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We are very proud to announce that this winter 2020 is SmartBurn’s 15th Anniversary and the 10th year since our family purchased the business from Peter Hutchison, the inventor and successful founder of SmartBurn.


We gratefully acknowledge that some of you reading this newsletter have used a SmartBurn every year since inception, making a massive environmental contribution. We reflect on the wonderful people who have contributed to our team, as staff and advisors, and wonder how all that time flew.

We have made many improvements over the years, the addition of a cradle to each SmartBurn made our product more reliable, safer and easy to use. Switching to stainless steel, we’ve been able to further streamline our production systems to bring you a better quality and lasting product. The packaging has evolved to a more contemporary style, and our marketing is ever changing as we embrace the digital revolution. Our daughter Chloe graduated from high school this year and has since been helping out in our business, a joy many family businesses achieve.

Despite its tradition and appeal, heating with wood sends particulates airborne, and when done less responsibly, contributes to poorer air quality. Nothing remotely in comparison to the smoke haze created by the unpresented and disastrous summer bush fires across Australia, which have utterly devastated so many people, including our relatives. Our thoughts are with all those affected by these bush fires, for the lives lost, for the firefighters, and emergency services personnel who worked tirelessly to serve their communities.

We are grateful for the journey we have lead so far, proud of our 72 awards, and of the massive environmental contribution through wood heating that we are making together, whilst also supporting Australian manufacturing and jobs. Thank you for welcoming SmartBurn into your homes and lives for the betterment of our environment. Please enjoy this newsletter to keep you updated on all things to do with the wood fire heating industry. We thank you for your continued support.

Warm Regards,

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