Test Prospectus

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School Staff 2013/14 Headteacher: Mr C. Watson

Reception (Squirrels) Reception (Rabbits) Year 1 (Bumblebees) Year 1 (Dragonflies) Year 2 (Badgers) Year 2 (Hedgehogs) Year 3L Year 4B Year 4L Year 5L Year 6L

Deputy Headteacher/SENCo: Miss J. Hignett

Class Teachers Miss G. Houghton Miss S. Walsh Mrs R. Hoolihan Mrs G. Bendelow Mrs K. Wood Mrs H. Hall Mrs S. Tonge Mrs M. Phillips Mrs S. Tomlinson Miss E. Webster Mrs C. Gavin

Teaching Assistants Mrs J. Whittam Miss V. Hughes Miss S. Crompton/Miss N. Vaghela Mrs A. Matthews/Miss J. Meeson Mrs L. Shaw/Mrs E. Ferguson Miss C. Acton/Mrs E. Fergoson Mrs K. Mugal Mrs M. Asghar Mrs D. Sixsmith Miss R. Heathcote Miss K. Cooper/Mrs A. Rowland

Business Manager: Mrs C. Taylor Lunchtime Assistants Mrs H. Ashton Mrs K. Grainger Mrs V. Tomkinson Mrs W. Hewitt Mrs J. Renshaw Mrs E. Toth Miss S. Hewitt Mrs M. Asghar Mrs N. Patel Mrs F. Munshi Mrs J. Miles

Office Administrative Assistants: Mrs J. Turnbull, Mrs J. Brickles ICT Support: Miss K. Cooper Site Manager: Mr J. Walton Lunchtime Supervisor: Mrs M. Patel Kitchen Staff: Mrs L. Boddy, Mrs C. Ladva, Mrs L.Ball, Miss G. Bradley

School Governors

Staff Governors Mrs C. Taylor Mrs C. Gavin Mr C. Watson (HT)

Parent Governors Miss N. Burgess Mrs K. Kathiriya Mrs Z. Khan Mrs K. Mepani Dr C. De Goede

Community Governors Mrs J. Ashcroft (Chairperson) Mr E .Woo Mrs M. Whitehead


Local Authority Governors Councillor R .Kay Mr N. Tyldesley Dr Z. Hanslot

The School Ladybridge Primary School is a community school for children aged 4-11 years, currently catering for 300 children. The school first opened in 1969, and is set in extensive grounds in the centre of the Ladybridge estate. The school is well resourced with 14 spacious, light and modern classrooms, as well as a number of additional learning rooms for ICT, cookery, art and nurturing. There is a good size hall, used for P.E. and also for dining at lunchtime. There are three large playgrounds and a football field, surrounded by vast grassed playing areas. There is a tyre park for the younger children and an adventure trail and climbing wall for the older ones. In recent years there has been a complete refurbishment of the school, moving us to two form entry. Extensive development of the school grounds, including a wildlife area, planting areas and outside seating, has also been undertaken. Creating and maintaining an attractive learning environment is important to us. We now have an extended care facility on site. Future plans include the full refurbishment of the reception class outdoor area, to create a stimulating and creative learning environment.

The School Day Classroom doors are open from 8.50am, when children are free to enter. At 8.57am, the school bell will ring and any children outside will be collected by staff. Children who arrive after this time must report to the school office, in order that their reason for lateness can be recorded.



EYFS/KS1 10.05 - 10.20 11.05 - 11.15 2.20 - 2.30 12.15 - 1.15

KS2 10.05 - 10.20 11.20 - 11.30

The behaviour of pupils is good. They enjoy school and are keen to learn. Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

12.30 - 1.25

The school day finishes at 3:30pm. The children will leave school by their classroom exit doors (these are clearly labelled).


School Uniform The children at Ladybridge have created the logo for their school uniform, and we encourage and expect all children to wear it. The uniform consists of: Navy blue jumper or cardigan White or light blue polo shirt, blouse or shirt Dark grey/black trousers (or shorts) Dark grey skirt or pinafore dress Summer dress - blue check Black sensible shoes For P.E. Navy blue shorts White round neck t-shirt Pumps for inside and trainers for outside Tracksuit and top for cold weather Our uniform with the school logo is available from ‘Parkers’, situated on Deansgate in Bolton Town Centre. Alternatively, plain uniform can be purchased from a range of other retail outlets. The only jewellery allowed in school is one pair of stud earrings and a wristwatch.

