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Media Mentions
In addition to regularly publishing their research in traditional academic outlets, Schulich faculty members contribute to mainstream media outlets as leading experts in their fields.
This section showcases op-eds written by Schulich faculty members, media coverage of their groundbreaking research, and trending news features that contain substantial coverage of their views as industry experts.
Journal publications since 2009
More than one-fourth of the articles published in 2020 and 2021 were in the Financial Times 50 Journals
Percentage of articles published in collaboration with international researchers (2020–2021)
Success rate in SSHRC funding applications in 2020–2021
Academic honours since 2010, including Best Paper, Best Editor, Best Reviewer, and various Book Awards
Books published since 2009
Giesler, Markus, Professor of Marketing, was quoted in the article, “A Different League: Tim Hortons Teams up with Superstar Justin Bieber”, published in The Toronto Star on November 10, 2021.
“ This is a different league for
Tim Hortons. We’re talking about a properly social-media-integrated, global celebrity brand. Justin Bieber is recognized all around the world.” McKellar, James, Professor of Real Estate and Infrastructure, was quoted in the article, “Commercial, Industrial Sectors Sees Growth in Small Urban Areas” published in The Globe and Mail on November 9, 2021.
“ We will never go back to where we were before the pandemic.
There’s a whole category of jobs now that are tethered to the internet, and they can work anywhere. Being able to connect with everyone, whether they’re in the same location or not, makes it easier for people and companies to locate at the fringes.” Rungtusantham, Johnny, Canada Research Chair in Supply Chain Management and Professor of Operations Management and Information Systems, was quoted in the article, “Canadian Supply Delays Come as a Warning That Future Interruptions Could be Worse” published on CBC.ca on October 25, 2021.
“ When businesses choose the cheapest price or the cheapest labour when looking for components or places to manufacture without considering the total cost to the economy, it can have unexpected costs down the road. You may end up making the wrong decision.”
Voronov, Maxim, Professor of Organization Studies and Sustainability, was quoted in the article, “Employers Consider Location-Based Pay, but Some Experts Warn Timing Couldn’t Be Worse”, published in the Financial Post on October 19, 2021.
“ I do think this is a move that many companies will come to regret.
To the extent (companies) are squeezing (their) employees, they also may be on the receiving end later on… of being unable to recruit the best employees.”
Lazar, Fred, Associate Professor of Economics, wrote an opinion column in the National Post on October 8, 2021 titled, “Watch Out for COP26”.
“If you really want to change people’s behaviour, gasoline prices should be closer to $5 per litre. The current tax regime is just nickel-and-diming
Canadians with little impact on their behaviour.”
Hideg, Ivona, Ann Brown Chair in Organization Studies, was quoted in the article, “How the Stigma of Maternity Leave Still Holds Women Back”, published in The Globe and Mail on September 29, 2021.
“We know that women taking leaves incur penalties and negative consequences at work. The longer you are out of the workforce, the less likely you are to be promoted or advanced.” Mawani, Amin, Associate Professor of Accounting, was quoted in the article, “Financial Independence, Retire Early? Pandemic Work Changes Could Give you Fewer Reasons to Quit’, published in The Globe and Mail on September 4, 2021.
“ The pandemic has opened our eyes... to a new way of working. If you can work from home, and home can be anywhere, it gives you a lot more options and a lot fewer reasons to quit. Why give up income if you don’t have to?”
Shen, Winny, Associate Professor of Organization Studies, was quoted in the article, “Who is Most Desperate to Return to the Office? Age Plays a Major Factor”, published in The Globe and Mail on August 21, 2021.
“Young women are more likely to work from home due to child-care responsibilities, which could put them at a disadvantage. Employers might assume that women might be less committed to the job — that’s a dangerous assumption. I think all of that can creep in and lead to different career trajectories for different groups of people.” Milevsky, Moshe, Professor of Finance, was quoted in the article, “Say Goodbye to the 1% InvestmentAdviser Fee?”, published in The Wall Street Journal on August 9, 2021.
“ The arithmetic of the investment fees in a low-return environment can be devastating to the nest egg.”
