Foreign Rights Catalogue 2020/2021

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Foreign Rights Catalogue 2020/2021

humboldt Foreign Rights Catalogue Welcome to humboldt Foreign Rights Catalogue introducing a fine selection of our most popular titles in the fields of education & parenting, health & nutrition, self-coaching and photography. They might make a great addition to your own list, so please feel free to browse our catalogue for categories and topics suitable for your range. For more information regarding our authors and books or to order reading copies, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,


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Imprint of SchlĂźtersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG Hans-BĂśckler-Allee 7 30173 Hannover, Germany

Nicole Lange Foreign Rights Manager e-mail phone +49 511 8550-2540 / fax -2408

Content Education & Parenting Weiร

Family of minimalism................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Karr-Meng

Less scolding, less shouting.................................................................................................................................................................................. 8


The practical daddy guide....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9


The survival guide for moms.............................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Hummel

Together through puberty.................................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Heinke

Pretty good siblings ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12


Wobbly-tooth puberty ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Bildau

Strong girls need relaxed parents ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 Scharnowski

Strong boys need relaxed parents ............................................................................................................................................................... 15

Mondstein | Wallow

Happy children need relaxed parents ....................................................................................................................................................... 16


What your baby wants to tell you ................................................................................................................................................................ 17 Hillebrandt

Being a mother ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Michalik-Imfeld | Michalik

My wonderful angry child .................................................................................................................................................................................... 19


Babies need music ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20


At the end of my nerves there are still kids ......................................................................................................................................... 21


Content Mondstein | Wallow

Antennas ready to receive .................................................................................................................................................................................. 22 Karr-Meng

Raising children mindfully .................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Nedebock

Strong children need rules ................................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Heueck-Mauß

How to talk to your child right ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25

Health & Nutrition Braun-Munzinger

Living long without getting old ...................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Koch

Stop gnashing your teeth .................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Mousa

Living actively with multiple sclerosis ..................................................................................................................................................... 28 Zehenter

The great health self-check ............................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Bartow

The workout you need to do if you sit all day .................................................................................................................................. 30 Lindmann

Living more easily with lipedema ................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Martinez

The cholesterol book ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 32 Bueß-Kovács

The gout book ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 Arlt

111 alkaline recipes for connoisseurs ........................................................................................................................................................ 34 Amon

111 recipes for fructose intolerance ........................................................................................................................................................... 35 Bach | Breitmaier

Losing weight with the minus-20%-rule ............................................................................................................................................... 36 Kleinesper

The metabolic-detox-cure .................................................................................................................................................................................. 37


Content Ring

Rosacea – this actually helps ............................................................................................................................................................................ 38 Söller | Warstat

Back without pain ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 39


The five-minute-high-intensity-training ............................................................................................................................................... 40 Eckardt

The five-minute-body-anti-aging-program ........................................................................................................................................ 41 Höfler

Health guide osteoporosis .................................................................................................................................................................................. 42 Flemmer

Arthrosis ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 Goesmann

Living well with restless legs ............................................................................................................................................................................ 44 Wormer

Bipolarity – living with extreme emotions .......................................................................................................................................... 45 Weißenberger

The big cookbook for stomach and bowel .......................................................................................................................................... 46 Müller | Weißenberger

The big gout cookbook .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47 Bach

Job food ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 48

Self-Coaching Peschel

Pimp your brain! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 49 Pothmann

Job happiness ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 50 Bringmann

Midlife-chance ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 51 De Bark

Appear as you like! ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 52


Content Weinig

Dealing with difficult people ............................................................................................................................................................................ 53 Süß

Ways out of the trap of kindness ................................................................................................................................................................. 54 Feller | Brepohl

Where perfectionism starts, the fun ends .......................................................................................................................................... 55


Relationship status: jelaous .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56 Deißler

Never shy again! ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57 Hampel

Overcoming the fear of speaking ................................................................................................................................................................. 58 Bien

Simply. Noticing. Everything. .......................................................................................................................................................................... 59 Kranz

I am coaching my subconscious ..................................................................................................................................................................... 60

Photography Poeck

Creative photo exercises for every day .................................................................................................................................................. 61 Hohmann

Baby and child photography.............................................................................................................................................................................. 62 Gufler

Creative photo exercises: children & family ...................................................................................................................................... 63 Poeck

Learning to photograph ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 64 Jakubowski

Workshop nature photography ...................................................................................................................................................................... 65 Allrich

Workshop landscape photography ............................................................................................................................................................ 66 Buschmann

The start in travel photography .................................................................................................................................................................... 67


Education & Parenting

Nicole Weiß

Family of minimalism 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1619-6 € 19.99 2020

Less ballast – more family life! In the children’s room the toys pile up, the closets and drawers overflow, in the basement boxes and cartons pile up. At the latest when parenthood consists only of tidying up, the question arises: Is more really more? In her guidebook, family blogger Nicole Weiß shows how to create more space for what really counts: the family. Nicole Weiß guides step by step and room by room through the home and shows how effective and sustainable cleaning and clearing out can be achieved and how positive habits can be implemented in everyday family life.

Nicole Weiß shows mothers how they can organize their everyday life in a stress-free and structured way. On her blog “Familie Ordentlich” she writes about everyday challenges such as (dis)organisation in the children’s room or in the dressing room. The focus is on the question: How can I create a comfortable and tidy home that suits me and my family as easily as possible? Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Alexandra Karr-Meng

Less scolding, less shouting 192 pages, 15.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1625-7 € 19.99 2020

Quiet tones – great effect! All mothers know this: One moment the child is still in a good mood, the next moment defiant, angry or cheeky – even the most relaxed parents reach their limits in the daily bustle. The end of the song: The situation escalates. How do you manage to stay calm in such moments? How do you manage not to blow up and become loud or unfair? In her guidebook, education coach Alexandra Karr-Meng shows how to avoid unnecessary stress in order to experience everyday life with a child in a relaxed manner. With many practical tips she helps her readers to prevent conflicts and to keep calm in everyday family life. Alexandra Karr-Meng supports parents and educators as a coach in mindful communication with children. As a mother she knows: In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, calm, respect and mutual appreciation are often missed out – which is why she has developed solutions that are easy to implement even in hectic moments and still have an enormous impact on family life. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Michael Schöttler

The practical daddy guide 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1600-4 € 19.99 2020

The secret of relaxed fathers! In his guidebook, Michael Schöttler, founder of, answers the most important questions that arise in the first years of a child’s life: from crash courses to the essential developmental steps, the best solutions for typical everyday situations to great ideas for joint activities. The perfect guide for all fathers who want to accompany their children lovingly and bring them up in a relaxed manner.

Michael Schöttler operates with one of the largest German on-line parent magazines from view of the fathers. There, on his social media channels and in his online papa group on Facebook, he deals with all important family topics – from pregnancy and birth to kindergarten and school to health issues. The articles on are used well over two million times a month. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting


The survival guide for moms 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1616-5 € 19.99 2020

More YOU than To-do! Household chaos, emotional outbursts, school frustration – as a mother, one’s own needs easily fall by the wayside in the chaotic everyday life of the family: Despite the good intentions to take more care of oneself and not to let oneself be disturbed, the reality often looks different. The MutterKutter crew shows how mothers can get through the stormy times of the pre-school and primary school years with new strength and positive energy.

