Stalmine Primary School Welcome to Stalmine Primary School This booklet has been designed and written to provide you with information about the school – its aims, philosophy and any other incidental information you may require, to help you, when your child comes to school. Confidence in a school comes from knowing and understanding what is happening within it. This booklet is the first step in acquiring this knowledge. There will be many opportunities as your child moves through school for you to gain more as they moves along their learning journey. Mutual trust and understanding are the basis for our shared responsibility for your child and through this, our partnership will develop and flourish. Yours sincerely,
Mrs C Hallett Headteacher
On behalf of the governors I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to our school. Through support from governors, parents and friends, the school will continue to grow and develop and be a centre of excellence of which we can be justifiably proud. Yours sincerely,
Mr S Parsons Chair of Governors
Stalmine Primary School
TEACHING STAFF Responsibilities Headteacher Mrs C. Hallett B. Ed. NPQH
Appraisal and staff development, INSET Assessment Co-ordinator, A,G&T co-ordinator
Mrs E. Parkinson B.A. (Hons) (QTS)
English, PE, History, Geography, PSHE, Healthy Schools, Secondary School Liaison, SENCo
Mrs L. Wareing B.Ed. (Hons) QTS
ICT, Music, DT, Art.
Miss J. Clarke B.A. (Hons) (QTS)
NON-TEACHING STAFF Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant Teaching Assistant School Secretary Clerical Assistant Site Supervisor Cook Welfare Assistants
Mathematics, RE, PMFL, Science, Educational Visits Co-ordinator
Mrs. B. Blackburn Mrs. G. Mealor Mrs. S. Scott Mrs. Jennings Mrs. C. Gumley Mrs. D. Ronson Mr. L. Fisher Mrs. L. Jones Mrs. S. Buckler Mrs. S. Roberts Miss K. Flockhart
PERIPATETIC TEACHING STAFF Brass and Strings tuition Mr J. Squires-Evans
Stalmine Primary School
Names and Addresses of Governors September 2013 Local Education Authority Governors Chairperson (LA)
Mr S. Parsons 5, Alder Grove Poulton-le-Fylde FY6 8EJ Tel 700116
Vice Chairperson(LA)
Mrs K. Nicholls c/o School
Parent Governor + 2 vacancies recently filled
Mr D. Holden
Community Governor
Mr W. Rooke
Community Governor
Mr J. Dickinson Springfield, Moss Side Lane Stalmine Tel: 700011
Community Governor
Rev. D. Dickinson Springfield, Moss Lane Stalmine Tel: 700011
c/o School
c/o School
Teacher Governor
Mrs. L. Wareing c/o School
Mrs C.J. Hallett c/o School
Stalmine Primary School
Aims of the School The School seeks to establish a broadly based curriculum that balances the requirements of the National curriculum with the needs of the wider issues concerning health, personal, moral, spiritual, economic and social education. At Stalmine Primary School we value all our pupils equally, but also value their right to be different and excel in different ways. Our aims therefore are:1. To create a happy and stimulating environment for the children in order to enrich their lives through the learning process.
thought for others are essential for interpersonal relationships. 6.
To encourage children to make the fullest use of whatever skills and talents they possess in order to attain their full potential.
To encourage the children to be self-disciplined and to gain satisfaction and fulfilment through taking responsibility for their own learning.
2. To help all children to be literate and develop an enjoyment and love of reading. To also help them to become numerate and articulate so that they can communicate and take their full place in our society. 3. To help the children to understand and respect themselves, their family, their community and their world. 4. To encourage an appreciation of the beauty of the world through a study of art, literature and music. 5.
To enable children to develop a respect for the beliefs of others and help them realise that courtesy, good manners and
Our Stalmine ABC At Stalmine Primary School we aspire to:Achieve – everyone will have the opportunity to achieve their full potential in all they try to do. Behave – everyone will behave well to ensure all can have the opportunity to be happy and learn. Care – everyone will respect others and the whole school environment.
