August 2011 WheelSpin

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Next General Meeting


All Members are invited to attend our next General Meeting to be held Wednesday, August 3rd. 2011 at 8.00pm. Entertainment: “What is the future for our Library?” Michael Gasking answers this and other questions “On the Couch” with Grahaham Boulter. Important to all Members - not to be missed. Members are reminded that there will not be a meal served prior to this meeting. However the bar will be open from 7.00pm.

NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH 2011 AT 8.00pm AT THE SCC OF SA CLUBROOMS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AGM The meeting has been called for Members to vote on proposed changes to the Club Constitution. Please refer to the back-to-back insert in last month’s WheelSpin for details of the proposed changes to Corporate Membership and Notice to Members. Members unable to attend that meeting and wishing to lodge a postal vote should contact the Club office no later than Friday 12th August 2011 to obtain the required voting papers. Michael Bowen - Club Secretary

I had hoped to confirm the revised conditions that the DTEI have proposed for Conditional Registration, but I have been advised through the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs that the Government need to amend an Act of Parliament to enact those proposed changes. I outlined those proposed changes at the July General Meeting. Given the vagaries of our State parliamentarians it would be presumptuous to assume any proposals would be approved unchanged, so unfortunately we shall have to wait until informed officially of the final changes to the scheme. It is hoped that Members appreciate the now larger WheelSpin. Last month we achieved 16 pages and it will continue at that size until we can attract additional sponsorship. As previously, I urge Members who contribute to always add photos wherever possible. At last a contract has been let to Ahrens Construction to build footings and erect the donated Clipsal 500 building at our Collingrove Hillclimb property. Work is expected to commence in about 2 weeks. In addition we have just purchased a 20ft shipping container to replace the now derelict equipment shed adjacent to the toilet block. So you reckon we have had some cold nights recently. Well it was so cold on the roof of the Reg Sparks room that one of the water pipes feeding the evaporative air conditioners froze and burst causing a rather spectacular water fountain. The burst has of course since been repaired. Colin Bourner



Winter Drink Specials! CLASSIC NEWS Coming Meetings

Friday 5 August: For lovers of American classic cars, this evening is for you. Our feature marque will be Packard and we hope to have three beautiful examples to display on the night. Gosse Bar open for cocktails from 6pm, come and join me for a cosy drink and chat before the meeting starts. Meeting from 8pm and then a supper served after the meeting. Bring your friends, everybody welcome. A generous raffle will be held as usual. Friday 2 September: We are asking you to bring yourselves and some of your favourite model cars. Plenty of space and tables to display them, maybe you might like to talk briefly about your favourite model. Gosse Bar from 6pm, meeting from 8pm. Friends of Club Members are always welcome. Bring the kids too, they love little cars!! No touching though. Coming Events Sunday 21 August: We have rescheduled the Classic 100 to this date. It roughly equates to 100kms of driving, a few correct answers and some basic navigational skills and the winner will win the John Longbotham Trophy. Entry forms from the club office and also available on line. Everybody welcome. Friday 23 September: The SCC has joined with the Bay to Birdwood Classic event and the Cruising Classics to organise a run to the Mouth of the River Murray. BYO morning tea, followed by a visit to the historic Murray mouth and then a two course lunch at the South Coast Golf Club at Goolwa. All for $30pp. Entries are available from the Bay to Birdwood Classic organisation or the Cruising Classics associated on line site. SCC has limited entry forms too. Should be a great days driving and dining, come and enjoy and help us show our interstate visitors where the Murray goes!! Hopefully it's still flowing in September.

Congratulations go to Leslie Sheehan from Marino and David Gall from Pasadena, who were lucky enough to be drawn first and second prize winners of the Adelaide BMW Drive Day Raffle drawn at our AGM on July 1st. A big thank you to everybody who supported the raffle and also to Adelaide BMW for generously providing the Drive Day to help us raise funds for the Sunseeker Rally and the SCC. Safe driving Andy Morgan Classic Section Chairman

HQ News: A new Chairman was elected at the AGM on July 20th. For details and other information please go to the HQ section of the SCC website. A huge field is expected at the 2011 Shannon's HQ Nationals at Mallala 20th/21st August. Held in conjunction with Round 3 of the State Motor Racing Championships this is not to be missed. Free admission to all SCC members on presentation of a current membership card


For the August and September General Meetings the Club has purchased a limited supply of Jim Barry red wines for members to try. The wines are -

The Cover Drive Cabernet Sauvignon 2009 Delivers rich aromas of satsuma plum, roasted coffee and sloe berries - a satisfying collection of flavours on the palate. This wine was from the grapes grown on the old cricket ground in Penola.

