12 minute read
Book Chapters
Annisette, Marcia (2020). “Race and Ethnicity Revised.” In Walker, S. and Edwards, R. (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Accounting History. Pp. 530-552. London: Routledge.
Aulakh, Preet S. (2019) “Managing Risks in Cross-Border Licensing Alliances: Interdependence, Contract Structure and Knowledge Transfer.” In T.K. Das (Editor), Managing Interpartner Risks in Strategic Alliances. Charlotte, N.C. Information Age Publishing, 35-76. (with Marshall Jiang and Rekha Krishnan)
Aulakh, Preet S. (2020). “Introduction: Conceptualizing Labour and Capital Mobilities In and Out of Asia.” In Preet S. Aulakh and Philp F. Kelly (Eds.), Mobilities of Labour and Capital in Asia (pp. 1-27). New York: NY: Cambridge University Press. (with P. F. Kelley)
Aulakh. Preet S. (Forthcoming) “Institutional Differences and the Value of Identity Bridging Role of Trust in Cross-Border Alliances.” In T.K. Das (Editor), Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances. Charlotte, N.C. Information Age Publishing. (with Rekha Krishnan)
Belk, Russell (2019). “Anthropology of Chinese Foodways — preface.” In Tian Guang and Chen Gang (Eds.), Anthropology of Chinese Foodways. Boynton Beach, FL: North American Business Press. (with T. Guang and G. Chen)
Belk, Russell (2019). “Introduction to the Handbook of the Sharing Economy: The Paradox of the Sharing Economy.” In Russell Belk, Giana Eckhardt, and Fleura Bardhi, eds., Handbook of the Sharing Economy, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2019, 1-8. (with G. Eckhardt and F. Bardhi)
Belk, Russell (2019). “Introduction.” In Yuko Minowa and Russell Belk, ed., Romantic Gift Giving and Consumer Culture. (with Y. Minowa)
Belk, Russell (2019). “White Day in Japan.” In Yuko Minowa and Russell Belk, ed., Romantic Gift Giving and Consumer Culture, London: Routledge, 145-182. (with Y. Minowa and T. Matsui)
Belk, Russell (2019). “Romantic Gift Giving of Mature Consumers.” In Yuko Minowa and Russell Belk, ed., Romantic Gift Giving and Consumer Culture, London: Routledge, 50-91. (with Y. Minowa) Belk, Russell (2020). “Branding and Marketing.” In Stefan Schwarzkopf (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Economic Theology (pp. 220-227). Abingdon, UK: Routledge. (with S. Schwarzkopf)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Commodification as a Part of Marketization.” In Himadri Roy Chaudhuri and Russell Belk (Eds.), Marketization: Theory and Evidence from Emerging Markets (pp. 31-72). Singapore: Springer.(with H.R. Chaudhuri)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Cultures, Consumers, and Corporations.” In Luca Visconti, Lisa Peñaloza, and Nil Toulouse (Eds.), Cultural Marketing Management: Strategies and Practices, 2nd ed. (pp. 17-32). London: Routledge. (with L. Visconti, L. Peñaloza, and N.Toulouse)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Foreword.” In Robert Tian and Liu Hong Fei (Eds.), Belt and Road vs. China and the World: Perspectives of the Chinese (pp. vii-xix). Miami, FL: North American Business Press. (with R. Tian and L. Fei)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Foreword.” In Tianjin Wang, Yu Liu, and Kathy Tian (Eds.), Marketing and Economics in Modern China (pp. 7). Atlanta, GA: North American Business Press.
