RainSoft Pipeline 2019 #2

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with Don Miller with Scott Harmon Get great tips from fellow dealership employees
IT’S MILLER TIME TECH TALK INSIGHTS The 2018 RainSoft International Convention — All the information you need to know
2018 Issue


Quality Home Products, Houston, Texas dealer Bill McGraw writes he was inspired by the book, Start Something That Matters, by Blake Mycoskie, the founder and Chief Shoe Giver of TOMS Shoes. He gives away a pair to a needy child for every pair he sells.

“We talk about being part of something bigger than just making a living. This book completely changed the way I look at my business. It took me several years to find the right water filter that would work, have a long life and be easy to maintain. Next I had to find a non-profit with the best distribution method.

“That led me to “Water With Blessings” and their unique distribution methods. Every filter they giveaway takes care of four families. We give away a filter system for every system we sell and have done so for two years. Last year we purchased 2204 filters to provide safe drinking water for 8816 families. I made a mission trip to Honduras and Chris Davis, my assistant sales manager, went to Puerto Rico to distribute filters after Hurricane Maria damaged the island.”



Michael Burdick and Rebecca Pitts know how to throw an Open House party. It was so good, even Enterprise, AL. mayor William E. (Bill) Cooper attended!

Held last October, the crowd enjoyed Chik-fil-A for breakfast and one lucky person won a YETI cooler as part of the celebration. The success has carried over into 2018 as Wiregrass business is strong and growing, which should come as no surprise.

Mike started as a sales rep in Birmingham, left the business and then returned four years ago when he and Rebecca opened this dealership. Rebecca had prior sales experience and left a good sales job at a car dealership. Congratulations to all and keep up the good work.

June 11, Duo’s Aqua E Salute dealership will mark its second anniversary with the RainSoft family.

Family plays a large role in the success of Aqua E Salute, based in northern Italy. The management team, besides Sandra, includes her life partner Roberto Barbieri, her brother Denny Duo, and daughter Mendy.

Headquarters are in Ferrara, a town of over 130,000 people located on the southern tip of a triangle with Milan and Venice to the north. Aqua E Salute also operates offices in Milan and nearby Modena. All told, they have 14 employees and nine sales people.

“Sandra is a model of leadership through her enthusiasm and she’s a great businesswoman,” informed Antoine, who met her at the AquaTech Amsterdam event in November 2015. “As dedicated achievers, Sandra, Roberto and Denny don’t waste time looking back. They work on the next goal and give it all they have.”

How true. Aqua E Salute sells EC5’s Ultrefiner II’s and CleanStart systems. Enjoying immediate success, they achieved RainSoft Gold Circle Dealer status in their first year.

“I love RainSoft’s products for their reliability and exclusive warranty policy,” says Sandra. “The reverse osmosis systems are very popular because many people in our region buy bottled water.”


After spending 25 years as a successful Italian Culligan dealer, Sandra Duo saw the light. It wasn’t long once she met RainSoft international Regional Director Antoine Elias that he convinced her why it would benefit her to switch sides. So on

the Field:
International News: RainSoft Italy The management team includes from left, Denny Duo with his wife Cristina, the dog is Johny, Roberto Barbieri, Sandra Duo and her two daughters, Mendy and Mary.


If Rick Dearcop wasn’t in the water business, he knows he would be teaching or involved in the education field. That’s because he’s been educating customers at Anderson Water Systems, RainSoft’s dealership in Rochester, New York for the last 8½ years.

multiple units because of the increased water usage. One of the Days Inn’s has more than 100 rooms.”

Being in Rochester, Rick indicated the harsh weather does factor into his phone ringing more often.

“The colder months are when people notice their skin is drier. That’s where a conditioning system can help.”

and now with RainSoft, where Rod says the only difference is the product.

“The public water system is between 6-8 grains of hardness, but in the rural areas with private wells it’s closer to or exceeds 100 grains.”

An outside sales rep for about one year, he’s flourished since owner Tom Gerstner transferred him inside. Rick works with customers and sets the table for outside salespeople, arranging appointments for no. 1 worldwide rep Brian Geer and others. And he loves what he’s doing.