Lodge Hill Shiraz 2009 This vintage has lifted floral aromas of boysenberry, morello cherry and mocha. The coffee, blueberry, spearmint and cranberry flavours that fill the mouth are present in abundance. The grapes were grown on the Clare Valley eastern ranges. If we were to stock these wines they would be $5.00 per glass, however as a special to members they will be on sale at the bargain price of $3.50 per glass until sold out!! Don't miss out on trying these great South Aussie reds. Alan Caire Facilities/Functions

New Members Dave Smith Tash Schmidt Steve Slack Competition Mick Edge Competition Brian Janes Graham Modra Amy Polak Ethan Falkenberg Evan Gobell Michael Dootson Brenton MacLean Veronica Kreminski Angela Farkas

General General Vintage, Classic, Vintage, Classic, HRR, HQ, General General, Competition General, Competition General Classic, Competition General, Competition Classic, Fleurieu Vintage General

CALENDAR of EVENTS August 2011 2

Forum Meeting - Clubrooms


General Meeting - Clubrooms


Section Meeting - Classic


Wintercup 3 - Collingrove


Pub Lunch Crafers - Veteran/Vintage


Section Meeting - HQ


Section Meeting - Veteran/Vintage


Round 3 SA State Motor Racing Champs Mallala Motorsport Park


Classic 100 - Classic

September 2011

Hi All I recently returned from a trip around the world, so I missed the June Meeting with Andy Morgan on the Chesterfield. So did a lot of other people. At the July Meeting we had the Hon. Bob Such MHR on the Chesterfield. It was most entertaining and again missed by many members. Is it the weather or lack of meal, which was discontinued due to inconsistent attendance?


Drive Your Old Vehicle Day - Veteran/Vintage


Section Meeting - Classic


HQ Enduro - Mallala


Annual General Meeting - Clubrooms


SA Hillclimb Championships - Collingrove

The Club has been through a few changes recently. My personal opinion is that we are now on the right track, with the right team managing the Club.


Mid Morning Run - Fleurieu


Section Meeting - Veteran/Vintage


Section Meeting - HQ


Cruising Classics Run - Classic

Please let me know your thoughts. My details are on page 2. Michael Bowen Club Secretary

FLEURIEU NEWS Diary dates for our Fleurieu events

VETERAN and VINTAGE SECTIONS Following the Vintage AGM in June no Vintage Chairman was forthcoming. In consequence joint meetings of the Veteran and Vintage Sections have been organized for the next 3 months. These will be held on the normal Veteran Section meeting night (3rd Friday of the month). The first of these joint meetings of the Veteran and Vintage Sections was held on 8 July and was most successful. A very entertaining and informative presentation (illustrated) on early vehicles (think around 1910) in the Antarctic was given by Darryl Grey with supper to follow. COMING MEETINGS 19 August: Noted Adelaide historian Richard Venus will speak on early Adelaide. Please bring an old artefact manufactured in early Adelaide for discussion. 16 September: Don Loffler, author of a number of books on early Holden history, will speak on the motor vehicle scene in Adelaide in 1946 and 1947. COMING EVENTS August 14: Pub lunch at the Crafers Hotel. Meet at Crafers at midday for a 12.30pm lunch and social get together. 1 September: (Thursday) - "Drive you old vehicle day" run to Bethany. Depart Tower Hotel, Magill at 10am. BYO lunch to Bethany Reserve. 2 October: We will be supporting Vintage Collingrove Tuesday 11 October - Memory Lane Cafe (operated by Alzheimer's Australia) Conyngham St. Glenside. Bring vehicles for people to see & enjoy Lunch. INVITATION EVENTS 2010-11 October 2 - 7 - Spring Time in Bright (Vic) - see notice board THE VETERAN CAR IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA - The Winter issue is available. If you have not got your copy please see Peter Mullins. If you have articles/copy for the next magazine please see Peter Mullins or Peter Templer.