Belk, Russell (2020). “High End Contemporary Art: Art for Art’s Sake or Art for Mart’s Sake?” In Karin Ekström (Ed.), Museum and Art business: Cultural Institutions and Market Orientation, London: Routledge. (with K. Ekström)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Little Luxuries: Decencies, Deservingness, and Delight.” In Timothy Malefyt and Maryann McCabe (Eds.), Women, Consumption and Paradox (pp. 239252). London: Routledge. (with T. Malefyt and M. McCabe)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Luxury Brands and the Use of Art in Marketing.” In Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard, and Joanne Robert (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business (pp. 1-23). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with A. Joy)
Belk, Russell (2020). “Preface.” In Himadri Roy Chaudhuri and Russell Belk (Eds.), Marketization: Theory and Evidence from Emerging Markets, Singapore: Springer. (with H.R. Chaudhuri)
Belk, Russell (2020). “The Evolving Nature of Luxury: The Changing Notion of Materialism and Status in an Increasingly Dematerialized World.” In Felicitas Morhart, (Ed.), Research Handbook on Luxury Branding. Edward Elgar, Branding and Marketing. (with F. Morhart) Belk, Russell (2021), “Social Change and Gendered Gift Giving Rituals: A Historical Analysis of Valentine’s Day in Japan.” In Jooyeon Rhee, Chikako Nagayama, and Eric Ping Hung Li (Eds.), Gender and Food in Transnational East Asia: Towards a Dialogue Across Boundaries. Lanham, MD: Rowan and Littlefield 2021. (with Y. Minowa and O. Khomenko)
Belk, Russell (2021). “Foreword — in Which Loveable Hello Kitty Meets Evil Ronald McDonald.” In Sotiris Lalaounis (Ed.), Strategic Brand Management and Development: Creating and Marketing Successful Brands (pp. 1-6). London: Routledge. (with S. Lalaounis)
Belk, Russell (2021). “Humility versus Humiliation in Old Age.” In Rebekah Modrak and Jamie Vanderbrock (Eds.), Radical Humility: Essays on Ordinary Acts (pp. 189-198). Cleveland, OH: Belt Publishing, reprinted is ResInt. (with R. Modrak and J. Vanderbrock)
Belk, Russell (2021). “Consumer Culture in Precarious Asia: An Introduction.” In Consumer Culture in Precarious Asia, Yuko Minowa and Russell Belk, eds., London: Routledge. (with Y. Minowa)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Chatbots.” In Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. London: Routledge. (with R. Llammas)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Consumer Childlikeness.” In Mathieu Alemany Oliver and Russell Belk (Eds.), Like A Child Would Do: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Childlikeness in Past and Current Societies. Toronto: Universitas Press. (with M. A. Oliver)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Consumer Culture in Precarious Asia: An Introduction.” In Yuko Minowa and Russell Belk (Eds.), Consumer Culture in Precarious Asia. London: Routledge. (with Y. Minowa)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Foreword.” In Robert Tian and Liu Hong Fei (Eds.), Belt and Road vs. China and the World: Perspectives of the Chinese (pp. vii-xix). Miami, FL: North American Business Press. (with R. Tian and H. Liu)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Foreword: The Sharing Economy in Europe.” In Cristina Miguel, Vida Česnuitytė, Andrzej Klimczuk, Gabriela Avram (Eds.), The Sharing Economy in Europe: Developments, Practices, and Contradictions. Brussels: European Union COST, Cooperation in Science and Technology. (with C. Miguel, V. Česnuitytė, A. Klimczuk, and G. Avram)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Introduction to Representing the Self and Others.” In Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Digital Consumption. London: Routledge. (with R. Llammas)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Introduction: Childlikeness and Adults.” In Mathieu Alemany Oliver and Russell Belk (Eds.), Like A Child Would Do: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Childlikeness in Past and Current Societies. Toronto: Universitas Press. (with M. A. Oliver)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “Luxury Brands and the Use of Art in Marketing.” In Annamma Joy, Pierre-Yves Donzé, Véronique Pouillard, and Joanne Robert (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Luxury Business (pp. 1-23). Oxford: Oxford University Press. (with A. Joy, P.Y. Donzé, V. Pouillard, and J. Robert)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “The Dual Dangers of the Gift.” In A. Urakova (Ed.), Dangerous Gifts. London: Routledge. (with A. Urakova)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “The Passion for Fast Fashion: An Interpretation.” In Karin Ekström (Ed.), Marketing Fashion: A Cultural Approach, London: Routledge. (with K. Ekström)
