Marbling by Blending
This is another way to condition. Cut pieces of the clay and individually roll them into little logs. Pick the colors you want to use and roll them separately into snake or log like shapes. Lay the snakes next to each other and twist them together, fold over and continue rolling until you are happy with the results, or your colors are marbled to the point you like. As you are rolling you can add other snakes of clay to your blend until smooth. This method is great for creating a rainbow effect with the colors you choose. Your piece should resemble a candy cane.
Blending With a Pasta Machine
This method is the same as conditioning your clay with a pasta machine, the only difference is you are putting more than one color in the machine. Put your clay through the machine fold it over and put it through again until you get your desired blend. Beware of air bubbles in your clay.
Marbled clay
Basics of Polymer Clay for Beginners