October 2012 WheelSpin

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Wednesday 3rd October 2012




Peter Altman (M) 0437 777 555 (E) peter.altman@southgate.com.au John Ellis (M) 0413 118 118 (E) ellis@aerotrust.com.au Peter Whelan (M) 0403 388 982 (E) peter.whelan@pkf.com.au

Dean Nicolo (M) 0419 392 816 pioneerceilings@hotmail.com

Contact Events Office Office Hours 8271 5689

As reported to Members at the AGM, Wednesday September 5th. 2012.

Greetings Members & Friends, I am pleased to present the President’s Report on activities for the last twelve months. Firstly, I am happy to advise that it has been a good year of positive progress, thanks mainly to the great involvement by many enthusiastic and capable members, and by the Staff. Thank you all. As usual, the extensive range of motoring and motor sport action has kept us all well-occupied on an extensive spread of regular and successful events and functions providing a big program for participators. Financially, after a downward blip early in the year, our position recovered so that we have finished close to a budgeted surplus target. This was achieved through some successful sponsor negotiations, a pickup in fee income & some positive event results. Please continue to support our Sponsors directly, and by referral, and acknowledge their support of our Club. Financial management of the Club always involves a delicate balancing act, because the difference between our income and expenses has been fairly small over recent years. However, we have somehow continued to hang in there, but there are many future variables possible both up and down, and we ideally need to advance to a stronger position. An example of a large future expense we are facing is the re-surfacing of Collingrove, and this alone may require a six - figured amount. However, this Club has many opportunities for advancement, if we are collectively good enough to act on them. So we have been looking at various ways of significantly advancing this situation—some actually involving increasing operating expenses to achieve more resource to create higher income and more opportunities. Particularly since 2004, there have been several studies performed looking at the Club and its membership, but with no particular detailed strategy implemented. Now, considerable work by the Management Committee has been done during this busy year in developing a formal Strategic Plan. It is intended to be of great future value as an evolving document to focus ongoing activity and progress. There have been a number of special Planning meetings by the Management Committee to identify priorities and issues, and to consider options and scenarios. The Strategic Plan now exists as a complete Draft, but with fine-tuning still occurring, and the intention is that it will be available for consideration by all members who may have thoughts to contribute, when ‘polishing’ is completed with input from the new Management Committee. Of course, it may be that not everyone will eagerly embrace some of the possible changes, as change always involves a degree of risk. But if risk is well appraised, it can be worth it for positive results, can’t it. The Sporting Car Club exists for its members. We are also a significant community resource. Through the year we have lost some members, including unfortunately through motor racing accidents, but the flow of new members to the Club has been strong, and we are working on an interesting strategy to increase benefits for existing, new and future members. One objective is to actively engage a greater percentage of our large current membership, including the 400 Younger Sector members. One of the great highlights for the year has been the magnificent contribution by that amazing benefactor, Ray Pank, of prime extra land at Collingrove. The Title Transfer is in progress, and it will more than double our holding at the property. This will provide us with a great potential for future usage to consolidate the venue for ongoing motor sport activity. Further improvements are now happening from generous funding donated by John Wien-Smith, and the ‘Percy Wien-Smith Memorial Entrance’ is

now under construction, in memory of our Club’s Founding Chairman 78 years ago. During the year, the great work by our members, through the Club’s operations, has created the fun and camaraderie that we are here for, and there are many star performers amongst our ranks. A few will be recognised later tonight, but there are many who don’t always get high recognition, or expect it. They just do it to make it happen, regardless! But I’m going to mention only a few as an example of some of our Stars. This is always dangerous, because then there are many others I could name—so ‘sorry’, in advance! Firstly, all of the Section Heads, their Committees, the Management Group, Dad’s Army, the Library Group, all of the Club members who operate as Marshalls & Officials, the many who give so much individually - for example Martin Stow, Andy Ford, Ali Roscrow, the various Darryl’s, Moss Upton, Paul Murrell, the Hall’s, the Juttners, Graham Boulter, and all of those people who willingly put their hand up to help whenever the need is there. Thanks also for the good work of our Staff - Colin, Sandra, Alan and Abbie, and that terrific participator Janet. Tonight some members of the Management Committee are retiring and some new people will be coming in. I would like to express some personal thoughts on the topic of the hierarchy of clubs, including ours. Whilst our turnover is small at below $1 million, the Sporting Car Club is large in terms of membership, activities and the variety of issues. It is administered by part-time staff and volunteers and each year personnel changes can occur, creating varying dynamics. When this happens it actually takes some time for new people to get a handle on all of the issues and on the real position regarding the club’s current and potential future situation. The usual simple approach in clubs, therefore, where the main intent is to have fun, is to focus on the immediate issues, and a deeper and busier approach with a wider focus doesn’t always happen. Then there is the interaction and performance of the people involved, and in clubs, there is always plenty of opinion, to all extremes. It has actually taken me about nine months of active work as Club President to really understand both how all of this can fit together, and where we could be going. Many people have assisted me during this process. You will know who you are. In our great Club over the last year a proactive and collaborative approach i.e. progressive and active, has been where my attempt as President has been aimed, but frankly, I must say that progress has been frustrating to a degree for a variety of interesting reasons.

cont pge 4

101 YEARS OF MOTORING SUNDAY 21st OCTOBER 2012 TORRENS PARADE GROUND ADELAIDE A truly enjoyable day for you, your family and friends. A great showcase for our Club.

