August 2012 WheelSpin

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AUGUST.2012 Wednesday 1st August, 2012 - 8pm The next General Meeting will be on Wednesday 1st August starting at 8.00pm. Our Special Guest will be South Australia's own Rally Champion Barry Lowe...100 stories and quite a few National and State titles, talks about life and rallying with Graham Boulter. Don’t miss this one! Prior to the meeting a barbecue meal will be served from 6pm at a cost of $8.00 per person. Thank you to the HQ Team for cooking our barbecue at last month’s meeting, and to the Veteran Section for cooking this month’s meal. All Members are still encouraged to come on board to assist. Please contact the office

Barry Lowe at speed in his V8 Commodore

on 8373 4899 if you can help – all you need is 3 people! Bookings for the meal are essential and can be made any time prior to Friday 27th July at 12pm. Members please note that there will not be a meal prior to the AGM, however a supper will be provided following the meeting. August General Meeting - WINE SPECIALS - from O’LEARY WALKER WINERY/ CLARE VALLEY Cleanskins – 2009 Chardonnay and 2010 Shiraz. Only $3.00 per glass - while stocks last. Apologies to those Members who missed out on the Chalk Hill Luna Shiraz order – it was sold out sooner than expected! Alan

Contact Events Office Office Hours 8271 5689

hard work of the enthusiastic Committees and the participation of Section members. Well done all.

Greetings Members and Friends,

This is exciting!

At last, I am able to report that a significant purchase is being made of extra land adjoining the Club’s existing Collingrove property. The purchase is being made through the benevolence of an esteemed Club member who has funded the acquisition. After about three months of complex negotiation, an additional 38 acres of prime land to the west of our current facility has been contracted, and it will be owned by the Club. It includes a water bore, and thus will give us independence regarding that important resource. All Agreements have now been signed, with Australian Sports Foundation involvement, arranged for us by Club Manager Colin Bourner. Title changes are in progress. How has this happened? It is through a wonderful benefactor, Ray Pank, who previously had the foresight and commitment to enable the Club’s original purchase of the Hillclimb land in 1998. Here, he has made a further magnificent donation. On behalf of the Club, thank you Ray. Your gifts and your close involvement with the Club for so long, are valued highly by all of us. You are truly a champion! Now, this exciting further acquisition gives the Club a fantastic opportunity for future extended usage. At the minimum, it will allow us to have increased parking space. The extra land will more than double the Club’s holding, and there is sufficient land now, according to initial sketches in conjunction with architect member Andy Ford, for a quarter mile drag strip, a go-kart track, a circuit-sprint track and anything else we may dream up in the future. Of course, the historic Hillclimb track will continue to be popular. Thus developed, Collingrove has big potential. With good planning, ongoing participation by our Members and patrons, plus a good flow of funds, it can become an even greater Sporting Car Club major asset. It will serve us and the Community far into the future—a place for all to have motoring fun! But there is more! At the last Management Committee, an offer from our beloved John Wien-Smith to contribute a grand feature–wall entrance to the Collingrove Hillclimb property was gratefully accepted. It is to be erected ahead of our forthcoming 60th Anniversary event on 29th and 30th of September, and will be named in memory of Percy Wien-Smith, the Club’s founding father. Thank you John. It will be a fitting tribute to your father, and every time we pass through the new gates, we will also think of your years of service to the Club, including as the starter at ‘The Hill’ for many of them. I know that the hard-working Hillclimb Committee are always doing much to upgrade the Property. It is looking better all the time, so please make sure you have it in the diary to fully join in the fun - particularly for the big events there in September and October. Since last September, the Management Committee has been focussing on producing a Strategic Plan for the Club. There has been much work going on in identifying key issues and potential scenarios for the future. It has been a big task. Now, the first draft of the Plan has been written, and it is currently being further enhanced, initially with broader input via the Forum. There are some innovative elements specifically designed to significantly advance the Club. Once made available for open distribution, the intent is that all Members will then have input before its adoption. Why have a Plan? Why not just ‘steady as she goes’? There are always plenty of ongoing issues happening in a Club so large, unique and busy, and always opportunities either taken or missed. So a good Plan for the future can give us focus and positive progress—something to which we can aspire! A good aim, don’t you think! I am attending the AGM’s of Sections, happening now, all of which have had a busy and good 12 months—thanks to the

A luncheon at the Club recently of Life Members and Past Presidents was most enjoyable, and there was much wisdom discussed during the afternoon by this group - as you would expect! My mention in the last WheelSpin on the topic of driver development prompted good response from two Members. The subject had been broadly discussed by the Management Committee, and the view is that we should always consider good driver development options. We don’t have any programme re this currently - it is simply one of many work-in-progress matters for future consideration. The associated point on tow vehicle and trailer safety was raised to me by a prominent Member, and there is no specific action currently planned on the topic. Incidentally, nominations for Management Committee positions have closed, and I know there will be some new faces and talents. More on this later. Thanks to all participants who keep the Club healthy, progressive and fun! As usual, to everyone, please feel free to call me any time, on any point - as many of you do. Wishing you all safe motoring & racing. Cheers, Ken 0413775900

August 2012 1

General Meeting



World Land Speed Meeting



Wintercup 4



Section Meeting



Section AGM



Section Meeting



Section Meeting


18 -19

Round 3 SA State Champs



Member’s Swap Meet


September 2012 1

Drive your old Vehicle Day



Club AGM



Section Meeting



Come & Try 3



Multiclub 3 Hillclimb



Section Meeting



Section Meeting



Mid Morning Run



60th Anniversary Hillclimb



Classic Run to



Alex Bubner

Vintage, Classic, Competition, Hillclimb

Malcolm Miller


Andy Wortmeyer Classic, Hillclimb, Circuit, CAMS Jordan Clarke

Classic, Hillclimb, Circuit, CAMS

Kevin Ramsey

Competition, Hillclimb

Frank Morabito

Hillclimb, Circuit, CAMS

Leigh Harris

Hillclimb, Competition, Circuit, CAMS

Liz, Hugo & Sarah Fahlbusch General Nigel Russell

General, Classic, Fleurieu

VETERAN and VINTAGE SECTIONS The two sections have planned joint meetings and events for the foreseeable future. COMING MEETINGS 17 August Monthly meeting 21 September Monthly meeting 19 October Monthly meeting COMING EVENTS 19 August: Members only Swap Meet - To be held at the Club rooms. The emphasis will be on parts for pre-war vehicles. Space constraints will most likely preclude selling from trailers, so smaller items will be most suitable. No site or entrance fee. Enquiries Diane Pyle or Peter Templer 2 October: Motorfest event organised by SCC - A day run to Collingrove organised by the Veteran and Vintage Sections. Further details Diane Pyle. 7 October: Run to Vintage Collingrove 13 - 14 October: Burra to Morgan Run. Details on Club notice board 21 October: 101 years of Motoring. Entry forms available from Club website or Clubrooms. 18 November: RAA Trophy Day NATIONAL EVENTS September 12-19, 2012: National Veteran Tour, Ipswich, Qld. Submit your entry soon to guarantee a place. Refer: March 10-15, 2013: National 1 & 2 Cylinder Tour, Canberra, ACT. Enquiries September 15-20: National Veteran Tour, Shepparton, Victoria. May 2014: National 1 & 2 Cylinder Rally, South Australia

“101 Years of Motoring” A Picnic & Car Display Day Due to printing deadlines for the Event Catalogue


Avoid disappointment - get your entry in Now !

