H edy Lamarr
B iog r a p hy Hedy Lamarr was born November 9th, 1914 in Vienna, Austria. She was a young actress who was extremely beautiful. She played in 30 films over her 28 year career. She was once even called “the most beautiful woman in the world”. But, her looks were not the only thing she had going for her. Hedy was also extremely intelligent. . She had no prior formal training and was primarily self-taught. In her spare time as an actress she would do various hobbies and inventions such as an improved traffic stoplight and a carbonated drink tablet.
Accomplishments She patented an idea that went on to become the crutch of both secure military communication and mobile technology. This idea was called the “Secret Communication System:” The original version was meant to solve the problems of the Ana its blocking signals during World War II. The US Navy did not adopt the invention until 1957 but the techniques used in the invention laid the groundwork for the techniques used for WiFi and Bluetooth.
Mo nume n
n t ske tc h
Loca t i on One G MU : Ce n t e r f or the Arts
L o ca t i on T wo N at i o n al I nve nt o rs H a l l of Fame M u se u m
back cover
I believe Hedy Lamarr deserves a monument because she was apart of a large part of history and developed techniques used now in modern day over a hundred years later. She was disregarded because of her beauty but that should not degrade someone. She should not have been degraded simply because she was beautiful and in the creative field. She breaks the dumb blonde stereotype and portrays women empowerment.