September 11th: Midmorning run to be followed by brunch. October 30th: Midmorning run to be followed by a BYO lunch. November 18th to 20th: The Fleurieu Group Magical Mannum Meander weekend away. A few vacancies still available so book now with Rick on 0414271246 mobile, home 85552217 or

Members are also reminded that the next Forum will be held on Tuesday, 2nd August 2011 at 6.00pm. Any Member with issues they wish to be discussed with Management Committee members are invited to attend.

RAFFLE PRIZE SPONSORS WANTED! Many thanks must go to Club Member, Dave Turner who has donated numerous wine gift packs for the Club raffles over a period of time; we really do appreciate his generous assistance. If there are any Club Members or Members who may have business contacts that may be able to donate Club raffle prizes, your support in approaching these people or firms would be much appreciated. As most of you would understand it is an on- going job trying to obtain suitable prizes without the Club having to use their own finances to pay for such items. All prize donors will be mentioned and thanked on the night and the Club will promote their business or product if required. Any support or assistance that can be given in this regard would be greatly valued. Contact the office Wednesday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm if you are able to assist.


FRIDAY 4th November, 2011 Entry forms for the 2011 John Blanden's Climb to the Eagle are now available. Enter fast as spaces are filling quickly. Entry forms are available on the Club website or from the Club office. Entries close Friday 2nd September.


and then........

HELP FOR DAD'S ARMY REQUIRED! Vicki Liston, our main gardening volunteer, who I might add does a fantastic job keeping the premises looking neat and tidy, will be out of action for about 8 - 12 weeks from August 2011 due to a medical condition. Our diminishing Dad's Army group, which meets on Tuesday mornings, would certainly appreciate any assistance in the garden from any of our retired members, and we will be in desperate need of help when Vicki will be absent. Vicki would also appreciate help and some company on a continuing basis, so if anyone has a bit of spare time, enjoys a laugh over morning tea and is able to do a bit of gardening at your own leisurely pace then please contact Alan at the Club or our Volunteers Co-ordinator, Ron Johnson on (h) 82513719, (m) 0437 428 734 or email To keep the premises looking neat and tidy the Club relies heavily on volunteers such as the Dad's Army. The repairs and maintenance of Mawson House is on- going and the costs for outside contractors have certainly escalated in recent times. Any work that can be done by our volunteers is very much appreciated and saves the Club many thousands of dollars from employing gardening contractors and other trades people to do the simple jobs around the place. YOUR HELP WILL BE GREATLY VALUED!!

SCCSA FUND RAISER CONCEPT A well-respected Sporting Car Club Member who has collected many items of the motoring nature over the years has wisely thought about the future of these surplus items. To simplify disposal of the items, create space, remove clutter and support the Club, he has suggested that he would donate items to the Sporting Car Club for a Fund-Raiser. The proceeds would be put as revenue enabling development and maintenance of the Club's assets, including the Clubrooms and Collingrove. A sub-group has been formed by the Management Committee, and at a meeting to discuss aspects of the idea, the Member suggested perhaps other Members may have surplus items that could be offered for disposal arranged by the Club. There are many considerations, eg how to collect items, where to store them and catalogue, how to conduct, etc, etc. The first step is to determine if Members have surplus items for disposal in this way. Therefore we are asking that a no-obligation indication be forwarded to the Sporting Car Club Office by potential participants - ideally with email, mail or phone response by the end of August. This would give us an initial indication of intent - to be followed up later when the concept is further developed, should there be sufficient interest. What we need is your list, and an indication of a nominal 'auctionvalue' (ie say a minimum) of each item and your contact details. We would welcome any suggestions by email or phone to: Ken Messenger: or 0413 775 900; Sean Whelan: or 0412 618 122; or Doug Lehmann: or 0418 829 257.

