Scottish Christian Broadcast Magazine - Spring Summer 2012

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FREE Scottish Christian


Connecting Christian Scotland

Spring/Summer 2012

In this issue..

MorphĂŠ Arts Feature

Kingdom Come 2012 Feature

Resurrection Day Feature

Bethany Christian Church Feature

1 ... plus news & events & much more!



A festival for all: 22-24 June 2012 • Fields in Motion •

celebrating arts, faith and justic e. • Wiston, near Biggar Charity No. SC041434, Company Registration No. SC371181.

A Festival for all – A festival for Scotland Solas Festival creates a unique kind of space for experiment in Scotland. As one of the newest festivals (plans are already well under way for a third in 2012) it’s supporters are evangelical about its merits, but are they evangelical in other ways? The answer is yes and no. Some Solas Festival board members like Graeme Brooks (of YFC Scotland) and myself answer happily to that description, while others would not. Solas Festival is intentionally hard to label and pin down. Genetically it is close to Greenbelt. Solas has it’s own unique identity celebrating and exploring art, faith and justice and how they relate to one another. Made in Scotland and named in Scotland [solas = Gaelic for light], it is committed to exploring Scottish questions and promoting Scottish artists, but to doing this with a global awareness. The two main early sponsors – Greenbelt and Christian Aid Scotland – have now been joined by the Iona Community and the Church of Scotland’s Priority Areas Team. A quick glance at the programme for the first two years shows the breadth and diversity of the programme – leading Scottish intellectuals like Chris Harvie and Gerry Hassan, politicians like 4

Douglas Alexander and Osama Saeed, musicians like Emma Pollock and Michael Marra…Some of our contributors have been curious (even a bit suspicious) about our Christian roots; most have been enthused by the hospitality and integrity of the festival and impressed by the quality of debate. Solas Festival is a festival which sets Christian identity in dialogue with contemporary Scottish culture in ways which create challenges on all sides. Along the way, festival-goers may also encounter - to their delight or bafflement - late night worship led by the Iona Community’s Holy City group, a Bible Society VW camper set up for lectio divina and a well-attended Sunday morning family communion service. In 2012 Solas Festival will welcome John Bell on spirituality in Scotland, Andy Wightman on land ownership and access, Linda de Castaeker and Phil Hanlon on the politics of Scotland’s public health challenges, Gerry Hassan on independence…plus music, film, visual arts, poetry, children’s festival.

Welcome to the Spring/ Summer edition of SCOTTISH Broadcast magazine.


Hello and welcome to the very first Scottish Christian Broadcast magazine. I hope you enjoy the read. My hope and prayer is that this new national magazine will support the local church in Scotland by providing a regular supply of stories and testimonies that inspire, encourage, cheer, challenge and help us all grow in faith as we see how God is building His Kingdom in Scotland. This first magazine will have a print of 7500 and the next edition out in July and will almost certainly have a much larger reach. My hope is that this will be just be the start and that the magazine will grow rapidly to very soon be reaching every church in the nation. This vision will require your support and church reps are needed to act as distributors of the magazine. Would you be willing to be that key individual in your church? If interested take a look at page 62 for further details and please get in touch. It has been wonderful to see so many partners support this new endeavour. From Alpha to Tearfund, Global Awakening to Pray For Scotland, Scripture Union to UCCF, Bethany Christian Trust to Morphé Arts , Compassion to The Scottish Bible Society, Healing Rooms to New Scottish Arts, DNA to CLAN, Try Praying to Praise Gathering...and the list goes on. Thank you everyone. It just leaves me to say enjoy the read. Remembering always that prayer is the powerhouse, let us intercede for our land to see God’s Kingdom come in Scotland.

Feature Resurrection Day

Feature One Voice 2012

Feature Pray for Scotland

Feature Kingdom Comes to Scotland

Feature Bethany Christian Trust



6 8 10 14 22 24 36

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land” 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

Healing Rooms Scotland

Every blessing

REVIEWS 46 Ian Black

FEATURE Avanti Ministries


Music Reviews

I’ll be there – maybe I’ll see you! Doug Gay Practical Theology, Glasgow University

Scottish Christian Broadcast c/o The Steeple Church Nethergate, Dundee, DD1 4DG Telephone 07704773382 Email 5

RESURRECTION Resurrection Day is the City of Dundee’s Easter Celebration and the largest annual Christian Easter gathering in Scotland. Sunday 8th April 2012, 6.30pm, Caird Hall, Dundee Join with two thousand from across Dundee on Easter Sunday in a free event proclaiming the risen Christ at Dundee’s Caird Hall. Resurrection Day is a dynamic event that will both inspire and challenge! Within the programme there will be congregational singing and worship, audio visual presentations, Bible readings and our speaker this year who


Worship comes from Satellite a new Scottish collective of some of the finest worship leaders and musicians in the land whose first album release ‘One Church One Voice’. Released Jan ‘11 Cross Rhythms say “one of the most important worship releases ever to have emanated from Scotland 9/10) Special guests include Steph McLeod, very possibly the finest singer songwriter in Scotland today bar none with a voice that can only be described as breathtaking. Steph has an amazing testimony, from a life of drug dealers and gangsters to God’s gracious deliverance in his life. Themse of redemption and thankfulness permeate his music. El Gruer, a performance poet who awakens out with time. From the Scottish Highlands, El is the ordinary ‘girl-next- door’ whose extra-ordinary way of commanding words will leave you speechless. Her new performance tour, ‘The Bride and The Alarm Clock’ will throw you into the mind-expanding tick tock of an eternal body clock.


Dundee For Christ are delighted to announce as Allan McWilliam as our speaker this year. Alan is passionate about Christ, passionate about the church and passionate about those who have not heard the good news of Jesus. Alan has a strong desire to see the Church in Scotland rising up to express in every way the love of God. He believes that the Lord is preparing the hearts and minds of many within the Church to break out of the current moribund patterns of Church life and instead create new patterns of Church which will be effective in communicating the gospel to the people of Scotland. Alan is the primary leader within the leadership of Whiteinch Church of Scotland, Glasgow ( with overall responsibility for vision, strategy and teaching. He is also the Chairman of Clan Gathering (www.clangathering., the largest Christian conference in Scotland. He is married to Diane and has two boys, David and Steven. He is an ordained minister within the Church of Scotland and a fervent Rangers FC supporter.


Admission to Resurrection Day is FREE For further Information: Tel: 07704 773382 Email: ‘It is true! The Lord has risen’ Luke 24:34




24-25 FEBRUARY 2012 8pm to 8pm Queen’s Park Baptist Church,


24 HOU





20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS

“Prayer is my chief work, and it is by means of it that I carry on the rest,” said the Puritan Thomas Hooker – Tearfund couldn’t have said it better. Prayer has always been at the heart of Tearfund. It’s a powerful tool for seeking justice and combating material and spiritual poverty. Without it, even the greatest efforts are inadequate. That’s why Tearfund is preparing again for a week of prayer, dedicated to asking God to bring his justice and mercy to our needy world. From 24 February to 6 March, they will be uniting with churches around the world for One Voice 2012.






To launch the week in Scotland, Tearfund is hosting a dynamic 24-hour prayer and worship event in Glasgow. Round-theclock worship, intercession, reflection and celebration will be led by several of Scotland’s churches, there will be a separate prayer room set up by 24-7 Prayer Scotland and a café and chill-out area to keep you refreshed (and awake!)





Tearfund are inviting you to join with believers from across the nation to pray for God’s light to shine into areas such as human trafficking, disasters, famine and disease, but from a place of worship, acknowledging that Jesus is the answer and confident that he will move in response to our prayers.












Why not get a group from your church together and join them to launch the event at 8pm on Friday 24th February or drop in at some point over the 24 hours, finishing at 8pm on Saturday 25th. The event will take place at Queens Park Baptist Church, 20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS. Tearfund Scotland Director Lynne Paterson said: “Following our successful


prayer events in 2011, we’re really excited about coming together once more to pray for the world’s poorest communities. We want to see Scotland be a nation of Christians committed to worshipping Jesus and seeking him for transformation in the nations. We hope that friends old and new will join us this year in Glasgow.” But it doesn’t end with this one event. You and your church can get involved by using Tearfund’s new prayer resources to help you get stuck into prayer and action. This includes a five day rice and beans challenge where you will pray, live on rice and beans for five days and give the money you save on food to those who are hungry. It’s a great opportunity for individuals, families, groups or even the whole church to understand issues of poverty more deeply. You’ll find yourselves reflecting on your own life and lifestyle before God as you go through the week - the perfect accompaniment to a week of prayer. St Mungo’s Balerno did this challenge in 2011. Richard McArthur, Associate Minister comments, “People found it to be a very challenging and helpful experience that really did increase their compassion for those in the world who are going hungry.” You can find out more about St Mungo’s experience on Tearfund’s website. One Voice - 24 hours of prayer and worship will take place from 8pm - 8pm, Friday 24th to Saturday 25th February at Queens Park Baptist Church, 20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow G42 8QS

For details on the event or other prayer resources, visit or call 0141 332 3621.




Taking a risk for revival By Ola Nordstrom

My prayer in Ayrshire is that we ‘the church’ would wake up, be revived and pray with passion, unity and prophetic expectation for a great revival in Scotland again. Mark Stibbe defines revival as ‘a season ordained by God in which the Holy Spirit awakens the church to evangelize the lost and awakens the lost to their desperation for Jesus’.

