struck by lighting
INDOOR downlights
INDOOR architectural
INDOOR accessories
INDOOR table- & floorlamps
INDOOR spots & pendants
INDOOR wall lights
INDOOR bases
psmlighting | 1
psmlighting | 2
INDOOR profiles
OUTDOOR in-ground luminaires
INDOOR floorlights
OUTDOOR stainless steel 316
OUTDOOR aluminium
INdoor - downlights
INDOOR downlights
psmlighting | 3
INdoor - downlights
ø29-30 ø30 12v st33/..
ø30 12v st43/..
ø30 12v st50x50/..
ø30 12v d33/..
ø30 M6-M8-M10 33m/../..
ø29 powerled 1w ziaminiled
ø29 powerled 1w ziaminiledc
ø38 zia35p/..
ø38-39 zia35c/..
ø38 zia35cg/..
ø39-40 d43/..
ø39-40 M6-M8-M10 43m../..
ø39-40 zia35m/..
ø39-40 zia35vt/..
ø48 zia35/..
ø48 zia35v/..
ø48-49 rio35/..
ø49 zia50v/..
ø49 focus35/..
ø50 scott powerled W3083/.. inox
ø50 scott powerled W3084/.. inox
ø60 12v arca35/..
ø63 12v zia50/..
ø63 12v zia50gr/..
ø64 12v focus50/..
ø65-70 301v/..12v 301v.230v/.. inox
ø65-70 302v/..12v 302v.230v/..inox
ø65-70 303v/..12v 303v.230v/.. inox
ø38-40 12v
ø48-49 12v
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 4
INdoor - downlights
ø65 12v
ø65 pico20/..-pico35/..
ø65 pico35down/..
ø65 single65/..
2xø65 twin65/..
ø70 single70/..
2xø70 twin70/..
ø65 diva35/..
ø65 cano35/..
ø65 m-ch sira35/../..
ø65 vario35/..
2xø65 vario2x35/..
m-ch cassira35/../..
ø70 disco/.. 12v disco.es50/..
ø70 yoko/.. 12v yoko.es50/..
ø70 ono/..
ø65 zeno35/..
ø65 zeno35b3/..
ø65-66 bases cassettes 12v
ø70 bases cassettes ø72-75 casdisco/.. 12v casdisco.es50/..
casyoko/.. 12v casyoko.es50/..
ø72-75 12v arca50/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 5
convertible system 12v-230v
INdoor - downlights
ø79-80 bases
ø76 convertible roundbaseusa/..
ø79-80 convertible roundbase/..
ø80 convertible roundbase.d100/..
ø79-80 convertible singlebase/..
2xø80 convertible twinbase/..
3xø80 convertible triplebase/..
12v caspicoc/..
12v caspdownc/..
12v casdivac/..
12v cascanoc/..
12v cassirac/..
12v casforumc/..
12v casversoc/..
12v caswallc/..
12v casturnerc/..
12v casvidrioc/..
12v castarga/..
12v casaquac/..
230v casariac/..
12v castitusc/..
12v casaquanodotc/..
230v cascambioc/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 6
INdoor - downlights
12V ø80 pico50/..
ø80 picodown50/..
ø80 diva50/..
ø80 cano50/..
ø80 M-CH sira50/../..
ø80 zeno50/..
ø80 zeno50b3/..
ø80 aquanodotip44/..
ø80 aquaip44/..
ø80 vidrio50/..
koza s1-s2 1474.dicro/../..
koza dir s1-s2 1479.dicro/../..
ø80 diva50/../ln
ø80 pico50/../ln
ø80 pico50.es50/../ln
ø80 diva50.es50/../ln
ø80 102h/.. inox
ø80 202/.. inox
ø80 202.b/..inox
koza s1-s2 es50-mega 1474/../../..
koza s1-s2 es50-mega 1479/../../..
ø80 aria/..
ø80 cambio/..
ø80 E27 vidrio/..
ø80 fabo/..
ø80 sensa/..
ø80 230V
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 7
INdoor - downlights
ø80 12v
ø80 12v hero50/..
ø80 12v vario50/..
ø80 bora50/..
ø80 12v coco50/..
ø80 12v kubo50/..
ø80 12v kuboglas50/..
ø80 hero.es50/..
ø80 vario.es50/..
ø80 deco50/..
ø80 coco.es50/..
ø80 kubo.es50/..
ø80 12v gala/..
ø80 frame80/..
2xø80 frame2x80/..
12v cashero50/..
12v casvario50/..
ø80 bases cassettes
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 8
INdoor - downlights
ø84 CFL GX53 6w microlynx 230v
toledo up 3069/..
ø84 toledo 3060/..
toledo up w3069/..
ø84 toledo 3066/..
toledo up 3079/..
ø84 toledo 3067/..
toledo up w3079/..
ø84 toledo 3068/..
ø84 toledo w3068/..
ø84 toledo 3074/..
ø84 toledo3075/..
toledo up 3061/../b
toledo up 3061/../w
toledo up w3061/../b
toledo up w3061/../w
toledo up 3062/../b
toledo up 3062/../w
toledo up w3062/../b
toledo up w3062/../w
toledo up 3063/..
toledo up 3063/../za
toledo up 3064/..
toledo up w3064/..
toledo up 3065a/..
toledo up 3065b/..
toledo up w3065a/..
toledo up w3065b/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 9
square click system vakman, gedaan met puzzelen ! Een spot plaatsen lijkt al te vaak op eindeloos puzzelwerk. Daarom bedachten wij het multifunctionele Square Click System. Een standaard ronde opening volstaat om vervolgens het SCS-frame in te plaatsen waarin je - op haar beurt - je favoriete SCS-cassette klikt ... Voortaan past vierkant wél in rond zelfs richtbaar, wentelbaar inbouw, opbouw, pendule design of klassiek ... werkelijk alles is mogelijk Omdat PSM niet spot met puzzels puzzel jij niet langer met spots Eindelijk belicht je je omgeving in een handomdraai. 100% naar wens. Sometimes installing a spotlight can be quite a puzzle. That’s why we have devised the multifunctional Square Click System. A standard round cutout is all you need to install the SCS frame in which you can then click your favourite SCS spotlight. So combining square and round is no longer a problem. Our range furthermore comprises tiltable, adjustable, recessed, surface-mounted or pendant spotlights with a modern or a classic design … the choice is truly endless. PSM has shone a light on puzzles, so you no longer have to puzzle over light. Finally a system to illuminate your environment entirely to your liking in less than no time.
INdoor - downlights
ø90 bases
scs system frame1a/..
scs system frame2a/..
scs system frame3a/..
scs system frame1b/..
scs system frame2b/..
scs system frame3b/..
ø85-87 bases
Het “Square Click System” past bovendien probleemloos op ons bestaande “Convertible System” en laat een breed spectrum van kleuren en materialen toe, gaande van wit, zwart, chroom over metaalgrijs tot alu satine en parelchroommat. Dankzij het Frame X kunnen alle cassettes van het Convertible System moeiteloos in de Frames van het SCS ingepast worden. Als je dan ook nog weet dat quasi elk type lamp er in aangesloten kan worden dan mag je gerust besluiten dat het nooit eerder zo makkelijk was je omgeving juist te verlichten. Creeer! Wanneer je maar wil!
frame X
+ scs system frame1a/..