VETERAN and VINTAGE SECTIONS However, my strong conclusion now is that we are underresourced relative to the needs of the Club, and that what we need is increased centralised resource to support the efforts of our volunteers. This is needed for us to operate in the most efficient and professional way. It means we need greater capacity to handle our shortfalls regarding membership, marketing and event management issues. We also need a fully committed Management Committee - that is with good attendance, and a pro-active approach. Then, we can create or actively seize opportunity. Given that, in my final year as President, I am hoping for significant positive progress based on the foundations of good work done in the past by many! Some Management Committee members are retiring now, and I would particularly like to thank the great efforts of Sean Whelan, stepping down as Treasurer after six busy years, and Jason Rowley who has taken the position of Classic Section Chairman, and Bob Underwood, retiring unexpectedly, but still very involved in important Club affairs. Now, the Sporting Car Club is fundamentally going well in many ways, but we can guarantee that the future will be full of change. However, there is much opportunity for the Club to greatly advance forwards, and to increase our relevance into the future- and it will be the energy, initiative and vision of us all to make it happen well. Thank you for your participation. Ken Messenger

Oleh Bilyk

Vintage, Classic

Josh Castle

Competition, Hillclimb, CAMS

Anthony Verner

Competition, Circuit, CAMS

Corey Armstrong

Competition, Hillclimb, Circuit, Cond Reg

2014 NATIONAL 1 & 2 CYLINDER RALLY UPDATE This event is for Veteran vehicles with engines of either 1 or 2 cylinders (including motor cars, motor cycles, etc.) will be held in Robe between 5th and 9th May 2014. Expression of Interest forms are available at the club rooms or from the club web site. COMING MEETINGS 19 October Aeronautical theme, with video of a Spitfire flight in NZ - please bring along items (including model aeroplanes, objects, etc.) with an aeronautical theme. 16 November National Veteran Tour (Ipswich, Qld.) in review. 7 December Monthly meeting with Classic Section COMING EVENTS 2 October “Homestead to Hillclimb” A Motorfest event organised by the Veteran and Vintage Sections, based around Collingrove. Further details Diane Pyle. 7 October Run to Vintage Collingrove. Meet at the National Motor Museum, Birdwood at 11:00 am. Dedicated parking arrangements will be in place at Collingrove for Veteran, Vintage and Classic cars. BYO lunch. 13 - 14 October Burra to Morgan Run. Details on club notice board 21 October 101 Years of Motoring. Entry forms available from club website or clubrooms. 18 November RAA Trophy Day. While the focus is Veteran vehicles, you are most welcome whether in Vintage, Classic or modern vehicles. Starting from SCC rooms at 10:00 am. NATIONAL EVENTS March 10 -15 2013 National 1 & 2 Cylinder Tour, Canberra, ACT. Enquiries: rogerandgillian@grapevine.com.au September 15-20 2013 National Veteran Tour, Shepparton, Victoria. May 5 -9 2014 National 1 & 2 Cylinder Rally, Robe, South Australia October 2014 National Veteran Rally, Western Australia Refer: www.veterancarclubofwa.asn.au/

Matt Wright

Classic, Competition, Hillclimb, Circuit

Patrick Eagle


Jeremy Goode


Artur Niedzwiecki


Tim Hoffmann

General, CAMS

Michael McLaren

Classic, Hillclimb

Martin Donnon


Dane Palfrey


Jason Palmer


Phillip and Anna Swain

Classic, Cond Reg

Notes from the Federation of Historic Motoring Clubs

Gavin Leathley

Hillclimb, Circuit, CAMS

The Bay to Birdwood - 30 September 2012

Neville Barton


Tim Seal


One way traffic has been secured between Tea Tree Gully and Chain of Ponds. New departure time is 8.30am. Volunteers required. The Federation Motorfest is additional events in conjunction with the Bay to Birdwood including Uncle Arthur’s night at the Theatre Capri, 27th September. Further details are available www.fhmcsa.org.au (events).

Ravi Thanapajan


Brenton Trautmann


Michael Naguib


Kai Pottharst

Classic, Competition, Hillclimb, Circuit

Andy Sarandis

Competition, Circuit

Timothy Possingham

Competition, Hillclimb, Circuit

Aaron Sims


Jake Hollitt

Competition, Hillclimb,Circuit, CAMS

Daniel Sawilski


Bo Brittain


Peter Templer Chairman Veteran & Vintage Sections Committee

The Bi Annual Federation Tour Has been cancelled in favour of a run to the Canberra Centenary Celebrations on the 18th and 19th of October, 2013. Windscreen Stickers for expiry registration date Available from the front counter, or authorized officers – cost 50c.


