Kids Heroes Puzzle Bible

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Noah Builds the Ark God saw that people in the world had become very evil. He decided to start over again with a man called Noah. God told Noah to build an ark and put pairs of all the different animals into it. It rained until the earth was completely covered by water. Noah knew it was safe to leave the ark when a dove brought back an olive branch.

Genesis 6:9-8:21

Moses Leads God’s People God spoke to Moses. He told him to lead his family and all the people of God out of their slavery in Egypt. On the way to a new land, they had to cross the sea. God told Moses to hold his staff over the water. God made a strong wind hold the water back, and the people walked on dry ground through the sea.

Exodus 14:1-31

Samson’s Strength Manoah and his wife had no children. An angel of the Lord told them they would have a son. The angel also said, “No razor may be used on his head, he will be set apart to God from birth.” The boy’s name was Samson. God blessed him and made him very strong. God used Samson to save his people from their enemies.

Judges 13:1-25

David Fights Goliath The Israelites were at war with the Philistines. One Philistine soldier was a giant called Goliath. He shouted bad things about God. All the Israelites were afraid of him. When David heard what Goliath said, he got so angry that he asked to go fight him, even though he was only a boy. God was with David; he killed Goliath with a stone from his sling shot.

1 Samuel 17:1-58

Elijah’s Altar God wanted His people to know He is the only true God. He had Elijah challenge the priests of the false god, Baal. Two altars were built. Elijah told the priests, ” The god who answers with fire — he is the only true God.” For hours, prophets of Baal shouted and danced, but nothing happened. When Elijah prayed to God, He sent fire. The people praised the only true God. 1 Kings 18:16-40

Daniel in the Lions’ Den Daniel was a righteous man, but his enemies hated him. They set a trap by flattering the king to make a law that everyone must pray to the king instead of God, or be thrown into a den of lions. One day Daniel’s enemies caught him praying to God. He was thrown into the lions’ den, but God sent His angel so the lions wouldn’t hurt him.

Daniel 6:1-23

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