Anahita Asghari-Kamrani

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Who Is...

James Harrison?

James Harrison, an Australian blood donor, has a unique blood type that contains the rare antibody, or the treatment, to Rhesus disease. Harrison was born on December 27, 1936, in Australia, but his incredible story began when he was 14 years old. When Harrison was 14, he had to go through a major chest surgery in which he needed thirteen liters of blood from strangers to survive. Due to his chest surgery, he understood how important it was to donate blood in order to help save someone’s life. Once he turned 18 years old, he decided to become a blood donor and gave his blood regularly to save lives. Once he turned 81 years old, the Australian policy prohibited him from making further donations but throughout his lifetime, he has made more than one thousand donations.




James Harrison

Contributed to the World Harrison became extremely significant to the world once researchers found out that his blood was unique, as it contained an antibody to Rhesus disease, also known as anti-D immunoglobulin. Anti-D immunoglobulin was needed in order to develop immune globulin-based products, which would prevent newborns from obtaining this disease. These immune globulin-based products prevent women from forming harmful antibodies while they are pregnant. Rhesus disease, a disease that develops in pregnant mothers and their babies, can cause the baby to become anemic and form jaundice at a young age. This disease is a form of HDN, also known as hemolytic disease of the newborn. Thanks to James Harrison, an extremely large number of about 2.4 million babies have been saved from this disease.


Rhesus Disease Rhesus disease, a disease that develops in pregnant mothers and their babies, can cause the baby to become anemic and form jaundice at a young age. This disease is a form of HDN, also known as hemolytic disease of the newborn.


- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes) - Hemolytic anemia - Fast heart rate (tachycardia) - Swelling under the skin - Large abdomen - Fast breathing (tachypnea)




The Monument This monument resembles an actual arm and is built out of gold since Harrison is known as “the man with the golden arm”. The hand of the monument is holding a baby as it resembles the many lives that he saved because of the Anti-D immunoglobulins in his blood.


James Harrison The Man with the Golden Arm


The Monument George Mason University

Peterson Family Health Sciences Hall This building promotes the advancement of health, which is something that James Harrison contributed to. Due to his blood being the prevention of a disease, he plays a part in the future of science.


The Monument New York City, New York

The New York Blood Center The New York Blood Centers is the largest blood donation center in the United States. This allows for people passing by to understand how important donating blood is in order to save other lives.

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