The Hive Autumn 1 Newsletter

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These are visuals we use in The Hive.

What are we reading?

The Library are coming!

Each half term the Library are coming to visit us in The Hive. They are going to bring sensory stories to share with us.

What an exciting activity. Our first visit is in a couple of week! Look out for photos on Class Dojo.

Our big question for Autumn 1 is ‘What’s on the farm?’ our learning activities will help us answer this!

A new song from Forest School!

e H i v e N

We are learning about baby farm animals. We can play ‘Who’s my Mum?’

We are learning the names of baby animals like chick, calf, foal, kid and duckling.

Wasn’t it a bit of luck, I was born a baby duck. With yellow socks, And yellow shoes.

So I can go wherever I choose!

Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.

The book Fair is coming to Badsley. Check Dojo for dates and times. These are visuals we use in The Hive.


We are so proud of how well the children have settled back into school!

Our week in The Hive

We don’t need wellies for Forest School or PE kits just yet but we will let you know when we do.

We will use Class Dojo to keep you up to date with all of our learning in The Hive!


Bucket Time!

Everyday the children and adults join in with Bucket Time. The purpose of Bucket time is to build children's attention, listening, eye contact and being able to sit for a short period of time. Bucket time lasts around 5 minutes

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