Sisu Graphic Standard Manual

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Graphic Standard Manual

Table of Contents 01 Our Brand 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4


Signature Sizing Safety Area Variations Incorrect Usage

03 Color

4.1 Typefaces 4.2 Sample Setting

06 Imagery 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4


11 13


Brand Images Mistakes to Avoid Profile Images Profile Mistakes

07 Digital Media

3.1 Primary Color

04 Typography

05 Stationery 5.1 Letterhead 5.2 Business Card 5.3 Envelope

Mission Statement Target Audience Tagline Tone

02 Logo 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5



7.1 Ads

08 Collateral


8.1 Collateral Products

09 Website


9.1 UI Style

Sisu Brand Guidelines | 2


Our Brand

3 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

1.1 Mission Statement

1.2 Target Audience

For modern creators and dreamers looking for inspiration to create a special vision for an event within their budget, Sisu brings you a catalog of creative designs that can illuminate your space all while giving you the encouraging support from your creative community.

The market for Sisu users age ranges from 18 and above. The individual can be anyone, an event planner, busy mom, or a family with a common theme of bring creators.

1.3 Tagline Lets Design Together

1.4 Tone Informative, friendly, partnership, exciting, creative and community.

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02 Logo

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2.1 Signature Sisu ,a visual discovery tool, brings you inspiration for your special day. The signature is designed to showcase dreamers and creators connecting with one another with ideas and creations that come together through their community. The mark reflects the people, ideas, and community. The san-serif typeface Quinlee Sans is used for the logotype. This typeface emulates the joy our users feel when they found an inspiration or creator for their event. And for our creators who love to design.



2.2 Sizing The signature may be no smaller than 0.9838� high.

0.9838 in

Sisu Brand Guidelines | 6

2.3 Safety Area The signature and mark should always have a safety area to ensure the integrity of the brand is free from clutter. The letter U of the logotype is used to demonstrate the safety area of the logo from other elements such as images, type, and illustrations to maintain a strong appearance.

7 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

2.4 Variations


Our brand should be consistent among various platforms. Here are the following accepted variations. 1. Full Logo with both logo mark and logotype can be used in the following format. Both primary colors should be used with the mark in Pantone 486 U and logotype in Pantone 2965 U. Signature may be colored in Pantone 486 U alone. Additionally, the signature may be colored in white and placed against both primary colors.


2. Mark alone may be colored in Pantone 486 U or white against our primary colors.


3. Mark may be placed with the tagline on the left side only in white against primary colors on advertisements.

Lets Design


Lets Design


Sisu Brand Guidelines | 8

2.5 Incorrect Usage The logo must be used as is and not be altered in any way. This means that you must not:

9 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

Don’t alter logo font.

Don’t not distort the logo.

Don’t alter the logo.

Don’t add colors to individual elements, only use primary brand color.

Don’t rotate the identity.

Don’t not distort the logo.

Don’t use drop shadows, or other visual effects.

Don’t create a 3-d version.

Don’t reposition mark.

Don’t alter the placement or scale of the elements.

Sisu Brand Guidelines | 10


Pantone 486 U CMYK 16% 60% 57% 1% RGB 207 123 105 HEX #Cf7b69



11 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

2965 U 80% 62% 43% 26% 60 81 100 #3C5164

3.1 Primary Color The primary brand color for Sisu are two fun rich and inviting set. It conveys the feeling of happiness and sense of relaxation when searching for your inspiration.






Pantone 486 U has additional tints that can be used through graphical elements and website. Pantone 2965 U has tints that will only be used for the UI elements.




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13 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

4.1 Typefaces The primary font Quinlee Sans brings the excitement to convey our brand messages across platforms. Also, used in our logotype. It is used primarily for titles and headlines. It does have flexibility to be used in captions. The secondary font is Open Sans with over 7 weight choices. This san serif font is best used for the body text, advertising and website.