Stalmine Primary School Admissions Policy and Organisation The School currently has an admission number of 15 per year group. Once this figure is reached admissions are only permissible after a successful appeal has been made to the local education authority. At present, all 4+ pupils begin school in September and we run an induction programme during the Summer Term prior to admission. It consists of preschool visits, activity afternoons, and meetings with parents in order to familiarise everyone with the organisation and aims of the school and prepare the children for starting in September. The school has links with Moss Side Nursery and our induction programme was developed in conjunction with them and Parent Partnership.
There are currently 72 pupils on roll. The school will be organised from September 2012 as follows: Class 1
Reception / Year 1
Class 2
Year 2 and 3
Class 3
Year 4, 5 and 6
Children are, in the main taught within this class situation by their own class teacher, but in order to utilise the experience and skills of staff, children may be taught, by other teachers for different subjects e.g., Music, Modern Foreign Languages and PSHE. .
Stalmine Primary School The School’s Curriculum The basic curriculum in school is closely related to the National Curriculum. We are concerned about the needs of all children and so flexibility within the timetable and the utilisation of staff strengths and interests is of importance. Classes are currently arranged in mixed age and mixed ability year groups. Our intention is that children will enjoy the work that is planned for them, and benefit from the challenges and activities with which they are involved. Children’s learning and experience does not fall into strict subject areas since knowledge cannot be divided into neat little packages. Mathematical skills are an important part of scientific exploration whilst language covers all areas of the curriculum. Great emphasis is placed on crosscurricular themes and projects which allow children to appreciate the links between all subject areas. Careful planning ensures that children develop appropriate skills and knowledge and the National Curriculum supports this method of teaching in the primary school. The teaching of LITERACY and the acquisition of good language skills forms a strong basis for our curriculum. English is taught using the Renewed Primary Framework. We seek to encourage children to acquire, develop and utilise a wide range of
skills covering reading and listening, talking and writing and to use these effectively across their whole learning experience.
MATHEMATICS is an essential core subject available to all pupils. The children will have access to a wide range of practical tasks appropriate to their ability and based on personal experience. They will have an opportunity to develop their mathematical skills using a wide range of resources including computer programmes. Discussion about Maths will form an important part of classroom life. The organisation of the daily mathematics lessons are in line with the Renewed Primary Framework, which caters for differing abilities covering problem solving, investigation and calculator activities. The concepts and skills of SCIENCE are taught through themes that are relevant to the children’s age and experience. These themes often form the basis of project work and so are closely linked to other areas of the curriculum to show the importance of science in an every day context. Children have opportunities for practical work.
Stalmine Primary School
DESIGN TECHNOLOGY equipment gives children the opportunity to develop problem solving skills and find practical solutions to tasks making use of materials, tools, structures and mechanisms.
INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY allows all children to have the opportunity to develop skills in using computers, keyboards, control devices, printers and other equipment to allow them to analyse, process and present information to solve problems and to undertake the applications of IT for working life and society. The school has class computers, interactive whiteboards and a laptop trolley with a range of software for all. Information Technology is used to support learning in a variety of contexts.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATION is now taught following guidelines of the Lancashire Agreed Syllabus 1994 supplemented by various other schemes. This reflects the religions represented in the county as a whole. The children are taught, therefore, about Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism, in addition to Christianity. Religious Education is concerned with the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of each child and of society. It has a key role in helping our pupils to develop a framework of values, attitudes and beliefs; respect for religious beliefs and values; and appreciation of other races, religions and the ways of life. The pupils take part in a short daily act of collective worship during assembly, which is broadly Christian in character. A wide variety of themes will be offered for reflection. All children should feel valued whatever their faith. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education and/or Collective Worship for reason of conscience. Please see the Headteacher to discuss this.