CLASSIC NEWS COMING MEETINGS Friday 5th October Our October meeting celebrates the Bathurst 1000 in particular, we have arranged very interesting Historic Touring cars to display on stage, a departure from the normal Ford vs. GM formula. Premeeting re-fuelling from 6pm, served by the Gosse Pit Crew, great raffle prizes and supper served with a spray of bubbly from the podium. All welcome, main meeting starts at 8pm ! Friday 2nd November We are working with one of the Club’s corporate sponsors Cornes Toyota, to bring you a close-up view of the fresh new Toyota 86 sports, along with a couple of Competition classics from the same marque. Come and see what all the buzz is about, or if you’ve ordered a T86 and are still on the waiting list, as some members are, here’s a chance to see what you will get ! Meeting starts at 8pm with refreshments in the Gosse Bar from 6pm. COMING EVENTS Sunday 30th September Classic Section hosts the ‘combined’ run to Collingrove Hill Climb, to help the whole club celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the venue and boost the Classic cars display track-side. All members and their interesting vehicles are welcome to join us, don't miss this event. Meet at the Club 9:00am for an early-ish start. BYO Morning tea at Mt. Pleasant (or buy at the bakery across the road) and a picnic lunch, or catering will be available, while watching 80 plus cars tear uphill. Sunday 21st October The biggest SCC event in recent years is the "101 Years of Motoring" now with over 200 vehicle entries of all types, representing our Club's long history and involvement in motoring and motorsport in SA. Held at the Torrens Parade Ground, Food outlets on-site or BYO picnic and be part of the spectacle. Perfect weather is booked, even if you haven’t entered, it’s a great opportunity to invite potential members! Sunday 25th November Here’s one for all the socialites! A sumptuous High Tea is planned by the Ladies. Meet at the Club at 12:30 for a scenic cruise highlighting Adelaide in its Spring splendour, returning to the Clubrooms for High Tea at 3pm. Why not dress for the occasion ? Flyers / entry forms out soon. Friday 4th January 2013 Meeting on the Move ! Expect a change to the format, we’ll keep you posted. Jason Rowley Classic Section Chair, SCCSA

Wednesday 3rd October 2012 All Members are invited to attend our next General Meeting to be held on Wednesday, 3rd of October beginning at 8.00pm. Prior to the meeting there will be a chicken and vegetable meal available at a cost of $8.00 per person. Bookings are essential for the meal and can be made any time prior to 3.00pm on Friday 28th September. Contact the office to book your meal by phone 8373 4899, email sccsa@internode.on.net. Entertainment for the evening will be our very own Graham Boulter on the couch with his pharmacist son Matt, a very revealing night covering all aspects of drugs, medicinal and recreational. Come along and hear what promises to be a very interesting chat.

HQ Racing and the Sporting Car Club lost a great friend this month. Dave Hoggins passed away on the 16th of August after being diagnosed with cancer earlier this year. Although Dave never raced he was actively involved with HQ Racing and the Saloon Cars. Many of the drivers in the HQ field have been to Dave for his expertise in building race engines. On the second morning of the last round at Mallala a fitting tribute to Dave was a slow parade lap of the HQ’s side by side and forming up at the grid with the front row vacant to begin a minute’s silence. Dave will be sadly missed and our thoughts go out to Pauline and the Hoggins Family. STATE SERIES at Mallala Motorsport Park Round 3 Round 3 was another good field of 19 cars with Graham Mason the only sub 30 sec. time to score pole position. The first race of the day was very action packed up the front with Mason, Jenkins, Corey and Kevin Stoopman all jostling for the front position with Neil Corey coming out on top. Race two saw two of the young Guns Joel Heinrich and Scott Goding both get personal best times and get into the cherished 29’s. Mr Neil Corey stole the day in Race 4 and broke the HQ Lap Record with a blistering 1:28.026. Neil Corey finished the day by coming 1st, Graham Mason 2nd and Darren Jenkins 3rd. Joel Heinrich had an awesome day and finished the day in 4th position – look out.

October 2012 2

Homestead to Hillclimb



General Meeting



Section Meeting



Vintage Collingrove


13 -14

SA Hillclimb Championships


13 -14

Burra to Morgan Run



Section Meeting



Section Meeting



101 Years of Motoring

Torrens Parade Ground

November 2012 2

Section Meeting

Classic, Veteran/Vintage


General Meeting



Weekend Away



Round 4 SA State Champs



Day Run

Veteran, Vintage


RAA Trophy Day



Section Meeting



Sumptuous High Tea



The Section AGM was held on the 15 August and we received one new nomination in Rodney Gibb so he was officially welcomed to the group. After 23 years of continuous membership and service to the club Vince Ciccarello has resigned from the SCC but the good news is he will be staying on the committee as an invited guest as his input, knowledge and skills are far too valuable to lose. Due to sickness I was unable to attend the Club’s AGM so will give a very brief report on the Competition Section during the year (mainly Mallala). The committee as a group has worked very well, an open info night was held on 10th February and another is planned - date to be advised. A levy has been put on all club motor racing entries at Mallala for a special fund to be used for officials’ needs. Four portable shelters have already been purchased, 3 for pit lane and 1 for start finish officials. The Mallala events are still returning a good profit but we have noticed a slight drop in entry numbers possibly due to the current environment so a close watch is being kept on these events. A survey paper has been sent out to all circuit competitors asking for their input on the types of events we are conducting at Mallala and this should help with the planning for 2013 events. Many thanks to our major sponsors, SA Motorsport Board (Clipsal 500 Adelaide), Stillwell Hyundai, Jarrett Motor Company, the officials groups that work so tirelessly at the events and our wonderful catering crew for the magnificent meals and to Abbie Taylor for keeping the wheels ever turning in the events office. The last event for the year is a Twilight Race Meeting on Saturday 17th November and will host the SA Historic Touring Car Cup (Group N cars) also a round of the Australian Sports Racer Series (Radicals and Wests) where a field of 24 cars is expected. A display of American Classic Cars organised by our Motor Sport Chaplain Grant Zippel who is very successful with his organising of monthly ‘Cruise Nights ‘ for American vehicles (website: www.zipsautogallery.net) will be another feature at the event. Neville Pym

