August 2011 WheelSpin

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Next General Meeting


All Members are invited to attend our next General Meeting to be held Wednesday, August 3rd. 2011 at 8.00pm. Entertainment: “What is the future for our Library?” Michael Gasking answers this and other questions “On the Couch” with Grahaham Boulter. Important to all Members - not to be missed. Members are reminded that there will not be a meal served prior to this meeting. However the bar will be open from 7.00pm.

NOTICE OF SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 7TH 2011 AT 8.00pm AT THE SCC OF SA CLUBROOMS, IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE AGM The meeting has been called for Members to vote on proposed changes to the Club Constitution. Please refer to the back-to-back insert in last month’s WheelSpin for details of the proposed changes to Corporate Membership and Notice to Members. Members unable to attend that meeting and wishing to lodge a postal vote should contact the Club office no later than Friday 12th August 2011 to obtain the required voting papers. Michael Bowen - Club Secretary

I had hoped to confirm the revised conditions that the DTEI have proposed for Conditional Registration, but I have been advised through the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs that the Government need to amend an Act of Parliament to enact those proposed changes. I outlined those proposed changes at the July General Meeting. Given the vagaries of our State parliamentarians it would be presumptuous to assume any proposals would be approved unchanged, so unfortunately we shall have to wait until informed officially of the final changes to the scheme. It is hoped that Members appreciate the now larger WheelSpin. Last month we achieved 16 pages and it will continue at that size until we can attract additional sponsorship. As previously, I urge Members who contribute to always add photos wherever possible. At last a contract has been let to Ahrens Construction to build footings and erect the donated Clipsal 500 building at our Collingrove Hillclimb property. Work is expected to commence in about 2 weeks. In addition we have just purchased a 20ft shipping container to replace the now derelict equipment shed adjacent to the toilet block. So you reckon we have had some cold nights recently. Well it was so cold on the roof of the Reg Sparks room that one of the water pipes feeding the evaporative air conditioners froze and burst causing a rather spectacular water fountain. The burst has of course since been repaired. Colin Bourner



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