2 minute read
Baby’s First Encyclopedia of Vehicles
from Scolar World Rights

h 205 × w 175 mm 24 pages, boardbook full colour throughout
Baby’s First Words
by Andrea Illés • illustrated by Rita Papp
This board book depicts the first words of the babies, each combined with a cute picture. The „dictionary” contains more than 150 words, it offers an amusing time spent together with our child, while during play we help the child’s language acquisition and develop his communicative skills. The words were selected in keeping with the children’s interests and world: family members, food, playground activities and parts of the body.
The booklet is bilingual, it can be useful for English speaking families or for older children who started to get acquainted with the English language.

About the authors
Andrea Illés is a literature editor and the editor-in-chief at Scolar Publishing. She is the author of several books and albums in cultural history, including most notably her work on the world heritage sites, relics and treasures in Hungary. She is the mother of four: three sons and a daughter. Rita Papp is a graphic designer, former art director of Scolar Publishing. She has designed more than 100 covers for all sorts of publications, among these the Scolar L!ve series, which gained high professional appreciation. Recently she mainly deals with logos and layouts. She has two children.
Baby’s First Encyclopedia of Vehicles
by Andrea Illés • illustrated by Rita Papp
Small children are fascinated by the world of vehicles! Whether it’s a grapple, a garbage truck, a train or an airplane, they all catch their eye.
In our book, we collected the vehicles thematically and presented them with age-appropriate, colourful pictures.
• What vehicles travel on land, in the air, on water or in outer space?
• What vehicles are deployed in an emergency?
• What military, police, fire or ambulance vehicles are there?
• What kind of vehicle do they use to work on construction sites and in agriculture?
• What are the vehicles that have to be driven by foot, what kind of vehicles did people use in the past?
h 170 × w 205 mm 24 pages, hardback full colour throughout

A vizeken és a vízparton zajlik az élet. Hatalmas utasszállító hajó közelít a part felé, és egy uszály is kikötésre készül. A kismajom kíváncsian figyeli őket. Nem lesz könnyű dolguk a kapitányoknak, mivel eléggé nagyok a hullámok. A sárkányhajó a parton pihen, várja az evezősöket. A vitorláson most húzták fel a vitorlát. A hidroplán rövidesen felszáll.
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