Manager’s Report By Kathe M. Barnes, CAAM, LSM, PCAM Executive Director
Welcome Board Members Congratulations to our newly elected members who have hit the ground running immediately after our annual meeting. Those elected are as follows: Mike Breslin Greg Mona Larry Schmalz Jeff Spiller These board members have joined the three remaining members, Michele Holzman, Matt Metz, and Nina Munson. The SRCA Board of Directors held their first regularly scheduled board meeting right away on April 27th where the board officers were appointed for the upcoming year as follows: President – Matt Metz Vice President – Greg Mona Treasurer – Mike Breslin Secretary – Nina Munson At this meeting, the board members also volunteered for the various SRCA committees as follows: Architectural – Michele Holzman, Chair; Matt Metz, Vice Chair Communications – Nina Munson, Chair; Greg Mona, member Community Leadership – Mike Breslin, Chair; Jeff Spiller, member Election – Jeff Spiller, Chair; Greg Mona, member
Personnel – Matt Metz, Chair; Mike Breslin, Larry Schmalz, members Social – Nina Munson, Chair; Greg Mona, Jeff Spiller, members SRCA is very fortunate to have the above individuals at the forefront volunteering their time to the success of our community which is more than just a neighborhood. In many ways, it’s a lot like a business. Collectively, our regular annual assessments equate to a significant amount of money and need to be budgeted carefully and spent wisely. And your neighbors who have volunteered and been elected to serve on the association’s board are responsible for making those critical decisions—on your behalf—about managing the community and your money. The board’s decisions can have a significant impact on the community’s appearance and, consequently, on your property values. Be sure to communicate with us regularly and attend board meetings to participate in the conversations about significant community issues. I am confident that our board members will serve the best interests of the association as a whole regardless of their personal interests; use sound judgment to make the best possible business decisions for the association, taking into consideration all available information, circumstances, and resources; and act within the boundaries of their authority as defined by law and the association governing documents. Please take a minute to welcome Mike, Greg, Larry and Jeff aboard!
Executive – Michele Holzman, Chair; Mike Breslin, Nina Munson, members Finance – Mike Breslin, Chair; Michel Holzman, Larry Schmalz, members Governmental – Larry Schmalz, Chair, Matt Metz, Jeff Spiller, members Lake –Greg Mona, Chair; Larry Schmalz, member
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