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New Full Professors
Schulich faculty members are leading scholars from the world’s best universities. Their award-winning research is recognized globally. They are at the forefront of their fields and
are increasingly being acknowledged for their long-term impacts and contributions to management education and research. Six members of Schulich’s faculty have recently been advanced in position from Associate Professor to Professor.
MARCIA ANNISETTE Professor of Accounting
Research Keywords
• Accounting —
Globalization • Accounting — History • Accounting —
Immigration • Accounting Institutions
Marcia Annisette
Marcia Annisette is Professor of Accounting. Her major research interest is in the social organization of the accountancy profession, and her research seeks to understand the strategies deployed by professional accounting bodies to differentiate themselves and achieve monopoly or elite status in the market for expert accounting labour. Her research has an international breadth and includes studies of the profession in Ireland, England, Trinidad and Tobago and Canada. Her research is also historically and sociological informed highlighting how national bases of social exclusion such as religion, social class, race, nationality or immigration status, interact with professional structures to achieve professional closure.
Marcia’s work has been published in top academic journals, including Accounting Organizations and Society; Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal; and Critical Perspectives on Accounting. Several of her works are considered accounting classics and have contributed to the establishment of new streams of research within the interdisciplinary accounting paradigm. Marcia has received several awards for her scholarly work, including: the 1999 the Basel Yamey Prize for the best article for the year published in Accounting History Review; the 2008 Outstanding Paper Award at the Literati Network Awards for Excellence for her paper published in Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management and the 2011 and 2016 Highly Commended Award in the Mary Parker Follett Manuscript Award for articles published in Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal.
She is currently Co-Editor-in-Chief of Accounting Organizations and Society, an FT 50 journal; was Co-Editor-in-Chief of Critical Perspectives in Accounting (2009–2018) and currently sits on the editorial boards of 9 other academic accounting journals. She has previously held academic appointments at universities in England, the USA, Spain, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Currently, Marcia is the School’s Associate Dean Academic, prior to which she was the Associate Dean Students (2013–2020). She is the founding director of the Master of Accounting, was its program director from 2011–2020 and oversaw CPA Ontario’s initial accreditation of the MAcc and subsequent re-accreditations of the program.
Professor of Organization Studies
Research Keywords
• Organizational Justice • Leadership • Moral Emotions • Business Ethics • Self Processes • Negotiation
Chris Bell
Chris Bell is Professor of Organization Studies. His research explores the personal and social aspects of work, including justice and fairness, ethical reasoning, moral emotions, organizational de/humanization, and leadership. In one current program of research, funded by a grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, Chris is examining how envy affects cognition in ways that influence performance, goals, and motivation. In another line of research, Chris and his colleagues have developed a new participatory theatre framework of leadership, a multi-level flow model in which leaders, followers, non-followers, and their sub-groups co-create leadership. Their approach recognizes the constructive forces of dissent in ways that much of the leadership literature does not, due to the prevalence of a view that dissent obstructs a leader’s vision and goals. Chris and his colleagues have empirically established a typology of follower and non-follower roles and are applying this to the exploration of i) situational and dispositional factors in role adoption; ii) social exchange relationships and guanxi; iii) individual experiences of procedural, distributive, and interpersonal justice; iv) and the motives and strategies behind organizations’, supervisors’, and coworkers’ enactment of justice and injustice.
Chris’ research has appeared in the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Human Relations, Journal of Organizational Behavior, and Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. He is an Associate Editor at Social Justice Research, the flagship journal of the International Society for Justice Research, and co-founder of the International Workshop on Organisational Justice Behavioural Ethics, which attracts leading justice scholars to its biennial meetings in Europe. He served as a Guest Editor on three special issues associated with the workshop in Human Relations, the Journal of Business Ethics, and the Journal of Organizational Behavior. His research has been recognized through the Schulich School of Business Research Fellowship program and an Academy of Management best paper award. Chris has designed and taught courses at the undergraduate, MBA, and PhD levels, earning a teaching nomination in the MBA program. Chris enjoys spending his summers in China and is fascinated by the Chinese language, although he doubts he will ever get the pronunciations right.
MARKUS GIESLER Professor of Marketing
Research Keywords
• Artificial Intelligence • Consumer Culture • Market System
Dynamics • Marketing
Markus Giesler
Markus Giesler is a consumer researcher and a Professor of Marketing at the Schulich School of Business (York University). His research, which examines how markets dynamically shape human behavior, often in the context of new technologies, has been published in top-tier academic journals such as the Journal of Consumer Research and the Journal of Marketing, and received extensive coverage in media outlets such as the New York Times, Wired, Bloomberg Businessweek, and Time Magazine.
Markus is currently an Editor of the Journal of Consumer Research, Area Editor at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, ERB member at the Journal of Consumer Psychology, Consumption, Markets and Culture, and Marketing Letters, and previously, an Associate Editor at the Journal of Marketing. He has been named an MSI Scholar by the Marketing Science Institute, “one of the best recognized experts studying high-technology consumer behavior” by Wired, and a “40 under 40” professor by Poets & Quants.