Primary typeface

Quinlee Sans The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 12345678910 !@#$%^&*()?><":{}[] Sisu Brand Guidelines | 14

Secondary typeface

Open Sans


Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 12345678910 !@#$%^&*()?><":{}[]

15 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

Italic Bold Bold Italic ExtraBold Regular ExtraBold Regular

4.2 Sample Setting HEADLINE Quinlee Sans Regular Size: 36pt Leading: 32pt Kerning: Optical SUBHEAD Open Sans Bold Size: 16pt Leading: 19pt Kerning: Optical PULL QUOTE Open Sans Bold Size: 14pt Leading: 16pt Kerning: Optical BODY Open Sans Bold Size: 10pt Leading: 13pt Kerning: Optical

ET HICTUM REIUM REM CONSEDITET ULLABORISI AUT EATUR SINT QUAECEA DOLLECTUS MO DOLUM. “Parchil laboressit eossequi accus, ex comnimin poreritibus sa nus que corem quam, comnis peditem eumque.” Et officte preheneste prerrum aritatibus dipsamusam fugiaerovit ium untibus, sum aut ommoluptam aut adit fugiata verendam num quuntempost laturerum ea verro volorum numquo everita epeliquat harum hillora duciatis. Deseque eum quiaspererum sitatur mosa dia dessequi il est, eatesen itionse num cusapictem et volorem porepro conet velent res dolut imusdae aut ut et ulparum velecto essum ut autem hil mo consercides eosandae voluptas ad.

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17 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

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5.1 Letterhead The letterhead is designed to display a clean and professional look for correspondence. It is printed on 8.5x11. Follow the measurements for information placement.

1 in"

1.75 in"

.25 in"

1 in" .5938 in" .7798 in" To: Samanatha Rios Creative Director

1.0131 in"

200 NArthur Ashe Blvd Richmond, VA 23220

Body text: Setting for letters and numbers are in Open Sans Regular in size 10pt with 12pt leading.

October 15, 2020 200 N Ashe Blvd Richmond, VA 23220

Dear Mrs. Rios, Maximodi ipit escim sapieni moluptas ad eicae experio. Uciat por ressequam fugia aliquia sum quias con rero bea qui dolore quas nem qui quosseque velit, quidelenim faccupit dionsed maior re nobis non conse quibusa ntibus exerro ea pra dit voluptatis illaut volo mi, sus, te sitis voluptatem facidel isquas coreraepro blatemodis dolorep udictem et verum quides abo. Erspernam atiaero ipsus et eos a quam quis andelen demporibus etus min cor as inisi re et quatque inum audi acilige ndenihil illabor emporitatio blanit, to et pre nimet ius audaectatur simet et aliciet at. Dellupta idebitium qui veniti voluptaquat es aut litis repedit landa vellorepe porro molupta con nos es autae pa cor anto optatis il eatusaepro vero vero intibus apidigente labo. Epernat vero venda voluptio ipsae demporum reperum lacea volorerum illaut aspe aliquia quidest aut lanis nis serupta eperupt aturis magnient invelit delit enderitatur? Faccum evel mo ipsa dus. Od untiorum facea sundem ercipis dunt plantiatis ut officte mporem quiam sequo beatur molut autem qui doluptat autat eatur, culpariores maio officit acipsa id et harum aut quiate vidus eum nis est, isciis modireicaereprae rem eatem doluptatis et, nonsequis aut ut evelestem veni offictia cullatur molum que dio berferum qui te pe pro blabo. Ficiur sollandae. Geni quia que quat et audi to venihil iquunt, adisi acit doluptis as etur? Em quis magnimoles doluptat. Et veliciam que porerum quia consent.

Date text: Setting for the date is set in Open Sans Bold in size 10pt.