We, them and us. Recently, from several sources in the Club I have heard the view that the Collingrove group has been fostering a culture of – “them and us”. Speaking for myself, and also from my understanding of the other members of the Collingrove group this is a totally false perception. Certainly, the Collingrove group is hardworking in their passion for Collingrove and its well being, just as they are strong in their encouragement of all Club Members to share their passion and commitment to this Club owned property that is open to all Club Sections and their members. For myself, I enjoy being a member of a Car Club that caters for all car enthusiasts and their varied interests. I joined the Sporting Car Club of SA Inc., because of my interest in motor sport competition. During my Membership, though, I have been pleased to participate in Sunseeker, Meeting on the Move, Climb to the Eagle, and Australia Day runs, HRR Easter events, Vintage Hillclimbs and as a CAMS Steward and have enjoyed every one of them. So I claim to be very much part of the “we” faction. I have no time for any person who would tend to promote exclusivity or a “them and us” culture and thoroughly endorse President Ken's call for involvement and participation. So may I suggest to other Sections of the Club that Collingrove is a great place to visit and to use for your Sections activities. There is plenty of room to display your cars, the drive from Adelaide to the property provides plenty of alternative routes through beautiful scenery, and there is the bounty of food and wine of the Barossa or the Adelaide Hills to enjoy on the way there, or back. The Collingrove group would be pleased to have the property enjoyed by as many people as possible, all we ask is that the organisers of the activity leave Collingrove in as good a condition as they have found it – or better. Naturally, if your Section is to use Collingrove you should book your time with the Club to ensure that there are no clashes. We also welcome participation in working bees that are essential to maintain the property in good condition. We have jobs available to suit all people. A significant portion of the Club's revenue is earned through the Hillclimb Competition activities and the hiring out of Collingrove to other organisers. Your participation in these activities either as a competitor or as a worker would be most welcome For the Sporting Car Club of SA to be fully functional, enjoyable and successful we need the “we” not the “them and us” faction in power. The “we” faction is supported by the Collingrove group and we believe that we have the score on the board to show it. Daryl K Warman

HILLCLIMB NEWS by “Up hill” During recent weeks a great deal of activity has taken place and there is much excitement on the Hill at Collingrove. Firstly, we were most excited, pleased and grateful to hear of the wonderful gift from the Club's and Collingrove long time benefactor Ray Pank, of a further parcel of adjoining land to the existing Collingrove Hillclimb property, that will ensure the water supply and with a portion of land this will act as a buffer against the encroachment of development and for additional parking. A new boundary fence has been built in the paddock on the western side of the entrance road that delineates our newly gifted property. John Wien Smith, another long standing member and son of the Founding Chairman of the Sporting Car Club of SA Inc., Percy Wien Smith; has donated funds to enable the building of a Memorial Entrance for Collingrove, to commemorate his Father's service to the Club. It is expected that the Memorial entrance will be opened during the 60th Anniversary of competition of Hillclimb at Collingrove. As well, John has arranged for the building of a Gatekeeper's Lodge inside the boundary on the approach roach to the track, to provide necessary and much appreciated weather protection for our gatekeepers. We have had some great work done at Collingrove in recent times by hard working teams during working bees. Collingrove is working and looking much better due to the efforts of a large range of talented people. Fences have been built and painted, signage has been erected, grass mowed, ground covers planted, commentary timing read out installed, weeds poisoned, buildings and containers painted, camera poles erected, lines marked, grounds and track maintenance tasks completed, etc., etc. Thank you all the workers for your efforts, it is appreciated. During the past month a Contract has been let for the building of the deck

During the past month a Contract has been let for the building of the deck to give access to the former Clipsal Building and also to service and upgrade the Course PA system so that everyone will be able to hear at our upcoming Icon events. The Hillclimb Competition has been well supported and keenly contested. The Penrite Winter Cup has been run over four rounds and the winner will be announced at the Hillclimb Presentation Night to be held in the Reg Sparks Room at the Club Rooms on Friday, 30th November (put it in your Diary, it will be a memorable night – all welcome). The final round of the Reynella Mazda Collingrove Challenge Trophy was run on Sunday, 9th September, after the final “Come and Try” Day on Saturday, 8th September was run. The Come and Try days have proven particularly popular this year and provide an important introduction to our sport and an opportunity for the driver to test their car and driving skills against the challenge of the Collingrove Hill. Participants always have a great time and go home exhausted but looking forward to their next opportunity to have another go. One of the Club's show piece events was held on the 29th and 30th September with the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Competition at Collingrove. This was a weekend of displays, demonstrations, stories, competition, fun, reunion and reminiscences – certainly an event that will live long in the memory of those who attended. During October, we will wind up the Hillclimb Competition with two important events, the first being the Vintage Hillclimb on 7th October, when these grand old cars tackle the hill in their stylish way in a friendly, picnic atmosphere. This to be followed by the prestigious and hard fought Phoenix SA Hillclimb Championships to be held on the 13th and 14th October, not to be missed.

Come on out to the Collingrove Hill, it is yours and there is plenty of fun to be had, and things to see and do.

