BTL issue 7

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The award-winning magazine for everyone at London Midland

we are

team LM! 08 ready, get set, go...

inside this issue...









Hello! I’m Mohammed Sadiq, RPI at Birmingham Snow Hill station.


elcome to this issue of Between the Lines – which is very celebratory about Britain hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games! I’m really looking forward to the football – did you know this will be the first time that we have had football in the Olympics? I can’t wait for it. I don’t want to jinx anything though so I won’t say a word on how well I think we might or might not do... Anyway, I’m also looking forward to the tennis, after Wimbledon, I’m hoping we do well. In this issue of the magazine we’ve asked colleagues what the Games mean to them and they’ve told us (pages 8 and 9), there’s also a cut out and keep section with useful numbers and websites. You should put it in your purse or wallet and keep it with you – it could come in handy at work for you, your colleagues and customers. And look out for our heroes of the non-sporting kind in this issue – there’s Mohammed over the page and Scottie (page 7). Enjoy the magazine and when you’re working on our network during the Games, just remember to keep calm, carry on and have fun! Check out

Mohammed Sadiq

nes n the Lico Betweetlm agazine. .uk at www.b

it’s all about you... This is your magazine. So if you’d like something including, please get in touch. We’re looking to hear from individuals or teams with a story to tell. Are you working on something new, different or interesting? What do you do in your spare time? What matters to you at work? What do you want to know more or less about?

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Contact Between the Lines at or call 01904 731185 If you are emailing from home, do leave your name so we know who to get back in touch with. your quick stop for what’s happening across London Midland – follow it along the bottom of Between the Lines.

All the latest news

Striving for excellence As you know, we’re constantly striving to improve things in our business: everything from when we timetable our train services, to how we lead and engage our teams.

To help do this we’ve been ‘self assessing’ how we fare as a company against the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Excellence Model. The term ‘excellence’ is used because the model focuses on what an organisation does, or could do, to provide an excellent service. So, we’ve looked at our processes and our results around the following areas:

� leadership � people � strategy � partnership � resources

� products and services, � and at our results for people measures, and customer results (eg National Passenger Survey).

This is important – because when we look at everything combined we can get a real picture of how we’re performing. A self-assessment report will be examined by the British Quality Foundation in August, with assessors talking to our people. Later, we’ll receive a report outlining our strengths, and areas for improvement. This will help us to action plan improvements, which we’ll be involving people from across the company in. The great thing about EFQM is that it will enable us to constantly assess, learn and improve what we do, and how we do it, making working life better for everyone.

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Left to Right: Brenda Lawrence, Allan Russell and Paula Owen get into the spirit of the Games!

Between the Lines magazine is managed by Richard Baker and designed and produced by scarlettabbott – 01904 633399 |



customer satisfaction

Pedal power! s e s Free cour


Do you have a special hobby interes or t? Perh buddin aps you g photog ’re a Would rapher you o by shari like to help o r artist? thers to ng you r sk learn discuss deliveri ills? Contact us to ng a ta your ow s t e r sessio n. Call 0 n of 12 or ema il trainin 1 654 1273 g e n q london midlan uiries@

or tu

available, and enrol at our roadshows and enrolment days, by contacting your Union Learning rep.

L e a r ni n g O

es O p

o en t


One of our senior conductors has received a Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal for services to the Air Cadets.

or tu


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Mohammed Aftab, a Flight Lieutenant in 2504 Archbishop School Squadron, was awarded the honour, a celebration of the Queen’s 60-year reign, in recognition of five years’ service as a uniformed officer. Flight Lieutenant Les Vile presented Mohammed with the medal at the cadet’s Birmingham headquarters in May. Mohammed, based at Birmingham New Street, says: “I’m very honoured to have been awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. What’s more, in 2014 I will receive another medal for serving with the Air Cadets for 12 years!” Mohammed volunteers with his squadron twice a week, where he teaches 33 cadets practical skills including ironing and cooking.


That’s according to the results of the Spring 2012 National Passenger Survey (NPS), the ‘barometer’ for customers’ views on train operating companies. We’re also out-performing the national average in other categories and driving improvements. We’ve demonstrated real progress throughout the life of our franchise, improving in 22 areas since our last survey. Thank you everyone, and let’s keep up the great work!