Belk, Russell (Forthcoming). “What the COVID-19 Lockdowns Told us About Luxury Consumption.” In Annamma Joy (Ed.), The Future of Luxury Worlds: Sustainability and Artifaction. Berlin: De Gruyter. (with A. Joy)
Belk, Russell (In Press). “Online (Dis)trust: A Decade Later.” In Peter Darke and Rosa Llamas (Eds.), The Digital Consumer (2nd ed). Routledge: NY. (with P. Darke and R. Llamas)
Biehl, Markus (2021). “A Triadic Perspective on the Risks and Benefits of IS Outsourcing in a Software as a Service (SaaS) Environment.” In Kurt Engemann (Ed.), Developments in Managing and Exploiting Risk, Volume 4: Socio-Political Risk Management: Assessing and Managing Global Insecurity. DeGruyter, Munich. (with N. Kulangara)
Cho, Charles H. (2020). “Is the Integrated Report a Potential Source of Information on Sustainable Value Creation?” In C. de Villiers and K. Hsiao (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Integrated Reporting Routledge. UK. (with E. Albertini) Darke, Peter R. (2019). “Occupational Stress and Well-Being of Persuasion Agents.” In P.L. Perrewé and P.D. Harms (Eds.), Examining the Role of Well-being in the Marketing Discipline, Occupational Stress and Well-Being (Volume 17). Emerald Publishing: Bingley, UK. (with A.E. Wilson)
Darke, Peter R. (In Press). “Online (Dis)trust: A Decade Later.” In Russell Belk and Rosa Llamas (Eds.), The Digital Consumer (2nd ed), Routledge: NY. (with M.S. Kermani and M.K. Brady)
Eberlein, Burkard (2020). “Building Bridges: How Discourse Network Analysis (DNA) can Help CSR Research to Investigate the ‘New’ Political Role of Corporations.” In M. Nagel, P. Kenis, P. Leifeld, H.-J. Schmedes (Eds.), Politische Komplexität, Governance von Innovationen und Policy-Netzwerke (Political Complexity, Governance of Innovation and Policy Networks) (PP. 139-146). Springer Publisher. (with A. Rinscheid)
Farjoun, Moshe (2021). “Dialectical Models of Change: An Escher-Inspired Reflection.” In Poole, M. S. and Van de Ven, A.H. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Organization Change and Innovation, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
Farjoun, Moshe (2021). “The Becoming of Change in 3D: Dialectics, Darwin and Dewey.” In Poole, M. S. and Van de Ven, A.H. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Organization Change and Innovation, 2nd Edition. Oxford University Press.
Fischer, Eileen (2019). “Airbnb and Hybridized Logics of Commerce and Hospitality.” In R. Belk, G. Eckhardt and F. Bardi (Eds.), Handbook on the Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar, Chapter 14. (with G. Von Richthofen)
Fischer, Eileen (2021). “Considering the Impacts of Transgressive Behaviors Among Interactive Online Audiences.” In R. Belk and R. Lamas (Eds.), Digital Markets. London: Routledge. (with A. Baudet and M.A. Parmentier)
Fischer, Eileen (2021). “Feminist Brands: What Are They, and What’s The Matter With Them?” In P. Maclaran, L. Stevens and O. Kravets (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Marketing and Feminism. Routledge. (with C. Otnes) Henriques, Irene (2020). “An Exploration of Social Entrepreneurship.” In Colbourne, R. and Anderson, R. (Eds.), Indigenous SelfDetermination and Sustainable Economic Development (pp. 313-340). London, United Kingdom: Routledge Publishers. (with R. Colbourne, A. Peredo, and R. Anderson)
Henriques, Irene (2021). “Sustainability Strategies.” In Duhaime, I.M., Hitt, M.A. and Lyles, M.A. (Eds.), Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future. New York: Oxford University Press. (with M. Barnett and B.W. Husted)