FLEURIEU NEWS The Fleurieu programme for the balance of 2012 is as follows October 21st. The Sunday midmorning run and BYO lunch at Rick and Christine's on Hindmarsh Island. A 10.00am start from the Goolwa Regatta Yacht Club. Barbecues provided but bring your food, drinks and glasses. Let Rick know numbers on 85552217 or islanders2@bigpond.com. November 16/18 This year's Weekend Away will be "The 3 Stooges Rally" to the Barossa. No, it's not the "Sunseeker" so come along and enjoy the surprises the Barossa has to offer on Friday November 16th to Sunday 18th. For registration details contact Brian Horewood 0488372816 or bhorewood@gmail.com Rick Medlyn & Christine Burgess P.O. Box 622, Goolwa, South Australia 5214 97 Batson Parade, Hindmarsh Island. (08)8555 2217 0414 271 246

Hub lunch When: Friday 28th Sept, 12.30 Where: Tiffins on the Park 176 Greenhill Road Parkside. Contact Sarah on 0409 197 404 for more information.

To the Magazine editor SCCSA DEAR SIR/MADAM Whilst I was collecting my mail the other day from Hunters Hill Post Office (Sydney), I noticed an unopened plastic envelope face up in the rubbish bin outside with your SCCSA August 2012 newsletter inside and suspected the addressee's wife or whoever had thrown it away so I grabbed it. This reminded me that many years ago (when I was a small Adelaide hills boy), my father Keltie was an active member of the Vintage and Veteran section of the SCCSA along with his mates Jimmie Gosse, Dick Rymill, Gavin Sandford-Morgan, Tom Barr-Smith, Bob Burnett-Reid et al (note many names have hyphens) and I was dragged around in the back seat to the various Barossa and Victor Harbor rallies in Dad’s 1911 Daimler or Lancia Lambda seemingly passing everybody on the road except the West End and Southwark "watering holes"! Also you all should be congratulated on putting the Unley Club Rooms and Collingrove together as part of the SCCSA's property portfolio and this would never happen in Sydney believe me!! Adelaide has always represented a "bloody nice place" with well organized people, some brilliant old architecture and of course the Parklands AGP (I mean Clipsal race track) where I raced in support races many times in the Grand Prix days which was an enormous experience. My son Tom has since raced at Clipsal over the last four years and also at Mallala so I enjoy going home even for a short time. Now you say why this note ... well home is always home - even after 40 or so years in Sydney and I recall every terrible moment of my Adelaide upbringing which had an enormous influence on my current involvement in historic car racing and your excellent magazine simply woke me up for a moment. Cheers ROBERT TWEEDIE (Sydney) PO Box 270 Hunters Hill NSW 2110 0408 162 762 ibcholdings@bigpond.com www.ibcholdings.com.au/cars (our small historic collection) Thank you for the kind words Robert. We have taken the liberty of showing a few of your lovely cars....2 of which also have an Adelaide connection. The Elfin needs no explanation. The Falcon Sprint was the first in Australia and imported from USA for Appendix J by Peter Smeets here in Adelaide. It was then constructed initially by John Bassett (the Globe Escort man), and debuted at a GP meeting in Adelaide. The Chevron F5000 is a recent addition to the collection. Check out Bob’s website !!!

Above is the Tweedie 1964 Ford Falcon Sprint (which was sold to the UK), below the Elfin MS7 and bottom the newly acquired Chevron Formula 5000.

BARRY’S QUESTION Barry’s Question The mechanic’s of which Formula One team hung an “Excuse” black-board on their workshop wall concerning one of the team’s drivers? Who was the driver? Answer: (1) Team Lotus (2) Nigel Mansell Extract from Library book Team Lotus – My view from the pit wall by Peter War “At this time Alan Henry, a senior and respected motor racing journalist, trying to finish another race report for his column, was provoked to say that Nigel “was the only race driver he knew who needed the cooling-down lap to think up the excuse for why he had not done well in the race”. In reply I had to tell him that back at the factory in the fabrication shop they had a blackboard hanging on the wall headed ‘The Nigel Mansell Excuse Board.’ If ever one was feeling a bit down, stressed or worried by the current situation, an instantaneous mood lifter was to be had by looking at the board. With that uncanny wit and humour so typical of people who work really hard, the ‘fabbies’ would produce some excruciatingly funny slant on the latest Mansell outpouring. This all came to a head after Monaco 1984 and the dreaded ‘white line’ incident. It will be recalled that, in the most appalling conditions imaginable, Nigel had it all going for him in that race. The car’s handling was superb and he was on the best wet-weather tyres. After the bad tyre year we had endured in 1983, we had signed for 1984 with Goodyear, who were now making radials. We were even one of their supported teams, and those clever people at Renault had adjusted the engines to make them ‘soft’ and responsive for the very delicate task of feeding the power to the back wheels on the tricky street circuit. The car handled beautifully and had masses of downforce. Nigel set off and was leading the race comfortably when he threw it all away by crashing, going up the hill to the Casino. While his excuse that he had been caught out by the extreme slipperiness of the white line on the road held up on first hearing, it was also an acknowledgement that he knew it was slippery before going onto it. It also tended to disregard the fact that all the other drivers had also to negotiate it once a lap. But most of all it simply never occurred to him that the race would have been as well won by leaving Prost at half a second a lap as by the two seconds a lap he was gaining, at such risk. As it was, the race was stopped shortly after he crashed and Prost declared the winner. At that time Goodyear had running on television an advertisement for their latest road tyre with a voice-over by Sir Robert Mark, the then Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. Sir Robert would say time after time as the advertisement was repeated: “Goodyear – tyres you can trust in conditions to road safety.” When a thoroughly dejected team returned to Ketteringham Hall after missing out on what would and should have been the completion of their return to health after the death of Colin, the Nigel Mansell Excuse Board had been wiped clean. On it was a single comment: ‘Nigel Mansell says “I firmly believe Sir Robert Mark is a liar”!’