COMING MEETINGS Friday 10th August: Don't miss this date and please note it is the second Friday of August, because of a wedding party requiring our rooms on the Friday 3rd. The vehicle theme is going to wow you big time with SUPER CARS on stage. None other than the latest McLaren MP4-12C and Ferrari 458 will be on stage to make you feel envious and keep buying lottery tickets. We are extremely lucky to have these amazing cars to show you, so bring some friends and enjoy a SUPER night. Gosse Bar will open at 6pm for pre meeting cocktails, then meeting proper from 8pm. SUPER supper provided too!!! Friday 7th September: The Classic meeting for this month will be on this date, no vehicle theme decided on yet, but I promise you a great night. Keep the date in mind and watch this space. Friday 5th October: We traditionally have a race theme to fall in line with the annual Bathurst enduro. So on stage will be two or three Bathurst style classic race cars. If you enjoy the big race, you will enjoy our tribute, come along and bring some friends too. Gosse Bar always from 6pm, meeting from 8pm. COMING EVENTS Sunday 12th August: This date has changed to avoid clashing with Superloc Targa Adelaide. We are planning a run on this date, but as yet no details. Keep the date in mind, especially if the weather starts to improve around then! Sunday 30th September: The Classic Section will be planning a run to Collingrove Hillclimb to help the Club celebrate the 60th Anniversary or our great asset. It will be a BYO morning tea and picnic lunch affair, low cost and lots of fun watching cars competing up the hill. Details and costs in next WheelSpin. Please save the date. Sunday 21st October: Bigger than Ben Hur, the "101 Years of Motoring" involves every Member of the Club. We need your car displayed at the Torrens Parade Ground on this date as a fitting tribute to our Club's history and diversity. Cost is a mere $10 per car and your entries need to be at the Club no later than Friday 17th August, so the printer's deadline for the catalogue can be met. Make it a great picnic day and bring car, family and friends with you. Last report from your retiring Chairman Andy Morgan Thanks again for your wonderful support of the Classic Section and the SCC.

Fleurieu News Our next event will be an early morning run to breakfast on Sunday September 23rd. Organisers are John and Cintra Amos so be prepared for something different!! More details nearer the event but diarise the date now. MEMBERS – DON’T WAIT FOR YOUR WHEELSPIN TO ARRIVE!


CONDITIONAL REGISTRATION FOR HISTORIC AND PRESCRIBED LEFTHAND DRIVE VEHICLES. There have been several changes to this system: Firstly vehicles including left-hand drive vehicles manufactured prior to 1st January 1979 are now the only vehicles eligible to be included on to the system. Each year when you renew your Club membership 1st July to 14th August you are required to present the Club with a statutory declaration signed by a Justice of the Peace, stating that the vehicle has not been modified. This is required before your log book can be upgraded. All vehicles on the system must have an inspection every three years by the Club officer. The following is a list of items required for various procedures required for you to be compliant with the requirements of the scheme. 1. For an inspection to obtain a MR334 – You will require: 1. Engine number located and visible on the engine block. 2. Chassis number/VIN number or body number located and readable. 3. Copy of left hand drive exemption (for left hand drive vehicles) and a copy of this for the club too keep on file. 4. Current Club membership card. NB: If any of these items are not available your vehicle will not be inspected. 2.

To obtain a log book after registration for the first time: You will require – 1. Your registration papers 2. Official receipt that registration has been paid NB: A receipt number written by you on the registration paper is not acceptable. A printed receipt from DPTI or Post Office is required 3. Current club membership card 4. $5.00 (cash) to pay for log book.

3. To update your registration papers and log book after renewal of your registration – You will require: 1. Your log book (even if a new one is required) 2. Your registration papers. 3. An official receipt that the registration has been paid. NB: A receipt number written by you on the registration paper is not acceptable. A printed receipt from DPTI or Post office is required. 4. If your log book is three (3) years old, a new log book will be required and you will need $5.00 (cash) for a new one. (Do not forget to bring your old log book). 4. When paying your Club fees between 1st July and 14th August each year your log book has to be upgraded - You will require: 1. Your log book 2. Your registration papers 3. A duly executed Statutory Declaration (obtainable from Club website or office). A copy of this will be required for the Club to keep on file, 4. Money to pay your Club fees or a new Club membership card. 5. Each three (3) years your vehicle will need to be represented for an inspection by the Club officer. NB: The first inspection will be required prior to 2015. If you do not renew your Club membership by the 14th August each year the Club is required to notify the DPTI and your conditional registration will be cancelled by them.

Our Club has 3 members who are authorised to inspect vehicles for Conditional registration. Colin Bourner: Phone 8337 3190 Mobile 0417 801 381 Ray Mossop: Phone 8258 929 Mobile 0412 986 579 Michael Bowen: Phone 8274 1895 Mobile 0417 741 893 Inspections can be arranged at the Clubrooms, 51 King William Road, Unley on Wednesdays. You should, however, contact Colin Bourner to confirm a suitable time. Street rods are now eligible to be put on to the system. However the SCCSA is not authorised to issue the required paperwork for these vehicles. Should you have an applicable vehicle you will need to contact a Street Rod club Ray Mossop

FEDERATION OF HISTORIC MOTORING CLUBS SA INC.’S FEDERATION TOUR The Federation is organising a tour to the ACT for the ACT Centenary 18th and 19th October 2013. The plan is for approximately a ten day tour there and return. Exact dates and more information will be available in due course. Letters have been sent to all previous entrants of “Meet the Clubs” tours.