MutterKutter is one of the most popular online magazines for mothers and is published by the experienced TV reporter as well as photographer and videographer Dorothee Dahinden. She wrote this survival guide together with the MutterKutter crew members gynecologist Dr. Judith Bildau, midwife Kerstin Lüking and psychologist Isabel Huttarsch. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Inke Hummel

Together through puberty 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1622-6 € 19.99 2020

Calm through stormy times! And suddenly they are in puberty... Most parents suffer from the unusual mood swings, defiant discussions or the disinterest of their child. The good news: Parents and child can remain a team – even in these stormy times. The experienced educator and blogger Inke Hummel shows how a relaxed family life with teenagers can be successful: How do I stay in contact with my child? How do we talk to each other more and argue less? How does my role as a parent change?

Inke Hummel is a pedagogue and owner of the family support “sAchtsam Hummel”, head of parent-child courses and blogger. As a pedagogical coach she supports families from the first baby year to puberty. Especially often she accompanies parents with emotionally strong children and helps them to achieve a successful parent-child bond. Inke Hummel has three teenage children. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Sabrina Heinke

Pretty good siblings 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1604-2 € 19.99 2020

An end to the sibling quarrel! Between siblings, sometimes it’s more war than a happy ending. For parents, these arguments are not only annoying, but also extremely exhausting. With this guidebook, everyday family life is finally getting easier! Blogger and triple mum Sabrina Heinke shows what siblings really need to become a great team, why the equal treatment of children doesn’t work and what parents can say when the quarrel between siblings is really boiling up. Sabrina Heinke gives instructions for a relaxed education of siblings aged 0–12 years. She provides practical tips and assistance to strengthen sibling relationships, solve conflicts quickly and to reconcile the needs of all family members. Sabrina Heinke operates the most popular mom-blog „Mamahoch2” in Germany. Her tips for a relaxed education and a creative family life elate hundreds of thousand parents. As a mother of three she knows how to handle everyday stress: You only need to change your point of view for the child and change your perspective. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Laura Fröhlich

Wobbly-tooth puberty 208 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1610-3 € 19.99 2020

Guide for the “6-year crisis”! From “I love you so much” to “You’re a stupid mummy” – children in wobbly-tooth puberty often oscillate between cuddly mouse and raging defiant head. The sudden rage and constant discussion quickly become a real challenge for parents! How can I talk to my child so that a mosquito does not turn into an elephant? How can I avoid unnecessary scolding and punishment? How do I make my child strong and self-confident? Which rules and rituals help us in everyday family life? In her guidebook, Laura Fröhlich provides tips for a relaxed everyday life with 5–7-year-old children. Laura Fröhlich runs with “Heute ist Musik” one of the most popular mom blogs in Germany. Her lyrics are read by hundreds of thousands of mothers every month. With her “Mothers’ Consultation Hour” on Instagram and Facebook, she is also a contact point and moderator for the big and small worries of all mothers. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Judith Bildau

Strong girls need relaxed parents 184 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1613-4 € 19.99 2020

Watch out: wild girls! Girls of pre-school and primary school age regularly present their parents with challenges: One moment fearful and reserved, the next moment they explode in the most violent tantrums. In addition, there are the questions that parents ask themselves about their daughter’s physical and emotional development: What is normal, what should we talk about with our child? This guidebook gets to the heart of it all: Mummy blogger and gynecologist Dr. Judith Bildau has summarized all the important information in an absolutely understandable way and explains honestly, expertly and from the heart what girls need to become strong and happy. Dr. Judith Bildau is a specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, mother of five daughters and one of the most sought-after influencers on the subject of child rearing and women’s health. In addition to her work as a gynaecologist, she provides parents with valuable tips on the online magazine “MutterKutter”, publishes medical articles or writes about the stressful but nevertheless beautiful family life. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Julia Scharnowski

Strong boys need relaxed parents 208 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-1607-3 € 19.99 2020

Watch out: wild boys! Wild Indian howling, romping and noise – concentration difficulties with homework – loud outburst of rage on the open road: Many sons have seemingly earned their reputation as rascals. This guide shows parents how to deal with all typical parenting stress situations. What can I say without getting loud? How do I strengthen the bond with my son? How do we avoid arguments in everyday family life? The author gives practical tips and helpful suggestions for staying relaxed, calmly dealing with conflicts and strengthening the mother-son relationship. The perfect guide for all those who want to raise happy boys in a relaxed manner! Julia Scharnowski is mother of three sons, successful blogger, works as a parent coach, runs an online shop for mothers and is a trained journalist – her community loves her for her open and honest posts. On her blog “Doppelkinder” she reports, among other things, about her everyday family life and reveals simple tools for a more powerful mamal life. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Mira Mondstein | Deva Wallow

Happy children need relaxed parents 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-651-9 € 19.99 2019

For a relaxed family life! All parents want to raise their children in a relaxed way – until it escalates again: because one is stressed, disappointed, or simply angry. The authors show in easily understandable and empathetic terms how mothers and fathers can break this circle with little changes. The guidebook’s heart is a huge practical part with all important stress situations – from temper tantrum in the supermarket over impertinent answers up to “But I don’t want to go to bed!” To that, there are valuable tips on what is in the child’s mind and how to react to that as a parent. With this, a relaxed everyday family life with happy children succeeds. Mira Mondstein became a secret star for parents of highly sensitive children with her own blog. Deva Wallow is a family and couple therapist and knows which educational tips work well in the everyday life due to his consulting experience with children and parents. Together, they founded in 2015 where they blog about topics that concern families. As organizers of the blogger conference #westfam, they make sure that bloggers better network concerning the topics family and education. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Vivian König

What your baby wants to tell you 224 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-642-7 € 19.99 2019

Read the signs of your baby! As new parents you are confronted with some mysteries: What is my baby trying to tell me? Why is it crying right now? What do the sounds mean that it utters? It’s not easy for a little baby as well: It tries to communicate as good as possible and is quickly frustrated when mum and dad do not react as desired. This guidebook helps parents to understand the signs of their baby and thus making it possible for the little ones to build a lovingly and secure relation already from the beginning.

