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4.Pandemics! Are We Ready?
Pandemics! Are we ready?
A pandemic is a type of epidemic, an outbreak of a disease that occurss an exceptionally high proportion of the population. Today large scale of economical and trade interaction creates an open channel among different countries which generates more ways for pandemics. We feel proud to declare that we are now well equipped with better technologies. But the bigger question being wheth- er all these technologies are capable of beating pandemic still stays. The recent COVID-19 pandemic shows us even though we are a developed country, ep- idemic can still reach us. As time goes on microorganisms also get going through. They get mutation among them which creates a challenge towards our health- care society. So what can we do? If we want to stop the transmission of zoonotic diseases or dis- eases originated from animals we need to be extra careful. Wild animal traffick- ing and using wild animal as a source of food must be prevented. We need to be more wiser because there is a wise saying that “ Prevention is better than Easrat Jahan Esha Project manager, IVSA SCOH cure”. To prevent infectious diseases we need to stop the route of infection. It can’t be done by a single person or by a single country. The whole world must be united against pandemics. How can it be done? A wide range of robust health policies should be introduced. Trade pol- icy should be revised. The established health rules from WHO and OIE should be maintained strictly. The race between human civilization and diseases can’t be avoided. The more modernized the society is the more pow- erful the organisms are. We need to stay together to fight against this issue. It’s a demand that we should truly focus on “One Health”now if we want ourselves to get ready against the next pandemic. 15