+ scs system framex/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 10
INdoor - downlights
square click system
cassettes 12v-230v dicro-brite-es50 casanka/../..
dicro-brite-es50 caslimbo/../..
dicro-brite-es50 cassamba/../..
dicro-brite-es50 cascomo/../..
dicro-brite-es50 casconga/../..
dicro-brite-es50 casroma/../..
dicro-brite-es50 castomba/../..
dicro-brite-es50 caszorba/../..
ar70-es63 casalto/../..
cdmtm - hcitf cassula/../..
dicro-brite-es50 casouzo/../..
e14-e27 casdana/../..
e14-e27 casvera/../..
dicro-brite-es50 casmimba/../..
es50-dicro casrigagl/../..
CFL-GX53 casrigamicro/..
scs system caszero/..
scs system caszerob3/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 11
INdoor - downlights
ø85-110 ø86 12v quad/..
ø100 12v aquagr/..
ø110 inox 230v 101h/..
Frame s1-s2 frame1f/../..
Frame s1-s2 frame2f/../..
Frame s1-s2 frame3f/../..
dicro-es50-mega casalfa/../..
dicro-es50 casbeta/../..
12v-230v casfino/../..
dicro-es50-mega casecho/../..
dicro-es50-mega casecho/../..
dicro-es50-mega casecho/../..
beta system box1f/..
beta system box2f/..
beta system box3f/..
ø110 inox 230v 201/..
ø123 G9 scoop/..
ø123 G9 scoopnodot/..
torsion springs s1/..
beta system matrix1f/..
beta system matrix2f/..
beta system matrix3f/..
flat springs s2/..
beta system
frame * kleine afwerkingsboord inbouwkader 4 à 5 mm * beperkte afemtingen buitenkader * zeer kleine inbouwmaat 76x76mm * lamp gemakkelijk vervangbaar (QRCBC51 -ES50-Mega) zelfde toestel opbouw mits toevoeging kader zie bases
* small edges of the built-in frame 4 to 5 mm * limited dimensions of outer frame * very small apertures 76x76mm * lamp easily replaceable (QRCBC51 -ES50-Mega) *same luminair for built-up by adding a frame see bases
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 12
INdoor - downlights
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 13
INdoor - downlights
92x92 inox cross50/..
zoom 72x72 859/..
73x73 cusco/..
70x70 12v fox.dir/..
70x70 fox.dir.es50/..
96x96 scoopc/..
70x70 12v fox.fix/..
70x70 fox.fix.es50/..
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 14
INdoor - downlights 1. 100-80/.. 2. clamp + torsion springs - beugel + torsieveren - carcan + ressort à torsion - Spannbügel + Torsionfeder 3. downlight diva50/.. 4. Mounting - montage
Art. >C opening ceiling plafond - Decke 90 >90 mm opening ceiling 110 >110 mm opening ceiling 130 >130 mm opening ceiling 150 >150 mm opening ceiling 170 >170 mm opening ceiling 190 >190 mm opening ceiling 210 >210 mm opening ceiling
Art. 100-80/.. 120-80/.. 140-80/.. 160-80/.. 180-80/.. 200-80/.. 220-80/.. 240-80/..
A dimension Ø100 Ø120 Ø140 Ø160 Ø180 Ø200 Ø220 Ø240
Art. 100-100-80/.. 120-120-80/.. 140-140-80/.. 160-160-80/.. 180-180-80/.. on request on request on request
2 Downlight : example pico - aria - diva - cambio - cano - sira etc.....
3 Mounting 000A
Montage van inbouwspot + veren in vergrootring - Mounting downlight onto adaption ring by means of springs and clamps.
Other dimensions on request
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 15
INdoor - downlights
plasterkit S6/../.. 180x180
plasterkit S6/../.. 225x225
plasterkit S7/../.. 225x300
S6.20 S6.25 S6.30 S6.35 S6.40 S6.45 S6.50 S6.55 S6.60
S6.65 S6.70 S6.75 S6.80 S6.87 S6.90 S6.95 S6.100
vario35 | single65 | diva35 single70 | disco | yoko | ono
S7.65 S7.65v S7.70 S7.80 S7.87 S7.90
twinbase65 vario2x35 twin70 twinbase frame2B Square click system frame2A Square click system
convertible system | coco - kubo frame1B Square click system frame1A Square click system
voorbeeld led art.3104 heliadoos of gyprocdoos niet inbegrepen
S11 te combineren met S6/65-100 ingietdoos 100x100x135 S11 te combineren met S9.70+S9.92 ingietdoos 100x100x135 box S11/../..
ingietdoos aarden bij gebruik van spots op 230V
S12 te combineren met S7 ingietdoos 100x185x135 box S12/../..
ingietdoos aarden bij gebruik van spots op 230V
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 16
INdoor - downlights
plasterkit S8/../.. 225x390
plasterkit S9 /../.. 225x225
frame3B Square click system
frame3A Square click system
fox + S11
cross + S11
camera in + S14
S13 te combineren met S8 ingietdoos 100x280x135 box S13/../..
ingietdoos aarden bij gebruik van spots op 230V
S14 te combineren met S9.108 ingietdoos 130x130x135 box S14/../..
ingietdoos aarden bij gebruik van spots op 230V
S15 te combineren met S10.198 ingietdoos 130x240x135 plasterkit S10/../.. 300x390
S10.198 camera twin
box S15/../..
ingietdoos aarden bij gebruik van spots op 230V
Wachten tot het stukwerk volledig uitgedroogd is vooraleer de spots te monteren! Attendre jusqu’a ce que le plâtre s’est complètement asseché avant d’installer les spots. Wait until the plaster is completely dried out before installing the downlights ! psmlighting | 17
INdoor - downlights
psmlighting | 18
Indoor - accessoires
INDOOR accessories
psmlighting | 19
Indoor - accessoires
standard 12V M10
standard 230V M10
connector for tracks 023.m../.. M6-M10
adaptor for tracks 4000/..
kneejoint 12v 015.m../.. M6-M8-M10
kneejoint 12v/230v 019/..
rosette 009/..+009/p
kneejoint 230V 022/..
psmlighting | 20
connector for tracks 024/..
jack 018/..
jack to build in 010/..
jack to build up 011/..
Indoor - accessoires
rosette ø33 013/..
rosette ø43 014/..
rosette ø100 102.10/..
rosette ø50-53 002/..
rosette ø60 61.10/..
rosette ø120 122.10/..
rosette ø80 81.10/.
rosette ø100 101.10/..
rosette ø140 142.10/..
rosette ø120 121.10/..
rosette ø140 141.10/..
rosette ø160 162.10/..
rosette ø160 161.10/..
rosette ø180 181.10/..
rosette ø180 182.10/..
rosette + swivel for
pendant M6-M8-M10-D8,3
065../.. 080../..
psmlighting | 21
Indoor - accessoires
rosette + swivel for
pendant M6-M8-M10-D8,3
065.65./.. 080.80./..
psmlighting | 22
rosette 40x40 40.10/..
rosette 001/..
rosette 50x50 50.10/..
rosette 003/..
rosette 60x60 60.10/..
rosette 004/..
rosette 005/..
rosette 80x80 80.10/..
rosette 2025/..
rosette 2024/..
rosette 100x100 100.10/..
rosette 020/...
rosette mt 021/..
Indoor - accessoires
rosette 028/..
rosette 017/..
rosette 025/..
transformer box 006/..
rosette 027/..
rosette mt 026/..
rosette + swivel for
rosette mt 026.b3../..
transformer box 008/.. for track
transformer box 012/.. for track
transformer box 016/.. for track
transformer box 006/../t mt
rosette + swivel for
rosette 032/..
rosette 020.b3../..
pendant M6-M8-M10-D8,3
rosette mt 021.b3.../..
rosette 025.b3../..
pendant M6-M8-M10-D8,3
rosette 651/.. texo
transformer box 007/.. for track
psmlighting | 23
transfokast 200x300x200 tr20/...
basco 029/..
psmlighting | 24
transfokast 300x400x200 tr30/..
transfokast 400x600x200 tr40/..
transfokast 600x600x200 tr60/..