As part of the Apprenticeship course RRIS Y MO ERR :T at Birmingham Metropolitan TO O PH College this year’s intake was set a challenge to design, build and race a pedal go-cart. And last month they competed against other teams at Curborough Sprint Circuit in Lichfield, competing in a pedal go-cart challenge. Our Apprentices Adam Lee, Ben Williams, Will Green and Ryan Fulwell and Charlie Daniels from QFS and Jack Terry from Unimerco, were part of Team Ontrack and achieved overall second place. Will says: “We took part in four main races, even winning the slalom race with our go-cart. “Designing and building the cart was really interesting, challenging and fun. Racing it then meant putting everything we’d learned and built to the test – which was amazing.” The event saw our colleagues race against apprentices from Kraft Cadbury, GeoPost, GKN Driveline, Salts Healthcare, and Concentric Pumps, and raised more than £100 for charity.


Nice work! Medal man Well done everyone – overall customer satisfaction with our train services stands at 87 per cent – compared with an average of 83 per cent for the rest of our industry.

The time came for our engineering apprentices to put their skills to the test last month – and they really impressed!


Share your s kill


You can gain Level 2 and 3 NVQs in ITQ, English and maths. Recently, our Tyseley colleagues Tony Fellows and John Williams spent a day at the Academy in Birmingham doing Email and Outlook, Excel and PowerPoint ‘taster sessions’. Deputy Team Leader Facilities Tony says: “It was really good. We learned some Outlook shortcuts, and I’d never used PowerPoint before so that’s really useful to know. The things we learned in the sessions are making life easier at work, and are all relevant to the day job. I’d recommend them to colleagues – especially if you want a ‘from scratch’ learning or a refresh.” You can find out more about the courses

L e a r ni n g O

fications get some new quali Would you like to subjects e We’re adding mor and skills for free? is ch programme, whi to our Live 2 Learn ne. available to everyo

o en t

Want to join the cadets? Find out more at

� it’s back! our cycle2work scheme is back by popular demand! You could get a bike and safety accessories for cycling to work up to the value of £600 – tax free. Sign up for yours at using your employer code LM2012. Or, for more information call 08450 778850.


how we’re doing


num63r5 How we’re performing

delay minutes




Period 2



Period 2

Period 3

63 113

Period 3


140 158












91.6% 90.9%



89.6% 85.5%

(PPM latest MAA (Moving Annual Average) Period 3 PERIOD 3







82 80






% 86






Find out how our PPM compares with the rest.



Period 3

compare CHILTERN


Period 2

cancellations PART FULL

customer journey growth

how we

78 London Midland PPM

Regional PPM London and (Non-London Services) Southeastern PPM

London Midland MAA

(all of the above industry periods)

jubilee weekend feedback We had complaints about crowding over the Jubilee weekend, with customers trying to join the events in London. Customers reported having to wait more than two hours to board a train, contributing to a 75% increase in complaints. Planned engineering work and lack of rolling stock impacted on our ability to provide an adequate and robust train service. Hear our Operations and Safety Director Wallace Weatherill on our latest Talkback on 0808 223 9898.

Period 2

4,275 � golden moment

Period 3




The regional sector achieved a PPM result of 91.7% against a JPIP target of 92.3% (0.6% worse). As a result the MAA dropped 0.1% to 91.1%, although remains on JPIP target. The concern within this sector is that the last two periods have seen lower than expected period results in line with the JPIP and what has historically been achieved. This has been a result of increased points failures and signalling system, power supply problems and cable theft. The concern is that the next three periods see 93.9%, 93.9% and 92.4% drop off the MAA from last year and, if the current level of performance continues, will result in the MAA dropping to 90.6% in period 1306. These concerns have been raised with Network Rail at a route director and general manager level.

we’ve been awarded the Golden Lion of Excellence Award for our cancellation messages efficiency – AND we beat all the other TOCs to come in first place with an overall score of 81.8 per cent. Well done to everyone involved.