HRR - STOP PRESS Competition Section Events Round 3 of the SA State Motor Racing Championships will be held at the Mallala circuit on August 20th and 21st. As well as the normal categories we are hosting the HQ Nationals and would expect to have in excess of 40 local and interstate HQ Holdens racing over the two days. The Nationals occur every 5 to 6 years so if you are a keen fan go to Mallala and see some very good racing from the larger fields of HQs and State Championship categories. Saturday will start about 9am with 2 sessions of qualifying for the HQs followed by qualifying for the other 7 categories then racing starts about 11.30am with 18 races scheduled and should finish about 4.30pm. Sunday the start time 9.30am with 22 races scheduled and a finishing time of approx 5.00pm. The HQ Nationals format consists of 4 x 6 lap heats on the Saturday then on Sunday 2 x 10 lap heats a 20 lap final and a 10 lap repechage. Our next event at Mallala will be the HQ Enduro on Saturday September 3rd where the HQs have 2 x 1 hour races and also on the program are Formula Vee and Improved Production Cars. Practice/qualifying from 9am with racing commencing about 1030 until approximately 430pm. Please keep 19th and 20th November free as this is the final round of the State Championships at which we will also be hosting the 2011 Improved Production Nationals. Another big entry is expected and to cater for the extra racing the event may have to include night races on the Saturday. OF PEOPLE To cater for the for the promised section meeting nights a group has been formed to arrange and organise these, they are Graham Boulter, Mark Blyfied and Troy Ryan and by the time you receive this our first meeting was held on July 22 at 8pm to which an invitation was sent out to all circuit and hillclimb competitors and all officials and any other interested people. Neville Pym

Screeching tyres and smashing glass as the HRR report arrives days after the deadline! This is the quiet time of the year for the HRR but there are 2 issues worthy of a mention 1. At the AGM on the 20th of July, Rod Kuchel, Rory O'Neal, Chris Frost and Darryl Siggs stood up for the committee so thanks guys. We'll get stuck into planning next year soon. A heart felt thanks to those leaving the committee especially of course Joan Shearer and Ann Ozgo. its a pity really as Joan was just starting to get the hang of things. The other good news from the AGM was the presentation of the financials for the Easter meeting this year showing $20,000 income to the club 2. Our round the houses winter event is on the 28th of August. It kicks off at 9:15am at the clubrooms and goes to some undisclosed houses (including mine). So get your favorite crappy old car out and come along. I've graded my driveway in the hope everyone is going to bring their track car. We need to know numbers though so contact Joan (I'm away) and let her know or 83901609 Cheers, Troy





Calling all Hillclimb Enthusiasts

Japanese Raids on Darwin

Shelsley Walsh is probably the world's most famous hillclimb,but did you realize it is also the oldest motorsport event in the world, having been established in 1905. Today it is still run on the original course, with a mixture of vehicles from F1 down through "normal' racing cars, hillclimb specials and vintage collectors' machines. The glossy well produced book The Shelsley Walsh Story by Simon Taylor who has reported on it and competed on it for years, contains a fascinating cast of characters, including many women, who have shone there over the years. There is a great foreword by Sir Stirling Moss who competed there early in his career, and returned 50 years later in a demonstration run. He has commented "that people don't realize how good hillclimbing is for developing talent." The chapter structure makes following its history very easy, and it was surprising to me how many names re-occurred as winners not only year after year but decade after decade. Talk about dedication and skill. One chapter is entitled 'Shelsley's Ladies.' A couple of women should be mentioned. Joy Rainey, also 'vertically challenged' like her famous father Murray, from Geelong, held the ladies’ record for longer than anyone - in all for an almost uninterrupted 23 years. Then there was Patsy Burt who received more publicity, (in the Melbourne Press anyway) than the brilliant males who set FTDs year after year after year. When she upgraded to a McLaren with a 4.5 litre Oldsmobile in the back, she took four seconds off her own record. Her successes prompted me to have a number of workshop lunchtime conversations with Peter Holinger along the lines of "you are going to need one of our (Repco Brabham) 'big bangers' behind you - we will be able to give you some terrific torque ."(He went on to win the Australian Hillclimb Chamionship four times.) Repco engined cars set many FTDs at Shelsley also. Another connection is that in the 1990s Judd engined cars were frequent record breakers, and John Judd was with us in Melbourne for some time as a Repco Brabham designer. He had trained at Coventry Climax. Another chapter is called 'Keeping us Informed' which covers not only the commentators like John Bolster, Murray Walker et al , but also the ups and downs of the PA system. One might expect a book like this to be full of page after page of stats. Thankfully, all the BTDs from 1905 appear at the end so the reading is uninterrupted and flows very nicely. The photos are superb, and include some bikes and plenty of saloon cars. In Stirling's words again, and summing up its history, he said, "it is good to know that Shelsley will still be the scene of friendly, yet fast and furious hillclimbing competition, one hundred years from now. Read all about it - The Shelsley Walsh Story.