Indoor - accessoires
transfokast 800x600x200 tr80/..
Indoor - spot & pendants
INDOOR spots & pendants
psmlighting | 25
Indoor - spot & pendants
standard 12V M10
coctail 70../..
colibri 80../..
jazz 90../..
tuba 50../..
step 63../..
jupiter 68../..
folio 64../..
utopie 62../..
domino 61../..
discus 60../..
discovery 69../..
capri 71../..
condor 72../..
globo 1809/../..
psmlighting | 26
Indoor - spot & pendants
apollo 66../..
comma 3004.step/..
standard for led
saturno 67../..
comma 3004.jupiter/..
discus + led L.60../..
cubic M10 H100-65 74/../..
comma 3004.discus/..
step + led L.63../..
cricket ø40 1288/..
cubic M20 H100-65 73/../..
psmlighting | 27
Indoor - spot & pendants
ø30 33m/../..
psmlighting | 28
ø39-40 43m/../..
twist 6500/..
standard 230V M10
step 230v hi.63../..
discus 230v hi.60../..
capri 230v hi.71../..
apollo 230v hi.66../..
saturno 230v hi.67../..
Indoor - spot & pendants
standard M10
swivel B3
flex G4 4002/../..
glass G4 gl2581s/.. 60x60x70
glass G4 gl2592ss/.. 60x60x70
piva G4-G9 4001/../..
piva G4-G9 4001/../B3/..
flex G4 4002./../..+ gl553s/..
glass 529925/.. 80x80x80
glass G4 gl5757w/.. ø73 H70
piva G9 3999/../..
piva G9 3999/../B3/..
glass 464907/.. 80X80X100
glass 521406/.. 70X70X75
glass G4 gl553s/.. ø63 H70
psmlighting | 29
Indoor - spot & pendants
glass G4-G9 gl8285m/.. ø95 H100
glass G4-G9 gl8285s/.. ø95 H100
glass G4-G9 gl5434wa/.. ø140 H100
glass G4-G9 gl5434wn/.. ø140 H100
glass G9 gl5911s/.. ø110 H95
glass G4-G9 gl8285bc/.. ø95 H100
glass G4 gl5836w/.. ø80 H75
glass G4-G9 gl413g/.. ø95 H110
glass G9 gl5952g/.. ø80 H75
glass G9 gl5952a/.. ø80 H75
glass G4 gl8284m/.. ø85 H90
glass G4 gl8284s/.. ø85 H90
glass G4 gl8284w/.. ø85 H90
glass G9 gl5796b/.. ø80 H80
glass G9 gl5796o/.. ø80 H80
psmlighting | 30
Indoor - spot & pendants
glass G9 gl5911r/.. ø110 H95
glass G4-G9 gl1135s/.. ø175 H135
glass G4 gl1129w/.. ø150 H75
glass G4-G9 gl423s/.. ø125 H165
glass G4-G9 gl5842w/.. ø110 H120
glass G9 gl5952s/.. ø80 H75
glass G9 gl5952r/.. ø80 H75
glass G4-G9 gl5648w/.. ø125 H75
glass G4-G9 gl5994ca/.. ø140 H95
glass G4-G9 gl5995sms/.. ø140 H90
glass G9 gl5796s/.. ø80 H80
glass G4 121607/.. ø155 H50
glass G4 piglas/..ø100 H105
glass G4 185807/.. ø86 H65
glass G4 184307/.. ø126 H72
psmlighting | 31
Indoor - spot & pendants
guilia a 4026/..- 4026.b3/..
guilia b 4027/.. - 4027.b3/..
guilia c 4028/..
luna 4004/..- 4004.b3/
psmlighting | 32
max 4025/..
tuba 4003/.. - 4003.b3/..
Indoor - spot & pendants
noa pc 4013/.. - B1-B2-B3
noa 4014/.. - B1-B2-B3
noa alu 4015/.. - B1-B2-B3
noa alu 4016/..- B1-B2-B3
noa pc 230v 4017/..- B2-B3
noa glass + alu 230v 4019/..-B2-B3
noa alu 4021.b1/..
psmlighting | 33
Indoor - spot & pendants
rumba 4005/..
gota T16FH 2x21w 1820/..
psmlighting | 34
gota GE BIAX E27 20W 1825/..
spazio 3071.g9/..
Indoor - spot & pendants
bambu 1470/..
psmlighting | 35
Indoor - spot & pendants
psmlighting | 36
Indoor - bases
INDOOR bases
psmlighting | 37
Indoor - bases
cupido I 621.ar70/..
cupido I 621.dicro/..
cupido II mt 622.ar70/..
cupido II mt 622.dicro/..
cupido III mt 623.ar70/..
cupido III mt 623.dicro/..
cupido IV mt 624.ar70/..
cupido IV mt 624.dicro/..
cupido I 621.es50/..
cupido I 621.es63/..
cupido II 622.es50/..
cupido II 622.es63/..
cupido III 623.es50/..
cupido III 623.es63/..
cupido IV 624.es50/..
cupido IV 624.es63/..
cupido I mt 625.ar70/..
cupido I mt 625.dicro/..
rondo click I zt 627.75/..
rondo click I mt 628.75/..
rondo click III zt 631.35/..
rondo click II zt 629.35/..
rondo click II mt 630.47/..
rondo click III mt 632.47/..
rondo click IV zt 633.35/..
rondo click IV mt 634.47/..
psmlighting | 38
Indoor - bases
ovale box 230v 927/..
ovale box 230v 928/..
ovale box 230v 929/..
ovale box 230v 930/..
ronda mt 820/..
ronda mt 830/..
tanga mt 805/..
psmlighting | 39
Indoor - bases
rondo box 923/.. mt - 924a/.. 230v
psmlighting | 40
rondo box 821/.. mt - 823/.. 230v
rondo box 822/.. mt - 824/.. 230v
rondo box 925c/.. mt - 926c/.. 230v
rondo box 925d/.. mt - 926d/.. zt
Indoor - bases
clio mt 801/..
ringo 12V-230V 985.a/../..
plaza mt 1287/..
clio mt 802/..
ringo 12V-230V 985.b/../..
star zt 986/.
ringo 12V-230V 985.c/../..
star mt 987/..
clio mt 803/..
clio mt 804/..
sirio 1293/..
psmlighting | 41
Indoor - bases
camera in S1-S2 zt 945/../..
camera up mt
camera in zt 946/..
camera up mt
camera up mt 949/..
camera in zt 945a/..
camera in mt 948/..
camera in vt 945b/..
camera twin mt 947/..
psmlighting | 42
Indoor - bases
cubic zt 979/..
cubic mt 981/..
cubic 981led/..
cubic 979led/..
cubic mt 982/..
cubic 982led/..
cubic 978/.
cubic mt 983/..
cubic 983led/..
cubic mt 984/..
cubic 984led/..
psmlighting | 43
Indoor - bases
betaplus fix zt 1701.dicro/..
betaplus es50-63-mega 1701/../..
betaplus directional zt 1705.dicro/..
betaplus 1705.es50/..
betaplus fix zt 1702.dicro/..
betaplus es50-mega 1702/../..
betaplus directional zt 1706.dicro/..
betaplus 1706.es50/..