What’s faster than the St Pancras Olympic Javelin shuttle and Uruguay’s national anthem? Lisa Bloomfield talks shunting, shifts and swimming…


I’ve just run through the 8.25am service to Euston in under seven minutes, clearing the bins, wiping the tables and checking the bathrooms are presentable, before it heads out of Northampton and on its way to London. That’s quicker than the St Pancras Olympic Javelin shuttle, which will be taking people from central London to the Olympic Park! Speaking of the Olympics, I can take it or leave it. But I will be watching the diving, boxing and gymnastics on TV. I used to swim a lot and find the diving amazing. I like the gymnastics too, and the boxing’s exciting! I’m a Train Care Operative at Northampton and really enjoy my job –


I like cleaning and find it relaxing and satisfying. I’ve been doing this since 1997, first at Bletchley and here for the past four years. Today I’m on my favourite shift – 8am to 5pm. I like it because it means I get to spend time with my two-year-old daughter Zoe every night this week. My boyfriend will bring her to meet me from work and we’ll have dinner, bath and bed – with a story of course. I love it! Until recently, I was one of only two female shunter cleaners in Fleet. My colleague Annette Round and I would operate the points on our night shifts, as well as carrying out our train cleaning duties. In June, the points became automated, so we don’t need to do that anymore, which is fine because it means we have more time to clean the trains on night shifts. Next today is the 9.55am train to Birmingham New

Did you k now… The St Pan cr

as Olymp Javelin sh ic uttle ta minutes to kes seven get to the Games an d Uruguay ’s national a nthem is six and a half min utes long!

Street, which is usually messy, and full of discarded papers from the morning rush. So, I clean the seats, tables and floor, stock the paper in the bathroom and clean the bins. Then I’m onto the next. I’ll take lunch at 1pm, probably a sandwich in the mess room or go out for a

“I’ve just run through the 8.25am service to Euston in under seven minutes” walk. Then, this afternoon I’m back on the trains, recording everything I do on the Cleaning Returns Sheet that I’ll hand into my manager John Mills at the end of my shift. Then I’ll catch a train home to Wolverton and see my little girl.

quick The Games – excit ed, or not… I can take them or lea ve them Tickets or TV… That said, boxing tic kets would be great! Volleyball or weigh tlifting… Weightlifting Team GB or some where else… GB, of course


You said:

spring survey More than 1,200 of you took part in our first Spring Survey – 56 per cent of you in fact – which is above the TOC benchmark! Thank you. Here are the headline results, and more about what happens next…

90% 83% 78%



Top results by area - 80% or more: In Engineering, Finance, HR, and Operations and Safety, colleagues understand how their work contributes to the success of the company. Engineering, Commercial and Operations and Safety people are clear about their role. Engineering colleagues also say the people they work with have the capability to do the job well, that they work well together and, like Operations and Safety colleagues, they see themselves working here in 12 months time. People working in Finance also believe their

Employee engagement

– what’s it all about?

Engaged employees (people who are involved or committed to something) are people who are willing to go the extra mile at work. Companies with engaged employees do better in business. Simple.

and... it feels good!

colleagues have the capability to do the job well, and they say they’re willing to go above and beyond to help each other. People working in HR, Commercial and Operations and Safety know how they can help make our customers’ day go well.

Together we’ll:

Make changes for the better. Engagement Manager Richard Baker says: “What you’ve told us about

l ona Rati ection n con



Emotional connection

happy people and a happy business

by taking part in the survey you’ve helped to raise

of you are clear about your role understand how your work contributes to the success of the company believe the people you work with have the capability to do the job well, and you feel you know how you can help to make our customers’ day go well

76% 73%

see yourself still working here in 12 months time

of you feel that your manager treats you with respect

However, there’s room for improvement:

51% don’t feel 43% 40% feedback

don’t feel that the senior management team are open and honest with you satisfied with the recognition you receive for doing a good job

believe you receive regular on your performance.

what you think and how you feel about working here gives us lots of useful information to work with. It’s a great starting point to help us make sustainable improvements and make a difference for everyone.” HR Director Geraldine Goddard says: “It’s disappointing to hear that half of our employees don’t feel that the senior management team is open and honest with them. We are going to look at ways to turn this perception around.” Richard adds: “We’re now setting up round tables, which will take the results, create action plans for improvement, and ask for your help. Some improvements will happen locally: at depots, stations and offices, and others will be company wide. They won’t happen overnight but, now that we have a clear picture of where we can be better, we can start to make it happen.” There’ll be more on the next steps in the next issue of Between the Lines.