Do you want to read more about the Japanese raids on Darwin? "I know I did" said Peter Godfrey as he picked “Tally Ho”, one of our recently acquired aviation history books for one of his latest reads. "Here is the inside story from RAF 54 Spitfire Squadron, Churchill's nominal offer towards the defence of northern Australia. With fascinating details of the establishment of the RAF Squadron near Darwin, along with detailed operational reports of their contact with the invading forces. Tally Ho! The Story of Wing Commander R.W. Foster DFC AE, as told to air historian and author Norman Franks, tells of the Darwin episode, along with Foster's initial training, then his part in the Battle of Britain flying Hurricanes. A period as a flying instructor follows before his departure for Australia in 1942. Having been awarded the DFC for his part in the defence of Australia, Foster is sent back home in 1944 to conclude his war effort with an RAF public relations outfit in Europe, still close to the action, to join in General de Gaulle's triumphant procession down the Champs-Elysees. This book is a worthy addition to the Library, and part of a significant collection of aircraft literature." Come to the Library for a loan of this book, and if aircraft are an interest of yours, have a look at the book collection.

A Good Year to Buy an Old Bentley? Some of the things we see in our magazines are amazing. How about these Bentleys all for sale via Thoroughbred & Classiccars from one place in England in 2004: "1927 Bentley Speed Six Le Mans Special with magnificent performance and presence to match. £229000. 1929 Bentley 4 1/2 litre V.D.P. Tourer. Exceptional. £173000. 1927 Bentley Road/Rally/Race Supercar. £229000. 1928 Bentley 41/2 litre Le Mans Type, available ex factory 2005, will be best yet. £229000. 1929 Blower Bentley Show Car. First built Works Demonstrator. Worth every penny at £650000. 1939 Lagonda V12 Le Mans. Fresh Top Drawer Restoration. £165000." Bound copies of Thoroughbred & Classiccars going back for years make good reading in the Library

Motorwebs (Helpful Automotive Websites)

The Original Motor Racing Magazine

Search the on-board video of Patrick Depailler at Monaco in the Six wheel Tyrell P34. Spectacular. His quote, "I like to run at the limit."

A great collection of various and different auto tools.

Details of the 22nd year of the World's Greatest Motor Sport Show in January 2012 at Birmingham, U.K.

Suppliers of replica Jaguar XK120, XK140 and C Types, Ogle GT, and gearboxes and overdrive systems for Jaguar, Rover and Bentley.

The National Automobile Museum of Tasmania. Some great ideas and well worth a visit.

Contributed by Michael Gasking (continued from previous page)

STAN JONES The skill of a driver is not always measured by the number of podium finishes or even by the fastest laps, but perhaps more so by their versatility, that is being able to drive anything anywhere better than any. STAN JONES was an example of this. We are reminded in Malcolm Preston's new book "MAYBACH TO HOLDEN" that Stan would have a go in anything, and would often have two or three of his own cars and guest drive for other people at popular race meetings, particularly hill climbs. At one Rob Roy hill climb he drove the Maybach, an Aston Martin DB2, a Cooper 1100 and a Jaguar XK120, achieving either first or second in each class and mostly being faster than the often more experienced owner. Then there were his victories in the New Zealand and Australian Grand Prix against international competition, his frequent trials (or rally) results and a superb drive with Lex Davison and Tony Gaze in the Monte Carlo Rally. These were in a variety of cars in often unknown road conditions. It has been said that he could adjust his driving to the handling of the car and could drive through any idiosyncrasies. Not for him was it necessary to spend hours and hours tweaking the handling characteristics. Stirling Moss was another whose overall skill was evident on the road or on the track, and in any car. It is easy to forget, or not even know, how good these men were. "Maybach to Holden" by Malcolm Preston is one of 2011's most popular books. It has a lot of previously unpublished information, particularly on F5000. In these days of specialists, we tend to forget how good those from 'The Golden Era' were. Perhaps we get a glimpse of it with Jim Richards, any car anywhere, anytime.