betaplus fix zt 1703.dicro/..
betaplus es50-mega 1703/../..
betaplus directional zt 1707.dicro/..
betaplus 1707.es50/..
psmlighting | 44
Indoor - bases
betaplus zt 1711.dicro/..
betaplus es50-mega 1711/../..
betaplus zt 1712.dicro/..
betaplus es50-mega 1712/../..
betaplus zt 1713.dicro/..
betaplus es50-mega-tcd 1713/../..
calypso mt 972/..
base 4 919/..
calypso zt 973/..
psmlighting | 45
Indoor - bases
psmlighting | 46
Indoor - bases
juba mt 100mm 807/..
juba + jazz mt 810/..
juba mt 817/.. 600mm juba mt 818/.. 900mm
juba mt 819/.. 1200mm juba mt 811/.. 1400mm
juba mt 200mm 808/..
juba + jazz mt 815/..
juba mt 812/.. 1500mm juba mt 813/.. 1600mm
juba mt 814a/.. 1800mm juba mt 814b/.. 2000mm
juba mt 320mm 809/..
juba + jazz mt 816/..
juba supplement 000b3/.. swivel
psmlighting | 47
Indoor - bases
monet carré CFL gx53 6w 640.100/..
monet carré TC-DD 21w 640.200/..
monet carré TL5-C 22w 640.300/..
monet carré TL5-C 55w 640.400/..
quadro TC-TE 2x26-32w 1254/..1255/..1256/..
monet strip TC-S 11w 641.sl335/..
monet strip T16FQ 24w 641.sl600/..
quadro TC-TE 2x26-32w 1253/..1257/..1258/..
psmlighting | 48
Indoor - bases
texo zt 651/..
texo zt 652/..
texo zt 654/..
texo zt 653/..
psmlighting | 49
Indoor - bases
square 931/.. mt - 932.220/..
psmlighting | 50
square 933/ - 934.220/..
square 939/ - 940.220/..
square 935/.. mt - 936/220/..
square 941/.. mt - 942.220/..
square 937/.. mt - 938.220/..
square 943/.. mt - 944.220/..
square 750/.. mt -752.220/..
square 751/.. mt -753.220/..
Indoor - bases
square salsa 991/
square salsa 992/
square salsa 993/
square salsa 994/
psmlighting | 51
Indoor - bases
titus round 230v 995/..
titus round 230v 996/..
titus round 230v 997/..
titus round 230v 998/..
titus 230v 911/..
titus 230v 912/..
titus 230v 913/..
titus 230v 914/..
titus sq 230v 1901/..
titus sq 230v 1902/..
titus sq 230v 1903/..
titus sq 230v 1904/.
psmlighting | 52
Indoor - bases
titus 12v mt 916/..
titus 12v mt 917/..
titus 12v mt 918/..
psmlighting | 53
Indoor - bases
zoom 856/.. zt
zoom 860/.. zt
zoom 898.a/.. mt
zoom 857/.. zt - 858/.. mt
zoom box 896.a/.. mt
zoom 899.a/.. mt
zoom 859/.. zt
zoom 897.a/.. mt
zoom 920.a/.. mt
psmlighting | 54
Indoor - bases
zoom 900.a/.. zt
zoom twist 861a/.. zt
zoom 901.a/.. zt
zoom twist 862a/.. mt
zoom twist 864a/.. mt
zoom twist 863a/.. mt
psmlighting | 55
Indoor - bases
zoom click 601.12v.45/.. zt
zoom click 601.230v.45/..
zoom click II 602.12v.45/.. zt
zoom click II 602.230v.45/..
zoom click III 603.12v.45/.. zt
zoom click III 603.230v.45/..
zoom click 4line 604.12v.45/.. zt
cosmos 599.45/.. zt
zoom click 601.12v.75/.. zt
zoom click 601.230v.75/..
zoom click II 602.12v.75/.. zt
zoom click II 602.230v.75/..
zoom click III 603.12v.75/.. zt
zoom click III 603.230v.75/..
zoom click 4line 604.12v.75/.. zt
zoom click + vera 611.75/..
zoom click + vera 614.75/..
zoom click 4line 604.230v.45/..
cosmos 599.zt.80/..
zoom click + vera 612.75/..
zoom click + vera 615.75/..
zoom click 4line 604.230v.75/.
cosmos cas vera 600.80/..
zoom click + vera 613.75/..
zoom click IV 605.12v.45/.. zt
zoom click IV 605.230v.75/..
cosmos cas volta 600.es63.45/..
psmlighting | 56
zoom click IV 605.12v.75/.. zt
zoom click IV 605.230v.45/..
Indoor - bases
zoom click + volta 616.ar70.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 616.dicro.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 618.ar70.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 618.dicro.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 616.es50.45/..
zoom click + volta 616.es63.45/..
zoom click + volta 618.es50.45/..
zoom click + volta 618.es63.45/..
zoom click + volta 617.ar70.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 617.dicro.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 619.ar70.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 619.dicro.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 617.es50.45/..
zoom click + volta 617.es63.45/..
zoom click + volta 619.es50.45/..
zoom click + volta 619.es63.45/..
zoom click + volta 620.ar70.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 620.dicro.45/.. mt
zoom click + volta 620.es50.45/..
zoom click + volta 620.es63.45/..
psmlighting | 57
Indoor - bases
psmlighting | 58
Indoor - architectural
architectural INDOOR architectural
psmlighting | 59
Indoor - architectural
bambu ES50- led 230V 1470/..
bambu 1473/..
ambon britespot + gear 1454/..
psmlighting | 60
flash QR111 1950/..
flash CDMR 1951/..
bridge QR111 mt 1800.qr111/..
Indoor - architectural
inca QR111 1475/..
inca CDMR111 1476/..
inca x QR111 1477/..
inca x CDMR111 1478/..
quorum QR111 1480/..
quorum CDMR111 1483/..
psmlighting | 61
Indoor - architectural
lobby QR111 mt 1286/..
lobby QR111 mt 1412/..
lobby QR111 mt 1413/..
lobby QR111 mt 1414/..
lobby TL5-C 1415/..
lobby T16FQ 1416/..
psmlighting | 62
olivia to built in small border
olivia 1845/..only frame
olivia dicro ø100 1840/../disco
olivia dicro ø100 1840/../yoko
Indoor - architectural
olivia QR111 ø162 zt 1808/..
olivia QR111 ø65 zt 1810/..
olivia mt + driver 1811/..
olivia mt + driver 1812/..
olivia mt + driver 1813/..
olivia mt + driver 1819/../down
olivia ESD111 without led 1819/../up
olivia mt + driver 1815/..
olivia mt + driver 1816/..
olivia mt + driver 1814/..
olivia QR111 mt + driver 1817/..
olivia QR111 + swivel 1817.b3/..
olivia 230V ESD111 1818/.. without led
psmlighting | 63
Indoor - architectural
psmlighting | 64
opera QR111 horiz. mt 4040/..
opera QR111 mt 4007/..
opera QR111 mt 4008/..
opera QR111 vert. mt 4041/..
opera QR111 mt 4009/..
opera QR111 mt 4011/.. H101cm
opera QR111 mt 4006/..
opera QR111 mt 4010/..
opera QR111 mt 4012/.. H131cm
Indoor - architectural
opera 4 in line mt 1435/..
opera 6 in line mt 1438/..
opera 4 in line CDMR111 1436/.. + gear
opera 6 in line CDMR111 1439/..+ gear
opera 4 in line CDMR111 1437/.. + gear
opera 6 in line CDMR111 1440/.. + gear
psmlighting | 65
Indoor - architectural
opera QR111 mt 954/..