My number one prayer this summer has been ‘HELP’. It all started with a dream that the Lord gave back in 2009 to have a small place up on the hill for me and others to come from the nations to pray for the nation of Scot-land for revival and that the people of Scotland would GO out to the nations in this hour. I believe that God has made “knitted together in the mother’s womb” - the Scots for such a time as this, a passionate and warrior-like people, brave enough to go out to the ends of the earth to make Jesus known. The whole Middle East is shaking and people are seeking answers. Who is brave enough to GO to Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Somalia etc with the good news in these days?


1. This is something sovereign. 2. It begins with an awakening of the church 3. It is accompanied by an awakening in society as a whole. Mark Stibbe also lists five top characteristics of a revival that also can be seen in Acts 2. 1. Divine visitation – a sense of God visiting in sovereign power. 2. Anointed preaching – a new boldness in preaching the gospel. 3. Radical Convictions – the John 16:8 profound conviction of sin. 4. Substantial Conversions – ‘accelerated Grace’, radical Kingdom advance. 5. Social Transformation – The rivers overflowing the banks of the church.

1. Passionate intersession – desperate prayers for God to move in power 2. Newfound unity – reconciliation within and between churches and leaders 3. Intimate adoration – the church ministering to Jesus as the passionate bride 4. Prophetic expectation – God-given sense of anticipation about revival 5. Heart felt repentance – brokenness over past sins, failures and defeats Why do revivals happen? There are a number of answers, but chief amongst these must be God’s compassion for the Lost. Evan Roberts prayed: ‘Lord bend the church and save the world’. A move of God like that is what I’m praying and longing for! In the story of the virgins in Matthew 25 they were waiting for the Bridegroom to arrive; the five wise ones had brought extra oil so that they would be able to go the distance if He would tarry. The wise ones were ready, watchful and useful for their task, having plenty of oil for their lamps. They were ready to honour Him. Are we awake with oil in our lamps and with jars of extra if He would be ‘late’? In 2 Peter 3:9 we read that; ‘The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance’.

He is waiting for us to awake to be His hands, His feet and His mouth to pro claim the good news of the gospel to our neighbours. This is a season for ‘brave hearts’ of Scotland to arise to take a stand in Faith being light and salt for their community. I heard recently some one say that faith is spelt R.I.S.K. Yes there is a risk that we make mistakes, are laughed at, are told that we can’t do this, are spit on and maybe even beaten up as we start walking out what God wants us to do. I think as we ‘love our neighbour’ we fill up our jars of oil. Seeing the thirsty, hungry, naked and in prison so we can meet their needs, making a difference for someone else’s eternity. I’m praying daily that we would see a network of homes of H.O.P.E across Ayrshire and Scotland. Homes where people are active in Praying, Caring and Sharing the gospel with their neighbours on a day to day basis, being a lighthouse in the deep darkness!


This summer I started a project to build a prayer cabin, a place for prayer, intercession and rest in the Lord. I took a risk doing something that I had never done before - building a “house” is outside my comfort and knowledge zone.

The Bible uses the image of harvest to portray this phenomenon. Notice the three parts:

He lists some of the preconditions. Looking at the stories of previous revivals there are some divinely orchestrated preconditions.

Let’s stand together, take a risk, pray and act for a divine visitation of God in Scotland again. Let us know how we can help you with starting a prayer group or making your home a Lighthouse of Prayer.

Ola Nordstrom is a member of the Pray For Scotland Core Team and also of the staff at YWAM’s Ayrshire base.


A recent Scottish government report once again highlighted the shocking statistic that more than 20% of children in Scotland live in poverty.

It is exciting to see that increasingly, churches across Scotland are seeking to take up the opportunity to engage with these young people, but the reality is the need is enormous.


book; In His Image: Understanding and Embracing the Poor. In the afternoon seminars will give the opportunity to learn from those already engaging with the poor across Scotland and will include: • Getting church-based young people out of their comfort zone to engage in the world around them. • Engaging young people in your community through sport.

In recent years Scripture Union, Scotland has held an event known as Beauty for Ashes aimed at highlighting the needs of children and young people from poor communities. This year SU Scotland is joining with Tear Fund and the Church of Scotland Priority Area Committee to hold a new one day conference called Equipped to Transform. This conference aims to equip and inspire individuals and churches to build inclusive communities that welcome and value disadvantaged children and young people.

• Hanging out with young people who live on the margins.

This year the guest speaker is Andy Matheson, International Director of Oasis. Andy has a master’s degree in intercultural studies and more than twenty years of experience in giving leadership to urban work in cities around the world. He will be speaking from his

Or contact John Nonhebel Urban Ministries Leader Tel: 0141 352 7635


The daily reality of this means that many children and young people are growing up in communities often characterised by a lack of opportunity, depression, violence and the abuse and misuse of alcohol and harmful drugs.



• Growing your youth and children’s work without needing to be in control. • Helping children and young people bring God into their everyday lives.

For further information including booking details: equippedtotransform



Kingdom comes to Scotland...

THE NEW YEAR brought with it the launch of an exciting prayer movement in Scotland and the rest of the UK entitled ‘Kingdom Come 2012.’

coming as we pray and fast together, interceding for our land.

to pray, seek, and share stories of what God is doing in our nation.

The privilege of hosting the Games means that if Jesus becomes the talk of our nation, we can then very tangibly spread the Gospel to every part of the world!’

The year of prayer in Scotland will see a different region of the country highlighted each month with the churches in that area coming together and starting prayer rooms, planting prayer stakes and prayer walking their local streets. The rest of Scotland will also focus their prayers on that area and the month with culminate with a united prayer and praise gathering in that region.

Prayer is critical to the fulfillment of this vision so this day will mark the first of many gatherings, starting in Glasgow and moving all around Scotland as we gather

Pete Greig

The initiative will be launched at the Alpha Scotland Vision day in Glasgow on February 4th 2012 by 24-7 Prayer founder and Alpha Prayer director Pete Greig. The day is entitled ‘Your Kingdom Come’ and will be at the 1200 capacity Bute Hall of Glasgow University. Also speaking will be Alpha pioneer Nicky Gumbel, CLAN Gathering Chairman Alan McWilliam and Alpha Scotland Director Paul Davie. Worship Central will be part of the day with worship led by Tim Hughes, and Ben Cantelon. The team will be hosting a celebration in the evening as part of a UK tour. The ‘Kingdom Come’ initiative has been inspired by the Scottish ‘Big If’ year of prayer in 2010 which saw intercession spread across churches of all denominations, then on to university campuses and even into schools.


Kingdom Come is a call for prayer to be taken to a new level in 2012 and a challenge for each one of the 7000 Alpha churches in the UK to be involved, filling the Olympic year with unprecedented intercession for the nation.


Alpha, in partnership with 24:7 Prayer, are inviting the Church in all the home nations to fill an entire year with continuous, night and day prayer. Nicky Gumbel said, ‘Prayer is the power behind our vision to see the re- evangelisation of the nations and the transformation of society and so I’m thrilled that in 2012 we are going to be praying like never before.’ Hannah McVeigh is Alpha Scotland Prayer Coordinator and she commented, ‘My prayer is that as visitors come from all over the world for the Olympic Games, they would not find this to be a postChristian, post-church, broken society but that they would find the Kingdom




UCCF God is at work on campus

Imagine a world in which every Christian student in Scotland had the courage to pray for, invite and read Luke’s gospel with five of their non-Christian friends. That is what is starting to happen in campuses from Galashiels to Paisley to Aberdeen and beyond!

‘Uncovering’ the gospel Uncover is a series of six student-friendly ‘plug and play’ Bible studies in Luke’s gospel. Written for UCCF by Rebecca Manley Pippert (author of best-selling book Out of the Salt Shaker), the resource has been designed to be read in a oneto-one or small group setting.

This is what students are saying: ‘I knew that Uncover would be perfect to go through with two of the girls from our [sports] team, and when we plucked up the courage to ask them, they were (unbelievably) up for it. We now meet every Wednesday before training, have dinner and go through one of the studies together. They have presented me with 16

questions that I have never thought of before, so it has been good for my own personal growth.’ Lauren Scott, Dundee University

‘The questions about the passages are very engaging and create good discussions. It’s such a joy being able to present the evidence of Jesus to our friends and allowing them to respond to the gospel. The Uncover studies are great at facilitating this.’ Rachel Nelson, St Andrews University ‘I got talking with my Muslim friends about how we could see what each other’s faiths are like, and I suggested to them that we could get together and I’d show them about Jesus Christ, so they could see for themselves what he is like.’ Ogechi ‘It’s been great to do the study with [the two Chinese students who I met during freshers’ week] because as they discover Jesus in the pages of Luke they see that he is irresistible.’ Hannah

Students reaching students The strategy is of peer-to-peer relational evangelism, not a mass distribution of gospel tracts. Exploring Jesus with a friend in a relational context like this is very attractive to non-believers, especially amongst students where community is so important. It gives them a great opportunity to ask their questions naturally with their friends and interrogate the source material for themselves. It also gives Christian Union students the confidence that God doesn’t just use professionals; he uses ordinary Christians like them. They discover they can open God’s word and he will speak because, as Paul told his young friend Timothy, ‘God’s word is not chained’. And today students are going for it, unashamed, glad to be known as Christ’s people, loving their friends and introducing them to Jesus in the pages of the Gospel. Another student said: ‘I’ve always thought the Bible was great for teaching and for daily reading. I was so excited to hear stories of people who just decided to sit down with their friends and read the Bible, and people have come to faith in Christ!’