Vivian König was a major contributor to the establishment of the baby sign language in Germany, Austria and Swiss. She founded the “Zwergensprache GMBH” – a network of more than 200 qualified instructors who offer parent child courses, workshops, and technical seminars in over 200 cities. The author leads the education and training of the instructors, is a speaker and author of guidebooks for parents and publishes educational material for professionals in educational occupations. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Educating & Parenting

Nele Hillebrandt

Being a mother 224 pages, 15.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-644-1 € 19.99 2019

Guidebook for moms-to-be! Becoming a mother means absolute happiness. Most of the time. But there are also days full of desperation and uncertainty: The body has to adapt and recover, the hormones go haywire, there is chaos in the head – that can burden enormously. This guidebook accompanies you from before the birth over the first weeks at home until the relaxed family life: You really get all important information about the big subjects breastfeeding, baby milk, supplementary diet, changing the diaper, sleeping and much more. Profound information and practical tips help you to prepare for what’s coming and to master insecure moments. Nele Hillebrandt is a nursery nurse and has a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. On her blog she does not only report about her everyday life as a mother – she also provides valuable tips around the family life. With her honest and profound advices she helps now over 100,000 mothers per month to be informed and relaxed. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Educating & Parenting

Sara Michalik-Imfeld | Peter Michalik

My wonderful angry child 216 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-643-4 € 19.99 2019

To help to deal with the anger! When the own child has a real tantrum, parents quickly reach their limits: Simply giving in now? Preventing authoritarian in the emotional outburst? This guidebook gets parents out of their uncertainty and shows how to set limits appropriately and how much anger is normal. Accompanied by: Numerous progress reports from parents of emotive children and profound expert tips which work in everyday life. For all who want to know from where the anger comes from, how to best react to it, and how to help ones child to deal with it. Sara Michalik-Imfeld and Peter Michalik advise children, youth, families and couples in their common practice. Sara Michalik-Imfeld is a specialist psychologist for psychotherapy, a part-time judge at the family court and a lecturer at several institutes. Petert Michalik is a certified family, couple, marriage and relationship coach as well as a seminar leader at the Institute for Body-Centered Psychotherapy (IKP). Together they have three children. On their blogs and they connect expertise with everyday experiences. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Ulla Nedebock

Babies need music 160 pages, audio CD, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-648-9 € 16.99 2019 | Second edition

Calm your baby with music! Rhythm and music are part of a healthy development for your young child – already in the womb did your baby perceive your heartbeat as calming. Later, songs and rimes are helpful rituals in the everyday life giving security and proximity. These valuable tips provide the opportunity of supporting your child in various ways. – Rhythm and music are simply part of it – Practical tips, songs and rimes for every situation: on the changing unit, while eating, to console, romping, falling asleep, etc. – Book plus CD including all songs and verses

Ulla Nedebock is a successful author of educational guidebooks and has led mother-children-courses for ages. She developed a concept for parents who are looking for practical tips and a sensible contact with typical conflict situations which is suitable for everyday life in cooperation with experts. Ulla Nedebock is a mother of three daughters. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Sabrina Heinke

At the end of my nerves there are still kids 232 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-640-3 € 19.99 2018

Many useful tips! Happy children have relaxed mothers! Discussing in the morning, rushing at noontime, ranting in the evening? If this happens to you there is only one thing which can help you: finally educating relaxed. Mom-blogger Sabrina Heinke provides very useful tips how the daily life of a mother can become more uncomplicated, relaxed and harmonious – even in nerve-racking moments. The perfect education-guidebook for moms who don’t want to throw a tantrum but live their everyday life with their child unhurried. Please keep in mind: Happy children have relaxed mothers!

Sabrina Heinke operates the most popular mom-blog „Mamahoch2" in Germany. Her tips for a relaxed education and a creative family life elate hundreds of thousand parents. As a mother of three she knows how to handle everyday stress: You only need to change your point of view for the child and change your perspective. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Mira Mondstein | Deva Wallow

Antennas ready to receive 184 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-641-0 € 19.99 2018

Helpful tips and practical ideas! High sensitive: understanding sensitive children better. Too loud, too unfamiliar, too much: Highly sensitive children have extremely keen antennas for their environment and suffer easily fromn stimulus satiation. This induces stress – they react with fear, anger and compartmentalization. This guidebook teaches parents to deal with those challenges confidently: What is going on in my child? How can I help to resolve stress situations or avoid them before? How do I strengthen my child? The helpful tips and practical ideas are easy to realize in the everyday life. Mira Mondstein and her homonymous blog became a secret star for parents of highly sensitive children. Deva Wallow is a family and partnership therapis. Because of his consulting experience with sensitive children and parents he knows which education tips work very well. Together they founded in 2015. As organizers of the blogger conference #westfam they arrange a better network for bloggers around the topics family and education. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Alexandra Karr-Meng

Raising children mindfully 208 pages, 14.5 x 21.1 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-639-7 € 19.99 2018

Big impact with less change! There are educational situations which occur periodically – this indicates stress for parents and children! Good news: Parents can de-stress those moments and secure their parenting goals with some mindfulness. The tips for everyday use, helpful rituals and the practical exercises of the guidebook promote quick success. Those who raise their children relaxed and mindful get rewarded with less conflicts, more appreciation and a closer relationship to the child. You can have a big impact with less change.

Alexandra Karr-Meng supports parents and educators as a coach to communicate with their children mindfully. As a mother she knows that silence, respect and mutual appreciation come off badly in the daily bustle of life. Therefore, she created solutions which can be realized in hectic situations too and still have a huge effect on the family life. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Ulla Nedebock

Strong children need rules 224 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-636-6 € 19.99 2019 | Second edition

Clear limits – relaxed family! Up to here but what now? Defiant reactions, yelling, tears. There are lots of conflict situations in the daily life with children which occur in every family. This guidebook helps to use education skills and make an important difference with less effort. You learn how to set limits in the turbulent daily life in five little steps. For those who don’t want to discuss about “Can I play with the smart phone?”, “But I don’t do it” and “Please, just say hello”.

Ulla Nedebock is a successful author of educational guidebooks and has led mother-children-courses for ages. She developed a concept for parents who are looking for practical tips and a sensible contact with typical conflict situations which is suitable for everyday life in cooperation with experts. Ulla Nedebock is a mother of three daughters. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Education & Parenting

Doris Heueck-Mauß

How to talk to your child right 168 pages, 11.8 x 17.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-630-4 € 12.99 2018 | Third edition Complex Chinese language rights are not available.

Solve conflicts with words! Stress-free through pre-school and primary school ages! When children learn how to express their wishes – conflicts with parents are inevitable. After prohibiting, ranting and warning follows screaming, tears and frustration. But there is another way! This guidebook provides how to achieve the goals with children by use of an open and clear communication. Sleeping, cleaning, homework: The author offers practical devices for all typical life circumstances. This is how to solve conflicts with words.

