Events Events provide an excellent opportunity to share important research, form new collaborations and strengthen existing ones. CBNS delivered another series of successful events during 2019. Here are some of the highlights.
CBNS Annual Research Workshop
The 2019 CBNS Annual Research Workshop took place at the RACV Healesville Country Club in Victoria from 27 to 29 November 2019. With lovely weather and eager brains, this year’s workshop was a huge success. Over 100 delegates shared their research achievements and challenges they faced during 2019. Each CBNS node presented updates on their current work, the life at their respective nodes and discussed future research opportunities. Furthermore, a special mentoring event enabled CBNS members to ask probing questions and engage in discussions with experienced and successful scientists from inside and outside academia. There was the opportunity to talk with other members or CIs about ideas and potentially start new collaborations towards new career paths. We recognised members for the most significant publication of 2019, the best poster presentation as well as the winner of the Science by Design Competition. The workshop also included recognition of the 2019 CBNS Student Travel Award and the inaugural Bio-Nano Travel Grant winners (see page 51 for details). A joint meeting of the CBNS Education Committee, the Outreach Sub-Committee and the Industry Partners Program Committee facilitated discussions and feedback for events, training and activities that could take place during 2020. All committees’ programs and activities during 2019 were positively received by members at the workshop. This has resulted in a range of beneficial activities that not only build the capacity of CBNS members but also provide a platform to demonstrate the centre’s important work to the public.
International Nanomedicine Conference The CBNS was once again the co-host with UNSW of the Australian Centre for Nanomedicine’s International Nanomedicine Conference. This was the 10th annual conference to be held, with a change of venue to Pier One, Sydney Harbour. The conference brought together Australian nanomedicine researchers from medicine, chemistry, engineering and sociology, with international experts. A feature each year is the opening plenary talk delivered by the CBNS Visiting Professor. In 2019, Professor Chunying Chen of the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology in China presented on the Crown and the Scepter: Roles of the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine. In addition to the talks and poster sessions, the conference is a confluence of national and international expertise and most CBNS researchers attended. The CBNS Scientific Advisory Board meets during this event, with expert input and advice from the plenary speakers each year.
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