Kim, Henry M. (2020), “Business Process Transformation in Natural Resources Development Using Blockchain: Indigenous Entrepreneurship, Trustless Technology, and Rebuilding Trust.” In Trebelmeier, H. Silaber, C., and Clohessy, T. (Eds.), Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology Use Cases: Applications and Lessons Learned. Springer. (with Sengupta, Ushnish)
Kim, Henry M. (2020). “A Discussion on Decentralization in Financial Industry and Monetary System.” In Balachandran, K.R. (Ed.), Information for Efficient Decision Making: Big Data, Blockchain and Relevance. World Scientific Publishing. (with A.R. Zhang and Farookh Zandi)
Kim, Henry M. (2021). “Blockchains and Provenance: How a Technical System for Tracing Origins, Ownership and Authenticity can Transform Social Trust,” In Lemieux, V. and Feng, C. (Eds.), Building Decentralized Trust: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Design of Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers. Springer. (with Batista, Danielle, Hrvoje Stancic, Chandana Unnithan, and Victoria Lemieux)
Kipping, Matthias (2020), ‘Masters of Global: Consultants and Internationalization.’ In T. Lopes, C. Lubinski and H. Tworek (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to the Makers of Global Business. London: Routledge, pp. 138-155.
Kipping, Matthias (2020), “The Other Siemens: Its Role in Transforming the Training of Managers in Germany.” In S. Hilger and H.A. Wessel (Eds.), Unternehmen im Wettbewerb: Gedenkschrift für Wilfried Feldenkirchen (pp. 147-168). Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
Kipping, Matthias (2021), “America First: How Consultants Got into the Public Sector.” In Chris Hurl and Anne Vogelpohl (Eds.), Professional Service Firms and Politics in a Global Era: Public Policy, Private Expertise (pp. 29-52). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kipping, Matthias (2021), “From Private Advice to Public Policy? The Evolution of Consultancy Think Tanks.” In J. Landry (Ed.), Critical Perspectives on Think Tanks: Power, Politics and Knowledge (pp. 36-55). Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Kipping, Matthias (Forthcoming), “Management Consultants: From Pariah to Hegemon?” In Faïz Gallouj, Camal Gallouj, Marie-Christine Monnoyer, Luis Rubalcaba, and Markus Scheuer (Eds.) Elgar Encyclopedia of Service Studies, Aldershot: Edward Elgar.
Lyons, Brent (2019), “Disclosure and Identity Management Strategies of Racioethnic Minority LGB Workers.” Research on Social Issues in Management: Pushing our Understanding of Diversity in Organizations. (with R. Trau)
Lyons, Brent (2021), “Developing Testable and Important Research Questions.” In Cooper, Camic, Long, Panter, Rindskoof, and Sher (Eds.), The APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology 2nd Edition. Washington: APA. (with F.T. Leong and N. Schmitt)
Lyons, Brent (Forthcoming), “Disability as An Enabler of Career Success and Inclusion.” In S. Robinson and K. Fisher (Eds.), Elgar Handbook on Disability Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing. (with D. Samosh, M. Kulkarni, and A. Santuzzi)
Lyons, Brent (Forthcoming), “Neuroqueerness and Management Research.” De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management. (with C. Bryan and S.D. Volpone)
Madhok, Anoop (2019). “Phased Acquisitions for Disruptive Innovation: Toward a Micro-Level Governance Perspective.” In J. Sydow and H. Berends (Eds.), Managing Interorganizational Collaboration: Process views. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, vol 64. Emerald Press. (with D. Faems)
Matten, Dirk (2019). “The Dynamics of CSR in a Comparative Perspective: Convergence Towards Divergent Hybrids.” In J.B. Ciulla, T.K. Scharding (Eds.), Ethical Leadership in Troubling Times (pp. 22-40). Cheltenham (Edward Elgar). (with J. Moon) Matten, Dirk (Forthcoming). “Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Groups.” In D. Poff, A. Michalos (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Berlin (Springer International). (with M. Ararat and A.M. Colpan)
Mawani, Amin (2020). “Assessing How Ottawa’s New Wage Subsidy Lines up with EI and CERB.” In G. Bishop, B. Dachis, J. Kronick, P. Mahboubi and R. Wyonch (Eds.), Climbing Out of Covid Policy Study 48. C.D. Howe Institute. (with S. Hajee)
McMillan, Charles (2021). “The Age of Consequence: The Ordeals of Public Policy in Canada.” (pp. 450). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2021).
