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PhD Academic Activities

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Journal Articles

Journal Articles

Schulich’s PhD Program encourages students to start translating their research interests into peer-reviewed publications from the earliest stages of their academic careers. And many are quite successful in establishing an enviable track record by the time they are ready to graduate and take up their intial academic posting. These young scholars make us proud!

PUBLICATIONS Journal Articles

Celik, Batur (2021), “Valuation of Bitcoin Options,” Journal of Futures Markets, 41(7), 1007–1026. (with M. Cao)

Lam, Janice (2021), “Research: Why Some D&I Efforts Failed Employees of Chinese Descent,” Harvard Business Review. https://hbr.org/2021/04/research-why-somedi-efforts-failed-employees-of-chinesedescent (with W. Shen, I. Hideg, C. Varty, and A. Krstic)

Murthy, Ramia (2021), “Overcoming the Early-stage Conundrum of Digital Platform Ecosystem Emergence: A Problem-Solving Perspective,” Journal of Management Studies, 58(7). (with A. Madhok)

Phung, Kam (2021), “Confronting the Business Models of Modern Slavery,” Journal of Management Inquiry. (with A. Crane, G. LeBaron, L. Behbahani, and J. Allain)

Phung, Kam (2021), “When Stigma Doesn’t Transfer: Stigma Deflection and Occupational Stratification in the Sharing Economy,” Journal of Management Studies, 58(4): 1107–1139. (with S. Buchanan, M. Toubiana, T. Ruebottom, and L. Turchick-Hakak)

Sedgewick, Jennifer R. (2020), “The Experiences of Indigenous People with Cancer in Saskatchewan: A Patient-Oriented Qualitative Study Using a Sharing Circle,” Canadian Medical Association Open Access Journal, 8(4), E852-E859. (with T. Carr, L. Arcand, R. Roberts, A. Ali, and G. Groot)

Sedgewick, Jennifer R. (2021), “Service Providers’ Perceptions of Support Needs for Indigenous Cancer Patients in Saskatchewan: A Needs Assessment,” BMC Health Services Research, 21(1), 1-12. (with A. Ali, A. Badea, T. Carr, and G. Groot)

Sedgewick, Jennifer R. (2021), “Is There an Artistry to Lighting? The Complexity of Illuminating Three-Dimensional Artworks,” Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 15(1), 20. (with A. Smith, B. Weiers, and L. Elias)

Book Chapters

Bryan, C. (Forthcoming), “Neuroqueerness and Management Research.” De Gruyter Handbook of Disability and Management. (with B.J. Lyons and S.D. Volpone)

Sedgewick, Jennifer R. (2020), “The Sharing Circle Method: Understanding Indigenous Cancer Stories,” SAGE Publications Ltd. (with T. Carr, R. Roberts, and G. Groot)


Lam, Janice (2020; 2021), Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award.

Phung, Kam (2020), Top 25 Storytellers in Storytellers competition, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Sedgewick, Jennifer R. (2020), Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.

Preetika, Joshi (2021), ATA/PwC Tax Dissertation Award, American Taxation Association.

The Schulich School of Business is globally recognized for producing top-calibre research in its pursuit of discovery and innovation.

Our commitment to scholarly excellence, along with our strong sense of social responsibility, is making a difference to how businesses are evolving. The future trajectory of Schulich’s research path promises accelerated growth and development, new transformational ideas, and increased engagement over the application of new knowledge to the benefit of society.



The Schulich School of Business continues its rise in research trajectory as it guides us along with new developments that occur in the business world and beyond. The research conducted here has deepened our knowledge, developed our thinking and expertise, and connected us to new insights regarding the organizations and industries we participate in.

Our faculty remains the lifeblood of our research program, and their research areas are diverse. Many of our faculty have achieved world acclaim through their research excellence and student acclaim with their teaching excellence and ability to inspire and make an impact.

Schulich School of Business Rob and Cheryl McEwen Graduate Study & Research Building

York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3 (416) 736-5878 (tel) | (416) 736-5762 (fax) | research@schulich.yorku.ca


Global Reach. Innovative Programs. Diverse Perspectives.

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