A couple of months later and a total of 25,000 copies had been distributed to Christian Unions across the UK. In Scotland today there are 20 Christian Unions, one in every university and art college. They exist to unite Christians from all denominations around the gospel with one clear purpose: to reach their campus for Christ. Uncover is just on recent initiative to help make this happen, helping Christian students live and speak for Jesus.


‘I have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, and have decided to write an orderly account so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been told.’ –Luke

During the CU Mission Week in February last year, a Queen Margaret Uni student agreed to read the Bible for herself, met up oneto-one with Christian Union members, and became a Christian. She was really excited for freshers to find what she had found and has since been meeting weekly with a new postgraduate student, helping her look for herself at who Jesus is using Uncover.

Please pray • That Christian students would have vital friendships with non-Christians on campus • That they would have courage to invite those friends to investigate for themselves who Jesus is • That the Holy Spirit would draw nonChristians to know the Father’s love through his most precious Son If you would like to be involved in praying for this vital outreach or would like to have a student in your city share at your church about mission on campus, please contact: Mark Ellis, UCCF Team Leader for Scotland,

UCCF initially printed 7,000 copies of Uncover, all of which were snapped up before Freshers’ weeks in September! For more, see


The past few months have also been an exciting journey for us as a DNA staff team, with some amazing God opportunities to serve opening up as new exciting partnerships and connections have been made. We are humbled and so privileged to be able to say that DNA is now the church based gap year provider for


DNA commenced it’s 14th year of church based discipleship on 3 October 2011 – with 20 trainees across the UK on the first year programme and 6 on DNA+ the second year. Quotes below are from Pete Gilbert, DNA Team Leader...... “DNA is a year of church based intensive discipleship, focusing on the development of emerging leaders through personal discipleship, theological understanding and skills acquisition. One of our dearly held distinctives is that we are ruthlessly church based and have a focus on mission. DNA has been running since it’s inception as TiE Teams over 24 years ago and has developed over 1000 people on year teams.”

Pete Gilbert, DNA Team Leader


“We are delighted that DNA continues to draw widely from most streams

and denominations around the UK and internationally, both in terms of recruiting from and placing trainees into churches for the duration of their year. Around 70% of people do their year in their own church – which is a model I love to see used as churches develop their own leaders. We would love to explore this with churches around Scotland – why not have a look at our website or contact us at the office to explore how we may be able to serve you and your church.” We have three Taster days which we’d be delighted to welcome to you to, that occur in Aberdeen this coming year on 23 January, 26 March and 22 May 2012.

Amor Ministries – based in San Diego, USA, Amor are a church based ministry serving churches in Mexico by recruiting teams of volunteers who build homes for the nation’s poorest. Having sent trainees to be with them last Easter/ summer through our relationship with Urban Saints, Amor are partnering with us to develop this relationship of DNAers serving in Mexico, but also for Amor to profile DNA to the 400 American churches who send teams to serve Amor regularly. Baptist Union of Great Britain recognise that the denomination wants to develop and serve not only it’s young emerging leaders but also the baby boomer generation. Twelve



church plants a week are being birthed by Baptist churches and we are delighted to be key parners for the denomination. A new model for the baby boomers is being developed offering a 6 month programme which could be lengthened if the individual wants it. Fresh Streams which began life in the 1970s, then as Mainstream, is a renewal movement within the Baptist Union, comprising a network of around 150 churches across the UK. Their vision is to resource leaders and churches; being missionary leaders growing missionary disciples. We are delighted to be partnering with them to this end by serving their churches for the development of leaders.

Urban Saints with whom we have worked for many years on programmes such as ReAct, are now partners with DNA, as their gap year programme/ provider which they recommend to their 900+ church based groups across the UK to use for their young people.

FREE TASTER DAYS Come join one of our

23 January 26 March 22 May 2012

• Hear for yourself quality training • Meet with current trainees, staff team and speakers • See changed lives changing others • Feel the buzz of shared lives; challenged and changed by God • Enjoy fun and friendship forming across a DNA year Committing to a year out with God is a big decision. Rightly so. Let us help. Don’t take our word for it; come and check it out.



DNA – my journey so far...

Chuck Freeland City Church, Aberdeen / Imagine Scotland Stuart McPhail Gerrard Street Baptist, Aberdeen Thom Raller King’s Fellowship, Inverness Keith Short Barnton Baptist, Edinburgh Rupert Ward Community Church, Edinburgh

Rachael Kettle, DNA trainee based in Gerrard Street Baptist Church, Aberdeen lets us in on her DNA year so far.... I am nearly two months into my DNA year; before starting DNA I struggled with a sense of who I was and struggled even to begin to imagine the things that I was capable of doing or that God wanted to do through me. Even in the short space of time I’ve been on DNA, God has really impacted my understanding of Him and how I view myself. If I could sum up what God has been saying to me over these first few weeks it would be “dare to believe”. Dare to believe that I am His child and He loves me more than my depth of longing and more than I could possibly begin to imagine. Dare to believe that He has a good and perfect plan for me. Dare to believe that I can dream big dreams and step out in the confidence of who I am in Christ and that through Him all things are possible. I have been actively serving my church, Gerrad Street Baptist Church in Aberdeen, involved serving in many different church based ministries -

working with kids, students and adults, attending teaching days and studying. One of the main ministries I have been getting involved with is setting up a drop in cafe for isolated and vulnerable women in our local area of Aberdeen. This is something I’ve really enjoyed, especially working alongside different women in our church who all have an incredible heart to serve our local area this way. I am really looking forward to seeing this ministry flourish over the coming year, and seeing lives impacted and transformed by the love of Christ. Alongside the practical action, and character development in the year, you also involved in aspects of study and learning. The DNA teaching days are made up of a variety of sessions focusing on practical aspects of ministry, theology and applicable teaching that focus on shaping our character. The studying side is designed to challenge and stretch your understanding of God and how he has called us to live. Although challenging this is something I’ve really enjoyed!

+44 (0) 79 6404 1398 TXT

Fred Drummond Evangelical Alliance, Scotland

+44 (0) 28 9030 1551

Kenny Borthwick Holy Trinity, Wester Hailes / CLAN Gathering


Andy Bathgate Scripture Union, Scotland

We are truly excited and humbled by how these connections and relationships have come about and we look forward with anticipation to see how God will use this unity and how we can serve one another in the coming months and years! 01808 521787

Scottish Council of Reference


YMCA London South West is the largest YMCA in the UK with 17 Centres, 400 staff and 120 volunteers, and several thousand members using their facilites each week. The YMCA recognises that the organisation needs leaders to take them forward into the future and is now partnering with DNA to recruit individuals who will do their action as part of the YMCA Centre, and with potential for a job opportunity at the end of their year. The trainee will be based in a local church for their discipleship during their year.

Training & Transformation in Community Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Theology (University validated courses)

OUT NOW “When God Speaks is up there with the best of any worship album released in the last few years” lOudEr ThaN ThE muSIC (4/5 stars)


Postgraduate Study Flexible Part-time Study

“one of Scotland’s foremost worship leaders” CrOSS rhYThmS (9/10 stars)



£120* Arresting design and unbeatable costs for all your flyers, brochures, logos, print and publicity requirements KOG Design • Edinburgh • 0131 441 4791 • • *Price is for 500 A5 one-sided flyers printed on 135gsm silk paper. Other weights and quanities available on request. Cost applies until 30 June 2012


We provide shelter and a lot more besides…

bethany Christian Trust Every year at Bethany Christian Trust we work with around 4,000 people in Scotland who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. We help people overcome their immediate problems and also tackle the long-term issues in their lives which cause them to become homeless. Amongst other things we provide food, shelter, addiction support, furniture, visiting home support, community education groups and help with resettlement and community integration. We want to put our faith into action, shining God’s light into dark situations to bring hope and see lives transformed. It’s so encouraging to read Ross’s story and see how Bethany has been able to help him and to know that he is now enjoying a full life, living in his own home, learning new skills and participating in community activities. If you want to make a difference in someone’s life and support one of the many other people like Ross who are trapped in desperate situations please support the work of Bethany through prayer, volunteering and by making a donation.


How you can help

Here are some ways you can help homeless people like Ross and make a difference today: • Sign up to receive Bethany’s quarterly prayer diary so you can pray for our work with homeless and vulnerable people in Scotland. • Find out about homelessness projects in your area and offer to volunteer • Pick up a bargain in one of our charity shops in Edinburgh, Gullane and Kirkcaldy • Make a donation via our website or by calling 0131 561 8930. If you like, you can specify which project you would like to support. • Donate via mobile. Txt the short code HOME42 [space] 5 to 70070 to donate £5 to help a homeless person today. You can donate £3, £5 or £10 by changing the number you text after the short code. e.g. HOME42 5 Text as many times as you like! If you want to contact us or find out more about our work, please see our website or call 0131 561 8930.

