Wentz Research Application 2012

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Wentz Research Project 2012-2013 Application The Wentz Research Projects ($4,500) are an opportunity for undergraduates to conduct research with a faculty mentor for two semesters of an academic year (fall and spring). No extensions are promised nor will any preferred treatment be given for those wishing to continue their projects into a second year. Only one Wentz award per year, per student, is allowed, and mentors may not supervise more than two projects at a time. The research project description, conceived and written by the student in a style readily understandable to scholars from all disciplines, must explain clearly the purpose, research plan, and expected results. The description must convince the award committee that this is student research rather than a task assigned by a faculty mentor to support his/her ongoing work. Selected applicants could be interviewed following a first screening to determine the origin of the ideas and plans for completing the project. Students chosen must arrange with mentors for two hours of academic credit during the spring semester. All participants must submit a progress report during the first semester in order for the second semester stipend to be approved. They must also display the results of their work at a spring program and turn in a final report at the end of the semester. Participants must enroll in at least twelve hours of residence credit and report to their mentors during the first week of the fall semester, or the award will be rescinded. A faculty panel will determine which projects are to be funded, based on the quality of the student’s proposal and faculty support. The amount of the stipend has been set to include supplies or expenses. Upon acceptance of the award, the student and mentor will designate whether the full $4,500 should be credited to the student or $500 withheld and processed later through a department expense account.

Who is eligible to apply? Wentz Research Projects awards are limited to OSU students (Stillwater or Tulsa) officially listed as undergraduates at the time of application and for the duration of the project year (those classified as graduate students, in 3-2 programs, or in Veterinary Medicine are not eligible). Applicants must have a minimum 3.00 GPA and have completed at least 12 in residence hours at OSU. Scholars in all disciplines are encouraged to apply. Applicants may choose topics from areas not related to their major, if they wish, and some of our best projects have been this type of study. Students winning awards will receive information concerning Institutional Review Board guidelines and research orientation with their offer letter. Special note: For the first time, the Wentz Projects program will offer an incentive for those wanting to take part in an exciting new area of university life. The Doel Reed Center in Taos, New Mexico, is a new venue for students and faculty to study, take classes, and conduct research on a variety of possible topics. Student topics related to art, literature, music, Native American culture, etc., with particular reference to the life and times of Doel Reed, will be considered for Wentz special funding if the committee feels the project can be fruitful. There will be summer courses taught at the center as well, and it is possible to begin such research in the framework of a course and continue through the next academic year, as is the case with all Wentzes. Contact us for further information.

Available online: www.scholardevelopment.okstate.edu

Wentz Research Project 2012-2013 Application Student Information Project Title: ___________________________________________________________ Name: ___________________________________ CWID #: _____________________ Complete Mailing Address: ________________________________________________ Local/Cell Phone: _____________________ Email address: _____________________ Permanent Address: _____________________________________________________ College: ______________Major: ___________________________________________ Project mentor name/department: __________________________________________ Please print Which of the following areas best describes the focus of your proposed project?

Agriculture ____

Social Sciences/Education/Business ____

Engineering/Technology ___

Humanities/Arts ____

Biological/Physical Sciences/Mathematics ____

Doel Reed Project _____

Hours completed (must have completed twelve at OSU by Jan. 2012): ________

Graduation/Retention GPA (must be 3.00 or better at the time of application and for the duration of the award): ________

Please attach an official transcript.

By signing below, I affirm that all information is correct and I understand that any false information will cause my application to be withdrawn from the competition. Further, by signing I authorize OSU to publicize my participation by using any of my quotations and pictures concerning the program in various media. If awarded I understand I must participate in the poster session in April 2013 and turn in a minimum 5-page report on my project. Only one Wentz award of any type per student, can be accepted

Student Signature ______________________________________ Date _____________ Return materials to 334 Student Union no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 15, 2012.

Available online: www.scholardevelopment.okstate.edu

Project Description: Describe the project and desired outcomes on this page, 10-pt. or larger, and do not staple or glue to this page. Include in your proposal passages that: 1) Introduce and summarize the topic or problem clearly and concisely; 2) Explain research methods and strategies to be employed; 3) Identify any expected outcome, product, or solution and thereby any benefits (practical or theoretical) deriving from the study. Project Title: _________________________________________________________________

Faculty Mentor Comments Project Title: ____________________________________________________________ Student Name: __________________________________________________________ Faculty mentor: Please indicate in the space below what qualifies this project for selection and what level of involvement you will provide to make this a successful academic experience for the student. Do not attach any additional project-related materials.

Mentor Name: ___________________________________________ (please print) Mentor Signature ________________________________________ Date ____________ Department Head Signature ________________________________ Date ____________

THE WENTZ RESEARCH PROJECT PROGRAM OSU has been fortunate to enjoy many benefits of the Lew Wentz Foundation, and by far the most prominent one is this program, which is known not only locally but nationally for its quality and prestige. You should find the Wentz Research experience to be one of your most memorable educational experiences, as well as one that gives you a better chance to get into graduate schools, win prestigious scholarships, or find better jobs – all of which are proven results during the program's existence. Following are some explanations and "tips" that might help you and your mentor make a better proposal.

DO think of the Wentz as collaboration between you and a mentor that develops basic research skills. DO NOT think of yourself as a “lab or library assistant,” or a “go-fer” in a research program already established. DO consider a project in a field other than your major, if you wish. It’s been done before, and it’s a great experience. DO NOT leave your topic too general. Narrow your research to a topic that is focused in a specific problem area.

DO write your proposal yourself. If your mentor gives you a proposal to copy, go somewhere else. The selection panel can tell the difference between your writing and that of an experienced researcher. DO NOT assume this has to be original research. You are an undergraduate and need skills. Creative approaches to old subjects are acceptable for this program.

DO write your proposal in clear English and in paragraph form with concrete details about your goals, activities, and how the results will be presented. DO NOT depend on formulas, graphs, charts, or drawings that some on the panel can’t understand. The proposal should be accessible to a broadly educated and diverse audience from several disciplines DO explain how you plan to conduct the study and the resources you’ll need: – library, laboratory, questionnaires, etc. Your study should be able to be completed in about two semesters. DO NOT propose to design a web-site, conduct a major study that requires too much time, or involves sophisticated mailings and questionnaires for many respondents.

DO work with your mentor on his/her supporting statement, which should affirm the quality of the idea, availability of resources, and how you will benefit from the experience. DO NOT have the mentor merely repeat your proposal.


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