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Buying and Storing Wood

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Sourcing Certified Firewood - FAA


When purchasing firewood, look for the Firewood Association of Australia logo from your firewood supplier. The FAA developed and manages MEMBE R No . 000 Aim to have a roaring hot fire for at least 20 minutes each day with as much air flow as possible. This will get higher temperatures up your flue and assist to keep your flue clean. a system of self-regulation that prevents sales of unseasoned wood. FAA Members source wood from sustainable forests, ensure wood is the correct weight and responsibly dry prior to sale. Handheld moisture meters are an easy and quick way to ensure at the moisture content of your firewood is less than 20%.

Lighting Tips

It isn’t necessary to use newspaper when lighting your fire. Start with good quality natural firelighters, followed by small kindling, softwood if available, then small wood pieces and finally the larger logs. Load the wood with the ends front to back in the firebox, this allows better airflow within the firebox. Remember to always keep your air flow slider on maximum air for 20 mins after lighting, and always after reloading new wood to your fire.

Easy Steps to Dry Wood

• Split wood dries much faster, since free moisture escapes more quickly from the ends not the sides.

• Cut your wood into a range of sizes to suit your wood heater, including small pieces for kindling.

• Stack off the ground and away from buildings to allow air to circulate.

• Stack wood in a single row with the split side facing down.

• Properly dried wood is lighter and will sound hollow when pieces are knocked against another.

• Depending on climatic conditions (temperature and relative humidity) wood moisture content comes to equilibrium with the surrounding environment at around 15%.

Wood stacking - A Chore or an Art Form?

There is no question that wood needs to be well cured and dried in order to perform the best in your wood heater. Storing logs in an unorganised pile will impede air flow and cause the wood to rot rather than continue to dry and season even more. Hardwood as cut blocks should be cured for at least 12 months prior to burning.

Got a creative way of stacking your wood at home? We’d love to know, so send your photos into orders@smartburn. com.au for a chance to feature on our Facebook page.


Unseasoned green wood generally looks a lot darker in the middle of the block than around the edges.

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