Prisman, Eliezer (2021). “Real Estate Transactions in Ancient Israel: Excavating Embedded Options Utilizing Modern Finance and Comparing it to Ontario Property and Contract Law.” In Gil Epstein and Eli Katz (Eds.), Jewish law, lore and economics. (Provisional title) Essays in memory of Jacob Rosenberg. Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat Gan, Israel. (with Marvin J. Huberman)
Sadorsky, Perry (2021). “The Impact of Market Uncertainty on the Systematic Risk of Clean Energy Stocks.” In Christos Floros and Ioannis Chatziantoniou (Eds.), Applications in Energy Finance: The Energy Sector, Economic Activity, Financial Markets and the Environment. Springer Nature.
Shen, Winny (2021). “Work-Family Research: Questioning Assumptions and Looking Forward for True Impact.” In E.K. Kelloway and C. Cooper (Eds.), Research Agenda for Workplace Stress and Wellbeing (pp 119-133). Elgar. (with K.M. Shockley)
Shen, Winny (In Press). “Culture and WorkFamily Dynamics.” In M. Gelfand and M. Erez (Eds.), Oxford Handbook on Culture and Organizations. Oxford University Press. (with K.S. Shockley)
Tasa, Kevin (Forthcoming). “Conflict Resolution Through Negotiation and Mediation.” In Pearce, C. and Locke, E.A. (Eds.), Blackwell Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior (3rd edition). New York: Blackwell Wiley. (with E. Chadha) Thorne, Linda (2020). “Personal Tax Compliance: Ethical Decision Making in the Tax Context.” In Eileen Taylor and Paul Williams (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Accounting Ethics. Routledge. (with J. Farrar and D. Massey)
Thorne, Linda (2021). “Exposing the Political Chameleon: Insights into Canadian Taxpayers’ Perceptions of Tax Fairness.” In Heaman, Elsbeth (Ed.), Who pays for Canada. McGill Queens University Press. (with J. Farrar and D. Massey)
Veresiu, Ela (2021). “Marketing and Nostalgia: Unpacking the Past and Future of Marketing and Consumer Research on Nostalgia.” In Michael Hviid Jacobsen (Ed.), Intimations of Nostalgia: Explorations of an Enduring Emotion, 171-190. (with T.D. Robinson and A.B. Rosario)
Veresiu, Ela (Forthcoming). “Consumer Culture.” In Cait Lamberton, Derek Rucker, and Stephen Spiller (Eds.), Handbook of Consumer Psychology (2nd Edition).
Veresiu, Ela (Forthcoming). “Global Mobiligies.” In . Eric J. Arnould, David Crockett, Craig J. Thompson, and Michelle Weinberger (Eds.), Consumer Culture Theory (2nd Edition). (with F. Bardhi, M. Luedicke, and Z. Sharifonnasabi)
Yeomans, Julian Scott (2020). “A Stchastic, Multicriteria, Firefly Algorithm-Based Approach for Waste Management Decision-Making.” In A. Baswell (Ed.), Advances in Mathematics Research (pp. 1-27). Nova Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. (with A. Baswell)
Zwick, Detlev (Forthcoming). “Digital Marketing: From Customer Profiling to Computational Marketing Analytics.” In L. Peñaloza, N. Toulouse and L.M. Visconti (Eds.), Marketing Management: A Cultural Perspective. Routledge. (with N. Dholakia)