Ross’s story “My experience of homelessness came through a misunderstanding with the housing association that owned the flat I lived in. As I have dyslexia, I had difficulty with the letters that they were sending me and eventually I lost the tenancy. I was sofa-surfing for just over a year. I stayed with relatives and friends, but it was not ideal. I was on Drugs Treatment and Testing Order to help reduce the use of drugs and involvement with crime. When the order ended in December 2009 I got a flat and was referred to Bethany for a support worker to help me. When I first got the flat, it was completely uninhabitable. My support worker really helped me to get the flat to a decent standard so that I could live there and have a real home of my own. I’ve now got it to that stage – it is freshly decorated and I just got a new bathroom fitted. I couldn’t have got to this stage without her. Life in my own flat is completely different to what it was like when I was sofa surfing. I have a lot more freedom. I am really happy with how things are now.

Giving homeless and vulnerable people hope and a future

When I was living with other people and using drugs, I became really withdrawn from life. Now I have freedom. Recently I have got into computers – I’ve just got a new laptop. I’m finding it difficult but am learning. It is quite a process, but I’m really keen and want to get good at it. I’ve been involved with a local Community Centre and Bethany Community Education where I have been learning new skills. Computing is really at the forefront of my life now. I’ve also been getting involved with other things in the area and have started going swimming. Having a flat, I have the freedom to do this and I can express myself more and get involved in things. I couldn’t have got here without help from the DTTO and other agencies like Bethany and I would advise people that are in difficult situations like I was in, to get involved with them. When I think about home, I think about my new sofa which I love. It’s great to have my own space which is now pleasant to be in and where I can relax. Home is, to me, feeling comfortable.”

Bethany Christian Trust is a registered Scottish charity no SC003783


interview with Elizabeth, I hope you get some insight into the life of a successful recent arts graduate and what motivates her as both a jeweller and as a Christian. I suppose an obvious question to start with would be why you chose to study jewellery? I began when I was 14 and quickly found a niche where I could translate my love for drawing into the 3d. I wanted to create work that people could wear and enjoy. Jewellery was just that for me. Are there particular themes that can be found in you work? Landscape imagery and the idea of preciousness are reoccurring themes. Bringing the contemporary into the luxury. I tend to abstract drawings of the landscape, translating it into details, repeated lines, traces and elaborate structures.


In the last edition of Broadcast, I wrote an article explaining the work of INTERFACE ARTS GRADUATES. Since that time our name has changed to MORPHÉ ARTS and we have been granted charity status. Morphé Arts works as a UK network supporting Christians in the Arts. My role is to direct the work in Scotland with an aim of helping Christians consider how they integrate faith with professional art practice.

Elizabeth Humble 24

One of the artists in the Morphé network is Dundee based jeweller Elizabeth Humble. Elizabeth graduated in 2010 with a BDes(Hons) in Jewellery from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design. At her degree show she won the Goldsmith Award for jewellery. She went on to win New Designers and was awarded the Gold Award from leading luxury online jewellery retailer Astley

Clarke which included a years mentoring. In 2011 she won New Designers ‘One Year On’ and was chosen as part of the Hot 100 and Nex Gem in Professional Jewellers Magazine. Elizabeth has gone on to stock with Astley Clarke in London, the DCA in Dundee, Roger Billcliffe in Glasgow and Alchemia in Edinburgh to name a few. Cully has been meeting with Elizabeth since she graduated offering support on behalf of Morphé. On paper her career path is something most artists would jump at the chance to have. It is certainly a success story so far but over the last two years there have also been many ups and downs and much for her and Cully to talk about in regards to career decisions, values, coping with changes, dealing with business and growing in understanding of God’s place in all of this. In this

I’ve known you since you came to Dundee in first year and have seen you develop from student to professional artist. How would you describe the differences between life at college and as a graduate? College gives you a specific amount of time to work on the skills you need when you are starting out. Emotionally at college it’s easy to set aside time and work within that. Now as a graduate it’s a much bigger time frame which can be quite scary. This is work for real now. It’s about remembering to work as hard as I can but believing ultimately that God has a long term plan for me. What are the main issues you’ve had to face as a recent arts graduate? Just getting to know the jewellery industry better and teaching myself business. I was thrown in at the deep end

You have become a regular at the Morphē art graduate gatherings. How has being part of the Morphē network been helpful for you? I’ve gained support through mentoring and bible study which can bring focus to an otherwise hectic week. There is opportunity to share with other artists in mutual understanding and situations. Support from other Christians is crucial when you face difficult career decisions. The focus in the jewellery industry is very success/money/luxury lifestyle led which can be very challenging. Meeting with Cully also allows me to work on improving his fashion sense. Yes, thanks for that. I think my wife appreciates your help in that area! Since you graduated, being an artist by profession hasn’t always been the easiest route. What makes you want to carry on as an artist? When you develop a passion for your art you can’t imagine not doing it anymore. Although there have been tough times, I can’t get away from the satisfaction of producing work and developing new skills. I also feel that if God has given me skills then I should be glorifying him by using them and creating work that reflects him.



I know you work hard but what is it that constitutes good work for you and how do you know you are making it? I try to work to the best of my ability, recognizing the place of God in what I do without separating the two. I try to produce work with honesty recognizing that my work can’t be perfect – although as a jeweller a certain amount of perfectionism can really help.

when I graduated and the experts in the industry expect you to develop a tough skin! I find that if I’m honest and educate myself I’ve been able to develop a good relationship in the industry and keep my head above the water.

Do you have advice for any Christian wanting to study the arts or just starting out after college? Work really hard. Put in the time to develop your skills and always remember that God is in control and in charge of your future. To see examples of Elizabeth’s work and to find out more about her you can visit her website To know more about the work of the charity Morphé Arts or to find out how you can support it visit the website: or e-mail

Cully. Morphé Arts 25

To buy aCuba in Bibleuld cost e o w whol a u o s ’ y k weeg wa e

Become a

Bible-a-month Partner!

In Ethiopia people h to share ave - sometim Bibles es o betwee ne n seven

You can make a profound difference in people’s lives by giving them the copy of God’s Living Word they so long for.


As little as £4 per month will enable the Scottish Bible Society to provide a Bible to those unable to afford their own, in their heart language and in a suitable format.

Become a Partner today! To receive your FREE calendar for 2012  0131 347 9808   quoting ‘SCB magazine’

Find out more. Scan this QR code with your smartphone or reader app, or go to The Scottish Bible Society, 7 Hampton Terrace, Edinburgh EH12 5XU, Tel: 0131 337 9701, Fax: 0131 337 0641 - Scottish Charity No. SC010767 A company limited by guarantee registered in Scotland No. 238687- registered office as above (Formerly The National Bible Society of Scotland)


Providing God’s Word to all people in a language they can understand The Church in Ethiopia is growing and Bibles are now in short supply. Many people in Scotland own several Bibles. Could we just send our excess Bibles to Ethiopia where they could be used and read? Sadly that’s not a practical solution. The Bible needs to be in a local language people can understand. Today many people can’t remember post war rationing. It’s hard for us to imagine not being able to just nip out to the shops and get what we want, when we want it. However in Ethiopia, as in the rest of the Horn of Africa, there is a real shortage of food and water. Many people are displaced, living in camps, homeless and hungry. But these people also express a real hunger for the Bible, God’s Word of comfort and support in times of trouble. Pete Chirnside, Church Partnership Manager for the Scottish Bible Society, recently visited Ethiopia and saw firsthand the deep desire and hunger people have for the Bible.

“Many are coming to faith in Jesus but there are not enough Bibles to go around. Each Christian wants to have a Bible of their own but they have to share with other church members. It is a tough decision to have to make when a whole village wants lots of Bibles and there aren’t enough, and instead of giving the twenty they need you can only give them two.”


Each month our desk calendar will show you examples of projects in a different country, how you can help meet spiritual needs and ask you to pray for the people.

In Ethiopia and around the world, millions of people want to hear God’s Word but have no access to their own copy of the Bible. Our mission at the Scottish Bible Society is to provide God’s Word to these people in a language they can understand, in a format they can use and at a price they can afford. Please help us make a difference to the lives of people. Contact us to find out how you can help as an individual or together as a church. Email us at


TRY PRAYING a prayer guide for those who do not go to church and for those who are not religious

trypraying – a new hope for Scotland She handed the young man on the bus a copy of the prayer guide. He started reading, and within minutes, tears filled his eyes. This was the story of a woman who contacted our office for 20 more copies of the trypraying booklet. Over Easter 2011 she was not alone as requests came pouring in and 10,000 copies of the little book went out across the city.

trypraying is an evangelistic resource. It is also a project for churches working together. 0131 202 6449 | | 28

The 7-day prayer guide is being used by many in Scotland to pass on to friends and family with a few words of encouragement - ‘Why don’t you try praying for a week and see what happens in your life?’ Testimonies returning to the trypraying office are frequent and full of hope. Those impacted by the booklet tend to have in common that they don’t go to church – but there the similarity ends. People from every walk of life are being transformed by the experience of giving prayer a try.

Individuals and congregations are challenged to use the guide for a week and then pass it on. This simple format has had a startling effect on churches in Edinburgh. Leaders have organised events to coincide with the use of the booklet – 24/7 prayer gatherings and distribution of prayer request cards. Easter 2011 saw 70 churches involved. Churches displayed ‘trypraying’ banners, and together they raised £18,000 to have the logo shown on 40 public buses in the weeks up to Easter. This display felt significant in a city where Atheism is a fast-growing religion. There is evidence that even the two simple words ‘try praying’ affected individuals in the city. A report featured in the Evening News prompted vitriolic response online – it seems that the invitation to turn back to God had quite an impact.