Stalmine Primary School In GEOGRAPHY the children are given opportunities to investigate the physical and human features of their surroundings. Through the study of their local area and contrasting localities in the world, they will increase their skills and expand their framework of locational knowledge. All children within the school have access to the HISTORY element of the National Curriculum. They are taught in a way appropriate to their needs, abilities and age, which enables individuals to progress and demonstrate achievement. In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 (infants) pupils are given opportunities to develop awareness of the past and of the way in which it is different from the present. They are helped to set their study of the past in a chronological framework and to understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past. Pupils at Key Stage 2 (Juniors) are taught about episodes and developments in Britain’s past (Roman – modern times) and the history of other parts of the world. They are helped to develop a chronological framework by making links across different study units. Opportunities exist to investigate local history and sources. PHYSICAL EDUCATION is an integral part of the school’s curriculum at both Key Stages. All pupils, regardless of their ability, will have an equal opportunity to be involved in all physical activities appropriate to their abilities. We aim
for all children to progress and demonstrate personal achievement through a variety of stimulating and enjoyable activities. All pupils will follow a core curriculum based on the revised Lancashire County guidelines and the school ethos. All children have access to 2 hours of Physical Activity each week.
In ART children are taught the necessary skills and techniques which enable them to express themselves in a variety of ways, working both individually and in groups. Pupils are introduced to the work of artists, crafts, people and designers and the knowledge they gain is applied and reflected in their own work. SEX EDUCATION is just one aspect of a whole-school HEALTH Education programme. Other aspects of Health education are more relevant to Science topics and themes and consequently Sex Education is taught as part of a balanced Health programme not as an isolated subject. Parents will be informed if their child is to be given specific sex education in Year 5/6. They will be informed in broad terms, of its context and will have the right to withdraw their child if they so wish.
Stalmine Primary School
Special Educational Needs The staff at Stalmine School ensure that any problems in children’s learning are identified as early as possible. Extra support and differentiated planning are used to support any child falling outside the expected levels of achievement. In some cases, despite this support, some children may continue to experience difficulties in learning. If this happens additional help and support is given. We will discuss this with parents and devise an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for the child. This will be reviewed at Parents’ Evenings and once per term by Mrs. Parkinson, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) and the class teacher. Parents will be invited to this meeting but if they cannot attend a copy of the reviewed IEP and new IEP will be sent home and any comments will be welcomed. This is called “School Action”. If, despite this help, we are still concerned that a child is not making progress we will increase the help that is given. If we feel that a child is falling significantly behind the rest of the class and we feel we do not have sufficient expertise in school to plan appropriate curriculum activities, we will ask for advice from professionals not directly employed by the school, and funded from the school’s SEN budget. We will continue to use IEPs
but they will be more detailed. This is called “School Action Plus”. For pupils who have a statement of special educational needs, the school will hold statutory reviews and meet all statutory requirements. We value the help that parents can give us and appreciate them sharing any problems a child may have had previously or during their time with us. Should a parent have concerns about the progress of their child, they should discuss them with the class teacher. If there continues to be a cause for concern then this should be brought to the attention of the SENCO (Mrs. Parkinson) Complaints about the special needs provision made by the school should be discussed with the Headteacher. In the unlikely event that the Headteacher is unable to resolve the complaint, then the parent should write to the school’s SEN Governor (Mr. Rooke). The Special Educational Needs Policy was adopted during the Summer Term of 1996 and reviewed regularly since. If a parent would like to read a full copy of the SEN Policy this is available from the school secretary. If a parent would like their own copy, this can be provided for a small charge to cover costs.
Stalmine Primary School The stated aims of the Policy are as follows: 1. To identify, as early as possible, any children with special educational needs. 2. To given SEN children the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced education within the framework of the National curriculum. 3. To encourage all children to develop at their own rate and according to their ability. 4. To raise the confidence and selfesteem of SEN children. 5. To enable all SEN children to participate in decision-making about provision to meet their special educational needs.
Allocation of Curriculum time Schools are now required to notify parents of the hours spent on teaching and how time is allocated to the various subject areas. This is a difficult task because projects and themes run across subject boundaries. A timetable change, a school visit, extra pupil interest or involvement, a staff absence, will all affect the allocation. If more time is spent on one particular subject one week then teachers make adjustments the following week and so on. We are constantly reviewing the curriculum and in addition to subjects taught individually we also have cross curricular work as part of the Creative Curriculum
Stalmine Primary School The School Day OPEN CLOSE CLOSE
8.55 a.m. Infants – 3.15p.m. (Reception, Years 1 and 2) Juniors – 3.20 p.m. (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6)
distressed and lead to disruption of the class routine. Children arriving late should report to the school office, where the reason for lateness will be added to the register.
