Anastasia Process Portfolio

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Inter-structure In this slide I wanted to explore the inner structure of a building that becomes clearly visible when buildings are under reconstruction. Similarly to how we can see human bones in an x-ray.

Inter-structure Within my exploratin of “building carcases� I concentrated on scaffolding in particular, as the reminded me most of human joints. Not only with their look but also function. In this slide i'm experimenting with shading and different pencil techniques to complete a graphite drawing of a scaffolding joint.

Inter-structure This exploration lead me to create a graphite drawing of a scaffolding joint as well as a series of photographs exhibiting the protrusion of real human joints through the skin.

Imprint Work in the next slides originated from my interest in the ability to confine an emotion (something that is quide undefined and subjective) into a rigid material such as marble, clay, stone, dry paint.

Imprint In order to draw inspiration for my work I studied the works of artists such as Giuseppe Penone and Gian Lorenzo Bernini, who mostly worked with the above mentioned materials as well as focused on transmitting an array of emotions through their work.

Imprint Through studying the work of other artists I was able to analyse different techniques and implicate them in my own work. For instance I used a similar technique as Penone to create a series of tiles that each encapsulated a different emotion I was experiencing at the time.

Alternative Reality This was a brainstorm of ideas and images/works from different artists who in my opinion were ahead of their time and boldly experimenting with reality, space and human perception.

Alternative Reality On this page you can see the original drawing I used for the print and one of the prints that I made. Within this drawing I was trying to experiment with a non-dimensional space and through that continue my exploration of human perception.

Alternative Reality This was another iteration of my exploration of reality, spatial perception (and norms). I was trying to look at how we can create comical and unrealistic images showing fake-real life events with photo collage.

Momentary Occurrence This page was a brainstorm of ideas for the task that was given to us. We drew three pieces of paper from a hat telling us the requirements of our project. I decided to also continue incorporating the theme of Japanese art as I used it in previous pages.

Momentary Occurrence This page was a continuation of the brainstorm from the previous page concentrating more on pattern and the philosophical side of the project. I also incorporated a small study of Yayoi Kusama who is known for her work with patterns.

Momentary Occurrence This page is a record of all of the material experiments I did whilst working on my project - 3D resin and fabric sculptures. It includes samples of materials, records of processes and sketches/models of the final piece.

Artist Study On this page I looked into one of my favorite artists Erik Bulatov. He’s work mostly concerned the exploration of 2D and 3D space within the canvas and the way it affects his viewers, which is something I want to pursue in my work.

Summer Brainstorm This is a collection of some of the pictures and drawings that I have accumulated over the summer of 2019. Over that time I started to concentrate on light, portraiture and emotional expression in the eyes.

Artist Study In the next two pages I looked at Dustin Yellin who works with human portraits, however not in the traditional way. I wanted to draw inspiration for my own work and see how I can incorporate some of his techniques.

Portrait of the New Age On this page I have started to look at a variety of different artists and techniques that have been used to create portraits. I have decided to continue working with resin as I was already familiar with it from the Momentary Ocurrance project.

Portrait of the New Age This page shows a record of analysis and experimentation with the goal of creating a modern version of a traditional bust portrait. I am exploring different ways in which portraits are made and used and experimenting in Photoshop.

Brainstorm For this page I used some more of the pictures I took in during the summer and well as in the beginning of the year. Being interested in architecture I always wanted to see how the boundaries of this traditional discipline can be pushed and targeted towards altering human perception of the space around them.

(Non)Architectural On this page I narrowed down my exploration of non-architectural space to the theme of the ambiguous space, a space that is not inside or outside. I'm taking inspiration from my surroundings and looking at objects that have similar concepts.

(Non)Architectural Here you can see a development of the project, I have chosen to reimagine the traditional street market. Using the concept of inside/outside and trying to merge two very different things a street market and a soap bubble.

(Non)Architectural As an extension to the theme of inside/outside I looked at glass domes of famous buildings around the world. This gave me the idea of creating a dome (that would still have all of the criteria of a soap bubble) for the market rather than individual awnings.

