Zack Snyder Monument Zine

Zack Snyder is an American Film Director who is the founder of his production company, Stone Quarry, In 2004 Alongside his wife, Deborah Snyder.
Zack Snyder studied at Heartherly School of Fine Arts In England, where he began dabbing into the world of filmmaking.
2016 Batman v Superman
Dawn of Justice
Zack Snyder’s Justice League
Note: The 2017 theatrical release was a trimed down & reshot version of the story under the influence of the WB executives pre AT&T merger and Joss Whedon.
The Release the Snyder Cut trend s a movement that began around late 2017 or early 2018 after the Justice League theatrical release. This movement is to get Warner Brothers to release Zack’s true version of the movie because he dropped out if the project around May 2017 after principle photography due to a family tragedy and was reshoot by Joss Whedon.
The family tragedy was centered around one of Zack’s kids, Autumn Snyder, who commited suicide around the age of 20.
Throughout the movement, they donated $500.000 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (or AFSP for Short) in support of Snyder’s Family
“We’re so happy that he could bring his cut of Justice League to life because that wasn’t in the plan until about a year ago. With that comes the conclusion of his trilogy.” -Variety2021
After the release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League, The CEO of Warner Brothers at the time, Ann Sarnoff, said that they’re glad that his story is complete, despite the film leaving out so much story to tell. But despite this statement, it didn’t stop the community from fighting for Zack’s Story to come to Fruition
“I’ll never stop beating the drum of what these fans were able to accomplish for suicide prevention & mental health awareness, and the amount of money they raised and continue to raise every day.” -The Direct
“I praise him for EMPOWERING me ( a black man with no film credits to his name) with a seat at the creative table & input on the framing of the stones before there was even a script!”
Jason Momoa
“I wouldn’t be here today and my career becuase he GAVE me the opportunity to play Aquaman”
Jared Leto
“I was just happy to be a part of his dream and being asked to play the JOKER again was just a treat.”
-ET Canada
Design pays homage to the Superman statue from BatmanvSuperman
(1) The Justice League flag referencing the victory of his director’s cut
(2) Soren from the Owls of Ga’Hoole
(3) Film Reel of Zack Snyder’s Justice League
(4) Baby Doll’s Katana from SuckerPunch
(5) Ga’Hoole Battle Helmet
(6) Rorshack’s Hat & Mask from WATCHMEN
(7) Armoured Bat Cowl & Batarang from Batman v Superman
(8) Spartan Shield & Spear from 300
(9) Names of all of the fans/supporters of Zack who helped release his director’s cut of Justice League
“I am also inspired by Zack Snyder & Robert Rodriguez, guys that were just creting their own cinematic language.”
“You’re dealing with a filmmaker who has deconstructed this mythology & now has to reconstruct it. That is a fascinating challenge for him!”
Learn about one of the most underrated but influencial film directors in the 21st century and wy he deserves his own moneument
Christopher Nolan
Steel,” FandomWire
James Cameron
“JamesCameronisinspiredByZackSnyderasaFilmmaker,” TrailerAddict