“There’s no traveling and there is always something different every day. When Tom approached me with the idea, it sounded challenging but I mesh well with people. I deal with a mix of homeowners and businesses, but mostly on the residential side.”

Most of New York State, especially upstate in the Buffalo and Rochester markets, is full of hard water. That spells opportunity, says Rick.

“The public water system is between 6-8 grains of hardness, but in the rural areas with private wells it’s closer to or exceeds 100 grains. Our most common product is for whole house conditioning with a point reverse osmosis purification system. It’s also popular with businesses, Some local hotels use our larger systems with

Talking to as many people as he does daily, Rick has fielded his share of interesting calls.

“I once had a homeowner ask if he could take water from his sump pump and use it to do their laundry. He was a little disappointed when I told him no. He didn’t buy from us, but he might have been a better prospect for CleanStart.”



By the time Rod Coleman began working as a sales representative for RainSoft of Columbus, Ohio, he knew all about the value of teamwork. A former car industry veteran who managed a Chrysler, Dodge and Jeep dealership, the Georgia native once had an offer to play baseball close to his home at Florida State University.

Instead, he attended the University of Indiana on a football scholarship. In four years as a tight end, he scored one touchdown but it was a memorable one, against Big Ten powerhouse Ohio State. His preparation skills and dedication led to his sales success in the car business

“Everything else is the same. You’ve got to meet and greet and be enthusiastic. We are one of a kind sales people. Everyone wants clean water but most of the people I meet have no clue. They think we’re coming to test their water, but our whole goal is to make it cleaner and make their life better for it.”

Coming from a competitive background, Rod noticed in his first month how others were selling 10-12 units a month. He wanted to do the same and gradually, he sold more each month. He credits the training he received, plus what he learns at every International Convention.

“It’s great to meet with your fellow peers because you learn so much. There’s not a day that I come to work and don’t learn something about the water business. At the convention, I’ve talked with guys who have tested water that’s way more terrible than in my area. We stay in touch later, share insight and learn about different situations from each other. I learn from them all.”

Playing football allowed Rod to set goals each season, something he still does every year.

“One of my first main goals was to get over $100,000 in gross sales. When that happened, my next goal was $200,000. Everything for me year-to-year has increased. Because clean water is a need, you can raise your income tremendously in the RainSoft business.”

From the Field:
“They think we’re coming to test their water, but our whole goal is to make it cleaner and make their life better for it.”

Anticipation builds for the International Convention

All systems are go for a truly spectacular 2018 RainSoft International Convention being held at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Spa and Casino in Las Vegas, July 26-29. We’ve been planning this event for a long time and you won’t want to miss it.

From the sensational venue only a few minutes from the famous Vegas Strip, to the incredible line-up of events over the course of three days, these are experiences you won’t want to leave in Las Vegas come checkout time on Sunday, July 29.

For a preview of things to come, check out this schedule of events:


While the majority of you will be finalizing things prior to your trip, the Dealer Advisory Committee will be meeting to review new products, programs and everything that will shape the future of RainSoft.


Welcome to Vegas, it’s check-in time! An all-day Dealer meeting is open to Dealer principals who want to catch-up on a variety of new programs, in addition to new products and services. Later when the heat of the day begins to subside, it will be the perfect time to enjoy the Opening Night Poolside Beach party.

Reconnect with your RainSoft family members and enjoy a major-league spread of food and drink – all while standing in the water and enjoying the live music!


It’s Vegas and to help get you acclimated, the day will begin with a late morning brunch. A PAC breakfast is also in the offering for current PAC members. The much anticipated, never duplicated General Session follows. The “State of the State” includes everything you need to know about new products and programs being introduced and the usual surprises, which you won’t want to miss. And the master of motivation, Tony Robbins, will conduct a special four-hour Breakthrough workshop that caps off the afternoon.


Saturday begins with the mid-morning Regional Awards Brunches where we honor all of our outstanding achievers. This year, we’ll have six separate brunches for each of our sales regions. The afternoon will be dedicated to Breakout Seminars – it’s a great opportunity to get insight and helpful tips on Sales, Marketing, Service and more.

