St Peter’s Catholic High School
A Specialist Visual Arts College
MCG/SHA 13th December 2013
Dear Parents/Carers, As we approach the end of term, I am writing to thank you for your support and to inform you of our end of term arrangements. This has been another very busy and productive term and I have been delighted with the approach of our students to all that they do at St. Peter’s. They are a credit to the school and to their families. The end of term is as important as all other parts of it, and whilst we will be celebrating Advent and Christmas in many ways, we will be continuing with the normal timetable right up to Friday 20th December. Many of our students have important assessments in January to prepare for and all students need to attend. At this time we are encouraging all students to think of people in need at Christmas by bringing a donation of a non-perishable food item (e.g. tinned food, jar of pasta sauce) for the charity 'The Brick' into school on Wednesday. In return students will be allowed to wear a Christmas item (e.g. jumper, hat, socks) as part of their uniform on Friday 20th. School finishes on Friday 20th December at 1.30pm. All the normal school buses will be available at this time. Students return to school on Tuesday 7th January. We appreciate your support of our high standards on uniform and appearance. We believe that this helps us to set the right climate for learning in our school. If, over the holiday period, students are having special hair styles or piercings their appearance must meet school standards on their return in January. On behalf of everyone at St. Peter’s I would like to wish you and your family a very Happy and Holy Christmas and New Year. Yours sincerely,
A McGlown (Mr) Headteacher
Howards Lane, Orrell, Wigan WN5 8NU Tel: 01942 747693 Fax: 01942 747 694 Email: Web: Headteacher: Mr A. McGlown M.A. (Oxon) N.P.Q.H