Doris Heueck-Mauß, mother of two, is a certified psychologist and psychotherapist. Since 1982 she is the leader of her own psychotherapeutic practice in Munich, Germany. She gives lectures in parenting and development of the child as well as leading the supervisions with teams of educators in social facilities. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Ute Braun-Munzinger

Living long without getting old 160 pages, 20 images, 14,5 x 21,5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2932-5 € 19.99 2020

For a long and healthy life! What can I do to stay healthy and fit for a long time? How do I maintain my mobility? How can I effectively prevent Alzheimer’s or cancer? These and similar questions from her patients prompted the author to write this guide. For a long life in health, many of the body’s functions must be optimally interlinked – hormonal regulation mechanisms, blood pressure regulation, chemical reactions, correct muscle tension, heart valve functions, and even control impulses from the brain and intestines. Our body resembles the precision work of a sophisticated machine – adjusting a single wheel can make the whole thing stutter and lead to malfunctions. Dr. Ute Braun-Munzinger is a proven expert in medical prevention with decades of practical experience. Since 1993, she works as a general practitioner in her own practice and regularly undergoes further training, particularly in the field of preventive medicine – both conventional and complementary medicine. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Christian Koch

Stop gnashing your teeth 184 pages, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2965-3 € 19.99 2020

Enough gnashing! Headaches, tinnitus, impaired vision, restless sleep: Teeth gnashing can have a serious impact on life, and the road to successful treatment can often be a long one. Christian Koch knows this from his own experience. His odyssey of several years led him to various doctors and therapists. However, nobody associated his complaints or his excessively pronounced chewing muscles with teeth grinding. He finally found an explanation for his complaints rather by chance on the Internet – and then successfully took his therapy into his own hands.

Christian Koch has been intensively involved with human health on a physical and psychological level for ten years. A strong motivation was his head, neck and ear pain as well as a sensitivity to glare for which no doctor could find an explanation and which ultimately turned out to be symptoms of bruxism. The diploma theologian works as an independent psychological consultant and coach. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Samira Mousa

Living actively with multiple sclerosis 160 pages, 15 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2923-3 € 19.99 2020

A guide that encourages! Multiple sclerosis is not the same for two people in the world. This is why it is also called “the disease of a thousand faces”. In her book, Samira Mousa shares all the experiences she has had with her symptoms and shows how to deal with the unpredictability of the disease. She provides a wealth of medical information, tips on nutrition, sport, relaxation or travel. For anyone who wants to live a self-determined and happy life with multiple sclerosis. The author also talks about what helped her accept the disease and why living with multiple sclerosis can be wonderful.

Samira Mousa was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in her early twenties. At that time, a world collapsed for her, but then she decided to turn her life around – and to make it bit by bit into the one she wants to lead and which fulfils her every day. She runs the successful blog “Chronisch Fabelhaft”.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Christian Zehenter

The great health self-check 296 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2919-6 € 19.99 2020

Health check made easy! With this guide, health-conscious readers can actively and easily test their health and fitness. Christian Zehenter provides 60 self-checks that can be carried out without any previous knowledge or special accessories. They provide orientation in terms of health and lifestyle within just 15 minutes. For all who want to know how healthy they really are and how they can prevent illnesses and complaints.

Christian Zehenter is a medical journalist, certified social pedagogue, alternative practitioner and founder of the text agency “Gesundheit”. As author, editor and expert for healthy living he has written more than 500 professional articles, books and brochures. He works for statutory health insurance companies, health portals and trade journals, among others. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Kay Bartrow

The workout you need to do if you sit all day 152 pages, 60 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-041-8 € 19.99 2020

Permanent sitting makes ill! From a healthy sitting posture to the optimal workplace to five exercise series that combine the best of classical physiotherapy with fascial and versatility exercises. Kay Bartrow shows his readers how they can best protect themselves from the consequences of permanent sitting. In addition to the 45 exercises for more strength and mobility, he shows that an optimal sitting posture depends on the situation and which sitting variations one should know. He also clearly explains the positive effects of movement and why sitting permanently makes you ill.

Kay Bartrow has established himself as an author of movement themes for many years. He is a physiotherapist with further education in manual therapy, medical development training and medical training therapy. He also holds training courses for certified physiotherapists and gives lectures on medical health topics. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Lia Lindmann

Living more easily with lipedema 224 pages, 15 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2941-7 € 19.99 2020

Less pain – more mobility! Concentrated expert knowledge: Lia Lindmann has spoken with physiotherapists, medical supply stores, doctors, sports and nutrition advisors for her guide. All the expert knowledge she has gathered and her own self-help programme shows how it is possible to reduce weight, relieve the pain typical of lipedema and regain mobility. The book contains over 200 tips and measures for more well-being as well as practical checklists that make life with lipedema easier.

Lia Lindmann was diagnosed with lipedema in 2012. Since then she has been intensively studying the disease and has been looking for ways to improve her life with lipedema. Lia Lindmann works as an educator and journalist. She has been supported and discussed by institutions such as the United Nations and UNESCO. She also offers individual counselling for people with lipedema. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Ramon Martinez

The cholesterol book 160 pages, 15 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-064-7 € 19.99 2019

Reduce high cholesterol! This guidebook helps to lower the cholesterol level significantly and to improve the general health. Dr. Ramon Martinez presents all important basics and studies on cholesterol and explains the advantages of a non-medical therapy – because the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs is not always sensible. Furthermore, he provides the readers a variety of effective methods and measures in order to positively influence their blood lipids and many other health aspects.

Dr. Ramon Martinez is specialist for internal medicine, cardiology and high blood pressure at the Deutsche Hochdruckliga. As a chief physician he leads the department of internal medicine and cardiology at a clinic Germany. His focus is on diagnosis of cardiac catheter-therapy as well as the treatment of high blood pressure and fat metabolism diseases. Furthermore, he gives lectures about these topics. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Heike Bueß-Kovács

The gout book 144 pages, 40 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-079-1 € 19.99 2019

Take the path to health! Gout is curable! With this good news, Dr. Heike Bueß-Kovács encourages affected persons. In her book she shows how to prevent attacks of gout with the right diet, a healthy lifestyle and medication. Expertly she explains the symptoms of the disease, the therapeutic measures, and how proved knowledge from naturopathy and nutrition medicine helps. With this help, everyone who suffers from gout can effectively support the treatment at the doctors and take a path to health and freedom from pain.

Dr. Heike Bueß-Kovács is a doctor and medical journalist. Besides her work as a TV moderator and TV expert, she published numerous journal articles and guide books on the subject of health. She works inter alia for Spiegel, Focus, and Bunte as well as for Bayrischer Rundfunk and Medizin TV. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Stefanie Arlt

111 alkaline recipes for connoisseurs 176 pages, 84 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-2913-4 € 19.99 2020

Feel fitter and more efficient! The nutritionist Stefanie Arlt knows from own experience: An alkaline nutrition contributes substantially to the well-being and lets – completely besides – the unloved Pounds tumble. In her book she explains the role of the acid-base balance, why our “normal” diet contains too many acid producers and how an alkaline diet has a positive effect on our health. For everyone who wants to feel fitter and more powerful again! With her 111 recipes, Stefanie Arlt puts an end to the prejudice that basic nutrition is complicated or boring.