“101 Years of Motoring” A Picnic & Car Display Day Open to All Club Members/ All Sections Where: Torrens Parade Ground, Adelaide When: Sunday 21st October 2012 Entry Fee: $10.00 per vehicle Entry Forms available from the Club Office or Club Website We are pleased to announce that our Club Patron His Excellency the Governor will be attending this special club event. Due to printing deadlines for the Event Catalogue


Avoid disappointment - get your entry in Now ! NOTE : Drivers Wanted.. Some Members have multiple entries and may need help driving their cars to the event. If you can you help please register your availability. Further details Phone Bob Underwood 0419 036402


Young Gun Garrick just loves HQs

Brendan Garrick and his son Reece were keen on getting into a cheap form of motorsport. After looking at various options they settled on HQ Racing. Brendan says “Meeting some of the senior guys that run the Club, convinced us that they were the group to join. Reece has become really good mates with Joel, Scott and Klyde and we haven’t looked back. Graham Boulter, Greg Goding and Bruce Heinrich have all been a great help to us”. The Garricks bought their car a couple of years ago with Brendan doing a few meetings before handing it over to son Reece in 2012. The 20 year old apprentice plumber, loves the camaraderie of HQs, and has grown in confidence since joining the Club. While being employed by the Peer Training Group he is currently working with Sublime Plumbing in Blackwood who also help with some sponsorship. Having the new generation of HQ Racers coming through is an exciting prospect; we may yet see a HQ racer develop into a top ranking driver in “The Main Game”.

Reece Garrick

S.A. Drivers at the 2012 HQ Nationals. Nine drivers from South Australia travelled to Victoria last month for the ICE BREAK - Real Ice Coffee HQ Nationals. Given that the meeting was at Sandown Park Raceway, the home track advantage was clearly with the home state. Well it usually is. The HQRA Vic did a fantastic job of organising the event and apart from the few minor glitches everything went like clockwork. Plenty of giveaways including lovely Iced Coffee, a free feed and an entertaining auction. Some lucky competitors even scored a Trik Trailers beanie. For Melbourne even the weather wasn’t too bad. For the SA boys, only Corey, Heinrich and Porteous were ever a threat, the rest struggled to make an impression over the two days and Boulter who had chosen to stick with the Kumho tyres was the slowest. Use the Kendas son, the Kendas! Darren Jenkins was the best of the rest. The seventeen lap final was a disaster, with 5 laps behind the safety car after Boulter was pushed off at the fastest section of the track and a further accident saw the race shortened to fourteen laps. The podium was filled with Victorians Yuk!

HQs in action at Sandown Congratulations to John Wood, Rod Raatjes and Andy Williams. Well done boys. If there was anything to be salvaged reputation wise, it was the fact that with Bruce Heinrich’s help (loan of his spare engine) Victorian John Wise recorded the fastest lap time for the weekend, in the final. Gav Porteous got the Masters trophy for over 55s just pipping Corey who had passed him prior to the red flag and subsequent count back.


HILLCLIMB COMPETITION IS HOT AND STRONG AT COLLINGROVE THIS SEASON Competition is hot and strong at Collingrove this season with a second or less covering the top ten competitors. With large and high quality fields there is plenty of drama and excitement. Sunday, June 24 saw the running of the Reynella Mazda Collingrove Challenge Trophy Round 2 for Multi Club competition. With 73 entries, keen competition was assured as each driver strove to improve their times seeking to build their performance for the overall Trophy award. A great variety of makes were entered in the Road Registered over 2001cc Class that included a Renault Megane RS250 Cup Trophee, Chev Corvette, a Ford Falcon XA GT and a SAAB 900 Turbo as well as a number of the regular competitors – what a variety! The Road Registered 4WD Class that has thrown up the better performances this year had a different look this time - more Subaru's than Evo's, as well as a good representation of Skylines and the hard working Audi A4 Quattro. There was plenty to interest in all of the other classes as well. Competition was keen and the fastest ten times were set by: 1. Derek Foster 2. Doug Lehmann 3. Andrew Ford 4. David Coombe 5. Tim Laws 6. Peter Altman

Suzuki Special Mitsubishi Evo 9 Reynard 893 Nissan Skyline GTR Westfield Clubman Nissan Skyline GTR

32.05 secs 33.11 secs 33.33 secs 33.67 secs 34.07 secs 34.07 secs

7. David Keen 8. Christopher Weddle 9. Damien Hirst 10.Haydn Clark

Mitsubishi Evo 10 Lotus Exige Subaru Sti V5 Datsun 1600

34.85 secs 35.03 secs 35.07 secs 35.20 secs

What great results from a wonderfully varied range of cars? Competition is Hot at Collingrove! As this article is being written we look forward to the running of the Fitch the Rubberman Come and Try Day on Saturday, 14th July and the Penrite Winter Cup 3 on Sunday, 15th July and then the Penrite Winter Cup series winds up on Sunday, 5th August with the conducting of Round 4. The Winter Cup series is the primary Hillclimb series competition for Sporting Car Club Members conducted at Collingrove and is coveted highly by those competing. The winner is determined by the application of a formula designed to give all drivers competing an equal opportunity regardless of the capabilities of the car they are driving. Fitch the Rubberman Come and Try days are open to any person who has not previously competed at Collingrove Hillclimb; Come and Try Days provide an excellent means of testing your driving skills – or developing them further under safe and controlled conditions, why not talk to your children or grandchildren about entering - our next is to be held on Saturday, September 8th, please enter early! Talk to Abbie in the Events Office about the details. We are pleased to announce that after a deluge a few days before our last competition meeting, the newly engineered drainage system of the stream that runs from “The Dipper” worked so well that the surface of the paddock was not at all slippery and cars negotiated their way through the paddock throughout the whole day without difficulties. Very satisfying. One of our older and most esteemed Members gave great thanks, as bogging in the paddock had been an on-going and continuous problem and