Many in Scotland are now familiar with trypraying, the work of David Hill - entrepreneur, evangelist and veteran marketeer, responsible for the words ‘there is hope’ being displayed on car stickers, posters and banners in the 1980’s. He had the idea for a trypraying booklet for non-Christians and tested it on a train. He asked the guy next to him; ‘Do you ever pray?’ The man responded he’d prayed twice. One was answered, the other not; a 50% success rate. It occurred to David that this reflex – the desire to reach out to God - could be a key place to start in introducing people to Jesus.

Great thought was put into the look of the booklet, by Edinburgh-based Teviot Creative, whose aim was to create something that people want to read and keep: though in fact the philosophy is to give the book away!

The trypraying team are currently working on materials for all ages– a children’s version was published in the summer, a youth version is planned for 2012, and the website is undergoing changes to make the 7-day prayer challenge available for mobile download. For more information contact David Hill on: 0131 202 6868 or email:

Report by Kamala Santos Kamala Santos is from Edinburgh and is administrator for trypraying. She is married to Brazilian Valtemes and they have a one year-old, Nathan. She is also a writer, whose work includes the Edinburgh Easter Play. She attends St. Thomas’ Church, Corstorphine.



Praise Gathering Choir performing for the first time to a capacity 2000+ audience at the Belfast Waterfront Concert Hall.

Praise Gathering

‘It’s all about ordinary people, with ordinary voices singing praises to God’


Today CD


This is Our God CD

This is Our God DVD

Receive Our Praise CD

Glory to our God CD

Praise Gathering was formed back in 1985, beginning life as the ‘Psalms Alive Choir’ and in recent years has seen real growth. Each year sees 3 performances in Glasgow and for 2010 a new choir was added for Edinburgh and then for 2011 another new choir was added in Belfast. Almost 800 singers, then, representing over 200 churches across Central Scotland and Northern Ireland took part in the five concerts of 2011 in Glasgow. In total more than 8,000 people attended a Praise Gathering event! Director Ian Watson says “It’s all about ordinary people, with ordinary voices singing praises to God. The wide range of musical styles is reflected in the 15-80 age range of the choir members, who

rehearse for 10 weeks prior to the annual Summer concerts.” Plans for 2012 are already wellestablished and Jonathan Veira will be the special guest at this year’s concerts, dates as follows: Glasgow Royal Concert Hall Friday 15, Saturday 16 & Sunday 17 June Edinburgh - Usher Hall Saturday 23 June Belfast - Waterfront Saturday 6 October Tickets, from £12, are NOW ON SALE




WHEN YOU traNsfOrm a cHild’s lifE iN jEsUs’ NamE YOU bEgiN tO cHaNgE tHE WOrld

SPonSor a child 32


Sponsoring a child through Compassion is a powerful and enduring way to tackle world poverty. Compassion supports the most vulnerable children and, through individual sponsors, helps them break the cycle of poverty, replacing it with hope for the future. For just 70p a day, you can ensure a child in desperate need has access to education, healthcare, food and clothing. Working exclusively through local churches in 26 developing countries, Compassion also provides the opportunity for every child to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. Become part of this unique ministry by visiting or calling 01932 836490. Registered Charity Number 1077216


Theology for Life Theology, Urban Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Cross-cultural Ministry, Youth & Community Work

One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus had given them a good answer, he asked him, “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?” “The most important one”, answered Jesus, “is this; ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength’. The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these”. (Mark 12:28-31)

The above verses exemplify the purpose of International Christian College, which is to help our students to love God with their heart, soul, mind and strength, and their neighbour as themselves. It echoes Jim Packer’s words in A Passion for Holiness: “the health of the human soul requires a threefold concern, for truth, for experience, and for action”.

Truth loving God with all your mind

110 St James Road Glasgow G4 OPS

This is why ICC offers degree programmes in theology. Our world needs Christians who have thought deeply about their faith and its implications. The present ‘cultured despisers of religion’, everyone from Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens to Stephen Fry and Terry Pratchett, portray Christians as unthinking and irrational. The goal of ICC is to help Christians to explain the good news of Jesus Christ in all its breadth and depth, showing that Christian faith is not just plausible but transformative, that it makes sense, and that it changes lives.

Experience loving God with your heart and soul

0141 552 4040 34

As important as the renewing of our minds is, the Christian faith is not just an intellectual exercise. While it is true that academic theological study and


International Christian College

enthusiastic faith do not always go together, our aspiration is best summed up by William Barclay: “The devout student is the best of all students. There are too many who are devout, but not students. They will not accept the discipline of study and of learning, and they even look with suspicion upon the further knowledge which study brings. There are equally too many who are students but not devout. They are interested too much in intellectual knowledge, and too little in the life of prayer and in the service of their fellow men. One would do well to aim at not being only a student, and not only devout, but at being a devout student”.


loving God with all your strength, and your neighbour as yourself

“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says” (James 1:22) “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17)

These sobering words remind us that we can have as much correct theology as we want, and for it to be as dead as a dodo. Theology is not the preserve of the academic study; it is also for the Christian in action. In his 1902 book The Death of Christ, the great theologian James Denney wrote that he wished that every theologian was an evangelist and that every evangelist was a theologian. This brings us back to the need for good, clear thinking throughout the church. But not for our own sake. For the sake of our mission in Scotland in the 21st century. ICC’s programmes of study are here to serve that great purpose.

Richard Tiplady Principal International Christian College 35

Healing Rooms Scotland


Last year Anne came into the Healing Rooms in Alloa. She had suffered severe back pain for years and was diagnosed with Osteoporosis causing a fractured spine and curvature. She found it difficult to walk or get around and was in constant pain. Within a short time of receiving prayer, the pain eased so much that she was able to walk quite a distance. A short time later, she realised that the curvature in her spine had also disappeared. Her fractured spine is now perfectly straight and she no longer needs any morphine pain relieving patches.

Linda walked in to the Healing Rooms that are based in Glasgow City Mission as she had recently had an operation on her hand for carpel-tunnel and could not straighten it. After receiving prayer she was able to straighten her hand and all the pain was gone. When Jimmy first came to the Healing Rooms in Paisley he was a very unwell and had a yellowish complexion which was a tell tale sign that his liver was not functioning properly. Strong medication for a heart condition had been damaging his liver over a period of time and tests at the hospital confirmed this. The bad news was that he was told that the damage was irreparable and the liver could not regenerate. After receiving prayer for healing a few times he began to feel much better and his colour markedly changed. Subsequent tests at the hospital showed that his liver was now fully functioning once more. Jimmy

was so impacted by his experience that he went on to become a volunteer in the Healing Rooms and now has the joy of ministering to others. In Alex’s own words, he shares: “About 6 years ago I was diagnosed with a large cancer tumour in my throat. I went through lots of treatment and made a slow recovery. A couple of months ago the pain returned. My doctor prescribed strong pain killers I had to take all the time. About 4 weeks ago my sister told me about some people that she went to see in the local Healing Rooms. She said they helped her, so I told her I might go with her sometime. A week later I saw Tom from the Healing Rooms. I was just leaving the house at the time and I told him I was planning on coming to the Rooms. asked if he could say a prayer for me ‘right now’. I agreed. He placed his hand on my shoulder and prayed.

I thanked him and I felt better for the unusual experience. I was going to see him at the Healing Rooms if I was still in pain, but I swear on a stack of bibles, the pain has never returned! I saw Tom on the street a few weeks ago and I thanked him. He said ‘don’t thank me, thank God’.”


Marjory Morrow Associate National Director Healing Rooms Scotland

It has been thrilling to see how the ministry has expanded across Scotland as ‘ordinary believers’ have begun to realise that they have been commissioned and empowered to release the power of Jesus to the broken and hurting people of our nation. The Healing Rooms have provided a private and safe place for people to experience a touch from the one who loves them and died for them. Testimonies of lives changed and bodies healed have poured forth. The chances are, though, that you haven’t heard any of them. Very rarely does the press pick up on these kinds of stories and our networks tend to only access a small percentage of the ‘Christian population’ out there. I believe that it is vitally important for these stories of God’s healing power to be spread across our land. Revelation 19 v 10 says ‘The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy’ and when we hear a testimony of something Jesus has done it ‘prophesies’ that He is still alive and active, that what he has done for one he can do for another. Something happens to our faith when we hear stories of what God is doing, especially when it is right on our ‘home turf’. I believe that as the body of Christ across this nation begins to increase in faith in what God wants to do through them, we will see more and more of the power of Jesus released by bold believers who know their God do ‘exploits’! Since Healing Rooms opened there have been so many testimonies written that it would take pages to detail them all, but to encourage you here are a small selection:

Healing Rooms Scotland has been ministering healing to the sick and oppressed for over 6 years now.

My heart is stirred again as I write these testimonies. God is looking for a people who will do the works that God requires, which is ‘to believe in the one he has sent’ (see John 6 v 29) We need to believe with child-like simplicity and trust. We are Christ’s representatives here on earth and have been given His authority to represent Him. I don’t know about you but I want to present Him in all His fullness and beauty and power. The people of our nation need to know Him, to see Him and experience His love. Will you offer yourself for His service and ‘simply believe’?


