

The disciples still didn’t get it. Maybe Jesus is asking Judas to go and buy something for the feast.


Does Jesus want him to go and give money to the poor?


John 13:21-30

Before Judas left, Jesus had taken the bread and broken it.

Take it, and eat it in remembrance of me!

He also took the cup and gave thanks.

This is my body.

I will not drink wine with you again until we drink it together in God’s kingdom.

This is my blood poured for the forgiveness of sins. Drink of it! It is the new covenant of love.

After the supper they sang a hymn together and went out to the Mount of Olives.

after I have risen, I will go ahead of you and meet you in Galilee.

Lord, Even If the others desert you, I will not. I promise!


You will all desert me. For it is written, “The shepherd will die, and the sheep will flee!”

Peter, the truth is that tonight before the rooster crows, you will have denied three times that you know me.

We will die with you!

Mark 14:22-31; Luke 22:19-20; Matthew 26:26-35



Don’t On their worry. Trust way to THE in God and GARDEN OF in me. GethsemANE, Jesus gathered his disciples around him.

You already know the way.

In my father’s house are many rooms.

How can we know the way if we don’t know where you are going?

Thomas, I’m the way, the truth, and the life.

I will go and prepare a place for you. then I’ll come back and take you with me.

The only way to the Father is through me.

Jesus, show us the Father. That’s all we need.

Ask for anything in my name, and I’ll do it.

Philip, if you have seen me, you have seen the Father, too. The Father lives in me, and He does his work through me.

I will not leave you alone. I will ask the Father to send a helper -- the spirit of truth. He will teach you everything and give you peace.

Jesus told them to obey all the things he had told

Come now. Let’s go!

them. If they do, they won’t have to worry.

If you believe in me, you can do the same things I have done.



John 14:1-31

I’m the true vine; the Father is the gardener, and you are the branches.

If you stay joined with me and practice my teachings, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be given to you.

If you remain in me, you will bear much fruit. But separated from me, you can do nothing. You will be cut off and thrown into the fire.

If you love me, you will do what I have told you, and you will have the same true happiness that I have. For I want you to be truly happy.

If you follow me, you will bear much fruit.

This will bring honor to my Father.

Let’s go inside. Stay joined to me, and I will stay joined with you.

love each other as I have loved you.

They were now near the garden.

I have brought you glory on earth. Now give me glory with you in heaven.

Father, I finished the work you asked me to do.


John 15:1-12; 17:1-26

I pray for those you gave me that they will be completely one so the world may believe that you sent me and love them the way you love me.


I also pray for those who will believe in me because of their testimony. I pray that they may all be one body.

Peter, James, and John, come and pray with me! The rest of you, Wait here.

May the love I have for you and you have for me also be in them so that they love each other.

I feel like I’m dying. Wait and keep watch with me.

Abba Father, if it’s possible, please take this cup of suffering from me.

an angel from heaven came and gave Jesus strength.


Simon Peter, don’t fall asleep! Stay awake and pray for strength.

Father, not what I want but what you want!


Yet not what I want. Your will be done!

Again, Jesus found Peter, James, and John asleep. Never mind, We must go! the man who will betray me is coming.

Luke 22:39-46; Mark 14:32-41

Judas and a gang of soldiers were already on their way.

Rabbi, Teacher!

The one I kiss is Jesus.

My friend, do what you came for!

It’s him!

Why are you coming against me with clubs and swords? Am I a rebel?

It’s me! Who are you looking for? Jesus of Nazareth.

If you came for me, you can let my friends go.


Matthew 26:47-58; Luke 22:47-54; John 18:2-13

Jesus said this so that his words would be fulfilled: “I have not lost any of those God gave me.”


Simon Peter pulled out a sword to defend Jesus.

Peter! No more of this!

0 Jesus put the ear back and healed it.

With one blow Peter had cut off the ear of the highpriest’s servant.

Put that thing back in its place! Those who kill with swords will be killed by swords.

If I wanted to, I could have asked God to send twelve armies of angels. But this must happen the way the Scriptures say.

As the disciples realized the guards were taking Jesus to the high priest, they left him and ran away. Only Peter followed at a distance.


My God! What are they doing to my master?

First, Jesus was

Hey you! aren’t you one of Jesus’ disciples?

interrogated in the former high priest’s court. Peter followed.


I’m not, I swear!

You are! I saw you with him!

You know him! You’re from Galilee. Your accent shows.

I’m positive! This man is a disciple of Jesus.

I swear to God I don’t know that man!

I have no idea what she’s talking about!

Right then a rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Jesus had said.



Oh God, I am so sorry!

Mark 14:66-72


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