£2,582 for charity – well done!



years’ in rail

He’s already known as a bit of a legend among colleagues and customers, he’s been awarded one of our Ambassador Awards, and now the Queen is honouring our ‘Scottie’!

what an

honour! R

taken me to get a medal.” etail Travel Assistant Satish Customer Services Manager Kakkad (AKA Scottie) has Annamaria Izzard and our former been awarded Medallist of the Commercial Director Alex Hynes Order of the British Empire (BEM) nominated Scottie for the honour for services to the rail industry in because: “Scottie has always The Queen’s Birthday Honours List. shown, and continues to show “I thought someone was taking a unique level of dedication and the mickey out of me,” says Scottie, commitment that has who initially suspected made a wonderfully the whole thing was “I thought positive impact to a wind up. SATISH KAKKAD (AKA SCOTTIE) the reputation of “I got this letter someone was the railway industry. through the post from Did you k taking the mickey And every customer the Ministers’ office now… That the B ritish Emp out of me” Scottie serves benefits. and gave it to my son ire Medal scrapped in 1993 b was Scottie always sets a because I thought that ut revived to mark th this year e Queen’s brilliant example for it was for him. D iamond Ju It’s award bilee. ed by Lord us all to follow,” says Annamaria. “He handed it back to me and said Lie and Scott ie , with all th utenants, Scottie celebrated the news with a ‘dad this is your letter, I think you’re e other m recipients edal , will also gathering at home including his wife getting a medal’. I read it again and it be invited Buckingha to a m Palace Meena and children Shyam, Uma moving to the UK from his said that my colleagues from London garden pa rty to celebra and Chandni, mum, brothers, native Uganda. Midland had nominated me. te. his sister and friends. He’s also “I got a temporary job as a Well, what did I do? I called my received a letter from Philip railwayman at Bolton in Lancashire,” manager to double check Rutnam at the Department he says. “After six months they it wasn’t a wind up. of Transport, Group Chief made me permanent – and I was As well as doing his day job, “And she confirmed Executive David Brown, and Scottie regularly steps into the really chuffed to get £21.80 a week it wasn’t – I couldn’t a surprise visit from our delivery manager role, supporting the for my wages. I moved to Preston believe it.” He jokes: Managing Director Patrick for a clerical post, going back to management team at Milton Keynes. “Me, getting a medal. Verwer congratulating him. Bolton as a CO2 relief worker later. “I love it,” he says. “I enjoy looking I said to my son – “It’s a bit overwhelming, after people and treating customers Four years after joining the railway hey, it may be taking but I’m taking it as it comes,” the way I’d want to be treated if I I got married and applied for a you four years to get says Scottie, who joined were them – that will never change job at Milton Keynes, where I’ve a degree, but look the railway in 1973 after worked since 1987.” – even if I do have a medal now!” how long it’s


London 2012 alan russell – he’s on the ball!

“I’m at the Games!”

glennis garner

Bletchley Booking Office Clerk Alan Russell is one of the lucky people chosen to be a Games Maker at the Paralympic Games. More than 240,000 people applied for the volunteer positions, and Alan will be part of the customer service team. “I’ll be helping customers find their way around the venues and answering general inquiries. I’m looking forward to meeting people from all corners of the world, and making sure they have a good time.” Alan, who was also a volunteer at the World Veterans Games in Brisbane, Australia, in 2001, had just turned 60 when he applied for the role. “I wanted to do something challenging, and that I’d remember for the rest of my life,” he says. Alan adds: “I’m at the Games! I can’t wait, it’s going to be a real buzz.”


it’s all about

Our colleagues share their thoughts on

“We’re a part of history now”

and Lesley Birmingham RPIs Urmila Sharma, Karen Monnelly Olympic with ues colleag Hilton were helping Kidderminster Torch! ic Olymp the g holdin up ended relay crowds, and Urmila says: “The Mayor was there, a Town Crier, the and a Beefeater, and there were big crowds along phere, atmos ng amazi an was It . station route to the very patriotic. “Then, the police said that we could have our photo taken with the Torchbearer. We just had to – I mean we’re a part of history now – that’s never going to happen again in our lifetime. I can confirm that the Olympic Torch is quite weighty – I sympathise with anyone running with it!”

sopna begum

urmila sharma’s leading light



“I have a once in a lifetime opportunity”

“I’m passionate about customer service, and can’t wait to represent it for my country during the Game s,” says Service Quality Auditor Glennis Garner. Glennis, from Milton Keynes, will be a Games Maker at The Royal Artillery Barracks in Woolwich, as it hosts the shooting events. She’ll be part of the event service team and will be meeting and greeting visitors, checking their tickets, and showi ng them to their seats. “I’ve had a couple of training sessions to prepare me for my role, and I’m looking forward to getting started. It will be good to meet lots of new people and fly the flag for good customer service and it will be interesting to learn more about the shooti ng. But ultimately, I have a once in a lifetime opportunity – it’s going to be exciting.”