psmlighting | 66
opera QR111 mt 953/..
opera QR111 mt 955/..
opera QR111 mt 956/..
opera CDMR111 + gear 1441/..35w-1461/..70w
opera CDMR111 + gear 1442/..35w-1462/..70w
opera CDMR111 + gear 1443/..35w-1463/..70w
opera CDMR111 + gear 1444/..35w-1464/..70w
Indoor - architectural
retro QR111 mt 1450/..
snowbox 1520.7w/..
snowbox 1520.13w/..
retro QR111 mt 1451/..
snowbox 1520.26w/..
snowbox 1520.42w/..
snowbox 2x13w 1522.13w/..
snowbox 2x26w 1522.26w/..
snowbox 2x42w 1522.42w/..
psmlighting | 67
Indoor - architectural
spinner QR111 12V zt 950/..
spinner QR111 12V zt 952/..
spinner QR111 12V zt 1445/..
spinner CDMR111 1446/..
spinner CDMR111 + 12V zt 1447/..
spinner CDMR111 + 12V zt 1448/..
spinner HIT 958/..
spinner HIT 959/..
spinner etalage HIT70 970/..
psmlighting | 68
Indoor - architectural
psmlighting | 69
Indoor - architectural
spinner x QR111 zt 1851/..
spinner x QR111 zt 1852/..
spinner x QR111 zt 1853/..
spinner x CDMR111 1854/.. without gear
spinner x CDMR111 1855/.. without gear
spinner x CDMR111 1856/.. without gear
spinner x HIT + glass 1857/.. without gear
spinner x HIT + glass 1858/.. without gear
spinner x HIT + glass 1859/.. without gear
psmlighting | 70
small border
Indoor - architectural
spinner x QR111 mt 1861/..
spinner x CDMR111 1864/.. + gear
spinner x HIT + glass 1866/.. + gear
spinner x QR111 mt 1862/..
spinner x CDMR111 1865/.. + gear
spinner x HIT+ glass 1867/.. + gear
spinner x QR111 mt 1863/..
psmlighting | 71
Indoor - architectural
torpedo QR111 zt 1490/..
torpedo QR111+led zt 1490led/..
torpedo CDMR111 1491/.. without gear
torpedo CDMR111+led 1491led/.. without gear
torpedo QR111 zt 1492/..
torpedo QR111+led zt 1492led/..
torpedo CDMR111 1493/.. without gear
torpedo CDMR111+led 1493led/.. without gear
torpedo QR111 zt 1494/..
torpedo QR111+led zt 1494led/..
torpedo CDMR111 1495/.. without gear
torpedo CDMR111+led 1495led/.. without gear
psmlighting | 72
Indoor - architectural
torpedo QR111 mt 1498/..
torpedo QR111+led mt 1498led/..
torpedo CDMR111 1499/.. + gear
torpedo QR111 mt 1496/..
torpedo QR111 +led mt 1496led/..
torpedo CDMR111 1497/.. + gear
torpedo CDMR111+led 1497led/..+ gear
torpedo CDMR111+led 1499led/.. + gear
psmlighting | 73
Indoor - architectural
twipe TC-D/E GX24Q3 32w 1801/..
psmlighting | 74
twipe TC-D/E GX24Q3 32w 1802/2M
twipe TC-D/E GX24Q3 32w 1802/11M
twipe TC-D/E GX24Q3 32w 1802/1M
twipe pendant 1803/.. TC-D/E GX24Q3 32w
Indoor - table- & floorlamps
INDOOR table - & floorlamps
psmlighting | 75
Indoor - table- & floorlamps
gocci mt 3072/..
atomis mt 3038/..
psmlighting | 76
turner mt 3037/..
betaplus mt 1741/..
betaplus mt 1742/..
cubic mt 978/../t
cubic 979led/../t
betaplus mt 1743/..
totem mini 988/..
totem 989/...
booster 905/.. - 905/../par30
Indoor - table- & floorlamps
vogue 990/..
maxi 4029.t/..
spazio 3070/..
gota 1831/..
gota 1832/..
gota 1830/..
vogue 999/..
ex. vogue shade not included
monte cristo mt 4030/.. H1800
monte cristo mt 4031/.. H2100
psmlighting | 77
Indoor - table- & floorlamps
wing table lamp 1542/.. with shade
wing table lamp 1540/..
psmlighting | 78
wing table lamp
wing floor lamp 1541/..
Indoor - wall lights
INDOOR wall lights
psmlighting | 79
Indoor - wall lights
calix G9 1295a/..
calix G9 1295b/..
calix G9 1295c/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232a/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232b/..
compact 1234b/..
calix G 1295G
compact 1232c/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232d/..
compact 1234/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230a/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230b/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230c/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232e/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232f/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230d/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230e/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230f/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232g/..
compact TC-S 9w 1232h/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230g/..
miro QT9 10w zt 1230h/..
miro 1231/..
psmlighting | 80
calix G9 1295d/..
calix F 1295F
calix grande 1295e/..
Indoor - wall lights
single moon QT9 20w zt 1244/..
single moon + glass 1244/../glass
single moon 1245a/..
single moon 1245b/..
moon QT9 3x 35w zt 1248/..
moon + glass 1248/../glass
moon 1249a/..
moon 1249b/..
triple moon QT9 3x20w zt 1246/..
triple moon + glass 1246/../glass
triple moon 1247a/..
triple moon 1247b/..
psmlighting | 81
Indoor - wall lights
sun QT9 20w zt 1240/..
sun - sunglass 1241a/..-1243a/..
sun - sunglass 1241b/..1243b/..
psmlighting | 82
sun + glass 1240/../glass
sunglass QT9 20w zt 1242/..
lima TC-D 26w 1298a/..
lima flat TC-D 26w 1298c/..
lima TC-D 26w 1298b/..
lima 1298d/..
Indoor - wall lights
lotus in R7s 100w 1403/..
lotus 1403b/..
mezzo G9 1296w/..
mezzo G9 1296b/..
mezzo 1296c/..
lotus in R7s 150w 1404/..
lotus 1404b/..
mezzo grande G9 1297w/..
mezzo grande G9 1297b/..
mezzo grande 1297c/..
lotus in R7s 200w 1405/..
lotus 1405b/..
psmlighting | 83
Indoor - wall lights
small screen 1238a/.. zt
small screen 1238b/.. zt
recto screen G9 1238c/..
small screen 1239/.
small screen 1239b/..
recto screen 1239c/..
screen R7s 100W 1235a/..
psmlighting | 84
screen R7s 100W 1235b/..
screen R7s 100W 1235c/..
recto screen 1239d/..
mikaTC-D 26w 1299/..
screen 1237/..
screen 1237b/..
screen TC-D 26w 1236/..
screen TC-D 18w 1236pl18/..
mika 1299a/..
mika grande 1299x/.. T16FQ 24w
mika grande 1299xa/..
Indoor - wall lights
psmlighting | 85
Indoor - wall lights
auraT16FQ 24w 3015/..
canvas a G9 1420b/..
canvas a G9 1420w/..
azur mt 1202/..
arc R7s 2x100w 3044/..
psmlighting | 86
arcade CFL GX53 6w 3080/..
micro mt 3043/..
canvas b G9 1421b/..
canvas b G9 1421w/..
xenon G9 1294/../b
xenon G9 1294/../w
flatface mt 1289/..
genio G9 1606/..