Who am I? I’m James Law, a Dundee-based Illustrator/ Animator. I’ve been a Christian for 17 years and a member of the Gate Church International Leadership for almost 10. I have a beautiful wife called Selina and have worked in film, book illustration, animation and the games industry.

What’s the art piece about? God is big and powerful and dynamic and beautiful; and part of my ministry is creatively, visually communicating that. It’s actualising aspects of faith that we never see – showcasing supernatural aid or protection, illustrating spiritual battles, showcasing God as engaged and present and vital and intimately here. The art opposite is from a comic project simply called Father. It’s a restorative, powerful story of the importance of Fathers and how their absence affects us, wrapped up in an exciting, relatable adventure story of God and monsters, legends and truths. (Spoiler: God is the green creature in the bottom panel.) It is my hope that this piece be multilayered; to engage people where they are at and speak the truth of God’s Father heart to them at that place, Christian 38

or not. Ultimately it’s a story about getting firsthand knowledge rather than believing other people’s perceptions. And if it gets one person to go looking for God for themselves, openly and honestly, as they are -- then it will have served both my and God’s vision for it. God is the ultimate creative. I define creativity as ‘the ability to see what others cannot, and the corresponding responsibility to make such things visible so that others can themselves see them.’ Christian art should be world class, with the greatest standard of excellence and the powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit, which transcends mere imagery and communicates eternally. It’s an honour to submit the work I do to God at all levels; his is the most dangerous, exciting, thrilling, loving, purposeful, eternal inspiration there is. I’m his kid, so in all the work I do there is something of the creativity of God and his destiny upon it. In simpler terms, I create works I love with love. I’m not a Dundee native; I’m not even Scottish. But I love this city and its people, and I hope to continue to work amongst them and denounce the visual lie of God as boring, distant, angry or impotent. He’s the best, and I hope to keep illustrating that. I know other artist’s share the same passion, and I encourage them to keep it up. Please check out my artwork at

James Law

Scottish Christian Broadcast recently came across an exceptional creative talent. Watching a hand drawn animation piece entitled “David and Goliath” (you can see the short film at screened at the Edinburgh International Film Festival and used by the BBC Religion and Ethics department, we wanted to know more about the creator James Law. We tracked James down and after a meeting, commissioned James to create a piece of artwork for our magazine. Let’s learn more about James Law.


Avanti Ministries is a global ministry that seeks to communicate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, relevantly to every person in the world.

Avanti Ministries a weekend for all women

In currently over 80 countries, the Avanti team travels extensively around the globe speaking in open forums, city wide events, closed door sessions, training events, community outreach, youth events, prison missions and various media (including radio, TV, Internet and podcasting to name a few). A primary objective of Avanti Ministries is to forge strong partnerships with churches in order to successfully fulfil its twofold vision to REACH and TEACH.

(ages 14 and up)

through the Book of Esther

November 9-11 2012 contact Natalie Cooke Avanti Ministries 6 Clarence Road, Southend-on-Sea Essex SS1 1AN +44 (0) 1702 333 319 |


To first REACH lost souls in every walk of life with the Gospel, by proclaiming and spreading the message to individuals and audiences. Avanti Ministries has been gifted with a unique blend of local and international speakers who understand today’s global culture. The Speaking Team’s diverse experience enables them to transcend national and cultural differences to engage audiences throughout the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The unique ability of Avanti Ministries is to proclaim the Gospel in a clear and effective way. Avanti also produces effective tools to share the Gospel such as evangelistic literature distribution and multimedia resources. And secondly to TEACH Christians how to be effective in evangelism, by providing dynamic and sound training and equipping through conferences, study curriculum, regular training workshops, and by providing useful tools and resources. A powerful new resource that Avanti Ministries has just brought out is the Passion Conference, which is a dynamic course designed to restoring

passion, purpose and priority to the Church. It’s about one thing: deepening your walk with God so that you return home inspired to impact your family, friends and community for Christ – you will leave changed!

Avanti Ministries aims to stand in the gap that exists between the Church and the world to reach the people with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Your part in reaching the world... Your part in reaching the world is just as important as that of the workers in the field. Although they are willing and eager to go, they are limited by the resources given to provide the basics to survive and Bibles and tracts to distribute. Without support from Christians around the world, our brothers and sisters simply would not be able to complete the task of sharing the Gospel with so many lost souls. It takes between £150 and £450 per month to support an evangelist depending upon what part of the world they are based in. You can help support one worker with a monthly donation of £50. As a sponsor, you are asked to pray regularly for your evangelist. When you become a sponsor, you will receive a picture and testimony immediately, followed by a regular newsletter keeping you up to date with the projects that the evangelist is working on. For further info on how you can sponsor an evangelist, please contact: or +44 1702 333 319.

Check out our websites: Follow us on Facebook and Twitter:


loved? What’s on the Father’s heart for me? Am I

If you've ever asked questions like these, we can help! Come and receive a Prophetic Check-Up from our experienced team. In a 45 minute session, they'll prophesy to strengthen and encourage you. Your session will even be recorded onto CD for you, so you can listen again and again.

All sessions are free! Apply online now at (or, if you don’t have email, call 0141 299 1999)

Get a bit-e of daily encouragement in your inbox! Lion Bites are personal prophetic words that will strengthen, comfort, encourage and build you up — every day of your working week. A great way to start your busy day!

Register for your Lion Bites daily prophetic words at Glasgow Prophetic Centre 81 St Vincent Street, Glasgow G2 5TF 0141 229 1999 Like us! 42


really think of me? Help, I can’t hear His voice!

What does God

Glasgow Prophetic Centre “.. words that strengthen and encourage...” In the heart of Glasgow’s bustling city centre, a team of nine full-time and over fifty part-time volunteers work almost ‘round the clock’ to provide a prophetic and healing ministry to visitors from Scotland and across the world. And the statistics continue to grow, as God transforms this covenant nation. In its first three years, the impact and reach of Glasgow Prophetic Centre has been immeasurable, with thousands of hours of prophetic words spoken into lives prophetic words that strengthen and encourage the individual and edify the whole church, as per Paul’s guidance in 1 Corinthians 14. The angel in Revelation 19 describes the essence of prophecy as giving a clear witness for Jesus and, with this in mind, the team have been privileged to see many come to faith in Jesus Christ, especially through outreach efforts in places such as new age and psychic fairs. Miracles, signs and wonders are becoming commonplace, as the Holy Spirit sets fires burning here in Scotland! But the team at Glasgow Prophetic Centre never grow tired of seeing hundreds healed of physical, mental and emotional conditions, the

broken-hearted made whole and those in bondage set free – truly the ‘greater things’ that Jesus promised in John 14, verses 12-14!

“... I grew up in prophetic ministry [in the USA], and I went to ministry school at Morningstar Church (South Carolina, USA), which majors in such things, and the ministry I received from Glasgow Prophetic Centre is easily the most impact-up words I’ve ever received. They describe what God is doing in me and through me with detail that I think is unprecedented and reminds me of who God has made me to be even when it looks out of place or out of sync with the community around me...” – encouraging feedback from a Glasgow Prophetic Centre visitor

Lots of information about the work and ministry of Glasgow Prophetic Centre, including MP3 teaching resources and training and conference dates, are available on its website at www.glasgow –

Emma Stark Executive Director Glasgow Prophetic Centre

Emma Stark

Emma Stark is a director of Glasgow Prophetic Centre, alongside her husband, David. Coming from a long family line of Bible teachers, Emma is a gifted communicator, passionate about equipping and releasing believers into their spiritual destinies. She sits on the UK Prophetic Council and is an advisor for Light and Life. She’s also a devoted mum to three young children. David and Emma are ordained ministers within Christian International Europe (under the apostolic guidance of Dr Sharon Stone) and serve as its Scottish Regional Coordinators.


Elizabeth earned her MBA at Dallas Baptist University, where she has been an adjunct professor since 2001. The recipient of a Presidential Scholarship at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, she will received a Master of Arts in Missiology. She is a Bible teacher, speaker, writer and actress. With 25+ years in development, her skills in major gift fundraising have benefitted several North Texas non-profits.

While in the company, Jerry’s experience included acting, managing tours, directing, and booking the company throughout the United States, Israel, the U.K. and Europe. Elizabeth’s background includes a BFA in Dramatic Production, acting, coaching and fundraising.

Why is this Texan couple moving to Scotland? Through many amazing events, God has choreographed and directed their steps to this decision. Their long-time friend Robert Gould, a Glaswegian painter, knew that Jason McCauley of New Scottish Arts was looking for someone to add theater and touring to the organization. Bob knew of Jerry’s dream to use theater to proclaim God’s word in Scotland and Europe. He connected the two men through e-mail, and the rest, as they say, is history. The Averills bring a wealth of experience to Scotland and New Scottish Arts. It is their heartfelt desire to add theater and touring to New Scottish Arts, expand the use of Scripture in theater, and to encourage Christian artists in their craft. In addition, they hope to work with churches to encourage the use of drama and the arts.


Drama is a powerful art; it brings down barriers and causes the audience to identify with the people portrayed. Jerry and Elizabeth Averill know firsthand the power of theater based upon Scripture. Both are trained actors, writers, teachers and directors who learned their craft from Jeannette Clift George through working with the A. D. Players, a professional Christian Theatre Company based in Houston, Texas, for 20+ years.

