0ABR 0ABR started off this year in Term 2 during the end of the first lockdown, with eight brand new Year 0 girls eagerly looking forward to starting school. We learned about St Cuthbert’s motto, ‘By Love Serve’ and how we can share kindness through ‘kind hearts, kind thoughts, kind actions and kind words’ which we still try to show every day. We learned about our class routines and rules, and how to be a kind friend to others. We celebrated Matariki by reading the story ‘The Little Kiwi’s Matariki’ and created our own artwork to go with it.
BACK ROW: Teacher Aid- Sue Grazier, Isabelle Jo, Liliya Wu , Elaine Sun, Ana Firth, Chloe Chiu, Ava Milne, Class teacher -Brittany Abrahams. SECOND ROW: Josephina Somaratne, Olivia Rainsford, Nadia Sheikh, Annabelle Ellett, Océane Renault-Pollard FRONT ROW: Adele Davidson, Mikayla Chan, Charlotte Taylor, Amelie Jardine, Harriet Perry, Esme Sun
In Term 3, we were joined by nine new students who were just as eager to begin their schooling experience at St Cuthbert’s. We were excited about finally becoming a full class and getting to know our new friends. Before we knew it, we were back in lockdown 2.0 and started to learn in a completely new way – over Zoom! We celebrated different letters of the alphabet each week by having a princess party, pyjamas day and even having a teddy bears’ picnic when we finally were able to come back to school! We were glad to see our friends again and get back to our learning. Our P.E.A.C.E topic for the term was Plants and we enjoyed planting our own bean plants and watching them grow. We learned about the parts of the plant and what parts of the plant we could eat. We’ve had lots of fun experiences this year, some of our highlights were blowing bubbles and making popcorn so we could write some amazing recounts about them and we were lucky enough to go to the ‘Greedy Cat’ performance at the beginning of Term 4. We have made so much progress this year and had lots of fun along the way! What a fun year it’s been, even with lockdowns in the middle of it but we have learned to be resilient and to make the most of our time at school.