Lunch time is from 12p.m. – 1p.m. Assessment, Achievement and Record Keeping Assessment is carried out by all teachers for all the children. We feel it is an integral part of the learning/teaching process. It allows teachers to plan work to match individual children’s needs thereby ensuring that all our children reach their full potential. The school makes use of appropriate tests to assess children’s achievements and progress.
Children should not arrive at school before 8.45 a.m. when they go to the playground area and are supervised. On wet days children will be admitted to the school at 8.45 a.m. when staff supervision is available. Children will not be allowed to leave school before the recognised finishing time unless they are collected by a responsible person known to the staff. A letter or telephone call is essential in such circumstances. PUNCTUALITY is important. Arriving late at school can cause a child to be
These include: Reception: • PIPs on entry and end of year • Foundation Stage Profile KS1 • Wrting assessments • Y1 Phonics screening • Year2 SATs KS2 • Writing assessments • Optional SATs (Yrs.3-5) • SATs (Yr. 6) Teachers also keep Individual Class Records.
Stalmine Primary School Children’s achievements both in and outside school are always recorded. Public recognition of achievements is made during our Achievement Assembly.
Children will be expected to do some work at home during the course of their academic career in Stalmine School. The school runs a homereading programme which every child is expected to follow, using a homereading record book. Parents are invited to enter comments about their child’s progress or difficulties. In the initial stage they will be expected to read to a parent/adult every night. As their reading fluency improves they can continue to read for personal enjoyment, recording their reading choices, with comments from parents as and when necessary. Children may be expected to carry out further homework tasks weekly. These may include Spelling, Maths, Literacy and other homework may be set by individual teachers to encourage the children to expand their knowledge in topic work. Health and Welfare Children normally have a medical examination by a doctor during their first year in school and parents are invited to attend.
Should it be that your child has a medical history or problem which may affect his/her education, please remember to inform us at the first appropriate occasion. If any child shows signs of difficulty in the areas of speech, hearing or eyesight it is possible to arrange further additional tests. Parents wishing to apply for free meals, the clothing allowance, etc., should contact the Headteacher or the Educational Welfare Officer for this school. The address is:73, College House Breck Road, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire FY6 7AQ
The safety of the children is paramount, and we constantly seek ways to improve safety and minimise risk. There is a yellow line down the driveway to segregate children from moving vehicles. Please ensure that you and your child keep within the yellow line at all times following the footprints when walking up and down the drive. Parents’ vehicles are not allowed up the school drive during school hours. We would also like to remind parents not to park on or near the zig-zag lines outside school. Parked cars block visibility for people entering or leaving
Stalmine Primary School the driveway and are therefore a potential road hazard to children. For the same reason, Please do not use the school drive for reversing or turning your vehicle. Medicines in School It is not the policy of the school to store or issue medication. Whilst appreciating that parents may not want their child to miss school it is in nobody’s interests to send a child to school when they are unwell and we have no facilities to cater for a sick child all day. If a course of antibiotics etc., has to be completed and the child is well enough to come to school then you can arrange a convenient time to come into school to administer it to them. Any medicine coming into school MUST be handed into a member of staff and clearly labelled with the child’s name. We can take no responsibility however if a dose is missed for whatever reason. All medicines must be kept in the school office. Uniform and Dress All the children are encouraged to wear School Uniform as it helps to foster a sense of belonging and a feeling of pride in the school. It is attractive, hard-wearing and quite economical. It prevents feelings of jealous and inferiority.
White polo shirt
School sweatshirt School sweat cardigan Grey trousers Grey skirt Sensible shoes (not trainers) In summer they may wear : Grey shorts Blue/white checked dress The following items of uniform are on sale at School:Sweashirt Sweat Cardigans Polo shirts Swimming hats Infant book bags Junior book bags Gym bags House T-shirt PE shorts Full PE Kit – bag, t-shirt and shorts Caps Knitted hat Coat Swimming hat ART/CRAFT we strongly recommend that every child should have an overall of some sort to wear. An old shirt will do very nicely with the sleeves shortened. P.E. All children MUST change for P.E. and Games and wear suitable footwear: black pumps, navy blue shorts and a house colour T-shirt. Older children may need boots for football.