Indoor - wall lights
betaplus es50-63-mega 1750/../.. fix
betaplus 1751.es50/.. directional
betaplus 1752.es50/..
betaplus es50-mega 1754/../.. fix
betaplus directional 1755.es50/.. directional
betaplus glass 1753.es50/.. 35W
raya mini es50 3041/..
betaplus glass 1756.es50/.. 2x35W
raya R7s 100w 3040/..
betaplus glass 1717.tcd/..
outsider QT12 50w zt 1250/..
outsider QT12 50w zt 1250/../c
psmlighting | 87
Indoor - wall lights
guilia G9 4026.w1/..
guilia G9 4027.w1/..
max G9 4025.w1/..
guilia G9 4026.w2/..
guilia G9 4027.w2/..
max G9 4025.w2/..
canaria TC-L 24w 1430/..
psmlighting | 88
gran canaria mt 1431/..
gran canaria 1432/..TC-L+TC-S
club G9 1285/..
goya mt 1605/..
lara G9 1600/..
lara G9 1601/..
lara G9 1603/..
lara G9 1602/..
lola TC-D/E 18w 3017/..
noa alu/glass mt 4018/.. mt 4023/..
noa pc 4020/.. -4022/
Indoor - wall lights
monet CFL GX53 6w 641.hl105/..
monet TC-S 11w 641.hl335/..
monet T16FQ 24w 641.hl600/..
monet CFL GX53 6w 641.vl105/..
monet TC-S 11w 641.vl335/..
monet T16FQ 24w 641.vl600/..
nemo mt 3042/../t1
nemo mt 3042/../t2
nemo mt 3042/../t3
forum 1290/..portablelamp forum 1291/.. fixed
wave T16FQ 4x14w 1500/..
psmlighting | 89
Indoor - wall lights
comma mt 3005.discus/..
comma mt 3005.jupiter/..
display mt 3006/..
display mt 3006/../t
display 25-45 3007.discus/../..
display 25-45 3007.jupiter/../..
psmlighting | 90
comma mt 3005.step/..
display 25-45 3007.step/../..
pavo zt 1272/..
pavo es50 1273/..
havana I mt 1259/..
havana I zt 1260/..
havana I 1261/..
loft mt 3036/..
surf mt 1269/..
surf zt 1270/..
havana II zt 1262/..
havana II 1263/..
swing mt 3001/..
surf 1271.es63/..
surf 1271/..
havana mirror zt 1266/..
havana mirror 1267/..
Indoor - wall lights
lotus up R7s 100w 1400/..
lotus up R7s 150w 1401/..
lotus up R7s 200w 1402/..
lucifer R7s 150w 3002a/..
lucifer R7s 200w 3002b/..
mambo r7s 200w - TC-D 26w 3030/..- 3031/..
mambo r7s 200w - TC-D 26w 3032/..- 3033/..
mambo r7s 200w - TC-D 26w 3034/..- 3035/..
mambo r7s 200w - TC-D 26w 3050/..- 3051/..
mambo r7s 200w - TC-D 26w 3052/..- 3053/..
psmlighting | 91
Indoor - wall lights
vito zt 3010/..
vito zt 3012/..
vito mt 3011/..
vito up & down mt 3013/..
zen 50 - es50 1280/..
zen 100 - R7s 100w 1281/..
psmlighting | 92
zen pl26 - TC-D 26w 1282/..
Indoor - led
psmlighting | 93
Indoor - led driver ER15PU04 max.18 x 1w led
14V - DC
driver gearer15pu04/..
exit ø48 3057/..
exit ø38 3056/..
230 V
driver ER14PU06 max.18 x 1w led +
prado 3058/..
miro 1230.led/..
miro 1230.led.gyp/..
zialed ø48 zialed.230v/..
driver gearer14pu06/..
led prisma 3055/..
dots 3054a/..
dots 3054/..
230 V
24V - DC
Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - WW : Warm White - A : Amber - B : Blue - GR : Green - R : Red psmlighting | 94
prado 3058b/..
prado x 3059/..
prado x 3059b/..
Indoor - led
driver PH350mA max.8 x 1w led
230 V
zia mini c led ø29 ziamini.c.led/..
zia mini led ø29 ziaminiled/..
zialed ø48 zialed/..
uno 3081.10/..
duo 3082.10/..
duo w3082.10/..
fungo w2400/../1led
uno 3081.40/..
duo 3082.40/..
duo w3082.40/..
foyer 3095.zt/..
fungo w2400/../2led
fungo w2400/../3led
foyer fungo w2400/../3led 3096.zt/..
fungo w2400/../4led
echo 3085/..
echo sq 3086/..
Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - WW : Warm White - A : Amber - B : Blue - GR : Green - R : Red psmlighting | 95
Indoor - led
scott INOX 1w w3083/../..
single moon 1w 1244.led/..
single moon + glass 1w 1244.led/../gl
scott carree INOX 1W w3084/../..
occhio 1,2w 3088/.. Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - WW : Warm White - A : Amber - B : Blue - GR: Green - R : Red psmlighting | 96
single moon 1245a/..
single moon 1245b/..
Indoor - led
sun 1w 1240.led/..
sun + glass 1w 1240.led/../glass
tucan 1w 3101/..
tucan 1w 3102/..
tucan w3110/..- w3111/..
sun 1241a/..
sun 1241b/..
tucan 1w 3103/..
tucan 1w 3104/..
tucan w3109/..
tucan w3107/..
tucan 1w w3105/..
tucan 1w w3106/..
tucan w3108/..
Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - WW : Warm White - A : Amber - B : Blue - GR : Green - R : Red psmlighting | 97
Indoor - led
powerled 3W
cesar 3w ø60 1355/../s1 - W1355/../s1
cesar 3w ø60 1355/../s2 - W1355/../s2
cesar x 3w ø60 1356/../s1
cesar x 3w ø60 1356/../s2
cesar 3w ø60 1354/../s1 - W1354/../s1
cesar 3w ø60 1354/../s2 - W1354/../s2
cesar x 3w ø60 1357/../s1
cesar x 3w ø60 1357/../s2
cesar 3w ø60 1358/../s1
cesar 3w ø60 1358/../s2
cesar x 3w ø60 1359/../s1
cesar x 3w ø60 1359/../s2
wand/wall - plafond/ceiling 18mm
Beperkte inbouwdiepe Limited apertures 17,5mm
Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - Toepassing : badkamer -lift - keukenkasten - luifels - oriëntatieverlichting. Especially for kitchen & bathroom cabinets - elevator cabins . psmlighting | 98
Indoor - led
** oscar 2x1w S1-S2 1344/../.. INOX
** oscar 2x1w S1-S2 1344/../..
oscar 1347/../a
** oscar s1-s2 2x1w 1346/../..
oscar 1348/../a
oscar x 1w INOX 1351/../s1
oscar x 1w 1351/../s2
oscar 1347/../b
** oscar s1-s2 2x1w 1346/../.. INOX
oscar 1348/../b
oscar x 1w 1352/../s1
oscar x 1w 1352/../s2
oscar 1347/../c
oscar x 1w S1-S2 1345/../..
oscar 1348/../c
**Oscar standard inside cold white led - outside blue led. Standard colour led : cold white - other led colours available on request - WW : Warm White - A : Amber - B : Blue - GR : Green - R : Red psmlighting | 99
Indoor - led
serial - serieschakeling + 230 V
+ -
+ -
+ -
driver (for 1 led 1w) ltled1cc.350mA/..
driver (for 3 leds 1w) ltled4cc.350mA/..
driver (for 4 leds 1w) ltled6cc.350mA/..
driver (for 2 leds 3w) ltled6cc.700mA/..