Shum, Pauline, Professor of Finance, was quoted in the article, “Wealthsimple to Offer Fractional Shares in Both Canadian and U.S. Companies”, published in The Globe and Mail on July 15, 2021.
“ We saw what happened in January when Reddit users put a couple hundred dollars into companies like
Gamestop or AMC. It creates an environment where investment becomes more like gambling. We don’t want to turn it into a casino.
Investing shouldn’t be a game.”
Clayton, Jim, Timothy R. Price Chair in Real Estate and Infrastructure, was quoted in the article, “Will the New Mortgage Rules Tame Canada’s Overheated Housing Market?”, published in The Toronto Star on June 5, 2021.
“ I think they’re just trying to signal to and change the psychology a little bit. You know, this is a longterm investment, so the stress test will usefully warn buyers about succumbing to that whole FOMO (fear of missing out) thing. There’ll be a house available for you next year. You don’t have to buy it right now. Don’t go crazy.”
Cho, Charles, Erivan K. Haub Chair in Business and Sustainability, was quoted in the article, “When Volunteers are Innovating in a Crisis, Experts say it’s Time to Rethink Government’s Role”, published by CTVNews.ca on May 11, 2021.
“ There was unfortunately a lot more talk than action. Why must we rely on citizens’ free labour… free time and energy?”
Shao, Ruodan, Associate Professor of Organization Studies, was quoted in the article, “85-Year-Old with Alzheimer’s Sold Bell Products and Services he Can’t use After Visit to The Source”, published by CBC News on May 10, 2021.
“ During this challenging time, it’s so easy for [companies] to be pushed over this ethical line and… push their employees to engage in sales misconduct. Companies should… offer protection and support for their employees rather than shifting all this financial difficulty and pressure towards their employees.”
Bae, Kee-Hong, Bob Finlayson Chair in International Finance, was quoted in the article, “Communicating in Times of COVID-19”, published in IR Magazine on April 13, 2021.
“One would expect better stock price performance from CSR-active firms during the crisis period if those activities genuinely met the stakeholders’ growing demand for CSR caused by the pandemic.
But that hasn’t happened — which suggests investors can tell the difference between real
CSR performance and cheap talk.” Lévesque, Moren, CPA Ontario Chair in International Entrepreneurship, was quoted in the article, “A Booster Shot for Big Pharma’s Chronic Productivity Condition: Give Up Sooner”, published in The Globe and Mail on March 22, 2021.
“ If research is contained to a small team working on an earlystage discovery process within a large firm with lots of other development drugs nearing approval, “the opportunity cost is small enough to warrant taking the risk of hitting a winner.”
Darke, Peter, Professor of Marketing, was quoted in the article, “Discontinued Dr. Seuss Books Are Selling for This Much Online”, published in the International Business Times on March 10, 2021.
“(Sellers and buyers) are likely willing to overlook the racist aspects in the name of things like nostalgia and making money. If they are selling it at a surprisingly high price there’s more going on there than just trying to get rid of it.” Mead, Nicole, Associate Professor of Marketing, was quoted in the article, “Package-Free Stores: How the Zero-Waste Lifestyle Movement is Boosting a Retail Trend”, published in the Times Colonist on January 29, 2021.
“ Consumers want an experience with a certain boutique esthetic and a carefully curated selection of products. It’s not just about environmentalism or sustainability or reducing waste. That’s a huge part of it, but consumers also want their consumption to have a sense of purpose, to feel authentic and maybe even virtuous.”
Kamstra, Mark, Professor of Finance, was quoted in the article, “Canada’s Economy Could See a Full Recovery Next Year — Here’s Why”, published in The Toronto Star on December 12, 2020.
“This isn’t a fundamental challenge ... people aren’t going to starve, and the GDP isn’t going to fall seven percent or something. But these kinds of disruptions rarely leave us unscathed.”
Devine, Avis, Associate Professor of Real Estate Finance and Sustainability, was quoted in the article, “Locked in Legal Fight Over Rents, HBC’s Big Plan to Survive COVID-19 May Be to Go Small”, published on CBC News on November 28, 2020.
“Retail was changing drastically before COVID came along. All COVID did was expedite it to warp speed.”