Michigan/Lake Michigan Chapter For Shoreline Preservation
P.O. Box 429 Saugatuck, Michigan 49453 TEL (269) 857-8945 * FAX (269) 857-8945 E-mail:
Newsletter – Winter 2014 UNPRECEDENTED RISE IN LAKE LEVELS In January, 2013, an all-time record low level of 576.02 feet was set on Lake Michigan-Huron. However, since that time levels have risen significantly. October data show that Lake Michigan-Huron is now almost 3 feet higher than the record low. The current level of Lake Michigan-Huron is 4" above the Long Term Average. This is the first time in many years for Michigan-Huron; the other lakes have been above average for quite a while. Lake Superior will be dumping more water and predictions are for a rise of another foot. Precipitation is playing a role in water levels. Higher precipitation in the Fall causes higher levels. Evaporation is also playing a role as ice-covered lakes cannot evaporate. During the 2013-14 winter, 95% of the Great Lakes were frozen over with the last ice melting on Lake Superior on June 10, 2014. The Great Lakes are colder than last year by 6 degrees. Predictions are for ice formation earlier than last year and less evaporation.
LETTER TO THE IJC The Great Lakes Coalition has sent a letter to the International Joint Commission (IJC) thanking them for their foresight and good judgment in deciding several years ago to not recommend that barriers be installed immediately in the St. Clair River, even though some politicians and some interest groups like the Georgian Bay Association were clamoring for it at that time. If lake levels had been artificially raised 50 centimeters (20 inches) as per one proposal, they would be well above average today and poised to do irreparable damage to beaches and to shoreline bluffs and homes if we have another severe winter and the levels continue to rise, as some are predicting. The rapid rise in levels (about 2-1/2 feet in the last 20 months) has exposed the fallacy of the saying: "Don't worry. If levels go too high when barriers are in place, we could just remove them and let the extra water out." There have been no barriers in the last 20 months and yet water has not run out fast enough to prevent the rising levels. In fact, even if there was a way to let an extra 20 inches out of Lake Michigan-Huron, it would have been politically impossible. Lake Michigan-Huron has about 4-1/2 times as much surface area as Lake Erie, so if 20 inches could have been let out, it would have resulted in an inflow of about 90 inches or 7-1/2 feet into Lake Erie. That is not realistic. Recently, the International Joint Commission made a recommendation to governments to study the feasibility of placing barriers in the St. Clair River. With levels currently at or above average on all lakes, it would seem that, if a study is made, it should also include the feasibility of measures to alleviate possible high levels, too. The Great Lakes Coalition has requested a status report on their recommendation.