Professor and RBC Chair in Social Innovation and Impact
Research Keywords
• Social Entrepreneurship • Innovation in Baseof-the-Pyramid
Environments • Market-Based Solutions to Poverty Alleviation
Geoffrey M. Kistruck
Geoffrey Kistruck is Professor and RBC Chair in Social Innovation and Impact at the Schulich School of Business, York University. He also serves as Director of the Social Innovation Research Lab, Director of the Social Sector Management specialization, and Coordinator for the Sustainability area group. He earned his doctorate at the Ivey School of Business, Western University, and has held previous faculty appointments at Miami University and The Ohio State University.
Geoff’s primary research interests involve social entrepreneurship and innovation on the part of for-profit and nonprofit organizations, principally within the context of poverty alleviation efforts in least-developed markets such as Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and Guatemala. His research projects are often action-oriented in nature in that they are phenomenologically driven and involve field quasi-experimentation coupled with qualitative methodologies. Such work strives to help development-focused organizations design and pilot test potential solutions to their most pressing challenges.
Geoff’s work has been published in leading management journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He has previously served as an Associate Editor at Journal of Business Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, as well as on the Editorial Review Boards of Academy of Management Review, Academy of Management Journal, and Journal of Management.
Geoff has been the recipient of a number of research awards including the Carolyn Dexter Award for all-academy best international paper, the Samsung Distinguished Paper Award for international management, the Satter Best Paper Award for social entrepreneurship, and the Gerald E. Hills Award for entrepreneurial marketing. He has also received a number of teaching awards at both the Schulich School of Business and The Ohio State University, as well as multiple funding awards from SSHRC, Strategic Management Society, and CIBER.
Prior to entering academe, Geoff served in several managerial roles within the venture capital and investment industry.
Professor of Sustainability and Economics
Research Keywords
• Business and
Sustainability • Energy Economics • Machine Learning • Portfolio Management • Strategic Management
Perry Sadorsky
Perry Sadorsky’s research focuses on business issues related to energy, the natural environment, and financial markets. Some of this research is interdisciplinary and this has allowed him to work with scholars from different fields of study. In recognition of his research impact, Perry has been awarded the 2019, 2020, and 2021 Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in the field of Economics and Business. According to the Web of Science, this award recognizes “the world’s most influential researchers of the past decade, demonstrated by the production of multiple highly-cited papers that rank in the top 1% by citations for field and year in Web of Science.”
Perry Sardosky feels fortunate to be a founding contributor to two important areas of research. The first area of research is business sustainability. His interest in business sustainability dates back to 1992 when he was greatly inspired by the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro. The focus of the conference was on finding ways to conduct economic development without destroying the natural environment. While economic incentives (regulation) and contractual incentives (agency theory) are two ways that firms can respond to environmental issues, stakeholder engagement is also an important motivator. His work on business sustainability focuses on the role that different stakeholders have in shaping the importance of environmental sustainability to business. These stakeholders can be primary (employees, customers, supply chain) or secondary (societal, regulatory).
The second area of research is energy finance. Perry’s interest in energy finance started by studying the interaction between fossil fuel prices, like oil, and financial markets. Since oil is used in the production or transportation of almost everything that is consumed, changes in oil prices can affect firm-level profitability. Oil has been the dominant fuel for the past one hundred years, but will this continue into the future? Energy security, climate change, technology innovation, and consumer preferences for green products are powerful forces shaping the demand and supply of clean energy. His research has expanded to include work on how these forces impact the financing, development, and adoption of clean energy.
Dean Professor of Marketing Tanna H. Schulich Chair in Digital Marketing Strategy
Research Keywords
• Consumer Behavior • Database Marketing • Marketing • Marketing and
Detlev Zwick
Detlev Zwick is Dean of the Schulich School of Business at York University, where he guides the School in its mission to develop purpose-driven leaders who aspire to make a difference in business and society.
Under Dean Zwick’s leadership, Schulich is focused on several key strategic initiatives, including delivering a world-class, transformative student learning experience, program innovation, high-impact research and positioning the School at the leading edge of the digital transformation reshaping business.
Prior to becoming Dean on July 1, 2021, Dr. Zwick served in a number of increasingly senior academic and administrative roles, including Director of Schulich’s BBA/iBBA Program and Associate Dean, Academic, during which he led the School’s rapid transition to remote online learning following the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. He was Interim Dean from July 1, 2020 until June 30, 2021.
Dean Zwick is an early pioneer in digital marketing and his research focuses on new marketing technologies and their impact on consumer behaviour. He is Co-Editor of the book Inside Marketing: Practices, Ideologies, Devices (Oxford University Press), and frequently provides expert commentary to the media. He holds a PhD in Marketing from the University of Rhode Island, as well as Master’s degrees from the University of Memphis and the University of Cologne.