ut the

his summer’s main event…

paula owen

“I’m Team GB all the way!” “I’m mad about gymnastics, so when I found out I had tickets to the Men’s Qualification Gymnastics I was really excited,” says Contracts Manager Paula Owen, who’s bagged tickets to five Olympic events! “I’ve taken a week off work so I can see everything. The first event is football in Coventry where my hubby and I will be watching Belarus vs New Zealand. Then it’s the gymnastics. We also have tickets for two women’s hockey games – one of them is Team GB! We finish off with football Group A winners vs the Group C runners up in Cardiff. “I’m a huge fan of the Olympics so I speculated to accumulate, applying for lots of different tickets online. I’m Team GB all the way – I’ve even bought the T-shirt – and can’t wait!”

“I’ll have my head in the books, not the TV”

is Resourcing Advisor One colleague who won’t be watching the Games her Management and Leadership Sopna Begum. Instead she’ll be busy studying for capital for classes during the Games. the to ing Diploma, although that will involve travell says Sopna. “But they could cause “I think the Olympics are great for our economy,” ns: “I’ve just started my diploma, explai transport challenges for me this summer.” She te in London, where I’m studying, Institu ement Manag red and will be visiting the Charte two or three times during the Games. n Euston, and then the tube “So, I’ll be taking a train from Birmingham to Londo to expect, but I know it will what sure not I’m again. back over to Embankment, and watching the Olympics – As be really busy at key points during the day. for TV this summer. the not , books the in head I’ll have my to watch Although I do remember the 100 metres being fun ” event… one just when I was little, so maybe

� remember

e! m p e Ke

As we get ready for the summer of sport, here are some useful contacts and websites to help you at work during the Olymp ic and Paralympic Games. For general information, visit: 012-games For information on travelling to the Games, visit: /

have a great summer and enjoy the Games with our customers and each other.


Star lett

Conductors at

£30 in H er! Street sh igh opp vouchers ing

Northampton Subject: Conductors at Northampton Hi Between the Lines team. I’m a conductor based at Northampton depot and Local RMT rep for Northampton and Bletchley. One of my fellow conductors, Bob Harris, mentioned to me that one of our colleagues has climbed Mount Snowdon in aid of a charity, which looked after her father before he passed away. Her name is Lucinda Morrison and she works at Northampton depot. I don’t know the full story but she did raise quite a bit of money through London Midland colleagues who sponsored her. I agree with Bob that she deserves a mention in the magazine as this was a superb achievement.

I’d also like to mention Conductor Roy Smith, who did a brilliant job after a girl hit his train in the Wembley area earlier this month. He kept passengers informed under difficult circumstances, and helped the driver during the disruption. A mention for these two fantastic individuals in the magazine would be great. John Myers, Conductor/LLC Northampton RMT Reply from: Between the Lines team We couldn’t agree more John, good work Lucinda and Roy.

Subject: Thanks! Useful numbers: In an emergency call 999 rgency British Transport Police (BTP) non-eme general enquiries - 0300 123 2211 rt a crime British Transport Police (BTP) - to repo 40 50 40 0800 iries enqu ral or for gene (0121 634 5600 from a mobile) 811 0133 Our Customer Relations Team - 0844 ile) mob a from 2040 634 0121 (or 092 4260 Disabled Passenger Assistance - 0800 il goingforgold@ ema an us send , tions ques any If you have

� water baby!

I’d like to thank all of my ex-workmates for an amazing send off to mark my retirement, following 50 years on the railway. Retiring as a Driver at Worcester Shrub Hill last October, they organised a day out driving a steam train on the Severn Valley for me. A big crowd of workmates from Shrub Hill and from my previous depot, Saltley, turned up and made my day one to remember for the rest of my life. Here we are posing on the front of Earlstoke Manor. I’m the one wearing the shiny-peaked cap I last wore back in the 1960s and with a huge and silly grin on my face. Martin Jones, Redditch Ex-Worcester Shrub Hill Driver

well done to Snow Hill Senior Conductor Emma Nelson who’s just done a 5k swimathon and raised more than £500 for Marie Curie Cancer Care.

a day to remember

15 11

Remember your SPF



smart this


Whether you’re staying at home or going abroad this summer, don’t get caught out… Follow our handy holiday checklist to help you stay safe and well this summer.