HILLCLIMB NEWS Continued created difficulties over the past sixty years at Collingrove. On some occasions being the reason to cancel planned activities. A series of excellent and productive working bee's have been held during this season and as we work up to our feature events during September and October we will need to continue with these and we ask for support from across the whole membership of the Club. Our Works Manager Martin Stow has jobs for everyone so contact him via the Events Office to make your offers of assistance. The Club will provide you with lunch, and we can assure you that you will have a lot of fun and come away with a lot of satisfaction. Recent work has included general grounds maintenance, work in the Timing Hut and equipment, recommissioning the Commentary Box equipment, tidying the storage area and a lot of work on the former Clipsal building to prepare it for use, as well as some planting of native ground cover plants and, weather shelters for competition Officials, etc. As we want to present our property in its best light for the 60th Anniversary Celebrations, Vintage Hillclimb, and the SA Hillclimb Championships we need your assistance to help us maintain the effort. Martin Stow has plans well in hand for the Celebrations of the 60th year of competition at Collingrove that is to be held on the 29th and 30th of September. This will be a grand exhibition of all things to do with Hillclimb, it will include both static and active exhibitions of Hillclimb cars of the past, competitors both past and present will be there to tell their stories, as will be displays of photographs, artefacts and equipment etc., used in the past conduct of the Hillclimb competition. Please get in early to book your accommodation, so that you may enjoy the event and the Barossa in a leisurely and comfortable way. Commemorative

shirts, port wine, and caps are available on order through the Club to mark this great event. The Vintage Hillclimb will be held on Sunday, 7th October and the Phoenix PM SA Hillclimb Championship's will complete the 2012 Hillclimb Competition Programme on the 13th and 14th October, so please put these dates in your Diary so that you will be able to join us at Collingrove for these great events. Our Hillclimb Trophy Presentation night will be held in the Reg Sparks Room at the Clubrooms on Friday, 23rd November, a social event not to be missed! There will be displays, a special guest “on the couch� and of course the hard won trophies for the Penrith Winter Cup, Reynella Mazda Collingrove Challenge Trophy and the Collingrove Cup to a deserving Official will be presented. All are invited to attend and will be welcomed. We will conclude with a light supper.

HISTORIC RACING REGISTER Hi everyone During the time of writing and publication we’ve had our AGM. I’m sure after a tough battle with other activist factions of the HRR, I will have prevailed for a third (and final) term as Chair. I realised that last year I never published the winners or our awards due to losing the piece of paper with them on so here is two groups for 2011 and 2012. Congratulations to all and sorry about the delay West End Trophy

2011 John Payne

2012 John Payne

John Payne

John Payne

Tim Kuchel

Graham Jarrett

Rory O’Neil

Mark Blyfield

(Group J & K Collingrove)

Coopers Trophy (all Historic events)

John Blanden Trophy (Groups L,M,O,P,Q,R.S)

Norm Beechey Trophy (Group N)

Birdwood Mill Trophy Keith Williamson

Jim Doig

(All SA events)

Service to the HRR

David Armstrong

Margaret Hall

For his work as Eligibility officer

Chairman’s Award

Ann Ozgo and Joan Shearer

Not awarded in favour of drinks at the bar

I also want to mention This is a site being used extensively for Interstate Historic race meetings. It was created by a fellow competitor who was also tired of filling out the same details every time he entered an event. Once you are registered, it takes only minutes to enter a meeting that supports it. We are going to have a crack at it for Round 4 of the State Champs this year and I would urge anyone with a computer to get with it. I entered the recent HSRCA meeting at Eastern Creek in 2 minutes while waiting for some traffic lights. 133 of the 272 entrants did the same. This is a great tool and we need to be on it. Cheers, Troy

DRIVING ATTITUDES My wife and I recently drove 2,900 Km from Naples to Rome around the foot of Italy. The roads were narrow, winding, hilly and full of thousands of horn blowing Italians trying to fit their small cars into even smaller spaces. There didn’t seem to be any rules that everybody followed. The speed limit was what was reasonably achievable at the time. During the two and a half weeks we saw NO road rage. The horn blowing meant either, “I am here, have you seen me” or “thanks for letting me in”. The drivers would go out of their way to be co-operative and would even stop to let pedestrians cross the road with no marked crossing in sight. It was an absolute pleasure to drive there. I would rather drive 2,900Km in Italy than 5Km in Adelaide with our selfish rude attitude to everything and everybody on the roads. As a member of the Sporting Car Club I plead with you to consider the other driver a bit more. Don’t get upset just hope he sees your nice driving attitude and will copy you. There are enough of us in the RAA to make a difference. Let’s give it a go. Ross Brown

COMPETITION NEWS The Section AGM (if required) will be held on Wednesday 15th August at 7pm in the Percy Wien-Smith Room. Nomination forms are available from the Administration Office and be aware that nominations close at 4pm on Friday 3rd August. The HQ Enduro scheduled for 7th July at Mallala only attracted a total of 27 entries and unfortunately the event was cancelled. At the eleventh hour the Competition Section Committee decided to replace that event with a “Test, Try and Training Day” open to all CAMS licence holders, in an effort to recoup the cost of track hire ($5,000) as we were unable to resell the day to another club. Perhaps this may well be another type of event to hold in the future. I would like to pay tribute to my fellow colleagues in the emergency teams working at race meetings at Mallala. The high degree of proficiency displayed by all trackside groups, Doctor, Women for Wheels (Fire and Rescue), Circuit Ambulance Crew, Chase Car, Course Car at the tragic accident at Round 2 of the State Championships also to the Clerk of the Course and Race Control people for their very professional handling of the very sad situation.

WANTED Ticket sellers Mallala Club Race Meetings There has been a fair bit of criticism around the Club re: the Competition Committee withdrawing the services of the guard/gate keepers for the State Championship events at Mallala. Very simply there was a cost blow out. Over a period of five to six years, with or without advertising the events, the spectators through the gate have averaged 110. The previous security/gate keeper’s rates were around $20 per hour while the new group’s rate was double plus a travelling fee. Other costs associated were printing of tickets for each event also 25% of the gate takings to Mallala Motorsport Park. With these costs at every event the gate area made a loss so that is why we withdrew the gate ticket sellers. Now here is an opportunity for one of the Sections to earn money from handling the gate ticket sales. We envisage the hours for a two day meeting would be from approximately 10am to 3pm each day, where as a one day Twilight Meeting from 10am to 5pm. - Two to three people required, lunch and water supplied (same wonderful food as officials) also the use of the credentials office and radio linking you to Race Control and the Secretary’s Office. We would very much like to see money from the gate kept within the Club - that is why this offer is being made. We hold four State Championships, one HQ Enduro and if this venture is successful perhaps the Historic Easter Meeting. Just think if we were to put a figure of say $220 per day this equates to 9 @ $220 ie: nearly $2,000 per year that would go into your sections earnings without having to organise a function to raise the money. If you or your section is interested please contact Abbie Taylor in the Events Office but remember we must have a firm commitment for the year. This offer is open to all sections of the Club including Dads Army or a group of members that would like to raise funds for a special Club project. We had approached the Library but they declined, maybe they may rethink the deal.