And the evening is reserved for a short Cocktail Reception that precedes the fabulous International Black Tie Awards Banquet. Did we mention there’s some pretty cool entertainment in store?



As Customer Service Manager, Susan Shoemaker sits on the hot seat every day. Acknowledging that dealers take care of most customer related issues, Susan says technology advancements and the Internet have changed her job since she began at RainSoft 20 years ago.

“Any escalated issues have to be addressed promptly because people will post complaints on the Internet. Years ago, you would get a telephone call or a letter in the mail. The key today is to move quickly and get in front of it. We are very reactive and I have the freedom to make decisions and get others involved. Our dealers do a good job of taking care of handling complaints. As part of their follow-up, they will visit customers in their homes.”

Susan says most issues still arrive on her desk in writing.

“I like that. This way, you have all the information at hand and I’m able to share it with a dealer. For some issues, I’m the go-between but 90 percent of the time the dealers will take care of it. It’s my job to make sure none are overlooked and they get resolved. People always find time to complain but some do follow-up and thank you.”

With two people reporting to her and working with Sherry Voges on the international side, Susan mentioned the best part of the job is the variety.

“I like working with the dealers. They’re fantastic people and are passionate about RainSoft. We also manage orders and keep track of our suppliers since it affects production. We share that

information with the dealers and facilitate any problem with shipping orders or equipment.”

After a long winter, Susan is looking forward to being outdoors soon.

“I like to travel and spend time outdoors. My teenage son is a competitive swimmer, so we spend a good amount of time every summer at the pool.”


Rodney Maxson is really happy to be back home. Actually he never left RainSoft, it’s just that he’s back on the corporate side of the business. Reporting to Dan Pfister, the North Atlantic’s Regional Director, Rod handles the hiring and training of new sales reps, marketing and assisting on whatever is needed.

“RainSoft has always had a soft spot in my life. I started my water treatment career with the company in 1995 and I’m happy to be back,” he said.

Rod’s journey began at Pure Water Consultants, a Binghamton, NY. dealership. He later worked for two other dealers, CDO and HQWI. He’s been in his new role since January. When he’s not working, Rod can be found fishing or hunting, and his family is active with their church.

“RainSoft has an exciting atmosphere and the way we go to market is second to none. I like being able to train people the proper way to sell water treatment and have dealers on board with the same mentality. This year, we have goals to grow the North Atlantic region by adding several new dealers and multiple sales reps, plus open new markets and accounts for dealers to grow their businesses.”



Keeping ahead of the curve has always kept RainSoft on the path to success.

Putting us further ahead is the new EC5 Max Water Conditioner with RainSoft Remind® wireless app monitoring.

The EC5 Max incorporates RainSoft’s latest redesigned control enclosure and simplified, intuitive interface – found on standard EC5 water conditioning systems. Especially noteworthy of the EC5 MAX are flow rates up to 50 to 75 percent higher than standard EC5 systems; making this new model perfect for larger homes and some small business applications.

The EC5 MAX is loaded with the same technology that customers have come to expect from our original EC5 series. With its smart technology, EC5 MAX systems are WIFI-capable allowing homeowners to use the RainSoft Remind® wireless app to remotely monitor system functions including low salt, loss of power, and service alarms. The redesigned DC power supply requires less electricity, and the LCD display prompts users with messages and a full menu of options.

Available now, you’ll find EC5 MAX sales materials available on the Pipeline.

Behind the Scenes:


Are the ambassadors of your company sending the right message to your customers? If you haven’t taken the time to really consider why it’s important to think about what that message should be, I have some thoughts for you to consider.

With proper training, your installation department can be a huge asset to your business. They are the ambassadors of your company. They represent the frontline and can help shape customers who will enthusiastically endorse and recommend your dealership and products to others.

And they are the people who show up the next day after spending a full evening with your new customers, helping them understand a tremendous amount of information after committing to a major financial decision.