FROM THE MANAGER’S DESK New Management Committee Members Following the election at the September Annual General Meeting the Club has 4 new Management Committee members who are: Peter Altman, Peter Whelan, John Ellis and Leyland George (re-elected for a second 2 year term). Should members wish to contact any of these new members, their contact details are now published in the front of this issue. The Club and administration staff looks forward to working with these new members over the next 2 years and wishes to take the opportunity to thank the outgoing members, Sean Whelan, Jason Rowley and Doug Lehmann for their untiring efforts within the Management Committee over the past 2 years. Colin Bourner Club Manager

DAD'S ARMY MEMBER UNDER THE KNIFE ! Club member, Graham Hawke, a valuable member of the Dad’s Army group underwent open heart surgery at Flinders Private on 30 August where a new heart valve was required. With only a week in hospital , Graham was discharged and is well on his way to recovery. After two previous by passes since the mid 1980s we wish Graham a speedy return to good health and look forward to his return at the Club. Alan Caire

TAILEM BEND MOTORSPORT PARK NEWS There will be an Open Day at Tailem Bend on 4th November from 12 noon. Bus provided to tour facility, food available. There will be different events happening throughout the facility. RSVP: 0488 220406

101 YEARS OF MOTORING SUNDAY 21st OCTOBER 2012 TORRENS PARADE GROUND ADELAIDE A truly enjoyable day for you, your family and friends. A great showcase for our Club.

Mascots Mascots of all shapes and sizes feature in many aspects of car collecting, car spotting or as memory joggers. Mascots in days gone by were real works of art and could be made in metal or glass and almost, in many cases, sculptures. Manufacturers took great pride in their mascots, some of which were created by famous names like Lalique. They were unique identification emblems, and how, in some cases subtle changes were made over the years makes for very interesting reading. Just two of the many books we have on Mascots are shown below.

AN ARTISAN IN STEEL Library Researcher, and well known Automotive Book author, Adelaide’s own Gavin Farmer, has written a most interesting and unique feature in the current issue of the authoritive Automobile Quarterly, on a model maker who constructs authentic model cars from small pieces of steel. The sort of detail that the talented James Corbett, based in Brisbane, achieves can be seen in the accompanying photo of his Bugatti Type 35 model. The article details Corbett’s venture into automotive art and sculpture which started in 1998 and how he became a favourite recycler. It is all in Volume 51 No3 of Automobile Quarterly which is not available for borrowing as they are a serious reference source, but you are very welcome to come into the Library and read about it. We have this, (just look at its Contents list below) and all issues yet published!

CAR MASCOTS – An Enthusiast’s Guide AUTOMOTIVE MASCOTS Borrow them and others for five weeks for free

Try and think of a car that is not in these? A research library such as the one at the Sporting Car Club of South Australia is only as good as its reference material. Amongst our 10 000 or so books, brochures and specification sheets, besides all our photo archives etc., two books stand out: The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of Automobiles A-L

The Beaulieu Encyclopedia of Automobiles M-Z

These books with nearly 2000 pages between them are one of our most referred to resources. Compiled by the brilliant Nick Georgano in the UK with a lot of help from some very knowledgeable people, they also contain a lot of industry biographies and thousands of photographs of cars from the common to the obscure.

Come in and inspect them – They are too valuable to lend out THIS IS YOUR RESOURCE

RELAX – Read - RESEARCH – Re-live - ENJOY





A small group of people gather around the Bluebird and the Elfin (Donald Campbell in the centre)

World Land Speed Record 1964 The library group had a successful lunch on August 1st, when we gathered in the club and talked about the Land Speed Record attempt by Sir Donald Campbell at Lake Eyre in 1964. There has been a flurry of ‘follow–up’ phone calls since then from a variety of members who’d missed the ‘long lunch’ and wished they’d come into the library on that day. Perhaps we need to have another one! In particular, Ian Patrick, from the Classic Section, brought in a number of colour photographs to the library which were taken out on the salt flats at that time. These are owned by his neighbour, Ken Smith, who had been there as a teenager, when he and his parents drove up there in 1964. These photos capture the atmosphere of the Land Speed Record runs at Lake Eyre all those years ago. I have been fortunate enough to be able to spend some time with Ken, while he talked about his experiences there for those few days in May. As you can see from the photo, it was just a small group out on the salt flats of Lake Eyre, gathering around this massive car with a backdrop of army tents. There seems to be no obvious restrictions on visitors, despite the significance of what Campbell was about to do, or the risk of any possible danger.