(Non)Architectural On this page you can see a lot of material experimentation. I was trying to create a new type of awnings that are used at the market taking inspiration from the shape and look of a soap bubble.


Artist Study This page became an in between stage that completed the previous project and launched a new one. On it I familiarised myself with the work of Anish Kapoor. He not only works with altering the reality and the way people perceive it, he also works with a lot of reflective material which is something I started to work on.

Reflection of reality On this page you can see rough sketches and ideas for a model that would incorporate both the element of reflection and altering reality. Here I am working with lots of different media ranging from graphic drawings to film and wood.

Sources Naomi Kobayashi, Welcome to Mansoor Sons, Ketterer Kunst, Art Auctions, Book Auctions Munich, Hamburg & Berlin, Gordon Matta-Clark, “The Art of the Plant – Yayoi Kusama: Art: Agenda.” Phaidon, “By Paul Schuitema, Ca 1 9 5 0, Advertising Brochure for De Vries Robbé & Co. ( Dutch Graphic Artist): Graphic, Mise En Page, Brochure.” Pinterest, ChungDr, Andrew, et al. “Health Pages.” HealthPagesorg Anatomy Surgery Pregnancy Nutrition Fitness, 13 May 2019, “Constructivism & Modernism: Part 2.” URBAN ARCHITECTURE NOW: Constructivism & Modernism: Part 2, “Exhibition ‘James Turrell: Aural.’” Jewish Museum Berlin, “Fiber Art.” North House Folk School, “Giuseppe Penone.” Giuseppe Penone | Yorkshire Sculpture Park, “Go See: Dustin Yellin's 'Dust in the Brain Attic' at Robert Miller Gallery in New York through May 22, 2009.” Other Features, “Gordon Matta-Clark.” DOMUS, “Gucci Collectors: Matïss Rucko, Fisher Smith More Star in Fall '18 Campaign.” The Fashionisto, 3 July 2018, “James Turrell's Skyspace, A Light Installation In The Austrian Mountains.” IGNANT, 16 July 2019, Jess Denham@jess_denham. “Damien Hirst Pickled Animals Tate Exhibition Found to Have Leaked Cancer-Causing Fumes.” The Independent, Independent Digital News and Media, 21 Apr. 2016, Kabakov, Ilya. “The Palace of Projects, 1998 - Ilya Kabakov.”, 1 Jan. 1998, Marchioni, Alice. “Ratto Di Proserpina.” Arte, 11 Dec. 2018, “New New York from Superstudio Series.” Walker Art Center, Omidi, Maryam. “Ilya and Emilia Kabakov Curate El Lissitzky Exhibition.” The Calvert Journal, Pemberton, Becky. “This Is the Colour of Bette Davis' Eyes and Why Kim Carnes Wrote Her Song.” The Sun, The Sun, 30 Dec. 2017, Prints, Vintage Anatomy. “Down Facing Hand Skeletal Diagram - Anatomy Print by Vintage Anatomy Prints.” Fine Art America, “Psychogeographies: the 3D Human Collages of Dustin Yellin.” Buzzworthy, 24 Oct. 2017, Science Ltd. “Damien Hirst.” Cock and Bull - Damien Hirst, “Shibori.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 7 Mar. 2020, Sierzputowski, Kate. “A Monumental Scaffolding of Poplar Wood at Rice Gallery by Ben Butler.” Colossal, 8 July 2015, Sma. “Let There Be Light: The Art of James Turrell.” Sparano Mooney Architecture, Sparano Mooney Architecture, 3 July 2017, Tate. “Turner Prize: A Retrospective 1984–2006 – Exhibition at Tate Britain.” Tate, Taylor-Foster, James. “Zaha Hadid on Russian Artist Kazimir Malevich.” ArchDaily, ArchDaily, 24 July 2014, “Towards Alternative Architecture Narrations.” The Architecture Player, name, Site. “The Loaded Symbols of Lari Pittman.” ArtReview, “r/Pics - A Shark Suspended in Formaldehyde Solution by Damien Hirst.” Reddit, “名古屋市緑区の伝統工芸・鳴海絞り.” 有限会社こんせい,

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