“101 Years of Motoring” A Picnic & Car Display Day Open to All Club Members/ All Sections Where: Torrens Parade Ground, Adelaide When: Sunday 21st October 2012 Entry Fee: $10.00 per vehicle Entry Forms available from the Club Office or Club Website We are pleased to announce that our Club Patron His Excellency the Governor will be attending this special club event. Due to printing deadlines for the Event Catalogue


Avoid disappointment - get your entry in Now ! NOTE : Drivers Wanted.. Some Members have multiple entries and may need help driving their cars to the event. If you can you help please register your availability. Further details Phone Bob Underwood 0419 036402

Neville Pym Chair, Competition Section Committee

This book is full of information for anyone interested in Outback Travel, Pioneers, Transport, Bush Inventions and the art of Improvisation. The author Kurt Johannsen, born in and bred in ‘The Red Centre,’ was considered by many to be a genius, amongst his other skills of Miner, Inventor, Aviator, Builder and Mechanic. This is a book of his memoirs telling of his many adventures, mishaps and achievements in the early days of taming the Territory has proved popular since being put out on display. Read about this jack-of-all-trades by borrowing his book for five weeks for free.


World Land Speed Attempts in South Australia The Library Group is organising a special gathering on Wednesday the 1st August in the Library at 11.30am. This is to bring together all those interested in the various World land speed record attempts that took place here in South Australia and around the world, and in particular, the involvement of members of the Sporting Car Club.

Hybrids win at Le Mans – What does it mean for us? That is a question we can’t answer just yet, however it is a big consideration for those of us working on the Strategic Plan for the Club. Creating files and history of information that may not be available on the net for the next generations is an ambition, or should it be? At present Hybrid vehicles are not proving very popular, but with technology advancing so quickly they can’t be ignored. Audi, and Toyota are leaders in the field at the moment, but with different and quite effective approaches. The Audi Hybrid Four–Wheel Drive victory at the 24 hours of Le Mans this year, the world’s most famous motor race, follows years of victories with their diesels. The term ‘Hybrid’ isn’t a technical one; it simply means that a car is driven by a combination of power plants. The Toyota uses a petrol-electric hybrid, and the Audi is a diesel-electric combination.

People are being encouraged to bring in any memorabilia, articles, photos and models. It will be very informal, and the Library will have a display of the Club’s books on the topic. There will be a light lunch of sandwiches and coffee for those who want to stay afterwards. Contact David Wiffen for more information – or 8272 3043.

Both manufactures are using the energy storing techniques. A hybrid racer turns braking energy into kinetic energy, which mostly drives a generator unit which converts the braking resistance into electrical energy that can be stored for later use and be made available through the wheels for extra power. Now that success has been achieved with both systems, we feel that the technology cannot be ignored. Future generations may well wonder where and when it all began. There is a comprehensive article on this technology and the various approaches in MotorSport magazine available in the Library.

Watch this on ‘You tube’ With all the discussion about older drivers, this inspiring video, brought to our attention by valued Library Volunteer Margaret Harrison, of a 101 year old lady still driving and looking after her 1930 Straight-Eight Packard, is a sight to see on (scroll to “Two Classics, One car Mp4”. Her words of encouragement for us all are worth hearing.

Don’t Ignore China’s Vehicle Commitment From time to time we read about, hear about, China rapidly becoming the goto market for many of the world’s vehicle manufacturers as well as the fact they are now producing more vehicles annually than anyone else in history. In 2009 China produced 13.79 million vehicles including 8 million cars and 3.41 million commercial vehicles. Of the cars produced 44% were local brands (including BYD, Chery, Geely, Lifan, Chana, Hafei, JAC, Great Wall and Roewe.) Joint Ventures from Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, GM, Hyundai, Nissan, Honda, Toyota etc complete the picture. However when we were alerted recently to the opening of the world’s longest bridge that only took four years to build, it was obvious that we should be sitting up and taking notice of what they are achieving in the automotive world. Have a look at these pictures of Jiaozhou Bay Bridge:

From the Magazine Table

Automobile This is a popular magazine which has a wide appeal is published by a Club with many similarities to ours. Back issues going back years are available for your perusal.

This bridge connects the northern port city of Qingdao with an island and the industrial suburb of Huangdao and is 42.5 kms long and takes at least 30 minutes to cross it. Currently we haven’t much in the Library on the Chinese Auto Industry or their cars, but we are watching with interest. We are also looking at the growth of their Car Clubs.


Notice of election for 4 positions on the Management Committee to held in conjunction with the September 5th AGM We have received 5 nominations for member positions on the Club's Management Committee. There being only 4 vacancies, we will therefore be conducting a ballot at the AGM. The 5 nominees are: Peter Altman Graham Aldous Peter Whelan Leyland George (current ManCom member renominating) John Ellis A brief resume of each candidate foll Peter Altman I have been involved in the motor industry for almost 40 years. Owned Southgate Holden since 1988, Reynella Mazda since 2008, Victor Harbor Holden since 2009. Represented Holden Dealers on Australian Holden Dealer Council and Holden Retail Advertising committee's for 12 years. Currently a member of the Holden Product Group. An active member of the Sporting Car Club, participating at Collingrove and Mallala track days. Reynella Mazda is a Sponsor of the Hillclimb. From a Sporting Car Club point of view I think I can add to the personell in an experienced and balanced manner, and hopefully add to the overall growth and development of the club in SA. I hope that covers it Peter Altman Graham Aldous In support of my nomination, a brief summary of my past 40 years! Most recently CEO and Managing Director SA access equipment from 1994 -2008. As the SA & NT dealer for the Snorkel U.S. made aerial work platforms, we were responsible for Sales Service and Hire. I grew the hire fleet to 500 units valued at $18 million, the largest in SA and in the top 6 in Australia. Major projects undertaken, for the supply of equipment, included the new Adelaide Airport in '03-04 and the new Alice Springs to Darwin railway line in 01-02 .These were both significant projects. Our staff numbered approx 38, comprising Sales, Admin, Workshop service, and Transport. Prior to this I held the position of CEO and Managing Director of SA Lift Truck Distributors for 15 years up until 1994. We were the SA dealers for the CROWN forklift range, by far the market leader in Australia by a wide margin. The operation comprised Admin, Sales, Workshop and Field service vans with responsibly for both SA &Northern Territory. I also held the positions of State Manager QLD Skil Sher power tools. 1969-1973. National Sales and Marketing manager Sherline power tools Victoria1974 - and State manager South Australia Crown Forklifts until 1979. The experience gained over 40 years in 4 states of Australia may be of assistance to the Management Committee. Sincerely Graham Aldous. Peter Whelan I have been a member of the Sporting Car Club since about 1977. I was a founding member of the Historic Racing Register and served on that committee for close on 10 years including a term as Chairman. I played a major part in the HRR being able to hold its annual race meeting at Easter. Originally we shared this meeting with the Austin 7 Club and it was not necessarily held at Easter. I also had major involvement in organising the Victor Harbor sprints and the sesquicentenary event at Victor