Stefanie Arlt had tried out a lot, until she discovered the alkaline nutrition for herself and lost 11 kilos in a short time and got various health problems under control. In the meantime, she is the owner of the company Energy & Health, which specializes in basic and vegan cuisine, and gives cooking lessons at several renowned cooking schools. She can be booked as “rent a cook” and helps people to change to basic and vegan nutrition. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Martina Amon

111 recipes for fructose intolerance 176 pages, 74 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-692-2 € 19.99 2019

Eating without symptoms! Stomach cramps, nausea, or diarrhea – all that can be an indication for fructose intolerance from which more and more people suffer. Although fructose is in “healthy” fruits and vegetables and also in many finished products, the diagnosis does not mean that one has to completely forgo fresh apples, crunchy carrots, or delicious strawberry cake. Martina Amon tells her readers how to best deal with the disease and gives practical tips on planning, shopping, cooking, and eating. The proved 3-stages-program (consisting of grace period, test period and continuous diet) as well as the tested recipes help to finally live symptom-free again. Martina Amon is a state-approved dietitian and stress management coach. Since 2011, she accompanies as the owner of “NomaVita – Foodcoaching & Stressmanagement” private persons and employees of companies on their way to a balanced lifestyle consisting of good food and more calm in the everyday life. Due to her long-standing experience, she can individually pay attention to intolerances and burdens. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Sven Bach | Benjamin Breitmaier

Losing weight with the minus-20%-rule 144 pages, 50 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-327-3 € 19.99 2019

Lose weight in an easy way! More than 2000 people did the well-known nourishing expert Sven Bach accompany on their way to a healthy life by now. For him, the minus-20%-rule is the easiest way to lose weight. It works without powder and extreme abstaining and can be integrated everywhere, no matter whether it is, in the office or in the family. Based on the individual nutritional habits, Sven simply cuts 20% of the calories out of the diet plan. There are no prohibitions, no food is permitted. Best testimonial to prove that it is possible to fight ones overweight is the author himself. Sven’s story gives everyone courage who has already tried many diets without success. The successful fight against the own overweight (141 kg) aroused the interest of Sven Bach in healthy nutrition. Since 1998, the dietitian advises patients with diet-related diseases – first as deputy diet kitchen chef at a clinic and since 2007 in his own practices. Sven Bach is a popular TV and radio nutrition expert. In relation to employee health promotion he gives lectures about job food in front of workforces of big companies. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Katrin Kleinesper

The metabolic-detox-cure 160 pages, 60 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-073-9 € 19.99 2019

In 30 days to a balanced diet! The metabolic-detox-cure is comparable with a reset-button. The goal: in 30 days to a balanced diet – long-term and without abstaining. At breakfast, complex carbs are requested. These contain valuable nutrients for detoxing and the stimulation of the metabolism. At lunch, there is a self-made protein shake that satisfies optimally. It is a nutrient rich meal that is good to prepare and suites for transport. The dinner recipes are especially low carb oriented – cold and warm meals, soups and salads. The result: The digestion gets stimulated and the nutrients can be absorbed better. The immune system gets strengthened, the blood values get better, and the metabolism gets new energy. The well known diploma and nutritional scientist Katrin Kleinesper is the owner of the company Sport & Food and since more than 20 years a successful personal food coach. She talks at big companies like Mercedes Benz in the operational health management. On TV, she is a popular interview partner. For many athletes and coaches she gives nutritional-scientifical advice and support. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Franziska Ring

Rosacea – this actually helps 160 pages, 10 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-052-4 € 19.99 2019

For a relaxed life with rosacea! Rosacea is a chronically progressing, flammable skin disease. Typical are reddening, papules and pustules. Although there is medicine to treat the illness, it does not help all patients equally good. Franziska Ring herself is affected by rosacea and has developed the so-called “3-Room-Method” on her long way from diagnosis to a calmed skin. It helps effectively to reduce attacks, soften symptoms and lead the skin back to a calmed condition. A guidebook that takes the fear of the disease and gives courage to take personal initiative.

Franziska Ring lives as a free copywriter in Germany. At the age of 25 she obtained the diagnosis rosacea. As the few information about self-help and the medication prescribed didn’t help her, she developed the extremely effective “3-Room-Method”. With this guidebook, Franziska Ring wants to encourage other affected so they can reduce the symptoms for a more relaxed life with rosacea. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Felix Söller | Ellen Warstat

Back without pain 152 pages, 60 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-690-8 € 19.99 2019

With exercises that really help! Almost always pain is the result of our lifestyle: too much stress, too little movement, an unhealthy diet. Furthermore, there is a lot in the everyday life that burdens the back. It is often sufficient to change little things in life to get rid of back pain sustainably. The most important thing for a painless back is strong dorsal musculature. Therefore, there are 5x5 very easy exercises that really help. Dr. Söller is convinced: It is worthwhile for everyone themselves to take responsibility for their health and to get active in the framework of own possibilities. Who has tried it once, quickly realizes how much fun this is. And it does not only help the back but also the soul. Dr. Felix Söller is specialist for orthopedics, acupuncture, chiro-therapy, anti-aging-medicine and sports medicine. As a doctor and family father, he knows the problematic of finding time for the own back health. Ellen Warstat is a medical journalist and worked for famous German women magazines. She sufferd from two slipped discs. Today her back is painless because of regular back training. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Manuel Eckardt

The five-minute-highintensity-training 184 pages, 488 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-330-3 € 19.99 2018

For people who have less time! Succinct trainings instead of long training sessions. Only five minutes are needed for Manuel Eckardt to provide trainings with more efficiency, muscles and less fat. How this is even possible? With high-intensity-training! The muscles get highly stressed until their total exhaustion. This leads to a fast and effective muscle growth while a simultaneously reduction of body fat. The fiveminute-high-intensity-training is not only suitable for fitness pros: For people who have less time but are interested in taking care of their bodies effectively – diversified, holistic, balanced.

Manuel Eckardt is a health specialist and teaches fitness in all its variations with big passion. In 2009, he he realized – the first and biggest live-portal for fitness and health in the internet which enables users to train everywhere and at any time. With a variety of more than 2500 training videos in more than 50 categories the portal offers health coaching in different areas. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Manuel Eckardt

The five-minute-bodyanti-aging-program 166 pages, 120 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-328-0 € 19.99 2018

Only five minutes a day! Regenerating the body is possible! Our way of life does have an influence on our aging process twice as strongly as in our genetic predisposition. It depends on how we deal with our body. By developing the five-minute-anti-aging-program the well-known health expert Manuel Eckardt has established a chance for everyone between 40 and 60 years to lay a foundation for a long-lasting health and fitness: Conditions are a positive life attitude, a specific supply of macronutrients and micronutrients, a lot of water and exercise. Those who care about their bodies in time can look forward to an old age with vitality and best health. Manuel Eckardt is a health specialist and teaches fitness in all its variations with big passion. In 2009, he realized – the first and biggest live-portal for fitness and health in the internet which enables users to train everywhere and at any time. It was awarded by a German TV-Channel for being the “best fitness platform with best curse quality”. He also developed and invented various trainings. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Heike Höfler

Health guide osteoporosis 136 pages, 115 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-89993-949-1 € 19.99 2018

The program for strong bones! People who are suffering from osteoporosis can lose bone mass and bone structure which increases the risk of fractures. The fact that osteoporosis is developing itself over the years insidiously makes it possible to fight. The program also contains a balanced diet full of calcium – which are the basics to strengthen the bones into the old age. With activity you can develop muscles while bone straining would cause bone strengthening. For that purpose the author created specific exercises which could be done at home easily.

