August 2020 - September 2020

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Back to School Safe Driving Tips By Brian Hartman, #866 Scottsdale Police Department Crime Prevention Officer, Via Linda District

There is no doubt that 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone. The effect on schools has been one of the biggest challenges as it has such a profound affect on not only the students, but also their parents. We are encouraging all motorists to be mindful of school zones and school bus safety upon the re-opening of schools. With the safety and well-being a primary concern, Officers will be monitoring school zones throughout the City of Scottsdale to ensure that motorists are driving in a safe manner. Here are a few safety tips as the school year begins: Tips for Parents: • Follow the Speed Limit – Slow Down! School zones have reduced speed zones so be aware of the posted speed limit at all times. The City of Scottsdale utilizes Photo Enforcement Cameras in School Zones as well as posting Officers in those areas in order to assist motorists in maintaining safe speeds. • Allow More Time: As the new school year begins, allow yourself more time to get where you are going until you can better gauge the effects of increased traffic. • Learn the Rules: Schools usually have places for parents to drop-off and pick-up children. Learn the locations of those areas and communicate with your child’s school in order to ask clarifying questions. • Stop for School Buses: When the red lights are f lashing stop, it

City of Scottsdale Community Notices Important Primary Election Information Scottsdale’s Tuesday, Aug. 4, primary election is the first step toward selecting a mayor and three City Council members in November. Instead of one assigned polling location, voters will have more than 90 vote centers to choose from on Election Day. Vote centers will provide space for physical distancing and will use safety and cleaning measures. To allow voters time to cast their ballots, polling locations will be open in phases before Election Day. For at least two weeks, up to 60 locations will be open, including in 23 malls and retail facilities across the county. The majority of the vote centers will offer extended hours, including weekends. Some are located near public transportation centers and bus routes. Maricopa County Elections will post locations here when they are confirmed. Contact Maricopa County Elections for more information at or call (602) 506-1511. Learn about the candidates and find more Scottsdale election information at


August/September 2020

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is against the law to pass a school bus. This includes vehicles on the other side of the road going in the opposite direction, unless there is a raised center median. Yield to Pedestrians: Remember to yield to children/parents in crosswalks…they have the right-of-way. Carpool: If possible, organize a carpool with other parents to drop-off and pick-up children. This reduces traffic congestion and can save you a lot of time. Watch out for Crossing Guards: Please keep in mind that they are just trying to keep your kids safe. Help your children learn and practice the safety rules for walking, bicycling, or riding in a passenger vehicle, school bus, or city bus. Be a good role model for your children. Always wear a seatbelt, always wear a helmet when bicycling, and always follow pedestrian safety rules.

Tips for Students: • Always buckle up when you’re riding in a vehicle. • Always wear a helmet and follow traffic safety rules when riding your bike. • Riding a School Bus: Learn and practice the safety rules for waiting at the bus stop, getting on and off the bus, as well as conduct while riding the bus. • Walking to School: Learn and practice the safety rules for pedestrians. Always cross at crosswalks, obey all traffic signs, traffic lights, and safety patrol instructions. • Be a good role model for your younger siblings and friends and help them learn and practice the safety rules. We are looking forward to another great school year. Thank you in advance for doing your part to ensure the safety of our children in Scottsdale.

Scottsdale Libraries are Now Fine Free However, the city will hold patrons accountable by blocking their library card accounts when an item is not returned. Blocking an account means that the cardholder cannot borrow any other items or use digital services. Overdue materials must be returned or paid for (if lost or damaged) to unblock the account. Items are charged as lost if they are not returned 10 days after their due date. Go to the website at The City of Scottsdale’s most requested online services can be found at

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