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For the Love of the Horse
Words by Drew Slack-Smith Images by Ashley Grant
The history of the horse spans over 55 million years on this planet as a species. In relatively modern terms the Equus genome, domesticated by mankind, has survived the millennia, proving a loyal friend throughout the ages.
In Australia the relationship between horse and man pioneered the expansion and development of our great country. The horse arrived at our shores in 1788 with the first fleet. The English bringing the first domesticated horses for the grand endeavour to settle Australia and explore her broad landscape.
From transportation, sport, exploration, farm work and war this magnificent animal has served us well. Even in the early settlement days horses were imported and used for recreational riding and of course racing. Consider the expense of transport at the time and the difficulties and risks of crossing the world by sea.
Estimated numbers of around 200 by the year 1800 and 160,000 by 1850 demonstrates just how heavily Australians relied on the horse in the early days. The horses flourished and formed the foundation of the breeds made famous in stories of early Australia. Being the fetcher and carrier, tiller of fields, weapon of war, bearer of bandits or a friend on a journey. A typical day in the life of the horse. Today there are millions of horses spread throughout Australia. Today you will see horse and rider galloping across the same fields where once they worked a plow just for the sheer pleasure of it. Of course in rural Australia the horse still has an everyday job tending to the needs of the stockman and rural families as they have always done but it is our interest in horses in sport that have created the modern day horse industries that continue to see horse numbers flourish.
In Australia it is estimated that there are around 400,000 wild horses. Out of the many breeds in the country it is estimated that the thoroughbred accounts for around a quarter of the horse numbers in the country. Australia is the worlds second largest thoroughbred breed nation and features over 660 Stud Farms mostly located upon the eastern seaboard.
Interestingly our endeavour to continue to test the limits of our exploits with this wonderful animal means that even today horse and man share a special bond. From ever greater sporting achievements, medicinal products, to innovation in geno technology and cloning it seems we still rely heavily on the horse.
Our passion for this animal provides billions of dollars of private investment towards many industries and sees a great deal of investment in land and infrastructure, both private and commercial, all for the pleasure of spending time with this animal. Mans real best friend.

DREW WITH THOROUGHBRED 'FREEZE' IMAGE BY CARIN GARLAND The Scenic Rim is the perfect home for many horse owners. South East Queensland hosts equine sporting events year round for every discipline imaginable. Pony Club, Dressage, Polo, Eventing, Cutting, Showjumping, Reining, Campdraft, Polo Cross, Racing, Western Pleasure and the list goes on. If you want horse sports then this is the home of horse sports.
The Scenic Rim features endless options for those with the dream to be at the pinnacle of their equine sport, maybe dreaming of Olympic nomination. Whether professional or pleasure, just learning to ride or striving to be the best, the most important thing to remember is that it is our honour to spend time with these beautiful creatures who graciously ask only to be loved and looked after.
So get off your lounge chair and get in the saddle, it will change your life. Contact your local clubs and associations and get involved with great people who love their ponies and their communities.
For private enquine shoots or equine prints please contact Ashley Grant, INSTA theblakhat