The James Madison Fellowship program was established by Congress in 1986 to improve teaching the constitution at the secondary school level and to address a pressing need in the field of secondary education – instruction in the areas of American history, government, or social studies. This year OSU can select up to four senior students (must receive Bachelors Degree by August, 2012) to compete for the James Madison Fellowship Program, which has a value of up to $24,000. Fellowships are intended for graduate study in the United States leading to a Masters Degree in one of the following areas: Master of Arts (MA) – American history, political science, government; Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) – Concentrating on American constitutional history, American government, political institutions, and political theory (in a political science department); Master of Education (MEd) – concentrating on American history or American government, political institutions, and political theory.
Requirements: U. S. citizen or U. S. National; Minimum 3.00 GPA; Planning on becoming a teacher of American history, American government, or social studies at the secondary school level.
2012 JAMES MADISON FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM OSU APPLICATION 1) Personal details: Name, address, phone, email, legal state of residence. expected graduation date, and undergraduate degree; 2) Attach a resume′ (no more than two pages) in which you give information on your educational background, honors, awards, activities, jobs, etc.; 3) One the basis of your educational experiences, indicate the teaching techniques that you consider most effective; 4) Explain your reason for choosing a career in secondary education as a teacher of American history, American government, or social studies, and your long-term career plans; 5) Describe a book that you have read in the last year that has contributed to your intellectual development; 6) Indicate any other information about yourself you wish to bring to the attention of the selection committee; 7) Essay: In about 600 words explain why you feel study of the Constitution is important and should form a part of the secondary school curriculum. Include the following with your application: A letter of recommendation from your department head or academic advisor; A second letter of recommendation from a professor familiar with your work; A copy of your fall schedule; An official college transcript. Deliver all application information by Friday, November 11, 2011 to:
Scholar Development & Recognition, 334 Student Union.