Stretch the Legs of your car Tour - 2011 As winter descends on us all and in particular the Classic Section of the SCC, we get to do a test run in our classic cars (some whimp out) and drive moderns, to get them ready for the Sunseeker Rally. So it was that Laurie Cousin and myself set out a few weeks ago to plan the Stretch the Legs actual roads and of course a suitable venue for a warming winter lunch. We both enjoyed the planning and it is always fun to go down some new roads not seen before. We drove in Laurie's latest aquisition, the venerable Audi RS4 V8 and of course our hardest task was trying to temper the speed and plan something that older cars could compete with. Anyway, all the planning and venue in place, approximately 36 SCC members gathered at the clubrooms for the start. Our run sounded so appealing that another 36 members of the Mazda MX5 club decided to join us, so as we departed, there was a healthy gathering of classic and modern sporty cars heading out through the hills. The roads led us to the Woodside Oval for a morning tea break, where members of both club were able to mingle, compare and admire each others toys. Then it was on to the roads once again, heading east to the River Murray shores via some new and tricky little back roads. Only a few navigators misread the instructions and I know that by the time we got back to Littlehampton for lunch, everyone had enjoyed the drive and the cars relished the open roads. SCC members chose to dine at the Great Eastern Hotel and the Mazda Club members went on to a different venue. We normally plan our events and charge a luncheon fee, different to the way the Mazda club operate, they just turn up somewhere and hope to find a lunchean venue. We did however cross pollinate very well and have suggested we do another run together and dine together too. Several of their members said they would love to join our club and of course many were impressed to see our clubrooms for the first time, particularly the extensive library. The attached photos are significant for several reasons, firstly it was Jean Taylor's birthday (age not declared!), so we managed to burgle half of someone else's birthday cake and of course embarrass Jean with the normal song. Of course this doesn't forget the famous Jeffrey Gransden, who is seen holdiing court and of course demolishing birthday cake at the same time. The other picture shows Jason Rowley holding court and that makes me feel for him recoverying from that terrible rally accident. Get well soon Jason, we are all missing you and want you back standing tall again. Our thoughts are with you and Karen. I have to say the Great Eastern Hotel and their staff did us proud, the service and food quality were excellent, especially as they seemed to be full of diners as well as our lot. Thanks to all who attended this run, I thoroughly enjoyed the day, which initially was damped by the fact that my MG needed major engine surgery and my gorgeous wife was working, but my dear friend Laurie read my plight and offered me his E Type Jaguar for the day. Thanks Laurie, it put a smile back on my face. Please don't miss next year's Stretch Tour, we want to make it a true classic. Safe motoring, hope to see you on the Sunseeker. Andy Morgan Classic Section Chairman

Brother Gransden gives thanks for the fruits of the vine .......

