4 minute read
Picture Dictionaries
from Scolar World Rights


Picture Dictionaries Series

h 228 × w 198 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout
by Diána Nagy
We gladly adapt to any language.
Hungarian–English Picture Dictionary
Diána Nagy graphic artist designed her pretty dictionary for children. On the pages of the book, animals and plants from the zoo, creatures of the ocean, and the forest come to life, along with the topics like the seasons, city and countryside life or transportation. The words are combined with their spelling, thus the booklet introduces the children to the basic lexicon of the English and Hungarian language.
Japanese–Hungarian Picture Dictionary
Diána Nagy won the prize of the Hungarian designers with her Picture Dictionary, which she originally wrote as her PhD thesis. The booklet is literally a dictionary designed for children, though adults can also find useful pieces of information on the pages. The genre – picture dictionary – has a great methodological benefit by providing visual stimuli combined with the acoustic input of the words to be learned. The role of these visual crutches are even more emphasized with harsh colours and simplified iconic images.
The dictionary is dealing with themes like: the zoo, the ocean, parts of the day, weather and plants, creatures of the forest, the animals of the farm, the city, fruits and vegetables. We recommend it to everyone who is eager to know why is the author called “the Paganini of designing supercute animals”.
About the illustrator
Diána Nagy was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1982. She graduated from MOME with MA degree in Graphic Design in 2007 and as visual art teacher in 2011. She completed her doctorate and earned the title of DLA in 2014. She works as a freelance graphic designer, illustrator and art teacher. Her illustrations have gained recognition and won several prizes. Her works were exhibited at the Illustrators’ Exhibition – Bologna Children’s Book Fair, and at Illustrate – Biennal of Illustration, Portugal, among other exhibitions.
The Wonderful World of Mirabáj
by Mercédesz Érsek-Obádovics • illustrated by Hajnalka Szimonidesz
Mirabáj is a rhyming tale about the love of life, the miracles, the cycle of life, the family, which like a tree protects us with its shadow, nourishes us with its fruit, and sways us like embracing arms with its branches. About the words that we plant as tiny seeds in the hearts of others and later blossom in our souls. And that our life and environment will be the way we shape it, and the living creatures will be the way we raise them. Everything starts with a small seed, but life is hidden in it, which sprouts from the rays of love, grows big, and then scatters its seeds itself. Érsek-Obádovics Mercédesz
Mirabáj csodálatos világa
Szimonidesz Hajnalka illusztrációival
About the authors
Mercédesz Érsek-Obádovics was born in 1982 in Budapest. She graduated at the University of Theater and Film Arts with a degree in acting in 2006, then completed a master's course in film directing, and worked as an assistant cameraman at the company of Magyar Operato̧rök. She won the best actress award at the Indie Film Fest in Paris. She had several exhibitions as a creative photographer. In 2017 she graduated at the Károli Gáspár University with a degree in Art Administration and Art Management. She is the translator of several successful children's books, creator of Hungarian cultural projects, writer of film scripts and author and director of theater dramas. The Wonderful World of Mirabáj is her first published book. Hajnalka Szimonidesz is an illustrator and visual artist She graduated in 2009 from the visual culture and drawing major of the ELTE Savaria University Center. She began her artistic career with sculpting and oil paintings, and had numerous solo and group exhibitions throughout the country. She started illustrating books and poems in 2007, and has been working in this field continuously since then. More than 60 story books have been published with her illustrations.The drawings are mainly made with gouache technique and acrylic on watercolor paper, which is very time-consuming, requires great precision, because the possibility of correction is very little.
Mirának szeretettel
2020. 10. 16. 16:20
Lábához bújt egy kiscica, szép szelíden dorombolta: „Ez a világ óriási, végtelen, Nevesincs bolygó csak pici pont ebben, Ne vakítson el, mi fényes, vonzó, ragyogó, mindig tudd, hogy mi a rossz, és mi a jó. Az édes álom biztonság, de legszebb álom a valóság, rólad énekli a legszebb dalt e táj, mert Te vagy az igaz szeretet, Mirabáj!”
Rhyming tale Age: 3-7
h 240 × w 200 mm 40 pages, hardback full colour throughout
Mirabai onelozekkel5.indd 5
Tortát hoz a vendégsereg, együtt dalol felnőtt, gyerek: „Ég a gyertya, ég, el ne aludjék, ki elfújja, minden vágya megvalósuljék.” „Minden, mire szükségem lesz, megadja az ég!”, kívánta, majd nagyot fújt, és becsukta szemét. Tűzijáték durrogása törte meg a csendet, felvágták a finom tortát, s mindannyian ettek. Estefelé hazamentek, csillagfényben megfürödtek, csengő kórus hallatszott, kacagtak az angyalok.