Harbor in 1986 which included extensive negotiations with the local Council. During that time I was also a member of the CAMS Historic Car Committee for about five years. I have been actively involved in motor sport since becoming a flag marshal at the first ever Mallala meeting in 1960. I continued this until I commenced racing at Mallala at Easter 1966. I am still competing today and compete at most of the major historic race meetings in Australia each year. I have owned a variety of race cars over the years and currently race a 1977 Chevron B42 (the winner of the 1977 Macau GP driven by Riccardo Patrese). I am a chartered accountant and a partner in the firm PKF. My professional work is in audit and corporate advisory. Over the years I have been a member of and chaired various professional organisation committees. I have served as managing partner and chairman of PKF South Australia. Regards, Peter Whelan Leyland George I have enjoyed continuous membership of The Sporting Car Club since joining in 1972. I held the position of President from 1999 to 2001 and occupied committee positions prior to this period. I have also acted as Secretary. I have been a CAMS Steward for 36 years and an active member of the Stewards Advisory panel. I am also a Past Chairman of the panel, occupying this position for over 10 years. In 2000 I was appointed as a CAMS Tribune to preside over CAMS Appeals and Disputes. In the past I have been involved in many of the Club’s major activities, as well as national events. With the qualification of ‘Gold’ Steward, I have officiated at major events throughout Australia. I officiated at all Grand Prix events in Adelaide as a Steward and have been active as a Senior Official at all Clipsal 500 events. In recent years I have acted as Assistant Clerk of Course. In 1995 I was recognised as CAMS Official of the Year and in 2005 was awarded the prestigious CAMS Service Award. I am a Past President of the Alfa Romeo Owners Club, occupying the position for four years and also a current member of the MG Car Club of SA in the position of Vice President. I have a passion for the judicial process in Motor Sport, ensuring in fairness for all concerned, and a great interest in Car Clubs and their place in the motoring world. In 1996 I retired from a technical position with the State Government. At present I am semi-retired, occupying a position with a company two days per week. I have been married to Gloria for 48 years; have two children and four grandchildren - and have enjoyed my 71 years. Leyland George John Ellis I have been a member of the Club since my teens, initially through my fascination with veteran cars, encouraged by Colin Wagener and Eric Rainsford. This has resulted in me collecting sporting cars that range from 1911 to recent, and they occupy a significant part of my life. I have a degree in Mechanical Engineering, which led to employment at GM Holden and Chrysler Australia. At Chrysler, I was the Suspension Design Engineer, which led to being engaged as Competitions Manager, in charge of the company motor racing team. As part of that task, I developed the Track Pack Pacers and the Six Pack Chargers. I went to France to develop the six-cylinder Centura, before leaving Chrysler to be the project manager for the Monarto New Town Studies. I had produced about 20 Council Development Plans before joining the Premier’s Planning Review. That led to me being the instructing officer in the adoption of our current planning legislation by Parliament. Following a few years of private Development Planning, I have retired and now spend much time in restoring a few cars that I have picked up in small pieces over the years. It also means that I have more time for Collingrove, Mallala and Veteran, Vintage and Classic events. I believe that I have the knowledge and skills to assist the Management Committee in its vital role in the Club. John Ellis

Mazda Ends Over 40 Years of Rotary Engine Production

The 1967 Mazda Cosmo Sport - the first Mazda to be fitted with the Rotary engine More than 40 years of offbeat automotive history has come to an end, not totally unexpectedly. Mazda's long production of its Wankel-cycle engine concluded last Friday when the company's final RX-8 sport coupe, its last vehicle using the rotary engine, rolled off the assembly line in Hiroshima last Friday, Automotive News reported. The rotary's feathery internal spinning weight and insane RPM put Mazda solidly on the radar when the engine debuted in the 1967 Cosmo Sport. Since then, it had become increasingly less relevant, mainly due to its thirstiness. Mazda remains alone among Japanese

automakers for its lack of profitability. The rotary's brightest moment came in 1991, when Mazdaspeed, the company's racing arm, took on the 24 Hours of Le Mans with a four-rotor Wankel in a Group C coupe. With 700 shrieking horsepower, it became the first, and still the only, Japanese car to win at the Sarthe. Just that quickly, the FIA banned rotary engines from global sports car competition. Denis Basson





ENGAGEMENT PARTY SWINGS! On Saturday 16 June Sonya Caston and Duncan McLennan celebrated their engagement with 150 guests in the Reg Sparks room. It was amazing how the room with a little imagination and re-arranging of furniture was transformed into a warm and inviting environment for entertaining that number of people. On the Friday before I needed to stock up on refreshments for the event, so after loading up my little Holden Cruze with 20 plus cartons was as you can imagine, a little cautious when driving back to the Club. That took care of the beer and a couple of cartons of cider! The additional reds, whites and bubbly that was needed was supplied by the hirers with the appropriate corkage fee applicable. On speaking to Duncan the following Wednesday when he

returned the hirer’s key and finalised the account, he gave a glowing approval of the night’s success and once again we received positive feedback on the venue. Thanks to Stan and also Peter Brunnthaler who was called upon at late notice to help with bar duties, I think the guys were kept very busy the entire night. Thanks must also go to Club member Robert Smith for recommending the Clubrooms to Sonya and Duncan and the event resulted in being a good revenue earner for the Club. Alan Caire Facilities/Functions

That’s Nanna Doris, Duncan and Sonya at left, and SCCSA Club member Rob Smith above at right with Sonya and Rob Edwards.


EMILY’S BOHEMIAN REVOLUTION 21ST. On Saturday 9th June, Gill and Trevor Cousins hosted a themed party for their daughter Emily. About a hundred invited guests all participated in the dress up affair, which ranged from the Moulin Rouge/ Roaring 20’s era to the way out decadent apparel of more recent times. Dressing to the theme of “Freedom, Beauty, Truth and Love” some of the ladies looked splendid and absolutely gorgeous in their costumes. By all reports the celebration was a huge success and there were many positive comments on the selection of venue. The room


The room was predominately decorated in a black and red theme with a selection of beautiful canvas paintings of Emily’s life to date. Another great social function held at the SCCSA Clubrooms. Alan Caire Facilities/Functions



Back words. By Paul Murrell

A Lexus for Collingrove? We’ve had some impressive machinery roaring up Collingrove lately (and more to come with the 60th Anniversary event), but what about this Lexus? The IS F CCS-R has lightweight carbon fibre bodywork, polycarbonate windows and interior modifications to reduce weight by 314kg, reinforced monocoque with roll cage, racing brake package, modified race suspension and racing exhaust system. Power comes from a 5.0-litre V8 developing 311kW at 6600rpm and 505Nm of torque. It will race at the legendary Pikes Peak International Hill Climb in July. When asked about the chances of one becoming available on the press fleet, Lexus Australia spokesman Tyson Bowen suggested hell would freeze over first!