As a Member of the SCCSA since 1959, I have participated in numerous veteran car rallies and runs, but until recently I haven't ventured into other sections of the Club. This run was an opportunity to get out and see some countryside in modern comfort with some members whom I've known for most of my life - and no brass to polish (what a bonus). The distance was just too great for my 'T' Ford. Nearly one hundred eager Sunseekers assembled at the Clubrooms for the briefing and apples provided by Peter and Lyn Green. We made our way via Mallala to Snowtown where we all enjoyed Sandie Cousin's homemade biscuits and cakes with our tea or coffee. Many of us had a look at the big wind turbine blade and strolled along the main street to see what we could find in the second hand shops before departing to Melrose via Crystal Brook, where we had a great lunch at the North Star Inn at the foot of Mt. Remarkable. Fortunately, the rain that was forecast didn't eventuate, although there was evidence of rain showers on the road in places and passing trucks smeared many cars with grime. We all arrived in one piece at the Standpipe Motel in Port Augusta via Wilmington and Horrock's Pass. Bringing up the rear were Graeme and Josie Treloar in their 'A' Model Ford. It was noted that when we arrived at the motel, many buckets came out, along with polishing cloths to get the vehicles cleaned and polished as soon as possible. Unfortunately, my car was not among them. There was much chatter between members during the dinner at the Standpipe Motel where the accommodation was first class. With an early start on Sunday, driving to Quorn and boarding the Sunseeker Steam Train for our trip to Woolshed Flat, some extra clothing was required, but we all enjoyed the trip through Pichi Richi Pass, seeing many interesting things along the way including the infamous dog "Doug" as we passed the Willows Brewery Restaurant, midway between Quorn and Woolshed Flat. "Doug" loves chasing trains. Luckily, Marion Patrick and Julie White were invited aboard the loco during the shunting manoeuvre - what a great experience. After morning tea at Woolshed Flat, we re-boarded the steam train for the return journey to Quorn. The (No 22) steam locomotive used today required about two tonnes of black coal (brought in from NSW) for the return trip. After lunch at "The Railway Shed" in Quorn, quite a few members walked about this historical town visiting the many attractions including an art gallery, coffee shops, and a museum. Many movies have been filmed around this area, including Bitter Springs (1950), Walkabout (1952), Robbery Under Arms (1956), The Sundowners (1960), Sunday Too Far Away (1975), Gallipoli (1980), The Last Frontier (1985) and The Shiralee (1987). Some explored the Arid Lands Garden in Port Augusta, and others polished their vehicles (again). Everyone arrived in suitable attire for the Sunseeker dinner, many wearing bow ties or tiaras to fit the occasion. One question being asked "Why were Ian? car keys found in Room 54?" More apples and another briefing to start our Monday and Thomas and Amy Carrig were again seconded to draw more lucky numbers. We visited the Wadlata Outback Centre, before travelling to Port Broughton for a "Pit Stop" then on to the Wallaroo Marina Hotel for our Farewell Lunch. Laurie Cousin was awarded the Bill Potts trophy for his immaculately presented E Type Jaguar while Grant White was presented with the Sunseeker Trophy. Unfortunately, there was one car casualty during the rally; an Armstrong Siddeley, owned by Lee and Guli Paltridge had to be trailered back to Adelaide and they missed lunch. I have been involved with many rallies over 50 years and my congratulations go to the organizing committee, this one was as good as any I've participated in and appeared to be enjoyed by all, with the rain holding off until we arrived home. Glen Tiver

What fun it is to be involved in Hillclimb! by “Up Hill�

Thanks to some hard work at our working bees - as one well informed person stated - the place is looking a picture! At our recent events we are enjoying superb weather, happy competitors - Winter Cup 1 gave them eight runs with a couple of records broken - $840.00 was taken on the gate thanks to Lyn and David - who could ask for more! All of this is down to our dedicated team of volunteers to whom we are always grateful and hereby pay tribute. Do not think though that we are resting on our laurels - there is still much to be done and we ask that you accept our invitation to come and join us. Everybody is always welcome at Collingrove, as a competitor, volunteer official or as a supportive spectator. It is a lovely drive through the Hills or along the new Northern Expressway, so please join us. After finding our timing reflector on top of the Hill has twice come under threat from "farming excursions" it has now been moved further out of harms way and soon the "Top of the Hill" Officials Hut will be moved a little down the Hill to improve vision and oversight of Competitors as well as the safety of Officials. We are looking forward to a Come and Try Day and the 2nd round of the Winter Cup and if our recent experience is anything to go by this should be huge. Top ten times from Winter Cup 1: Andrew Mitchell - Shrike Derek Foster - Suzuki Special Goblin Doug Lehmann - Mitsubishi Evo 9 Craig Van Dieman - Mitsubishi Evo TME Christopher Redin - Cooper Special Stan Ward - Elfin 623 Jay Muldoon - Bowin P6 John Muldoon - Bowin P6 Scott Limbert - Nissan Skylkine GT R Simon Lake - Mitsubishi Evo 6