Stalmine Primary School SWIMMING Yr 4/5/6 attend in the Spring and Summer Term. All children must bring a towel and swimwear on the designated day. Swimming hats must be worn and, along with swimming bags, may be purchased from school.
NAMED CLOTHING Occasionally clothing goes astray in school. If ALL of your child’s property is clearly labelled, then items can be returned very easily. P.E. kit should be kept in P.E. bags stored in the cloakroom. In the interests of health and hygiene all children are expected to bring a change of clothing for P.E. and Games activities. The school does not encourage the wearing of any jewellery (other than a watch) for reasons of safety and security. The school cannot take responsibility for the loss or damage of any such items. No jewellery can be worn for P.E. or swimming.
The vast majority of children are polite and well-behaved in school and we seek to promote a pleasant atmosphere for all our children. We believe that children work best when given praise and encouragement. We have a team system in school to reward good work, effort and helpfulness. Every week we hold an
Achievements Assembly when certificates and merit stickers are awarded to children who have achieved good results in all areas of the curriculum and also to children who have tried hard to follow the school’s aims and demonstrated exemplary behaviour. We expect good manners, honesty, politeness, and consideration for others. Children are made aware of the aims of the school, the standards we expect and are reminded of them where appropriate. When a child misbehaves, a word from the teacher is normally sufficient but if a child’s behaviour is a serious cause for concern, parents are contacted and asked to come into school so that a particular problem can be resolved through action at home and at school. The Headteacher, and your child’s class teacher, as well as the support staff are responsible for the wellbeing of children in the school. We are a caring school and hope that our sympathetic approach to problems and difficulties will ensure that during the time your child is with us be/she is happy and content in a rewarding learning environment.
Should you wish to discuss anything with a teacher please feel free to do so at a convenient time. The Headteacher is nearly always available if it is a matter that can be dealt with quickly but please make an
Stalmine Primary School appointment if you wish to have a longer discussion about a particular issue. If a child is ill or has an accident at school, we may need to contact you urgently, so it is vital that we have an up-to-date telephone number for use in emergency.
If your child is absent from school please telephone or send a note explaining the absence. A child’s absence during term time can seriously disrupt their continuity of learning. Not only do they miss the teaching on the days they are away, they are also less prepared for the lessons building on that after their return. There is a consequent risk of underachievement, which we, and you, must seek to avoid. Only in exceptional circumstances the school may choose to grant leave of absence of up to 10 days for family holidays. Leave of absence forms can be obtained from the school office and must be submitted at least two weeks before the intended absence. Regarding Absences for year 2012 % of Pupils present = % of Authorised absences = % of Unauthorised absences =
96.2% 3.8% 0
Parental Involvement We are keen to welcome parent helpers in the school. Parents currently help with a variety of tasks: • hearing readers • helping supervise computer work
• • • • •
arranging the library mounting art work etc. sports coaching helping with practical work assisting with Maths activities
The more parents we have in school the more the children benefit! If you feel that you have something to offer to the school we’d love to hear from you. All volunteer parents undergo CRB clearance checks. The Friends of Stalmine School Association F.O.S.S The Friends of Stalmine School Association has supported the school over a number of years and many successful events have been arranged e.g. Bingo Nights, Winter Warmers and the Annual Stalmine Festival. Social and fund-raising events are part of each year’s programme and through the efforts of parents and friends many extra facilities and items of equipment have been purchased for school including: School camera Sports wall printers musical instruments library books calculators play equipment Nature Trail sports equipment reading books storage facilities software computers £6,000 towards extension Trim Trail Staging and sound system for the hall PA system and i-pod Visualisers
Keeping in Touch From school to home:
Stalmine Primary School - we invite you into school to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher. - we arrange meetings for you if changes are planned that will affect your child. - open evenings are arranged for you to see your children’s work. - written reports are given each year to give an indication of your child’s progress and give results etc. - we send home letters or newsletters giving dates, details of events, information etc. Recently we have been doing this via Parent-Mail where correspondence will be sent to your email address Stalmine School have our own website. The address is: From home to school: - if you or your child have any worries we are always available to discuss any problems or difficulties that may be affecting your child’s work or behaviour. - please make sure that we have an up-to-date address and phone number for you in case we have to contact you in an emergency. - please make sure your child arrives on time. It is a good habit to encourage in children and they can be distressed if they arrive at school late. - we have to have a note to cover a child’s absence.