Ken helps the men push the Bluebird into shelter for the night

Campbell is standing with his back to the camera, reading a wind speed meter, while Andrew Mustard is waiting in the Elfin alongside the Bluebird. Ken is the young man standing on the left of the photo. Ken remarked on how it felt for them to be accepted quite easily into the group, as well as being allowed to see much of what was happening. He was even encouraged to help push the Bluebird into its tent at the end of the day! For each day of runs, there was another day of grooming and repair to the surface by a team dragging a steel railway track across the salty ruts. It was a pleasure to hear from someone who had been so involved in 1964, and who retains such clear memories of this historic and dramatic achievement. These photos have captured the magic of this amazing international occasion. David Wiffen August 2012

A team prepares the track for the next day



The Club is in the process of updating this area and will promote it as another venue to be hired out to members or private hirers. We have had a number of very positive comments about the Gosse bar lounge area and its potential to be used as a venue for smaller functions, ie 20 to 50 people.


The room had housed the billiard table but as it was no longer used we approached the donor of the table who was more than happy for the Club to sell it and put money towards the purchase of some new furniture to enhance the area and make it more attractive as a function venue to hire.


Members at the Club will notice that we have bought a new lounge and bar tables and once the merchandise area is cleared the dance floor can be polished. With a temporary drape over the two arch ways I am sure it will become more appealing to potential hirers, in particular to the younger members as it will create a more intimate and cosy atmosphere!

A truly enjoyable day for you, your family and friends.

Once the area is completed in the next few weeks please feel free to drop in and have a look for yourself and keep it in mind for your next special event! I would be more than happy to discuss possible functions with members or friends and acquaintances who are interested in hiring this area or any of the Club’s other function rooms. Alan Caire Facilities/Functions Manager.

A great showcase for our Club. 17

The Victoria Angkor Resort Secret ? On the 29 July my wife and I began an 18 day trip to Vietnam and Cambodia, despite both of us coming down with viral infections a few days prior to departure. Our trip started in the north of Vietnam and included Hanoi, Halong Bay, Hoi An, Nah Trang, Saigon (Ho Chi Ming City) with a final four night stay in Siem Reap, the tourist capital of Cambodia with Phnom Penh being the actual (CBD) capital. All the local food we tried was fresh, tasty and of excellent quality and together with beverages (apart from Aussie wines) you could not complain about the prices – very cheap! Both the Vietnamese and Cambodian people are warm and friendly with a good sense of humour and made our trip that much more enjoyable. Although not being a car enthusiast, I couldn’t believe what I saw on arrival at our hotel, the Victoria Angkor Resort in Siem Reap. Parked at the entrance and belonging to the Resort were three vintage Citroens, all in excellent condition, a green, B14 1927 model, a 1928 Bordeaux B14 Torpedo and a 1931 C6 white limousine. I believe the limousine was originally used by French Government officials back in the 1940s and the 1928 model originally belonged to a film company who drove it from France to Cambodia and was eventually purchased by the Resort. Believe it or not the maintenance on the vehicles is done by the Resort with most parts being original apart from the soft roofs and upholstery. As Cambodia and Vietnam became a protectorate of France way back in 1863 (until their independence in 1953) there is a definite French architectural influence throughout the cities and naturally the appearance and popularity of French motor vehicles in these countries. Together with our friends we hired the brown/ burgundy 1928 B14 Torpedo for an hour’s evening tour around the night spots of Siem Reap. During the excursion our driver removed the hood and as we sipped our South African Sav Blanc we acknowledged the curious onlookers who waved and stared at the four foreigners in this unique vehicle - we felt like royalty, admittedly for a very short time only! The discovery of the three vintage cars and our tour in the 1928 Torpedo was definitely a highlight of our trip and one to remember. Alan Caire

Many thanks to Hanno Stamm, General Manager of the Victoria Angkor Resort & Spa for providing some history on these vehicles. 18



BACK WORDS Cops at bottom of freeway. By Paul Murrell It may be only a coincidence (is it ever?) but since the announcement that the South Eastern Freeway, amongst others, will soon be measuring the average speed of cars along its length in order to fine drivers who get from Point A to Point B too quickly, Highway Patrol cars have been lurking near the old Toll Booth in pairs. Practicing their apprehension techniques, perhaps? And on the same topic, average speed detection means we can be pinged for an offence that most cars do not have the capacity to measure – timed travel between two locations. As some of you will be aware, I drive a different new vehicle every week (one of the perks of being a motoring writer) and the variation in the precision of cruise control has to be seen to be believed. Some expensive brands are remarkably good at holding a set speed, even over a long downhill run such as the South Eastern Freeway; others are woefully inadequate. Even the Lexus GS350 F Sport I am driving this week allows speed to creep up by 6 or so km/h, and when you manually select a lower gear to use engine braking, cruise control deactivates (and won’t reactivate unless you select full automatic mode, or D, and then the speed creeps upwards again). Other brands can be considerably worse – I’ve seen 120km/h on the speedo with cruise set at 100km/h (it may have gone even higher, but I wasn’t willing to wait and see). Needless to say, inefficient cruise control won’t be a defence if you get done for speeding. Looks like we’ll all be riding the brakes all the way down the hill, so what odds there will be more brake failures approaching the Cross Road traffic lights?

E-nunciate. With the increasing prevalence of people to lazily pronounce the consonant “T” as “D”, the English language is in danger of losing the letter “T” altogether. I particularly object to the National Pharmacies ad promoting “mouldy vidamins”. Wondering about the automotive relevance of this item? The aforementioned vitamins are being offered for “Ford -y percent off”. Cue group groan!