Since leaving the Players in 1995, the Averills have continued developing the gifts and talents God has given them. Jerry earned a Masters in Education with an emphasis on theatre. For the past 15 years he has taught drama for high school, middle school, and elementary students in public and private schools, writing, directing and filming over 60 plays, as well as serving as an adjunct professor at Dallas Baptist University. His experience includes all aspects of teaching drama and production. He is a published playwright in Plays Magazine. 44


Jerry & Elizabeth Averill


Adam Baker Beyond The Sun So who is Adam Baker? Well he is a very talented songwriter who is currently receiving many a positive review for this album, and actually when you hear the album you can see why he is being touted as one of the best songwriters in the UK. Let me jump straight to the best track on the album, by a long way, and for me I have to say it is one of the most heartfelt and touching songs. Title track Beyond The Sun is atmospheric, with genuine words that are sung so beautifully that the stunning, intense and rich tones just seem to flow with the music. The bouncing indie track Wish You All The Best is something a bit different to the rest of the EP that makes it stand out compared to the other songs. There is even a hint of a modern acoustic country feel to two of the songs (maybe country is the wrong word),Safely In Your Arms and closing track Set Me Free. But no matter what the style or sound, Adam’s heartfelt vocals are what makes the songs standout compared to a lot of other similar artist around at the moment.


The two rockier worship songs are On The Cross and Let Justice Reign, and they show Adam can write good quality faster and bigger sounding songs. On these two Adam brings out the electric guitars and does a very good job singing out to the maker of all things new.
 I hope I have managed to convey a little bit that this album is well worth checking out. And at the end of the day, when all is said and done, Adam Baker’s Beyond The Sun is an extremely likable album that is at times very atmospheric. Review by Jono Davies LOUDER THAN THE MUSIC Rating 4.5 / 5

The album lifts the veil on some of the grassroots talent ministering in Scotland’s diverse churches. ‘One Church, One Voice’ starts with the title track, a celebratory folk-style song sung by Jane MacDowall. Elsewhere there is an impressively diverse set of songs. If you still enjoy the pop rock sound of Matt Redman you’ll find something not dissimilar on the Allan McKinlay song “In Your Name” written by the two Lyons while a particular standout is “How Infinite Your Love” (written by Fiona Poulson and sung with sublime passion by Yvonne Lyon). Other great tracks are “The Lord Reigns” (written Martin Williamson with some wonderful fiddle and accordion accompaniments); “We Rejoice”, a memorable David Lyon composition sung by that veteran pioneer of Scottish worship Ian White, and “King Of Compassion” penned and sung by Peter Semple. From snappy pop rock to wistful meditative folk, this is indeed a different slant on modern worship lovingly put together. Such is the calibre the album 5 tracks have now been selected by Kingsway music for the new Song of Fellowship. You can get a copy at Review by Ian Black of Scottish Christian Broadcast Rating 4.5 / 5

Steph MacLeod May Father SATELLITE One Church- One Voice Satellite are a groundbreaking collective of Scottish musicians and worship songwriters. This project was put together by David and Yvonne Lyon, both increasingly well known artists in their own right (Yvonne played at Clan Gathering, Keswick and Greenbelt

sinner, and you feel Steph’s heart is being poured out. He again covers a range of styles, so he can’t easily be pigeonholed, but he reminds me of both Michael Card and Chris Rice. “My Father catches me no matter how fast I’m falling” kicks off, a quiet, emotive piano, acoustic guitar and vocal meditation on God’s goodness. The easy country rock feel of “Lightbeams” takes us into a celebration of the freedom that Jesus brings, where “I can hear your heartbeat beckoning me and everything glows.” The acoustic folk “Jesus is Lord, Lord of my heart, Lord of my soul” is a beautiful, simple song of surrender with rich vocal harmonies and rich fingerpicked guitar. “Immanuel” is an uplifting celebratory rock track with resonances of Runrig, boldly declaring “We march forward in the name of Jesus/Immanuel, God is with us/We will cry the name of love, the name so high and far above any other.” It seems a bit lacking on the bottom end though in terms of the mix. A passionate, personal perspective on “The Passion” closes the CD, covering Jesus’ death and resurrection as “an act of love such as the world has never seen” with the result that “now I know life.” Steph is highly accomplished guitarist and his playing is faultless, the musical arrangements are well crafted and well balanced, and his rich, resonant voice well suits his style, although there is some harshness in tone in the high sections of the last track which could perhaps be smoothed a little. This is a brilliant collection of songs, and I am left wanting more than five!




festivals this summer and she has just released a new solo album ‘More Than Mine’; tracks from which are receiving a lot of airplay on BBC Radio Scotland.

Review by Matthew Cordle of CROSS RHYTHMS Rating 4.5 / 5

Steph has an amazing testimony of God’s gracious deliverance in his life and the themes of redemption and thankfulness that permeated his previous album, ‘Light In The Darkest Of Nights’, continue in his very personal songwriting here on this digital only release. From the outset it’s clear that these are not just songs, they are living stories of grace in the life of a 47



Recent years have seen Ayrshirebased McKinlay’s reputation as one of Scotland’s foremost worship leaders increase and his latest release, following on from the inclusion of its title track in Scottish worship collective Satellite’s respected debut album last year, is a substantial milestone in the man’s career. Refusing to be batteed by difficult economic times and with “hard work, sweat and tears”, as McKinlay points out in the sleevenotes, this work was largely recorded and produced by the man himself with what resources he had at the time. Far from sounding homemade, McKinlay succeeds in offering up a huge sound with the likes of the opener “Only One Alone” and the thundering “He Reigns” and songs like “All Things New” showcase a powerful and accomplished


vocal performance. Throughout, McKinlay refreshingly refuses to shy away from the thornier aspects of faith and a heartfelt realism is conveyed in songs like “Kingdom Come” which cries out to God to “invade this Earth” in the midst of “dark damaged towns steeped in depression”. Elsewhere, the stunning “O To Be With Jesus” talks about the “filthy pit of sin” – words you don’t hear in many modern worship songs – the writer inhabited prior to being saved. McKinlay and keyboardist James Mayers close proceedings with a time of spontaneous worship which rounds off a brave and absorbing release from a worship leader whose ministry goes from strength to strength. Review by Lins Honeyman Rating 4.5 / 5

It is time to

wake up. It is time for us to wake up to how much God loves us. I know it is a consumerist twist. It has a cute kid who can’t wait to give. Yet I just love the John Lewis Christmas advert. The impatience of the wee boy, desperate to give his parents a present. The advert made me think of our heavenly Father waiting on the perfect moment to send the perfect gift into the world. Was there a sense of expectation and delight. Was God excited by moment to come that would change the world? Or perhaps there was a slight shadow for what was to come. Excitement and hope have been on my mind a lot recently. I am excited by what God may, in love, do in our nation. Yet I wonder if we, as church, Can wake up to the possibilities that are in God. Could our church be renewed and our nation transformed? Are we really excited by the power of the gospel to bring life to barren places, saving the lost and binding the broken hearts? While I am excited by the possibilities in God I sometimes feel that I am living as a spiritual pauper rather than a prince. I don’t feel that I am alone in that sense of wanting more. As I travel, visiting churches and tailing to leaders, I am conscious of what could only be described as a malaise upon

many of us. We are settling for what we have. Spiritually, we have become content with so little when God loves us so much. It is time for us to wake up to how much God loves us. Certain things bring me real hope. God is prompting people to come together to pray. People are praying for one another, their cities , their nation and the nations of the world. In the last four days I have been to two gatherings to pray for the nation. I had the privilege to be involved in both and saw people from lots of churches, coming together to seek God .




The Scotland Trust day in Perth and the leaders Day of prayer and repentance were signs of a growing desire for both intimacy and action. I believe God is prompting His people to seek Him while He may be found. This unity in prayer fills me with hope. It is time to wake up together to the riches of His grace. On a final note, while we talk about prayer can I urge you to continue to pray for our brother David Robertson and his family. David is a dear brother and I urge you to continue to pray for His recovery.

Fred Drummond

Fred Drummond is an Author, Speaker and Head of Evangelical Alliance in Scotland. Fred also heads up the UK prayer for the Alliance 49

It’s new, it’s exciting, it’s different and it’s Scottish. the online store where you can download Christian music; ebooks; spoken word; teaching; images; resources. It’s a unique range of products from an amazing group of artists. People often ask us “Why the name” Well apart from it being a really fab name, we believe that it identifies us as a company that gives a fair royalty to the artists, enabling them to make a living and eat. For the customer it means a company that provides quality spiritual food.

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CLC Dundee’s Bible Trade-In! Until February 29th, 2012 bring in any old, ‘well-loved’

However, Regius School has just celebrated its Silver Jubilee, and is now preparing materials to enable satellite schools to start around the country! Begun in Newington, Edinburgh in 1986 by a local church, and relocating in 2007 to a purpose built facilities in Newcraighall, it has served nearly 150 children since it began.