Opel mining. Opel has announced a dealer network across Australia with 17 dealers signing up. South Australia only gets one, the unimaginatively named Adelaide Opel on the corner of Hindley Street and West Terrace. We wish them luck and trust they are more successful than some of their predecessors on the same site.

Cruze woes. Following a General Motors recall of certain Chevrolet Cruze models in North America, Holden has announced it will initiate a precautionary vehicle safety recall on locally-built model year 12 and 13 Cruze models fitted with a 1.4-litre engine. Apparently, the lower air deflector (belly pan) can catch oil that might drip from the engine if an oil change is not done properly. Should oil come into contact with the exhaust system or catalytic converter, a fire could occur. Holden Director of Warranty, Customer Satisfaction and Quality, Craig Porritt reports that there have been no reported cases of engine compartment fires in Australia or New Zealand and the recall was a “precautionary measure”. The recall affects approximately 9547 vehicles in Australia and modifications will take around 40 minutes to complete. If you have any questions, contact your Holden dealer or Holden Recall and Rework Assistance Centre on 1800 632 826.

The creeper comeback. One of the so-called road safety campaigns that really annoys me is the “Creeper” campaign. In my experience, most offences of creeping over the speed limit are a result of inattention rather than intent, and I question whether creeping is a major cause of crashes or injuries (admittedly without any factual support for my belief). As we all know, inattention is undoubtedly one of the major causes of near-misses, crashes, injuries and fatalities on our roads. But catching motorists travelling a few kilometres per hour over the speed limit is a lucrative business, with SA fines being some of the highest in the nation. The Government has now announced that the expiation fee (what a wonderful euphemism!) for exceeding the speed limit by less than 10km/h (it used to be by less than 15 km/h) will fall from $260 to $150 but will now attract a loss of two demerit points rather than the previous one point. Motor Accident Commission general manager Ben Tuffnell believes “adding extra demerit points to the penalty means ‘creepers’ and repeat offenders will lose their licences more quickly”. Jennifer Rankine trotted out the statistic (and we all know about statistics!) that a 5km/h reduction in average travel speed would reduce rural casualty crashes by about 30 percent and urban crashes by 25 percent. Other changes to penalties are: for exceeding the speed limit by 10 to 20km/h (previously 15 to 30): 3 points, $330; by 20 to 30km/h: 5 points, $670; 30 to 45km/h: 7 points, $800; by more than 45km/h (excessive speed): $900 and 9 points. A $60 victims of crime levy applies in all cases. What do you think? Is this a change for the better or another band-aid solution?


Something else to ponder. Police safety experts regularly claim that the simplest way to reduce the road toll would be for everyone travelling in a motor vehicle to wear a seat belt, and who could argue with that? Fully 50 percent of rural fatalities in 2011 involved drivers or passengers not wearing seat belts. Another pertinent fact is the police estimate that 72 percent of fatal rural crashes are caused by driver distraction. Now, where did I read about people creeping over the speed limit due to inattention...?

agreement is expected to be signed in the second half of 2012. Here’s hoping the result is more successful than Alfa’s association with Nissan that resulted in the Pulsar-based Arna (#26 in Richard Porter’s book “Crap Cars”) between 1983 and 1987.

Take it or LEAF it.

Sensible policing.

Unley Nissan has been appointed the sole dealer for the Nissan LEAF electric vehicle in South Australia and will be offering a tailor-made finance package of monthly repayments of $599 with a guaranteed buyback benefit after the three-year ownership period. Nissan expects the LEAF to be a success in Australia, in line with its worldwide sales of more than 30,000. At present there are three charging stations in and around Adelaide – one at Central Market, outside the Mitsubishi factory in Tonsley Park and at Stirling.

One of the problems for motorists and police is the lack of discretion allowed to either group: motorists are no longer entrusted with making decisions based on the prevailing conditions, especially if such a decision entails a momentary breach of the road rules (“there is never, ever an excuse for exceeding the speed limit”, as one senior police officer once told me); and police officers no longer have the discretion to administer a warning rather than a fine on those occasions when it would be more appropriate. Apparently this isn’t the case in Tasmania. It is my understanding that interstate motorists on the Apple Isle will receive an infringement notice for the first speeding offence which is not enforced if they don’t infringe again. So the penalty for speeding the second time is twice as painful because the speeding motorist gets both the first penalty enforced, plus the second, an excellent incentive not to speed a second time. On a recent car launch in Tasmania, a cruising radar-equipped police car was passed by a number of Audis at somewhat more than the 80km/h speed limit. He executed a smart U-turn and pulled over the last car in the queue “I couldn’t pull you all over,” he explained), gave him a severe talking to and sent him on his way, no doubt observing the speed limit. Job done and a sensible outcome for all concerned.

Raising the bar. ANCAP (Australasian New Car Assessment Program) has released its vehicle safety rating requirements for 2017, with 1, 2 and 3 star rated vehicles singled out for special attention. Key elements of the 2017 Road Map include: • Mandatory requirements for: - top tether anchorages in light commercial vehicles across all star ratings - seat belt reminders in front row seats for 1, 2 and 3 star ratings; • Minimum ratings for: - roof strength for 3 star rating - pedestrian safety for 1 and 2 star ratings - whiplash protection for 1 and 2 star ratings; • Increases to the number of additional Safety Assist Technologies (SAT) for 1, 2, 3 and 4 star ratings; and • Definition of a “new model” - necessary for determining to which Road Map year the vehicle is to be assessed.

Number crunching. No doubt you have read the almost universally complimentary reviews of the new Toyota 86. Motoring journalists put the various models through their paces at the Sutton Road Driving Training complex in Queensland and the pretty little coupes acquitted themselves remarkably well up the hill climb, on the road course, in a motorkhana and on the skid pan. Every time anyone could find even a tiny niggle, the response was inevitably “But it’s only $29,990!” Toyota will be encouraging buyers to apply aftermarket modifications, especially for motor sport (even the interior door handles have been located to make installation of a roll cage easier) and, apparently, modifications will not invalidate manufacturer warranties (with some understandable conditions). The only real problem will be getting hold of one. Toyota spokesman Mike Breen tells me Sydney City Toyota sold 70 in the first weekend they were on sale!