Heike Höfler works as a sports and gymnastics teacher for many years. As a bestseller author she published many health guides for health and wellness topics as well as for different forms of gymnastics. Well known through radio and TV shows and publications in specialist journals she has a big audience. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Andrea Flemmer


136 pages, 45 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-329-7 € 19.99 2018

Self-help! Every tenth person is affected by arthrosis. Certainly it depends on every individual when the joint degeneration is starting or proceeding. Feeling pain depends on the personal behavior as well as on the will of taking measures. The basis of self-help for people who suffer from arthrosis is an appropriate nutrition and the correct movement: A correct nutrient supply establishes a well functioning body. Also sporting activity can prevent and palliate arthrosis. Andrea Flemmer demonstrates how conventional and non-medical therapies like heat therapy can get combined with alternative opportunities.

Dr. Andrea Flemmer is certified biologist and a nutritional scientist. She has published many guidebooks about the topics medicine, alternative therapies and nutrition. Her books were also discussed in German TV. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Cornelia Goesmann

Living well with restless legs 136 pages, 19 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-449-2 € 19.99 2018

Certified by the Health Foundation! This guidebook is certified by the Health Foundation. Around 10 percent of people are affected by the “Restless-Legs-Syndrome” (RLS). In this guidebook Cornelia Goesmann explains the possibilities of available self-help-measures. Possible steps could be naturopathic and physical measures as well as a positive attitude to the illness. Additionally the author presents useful drug groups very detailed. She is convinced that an enlightened patient can develop a treatment with his doctor which will help to improve the life quality.

Dr. Cornelia Goesmann is a specialist in general medicine with the additional title in psychotherapy. Until 2005 she worked as a family doctor in her own practice. Suffering from RLS on her own she gives advice to RLS-patients at RLS-self-help-groups and cooperates with the German RLS organization. She has also been the vice president of the German Medical Association. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Eberhard J. Wormer

Bipolarity – living with extreme emotions 144 pages, 7 images, 15.5 x 21.0, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-331-0 € 19.99 2018

Managing intense feelings! Guide through the labyrinth of emotions! A turbulent life with extreme emotions: mania and depression. Mostly bipolar disorders are undetected and misunderstood but it is a life-threatening psychological disease. Those who are informed about the indications, diagnosis criteria, therapies, possibilities and support are able to control their mania-depressive disease. The indications and characteristics which are presented in this book allow a specific valuation of the diverse symptoms.

Dr. Eberhard J. Wormer studied German studies, history, social sciences and medicine. Afterwards he worked as a doctor at medical publishing houses. He published guidebooks about various health topics for millions of people. Since 2001 he focusses on bipolar disorders. His publications about it got awarded multiply. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Christiane Weißenberger

The big cookbook for stomach and bowel 200 pages, 89 images, 17.0 x 24.0 cm, hardcover ISBN 978-3-86910-050-0 € 25.99 2018

From the nutrition expert! A correct nutrition can have positive effects on stomach and bowel diseases. The nutrition expert Christiane Weißenberger created a comprehensive cookbook with a big choice of varied recipes which are light, delicious and easily digestible. The recipes and nutrient evaluations were created on the basis of recommendations from the German Company of Nutrition. Trying and cooking those recipes is fun and easy to reproduce. This book provides also useful tips, information and food charts which help to choose the right food.

Christiane Weißenberger works as a diet and diabetes assistant at a specified diabetic practice in Würzburg, Germany. The mother of two is a passionate cook and publishes nutrition guide books for years. She is specialized in recipe creation for people with diet-related diseases.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Sven-David Müller | Christiane Weißenberger

The big gout cookbook 200 pages, 153 images, 17.0 x 24.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-336-5 € 26.99 2018 | Third edition

Irresistible recipes! Consumption instead of gout! The nutrition experts Sven-David Müller and Christiane Weißenberger fight the uric acid by presenting low purine food tasty. More than 120 irresistible recipes for the whole family are combined in one book – with nutritional values and uric acid levels. To patients and families it doesn’t even come to mind that they are eating dietetic food – they are connecting it with delicious and tasty food.

The health expert Sven-David Müller studied applied nutrition medicine and is the chairman of the German Authority Center Health Promotion and Dietetics and published more than 170 publications. Christiane Weißenberger works as a diet and diabetes assistant at a specified diabetic practice in Würzburg, Germany, and published many nutrition guidebooks in cooperation with Sven-David Müller. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


Health & Nutrition

Sven Bach

Job food 148 pages, 54 images, 15.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-332-7 € 19.99 2018

For a healthy work routine! About 70 percent of employed persons eat wrong – are you one of those? No breakfast, a snack for lunch and a frozen pizza at night is an easy lifestyle. For this lifestyle you pay with more kilos on scale. But there is another way! Sven Bach created recipes for a healthy work routine and after work hours in his job food-guidebook. He provides advice how to stay slim and how to have a healthy bowel with meal prep and the minus-20%-rule. His tips are tried and tested in practice and work in daily work routine. Delicious meals – even with little time. This is how to stay efficient and how to keep weight balanced.

The successful fight against the own overweight (141 kg!) aroused the interest of Sven Bach in healthy nutrition. Since 1998 the dietitian advises patients with diet-related diseases – first as deputy diet kitchen chef at a clinic and since 2007 in his own practices. Sven Bach is a popular TV and radio nutrition expert. In relation to employee health promotion he gives lectures about job food in front of workforces of big companies. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Pepe Peschel

Pimp your brain! 144 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-4212-6 € 19.99 2020

33 exercises for the brain! Pepe Peschel’s holistic brain fitness guide provides practical tips for clear thoughts and unrestricted concentration: How do you create moments of happiness that boost free association? Which brain food provides for fresh nerve cells? How do you create well connected brain areas? 33 memory exercises promote thought flexibility, memory strength, imagination and creativity – including relaxation times and soothing ear massages.

The health educator, medical journalist, author and television presenter Pepe Peschel works regularly with top-class researchers and international scientists for her guides. She provides her readers with methods for more mindfulness, a sustainable way of life and natural therapy methods.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Achim Pothmann

Job happiness 224 pages, 12 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-114-9 € 12.99 2019

Take your own responsibility! Work sucks! With this attitude, thousands of employees struggle into work in a foul mood daily. Thereby, they do not even realize that it is exactly this conviction causing dissatisfaction. Anchored deeply in the subconscious, it effects that our work life has such a bad reputation. At this point, Dr. Achim Pothmann starts with his job happiness training program. In an entertaining way and with lots of examples, he helps the reader to develop a point of view that makes sustainable job happiness imaginable and possible. The practical tips show how everyone can take their own responsibility finding hapiness and satisfaction in the job. Dr. Achim Pothmann is an expert on job happiness and successful management. For 20 years, he was a managing shareholder of "SchuhHouse". There he proved that entrepreneurial success only becomes possible on a long-term basis. As ambassador of a new world of working, he helps people to increase their own job happiness. He has been multiply awarded for his management. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Katrin Bringmann