driver (for 3 leds 1w)
driver (for 12 leds 1w)
driver (for 5 leds 3w)
driver (for 12 leds 1w)
driver (for 5 leds 3w)
(for 8 leds 1w)
driver (for 3 leds 1w)
driver (for 12 leds 1w)
driver (for 8 leds 1w) ph350madriver/..
psmlighting | 100
Indoor - profiles
INDOOR profiles
psmlighting | 101
Indoor - profiles
butterfly round made to measure
butterfly square made to measure
butterfly Butterfly, customised to your needs. A simple sketch is sufficient to get a detailed proposal. Don’t forget to mention the light source: (TC-L - T5 - MR16 etc...) psmlighting | 102
Indoor - profiles
butterfly 2809/..
butterfly 2810/..
linea 2595/..
butterfly 2811/..
butterfly 2813/..
slide 1560/..
butterfly 2812/..
butterfly 2814/..
slide 1561/..
psmlighting | 103
Indoor - profiles
clip + forum
clip small 80H 2513/..
clip 50H
clip 95H
clip forum 2504/../.. Clip, customised to your needs. A simple sketch is sufficient to get a detailed proposal. Don’t forget to mention the light source: (TC-L - T5 - MR16 etc...) psmlighting | 104
Indoor - profiles
clip double 92H
metro 2100a/.. - 2103a/..
metro + spots 2106a/..
clip double 92H (2)
metro 2104a/.. - 2105a/..
metro + spots + uplight 2108a/..
metro wall 2125/.. - 2126/..
metro + downlights 2107a/..
Clip or metro, customised to your needs. A simple sketch is sufficient to get a detailed proposal. Don’t forget to mention the light source: (TC-L - T5 - MR16 - R7s etc...) psmlighting | 105
Indoor - profiles
mikado 2601/..
mikado 2602/..
mikado 2603/..
psmlighting | 106
mikado wall 2604/..
Indoor - profiles
palladio 1530/..
palladio 1531/..
wing pendant 1550/..
palladio 1532/..
palladio 1533/..
fixation ceiling or wall
fixation ceiling or wall
fixation ceiling or wall
fixation ceiling or wall
fixation ceiling or wall
wing 1x18w 1544/..
wing 2x18w 1545/..
wing 4x18w 1546/..
wing 2x24w 1547/..
wing 2x54w 1548/..
psmlighting | 107
Indoor - profiles
wing pendant 1551/..
wing pendant 1552/..
wing wall 1549/..
psmlighting | 108
wing pendant 1553/..
wing pendant 1554/..
wing table lamp 1540/..
wing floor lamp 1541/..
Indoor - floorlights
INDOOR floorlights
psmlighting | 109
Indoor - floorlights
etna = even with the floor
etna = even with the floor
lava = even with the floor
lava ø130-160 coverplate on the floor
etna ø130-160 coverplate on the floor
lava 130-150 coverplate on the floor
Different lamptypes can be used (QR51 - ES50 - microlynx - led). Do not spray any pesticides onto the devices, nor clean with solvent based cleaning products. Coverplate available in aluminium or stainless steel (inox). psmlighting | 110
Indoor - floorlights
etna = even with the floor
etna 130-150 coverplate on the floor Different lamptypes can be used (QR51 - ES50 - microlynx - led). Do not spray any pesticides onto the devices, nor clean with solvent based cleaning products. Coverplate available in aluminium or stainless steel (inox). psmlighting | 111
Indoor - floorlights
psmlighting | 112
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
OUTDOOR in-ground luminaires psmlighting | 113
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
etna mt
etna mt
lava 2203/../..
etna mt 2211/../..
etna mt 2302/../..
etna mt
etna mt
etna mt
etna mt
130-160 mt
130-160 mt
130-150 mt
130-150 mt
lava orientation
etna orientation mt
lava orientation
lava - etna sidelight
cover = even with the floor
cover on the floor
Different lamptypes can be used (QR51 -ES50-microlynx -led). Do not spray any pesticides onto the devices, nor clean with solvent based cleaning products. Coverplate available in inox or stainless steel. psmlighting | 114
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
lava - etna 1138/../..
lava - etna 1138/../135/..
lava - etna l1/..
lava - etna l2/..
lava - etna 1134/..
wo wo/..
lava - etna 1150microlynx/..
lava - etna 1150/..
12V-230V 2304/../.. Different lamptypes can be used (QR51 -ES50-microlynx -led). Do not spray any pesticides onto the devices, nor clean with solvent based cleaning products. Coverplate available in inox or stainless steel. psmlighting | 115
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
lava grande
lava grande cover on the floor
lava grande
lava grande cover on the floor
lava grande cover on the floor
lava grande cover on the floor
Different lamptypes can be used (QR51 -ES50-microlynx -led). Do not spray any pesticides onto the devices, nor clean with solvent based cleaning products. Coverplate available in inox or stainless steel. psmlighting | 116
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
psmlighting | 117
OUTdoor - outdoor in-ground luminaires
psmlighting | 118
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
OUTDOOR stainless steel 316
psmlighting | 119
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
pontos H40-60-80-100CM t401/../..
nemea w701/..
psmlighting | 120
nemea w701b/..
pontos t403/600/..
pontos H40-60-80-100CM t406/../..
elba H60-80-100CM t483/../..
elba w505/..
pontos H40-60-80-100CM t450/../..
pontos H40-60-80-100CM t453/600/..
pontos H40-60-80-100CM t454/../..
scala H60-80-100CM t486/../..
scala w506/..
delia H40-60-80-100CM t460/../..
picus H40-60-80-100CM t470/../..
delfi H60-80CM t418/../..
zenit t427.700/..
tossa H60-80-100CM t492/../..
tossa w508/..
halia w702/..
halia w702b/..
palma H60-80-100CM t489/../..
palma w507/..
metis w703/..
metis w704/..
perla w509/..
biblos w510/..
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
nike t397/..
mauro w707/..
support for floodlight t490/..
nike t400/..
polo w708.a/..
polo w708.b/..
nike t399/..
polo w708.c/..
polo w708.d/..
porto w300/..
nike t398/..
porto t300.250/..
spike universal t1001/..
porto H45-75 CM t300/../..
psmlighting | 121
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
venus H40-60-80-100CM t414/../..
argos H40-60-80-100CM t420/../..
kadmosH40-60-80-100CM t430/../..
krios H40-60-80-100CM t440/../..
leda w501/..
psmlighting | 122
nana w503/..
venus w600/..
hemera w601/..
arima w602/..
lipara c000/..
lipara w603/..
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
stone w1210/..
stone w1211/..
stone w1212/..
stone box w1213b/..
stone w1214/..
stone w1215/..
stone w1216/..
stone box w1217b/..
icaro w1220.40x/..
icaro w1221.5x/..
psmlighting | 123
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
spuitbus onderhoud inox consul t500/..
consul w500/..
consul H20-40-60-80-100CM t500/../..
psmlighting | 124
avenue H40-60-80-100CM t498/../..
cyclope 12v mt t312.85/..
clean 200ml -500ml clean./../.. inox cleaner
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
suisse H60-80-100CM t499/../..
dione dicro w705/.. - w706/..
dione es50 - mega 11W w710/..
dione dicro w716/..
dione es50- mega 11W W717/..
faro t424/../..
horizon t310.1345/..
suisse H60-80-100CM t599/../..
minos H60-80-100-120CM t410/../..
iris inox H30-40-60-80-100CM t101.c/..
irisred copper H30-40-60-80-100CM t101.c/30
psmlighting | 125
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.150r/..