It is vitally important that you support your child at school events. Open Evenings or PTA activities – it shows your child that you are taking an interest in his/her education. Out of School Activities A variety of out of school activities take place during lunch time and after school. They vary according to the season but include:Netball Football Rounders Choir Dance Multi skills Athletics Gymnastics Musical tuition including-: Brass Strings These activities are organised on a voluntary basis by members of staff and parents and may only be available to certain age groups. Children also enter inter-school sporting tournaments and quizzes. The school actively encourages children to become involved in local community activities. Badges, certificates and other awards are presented to children as part of our “Achievements “Assembly.
Lunch time Arrangements
Stalmine Primary School Children may stay for a school meal, bring a packed lunch or go home for dinner. The meals are served in the Hall and supervised by staff and Welfare Assistants. School dinners are paid for one week in advance on Monday of each week. Cheques should be made payable to L.C.C. Payment by cheque for either a week, a whole term or half-term in advance makes it easier for the school to administer. School Meals’ Menus are changing all the time but are prepared to a high standard and cooked on the premises. They provide excellent value and each day there is a choice of menu for the children. Packed lunches are taken in the hall under supervision. Children should bring their lunch in a suitable container. Drinks, non-fizzy, should be in plastic or polythene containers and children should use a cup or straw. If you wish your child to switch from packed lunches to school meals, please notify the office. Fruit All infant children may have free fruit at morning break time each day. Please inform us if your child has any allergies to certain fruits. Access to Information Information about names, addresses, telephone numbers, doctors is now computerised. The information is protected by password access and the school is registered under the Data Protection Act.
We will endeavour to give your child the opportunities to achieve their full potential in all aspects of school life. We look forward to welcoming your child into our school community.
Stalmine Primary School
KS1 & KS2 RESULTS 2012
The following tables show the percentage of children at the school that has achieved each level at the end of KS1 and KS2.
Key Stage 1 KS1 – MATHS Test Year
Actual % of Level 2 or above
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
100 100 80 100 100
KS1 –READING Test Year
Actual % of Level 2 or above
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
100 71.4 60 66.6 90
KS1 –WRITING Test Year
Actual % of Level 2 or above
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
100 71.4 60 66.6 80
Governors Target
NA NA NA NA NA Governors Target
NA NA NA NA NA Governors Target
Actual % of Level 3 or above
Governors Target
33.3 0 60 0 0
Actual % of Level 3 or above
Governors Target
33.3 14.3 40 11.1 10
Actual % of Level 3 or above
Governors Target
11.1 14.3 0 11.1 10
Actual % of Level 5 or above
Governors Target
8 58.3 50 (TA) 30 50
Actual % of Level 5 or above
Governors Target
23 25 40
33 NA NA
Key Stage 2 KS2 – ENGLISH Test Year
Actual % of Level 4 or above
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
85 75 100 (TA) 100 83
KS2 – MATHS Test Year
Actual % of Level 4 or above
2008 2009 2010
85 91.7 90
Governors Target
80 83 100 100 83 Governors Target
87 92 87.5
Stalmine Primary School 2011 2012
90 75
91 83
0 50
ADMISSIONS The Admission number is set at 15. At the beginning of the 2013 Autumn Term, the intake of Reception children will be 15. At present there are 78 children on roll.
Holiday List 2013/14 Half-term Christmas Spring ½ term Easter May Day Summer ½ term Summer closure
Stalmine Primary School Holiday List 2013/2014 CLOSE
Friday 25th October 2013 Friday 20th December 2013 Friday 14th February 2014 Friday 4th April 2014 Friday 2nd May 2014 Friday 23rd May 2014 Wednesday 23rd July 2014
Monday 9th September 2013 Monday 4th November 2013 Monday 6th January 2014 Monday 24th February 2014 Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Tuesday 6th May 2014 Tuesday 3rd June 2014