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Mao Zedong
Biography Mao Zedong was born in December 26 1893, as known as Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who was the founding father of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Mao was born in a farmer’s family where is a small village called Shaoshan, his father is one of the wealthiest farmer in Shaoshan who describe as strict as well as beat Mao and his three siblings when they were young. Mao’s mother , Wen Qimei, was a devout Buddhist and tried to influence her family by faith. In 1919, After graduated from Changsha city first normal college, in Hunan province China Department of History, he became the supporter in the movement called “May Fourth“ , As response to the Movement, he initiated the establishment of the Hunan Student Union, leading the Hunan Student Anti-Imperial Patriotic Movement and shout the slogan “ Democracy and republic “ among the parade of students. Three years later he became one of the establishment of the Communist Party of China. His life began changed.
Chinese Communiest
Rise the power In 1920, Mao returned to Changsha, where his attempt to organize a democratic government for Hunan province failed. He traveled to Shanghai in 1921 and was present at the founding meeting of the Chinese Communiest Party (CCP) which are also attended by Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu. Mao then founded a CCPbranch in Hunan and organized worker’s strikes throughout the province.
The Homeland
1945-PRC(Con In 1945, shortly after Japan surrendered in World War II, civil war was broken out between CCP and KMT troops. The CCP, who had mass peasant support and a well-disciplined Red Army, defeated the KMT in 1949.On Octomber 1 Mao declared the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Tiananmen Square in Beijing which is also the capital of China.
The Monument His monument would be show Mao stand in front of the flag and wave hand at the same time. The idea of this design is base on the date of the founding of New China, the reaction he may make after went through all the difficulties. The monument would be place probably near the sub 1 building in the Fairfax campus
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