Eating and Drinking Eating In 2007 we achieved Healthy Schools Status; an important part of this is the encouragement of healthy eating at Ladybridge. At morning break, KS1 children can bring their own healthy snack. For KS2 children, a healthy snack can be ordered and paid for annually, or they can bring their own. In the afternoon, KS1 children are given fresh fruit or vegetables at breaktime. For lunch, children can either purchase a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. Advice on providing a healthy packed lunch or information about the healthy school dinners can be obtained from school. Drinking It is important that pupils stay hydrated throughout the day, as this, we feel, helps them to concentrate, stay alert and focused. Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water to school, which they can access at any time.


The Curriculum Throughout the school, much of the curriculum that the children follow and study is through a thematic and cross-curricular approach. Some subjects are taught discreetly, but where possible we try to connect and link learning. We believe in providing and maintaining a broad, balanced and varied curriculum, that gives equal value to all learning and all subject areas. A high priority is given to speaking and listening as part of language development, encouraging confident readers and writers. Foundation In Reception, children continue their pre-school experiences, with learning through play. Children follow the Foundation Stage Curriculum, this is made up of: three prime areas - Communication and Language - Physical development Children in the Reception Year are particularly well taught in - Personal, Social and Emotional Development four specific areas (through which the three prime areas are strengthened and applied) - Literacy - Mathematics - Understanding the world - Expressive arts and design

very stimulating surroundings. As a result, they make good progress. Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Pupils say they feel safe and All children are taught the 10 subjects of the National Curriculum: well looked after, a view Core subjects – English Foundation subjects – Design Technology supported by parents. - Maths - Art - Science - Music Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013 . - I.C.T. - P.E. - History - Geography R.E and P.S.H.C.E (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) also form an important part of the curriculum. (Parents have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of R.E. and collective worship).


Key Stage 1(Infants) In Year 1 and Year 2, children learn through a topic-based approach, and build upon the basic foundations laid down in Reception. Key Stage 2 (Juniors) In addition, children in Years 3 to 6 focus on developing key skills within a range of contexts. These key skills include: - Problem Solving - Communication - Information Technology - Working with others - Improving one’s own performance - Application of Mathematics Thinking Skills From Reception to Year 6, children learn about a whole range of thinking skills. These lessons offer children opportunities to look at learning from different perspectives, and explore the importance of questioning and challenge in order to solve problems and develop creative solutions. Through our Super Learning Days children develop an awareness of their preferred learning styles, which can then be utilised to provide greater personalised learning and teaching.

Teaching in the large majority of lessons is good, and some is outstanding Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

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5 Ofsted Inspection , Jan.. 2009

Extra-curricular activities We provide a range of extra-curricular activities, and in recent years, these have included: • football • cricket • netball • chess • rounders The curriculum provides pupils with • choir an interesting range of subjects • sculpture and topics that ensures they enjoy • gymnastics school. This contributes well to their good spiritual, moral, social • cross-country and cultural development. • ICT Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013 • dance • drama • racket club • wrestling • boxing • dodgeball In Year 6, children have the opportunity to participate in a residential weekend at an outdoor and adventure education centre in North Wales. Homework School provides a regular pattern of ‘activities for home’ which relate to the lessons being experienced in school. These activities vary in nature but always have value, helping to consolidate or support the work in school. Reception Years 1 & 2 Years 3 & 4 Years 5 & 6

Parents/carers are encouraged to seek opportunities in every day situations to develop their child socially and intellectually e.g. by playing games, taking turns, I spy, counting, singing rhymes, sharing books. No more than one hour per week. activities-spellings, tables, No more than one and a half hours per week. reading, design and make, No more than two hours per week. maths, research projects.


Assessment and Standards We use a range of continual assessment methods, enabling us to monitor and support children as they progress. In addition to this, KS2 children complete assessment tests towards the end of the academic year. In Year 2, children undertake a range of tasks to inform teacher assessment. Whilst in Year 6, children sit national tests called SATs, which measure standards in Maths, English and Science. The results of these Y2 and Y6 tasks/tests and teacher assessments are published by school in July (see attached results sheet for our latest academic SATs’ results).