So who do you want to greet your new customer? While the answer seems obvious, many businesses fail to have a process ready and in place that enables them to control the message during this all-important meeting. That’s why you should ask yourself, what do you expect of your ambassadors? What training have you provided them so each installation delivers the type of experience your customers deserve?

It has become obvious our training needs to provide more than just the knowledge of how to service or install equipment correctly. The greater good is served

when your ambassadors know what it takes to create the type of experience that makes the customer an ardent supporter who is willing to recommend your business to others.

In the next issue, I’ll share some ideas. If you can’t wait that long, pick up the telephone or drop me an email.

Your installation department is the ambassador of your company.

First, they decided what attitude they wanted to have about their work. They realized they could choose how they felt. They decided to become world-famous fish guys. Who wouldn’t want to be world famous for doing the best job and having the most fun?

For example, you once washed dishes with someone who had a ball doing it. It wasn’t because that individual loved doing dishes – it was because he brought love to the job. It may sound dumb, but it works.

The fish guys also decided to play at work! They were determined to get the work done but still have fun. They would yell out, “Three salmon flying to Colorado,” and throw the fish across the crowded market over peoples’ heads to the cashier. At RainSoft, we often say that if you aren’t having fun, you are doing it wrong.


Something seemed a little fishy. More like smelly, stinkin’ and slimy. The guys in the fish store were disgusted and disappointed. Their job wasn’t fun any more, and the place had turned into a dump.

Pike Place Fish Market in Seattle went from a terrible place to work to one of the most famous establishments in the world. How did these fish guys make such a fantastic turnaround?

Next, the fish guys decided that to become famous, they needed to make their customers’ day. They searched the crowd for someone who wasn’t smiling or who looked away. Then they went out of their way to make that shopper’s day.

“Hey lady,” one fish seemed to say as the guys moved its mouth to talk, “Please, please take me home with you. I have a great price, and I can talk.”

The lady laughed out loud, and it made her day. Include your customers while you’re having fun on the job. Be sure to share with your sales team, too.

The last of the fish guys’ philosophy is to be present. They don’t look down or away from people. They remain fully engaged in their work. They don’t seem to have the time to daydream behind the counter. They talk to folks as if they were longlost friends.

Good selling!

Advice Columns:
Tech Talk with Scott Harmon
At RainSoft, we often say that if you aren’t having fun, you are doing it wrong.

MANNA Worldwide: Going extra miles for a humanitarian cause

Worldwide is an organization that focuses on caring for the world’s impoverished children. They accomplish their goals by providing food, water and shelter to help care for the poor. This effort requires massive support, including the detailed planning for over 80 annual trips to raise funds and manage more than 160 projects in 41 countries.


RainSoft supports a charitable group that literally is climbing and moving mountains

Curt Wunder has put his sweat equity to work in a different manner. A RainSoft dealer for 28 years, he paired a passion for bike riding and Xtreme sports with his benevolent efforts to raise funds the last seven years. A family experience set everything in motion.

RainSoft involvement has increased in recent years. Marketing Director Richard Verson, making his second trip, was part of a group that visited poverty stricken areas of Guatemala in February and witnessed first hand the devoted work MANNA Worldwide performs.

“Fifteen years ago, we took a family trip to Kenya. It’s a third world country and my three daughters saw a lot of things, like open sewers,” recalls Curt. “The poorest person in the U.S. would be the richest one there. MANNA directs 90 percent of its donations to projects. It inspired me to get involved and I’ve participated in 15 trips.”

A 2001 challenge ride helped build MANNA’s first orphanage in the

Philippines, fund family homes in Ukraine and feed starving children. A similar ride in 2014 raised over $180,000 to build an orphanage in Kenya and fully fund others in Mongolia and Ukraine. The Ride the Divide Challenge from Canada to Mexico last summer was the most punishing. One thousand miles into the trip, he broke 3 ribs and punctured a lung when his bike flipped on a Montana mountain.

“My goal is to get 1,000 people involved,” says Curt. “Donating even $1 makes a difference. MANNA teaches the poor how to survive and be productive in their society. It’s a generational thing they are trying to correct and it doesn’t get fixed overnight.”

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