Eat well

Be sun savvy


Food poisoning cases can double over the summer – and the main cause, yes the barbecue. Problems can occur with undercooked meat and germs spread from raw meat onto ready to eat food. So, when enjoying your ‘barbie’ try to remember to:

Many of us can underestimate the strength of the sun, and the harm it can do to our skin. Cancer Research UK recommends that we follow these guidelines to keep safe in the sun:

Signs of dehydration include:

� keep the coals hot � properly thaw frozen meat and when it’s on the barbecue turn it often. Meat that’s barbecued is only safe to eat when it’s piping hot in the middle, you can’t see any pink meat and its juices run clear. You can buy electronic probes for checking the temperature!

� use Sunscreen with minimum SPF 15, applying it 15-30mins before you go outside and to keep reapplying � cover up with a T-shirt (I know you’ll get tan lines, but it’s better to be safe), hat and sunglasses � stay in the shade between 11am and 3pm, as the sun is at its strongest during this time. Being sun smart doesn’t just mean slapping on some cream. You should also think about the impact heat can have on your body.

� dry mouth, lips and eyes � headaches � dizziness Ensure you drink plenty of water, and keep hydrated.

Sunburn? If you do burn cool your skin down with aftersun or calamine lotion, cover up and drink plenty of water.

Feeling the heat?

r body can’t stroke happens when you Heat exhaustion or heat h very little wit ly, den sud on e can com control its temperature. It : following symptoms warning. Look out for the � headache � dizziness � nausea and vomiting � tiredness

� high temperature � confusion (heat stroke) � flushes (heat stroke) ke). � palpitations (heat stro

h a cold se, cool yourself down wit If you experience any of the the shade. shower/flannel and get into take care which I really hope we do, r, me sum If we do get a hot and look after each other.


this summer

Enigma machine bletchley park


Fun day out

It’s abou


four-mint a ute walk from

It’s free to

park, an Enjoy all the thrills of the dt Coventry Donkey Derby. get in! o It’s held at Coventry Memorial Park on Saturday 4 August from noon. There’s plenty of entertainment for all the family with food, drink, a fun fair, stalls, bouncy castle, donkey rides and races, sports challenge and tug-of-war competition.

Bletchley station. Historic Bletchley Park National Codes Centre During the Second World War, Bletchley Park was the site of the UK’s main decryption establishment where ciphers and codes of enemy countries were cracked. The high-level intelligence produced at Bletchley Park, codenamed Ultra, provided crucial assistance to the allied war effort. Check out the tales of spies and strategic deception and see an Enigma machine, including the rare ‘Abwehr G312’. There are wartime toys, working computers, a mini cinema, Churchill collection and an ornate Victorian Mansion.

Walk it! Take the Abbey Line! It’s a 6.5-mile local railway line running from Watford Junction to St Albans Abbey station in Hertfordshire. There are four walks, each specially designed to start and finish from a different station on the branch, which are called the Abbey Flyer walks. Check out the walks on the website


It’s free!

A Family Ticket for two adults and up to four children on the Severn Valley Railway (worth over £40). Leave the train at Highley for a visit to The Engine House, the SVR’s fabulous Visitor Centre and maybe have a bite to eat, be an engine driver for a day – there’s lot of things to see and do along the line. For your chance to win this prize, put the word ‘Severn’ in the title of an email and send your name, job title, location and contact details to or text severn and your details to 07854 219668. The closing date for entries is Friday 24 August. The winner will be selected at random. Please note there is only one prize.

e Summer is here (sort of!), so we’ve com up with some ideas and inspiration for ork – fun family days out across our netw – enjoy! and we’ve got some offers for you too

Go Wild!

It’s free

and the forest is opposite The Forest of Marston Vale is one of the best Millbrook and Stewartby parks and green spaces in the country. stations (please note there is no train service on Sundays The Forest Centre is a conservation centre, set and bank holidays). In fact, it’s in the spectacular Millennium Country Park, probably the main attraction at Marston Moretaine – both are open all year on the Marston round and it’s free to get in. It’s a great place to Vale Line. explore, with an adventure playground, wildlife garden, horse trails and plenty of traffic-free footpaths and cycle paths for walkers and cyclists. The Wetlands reserve has a ticket charge to help it maintain this part of the site for wildlife. Don’t forg et that everyo ne at Londo n Midland ge ts 50 per ce nt off Severn V alley Railway tickets – fin d out how at mylondonm

Go euro!