Midlife-chance 176 pages, 20 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-107-1 € 19.99 2019

Risk to push the reset button! What should I do with the rest of my life? A question that many women around fifty are wondering about. More and more of them risk to push the reset button and give their life a turning point. Right choice, says trainer and career coach Katrin Bringmann. Fifty is far from the beginning of the end. In her book she shows ways and techniques to look at and question yourself: What really counts for me? Where do I still want to go? And how can I succeed in designing my second half of life happy and fulfilled? Thereby, her most important message is: Abandon your fears and use your potential and the chance on a new life full of self-confidence, optimism and energy. Katrin Bringmann is a trainer, career coach, speaker, and owner of a training institute. As a career coach she especially advises women who are planning the reintegration into working life or a new career path. The 50-year old mother has asked herself as well what the second half of her life will bring – now she is curiously and full of pleasure and power looking into the future though. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Yvonne de Bark

Appear as you like! 224 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-4206-5 € 19.99 2019

Score with your appearance! Whether it is an important meeting, a presentation in front of the boss, or the first date: There are a lot of moments where we want to score with our appearance – professionally as well as private. No matter if we want to appear tough or competent or simply nice, the actress and expert for body language Yvonne de Bark knows how it works. She tells when we should take which attitude and what impression our gestures and facial expression create. With practical tips for every opportunity, she leads the reader to a 100% authentic effect and a confident manner. The perfect guide book for successful communication. Yvonne de Bark belongs to the top ten experts on the subject of body language and its effects. The trained actress and university lecturer is one of the most demanded specialists for nonverbal communication in Germany. She supports boards in DAX companies, trains politicians and chairs seminars. De Bark is an international top speaker, successful author and a passionate coach. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Silke Weinig

Dealing with difficult people 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-111-8 € 19.99 2019 Czech language rights are not available.

Everyone knows them! Everyone knows them: People with whom almost every meeting becomes a hurdling. Colleagues who constantly misunderstand something, family members that grumble or insult. After a meeting with them, you feel tired and stirred up – simply bad. How can you deal with these people without getting left behind? Repartee? A thick skin? With this book, the experienced coach Silke Weinig gives everyone that suffer from choleric persons, drama queens, and constant grumblers a well-filled toolbox that shows them what to concretely do when dealing with difficult people and how to strengthen oneself sustained. Silke Weinig is a coach, trainer and blogger. With her work she enables people to develop their individual strengths in order to lead the life that they desire. When it comes to advising, she benefits from her years of international experience in different positions, her psychological education and her distinctive sensitivity. Silke Weining blogs about current subjects like motivation, potential development, or what helps a good cooperation. She is a famous interview partner and speaker. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Nele Süß

Ways out of the trap of kindness 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-680-9 € 19.99 2019

Not everyone has to like you! “If you are nice to other children, they will like you as well.” A doctrine that a lot of us still carry as adults. Where does this need for harmony at all costs come from? Where does the fear of criticism come from? All these questions made Nele Süß intensively thinking about the topic “Not everyone has to like me”. She shows ways to get out of the trap of kindness – without mutating to a monster. She gives little cognitions and impulses without turning oneself inside out. The goal is to equip oneself with more self-confidence in order to deal more relaxed with rejections and the situation involved. Nele Süß says about herself: “I am that jack of all trades device”. She is self-employed as a communication coach, in the field of PR and moderator as well as in public relations. In 2014, made the dream of an own seminar house come true. The author has to work with different people every day, including unfriendly guests fastidious seminar participants and annoying clients. It took her a long way to learn to say: “Well, then so be it! Many people like me – and others do not.” more often. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Benita Feller | Michael Brepohl

Where perfectionism starts, the fun ends 160 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-677-9 € 19.99 2019

Perfectly imperfect! We want to have the perfect carrier, thereby eating perfectly and someday going on vacation with the perfect beach body. We orientate towards role models that are, in truth, not as awesome as they appear. This book helps people to discover how wonderful they are – even though they have no ideal figure, don't speak Mandarin-Chinese and have not registered for the Iron-Man-Competition on Hawaii yet. Because who constantly gasps at perfectionism loses sight of all the good things in life! To that, the experienced therapist developed a technique that helps us to develop a healthy distance to external influences. Not perfect, but perfectly imperfect. Benita Feller is a healer for psychotherapy and leads a practice for individual and couple therapy. She developed a technique that makes it possible for her clients to accept themselves as they are. Michael Brepohl is a free author, copywriter, and conceptioner. He worked in international advertising agencies for over two years and thus knowing how the beautiful light of perfectionism is created. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Jutta D. Blume

Relationship status: jealous 224 pages, 14.5 x 21.0 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-108-8 € 19.99 2019

Jealousy is toxin for love! Agonizing jealousy is toxin for love – constant mistrust does no relationship endure. This guidebook helps jealous people effectively to finally break the vicious circle of despair, anger, and fear. With highly effective techniques and exercises it is easier to get rid of agonizing feelings in the future. The reward: finally more self-confidence and a happy, trusting relationship!

Jutta D. Blume is a certified psychologist and leads a practice for psychotherapy where she specialized on relationship conflicts and emotional crises. She is hypnotherapist, pastoral psychology therapist, neuro-linguistic programming-coach, as well as accredited Insights-adviser. As a successful advising author, she already helped people with relationship problems to a fulfilling partnership. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Nina Deißler

Never shy again! 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-674-8 € 14.99 2018 Czech language rights are not available.

Shyness is not a destiny! This guidebook shows you how to overcome inhibitions and self-doubt. Many people don’t dare to do what they want and lose out in job, life and love. But shyness is not a destiny! Nina Deißler explains comprehensive and practical how shyness occurs and how you can “disarm” it. Charming and insightful she shows how to reach courageous goals because: Those who overcome their own fear will get rewarded!

Nina Deißler is a certified coach for systematic work, neuro-linguistic programming and hypnosis. She consults people who are longing for a partnership or for overcoming shyness for 20 years. The successful author has published 10 books about love, flirt and partnership at well-known publishing houses and reached more than 150,000 readers with them. Her book “Flirten” is the definite book and a bestseller in this area. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Uwe Hampel

Overcoming the fear of speaking 192 pages, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-671-7 € 14.99 2018

Become a fearless speaker! Are you getting scared when you think of talking in front of many people? In case you are, coach Uwe Hampel is the right for you! The fear of speaking can be released – faster than you think. The guidebook helps where the fear occurs. Unknown patterns need to be detected and changed into positive ones with mental exercise programs. The method enables affected ones to feel pleasure while giving speeches.

Uwe Hampel is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and a psychological consultant. He is specialized in treating fears: stage fright, fear of speaking, fear of flying and exam nerves. Therefore he developed a short time-therapy he uses for years successfully. As a coach he also works with clients who want to stay in front of a group authentic and calm. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Ulrich Bien

Simply. Noticing. Everything. 248 pages, 50 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-512-3 € 24.99 2018 | Fourth edition

Bestseller! Simple memory exercises – immediately applicable! Memorizing names and faces, numbers and facts, telephone numbers and appointments, vocabulary etcetera easily? “Simply. Noticing. Everything.” is a creative memory training which establishes more memories in your head. Many examples and exercises illustrate the learning and memorizing skills. Additionally on DVD: memory training as a seminar.