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.400r/..
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.600r/..
psmlighting | 126
toledo 150-400-600 t304/../.. CFL 6-9w
toledo CFL 6-9w w306/../r
toledo CFL 6-9w w304/../r
toledo CFL 6-9w w303/../r
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.150s/..
toledo 150-400-600 t304/..s/.. CFL 6-9w
toledo CFL 6-9w w306/../s
toledo CFL 6-9w w304/../s
toledo CFL 6-9w w303/../s
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.400s/..
toledo for t303 t305/..
toledo CFL 6-9w t303.600s/..
toledo for t304 t307/..
psmlighting | 127
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
volare H3080 CDMT-C t1206.a/..
psmlighting | 128
volare H3080 CDMT-C t1206.c/..
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
gota T16FH 2x21w w1830/..
gota T16FH 2x21w w1831/..
gota T16FH 2x21w w1832/..
psmlighting | 129
OUTdoor - outdoor stainless steel 316
ufo zt w1070/..
ufo mt w1071/..
ufo mt w1072/..
ufo zt t1030/..
ufo mt t1031/..
ufo mt t1032/..
ufo mt H45-65-85 CM
ufo mt H45-65-85 CM
ufo mt H65-85 CM
psmlighting | 130
ufo mt w1073/..
ufo mt H65-85 CM
ufo 00 ufosealingring/..
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
OUTDOOR aluminium
psmlighting | 131
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
arcade w3080a/../s
arcade w3080b/../down
arcade w3080b/../up
bolero w1090/../down
bolero w1090/../up
arcade w3080c/../s
bolero w1091/../down
bolero w1091/../up
bolero w1092/..
bistro w1341/..
bistro w1342/..
bolero w1094/../down
bolero w1094/../up
bolero w1095/../up
bistro w1343/..
bistro w1339/..w1340/..
bolero w1098/../down
bolero w1098/../up
bolero w1095/../down
bob w1292a/.w1292b/..
bob w1292c/.w1292d/..
bolero w1099/../down
bolero w1099/../up
bolero w1200/..
psmlighting | 132
aurora ip44
aurora ip44
H16-46-66-86-106 CM
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
nemo w1085/.. w1086/..
nemo w1087/.. w1088/..
cuba 12V zt w1302/..
cuba 12V zt w1305/..
cuba 12V zt w1304/..
cuba 12V mt w1306/..
cuba 12V mt w1307/..
cuba 12V mt w1308/..
calix grande w1295e/..
cuba 12V mt w1309/..
cuba 12V mt w1310/..
cuba 12V mt w1311/..
cuba 12V mt w1312/..
cuba 12V mt w1331/..
cuba 12V mt w1330/..
cuba 12V mt w1332/..
cuba 12V mt H45-65-85CM
cuba 12V mt H65-85CM
cuba t1332/..
cuba t1333/..
psmlighting | 133
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
cuba es50 w1301.220/..
cuba es50 w1303.220/..
exter w1207/../mt
outsider zt w1250/..
outsider zt w1250/../c
cuba es50 w1317.220/..
cuba es50 w1318.220/..
exter w1208/..
outsider mt w1251/..
outsider mt w1252/..
cuba es63 w1319.220/..
cuba es63 w1320.220/..
exter w1209.35w/..
olympia w301/..
olympia t301.75/..
cuba es63 w1321.220/..
cuba es63 w1322.220/..
piedro 70-100cm t302/../..
piedro s302/..
drop zt w1080/..
drop mt w1081/..
spikkio w1204/../es50
spikkio w1205/../es50
psmlighting | 134
drop mt t1082/..
exter w1209.70w/..
spikkio w1203/../es50
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
iris mt w1052f/..
iris w1055cr/..
iris w1054c/..
iris mt w1057f/..
iris w1059cr/..
iris w1058c/..
iris mt
iris mt
iris mt
iris mt
iris mt
H20-40-60-80-100 CM
H20-40-60-80-100 CM
H20-40-60-80-100 CM
H20-40-60-80-100 CM
H20-40-60-80-100 CM
iris zt
iris zt
iris zt
iris zt
iris zt
H16-36-56-76-96 CM
H16-36-56-76-96 CM
H16-36-56-76-96 CM
H16-36-56-76-96 CM
H16-36-56-76-96 CM
H26-46-66-86-106 CM
H26-46-66-86-106 CM
iris t1023/..
iris t1024/..
iris t1025/..
iris t1026/..
iris t1029/..
iris t1027/..
iris t1028/..
iris t1021/..
psmlighting | 135
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
otto outdoor up w1082/.. R7s
otto outdoor down w1083/.. R7s
otto outdoor up/down w1084/.. R7s
otto outdoor up/down w1076/.. 26W
otto outdoor down w1077/.. 26W
otto outdoor up w1078/..26w
otto outdoor up/down w1076.2/.. 2x26W
otto outdoor down w1077.2/.. 2x26W
otto outdoor up w1078.2/.. 2x26W
psmlighting | 136
otto fly w1079/.. R7s
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
ryta without driver 3w t1040.100/..
ryta without driver 3w t1040.400/..
ryta with driver 3w t1041.100/..
ryta with driver 3w t1041.400/..
ryta without driver 2x3w t1042.100/..
ryta without driver 2x3w t1042.400/..
ryta with driver 2x3w t1043.100/..
ryta with driver 2x3w t1043.400/..
psmlighting | 137
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium
ring ring with driver
ring ring with driver
ring ring with driver twilight
ring ring with driver + twilight
ring ring with driver + twilight
ring ring with driver + twilight
psmlighting | 138
vito zt w1060/..
vito mt w1061/..
OUTdoor - outdoor aluminium Nr 3 0 0M 1 1M 1S 1W 2 2M 4 5 7 10 11 11M 11S 13 14 16 18 23 24 40 43
Indoor colours Other Ral colours Brut Aluminium Brut Messing White Matt white White IP44 White reflector Black Zwart mat Gold / Brass polished Stainless steel 316 Chrome Alu grey (Natlak) Metallic grey RAL 9007 Grey Mat structured Alu Grey IP44 Bronze Alu satin Matt gold / Brass brushed Pearlchrome matt interior Dark Bronze Gun metal Alu Sandblasted Anodised alu Alu metallic grey
RAL 9007
Outdoor colours
20 25 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 50 60 5B 5BB
Brass Pearlchrome matt exterior Red copper K1 White structured surface K2 Black structured surface K3 Brown structured surface Pine green structured surface Dark grey structured surface Alu Grey K4 Alu Grey structured surface Blue stone Wood Mat chrome Verkoperen Stainless steel 316 extra coating Stainless steel 316 double coating
RAL 6009
ALUMINIUM INOX 316 MESSING (zolang de voorraad strekt - As long as supplies last)
Number colour LED A B CW GR R W WW
LED Amber LED Blue LED Cold White LED Green LED Red LED Cold White (standard) LED Warm White flat springs s2/..
torsion springs s1/...
Zonder tranfo - Without transformer Room for transformer With transformer Magnetic ballast Electronic ballast Electronic dimmable ballast PG gland at the bottom Punched Jack fixture
psmlighting | 139
All information in this catalogue is without engagement. All PSM products are supplied without lamps. PSM reserves the right to alter materials, characteristics and dimensions without prior notice. Read instructions carefully. The general PSM sales conditions are always applicable. Nothing in this catalogue can be reproduced without permission in writing from the psmlighting bvba company.
Groendreef 60 | 9880 Aalter | T +32 9 374 19 51 | F +32 9 374 72 22 |