If you’re thin king about ve don’t forget nturing furt about the Ra her afield, il Staff Euro pean Travel Visit www.a Offer. /abo ut-atoc/railand click on staff-travel ‘Where Can IG all the form s you need to o?’ (on the left) to find apply for ca check your rds and pass entitlements es, and see new Or you can s and offers call 0800 6 . 52 1700.



n u o c s i d for you

Between the Lines has teamed up with Merlin Entertainments Group to bag some great deals for everyone working for the company* (individual dates and terms and conditions apply). Here’s just some of them: � up to 20% off an annual attraction pass � up to 45% off tickets for The Alton Towers Resort � 46% off the Alton Towers Hotel � save up to 54% at Chessington World of Adventures Resort � up to 54% saving at LEGOLAND Discovery Centre and save up to 42% at LEGOLAND Windsor Resort � Save £5 on entry to The Blackpool Tower Circus, Blackpool Tower Dungeon and Blackpool Tower Eye � up to 25% saving at Madame Tussauds London � up to 40% off SEA LIFE across the country and more than 40% off entry to Warwick Castle. Check out for all the deals and details of how to claim your offers.

Check it out… 2 for 1 Don’t forget that you can use our 2 for 1s to get some great deals on entry to more than 100 top attractions in London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Stratford-upon-Avon and Staffordshire. Visit Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, explore Spaceport, sample the delights at Cadbury World or get your kicks at Drayton Manor Theme Park – and these are just a handful of offers available on our buy two for the price of one deals. Check out deals for the Tower of London, London Eye, Madame Tussauds, SEA LIFE London Aquarium, City Cruises, London Dungeon, St Paul’s Cathedral, Kensington Palace, Tower Bridge Exhibition and more at

It’s also worth checking out discount Apps and websites for deals this summer on anything from dining out to activity days: join for free, shop and earn cashback from more than 3,000 retailers including travel companies like where you can find deals for up to 70 per cent off outings, travel, restaurants, shops and experiences.


so social!

tweet! London Midland So far we’ve sent over 76,000 tweets – more than any other train company in the world – and we have more than 17,000 followers!

Our industry-leading Twitter feed has transformed the way we communicate with our customers, particularly during disruption. Since we started tweeting in April 2010, we’ve gone on to build our social media presence online. But how can we use it to our advantage, and enhance our customers’ experience?

London Midland We rank top out of all UK train companies in the Twitter Engagement Index, and we’ve won awards – with the Passenger Focus-sponsored ‘Putting Passenge rs First’ Award at last year’s National Rail Awards, and commendations in the 2009 and 2010 Rail Business Awards.

can find out about offers, London Midland r account where customers itte Tw rs’ offe ting your ‘LM new Check out our weeting our posts and get can help it to grow by re-t You es. offers LM priz m/ win and tte ts twi discoun land and us. family and friends to follow

we likey ‘Like’ our Facebook page to get offers and discounts, hear about events, and look at what our customers are saying about us. We’ll be doing more soon, including competitions, forums and photo galleries. We currently have 2,300 Facebook ‘likes’. Help us increase this by ‘liking’ our page and sharing our posts with people.


ocial media is a great way to listen to our customers, start conversations with them, and build our reputation,” says Head of Marketing David Whitley. “Dealing with things in such a public way can be risky, but the benefits of our open and honest approach make it a risk worth taking. Why? Because we’re now finding out what’s on our customers’ minds quicker than ever before, meaning we can better meet their needs and react to – and often resolve – issues more quickly.” Social media is also great for generating more business, which is why we’re promoting ideas for days out and making travel simpler. Here’s our social media lowdown, with some interesting facts and tips on how you can get involved:

� nominees

stars of TV! We’re now on YouTube – where you can see our first TV advert! Over the next few months we’re developing our page to include everything from drivers’ eye views to customer videos. Your videos could even feature! Send a link to your downloadable video to

well done to Roger Taylor, Senior Conductor Snow Hill, on being the latest colleagues nominated for an Ambassador Award.

check-in Using the social media game Foursquare, we’re encouraging customers to unlock promotions and discounts by ‘checking in’ at stations and giving each other useful tips. Check into our stations to share your own tips with customers.


more than


Twitter followers

social, what? Not sure what all the fuss is about or baffled by the basics? Don’t be – think of a cookie... Twitter – I’m eating a cookie Facebook – I really like cookies Foursquare – This is where I eat cookies YouTube – Here, look at me eating a cookie LinkedIn – I know lots of other cookie experts Pinterest – Look at my lovely collection of cookies Ok, so this is a light-hearted look but it’s designed to cut social media down to size.