Aussie accent tough for Ford. It can readily recognise 19 different languages but one of the biggest challenges for Ford Motor Company’s SYNC voice technology is the nuances of the Australian accent. Mark Porter of Ford explains “It is sometimes claimed there are variations in accent and pronunciation among people of different states and territories. Most linguists consider there to be three main varieties of English: broad Australian English, general Australian English and cultivated Australian English.” SYNC is part of the increasingly sophisticated and intuitive technology that enables people to safely access entertainment, navigation and other communication services, increasingly through smart phones. SYNC has successfully rolled out across North America and is now being introduced to Asia Pacific and Africa, initially in the new Ford Focus. “Karen” is the female voice of the Australian English voice on SYNC. Presumably she has mastered the tortured vowels and nasal twang preferred by ute owners, but reports that the Eddie McGuire accent has proved beyond her abilities have not been confirmed.


BACK WORDS By Paul Murrell

Cars continue to get safer.

Infiniti update.

Small to medium vehicles have once again proven that cars are getting safer. In the latest ANCAP safety ratings, Holden’s new Volt, Renault Megane, Audi Q3 and Nissan Juke all scored the maximum 5 star safety rating and the Suzuki Splash scored four (insufficient points in crash tests and no electronic stability control, a mandatory fitting to achieve 5-star rating). The Volt is the second electric vehicle to be awarded a 5-star ANCAP rating, following the Nissan Leaf in 2011. ANCAP Chairman Lauchlan McIntosh explained “Battery-powered vehicles present a different challenge to manufacturers when incorporating crash protection into their designs. However, the crash protection provided by the Volt is on a par with traditionally-powered models.”

Further to the item in September WheelSpin, Infiniti GM Kevin Snell advises South Australian (and WA) early adopters that the company will bend over backwards to deliver the ownership experience, even though a local dealer won’t be in place until early 2013. “Whatever it takes, we will take care of customers,” he promises. Servicing will not be subcontracted to Nissan dealers and regional offices and workshop facilities will be established. “If you own an Infiniti in SA or WA,” he continues, “it will be serviced by qualified Infiniti technicians, wherever may be.” Good news for owners of the Infiniti Q45 (1993-98) too – they will be welcomed into the new Infiniti fraternity, although owners of the thousands of Infiniti grey imports may be persona a little less grata.

2012 French Car Day

Pininfarina proves desirable.

Sunday 21 October from 11am - Awards 3pm Civic Oval Tea Tree Gully Entry fee $5 per car Information & Entry Forms Contact: Dave McDonough Club Automobile Francais 8365 2730 David Gilbert Club Citroen 0419 818 620 Jonathon Hardy Peugeot Club 0408 843 125

Cars designed by the late Sergio Pininfarina proved popular at Shannons August 27 auction. A sweet red 1966 Alfa Romeo Duetto reached a useful $38,000 and a rare factory right-hand drive 1974 Fiat 130 Coupe, previously the subject of a 30month restoration, probably didn’t cover the restoration costs despite being bid to $32,500, well above its $18,000-$24,000 estimate. Some once unloved Japanese classics also did well: a 1966 Honda S600 coupe made $15,000 (should bring a smile to Rex Howard’s face!), a 1969 Datsun 2000 Sports in need of restoration was bid to $6500 and a lowly 1970 Toyota Corolla KE11 climbed to $5500.


86 reasons why MX-5 owners aren’t laughing.


Pity owners of near-new Mazda MX-5s. The new Toyota 86 must have really put a dent in their resale values. In fact, perhaps the only thing in their favour right now is the almost incredible (reportedly two years) waiting list for the Toyota gem. There’s a new MX-5 on the way (Mazda dealers report, hopefully rather than confidently I suspect, that they are taking orders now) but the exterior and interior upgrades will do little to deter 86 buyers. Methinks it will take more than a new front bumper design, larger front grille and instrument rings in glossy dark grey rather than the current silver. It’s still a cracker of a car, but looks seriously overpriced against the Toyota and its twin, the Subaru BRZ (except they were only offered online and all 200 sold out within three hours!)

A truly enjoyable day for you, your family and friends. A great showcase for our Club.




FOR SALE Delage chassis no 16T01. Type D.I series 3 Engine no 3540 circa 1924. Martin and King body, straight, tidy and close to original. Seen at numerous SCC events in the 1980’s. Much work done on engine, clutch and brakes. Close to running again! Needs new enthusiasm! $35,000 neg. Discuss with Peter Bradey on 08 8326 1915. 1980 Nissan Pop-Top Campervan with annex (new canvas), 3 way fridge, 2 burner stove, auxillary battery etc. Optional solar panel and 30 cuft fridge/freezer.Fully equipped. Phone Ross Brown 0419842220. 4 of Goodrich Classic Tyres 15x7.10 white wall tyres and tubes (hardly used) $100.00 each. 4 of Vintage Tyres 21x5.50 and tubes (hardly used) $75.00 each. These tyres are 15-20 years old but have had little use. Phone John Whittaker on 8388 7418 or sms mob 0438 848 874.

WANTED I was wondering if any members have a 1275cc. BMC engine, head and carbs. Contact number is 0488 003 884 thanks Andy.

FOR SALE Cast Iron Tank filler cover. Early Shell Motif c1950’s. $100. Phone Ian 8297 3053 or 0419 519 016.


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