Pupils make good progress in all year groups and subjects. Standards reached by pupils by the end of Year 6 are above national figures. Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013 .

Reporting to parents The school has excellent relationships with parents, who are highly supportive of the school and its leaders.

Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013.

At the start of the Autumn term, parents are invited into school, where they have the opportunity to meet their child’s new class teacher and look at their child’s classroom. There are two parents’ evenings during the year, which is an opportunity for a 1:1 meeting with the class teacher to discuss progress, attainment and areas for development/targets. At the end of the academic year, parents receive an end of year report. There is an opportunity to discuss the report for those parents who wish to. In Reception, parents receive their first report in a reports folder. This provides a place for all your child’s school reports during their time at Ladybridge, and enables both you and your child to look back at progress and achievement for many years to come.


SEN Approximately 20% of primary children may experience some educational need at some time in their school life. The special needs of some children will be short-term, whilst other children may have difficulties that are more severe or complex, requiring continuous support. As a school we will ensure that these pupils with special educational needs receive their full entitlement in terms of a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum. They will have every opportunity to develop their full potential in all areas of the curriculum. We will develop, in each child, a sense of worth that will help to encourage high self-esteem.

Pupils learn to read successfully. Disabled pupils or those with special educational needs are well taught and supported so they make good progress.

Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

Child Protection Because of the day-to-day contact with children, schools are particularly well placed to observe outward signs of abuse, changes in behaviour or failure to develop. Parents should be aware therefore, that where it appears to a member of staff that a child may have been abused, the school is required by law, and as part of local child protection procedures, to report their concerns to the Social Services Department immediately.


Admissions All children who reach the age of five during the school year (1 st Sep. – 31st Aug.) are eligible for admission to Reception at the start of the Autumn Term. You are able to place your child’s name on the school’s admission list in school; however this does not guarantee a place in the school, although it does help with our forward planning. This admission list is passed on to the Local Authority annually as part of the overall admissions’ procedures. The Local Authority is responsible for offering places on behalf of the school. The detail of their policy is explained in the ‘Admissions to Primary School’ booklet, which is published annually and sent to all parents. If you would like further information, please contact Pupil and Student Services at the Local Authority, on 01204 332143. The school has an admission limit of 60 pupils per year group. If more than 60 applications are received, then places will be offered according to the following Local Authority criteria: Priority 1 Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Need (that names Ladybridge as the preferred school). Priority 2 Children in Public Care (Looked After Children). Priority 3 Children who have an older brother or sister attending Ladybridge Primary School. Priority 4 Children who suffer from some illness or handicap which makes it better for them to attend Ladybridge Primary rather than another. Priority 5 Children for whom, in the opinion of the Authority, the journey to another school would be unreasonable or difficult. In the October, prior to your child starting school, we hold an open day for prospective parents to visit school. Once your child has been offered a place, all children have the opportunity to visit school in the Summer Term before they start school. Parents of pupils who have not been allocated a place, have the right to appeal.

We encourage prospective parents/carers to visit our school. If you would like to come and look around, please phone the school office to make an appointment.

Governors effectively support and challenge school leaders with regard to the quality of teaching and pupils’ achievement. As a result, the school continues to improve.

The school is well led and managed by a committed headteacher and deputy headteacher. They make regular checks on how well the school is doing, so they have a very clear idea of its strengths and what needs improving. Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013.


Ofsted Inspection, May, 2013

Medical/Illness If your child is sick/ill in the evening or during the night, we advise you to keep him/her off school the following day. The only medicines allowed in school are those that have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist or other medical officer. If your child requires a prescribed medicine, please call in at the school office to complete the appropriate forms.

Charging for school activities Where possible, we will always try to provide visits and visitors free to pupils. However, there will be times during the year where we ask parents for a voluntary contribution towards the cost of visits. Non-payment does not mean a child would be excluded from a visit, but if there were insufficient contributions, then the visit would not go ahead. Complaints Good communication and positive relationships between school and home are important to us, and we aim to keep you fully informed and involved. However, if a concern arises, please contact us immediately so we can resolve it as quickly as possible. The vast majority of concerns can be resolved in this way, however any that require further investigation are dealt with through our complaints procedure (available in school). If you have any questions that still remain unanswered, after reading through our prospectus, or you wish to visit school, then please do not hesitate to contact the office on 01204 333646.


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