Ulrich Bien is a memory coach and an expert for effective learning and working. He works as a lecturer at the University of Eichstätt, Germany, with the specialization in adult education and pedagogy.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Axel Kranz

I am coaching my subconscious 176 pages, 23 images, 14.5x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-416-4 € 19.99 2018

Simple and concrete method! Overcoming dissatisfaction and fears. If we could we would simply decide to be happy. But our unconscious imprints are fencing in. Often we feel dissatisfied, feared or angry. Axel Kranz developed a simple and concrete method for overcoming negative behavior patterns. He explains what happens in our brain and consciousness pragmatically and comprehensive. With his meditation exercises we learn to let go. The personal activity plan helps to enrich the emotional well-being and overcome negative patterns. Training the happiness muscle for a satisfying life.

Axel Kranz is a non-medical practitioner for psychotherapy and a trainer and coach for managers and personal development. His work is influenced by a combination of various approaches which connect millennium old knowledge of meditation with newest recognitions of neurology. Following the motto: Significant is what is helpful! Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Lars Poeck

Creative photo exercises for every day 400 pages, 400 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-8426-5502-7 € 39.90 2020

The ultimate photo challenge! With this idea book, you can take a photographic look beyond your horizon every day of the year. Image idea, light, perspective: This book reveals the secrets of original and unique photography through 365 photo assignments – from the easiest to the most difficult! Every page is a new inspiration – this immediately makes you want to take the camera in your hand and develop your own ideas. On board is the basic knowledge necessary to take really good photos: aperture, ISO, shutter speed, image composition and so on – explained in an absolutely understandable way! The perfect guide for all those who want to take really good, creative photos with fun. Lars Poeck taught himself to take photographs. This is probably why he has so many fans among photographers: Over 70,000 photography enthusiasts follow his blog “” every month. His excellent tips and suggestions inspire not only beginners.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Judy Hohmann

Baby and child photography 224 pages, 105 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-227-6 € 28.00 2020 | Second edition

Magic moments forever! How do I lovingly put babies and children in the limelight? What do I have to consider when taking pictures? Which poses look especially cute? This guide is your perfect introduction to baby and child photography: From the basic settings of your camera to the numerous workshops for taking photos afterwards – the author gives you valuable tips on how to create the perfect environment for your little ones and give your photos that certain something. Easy to understand, richly illustrated and free of unnecessary theory: For photographers and parents who want to create magic moments and capture them forever! Judy Hohmann studied photojournalism and runs her own studio for baby and child photography. She was voted “Baby and Child Photographer of the Year” in 2014 by the Association of Professional Children’s Photographers. In her blog she is now followed not only by enthusiastic and upcoming customers, but also by photographers who are looking for good picture ideas. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Tom Gufler

Creative photo exercises: children & family 240 pages, 150 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-093-7 € 26.99 2019

The new type of photo guide! In the basic chapter, the photographer explains the most important camera functions, shows which photo equipment is essential and gives practical tips for taking photos of children. In the photo workshop, parents learn how to take impressive photos using over 70 creative photo tasks. The special thing: In the book, the author shows many successful pictures of his course participants that give courage. Thanks to his compact learning method, emotional family photos are created surprisingly quickly. Perfect for everyone who wants to give themselves and their children unique memories. Tom Gufler is a photo coach and as a photographer specialized in emotional children’s photography. On his online portal “” he has already taught many thousands of parents how to take pictures.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Lars Poeck

Learning to photograph 266 pages, 365 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-371-6 € 19.99 2019 | Second edition

Daily tasks and workshops! The 30-day-challenge leads you in small, understandable steps to better photos and does not use specialist talk or technical photographer language! Every day there are exciting photography tips, instructions and sample photos for beginners. The author explains everything you want to know as a beginner: basic rules of image creation, first steps in manual mode with your digital camera, tips on image editing, the right camera settings and the way to good and creative image ideas.

Lars Poeck taught himself to take photographs. This is probably why he has so many fans among photographers: Over 70,000 photography enthusiasts follow his blog “” every month. His excellent tips and suggestions inspire not only beginners.

Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Radomir Jakubowski

Workshop nature photography 256 pages, 150 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-099-9 € 26.99 2020

Complete workshop! How to get brilliant images and perfect exposure in the middle of nature? How do I find impressive motifs without having to take a long distance trip? How do I impressively stage landscapes, animals and plants? You will find the right answers in this photo workshop. It reveals which equipment is useful, which camera settings one should know and what to consider when creating pictures. At the heart of the guide are 70 fascinating mini-workshops in which the author shows step by step how to create successful nature photos. The perfect guide for hobby photographers and nature lovers!

Radomir Jakubowski is one of the best nature photographers in Germany. He is a board member of the Society for Nature Photography and a successful photo trainer. In the last ten years he has won over 100 national and international nature photography competitions. Among others he was elected “European Nature Photographer of the Year” and twice “Nature Photographer of the Year”. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Timm Allrich

Workshop landscape photography 256 pages, 150 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-096-8 € 19.99 2019

Find suprising photo motives! How do razor sharp pictures and a perfect exposure succeed? Where do you find photo motives that surprise? Answers to these questions are provided in this photo workshop to read, realize and learn. The well-known landscape photographer Timm Allrich opens his treasure chest with expert knowledge and the best tips. A dream for all hobby photographers who want to know what is important for really good landscape pictures and who never want to say again: ”It was more beautiful in reality.”

Timm Allrich has started taking photographs 15 years ago – today, he is one of the most famous landscape photographers in Germany. His workshops burst with helpful tips – thats why he is so esteemed by hobby photographers. With this guidebook, he provides – completely without secrecy – his most valuable tricks to all who want to capture the unlimited beauty of our landscapes with fascinating pictures. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408



Martin Buschmann

The start in travel photography 192 pages, 144 images, 14.5 x 21.5 cm, paperback ISBN 978-3-86910-369-3 € 26.99 2018

For lasting photo memories! The basics chapter deals with the most important basics: Which camera settings do you need to know? How do I create real eye-catchers? Martin Buschmann explains terms like aperture, ISO, white balance and shows what to look for when buying a camera, lens, tripod & Co. In the big workshop chapter, practical checklists and clear step-by-step instructions make sure that the first photo successes are quickly achieved. The inspiring sample photos make you want to take some more photos, so that great and creative pictures are guaranteed on your next trip.

Martin Buschmann is a passionate photographer and photo trainer. With his photo travels, workshops

and online seminars he has already helped thousands of amateur photographers to achieve better picture results. When he is not passing on his photographic knowledge, he works in his photo studio for international agencies and editorial offices. Contact Nicole Lange · e-mail · phone +49 511 8550-2540 · fax +49 511 8550-2408


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