Christian education to transform a generation

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Regius School


Founded on a clear Christian basis – Regius means ‘appointed by the King’ – the school has pupils from both church and secular backgrounds (providing the parents accept the basic ethos). As a former parent said, the children grow up with a secure sense of their own identity, giving them confidence and purpose as they progress to adulthood. The Headteacher, Jenny Taylor, expressed the vision succinctly; ‘that each child would see themselves as God the Father sees them and for our children to dream big dreams and be the very best they can be!’ A recent visit from HMIe warmly commended the school; ‘The school is developing its children very well. There are appropriate arrangements for maintaining its high standards of attainment and personal achievement, within the context of its Christian

values…. the school has a proven profile of strong attainment over the years…..[it] has very clear aims and values that have been developed and agreed by staff, children and parents together……these form the foundation of the school’s curriculum rationale and forward thinking approach to learning and teaching.’ All this is achieved in an environment undergirded by faith – where the weekly worship assembly is seen by all as a highlight!


Bible that you own and CLC Dundee will give you 20% off the purchase of any new Bible. Your ‘well-loved’ Bibles will be sent to Africa with our sister ministry Book-Aid so please make sure that although they are used Bibles that they still have a few more good years in them!

The school uses the Scottish Curriculum for Excellence, but has developed an exemplary system for assessment and quality assurance, based on ‘Facilitated Individualised Learning Opportunities’ (FILOs for short) for each child. This system of FILOs has now been developed to enable Regius to set up satellite schools in other places, and they have currently been approached by parents in both Glasgow and Inverness interested in taking this further. If any parents in your area are interested to use the Regius curriculum for a group of homeschoolers, or to start a Christian school, visit the school website at or email: 53

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bate than portant de s no more im igion. But it need “There is versus rel rstanding ce de en un sci this – th a clear tually are. wi , ain to begin ag ce and religion ac en y.” of what sci wonderfull s done this ian Lennox ha e Guard e in Th

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Staff, students and members of the public are all welcome. However for catering purposes please register with the Chaplaincy (contact details below). Regular buses to/from Riccarton, Lothian buses Nos 25 & 34. Contact Tillie at the Chaplaincy Tel: 0131 451 4508 Email:

Professor John Lennox

(University of Oxford) Monday 6 February 2012 at 6.30pm, with drinks reception from 7.45pm James Watt Centre I Edinburgh Campus John Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, and Fellow in Mathematics and the Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College. He has lectured extensively in universities around the world, and has also debated many of the ‘new atheists’ such as Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens. He is the author of God’s Undertaker (2007) and God and Stephen Hawking (2010).

Distinctly Global


The Celtic Islands Tour 2012 Featuring Stuart Townend & The New Scottish Choir and Orchestra Dates and Venues Music Hall, Aberdeen, Fri 8th June 2012 – 7.30pm Box Office 01224 641122 Usher Hall, Edinburgh, Sat 9th June 2012 – 7.30pm Box Office 0131 228 1155 Clyde Auditorium, SECC, Glasgow, Sun 10th June 2012 – 7.30pm Box Office 0844 395 4000

Tickets Prices: £20/£17/£15/£12. Buy 10 get 1 free Concessions £5 off (students/unemployed/U-16s)

Previously Kids Alive UK



aLive Festival

Teach - Equip - Reach Out – Celebrate

Inverness 16th - 23rd June 2012 Hillsong London



Fiona Castle

Duggy Dug Dug

Yvonne Lyon

Malcolm Duncan Out of the Box Fred Drummond

Richard Tiplady Debra Green Dave Bilborough

Christian Vision for Men


aLive Festival

Inverness 16th - 23rd June 2012

Following on from the fantastic success of last year’s inaugural event, the aLive Festival is back for another year. Last year’s festival saw a great host of well-known and respected artists coming to the City of Inverness. Stuart Townend kicked off the week with not one, but two superb concerts (with the first one selling out months in advance). The rest of the week certainly didn’t pale into comparison with excellent contributions from Adrian Plass, LZ7, Saltmine Theatre co and Phatfish amongst many others.

Set to become the biggest Christian event in the North, the aLive Festival aims to be far more though than a cosy gathering for the Christian community. Festival Director David Maclean explains: “Celebrating our faith and worshipping together is important and there are some great opportunities for that within the festival programme, but we also want to be providing a platform for teaching from God’s Word, for equipping God’s people and for reaching out with the Good news of God’s Kingdom. The 2012 festival, again taking place at different venues across Inverness will run from the 16th – 23rd June. Looking at this year’s programme it’s shaping up to be another inspiring and exciting series of events. The week will commence with the ‘Equip Conference’ - a day packed with seminars, workshops, and a marketplace featuring a number of Christian organisations and ministries. As well as this, Children’s worker Duggy Dug Dug will be providing a fun packed praise party for youngsters, Dave Bilborough will be leading worship, and two keynote speakers will be addressing the conference - and that’s just the start of the week! In the following days there will be teaching events with Malcolm Duncan (Founder and Director of “Church and Community”) and Richard Tiplady from Glasgow International Christian College. “Out of the Box” puppet ministry are set to provide some family fun and the ladies this year can look forward to an evening with Fiona Castle speaking and Yvonne Lyon providing music. As the week draws to a close, Christian Vision for Men will be taking part in the festival by running one of their national day conferences and lastly, but by no means least the main event of the week will be the ‘Worship in the City’ praise night, which will see Christians from all over the Highlands, young and old come together to celebrate their faith and be led in worship with LZ7, Bluetree and Hillsong London. Full details of the week, including ticket details and contact information, as well as opportunities to be involved with the aLive Festival can be found at Alternatively you can contact David on 01463 248280 or at Follow us on Facebook!

aLive Festival is run by aLive Ministry Registered Scottish Charity SCO39069



CLAN Women 2012 Philippians 2:15-16

Lynn Alexander

Andrea Wigglesworth Charity Bowman-Webb

Faith Brennan

Cynthia Hayes

Anne Coles Esther Franklin

Hilary McNutt

21st - 22nd September Central Hall, Edinburgh

21st - 22nd September 2012 Leadership day & All Women Event


CLAN Women is a time of powerful praise and worship, of heavenly Online encouragement and life transforming ministry, of teaching that frees us Discount and creativity that releases what God has for us. Building on the amazing response from last year’s event, we are enlarging our venue and conference times to accommodate the hunger for God that is in the heart of women. Dawna De Silva is the founder and leader of Bethel Sozo Ministries, an international healing and deliverance ministry birthed at Bethel Church, California. We sense Dawna has something important to deposit in women in Scotland. Andrea Wigglesworth joins us again to bring her unique and inspirational wisdom. Andrea serves in St Mungo’s Church as the Director of Counseling. She teaches and trains Christian Counsellors in different nations as part of her call to heal the broken hearted.

You shine like stars in the world as you hold out the word of life

Dawna De Silva

CLAN Women

Our leadership day is for women who lead in their own right, in partnership with their husbands, or support their husbands as they lead. It is a time to come and be encouraged and inspired. We know it takes courage to lead and our hope is that you would go home with an increased sense of God's call on your life.

Pl u s

Lunch and refreshments included in the ticket price

Prayer Room, ʻShoppingʼ area with book shop and Marketplace

Ministry Appointments including North Atlantic Dreams, Healing Rooms and Light and Life

Book online at or by telephone 01771 637962 Whole Event Leadership Day & All Women Event

Leadership Day Friday 9am - 5.30pm

All Women Event Friday 6.30-9.30pm Saturday 9am - 9.30pm

Early Bird




From April 1st




Booking by telephone

Whole Event Leadership Day & All Women Event

Leadership Day Friday 9am - 5.30pm

All Women Event Friday 6.30-9.30pm Saturday 9am - 9.30pm

Early Bird




From April 1st




Booking Online

Please note that the above ticket prices replace the ticket prices on the previous flyer. This is due to unforeseen event costs. If you have already bought your ticket you will not be charged extra. Advance bookings close Monday 17th September 2011. Tickets will be available to purchase on the door (subject to availability).




Scottish Christian

Scottish Christian Broadcast is about Connecting Christian Scotland. To win Scotland for Christ the church in Scotland needs to be working in close partnership. To be in partnership means to be communicating so as not to leave any gaps in provision, or duplicate effort which wastes precious time and resources (something The Church in Scotland has neither the time nor resources to squander!) Scottish Christian Scottish Christian Broadcast (SCB) is intended to be a one-stop shop communications network in the nation to help ‘Connect Christian Scotland’. Scottish Christian Broadcast has already become the number one platform in Scotland for information share and a national monthly e newsletters service has also been launched. This is the first Scottish Christian Broadcast magazine with a print run of 7500. It is great to have so many agencies represented, From Tearfund to Alpha, Christian Aid to Compassion, Bethany Christian Trust to Morphé Arts ... and so many more. Thank You!


Broadcast Magazine What is the cost? Its FREE!

How many are printed and how often? • The magazine will be printed twice yearly. • In 2012 it is scheduled for release 15 Jan and 15 July. • This Spring Summer edition has a print of 7500. • The next edition, Autumn Winter will have a print run of 10’000

Where is it distributed? Throughout Scotland. We are looking for more Broadcast magazine church reps. Would you be willing to be a rep and to take delivery of magazines making sure they are handed out at your church? Please email or Tel: 07704773382

How can I get copies/more copies for my church? The magazine is FREE and we want to deliver to your church. If you would like to order (more) copies please email or Tel: 07704773382

How can I Advertise? Advertising starts from as little as £59 and when you book we will advertise via our extensive social media platform for free. We believe this offers the church the best value advertising in Scotland.



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