30.56 32.31 32.50 32.80 33.08 33.08 33.18 33.24 33.71 33.87

As can be seen the times are keen and the competition strong. It is great to see the Competitors come up with a smile on their faces and a warm thank you at the end of the day - for what has been both fun and satisfying their need for some on track thrills in comparative safety. For those who don't know - Come and Try - gives the opportunity for any one to have a try out on the Hill in a non competitive environment. You will need a car that can pass a simple safety test, cotton or wool type (non-flammable) clothing to cover the

body from foot to neck and arms from the wrist up together with a complying crash helmet. If you do not have a crash helmet you may negotiate to borrow one on the day. You will need to fill out an entry form and if you do not have a CAMS competition licence you may buy a one day licence with your entry. Once the car is checked you will be given an exploratory run up the Hill, after a briefing from the Clerk of the Course the fun activity of the day starts. You will be invited to form up in numerical order, then when your turn comes up the warm up person will signal you forward to do a tyre warming burn out if you choose, you are then staged at the start line when you wait for the green traffic light to come on. Then you are Off! Control the wheelspin, ensure the gear changes are smooth, foot flat, as you crest the first rise, which way does the road go? White posts guide you through the left hander and then down, down into the dip, bounce at the bottom, hold the car straight as you prepare for the right hander into the wall, aim for the side of the track as you control the oversteer, through the corner as you feed on the power you round the wall and straighten up keeping your foot flat. Which gear to use as you approach the tight left hander and the really steep rise into the esses? Whew, got to the top, cut in close on the entrance to the esses and feed on the power as we go left, right, left, plant the foot and straighten up as the finish line crossed and then hard on the brakes, ready for the left hander onto the return road. Wow! what a buzz! Keep the car slow on the return road and bathe in the cozy glow of a really, great and fulfilling experience. Why not come and have a go and feel what it is like for yourself. Contact the Events Office. It is said it is the best fun you can have sitting down with your seat belt on! For your Diary: 7 August 11 September 2 October 15 & 16 October

Winter Cup 3 Multi Club 3 Vintage Collingrove SA Hillclimb Championships

Get your friends together and bring a picnic. Our next major working bee is to be held on Saturday, September 3rd, come and join us to enjoy Collingrove in Spring, some work, lots of good fun and enjoy a beautiful lunch from Margaret. Please let the Club know of your attendance for catering purposes. "The Sporting Car Club of SA Inc., is a not for profit organisation, fostering amateur motor sport and on track driver safety training"


Ford Falcon BF XR6 Turbo 2005. 6 Speed Auto with performance mode, Mercury Silver with black trim. All in Excellent condition. Upgraded PBR front brakes, Sports Steering wheel, Bilstein shocks (near new standard ones also come with the car). Tow bar. The car comes with both standard and optional ECU programs. The optional program produces an additional 50 RWKW over the standard program. The car has just turned over 52,000 km, mainly used on Sundays for Church (and the occasional hillclimb or regularity run). Price $24,000. Colin Zytveld 0416 276718, or Troy Zytveld 0412 080573. Workshop Manual for 105 Coupe and Spider $15.00. Wrought iron patio table with Alfa Romeo logo worked in wrought iron on the top $180.00 ono. A work of art by a skilled welder. De Walt worksite radio with inbuilt charger, clear sound runs on 240 volts or De Walt battery $130 ono never used still in box. Trevor Fay 8431 5465 or 0400 780 541 or (the email address has an underscore between trevor and fay). Machine work, fabrication, one off parts made, light weight car trailers, trailer modification, horse float repairs and upgrades. 10% discount Sporting Car Club Members. Contact David Walsh at the Float Works, Mt Barker Telephone 8391 6570.

WANTED TO BUY Honda CB72or CB77 frame, rolling frame or complete. Must be unrestored. Steve Day Ph 8384 0723 (wk) or 8278 6563 (ah) or



ONLY $349,000 NEG. 1/55 CASTLE STREET, EDWARDSTOWN In a small group of 2. Big rooms. Lovely yard. Nothing to do. Just perfect. Peter Emes 0413 133 233 Century 21. RLA 152570


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