7.2339 in"

Best Regards,

+1 804 748 7345 6737 W. Cary street Richmond, VA 23221

.845 in"

Ashley Henderson CEO

Lets Design

.5 in"


.92 in"

.855 in" 1 in"

19 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

1.75 in"

1.02 in"

.885 in"

5.2 Business card

5.3 Front Envelope

The business card is designed to display a clean and professional look for potential clients. It is printed on 3.5 x 2in. Follow the measurements for information placement.

The envelope is designed to display a clean and professional look for correspondence. It is printed on #10/9.5 x4.125in. Follow the measurements for information placement. Recipients name & Address: Setting for both information is set in Open Sans Bold in size 9pt with leading of 10.81pt

Name text: Setting for the name is set in Open Sans Bold in size 8pt with leading of 9.6pt. Contact text: Setting for the contact information is set in Open Sans Bold in size 8pt with leading of 9.6pt

.5188 in"

1.3 in"


.6 in" .4791 in"

.25 in"

1.4937 in"

.25 in"

6737 W. Cary street Richmond, VA 23221

.25 in" .4655 in" Samantha Rios 200 N N Arthur Ashe Blvd Richmond, VA 23220

.1694 in"

Ashley Henderson CEO

.4435 in" .19 in"

1.083 in"

+1 804 748 7345

1.1609 in"

.3596 in" .25 in"

1.8225 in"

.25 in" 4.15 in"

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Sisu Brand Guidelines | 22

6.1 Brand Images Sisu images provide a unique vision, connecting people with the creative community. It’s about giving them inspiration to look forward to guide them in their event. When uploading imagery please take in consideration the following guidelines. 1. Center Items in photos. 2. Use appropriate props. 3. Take advantage of natural light. 4. Showcase full details. Note: Use high quality .jpg files less than 20 MB.

23 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

6.2 Mistakes to Avoid 1. Images with no direction. 2. Overwhelming photo arrangments. 3. Poor lighting. 4. Blurry images and poor quality.

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6.3 Profile Images Creators profile images should be credible and show your true self for potential collaboration. When uploading imagery please take in consideration the following guidelines. 1. Smile. 2. Show personality. 3. Good lighting and facing the camera. 4. Clean background and cropped around the face. 5. Use a pro photographer. Note: Use high quality .jpg files less than 20 MB.

25 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

6.4 Profile Mistakes 1. Do not up load images obstructing face 2. Do not up load dark images. 3. Do not up load distracted images. 4. Do not upload images not facing camera

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07 Digital Media 27 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

7.1 Ads Digital ads are a great way to showcase the emotion of fun, design and collaboration. It should entice them to click. When designing digital ads, please use the following guide to help assist with image, text, logo and tagline placement. This will ensure they all look consistent and on-brand.




1. Half page 360 x 600px 2. Leader board 728 x 90x Mobile leaderboard 320 x 50px 3. Large Rectangle 336 x 280px Medium rectangle 300 x 250px 4. Instagram 1080 x 1080px


Mobile leader board 320 x 50 px Half page 360 x 600 px

Leader board 728 x 90 px

Large rectangle 336 x 280 px Medium rectangle 300 x 250 px

29 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

Mobile leader board 320 x 50 px Half page 360 x 600 px

Leader board 728 x 90 px

Large rectangle 336 x 280 px Medium rectangle 300 x 250 px

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8.1 Collateral Products Following are Sisu’s collateral with the brands logo, icons, and tagline. For more information please contact corporate office.

Note book


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Cellphone Cover





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9.1 UI Style The Sisu website should include the same primary colors used in throughout the brand. Imagery throughout should incorporate the brands tone. Follow our imagery guidelines on page 23. The following are user interface context. Please follow the visual elements for buttons, search engine, input form and icons. For more information please contact corporate headquarters.

39 | Sisu Brand Guidelines

Search Bar

Search Address

Hoverable Buttons


Hoverable Image

Sisu Brand Guidelines | 40

For more information, contact: 6737 w. Cary street Richmond, VA 23221 +1 804 748 7345

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