ANCAP Chair, Mr Lauchlan McIntosh commented, “Vehicle safety is a crucial element in reducing the unnecessary loss of life on our roads, and with a combined road toll of 1600 across Australia and New Zealand last year, we mustn’t become complacent.”

“101 Years of Motoring”

Believe it or not!

A Picnic & Car Display Day

In a sign of changing times, Jaguar has been announced as the number one manufacturer in the J D Power/What Car? 2012 UK Vehicle Ownership Satisfaction Study, based on the evaluations of nearly 18,000 individuals after an average two years ownership. By model, the Jaguar XF finished second overall, a rise of 15 places in just 12 months. These are the kind of results Jaguar could only have dreamed about in the bad old days of Leyland when it was joked that you had to own two Jaguars – one to drive while the other was being repaired.

• Open to All Club Members/ All Sections • Remember - this is not a Concours Event! • All vehicles in any condition are eligible Where: Torrens Parade Ground, Adelaide

Sunday 21st October 2012 Entry Fee: $10.00 per vehicle

Alfazda anybody?

Entry Forms available from the Club Office or Club Website Due to printing deadlines for the Event Catalogue

Mazda Motor Corporation and Fiat Group have signed a nonbinding memorandum of understanding for the development and manufacture of a new roadster for the Mazda and Alfa Romeo marques based on the next-generation MX-5 rear-wheel-drive architecture. Mazda and Fiat will develop two distinctly styled and brand-specific lightweight roadsters, powered by specific proprietary engines unique to each brand. The project assumption is that both vehicles will be manufactured at Mazda’s Hiroshima plant with production for Alfa Romeo planned for 2015. The final



Avoid disappointment - get your entry in Now ! Further details Phone Bob Underwood 0419 036402

Monaro CV8. 2002. Mint, one owner. 50,759km.


Delft Blue with blue leather interior. Holden dealer service record plus six monthly oil changes, thick file of receipts and records. Stainless steel exhaust system and headers ($7500, original system included), upgraded sound system ($1700, original sound system included) with DVD player, Bluetooth, reversing camera. Darkest legal tinted windows. Near new tyres. Tow bar. Original 28pp sales brochure, promotional Monaro key ring in original box, “Monaro. Birth of a Legend” book by Josh Dowling. Reg: RPM 111. $31,300. Phone 8388 9175 or 0416 026 778.


FOR SALE Ford Focus Zetec 2.0l 5 speed coupe, 2003 Limited Edition. Genuine 36,100km only. Ex Ford Show Car ‚ Red, 17” alloy wheels with new tyres, body kit etc, power everything, service books history, built Ford Germany, Australian delivered, Registered to May 2013, almost mint condition, will stand any inspection. Elderly owner ‚ genuine reason for sale $11,000 negotiable. Contact Kingsley Hoff 8373 3742 or 0411 039 591. Reg No WWD 109.

DORIAN TIMER Complete with cradle and charger. All in good condition. $350.00. Phone Bob on 0488 110 227


Parts and information for a 1905 Twin Cylinder 10HP Model AB De Dion Bouton I am restoring. I purchased the dismantled remains of this car from Kevin Shearer in about 1978 and it was previously owned by another Club Member. Does any older Member have any recollection of this car and maybe its history? I also require help in manufacturing an original De Dion style copper tube and flutted radiator to suit this car . Can any member assist in information about this process? Philip Riedel 1300 364 126 0413871055

1963 Bacchus Clubman Roadster 1 of 5 built in Adelaide by Ray Lewis and Rory Thompson. Light-weight space frame design, aluminium cladding with fibreglass nose and guards, styled on Lotus 7. Extremely reliable and competitive sportscar, road registered, CAMS log booked with C of D, eligible for Historic Group O Sports and Targa. Engine: Fresh (only a few road miles), all steel, full race spec. MG B series 1975cc, 5 bearing crank, Argo rods, roller rockers, twin choke 45 Weber, ceramic exhaust, aluminium radiator, 50 litre aluminium fuel tank and 6 point harnesses. MGB MkII gearbox with Needham close ratio all synchro gears, racing clutch, BMC rear end with spare diffs. ASP 3 piece alloy rims with Avon racing slicks and Minilite pattern road rims with Yokohamas. Fastidiously maintained trophy winner at Mallala (1.22), Wakefield Pk (1:12), Winton (1:11) and Classic Adelaide Class Winner. A light and competitive Clubman in excellent condition that can be driven to the track. $29,000 ono. Phil Lane 0419 998 825.

Storage Space Available – in Camden Park (behind Adelaide Airport). Vehicles, furniture, boats, etc including a loft area. Secure, dry, access 7am – 4pm weekdays, after hours by appointment. Contact Roger Harrison 0409 363 242.

BMW Z4351i IS Supercharged convertible. (2010) Black sapphire. Stunning car only 10,000km! Like new. Awesome performance. Reg. ZZZZ4. $100,000 ono. Phone Alan Drake 0411867139 or Anne-Marie 0411867140. WHEELS AND TYRES FOR SALE 4 Pirelli P Zero Nero 235/40 18" High performance all weather tyres and black "Mono" wheels , complete. As new suit B.M.W Jaguar or GMH. $1600.00 o.n.o (Visa, M.C or American Express accepted.). Phone Alan 0411867139 or email PORSCHE 944 TURBO $21,000.00. 4 Cylinder 2.5 L Manual, 153,500 kms. Silver with Burgundy leather. 3” Stainless steel exhaust. Powerchip (202kw). New tyres. New battery. I have owned the car for 16 years and have a genuine reason for sale. Please phone Pat Mullins 0400841381 or 0418831317. Wanted Small brass oval oil can Lucas #30. R G Rainsford 0418 833 944, or 8552 8494.


“101 Years of Motoring” A Picnic & Car Display Day Open to All Club Members/ All Sections Where: Torrens Parade Ground, Adelaide When: Sunday 21st October 2012 Entry Fee: $10.00 per vehicle Entry Forms available from the Club Office or Club Website We are pleased to announce that our Club Patron His Excellency the Governor will be attending this special club event. Due to printing deadlines for the Event Catalogue


Avoid disappointment - get your entry in Now ! NOTE : Drivers Wanted.. Some Members have multiple entries and may need help driving their cars to the event. If you can you help please register your availability. Further details Phone Bob Underwood 0419 036402

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