what you need to know Social media is a fun way to keep in touc h with friends and share your thoughts, but always remember that your commen ts are being made in public – and potential ly thousands of people can read what you say. You should bear this in mind, particular ly if you’re mentioning London Midland, your colleagues or customers. As a rule of thum b, the same guidelines for behaviour apply online as offline, so please think before you write! We’ve set up a cross-functional working group to look at ways to help you enjoy the benefits of social media and avoid the pitfalls, which is making recommendatio ns about how to integrate social media into our other guidelines and policies. If you’d like to share your thoughts, please ema il

pride of


Hagley station’s had a facelift and customers and colleagues are delighted with it.

Model maker Hornby used this footbridge one as the basis for of its kits


Customer Service Assistant Linda Palmer says: arlier this year the historic footbridge that “The bridge and the station were looking quite was the inspiration for the Hornby model tired, they needed some love. railway kit was restored. So they’ve had a bit of a facelift The Grade II listed footbridge, “We’re all quite and now look much better. Lots of which was built in 1884 by the our customers have commented Great Western Railway, has proud of the how much better the bridge been repainted in the original historic footbridge” on looks and how pleasant the light and dark stone (cream and waiting area is now. We’re all quite salmon) colour scheme used by proud of the historic footbridge, and so it’s nice the railway. to see it looking at its best again.” The station buildings and platform canopy were also repainted to match.

� fond farewell

goodbye and good luck to Programme Director Mike Haigh who retired in July.



Sahara Trek M

um and nan Sarah Hollies has always had an urge “to do something extreme”, so she’s decided to trek the Sahara Desert. Onboard Cleaner Sarah says: “I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m just doing it because I can!” She’s signed up to do an five-day ‘Sahara Challenge’ with her friend Dawne Archer. The route, through northern Africa, will cover 100km. Sarah is hoping to raise £2,000 for Breakthrough Breast Cancer and she’s paying for the trek herself so that every penny of sponsorship goes to the charity.

sarah hollies

To support Sarah, you can sponsor her at


s e o r e for H M

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st op

ods and scooter fans partied into the night, raising more than £3,500 for Help For Heroes. More than 600 fans of all things Mod enjoyed bands, DJs, a raffle of signed items, and a classic scooter display outside the Adam and Eve pub in Digbeth in June. Organiser and Operations Team Leader Kevin Richardson, from Tyseley says: “It seems to get bigger every time we do it, and it was a great day.” Why does he do it? “Every time I see coffins being flown home it always strikes me, and this is my way of showing appreciation for the soldiers who do such a fantastic job.”

� congratulations!

Km Sahara trek for Sarah

book! A Chrome What do you do on your laptop? Surf the web, write documents, watch a bit of video? Yeah, we thought so. Google’s created a secure platform that allows people to surf and use office-style tools while keeping themselves safe, and avoiding using complicated or expensive computers. And its idea works with the Chromebook. What’s that you ask? It’s a new, faster computer. It starts in seconds, and offers thousands of Apps! This one is a Samsung Series 5 Chromebook, which boots up in under ten seconds and runs websites swiftly and smoothly. You can also be sure your work stays safe because your documents are stored in the cloud. For your chance to win this fantastic prize, answer the following question:

Q: When do the Games start? Put the word ‘Chromebook’ in the title of an email and send your answer with you name, job title, location and contact details to or text your answer and details to 07854 219668.


The closing date for entries is Friday 24 August. The winner will be selected at random. Please note there is only one prize.

Ultimate endurance!


ould you cycle over 80 miles in under six hours? Senior Conductor Jim Hall did, raising more than £1,000 for charity. Jim completed the 80.5 mile ride in five hours and seventeen minutes, along with Senior Conductor Mick Paul and friends to raise money for the Shrewsbury Severn Hospice. Jim says: “It was great! After our 60 mile ride last October, and this latest cycle, we’re thinking about tackling a 100 mile one next!”

to Shrewsbury Shunter Steve Harvey who won the family ticket to Alton Towers Resort and to Euston Booking Office Clerk Bilal Khan, Watford RPI Karen Lloyd and Birmingham Senior Conductor Mike Wilson who each win a pair of tickets for The Beatles Story in Liverpool.

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